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ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021

MODULE 9 – RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION organization. However, their rights are not as
comprehensive as the rights of the workers in the
private sector.
The way to study this topic is to, first and foremost, look
When you speak of a union, association, what does it exactly
at the Basic Principles. Once you study the Right to Self-
organization, it will necessarily follow that you will have
a good comprehension of the Rights of Legitimate Labor Check first the statute – the LC.
Organization [covered by Module 10].
ART. 219 (g)
When you speak of the Right to Self-organization, you
Labor organization – any union or association of
have to take note of the Constitutional provisions –
employees which exists in whole or in part for the
wherein the State protects the workers’ right to self-
purpose of collective bargaining OR of dealing with
employers concerning terms and conditions of
Under the Constitution, we have this article… employment.

SEC. 8, ART. III 1987 CONSTITUTION Take note of the conjunction “OR”. From this definition,
it includes a union, a workers’ association.
The right of the people, including those employed in
the public and private sectors, to form unions, Is there a definition of a workers’ association in the LC?
associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to
None. You look at the IRR which is the DO No. 40-03 s.
law shall not be abridged.
2003, as amended. This IRR will tell us if there’s a
Focus on this constitutional provision as this embodies definition of a labor union or a workers’ association.
the right to form unions, associations, or societies for
SEC. 1, RULE I, D.O. NO. 40-03
purposes not contrary to law.
(ccc) “Union” refers to any labor organization in the
In fact, it has been said that the freedom of association is
private sector organized for collective bargaining and
one of the most basic rights of human; a basic human
for other legitimate purposes.
right. This will entitle every individual to form or
organize a group, whether formally or informally, or to
join any group, formal or informal. That’s how broad it
is. Is a labor organization always a union? NO, because a labor
organization includes a workers’ association. Take note
Reading the constitutional provision, it says, “the right of of this logic and principle.
the people”; it’s people and it focuses on those people
who are employed in the public and private sector. From this definition a Union, what does it connote? It
connotes that:
The constitution recognizes the rights to form unions,
associations, and societies, as long as they are not 1. a union is a labor organization; and
established for purposes contrary to law. This is not 2. a union exists for the purpose of collective bargaining
subject to interference by the State whenever these and for other legitimate purposes.
people, including those employed in the public and
private sectors, would desire to choose their right to Primarily, when you speak of a union within the context
form associations. It speaks of a union, association, and a of LabRel, you’re referring to a labor organization that
society. This is the general provision on the right to exists, in whole or in part, for the purpose of collective
association and made available including those bargaining.
employed in the public and private sectors.
Right to bargain collectively is one of the broad rights
I will focus primarily on EEs in the private sector. Ofc, EEs of a legitimate organization – which contemplates a
in public sector may also exercise the right to form relationship where there exists an EE-ERR. When you
associations which includes the right to self- bargain with the ER, obviously the parties involved there

University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 1 |
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
would be the ER and the union acting on behalf of the EEs aid and protection. When we say mutual aid and
in that bargaining unit. May EE-ERR siya, yun ang union. protection, it refers to its members.

