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Exploring Ancient Christian Mystery Traditions.

Written and Copyright © 2017 by David Ross Goben. All rights reserved.

Here we will explore the mystery traditions and connectivity between Venus, Mary the
Magdalene, Jesus the Christ, royal marriage rules, fallen angels, the Nephilim, a hidden
tradition of Mother Nature, and how all these things tie so tightly together.

Much of this essay is inspired by my book, “A Gnostic Cycle – Exploring the Origin of
Christianity” (links to order this book, or to its free PDF version can be found at the end of this
essay). This essay is augmented with deeper levels of research, but can also be found through
various, yet simple internet searches. The material shared herein is cruelly short, harshly
abridged, and sprinkled with vexing, though necessary digressions as a result, all of which is
torturous when a details addict like myself prefers to elaborate and clarify, but I do not really
care to pen yet another long-winded book along the lines of this essay, though who knows
what the future brings? As it is, be warned that I will need to digress here and there for a level
or two in order to better explain some of these important points, even as we see the Malachi
prophesies of the popes reaching its end, Globalism and greed swallowing the planet,
Satanism rise at an accelerated rate among the affluent self-important “elite” and the
desperate or mindless beta “trendies”, Christian persecution running rampant and largely
unreported, desperate shouts by leaders for wars that do nothing but extend governmental
control over their people, cannibalism gaining acceptance, top-tier companies using fetal tissue
as “flavor enancers,” shouts for trans-humanism and a push for human hybridization on the
rise, people everywhere losing their minds, suicides becoming a constant theme among the
youth, health and psychological issues exploding, autism blowing up from 1 in 35,000 in 1940
to 1 in 20 in 2010 and expected to be 1 in 2 by 2025, once-eradicated diseases again reaching
epidemic levels, people seeking the aid of demons to escape their personal hells, and list upon
list of other things long foretold to precede the coming of God’s judgment upon the world. I just
feel the visceral need to spread these various mustard seeds that can grow and leech into
much greater truths, because it seems more and more likely that the End of Days is upon us.

You can access related material from the research included in the back half of my free PDF
book, “Open Letters to Advocates of the Electric Universe and Expansion Tectonics Theories”
(it holds loads of early and pre-Christian research material) from my public Google Drive folder
listed at the end of this essay. Another source can be found at Steve Quayle’s website at, or, and explore his many
videos there, such as “Steve Quayle - For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed”,
which covers the legends of ancient giants and fallen angels at
Another place to look is at the immense stockpile of heavily researched Egyptian material at
the “Domain of Man” website at
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I have researched the meaning behind the 5-pointed star, how Epochs are measured, why
Venus was important (meditate on why Satanists hijacked and corrupted this symbol, just as
they did the Lion of Judah constellation, remaking it Orion; depicting him killing that Lion), why
royals were forbidden to breed with common people (a Nephilim promise to God in the days of
Noah), Jesus the Christ's hidden marital status, his intimate relationship with Mary Magdalene,
of her true ecclesiastic status and royal pedigree, and the secret Mother Goddess we worship
alongside the Father as One Being. Yet, one needs also to consider the throbbing headache of
trying to understand how all these seemingly disparate things so inseparably bind together,
once we explore deeply enough to find their initial points of connection.

We begin our exploration of these mysteries with the question of why Venus was so important.
Start this by recognizing that after 8 days of its absence from our skies, a new Venusian
synodic period begins as it initially appears in our eastern sky as a morning star (the Hebrews
knew Venus as Haylel (anglicized to “Lucifer”), meaning “Light Bearer”, “praised son of dawn”
and “morning star”). This cycle begins with it showing for 263 days as this morning star, then
for 50 days of absence, then for 263 days as an evening star in our western sky, and finally for
8 days of absence. This single cycle ultimately covers a total of 584 days, or 1.6 years.

