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Communication Plan for KBL Project

Communication plan is a critical activity of planning stage that is required for implement a smooth
execution to foster strong understanding and relationship among all the stakeholders. A communication
plan for KBL will structure all the communication strategies to so all the stakeholders are well informed
by the progress of the project and they are all on the same page. The communications plan of KBL is
created to identify the types of information to be distributed to stakeholders, the methods of
distributing the information, the frequency of distribution, and responsibilities of each person in the
project team for distributing the information.

Following are the key components of communication that can add enormous value to the project if they
are implemented effectively.

Project kickoff welcome email 

A very well written and well-articulated email needs to be ready as soon as the project starts. This email
should contain all the necessary information the receivers need to know. This email should contain the
objective, scope, cost, time and key personal involved in the project, and the point of contact if a person
needs any information for specific thing. This can help all the stakeholders to be on the same level and it
can give a positive start to the project. The email needs to be written in very professional and
convenient way. This is one-time activity needs to be shared at the very start of the project after
initiation process once the project is approved.

Project Summary updates

The project needs to get a project summary format available to provide the meeting minutes of every
meeting to assist those stakeholders who are not able to attend the meetings. This will help all the
stakeholders to stay informative about the progress of the project and its concerns. These updates need
to be sent after every meeting via a formal email.

Project closing executive summary 

Project manager of KBL needs to get an executive summary prepared including all the information of the
project with key terms of reference. This document can meet the conventional and regulatory purpose
and will be used a document to analyze the project against the desired objectives. this is a one
document, and it will be created at the closing stage of the project.

Mode of meetings

Meetings are very components of any project as they offer an opportunity to discuss all the progress and
concerns face to face. Therefore, KBL needs to decide its mode of communication beforehand for
effective communication. KBL can choose the following modes for meeting.

Face to face: these are the physical meeting where the stakeholders must get together to share the
progress, ideas, and concerns.

Video conferencing: There should also be video conference meetings to compensate those who can not
attend the in-person meetings, this is a convenient yet effective mode of communication. So KBL will be
using this mode in its communication plan.
Email: KBL will focus on email communication as it is a convenient mode of communication because not
all the stakeholders can be called for meeting.

Conference calls: this mode of meeting will be used when there is urgency, and the key stakeholders can
not meet in person.

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