A labor organization refers to any union or association of If I were employed, can I also form a workers' association? YES,
employees in the private sector which exist in whole or in even though I am an employee, I am not compelled to
part for the purpose of collective bargaining, mutual aid form an organized labor union if I don't want to. I can
and interest cooperation, protection or other lawful only decide to form a workers' association for the
purposes. purpose of mutual aid and protection and not for
collective bargaining.
So, labor organization under the IRR is still consistent
with the definition of a labor organization under the LC. A workers' association may therefore exist even if there
Which means that it include a labor union, association of is absence of EE-ERR. Unlike in a labor union, which
workers and employees otherwise known as workers' requires the essential element of EE-ERR. Kasi mag ba-
association. bargain collectively yung union member with the
employer so it requires EE-ERR.
A workers' association means organized for mutual aid
and protection of its members or for any legitimate In the same way if the workers so decide to participate in
purpose other than collective bargaining. policy and decision making processes. So far these
processes would directly affect the rights, benefits and
A labor organization includes workers' association. It
welfare. It also contemplates an EE-ERR situation.
means that when you speak of labor organization it may
exist for the purpose of collective bargaining, mutual aid A legitimate labor organization, refers to a labor
and protection of its members or any other legitimate organization in the private sector duly registered with the
purposes. Department of Labor and Employment in accordance
with the rules.
Based on the distinctions, it’s clear that a labor union
exist for the purpose of collective bargaining while a Once the labor organization is registered with the
workers' association exist for mutual aid and protection appropriate government agency, we call that labor
of its members and not for the purpose of collective organization as a legitimate labor organization.
bargaining. Hindi maka pag exercise ng collective
Note: The registration is material for the purpose of
bargaining yung workers' association.
enabling the labor organization to exercise the rights of
Does the workers' association require that the members must be legitimate labor organization under the LC. Kasi yung
employees of the establishment where it exist? IOW, should LC natin spells out certain rights but these rights can only
there be an EER similar to a labor union existing in an be exercised by a legitimate labor organization. Not a
establishment? mere labor organization, or a labor union but a legitimate
labor organization.
NO, any person whether employed or not in the
establishment where the association exist may join that In the same way, since a workers' association is also a
workers' association. It does not require the existence of labor organization or within the meaning of labor
EE-ERR. organization. If the workers' association is duly registered
then that is only when we can say that it can also exercise
In fact, one of the primary purpose of workers' association
the rights of a legitimate labor organization but not for the
is for the mutual aid and protection of its members. If you
purpose of collective bargaining, simply for the purpose
look at the IRR, workers' association may also be compose
of mutual aid and protection.
of ambulant workers and those workers who have no
definite employers. I also listed the definition of an independent union,
affiliate local or chapter or chartered local. I want you to
IOW, workers' association may or may not be compose
also check a local union as well as national union or federation.
of employees. After all, their existence is not for the
Make your own outline of the definition of these terms.
purpose of collective bargaining but rather for the mutual

University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 2 |
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
An independent union, refers to a labor organization an independent union, it is bigger or larger than a mere
operating at the enterprise level that acquired legal local or chapter or a chartered local because it has at least
personality through independent registration under the 10 legitimate labor organizations certified in the
LC and implementing rules. establishment where it seeks to operate. So if you have at
least 10 duly registered independent unions then you can
EXAMPLE: USC College of Law, I decide to join a R&F
now form a national union or federation, but each of these
union of faculty members. If we operate at the level of
independent unions must be certified as the sole
USC College of Law that is enterprise level that will
exclusive bargaining agent in the respective
classify our labor union as an independent union if we are
registered through an independent registration under the
LC. Between an independent union and national union or
federation, which has better capacity to negotiate CBA? The
Meron tayong independent union and we also have a local
national union or federation because the officers of the
or chapter otherwise known as the chartered local.
national union or federation may or may not be
A chartered local refers to a labor organization in the employed in the establishment of the employer where
private sector operating at the enterprise level that it is dealing for purposes of collective bargaining. It has
acquired legal personality through the issuance of a more strength because it is backed up by at least 10 duly
charter certificate by a duly registered federation or certified independent unions or at least 10 local or
national union, and reported to the Regional Office. chapters.

When you speak of a chartered local, it is a labor Important Principles:

organization that acquires legal personality through the
1. The right to self-organization includes:
issuance of a charter certificate by a duly registered
 The right to form or organize a union;
federation or national union.
 To form or organize workers’
In fact, you will come across later a provision of the LC association; and,
on the registration or chartering of a local or chapter.  Right to form or organize a labor
management council.
An affiliate refers to an independent union affiliated with
a federation, national union or a chartered local which
2. The right to self-organization more often than
was subsequently granted independent registration but
not connotes unionism.
did not disaffiliate from its federation.
However, workers can form associations as well
Here, you affiliate with a federation or national union, as labor management council even if the
you want to increase your bargaining power with your members are not employees of the establishment
employer. Then, you can validly do that. If you are where this association seeks to operate.
backed up by a federation or national union, you are The essence of the workers’ association is not the
stronger than if you were just to exist as a mere members may or may not be employees but they
independent or local union. can deal with the employer regarding the terms
and conditions of the employment such as wages,
A national union or federation refers to a group of hours of work and other benefits. Hindi kailangan
legitimate labor unions in a private establishment ng EE-ERR because after all, a workers’
organized for collective bargaining or for dealing with association cannot exercise the right to collective
employers concerning terms and conditions of bargaining but it can deal with the employer on
employment for their member unions or for participating the terms and conditions of employment.
in the formulation of social and employment policies, The SC has described that as a generic description of
standards and programs, registered with the Bureau of interaction between an employee and an employer in
Labor Relations. terms of grievances wages even if this employee’s
If you look at it, this national union or federation, it is still group is not registered.
a labor organization, only that it is bigger or larger than

University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 3 |
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
3. Right to self-organization includes two broad So, it would seem to suggest that when the state
notions: promotes the policy of unionism, it aims
 Liberty or freedom employee participation and one employee
The absence of legally strained whereby participation is through collective bargaining
the employee may act for himself which can be exercised when workers form and
without being prevented by law. organize a labor union.

