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Vol. 22. No. 1. 2000:3-10

Plant regeneration from the protoplasts of Solanum tuberosum, S. nigrum

and S. bulbocastanum

Anna 52czerbakowa. M a r i a Borkowska*, B e r n a r d Wielgat

Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 02-106 Warsaw, Pawifiskiego 5A, Poland

* We regret to report the death of M. Sc. Maria Borkowska after the completion of this work.

Key words: protoplast regeneration, Solanum bul- same species (e.g. M a s s o n et aL 1987). T h o u g h the
bocastam#n, Solanum nigrum, Solanum tuberosum literature on methods of plant regcncration from the
protoplasts of potato and wild reprcsentatives of
Solanaceae family is abundant, the selection and
Abstract modification of the p r o p o s e d techniques is needed
The lnesophyll protoplasts were isolated from the Solanum in ordcr to apply t h e m to any particular species or
tuberosum (S. tbr) clones of different ploidy level (4x Bzura line.
cv., 2x H-8105, and 2x ZEL- 1.136) as well as from the wild spe-
cies: S. bulbocastamlm (S. blb, 2x) and two accessions of S. W i l d Solanum species, S. bulbocastanum (diploid,
~ligrum (S. ngr, 6x). Additionally, the protoplasts were isolated
from the cell suspensions of Bzura cv. and H-8105 clone. The 2x) and S. nigrum (hexaploid, 6x), both resistant to
conditions of protoplast isolation as well as the media for their different pathogens, could be used as donors of the
culturing and regeneration, were selected and optimized for the resistance by m e a n s o f somatic l~lsion with potato
studied gcnotypes. For mesophyll protoplasts, the shooting protoplasts (Austin et al. 1993, H o r s m a n et al.
calli were produced by all the cultured protoclones except that
of S. bulbocastamm~. The shoots excised from the protoplast- 1997). The regeneration systems for mesophyll
derived calli developed into whole plants in all the studied po- protoplasts o f those species have been described
tato clones but only in one accession of S. nigrum, i.e.S, ngr (Nehls 1978, Sihachakr & Ducreux 1987) though
var. gigar~tea. As for suspension-cell-derived protoplasts, only the protoplasts of S. bulbocastanum usually failed
H-8 i05 clone produced the regenerative type of calli, though
normal shoots could not be obtained. The regenerative capacity to regenerate (Austin et al. 1993). Since our objec-
of the protoplasts isolated from leaves and cell suspensions is tive was to i m p r o v e the late blight resistance of do-
compared and discussed. mestic potato cultivars by the somatic hybridization
technique, it was first inevitable to determine the re-
sponses to culturing and the regenerative capacity
of their protoplasts. For that purpose we have se-
It is well k n o w n that the regenerative capacity of lected the potato lines with different ploidy level:
diffcrent genotypes varies significantly even for the the tetraploid cv. Bzura, relatively resistant to late
closely related species or individual lines within the blight, and two diploid clones susceptible to that