Using a more manageable tracking method, it takes exactly 8 years for 5 synodic periods of
Venus to complete. This exacting, clockwork-like cycle was used by ancient Mesopotamian,
Egyptian, and Hebrew astronomers to easily align the lunar, sidereal, and solar calendars
these ancient people used, from Mesopotamia to Iberia, to mark the passage of time to within
a mere fraction of a second of each other. In fact, this system was far more precise than the
later 365.25 day Julian Calendar implemented by the Romans, which, by Jesus' time, had
already wandered by a day, by then marking the Winter Solstice on 22 December (today, the
21st marks the Winter Solstice). Thus, the general celebration of the Sun's “rebirth”, when it
finally began migrating northward from the southern latitudes, was held on 25 December.

This is more easily managed using a 365.2425-day year we now use, where a uniform year of
365 days adds 1 additional day every 4 years, save years evenly divisible by 100, except if that
year is also evenly divisible by 400. For example, 1900 had no leapyear, yet 2000 did. Even
so, this modern method is still less exacting than marking synodic periods of Venus, though
these differences would take centuries before they would be noticed by the casual observer.

At the start of each 8-year period, observed at dawn on the Winter Solstice, the Morning Star
takes a different position in the sky. Over 40 years (5 cycles of 8 years), each of these points
correspond to 1 of the 5 points on a 5-pointed star, at which time a new 40-year cycle began.
This is why a 5-pointed star is used to symbolize Venus, honoring the Divine Feminine. This
wider 40-year cycle the Israelites, and earlier the Egyptians and Mesopotamians used to mark
a Royal Generation, when one administration relinquished rule to the next in succession.