 Power In terms of the workers’ association, it is enough

An employee may as he pleases join or that the members of the association share
refrain from joining an association. common interest especially that the purpose of
organizing a worker’s association is for mutual
Right to self-organization IOW, includes the aid and protection.
freedom of association and the negative freedom
of association because there is no law prohibiting It is important to understand these fundamental
me from acting either way. I can therefore act for principles before we head on to our next topic.
myself without being prevented by law. And if I
decide to act let’s say by forming or joining an Next topic:
association or labor union, it is within my power What is the reason why workers organize? What is the
to quit from my membership in that association policy of the state in promoting unionism? How is it
or union and decide to be a non-member at all or guaranteed under our Constitution? Who may qualify
perhaps choose another association or labor to be a member of a labor union?
union where I can be a member.
TN: Right to self-organization is not absolute, it
4. Every labor union is a labor organization but not has limitations. There are certain employees who
every labor organization is a labor union. are rendered not eligible to form or organize a
The difference lies there in organization, labor union.
composition and operation. Do not confuse
yourself with a labor union from a labor workers’
association because there is a large difference PART 2
between these two organizations in terms of
Previously, we mentioned the fundamental principles
composition, operation and organization.
that underlie the right to self-organization. Also, the two
broad notions which underscore the right to self-
5. Collective bargaining is just one of the forms of
employee participation.
It is not the end goal of the employee We have to identify the common reasons why workers
representation. We always say that when we have to organize themselves into a labor organization.
form a labor union it is for the purpose of Simply put, the SC has observed in one case:
collective bargaining but it is not the end
objective of the right to form labor unions. Labor organizations are organized out of
necessities of the situation. They are formed to
According to the SC, the real aim in exercising offset the social and economic imbalance that
the right to self-organization particularly an individual undergoes when bargaining with
forming or organizing a labor union is employee his employer.
participation in whatever form, it may appear We need to concede that when we speak of a single EE,
bargaining or no bargaining, union or no union he is usually helpless in dealing with his ER concerning
at all. So, it’s an employee participation. It is just his terms and conditions of employment like wages, hrs.
one of the forms of employee participation. of work and other employment benefits.

University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 4 |
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
If I’m an EE and there’s no labor organization within the Labor union may decide to affiliate with a federation or
establishment that I am employed and I may want to national union in order to increase their bargaining
improve on my wages/salary, it’s difficult on my part to powers with their ER.
approach the mgmt. and to request them to grant a salary
Then those federation or national unions they are
increase. I may be shy, I may feel so low, not so confident
created and organized because, as you know many
if I decide to approach the mgmt.. Medyo hopeless ka.
governmental policies are implements of unions acting
In the same way that EE who may have valid grievance, as pressure groups. Workers increase their bargaining
may also be in the same situation if he decides to seek power not only with the ERs but also with the
redress of his grievance. He may want to seek policymakers if they are formed and organized as
appointment with his ER and ERs are most often than not national unions or federation.
are very busy; some of them do not take their EEs srsly
You could think also of valid reasons why workers form
when it comes to addressing grievances.
and organize a union.
Yung pagiging helpless ng mga workers creates the
In this regard we note, that as the State is quite cognizant
necessity of the workers creating a labor
of these concerns and problems affecting workers, the
policy of the State is:
A worker bargaining with his ER is usually
placed at a disadvantage position. Between him 1989 LIBERTY FLOUR MILLS EMPLOYEES V.
and his ER, there is a large difference in terms of LIBERTY FLOUR MILLS G.R. NOS. 58768-70
economic status, bargaining knowledge and
skill, etc. To promote unionism to enable the workers to
negotiate with management on the same level and
The EE may not be as good in dealing w/ his ER re: with more persuasiveness than if they were to
improvement of his terms & conditions of employment individually and independently bargain for the
compared to one where the worker exercises collective improvement of their respective conditions.
bargaining as a group in dealing with his ER.
Labor and Capital do not really stand in equal footing.
Another situation, mga inhuman working The Labor is still dependent on Capital.
conditions that really force men to organize.
Offsetting this social and economic imbalance is one of
If the EEs feel that they are not accorded just and humane the primary objectives of the exercise of the workers’
conditions of work, the ER violates the rights of the right to self-organization.
workers to occupational safety and health – that’s another
common grievance where workers may decide to Even in politics you will recognize na itong mga politicians
organize. natin are heavily dependent on their votes from these
organized labor unions. There are politicians who are
If you look at the law that strengthens the right of the elected to office because they represent the leadership in
workers to occupational safety and health, there are a lot this organized federation or national union.
of rights spelled out there and you will note that many of
these rights are often violated by ERs, perhaps, The Constitution guarantees the policy of the State to
deliberately or out of ignorance, that leaves workers promote Unionism by first and foremost, giving the
helpless. workers the right to self-organization.