disease: H-8105 - a dihaploid, and ZEL-1136 - an clone 15/39-40 is the clone No.52 from self-
interspecific hybrid between S. tuberosum and S. fertilizing of OPS 5; origin of self-compatible pa-
chacoense. The protoplasts of those potato lines rental clone OPS5:F1LI356 x (B 16 x G609)P127;
have not been previously used in fusion experi- LI356=chcCPC-3785 x yunGLK-s67.107/3R ;
ments and their culture requirements were not B16, G609 - dihaploids of S. tbr of Dutch origin;
known. For Bzura cv. and H-8105 clone, the regen- ZEL-1136 is susceptible to Ph. infestans, scored 2
eration of both leaf- and suspension-cell-derived in 1-9 grade scale; yun=S, yungasense
protoplasts were examined. In the present work we
describe the culturing of protoplasts isolated from Plant material
leaves and cell suspensions of S. tuberosum, from
The plants were propagated in vitro on hormone-
leaves of S. nigrum and S. bulbocastanum, and
free MS medium (Murashige & Skoog 1962) with
compare the ability of the cultured protoplasts to re-
2 % sucrose and 0.6 % agar. The fully expanded
generate plants in selected culture media.
leaves of 3-4 week-old plants were excised and pre-
conditioned according to Haberlach et al. (1985).
Materials and methods Cell suspensions of Bzura cv. and H-8105 clone,
were cultured for 5-7 days in MS medium enriched
Genotypes with Gamborg vitamins lmg/ml, glycine 2 mg/ml,
casein hydrolysate 0.5 mg/ml, NAA 5 mg/ml, BAP
0,1 mg/ml and 3 % sucrose, at26 °C and 100 rpm in
S o l a n u m species completely resistant to Phy- the dark.
tophthora infestans:
Protoplast isolation
- S. nigrum L. (hexaploid, 2n=6x=72, non-tube-
Suspension-cultured cells and the preconditioned
leaves were digested overnight in the dark, in K4
- S. nigrum var. gigantea (hexaploid, 2n=6x=72, medium (Nagy & Maliga 1976) with 1.6 % cdlu-
non-tuberizing) lase Onozuka R-10 and 0.6 % macerozyme R-10
(suspension cells) or 0.4 % cellulase and 0.2 %
- S. bulbocastanum (PI243512, clone 112/23, dip- macerozyme (leaves), at 28 °C (suspension cells) or
loid, 2n=2x=24, tuber-bearing) 23 °C (leaves). Following the cell wall degradation,
Cultivated potato the protoplasts were poured through steel filters of
74 gm or 100 ~m pore size, and centrifuged at 80 g
- Bzura cv. (tetraploid, 2n=4x=48), a late-maturing for 15 min in MPW-340 centrifuge with 1 ml W5
cv. belonging to the family PG-232 and expressing (Menczel et al. 1981) applied to the top of suspen-
field resistance to Ph. infestans scored 8 in 1-9 sion. Protoplasts were collected from K4/W5 inter-
grade scale (9=resistant in leaflet test); origin of the phase and suspended in W5 mcdium.
family: [(MPI 55.957.24 x USDA 96-56) x Ora] x
Prosna Protoplast culture

- H-8105 (dihaploid, 2n=2x=24), obtained from The composition of the media used is given in the
crosses of the secondary dihaploids of the parental table. Liquid media were sterilized by filtration
forms MH-73-17-12-77 x SH-77-45-35 by Het- through 0.2 tam filter. Agar media were autoclaved
tema, Holland; mid-early maturing, susceptible to at 121 °C for 15 min. Filter-sterilized vitamins and
Ph. infestans, field resistance scored 2 in 1-9 grade hormones were added to agar media after autoclav-
scale ing. The SKM medium (Hunt & Helgeson 1989)
was found to be the most effective when used ac-
- ZEL-1136 (diploid, 2n=2x=24), originated from cording to the protocol of Austin et al. (1993[) .
crosses between dihaploids of S. tbr and wild spe- Briefly, the protopIasts were cultured for 3-5 days
cies S. chacoense; ZEL-1136=HS106 x 15/39- in liquid SKM medium without BSA, with two
40;63 (H8106=S. tbr dihaploid from Holland); 50 % dilutions with fresh SKM medium on the 1st


