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voc Subject ____ Section: Gnde F yyy Date: —__ STENCE Cuarter 4- edule 4 Locating. Reacos of te banth elesson 4: Mat I Krew Wats 4 B wo © nC 4. LATITUDE zA +C »D 2 EQUATOR aA 2A Bb 3. DEGREE 4 A aD aA 4, GLOBE s D D ra) Mieke Wew 4. fyuator ig an imaginary lire vhich divides the BA palGury into Northern and Zatthen hemispheres at O° latitude. 2. These are Nath fole and orth Ble, 3-_Novthern hemisphere is lf of the gore from he equator bP pot tiles Soattrern hemisphere is Wulf of fhe glebe frm the equrtor to sath pole - 5 es libtude are img inary lines . Yes, He lives & bhhdte ae parole] sp He equakrard + each other Yes it form cirdes fit are smaller at fe ples. + Nb, lines of lahtude cb not rect. 2 Ingenera), lines of betitude are parallel “+ the equator ard exh afer hey farm _circke Hat ae analler at the _poles_anct they co rot meet. Wrabz More Cucton to Forder 1. GON @. S°N Jf I wish fn SON, T ald ee - 1 46ON 2 BOS in between 465°A\ and GON. > BN g AES 2 JEN q. AS°S 5 46° N &. 22.5°S Wht 2 Pre Sere! Wet TF Gr 1 Vp t oe Googe 2. globe ao AY nen s iakrcecting 3 S 4. degrees le 4 BOE s_ latitude ye . T° « garallel Quechion to Ruder: 2 equator I pink Philigpinec is considered as 8. yorthern a_trofcal Country because jt & located 4 gouthern nin betnsen Trpic of Gncer ard

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