Workers may want to participate in policy and Sabi ng Constitution ‘workers we’re quite cognizant of your
decision-making processes which affects their concerns and grievances and we’re promoting policy of
rights, benefits and welfare. Unionism. We want you to deal with the mgmt. more or less on
the same level, therefore, we guarantee you this right to self-
They may organize their selves collectively as a labor organization’ – as long as you are qualified and eligible to
union / workers’ association for that matter. be a member of a labor union.’

University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 5 |
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
The State further guarantees the policy of Unionism by  Charitable – for profit or not it does not matter,
providing organized labor unions who are certified as no matter how small you are as long as you’re
the Sole Exclusive Bargaining Agent [SEBA] to exercise sizeable enough to function as a labor union, then
to right to collective bargaining. you may exercise the right to self-organization;
 Medical – ex. In hospitals, the nurses, doctors – as
Furthermore, the Constitution likewise guarantees the
long as they are eligible, they can exercise to right to
right of the workers to engage in peaceful and lawful
concerted activities including the right to strike, in cases
 Educational – ex. USC, UC, USJR, those private
of ULP as well as bargaining deadlocks.
educational institutions are also within the coverage.
There are so many essential features of the PH
Nothing in the law that defines how many workers are
Constitution that will spell-out the guarantees on the
needed before they can exercise the right to self-
policy of the State to promote unionism. You just have to
organization. What the law defines is the eligibility or
identify them. Not to mention, the rights of legitimate
ineligibility to exercise right to self-organization. It does
labor organization under the LC.
not say that establishments with less than 5 workers
In what establishments can EEs exercise the right to self- cannot exercise the right. It’s available to everyone. After
organization? all, the Constitution provides the “right of the people,
including those employed in the public and private
If you look at LC, Art. 253, it will spell out to you long
sectors, to form unions, associations, or societies for
enumeration of the coverage and EEs right to self-
purposes not contrary to law” and this right shall not be
abridged. That’s how comprehensive itong ating right to
ART. 253 COVERAGE AND EMPLOYEES’ RIGHT self-organization.
TO SELF-ORGANIZATION Just give your own illustration of what’s considered
All persons employed in commercial, industrial, and commercial, industrial, educational, medical and
agricultural enterprises and in religious, charitable, charitable institutions.
medical, or educational institutions, whether Please also do not forget that the IRR of LC also provide
operating for profit or not, shall have the right to self- a similar provision on the coverage of the right to self-
organization and to form, join or assist labor organization.
organizations of their own choosing for purposes of
collective bargaining. Ambulant, intermittent and By definition of the Labor organization, it spells out the
itinerant workers, self-employed people, rural workers two-fold purpose: (1) collective bargaining; and (2)
and those without any definite employers may form mutual aid and protection.
labor organizations for their mutual aid and
A labor union, they exist for the purpose of collective
bargaining and other legitimate purpose. While in a
 Commercial – establishments engaged in the sale worker’s association they exist for mutual aid and
of goods and services; persons employed thereat protection of its members other than collective
may exercise and within the coverage of the right; bargaining. They derived from the definition of labor
 Industrial – establishments engaged in the organization.
processing of raw materials into finished goods,
We have to know who among the employees are eligible
their workers may also organize or join labor
and not eligible to exercise the right to self-organizationn.
Ex. manufacturing establishments of tobacco into ART. 255 INELIGIBILITY OF MANAGERIAL
cigarettes; of soda into soft drinks EMPLOYEES TO JOIN ANY LABOR
 Agricultural – involved in farming operations ORGANIZATION; RIGHT OF SUPERVISORY
 Religious – regardless of your faith, you are also EMPLOYEES
eligible to exercise the right to self-organization;
ART. 255. [245] Ineligibility of Managerial Employees
to Join any Labor Organization; Right of Supervisory
University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 6 |
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
Employees. Managerial employees are not eligible to In labor standards, there is only two clear classification
join, assist or form any labor organization. Supervisory of employees. We have managerial and R&F employees.
employees shall not be eligible for membership in the When you speak of managerial employees they include
collective bargaining unit of the rank-and-file officers or members of the managerial staff. In labor
employees but may join, assist or form separate relations, there only three classification.
collective bargaining units and/or legitimate labor
Art. 255 of the LC, there is absolute disqualification not to
organizations of their own. The rank and file union and
join, assist or form any labor organization. The SC said
the supervisors' union operating within the same
that the reason for disqualification is conflict of interest.
establishment may join the same federation or national
If you are a managerial employee, obviously you are
acting in the interest of the employer. You could be the
Note: Art. 255 of the LC, provides for the non eligibility of employer yourself or at least acting in the interest of
the managerial employees to join a labor organization. employer.
Also classifies the other employees for purposes of labor
As I've said, when you are the ME, you are charge with
the formulation and execution of management policies.
IOW, the LC provides for a three tiered classification of The power to hire, dismiss, suspend, lay off, discharge
employees. and exercise other management prerogative. You cannot
form, join or assist a labor union because it exist for the
(1) Managerial Employees (ME)-is one who is vested
purpose of collective bargaining. The ME, cannot bargain
with the powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute
with himself. It cannot bargain with another person
management policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend,
which is his employer due to conflict of interest.
lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees.
Since the law speaks of Labor Organization, it also
(2) Supervisory Employees (SE)-are those who, in the
disqualifies a ME from forming, joining or assisting in the
interest of the employer, effectively recommend such
formation of a workers association. They are also
managerial actions if the exercise of such authority is not
disqualified from dealing with management regarding
merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use
terms and conditions such as wages and hours of work.
of independent judgment.
They are the one supposed to implement and execute
(3) Rank and File Employees (R&F) - all employees not
these terms and conditions of employment.
listed within any of the above definitions are considered
R&F employees for purposes of this book. If you are The disqualification is very broad. You are prohibited
neither managerial nor supervisory employee then you from forming, joining or assisting in the formation of a
are classified as R&F. labor union and forming, joining or assisting in the
formation of a workers association.
Who among the employees are eligible and ineligible to exercise
the right to self-organization? Earlier on, we define a labor organization to include not
only a labor union but also workers association.
When it comes to Supervisory Employees, they act in the
interest of the employer. They can effectively Under the LC, supervisory employees, shall not be
recommend. It's not just mere recommendation but eligible for membership in the collective bargaining
effectively recommend of such managerial actions if the unit of the rank-and-file employees but may join, assist
exercise of authority is not merely routinary or clerical or form separate collective bargaining units and/or
but requires the use of independent judgment. legitimate labor organizations of their own.