Table. Composition of the media used

Media components K4 MS SKM Cul MSR1 .__ MSR2 _..
__Mac(0 elements (m_~/1final concentration) ......... _.
KNO~ 2500 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900
NHqNOa 250 1650 825 1650
CaCI2x2H20 900 440 600 440 44{) 44(}
MgSOax7H20 250 370 350 370 370 37(.I
(NIG}2SO4 250
K HaPO4 170 680 170 170 170
NaH2POax]-]20 1~(
KCI 3{}0
NH4C1 107 . . . . . . .
_Micro eleme.nt_s (mg/l final concentration}
Na2EDTA 37.3 37,3 37,3 18,64 37,3 37,3
FeSOax7H20 27,8 27,8 27,8 13,94 27,8 27,8
HaBOa 3 6,2 3 3,1 6,2 6,2
KJ 0,75 0.83 0,75 0,42 0.83 0,83
MnSO~xH20 10 I6.9 10 8.45 16,9 16.9
ZnSO4x7H20 2 8,6 2 4,3 8,6 8,6
CuSO4x5H20 0,025 (},{)25 (/,025 (},013 0.{t25 I),(}25
NazMoO4x2HzO 0.25 {/,25 0,25 0,13 0.25 0,25
C.oCtzx6tt,O . . . . . . . . 0,(}25 0,025 0.025 ~ {},013 0,(.}25 _._ (~,025 . . . . .
Qarboh~drates£~/1 t~inal concentration}
Sucrosc 136,92 30 10 2,5 2,5 10
Glucose 10
IVlannitol 40 54,7 35
Sorbitol 0,25
Celh}biosc 0,25
Fructose 025
Mannose (},25
Rhamnose 0,25
Ribose 0,25
Xylose 0.25 0.25
~Wo-Im}sitol . . . . . . . . . . {}_.1. . . . 0,1 . . . . 0.05 0,1 0, I (},1
y i t a m i n s ~ / 1 linal concentration)
Pyridoxinc HC1 1 {),5 0,5 1),5 0,5 0,5
Thiamine HCI 10 0,1 2 {},5 0,5 0,5
Nicotinic acid 1 0,5 5 5 5 5
Folio acid {).5 0.5 (}.5
D-Ca-Pantothenate (},5
p-Aminobenzoic acid 0,01
Choline chloride 0,5
P.iboflavin (), 1
Ascorhic acid t 0,5 1
Biotilk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,005 {),{)5 0,05 {},{}5
HpLmp_w.s~/1 final concentration)
NAA (oc maphthaleneacetic acid} 1 5 1 0. I 0~025
gAP (6-benzylaminopurine) 0.2 0,25 (}.4 0.5 0,5
GA~ (gibberellic acid) 0,5 2
IAA (indole-3-acetic acid} 0,1
Kinetin (6 furfurylaminopurine) 0.5
*rons-Zeatin 1 2 2
_Other 9rgan!c~..(~pg~ fijml c_'5?m~entratkm)........................................................................................
Glycine 2 2
Casein hydrolysate 50{) 250 100 100 100
L-Glutamine /46,2 146,2
Adenine sulfate 40 4(} 40 40
Coconut water, ml/l 22
pH 5,8 5,8 5,6 ~,8 ........................ _5,8 5,8


and 4th day after isolation. O n the 4th or 5th day, the brown were successively transferred to shoot initia-
cultures were solidified with 0.5 % SeaPlaque aga- tion and elongation media (MSR1 and MSR2, re-
rose and further cultured on SKM+ 1% B S A+0.8 % spectively) but no greening and shoot initiation was
agar layer for at least 2 weeks at 26 °C (lst week in observed in more than 300 calli tested (Fig, 1A). By
the dark, 2nd week in weak light). Calli of about contrast, the calli of potato clones, as well as of S.
lmm in diameter were transferred to the culture ngr, continued to enlarge in semi-solid SKM me-
(Cul) medium (Haberlach et al. 1985) for growth dium, greened on Cul medium, produced shoot
and greening for 2-3 weeks. meristems on shoot initiation medium MSR1 and
distinct shoots in 3-4 weeks after transfer to shoot
Plant regeneration elongation medium MSR2 (Fig. 1B-E). Shoot elon-
gation was hampered only in S. ngr L. calli (Fig.
The green calli of 3-4 mm in diameter were trans-
1F), while a significant part of shoots in all the po-
ferred to MSR1 medium (SA4 medium of Austin et
tato clones and S. ngr vat. gigantea grew long
al. 1993) for shoot initiation. After 2 weeks, the
enough to be detached for rooting. An increase in
calli were transferred to MSR2 medium with 2 rag/1
shoot regeneration was obtained when the sucrose
t-zeatin and 2 mg/1 GA 3, for shoot elongation. The
concentration in MSR2 was reduced from 2 % to
differentiating calli were incubated at 22 °/19 °C
1%. According to Masson et al. (1987), a sucrose
and a 16h/8h day/night cycle with illumination of
concentration greater than 10 g-I q enhanced the
150 btE.m-2.s -l .
callus growth but was detrimental to regeneration
and shoot formation.
Callus growth dynamics and shooting potential
Protoplast culturing varied for different Solanum genotypes. The
number of shoots in individual leaf protoplast-
O n average, the protoplast yield ranged from 0.5 x derived callus ranged from 1 to more than 10. The
106 to 1.5 x 106 per g fresh weight of leaves or wide range of shoot morphology was also ob-
suspension-cultured cells. After plating at an initial
density of about 105 protoplasts.m1-1 and two feed-
Fig. 1 (A-F). Mesophyll protoplast-derived calli on shoot elon-
ing 50 % dilutions with SKM(-BSA) medium (on gation medium (MSR2). First shoot initials were noticed in 10
the following day and on the 4th day after isola- weeks (E), 12 weeks (C, D, F) and 16 weeks (B, without solidi-
tion), the protoplasts started to divide in 3-4 days fication) after protoplast isolation, while no shoot morpho-
genesis occurred in (A). Bars = 1 cm.
and in 8-10 days the multicellular colonies were
formed. The colonies were formed both in liquid Fig. 2. Suspension cell protoplast-derived calli on shoot elon-
and semi-solid medium, though in the latter the gation medium (MSR2) after 7 weeks (Bzura) and 11 weeks
(H-8105) of culturing with (+sd) or without (-sd) a solidifica-
cells were more uniform and white. In fast growing
tion step. The positive effect of solidification on regeneration
cultures overcrowding and successive browning of of Bzura calli is evident. Bars = I cm.
colonies occurred. A positive effect of additional
dilution at ratios 1:3 and 1:6 immediately before so- Fig. 3. Plants regenerated Fig. 1A [-F~g.2
lidification, was found. The diluted and solidified from mesophyll proto-
cell clusters grew faster and remained white with plasts of Bzura, H-8105, Fig. IB
ZEL-1136 and S. nigrum
the exception of S. blb microcalli which turned tan-
vat. gigantea.
nish on solidified SKM medium. Fig. 1C Fig. 3