An 8-year cycle has 4 Morning stars and 4 Evening Stars observed at each Winter Solstice,
sequenced Morning, Morning, Evening, Morning, Evening, Evening, Morning and Evening. The
reason these cycles were carefully observed by Israelites, which the High Priest did by placing
his sacred measuring staff on a keystone set before the main doors of the Temple, centered on
its eastern wall, precisely aligned to the rising Sun on the Winter Solstice, was because every
8 years, the solar, lunar, and sidereal calendars could be aligned to within a few minutes of
each other. Yet, every 40 years, after 5 complete cycles of 8 year periods, marking a
Generation when a new King and Queen were to be crowned, these three calendars aligned to
within a fraction of a second of each other. This cycle was so accurate that no other system
was able to keep more precise time until the invention of Atomic Clocks in 1957.
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Interestingly, on the morning of the Winter Solstice every 12 Generations, or 480 years, there
was an even wider cycle observed, called an Epoch. At the start of these cycles, the planets
Venus and Mercury were in extremely tight conjunction, not just in vertical alignment as we
now commonly assume conjunctions, but in horizontal alignment as well, actually appearing as
a single and very brilliant star, forming what was referred to as the Star in the East. This very
tight planetary conjunction, symbolically joining the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine,
each represented by a pyramid overlaying the other, one inverted, and forming a 6-pointed star
(another sacred Hebrew symbol Satanists had since hijacked and corrupted). This apparent
single brilliant star was so bright in the dark moments before the advent of the dawning sun
that it would cast a shadow from the High Priest’s Staff into the ebony-draped inner-sanctum of
the Temple's Holy of Holies, its curtains drawn only once yearly for this sacred ceremony, but
with all present reverently averting their eyes (not to do so brought death by Temple guards on
the orders of the presiding Levite Priests (these Levites later spawned the Freemasons)).
The years this rare conjunction took place, merging the 5-pointed star of Venus with that of
Mercury, their merging making them appear as a single luminous star, marked the start of a
new Epoch. The year marking this event was called a Shekinah year (more on this heavenly
title shortly), and was regarded with preponderant importance. Any event occurring during this
rare and holy year, such as a birth, a wedding, a coming of age, or a victory in battle, were all
heralded with the greatest pomp and ceremony, attributing them to acts guided by God's own
Hand, to be dutifully recorded within their annals and regaled during important ceremonies.
On the Winter Solstice of 7 BCE, a Shekinah year, a new 480-year Epoch dawned. That year
also saw the earlier royal birth of Jesus the Christ (Yeshua ha-Mashiach), or Joshua the King,
named so because he was believed the reincarnation, though then-called the second coming,
of their Exodus hero. Decoding word usage in the Greek text indicates he was born 1 March,
so this would strongly suggest he had been conceived very early within the 3 month royal
espousal period, which began on 1 June, the year previous to the Shekinah, when his father
was about 36 and his mother about 16. Even so, his birth would be officially celebrated on 11
September (at that time, calendar designs were different enough that it was then seen as 15
September; 9 Tishrei), within the Hebrew's most holy month when all royal births were usually
timed to occur, by holding off conception to 3 months after their first wedding until the first two
weeks of December; their least holy month. This followed strict ritual guidelines for royal
weddings. Common people, however, married much earlier, at about 13 or 14, though tradition
dictated that all non-royal males must be wedded by age 24 if they went through up to 10
years of apprenticeship (actually contractual servitude in exchange for that training). This is
why the diplomacy and the binding of lawful contractual negotiations of highly skilled
Matchmakers was in great demand, and regarded as an imperative profession, which was not
the casual pushy, nosy and mouthy busybody that we often naively imagine them to be.
This synodic period of Venus was known in Greek culture as the love affair between the gods
Aphrodite and Hermes, and their epochal joining producing their love child; Hermaphrodite, a
remembrance story later adopted by the Romans to regale the love affair between the gods
Venus and Mercury. This is also why a common symbol for Venus, other than the 5-pointed
star and the inverted pyramid (symbolic of the female pubic mound), was an orb with a cross
attached, which also signified the right of highest royal pedigree, and was in fact the most
ancient coat of arms ever recorded in history. You will also notice that the Queen of England
bears a Templar measuring staff, or Rule, and also this orb-with-cross, signifying Venus and
the Dawning Sun, to declare her assumed right by divine descent and body-possession by
elohim. Mercury also had this symbol, but with a pair of horns extending from its Sun orb,
denoting great strength and communication, plus its pyramid symbol (the male phallic “spear”).
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The Shekinah (Hebrew for “the Dwelling” or “Presence of God”), also called Qodesh ha-
Ruwakh (meaning “Holy Spirit” or “Holy Ghost”), was the Mother Goddess to the ancient
Hebrews. Interestingly, Qodesh ha-Ruwakh is a specifically feminine title for a specifically
feminine member of the heavenly family. A masculine form, if that were possible, which it is
not, would have been applied if the title Holy Spirit were actually meant to denote a male deity,
or, as much later Christian tradition had done to transform this important part of the heavenly
family, thanks to a long tradition of woman-hating, to represent another “version” of the Father
in Heaven, which truly makes the Trinity that most Christians seem to care so much about
make absolutely no sense intellectually, especially if it were indeed just three separate titles
given for a singular Being, though somehow still imagined as three separate Beings.