Between a supervisory and a R&F the former exercises If you are a SE, you may form or organize your own
independent judgement while the latter performs merely collective bargaining unit and/or legitimate labor
routinary or clerical job and does not require independent organizations of your own. It's exclusively for the
judgement. supervisory employees and prohibited from joining the
collective bargaining unit of the R&F employees. Again,
due to conflict of interest.
University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 7 |
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
The conflict of interest involve two major areas: (1) federation or national union as the supervisors union. It
collective bargaining (2) area of discipline. If you are a is prohibited due to conflict of interest.
supervisor, the R&F employees usually reports to the
IOW, in an establishment the federation or national
immediate supervisor.
union, it cannot create a local or chapter of the R&F
As the supervisor, you can just imagine if you allow the employees or create a local or chapter of the supervisors.
supervisor to join the R&F bargaining unit. The It is not allowed before but because of the amendment to
supervisor who is supposed to act in the interest of the Art. 255 strengthening the right of workers to self –
employer will necessarily betray the loyalty that he owes organization.
to his employer if you were to allow him to join the R&F.
It is quite clear that that doctrine of the SC has already
In the same way that if he joins the R&F union, it will also been abandoned because expressly as it is written under
be unfair and will be a disadvantage to the R&F union if the law that R&F union and the supervisors union
the supervisor will remain loyal to management because operating within the same establishment they may join
he will be acting as spy for or against the R&F union. the same federation or national union. It simply means
Usually alam mo naman ang mga supervisor sipsip yan sila sa that a federation or national union can create in the same
management. They might tell the management that the establishment the R&F union as a local or chapter, can
R&F employees are planning to strike. That might create in the same establishment a local or chapter of the
hamper the exercise of right to self-organization. supervisory employees. These two separate unions will
now owe loyalty to one and the same federation or
To avoid the situation, the law declares this supervisory
national union. That is what makes it stronger fir this
employees not eligible. From that provision of the LC, it’s
federation or national union in increasing their
quite clear that the only employee left would be the R&F
bargaining power in dealing with management regarding
employees. No disqualification at all.
terms and conditions of employment of those workers
For the SE, I would call that a relative disqualification. within its organization.
Not absolute disqualification, only relative.
EXAMPLE: I am from USC College of Law and I was able
Just imagine in a certain establishment where there exist to form and organize a R&F union among the faculty
a collective bargaining unit of SE and R&F employees, members. While the supervisors were able to form and
there could be a union of SE and another union for R&F. organize likewise their own separate union. Both of us
can become an affiliate of the federation or national union
This is how the law strengthens the workers right to self-
assuming that we are both independently registered or
organization. By allowing in a certain establishment to
we could simply approach the federation or national
have at least two labor organizations. One, R&F labor
union to create us as a local or chapter and also to create
union and second, SE labor union. That's how strong it is
among the supervisory employees another local or
because what is left there is the ME.
chapter from the same federation or national union.
If the R&F and SE decide to go on strike you can just That’s how stronger it is. Ang maiiwan jan si dean Glenn
imagine the disruption of the operation of the Capanas who obviously is considered a managerial
establishment. The establishment cannot run operations employee. Kami mga R&Ffaculty members, we are just
with only the managers. R&F employees, we do not exercise independent
judgment, our job is actually clerical or ordinary in
The last sentence of Art. 255, the R&F union and the nature. The school assigns us the subjects in which we
supervisors' union operating within the same have no choice, the school assigns us the class schedule in
establishment may join the same federation or national which we have no choice, the school subjects us to
union. discipline in which we have no choice, we are basically
Before the amendment to Art. 255, the law does not allow neither managerial nor supervisory employees but mere
due to conflict of interest a R&F union from being R&F faculty members.
affiliated or created as a local or chapter by the same TN: Ask yourself based on the definition of terms, Am I a
managerial employee? AM I a supervisory employee? Or