Callus growth and shoot production Fig. ID

W h e n the leaf protoplast-derived microcalli were Fig. 1E

transfen'ed to solid medium for successive growth,
the three Solarium species reacted differently. Most Fig. IF
of the S. bib calli on Cul medium became brown and
ceased growth. Calli that were not completely


.. zura ~

d : ,,~ A ¸

S.ngr L. : i !i;ii i!~; i!~:~iilII~¸ F

~~ !i!IIi~i~i

served. Generally, the shoots from dihaploid Rooting

protoplast-derived calli were less vigorous than
those from tetraploid or hexaploid protoplast- The tbrmation of roots was routinely induced by
derived calli. Namely, the shoots on H-8105 calli plating shoot cuttings on hormone-free medium
were multiple but mostly abnormal (thin and leaf- with 0.6 % agar (Nehls 1978). For better rooting,
less). The calli of ZEL- 1136, bright green in color the percentage of sucrose was again increased up to
with further bleaching, were the only ones that con- 2 %. The temperature of 25 °C was found to be opti-
tinued their enlargement on MSR2 medium, turned mal for rooting, while at 22 °/18 °C cycle the root
extremely soft and friable, and produced shoots at formation was inhibited. Morphologically normal
rather low frequency. In other words, ZEL-1136 shoots ~brmed roots in 2-3 weeks (Fig. 3), but some
calli had a tendency to grow without redifferentia- shoots formed calli instead of roots, or formed both.
tion. The largest calli of ZEL-1136 achieved ca. In such cases, the shoots were once more detached
3 cm in diameter and did not regenerate. On the and rerooted, often with success. Shoots with
contrary, practically all the Bzura calli produced grossly abnormal appearance usually failed to root
abundant shoots with heavy purple pigmentation, (see also Austin et al. 1986). Those aberrant forms
long internodes, and poor leaf development, as can of regenerated plants that succeded in rooting, often
be seen in Fig. lB. The most vigorous calli ofS. ngr recovered a normal habitat after further passages
vat. gigantea produced many shoots with thickened (similarly to observations of Sihachakr & Ducreux
stems, short internodes, and wrinkled, dark green, 1987).
broad leaves (Fig. 1E). Typical abnormalities of S.
ngr shoots included the lack of clear main stem, dis- Discussion
torted leaves, and, more rarely, albinism.
The media for protoplast culturing and regenera-
It was found to be untrue that larger calli would tion are usually based on compositions proposed by
yield more shoots, and, moreover, in the case of Kao and Michayluk (1975) though many various
ZEL-1136 the opposite effect was noticed. On the modifications were later introduced by different rc-
other hand, there surely was a critical size of the cal- search groups. Our own experience confirmed the
lus (not less than 2 mm in diameter after two weeks necessity of the following steps in the protocol for
of culturing on Cul medium) that seemed to be successful protoplast regeneration of the studied
obligatory for further shoot organogenesis. Too genotypes. (1) The preconditioning of in vitro
small, unsufficiently developed calli died inevita- grown leaves according to Haberlach et aI. (1985)
bly after transfer from Cul to MSR1 medium. was essential for viability of isolated protoplasts.
A s for suspension cell-derived protoplasts of (2) The conditions of protoplast isolation (enzyme
Bzura, the spreading translucent calli were mostly concentration, temperature, and duration of diges-
formed that failed to green on Cul medium and tion) should be selected individually for each used
turned brown on MSR1 and MSR2 media (Fig. 2A, line or species. (3) The initial density of 105 proto-
right part). Those were our first experiments on pro- plasts per ml promoted the onset of cell divisions,
toplast regeneration when the protoplast cultures while the feeding dilutions up to the final density of
were not yet solidified with SeaPlaque agarose. 104 protoplasts per ml helped to avoid the further
When a solidification step was included on the browning of cell colonies caused by their over-
4th-5th day after protoplast isolation, a few green, crowding. Such a dilution before plating could,
granular calli were produced on MSR1/MSR2 me- however, be detrimental in the case of protoplasts
dia, though no shoots were developed (Fig. 1A, left with low plating efficiency (i.e. low division capac-
part). The suspension cell-derived protoplasts of ity). (4) The growing of cell aggregates in solidified
H-8105 formed the regenerative type of calli more (soft) medium was crucial for microcalli formation.
frequently but the last ones were also without As in a study of Bokelmann & Roest (1983), the cell
shoots (Fig. 2B). aggregates did not survive if they were transferred
directly from the liquid culture medium (either
KM-8p or SKM) to solid MS medium. Semi-solid