Faith is blind, so it must be forgiven. Even so, the god-as-man idea is not as fantastic as many
might think, when we consider, on its darker side, demonic possession, which can come about
when the use of mind-dulling drugs or altered states of consciousness weaken a soul’s control
of the body’s nervous-system interface. This can allow alien spirits to wrest control of the body.
This might sound insane to the secular mind, but that does not erase the recent flare-up of
madness that is infecting the world with the consumption of Flakka (AKA “Bath Salts”) and
excessive doses of DMT, where victims report or exhibit demonic attacks or possession.
This makes me think about why demons always seem to seek desperately to take possession
of a body? One must wonder why such nightmarish haunting events seem to correspond so
similarly to descriptions of UFO encounters. Even the “gray” aliens seem to look just like
medieval depictions of demons with their big heads, large black eyes and small bodies. So
much so one must seriously consider the possibility they might be one and the same, which is
a growing trend among spiritual and UFO researchers, who are now often seen collaborating.
The brain, gut, spine and neural stems, plus the blood, all infused with ORME Iridium (Orbitally
Rearrange Monatomic Elements), comprises a spiritual interface, because 44% of ORME exists in
another dimension the ancients called the Far or Hidden World, making ORME platinums, like
silver and gold, soul food), allowing each body to be compatible with but a narrow range of souls of
harmonic tuning, much like custom suits comfortably fitting only a few people. Some are less
suited, having issues operating it. Those tuned to it do so with ease. So, are ancestors best-suited
incarnating as descendants? This might be the problem with demonic possession. Demons seem
so ill-suited to our nervous system and the body's unique library of neural networks that possessed
bodies act as if in fits, where misfired neural triggers make it appear tortured. This may be why
demons, often mistaken as aliens, seem to seek developing hybrid bodies they can more
compatibly possess. One also has to wonder why such 'interstellar beings' or demons seem so
obsessed with sexual proclivities? Is it because, as one movie title put it, “Earth Girls Are Easy”?
Regarding the Heavenly Family, it was originally a Quartet, being the Father God, a Mother
Goddess, a Son King, and a Daughter Queen. Thus, it makes more sense if the Holy Spirit was
openly accepted as the Mother, the creative, wise and nurturing side of the Father, who was the
powerful, protective and judging aspect, and Jesus was not so much the Father incarnate as he
was the earthly reflection of the Father as the King. Not only was Jesus as God unacceptable to
Jews who believe God cannot possess blood, but it was just as unacceptable to Jesus himself,
who admonished followers never to worship him, but worship only the Father. Further, the Queen
as Daughter makes the Heavenly Family again a quartet with this Son and Daughter as the earthly
reflections of the heavenly Father and Mother, and joined in marriage as one flesh, joining the
duality of male and female as a heavenly singular being, which was the state believed to be our
rightful heavenly estate beyond the duality of matter. This is why the angels are not male or female,
but a union of both states as singular, whole, and indivisible beings. As such, God is in fact a
singular Being, but seen as Father and Mother through the duality of lower densities of spirit.
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The King and Queen were actually considered, even by themselves, as gods incarnate due to
their royal descent from the human/angel hybrid Q’ayin (more on this important, though dark
pedigree later) and it was absolutely believed that the King and Queen were not just dualistic
halves of the same being, but that they were in fact possessed by elohim.
The root of Yahuah (YHVH) “I Am that I Am”, technically meaning “My name is irrelevant”, first
represented the four members of the Aramaic (Turko-Syrian) Heavenly Family; the Father (El),
the Mother (Asherah), the Son (He), and the Daughter (Anath). The original Hebrew rendering
in about 500 BCE seems to involve only the Father and Mother as Yah (YH), typical to most
religions, where to the Hebrews, the Mother, the Shekinah or Holy Spirit, was the nurturing
side of the Father. She later became known as Mother Nature, roaming the Earth once the
Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, because her void abode, the Inner Sanctum; the Divine
Marital Chamber; the Holy of Holies, representing her womb, housing the Foundation Stone of
the World, was lost, thus leaving the Father to rule in Heaven alone.
Note that a Jewish Crowned Prince could never be coronated as King except after being
wedded to and anointed by his royal bride with Myrrh, a very fragrant and expensive oil, on the
evening of their binding second wedding, at which time she was also coronated and already by
necessity pregnant. This bride, of equal status and considered as one being with their groom,
must be pregnant with their child following the first wedding ceremony that took place in the
month of September, which followed their espousal exactly three months previously in June,
when they began living together in order to build and to bind companionship and love between
them (and perhaps to see if they could actually stand the daily sight of each other).
During that initial short three-month espousal period, again, starting in June, sexual congress
was discouraged, though not forbidden. Let us just say that natural experimentation and
exploration was expected. The bride was simply advised to try to remain a Physical Virgin if
she was at all able (Semitic Bethuwlah, Latin Virgo Intacta, Greek Parthenos). And mind you,
this was not just to hold her betrothed at bay, but also to hold back her own curious passions.
September saw the first of two weddings, at which time the bride's status was advanced from
that of a physical virgin. When she began this stage, she was given the title of Virgin, which
meant both a newly married young woman and a young woman of marriageable age (Semitic
Almah, Latin Virgo, or Greek Numphe). This was because upon marriage it was fully expected
that it would be consummated and a child between her and her groom would be conceived.