University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 8 |
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
Am I just a merely R&F? (Who am i? ito lang naman ako employed for a definite period or not, he or she is
simpleng tao :3) That is relevant in determining whether considered eligible in the eyes of the law. Btw, these
you are eligible or not eligible to form or organize or assist supervisory employees and R&F employees, it does not
in the formation of a labor union. make any distinction whether they are regular or non-
regular, even a casual employee, even a project or
What about alien employees (non-resident aliens)? Under the
seasonal employee may be a member of a labor
LC, alien employees particularly the non-resident aliens
organization unless he or she is declared ineligible under
who are allowed to work in the PH provided that they
the law.
secure Alien Employment Permit (AEP) from the DOLE.
So, under the implementing rules, Alien Employees (AE) On the first day of service, the law recognizes the right
with valid permits issued by the DOLE, if they are of these employees to be a member of a labor
nationals of the country which grants the same or similar organization regardless of his or her status. So casual yan,
rights to Filipino workers as certified by DFA of which pwede. Project, seasonal, pwede. Fixed term employee, pwede.
has ratified ILO convention No. 87 referring to the All decided to form, organizes or assists in the formation
freedom of association and right to organize and ILO of a labor organization. In fact, the implementing rules
convention No. 98 referring to the right to organize and also mentioned all other workers including ambulant and
collective bargaining. They may also exercise the right to other workers, self-employed, rural workers and those
join or assist in the formation of a labor organization but without definite employers formed labor organization for
not to form their own labor organization. the mutual aid and protection and other legitimate
purposes except collective bargaining.
TESTIMONY: Based on my experience, I get to see one
wherein this non-resident alien decided to join a union of The ambulant workers that you see on the street, itinerant
R&F employees or decided to join the union of workers—they come and go whenever they sell their
supervisory employees. Most of the aliens that are here in goods and services, they may exercise the right to self-
the PH, they are usually holding managerial positions. organization, they can form a labor organization but only
There are also Non-resident Aliens (NRA) who are for purposes of mutual aid and protection.
holding supervisory positions, they are eligible to join the
EXAMPLE: “Market Vendors Association of the PH”,
union of supervisory employees if there is one in the
“Balot Association of the PH Labangon Chapter”
establishment. In my experience, I get to see one. After all,
even if they exercise the right to self-organization, well What could be the primary purposes in doing so? They could
since their employment is usually for a term and their probably lobby with Congress for the enactment of
stay in the PH is usually co-terminus with their working pieces of social legislation that will uplift and protect
VISA, the likelihood of them exercising to self- the rights and welfare. In fact, collective action is better
organization is farfetched from happening. Maybe those than individual action.
are the reasons why they don’t do so but they are eligible
EXAMPLE: Market vendor ka nagiisa ka lang, you will be
to join or assist in the formation of a labor organization if
helpless in dealing with the government but if you form
they are so minded.
and organize your vendors’ association, market vendors
How soon is an employee, supervisory employee or R&F association for example that is still consistent with the
employee eligible to be a member of a labor organization? TN: right to association. You can always use that vehicle to
Under the implementing rules, “for purposes of the lobby with Congress pieces of legislation that will for
section as to who may join labor unions and worker’s enactment of social protect your rights and welfare.
associations, any employee whether employed for a Maganda itong right to association which includes the
definite period or not shall beginning on the first day of right to self-organization.
his or her service be eligible for membership in any
labor organization.” Between the right to association and the right to self-
organization, mas limited yung right to self-organization
For purposes of membership, in a labor organization because the right to self-organization more often than not,
whether it is a labor union or a worker’s organization, on it connotes unionism-- unionism contemplating of a labor
the first day of service of an employee where he or she is union existing for a purpose of collective bargaining.