medium probably fixes the location of cell aggre- cv. also seemed to start division earlier and with
gates thus affecting their future differentiation. In higher frequency than the mesophyll protoplasts.
our experiments only S. ngr var. gigantea calli re- But only the H-8105 protoctone produced signifi-
generated after direct transfer from liquid K3 me- cant number of calli of regenerative type: green,
dium (Nagy & Maliga 1976) to solid regeneration tight, with shoot initials, which, however, did not
medium. (5) The microcalli transferred to Cul me- develop into normal shoots. The capacity for or-
dium could grow and green at continuous weak ganogenesis was certainly reduced during pro-
light and temperature 25 °C, but full transformation longed culturing of the cells in liquid medium ,
into regenerative type of callus and shoot initiation though it was still expressed at least in H-8105 pro-
on MSR1 medium occurred only after lowering the toclone to a considerable extent.The elongatcd
temperature to 22 '718 °C day/night cycle, Both vi- shoots could probably be observed if larger popula-
tality and size of the calli were important factors for tion of H-8105 calli was screened. As for Bzura cv.,
successful regeneration (see also Boehmer et al. the dominating spreading, amorphous, translucent
1995,/'or protoplast-derived pea callus). The calli calli derived from its suspension-cell protoplasts,
smaller than lmm (as most of S. blb calli) failed to restricted the possibility of usage of this protoclone
develop further on Cul medium, turned brown, and as a recipient of wild partner's genome in fusion ex-
died. periments. Concurrently, the advanced regenera-
tion of H-8105 suspension cell protoplasts indi-
The wild protoclones used in fusion combinations cated their possible usefulness lbr somatic hybridi-
by other authors usually did not regenerate them- zation, since they would enable the early selection
selves undcr culture conditions. Austin et al. (19861) of interspecific fusants with mesophyll protoplasts
observed only three shooting calli ofS. blb per sev- of wild species by their intermediate morphology.
cral thousands cultured. The protoplasts of S. pin-
natisectum (S. pnt) failed even to divide sustainably The evident diffcrence in vigour was observed be-
(Sidorov et al. 1987). Also Hunt & Helgeson tween the regenerants from the mesophyll proto-
(1989) as well as Menke et al. (1996) found S. pnt to plasts of dihaploid potato lines and their counter-
be a recalcitrant species in respect to protoplast cul- parts from in vitro cultures: the protoplast-derived
ture and plant regeneration. The same was true for plants were weaker and their rooting lasted longer
S. brevidens Phil. (Rokka et al. 1994) and for a di- (about two weeks instead of one for normally
haploid clone of S. acaule, a Peruvian specics (Ya- propagated plants). Those diffcrences were not so
mada et al. 1997). The protoclones of S. p n t and S. noticeable in Bzura protoplast-derived plants,
tbr (dihaploids) did not regenerate even after sclffu- while the protoplast-derived regcnerants of S. nig-
sion (Ward et al. 1994). The S. tbr parents selected rum were as vigorous as in vitro cultured plants and
for hybridization also did not regenerate in the rooted rapidly (in a week) on condition that the ex-
study of Rokka et al. (1994). On the other hand, the cised shoots had normal morphology. Shoots with
inability of the parental protoplasts to produce calli grossly abnormal appearance usually failed to root
and to regenerate, usually favoured the initial selec- (see also Austin et al. 1986). The aberrant forms of
tion of their somatic hybrids. regenerated plants that succeeded in rooting, often
recovered a normal habitat (Sihachakr & Ducreux,
As for protoplasts isolated from the cell suspen- 1987}. We also noticed the stabilization of the nor-
sions, their plating efficiency (i.e. division fre- mal shoot phenotypes after several propagations.
quency) could be higher than the plating efficiency Thus, the tetraploid potato line and hexaploid wild
of mesophyll protoplasts, due to the previous adap- species did not lose the capacity for organogenesis
tation to culture conditions, as shown by Anjum during protoplast isolation and culturing, while this
(1998) for two potato cultivars. Nevertheless, the
capacity was reduced and even completely lost in
calli derived fi'om mesophyll protoplasts differenti- case of the studied dihaploid potato lines and wild
ated two weeks earlier than those from suspension S. blb species, respectively.
cell protoplasts, as shown by the same author. In our
case, the suspension cell-derived protoplasts of The demonstrated differences in regeneration of
both dihaploid H-8105 clone and tetraploid Bzura protoplasts isolated both from leaf mesophyll and