Once pregnancy was achieved and three months had passed, to ensure miscarriage was least
likely, their second wedding ceremony would finally take place, at which time the bride would
be titled a Woman/Wife (Semitic Ishshah, Latin Coniugem, or Greek Gunaikeios).
If the bride was not pregnant by mid-December after the First Wedding, royals had to wait
another year before trying again, and they did that waiting in celibacy, unlike common folks. If
there was no pregnancy by the time the prince was 39 or late in his 38 th year, they must
divorce and a new bride must be taken. This is almost what happened to the priest Zechariah
and his bride, Elizabeth, parents to John the Baptist. They were not elderly, but running out of
time to bear a child. The Greek in Luke 1:7, translated in KJV as “and they both were now well
stricken in years” translates more accurately to “and they were both forward in the period”.
Zechariah was 38+ years old and Elizabeth 19-20, and they were nervous because they may
have to divorce if she remained barren. Another example is Miriam Migdal-Eder, who did not
conceive after the First Wedding in 30 CE, or the next conception period in 31 CE, but she did
do so in 32 CE, when she and her groom were finally allowed to go through with their Second
Wedding Ceremony, at which time the groom could then be anointed with myrrh as King.
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Myrrh, also called spikenard, was said to have first been dragon (Demon/Nephilim) blood.
Later, the blood of sanctified crocodiles was used by the Messah Pharaohs of Egypt. Finally, it
was later derived from a rare form of balsam tree and was used as a holy anointing oil, for
embalming, as a perfume, and had stupefying properties when mixed with wine. Its difficulty of
manufacture and the balsam tree's rarity made it extremely expensive. The affluent used
costly fragrant oils from as far East as India, and common people used local scented palm oil.
The royal bride carried a small flask of myrrh from a chord about her neck upon espousal, to
anoint her groom's head and feet three times during their marriage. She also took the feminine
form of her groom’s title. In the case of Jesus (Yeshua), its feminine form was Jessi (Yehesi).
The first time the bride anointed her groom was at their espousal feast, which was described in
John 2:1-10, after which time the bride would keep this flask on her person at all times. John
11:2 highlighted the event of Miriam Migdal-Eder anointing Jesus, whose name means
Beloved Tower of the Flock, for she was officially the Daughter of Zion, being the senior-
most eligible Royal Hasmonian Princess of the Royal House of Israel. She was a woman of
means with property in Bethany, she was sister to both the Apostle Philip and Martha (wife to
Simon Zealot), and was cousin to both Herod Antipas and Prince Philip Herod I (the Apostle
Thomas (“Twin”), so-titled, like Esau with Jacob, due to losing his inheritance when his mother,
Miriamme II, was divorced by Herod the Great. He also lost his wife Herodia to his and her
half-brother, Antipas (named after Herod the Great), whose mother, Malthase the Samaritan,
wed Herod, having higher regal peerage than Miriamme II). Miriam was daughter to Eucharia,
a high-born Hasmonian Princess, the sister to Apostle Thaddeus and daughter to the great
Dynast Rabbi Menahem and Hasmonian Princess Anna (Chanah). Menahem's son, Miriam's
father, Syrus, the Jairus Priest, officiated at the beautiful marble synagogue in Capernaum.
As said earlier, the crowned prince could not actually be anointed King until his royal bride was
pregnant with their child, and even then, only she, as a full-fledged priestess, could officially
anoint him as the David or Jacob King (their recognized title, as the David or the Jacob,
depended on the religious/political doctrine their sect followed), at which time she became the
Mary or Rachel Queen, and their marriage became bound and unbreakable (the Jacob/Rachel
imagery was also why the crowned prince was titled Joseph, signifying his royal position,
though sometimes these titles might be associated with them for the rest of their lives).
This final wedding ceremony was the second time that she would anoint her groom on the
head and feet, as was depicted during the Last Supper in the Upper Room of the Vestry at
Qumrân, during the daily evening Eucharist Meal, but made more august due to the Passover
and because Jesus and Mary were now the David King and Mary Queen (this also marked his
parents as now being officially retired from their 40-year royal obligations). Miriam did this
anointing in accordance to The Song of Solomon, Chapter 1, verse 12, in the bridal refrain,
“While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof”. She could
perform this task only if she herself was not only the senior dynastic bride, but also a priestess
in her own right. In that moment, Jesus, son of regal mother and father, and husband to a regal
bride, who was pregnant with his regal child, was made the new David King.
The bride anointed her groom on the head and feet for the third and final time upon his burial.
If time did not permit this due to the lateness of the burial hour, such as in the evening
approaching sundown, then at the soonest time thereafter, usually the next day. For example,
if the burial was on Friday evening at the start of the Sabbath, which was also in those days
actually considered to mark the first day, she would have to wait until the third day, Sunday,
two days later, to anoint her husband's body for burial. Only the bride was permitted to do this,
unless the bride was deceased, and then the closest female relative would perform this rite.
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As a note of interesting trivia related to the above, Joseph of Aramathea (Greek Iosif ha rama
theo’, meaning Joseph, His Divine/Royal Highness, where Joseph/Yusef was the title for a
Crowned Prince in the Hebrew sect tradition). He was not elderly, but was a relatively young
man of about 32 years, where his position as an “elder” in the Sanhedrin ("sitting together,"
"assembly" or "council") was due entirely to his royal peerage. He was in fact seven and one
half years Jesus’ junior. He was recognized as the rightful Jacob (James) in the traditions of his
extremely conservative Hebrew sect of the Qumrân Nazorite Order (pronounced Nazareth).