University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 9 |
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
Pagdating naman sa right to association, it is available to IPTEU mutually agreed to conduct the certification
all people whether they are employed or not employed, election on September 21, 2007. On election day, only
they can always form their association as long as they sixteen (16) of the twenty-two (22) employees in the
intended not contrary to law, it is still protected by the IPTEU list voted. However, no votes were canvassed.
Constitution. CCBPI filed and registered a Protest questioning the
conduct and mechanics of the election and a Challenge
Aside from the managerial employees who are not eligible to
to Votes on the ground that the voters are supervisory
form, join or assist a labor organization, are there other
and confidential employees. By agreement, the parties
classification of employees that are disqualified? In one SC
met on September 26, 2007 for the opening and
case, he SC mentioned of the disqualification of
counting of the challenged votes. On said date, CCBPI
employees. Confidential employees not eligible to form,
filed a motion for inhibition, which the Mediator-
join or assist a labor organization in the same logic as
Arbiter verbally denied on the grounds that it was not
managerial employees.
verified and would cause undue delay on the
Pag confidential employee ka, you are usually entrusted proceedings as there are no other Mediators-Arbiters
with confidential matters by management in relation to in the Region. The parties were informed that their
labor relations and by the nature of your position you will agreement to have the ballots opened could not bind
be in conflict of interest with management if you were to the Mediator-Arbiter. Instead, they were directed to
be allowed to form, join or assist a labor organization. submit additional evidence that would aid in the
resolution of the challenged votes. On October 22, 2007,
the Mediator-Arbiter denied CCBPI's challenge to the
16 votes. She found that the voters are rank-and-file
employees holding positions that are not confidential
FACTS: in nature, and who are not, or used to be, members of
Ilocos Monthlies Union (IMU) due to the
Petitioner Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc. (CCBPI) reclassification of their positions by CCBPI and have
is a domestic corporation duly organized and been excluded from the CBA entered into by IMU and
operating under the Philippine laws. On the other CCBPI from 1997 to 2005. Consequently, the
hand, respondent Ilocos Professional and Technical challenged votes were opened and canvassed. After
Employees Union (IPTEU) is a registered independent garnering 14 out of the 16 votes cast, IPTEU was
labor organization with address at CCBPI Ilocos Plant proclaimed as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent
in Barangay Catuguing, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. On of the rank-and-file exempt workers in CCBPI Ilocos
July 9, 2007, IPTEU filed a verified Petition6 for Norte Plant. CCBPI elevated the case to the SOLE, but
certification election seeking to represent a bargaining was denied. Confronted with an adverse ruling, CCBPI
unit consisting of approximately twenty-two (22) rank- filed before the CA a petition for certiorari with prayer
and-file professional and technical employees of for temporary restraining order and writ of
CCBPI Ilocos Norte Plant. CCBPI prayed for the denial preliminary injunction. On March 17, 2010, the Court
and dismissal of the petition, arguing that the of Appeals denied the petition. CCBPI filed a motion
employees being referred to by IPTEU are either for reconsideration, which was also denied in the
supervisory or confidential employees-- hence, September 16, 2010 Resolution; hence, this petition.
ineligible for inclusion as members of IPTEU.
Convinced that the union members are rank-and-file ISSUE:
employees and not occupying positions that are
Is the CA correct in affirming SOLE’s resolution
supervisory or confidential in nature, Mediator-
dismissing petitioner’s appeal that assailed the
Arbiter Florence Marie A. Gacad-Ulep granted
Decision (On the Challenged Voters)
IPTEU'S petition. (August 23, 2007 ) On September 3,
2007, CCBPI filed an appeal before the Secretary of RULING:
Labor and Employment (SOLE). In the Pre-election
Yes. The determination of factual issues is vested in the
Conference held on September 10, 2007, CCBPI and
Mediator-Arbiter and the Department of Labor and
University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 10|
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
Employment. Pursuant to the doctrine of primary The rationale for their separate category and
jurisdiction, the Court should refrain from resolving disqualification to join any labor organization is
such controversies unless the case falls under similar to the inhibition for managerial employees