•: : :: ~:.~. :: : =======================================================. •,

suspension cells o f three potato lines and two re-

Hunt G.J., Helgeson J.P. 1989. A medium and silnpli-
fled procedure for growing single cells from Solarium
lated wild S o l a n u m species, S. bib and S. ngr, could species. Plant Sci., 60:251-257.
be critical for success in interspecific hybridization
Kao K.N., Michayluk M.R. 1975. Nutritional require-
between them. We consider the presented data as a ments for growth of Vicia hajastana cells and proto-
baseline for further study o f the value of those lines plasts at a very low population density in liquid media.
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Masson J., Lecerf M., Rousselle P., Perennec P., Pel-
letier G, 1987. Plant regeneration from protoplasts of
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sum with wild Solanum species. Plant Sci., 53: 167-176.
The authors are grateful to Prof. J. Jakubiec and M. Sc. Anna
Pawetczak (Warsaw Agricultural University) for the axenic Menczel L., Nagy F., Kiss Z.R., Maliga P. 1981. Strep-
shoot cultures of S. bulbocastaman, H-8105 and ZEL-1136 tolnycin resistant and sensitive somatic hybrids of Nico-
clones of S. tuberosum, as well as the seeds of S. nigrum L., to tiana tabacum + Nicotiana knightiana: Correlation of re-
Bonin and Mtoch6w Research Centers (IHAR, Poland) for sistance to N. tabacum plastids. Theor. Appl. Genet., 59:
Bzura cv. and the seeds of S. nigrum var. gigantea. We also 191-195.
thank M. Sc. L. Laskowski for the photographic plates and Menke U., Schilde-Rentschler L., Ruoss B., Zanke
Prof. L.D. Wasilewska for the critical reading of the manu-
C., Hemleben V., Ninnemann H. 1996. Somatic hy-
script. This work was supported in part by a grant from the
brids between the cultivated potato Solanum tuberosum
State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) No. 6 PO4B
L. and the 1EBN wild species Solanum pinnatisectum
021 12.
Dun.: morphological and molecular characterization.
Theor. Appl. Genet., 92: 617-626.
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Received July 06, 1999; accepted October 26, 1999


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