As a Sanhedrin Elder, he did a sly play on words with Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate (us calling
him Governor, not Prefect (Magistrate) is in truth a semantic misnomer because the Governor
of the region was actually Quirinius in Syria), tricking him, as was common to those of Qumrân
speaking common Greek of the Empire, by asking the Prefect to remove the guards at the
family tomb at the end of seven days, to ensure Jesus’ followers would not steal his body
before then and claim He rose from the grave. Satisfied Roman guards were posted at the
Davidic family tomb entrance (research shows Jesus and Joseph were in fact brothers, and
Joseph of Aramathea was titled James [Justus; “Rightful Heir”] by the Hebrews, though the
Catholic Church has fought desperately to hide as much of Jesus’ family history as they could,
explaining why they savagely crushed efforts to translate the Bible except under their strict and
biased editorial auspices), Pilate left before dark, returning to his personal estates at
Caesarea, not realizing, as he rode west, that he may have been duped. The end of “a week”
was not so much seven days, as one might generally assume, but it was technically also the
following evening, Saturday (actually, Pilate might well have been aware of this, but said
nothing). This not only marked the end of a Hebrew week, the end of their Sabbath, but the
Greek word used for this day is “Sabaton”, meaning “seven days”, “a week”, and “Saturday”.

Those who knew the Qumrân mystics would also know these ascetics played with words and
phrases all the time, especially to hide the truth from those opposing them and their prying
eyes, such as their using plural tenses for people and for places to refer to representatives or
alternative sites relative to their converted Hasmonian Qumrân fortress. The posted Roman
guards, who all spoke Koine (meaning “Common,” but we now call it Bible Greek), because
they were ethnicities hailing from Africa to England, and would also understand this to mean
midnight Saturday, and likely happily, because it marked the end of a week; the seventh day.