recognized and well-established exceptions. The because if allowed to be affiliate d with a union, the
doctrine of primary jurisdiction does not warrant a latter might not be assured of their loyalty in view of
court to arrogate unto itself the authority to resolve a evident conflict of interests and the union can also
controversy the jurisdiction over which is initially become company-denominated with the presence of
lodged with an administrative body of special managerial employees in the union membership.
competence. Having access to confidential information, confidential
employees may also become the source of undue
In this case, organizational charts, detailed job
advantage. Said employees may act as a spy or spies of
descriptions, and training programs were presented by
either party to a collective bargaining agreement.
CCBPI before the Mediator-Arbiter, the SOLE, and the
CA. Despite these, the Mediator-Arbiter ruled that Full text: G.R. No. 193798, September 09, 2015 - COCA-
employees who encounter or handle trade secrets and COLA BOTTLERS PHILIPPINES, INC., Petitioner, v.
financial information are not automatically classified ILOCOS PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL
as confidential employees. It was admitted that the EMPLOYEES UNION (IPTEU), Respondent. : September
subject employees encounter and handle financial as 2015 - Philipppine Supreme Court Decisions
well as physical production data and other information (
which are considered vital and important from the
EXAMPLE: If you are a supervisor, but at the same time
business operations' standpoint. Nevertheless, it was
your employment is considered confidential because of
opined that such information is not the kind of
your duties and responsibilities you are not eligible. If
information that is relevant to collective bargaining
you are a R&F employee, well generally, you are eligible
negotiations and settlement of grievances as would
but if you are a confidential employee because of the
classify them as confidential employees. The SOLE,
nature of your duties and responsibilities, you are
which the CA affirmed, likewise held that the
likewise not eligible to form, join or assist in the formation
questioned voters do not have access to confidential
of a labor organization.
labor relations information.
What is the reason why they are disqualified? The SC said
Doctrine: Access to vital information is the imperative
that under the doctrine of necessary implication, since
consideration in determining whether or not an
confidential employees take the same position as
employee is a confidential employee. An employee
managerial employees, they are deemed disqualified by
must assist or act in a confidential capacity and obtain
reason of conflict of interest.
confidential information relating to labor relations
policies. Exposure to internal business operations of Can you just imagine a R&F confidential employee
the company is not per se a ground for the exclusion in becoming a member of the R&F union but at the same
the bargaining unit. time being too loyal with management, which will of
course hamper the interest of the R&F bargaining union.
(from foot notes)
It will be to the disadvantage of the R&F bargaining
Confidential employees are defined as those who (1) union.
assist or act in a confidential capacity, in regard (2) to
Same goes if you allow him to be a member to the R&F
persons who formulate, determine and effectuate
union, it will be prejudicial to the management as well
management policies in the field of labor relations.
because he holds confidential information that he can
The exclusion from bargaining units of employees used against the management. So, to avoid that situation
who, in the normal course of their duties, become from arising, the SC said that they are also deemed
aware of their management policies relating to labor disqualified under the doctrine of necessary implication.
relations is a principal objective sought to be
Whether a R&F employee or supervisory employee, if
accomplished by the “confidential employee rule”
you are a confidential employee which means that you
University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 11|
ATTY. JMM | A.Y. 2020 – 2021
assist or in a confidential capacity in regard to persons
who formulate, determine or effectuate management
policies specifically in labor relations, then you are not
eligible to form, join or assist in a labor organization.

TN: The confidential relationship must exist between the

employee and his superior officer and that officer must
handle the prescribe responsibilities relating to labor

What is the minimum qualification to be a member of a labor

union? What are the disqualifications for an employee to be an
officer of a labor union?

University of San Carlos – School of Law and Governance | CUARTEROS  CUYOS  MOLINA 12|

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