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CURSO: 3ro “A”

FECHA: June 16th, 2016

The Post War in America

1.) Why did the civil war occur?

The Civil War occurred because in that time was existed differences between the Northern
and Southern sections of the United States, that is the free and slave states. The South had a
farming economy and cotton production, those works did the slaves. The North became
more industrialized. The different social cultures and political beliefs were reasons for that
happens. In the North, they had abolished slavery little by little because they didn’t need
slaves for their economy so they fought to abolish them in the south too.

2.) Where did the civil war take place?

The Civil War took place in many different states in America. Some of those places were:
Virginia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Texas and Florida. Other places were: the
Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean.

3.) Who won the civil war?

The North was the winner. After four years in war the North won. In consequence more
than 600.000 men died in this Civil War.

4.) What happened with the north and the south part after the civil war?

After the civil war, the Constitution was changed to liberate the slaves, to give them the
same rights. The southern states were starting in a process of reconstruction of their
buildings and many slaves received their freedom. During this time many white farmers
thrown into poverty because about the cotton production didn’t have laborers and planters.
The free labor couldn’t be controlled as rigidly as slave labor.

5) What happened with the black people after the civil war?
The civil rights changed to the black people. Many of them left the South because they
received the freedom. They could enjoy the right to vote, so they could participate in the
political process. They had their own land and their own employment; they also could use
the public services. The black women could take care and having more time for their
families. The children could go to the school and studying.

6.) How were black people treated after the civil war?

The black people had the same rights like the white people but they didn’t receive a good
treatment. So most of them were suffering abuse and even scorn by the white people. When
they entered in a restaurant the white people were leaving the place. In the public services
they had to stay away from white people.

7) Who was affected with the civil war?

The white people were affected with the civil war because they lost their slaves who
worked in the plantation and farms. Many small white farmers thrown into poverty by the
war. The economy was affected in the country.

8) Who ran in the election of 1860?

The election of 1860 was unusual. Abraham Lincoln ran in that election.

9.) How many people died during the civil war?

Approximately 600.000 people died during the Civil War. Many black and white soldiers
and citizens had died in this war.

10) According to your opinion. Was the civil war inevitable? Yes/No Why?

I think the Civil War was inevitable. If the white people had been aware about the black
people and their rights, it wasn’t occurred and many people wouldn’t have died. Also if the
white people had thought about the feelings of the black ´people, thought that all of them
are equal and that everyone deserved the same treatment, the war wouldn’t have been
necessary to happened.

11) What were the most important consequences after the civil war? (Your opinion)
I think the most important consequences after the civil war were the abolition of the slaves
and every people of this country had freedom and the same rights. In that moment North
America really wasn’t a free country until these events happened, so until it, all its citizens
really were free.

12) What would you have done differently if you had been ruling the United States to
avoid the battle?

If I had been ruling the United States, I change the constitution and I had given the same
rights to the black people. I had been campaigning to raise awareness of people regarding
the treatment that they had been given to the black people.

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