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Student Name

School Year

Technology Proficiency Assessment Tool

ISTE Standards Proficiency Sample Assignments

o Students can explain  Students will produce
Digital Citizen the differences a digital report where
between what is and the inclusion of
Students recognize the rights, would not be appropriate citation is
responsibilities, and considered necessary.
opportunities of living, appropriate use of
learning, and working in an materials found  Included within each
interconnected digital world, online. of the required student
and model in ways that are digital assignments
safe, legal and ethical.
o Students can describe submitted throughout
the implications of the year will be
Students: using the work of teacher mandated
another. necessary inclusions
2 (c) o Students know how to of various pieces of
credit the work of information that will
Demonstrate an another when need to be cited with
understanding of and respect necessary. appropriate citation.
for the rights and obligations Examples of this may
of using and sharing be a summary or a
intellectual property quotation.
o Students will utilize  Students will be
Knowledge Constructor applicable online and taught where to begin
other resources to do when searching for
Students critically curate a various projects information. Topics
variety of resources using throughout the year. covered will be
digital tools to construct o Students realize that appropriate search
knowledge, produce creative some information that terms.
artifacts and make is published may be
meaningful learning misleading.  Students will produce
experiences for themselves o Students know that assignments and
and others. there are ways to utilize multiple
check information in resources to obtain
Students: order to detect bias. information. Students
o Students can utilize will look for more
tools that will than one source to
3 (a) effectively show the understand that this is
progression and necessary to ensure
Plan and employ effective advancement of that information is
research strategies to locate technological accurate.
information and other innovations
resources for their intellectual throughout the period  Students will create an
or creative pursuits of time immediately online slide show or
after World War II other narration.
3 (b) until the present.

Evaluate the accuracy,

perspective, credibility and
relevance of information,
media, data, or other

3 (c)

Curate information from

digital resources using a
variety of tools and methods
to create collections of
artifacts that demonstrate
meaningful connections or
Creative o Students can o Students will be
Communicator determine what digital assigned a variety of
tools will be best items throughout the
Students communicate clearly suited to utilize to year to demonstrate
and express themselves both successfully this. Examples
creatively for a variety of complete and present include Google Slides,
purposes using the platforms, their assignments. PowerPoint, word
tools, styles, formats and processing
digital media appropriate to o Students create their documents, diagrams,
their goals. own graphs or and graphs.
timetables to show
Students: relevant introductions o Students will explain
of products and the benefit of using
6(a) technology one digital tool over
throughout the years. another.
Choose the appropriate
platforms and tools for
meeting the desired
objectives of their creation or


Create original works or

responsibly repurpose or
remix digital resources into
new creations


Communicate complex ideas

clearly and effectively by
creating or using a variety of
digital objects such as
visualizations, models, or

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