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TEACHER’S NAME: Pastor Njobvu D SUBJECT: R.E 2046
TOPIC: Opposition to Jesus
1. (a) Give an account of the incident when Jesus was rejected at a Village in Samaria. [5]
(b) (i) Who were the Samaritans? Give one point.
(ii) Why were the Samaritans hated by the Jews? Give one point. [4]
(c) (i) Nzala, a patient suffering of covid-19 declines to be prayed for by a pastor from a different
denomination. When asked, he said that he doesn’t believe in pastors of nowadays. What Christian
advice would you give to a pastor on how he would react to this opposition? Give three points. [6]
(ii) What should be people’s reaction to opposition in Modern Zambian Society? Give three points. [6]
(d) State two differences between Christianity and Islam with regard to opposition. [4]

2. (a) Tell the story of the rejection of Jesus at Nazareth. [5]

(b) (i) State one point to explain how this incident was part of the opposition to Jesus.
(ii) State one way in which Jesus reacted to this opposition. [4]
(c) (i) Chiwantu says, “I will not join a protest over students loans and meal allowances.” A leader of the
protesters criticises him and calls him a coward. He feels bad about the situation. As a Christion,
state three points you would give Chiwantu on how he should react to this opposition. [6]
(ii) How do people in Modern Zambian Society react to public criticism? Give three points. [6]
(d) How are the teachings found in Christianity with regard opposition similar to those of Hinduism?
Give two points. [4]

3. (a) Narrate the story of the incident when the religious leaders planned to arrest Jesus. [5]
(b) Explain why Jesus was condemned to death. Give two points. [4]
(c) (i) A Christian Managing Director of a printing company is falsely accused of only employing and
promoting his tribe mates. He gets hurt by this accusation. What Christian advice would you give a
Managing Director on how he should react to opposition? [6]
(ii) What are the effects of aggressive reaction to criticism in Modern Zambian Society? State three
points. [6]
(d) In what different ways are the teachings of Christians and Hindus on their reaction to opposition?
Give two points. [4]

TOPIC: The Last Supper and the Crucifixion

1. (a) Give an account of what happened at the Lord’s Last Supper. [5]
(b) What is the importance of the Lord’s Supper to Christians today? Give two points. [4]
(c) (i) Mphamvu, a newly born again Christian does not understand how the death of Jesus Christ affects
Christians. State three points to show Mphamvu on how the death of Jesus Christ affect Christians
today. [6]
(ii) What terms do Christians use for the Lord’s Last Supper in Modern Zambian Society? State three
points. [6]
(d) What similarities are found in Christians and Muslims teachings on their beliefs about the funeral and
burial practices? Give two points [4]

2. (a) Narrate the story of the burial of Jesus. [5]

(b) What is the New Testament teaching about the meaning of Jesus’ death? Give two points. [4]

(c) (i) “I am not afraid of death any more, even now I am ready to die!” shouted a preacher at the burial
of the Church member who succumbed to covid-19. What Biblical reasons would a preacher give
to explain why he is not afraid to die? Give three points. [6]
(ii) What are the negative attitudes to death in Zambian Modern Society? State three points. [6]
(d) State two differences between the teachings of Christians and Zambian Traditionalists on their
beliefs about funeral and burial practices. [4]

3. (a) Tell the story of how Jesus and his disciples prepared the Passover. [5]
(b) Give two reasons why the Passover was important to Jesus. [4]
(c) (i) Mulephere, a new convert in your Church does not understand the importance of the Lord’s supper
for Christians today. As a mature Christian, state three points you would give Mulephere to explain
on the importance of the Lord’s Supper for Christians today. [6]
(ii) How do people in Modern Zambian Society react to bereavement? Give three points. [6]
(d) In what similar ways are the teachings of Christianity and Hinduism on their belief about funeral and
burial practices? Give two points. [4]

TOPIC: Jesus’ Triumph over Death

1. (a) Give an outline of the story of Jesus raising the widow’s son at Nain. [5]
(b) In Jewish society, state two problems that Jesus perceived for the widow in the death of her son. [4]
(c) (i) Instead of weeping, there was singing and dancing at the burial of the Bishop who succumbed to
covid-19. After the burial, some close relatives asked the bereaved wife to explain why Christians
danced during burial. Give three points to explain to the relatives the meaning of life after death. [6]
(ii) How do people prepare themselves for life after death in the Modern Zambian Society? Give
three points. [6]
(d) State two similarities found in Christianity and Zambian Traditional Religion with regard to their
belief about life after death. [4]

2. (a) Narrate the story of Elijah raising the widow’s son at Zarephath. [5]
(b) What did Jesus mean when he called Himself ‘The Resurrection and the Life?’ State two points. [4]
(c) (i) “Property grabbing and victimization of the widows is uncalled for in our modern society!” Langiwe
told the relatives to her late husband. State three correct attitude towards widows as recorded in
the Bible. [6]
(ii) What attitudes should people show towards the widows in Modern Zambian Society? State three
points. [6]
(d) In what different ways are the teachings of Christianity and Zambian Traditional Religion with regard
to life after death? Give two points. [4]

3. (a) Relate the story of the women at the tomb of Jesus. [5]
(b) From this and other resurrection experiences by the disciples, explain two things that the disciples
learnt about Jesus. [4]
(c) (i) “I am a born again Christian but I still don’t believe in resurrection since I have not witnessed
anyone come back to life in this generation!” exclaimed Kalumbila. State three New Testament
teachings you would give to Kalumbila on the resurrection of Jesus. [6]
(ii) State three reasons why Christians believe in Jesus’ resurrection in Modern Zambian Society. [6]
(d) How is the idea about life after death found in the teachings of Christians different from that of
Hindus? Give two points. [4]



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