We must also note the use of plural tenses for alternate sites makes all assumed inaccurate
distances in the Gospel of John and elsewhere make sense, if one used the alternate sites
these plural-tense place names represented, such as Jerusalems for Qumrân, as it was in
Acts 11:27 thru 30, and 12:25. There, it is written in Greek with first the plural tense, and then
the singular tense. Hence, though the text reads that Paul walked from Jerusalems to
Jerusalem, it therefore actually meant that Paul had walked from Qumrân to Jerusalem.

Note further that at the first wedding, a royal bride was legally classified as a Young Woman,
though not necessarily a sexual virgin. As was said before, experimentation was naturally
expected during espousal. An interesting situation would arise in cases where an espoused
royal bride became pregnant. In this situation the royal groom was given the choice to either
divorce; break the contract (a technical divorce because an engagement was a binding
agreement) and send her back to the convent, called being put away privily (to divorce without
public trial and without a public statement of the cause, so to not make for her an
embarrassing public spectacle), or he could choose to continue on with the wedding, though in
this case it would require combining both the first and second weddings in a single ceremony.
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If the bride became pregnant during espousal, sexual intimacy, normally encouraged upon
marriage, was no longer permitted until after the birth and these circumstances forced the two
weddings to be combined. As usual, upon marriage she was titled a young woman or virgin by
the first wedding rules, but not as woman/wife as the bride normally was after pregnancy. The
paradox here was that her status could not advance to woman/wife until they consummated
the marriage and she was found with child, but they could not consummate the marriage
because sexual congress was not permitted during pregnancy. Even so, once the child she
was carrying was born, her status would then be sanctioned to advance to woman/wife.
If Joseph gave her a writ of divorce and returned her to the convent (called the Queen's House
because all its chaste women held the royal rank of 50 (Hebrew Nun); the rank of a crowned
prince, to whom they were raised to wed), it being titled Bethlehems of Judea (note the plural
tense), to the Qumrân ascetics the child would be given into the service of the priests in their
New Heaven (Temple, but also titled by a plural tense) because they would have no legal
family line to carry on, and were therefore assigned the title "Lamb of God", as Jesus was by
the Hebrews, unlike their religious/political rivals, the Hellenists that Jesus was a member of.
The Hebrews, consisting mainly of Pharisees and Scribes (keepers of the law), begrudgingly
submitted to Roman rule, but endlessly argued fine points of Law with them. They also referred
to Jesus' regal status as not acceptable due to his conception during his parent’s espousal.
This was unlike the more liberal and then-presiding Hellenist Sect. The Hellenist's 6 CE
assumption of power at Qumrân was decreed by Quirinius, the Roman Governor of Syria, at
the same time he had ordered a census, due to the Hellenists fully accepting Roman
occupation. The Hellenists, who wrote and taught in the more universal Greek, consisted
mainly of Essenes, Egyptian Theraputae, and Samaritan Magi. Later that year, the Samaritan
Magi considered the ever-mounting political tensions unacceptable and split from the Peace
Hellenists, forming Jesus father's War Hellenists, and mounted guerrilla raids on the Romans,
spawning the Zealots (“Patriots”). Simeon, leader of the Essenes, had been High Priest until
they separated from Qumrân at soon after. Thereafter, he was titled Blind because he could
not read from their sacred books, he no longer being part of the community. They relocated to
Jerusalem's Peace Gate; their original meeting place. But later, when political tensions
reached even greater heights, they moved to the secluded environs of Mount Carmel.
In June of 8 BCE, Simeon the Essene was at that time the Bar Abba (Minister of the Father
(High Priest)), or Abiathar Priest (“Father of Abundance”), and was given the mystical
Syrian/Zadokite Tradition title of Gabriel, similar to the High Zadok (High Priest) title of Michael,
because priests were Ministers or Emissaries (Angels), and were believed to be incarnations
of those Angels. A senior priest was given a higher status of Chief Priest, or Archangel.
Simeon, then the Right Hand to the High Priest and counselor to the Left Hand, or King, who
was presently Jacob-Heli, Joseph’s (Yusef’s) father, managed to convince Joseph to continue
with his royal wedding to Judi (Yeudi; brides assumed private feminine titles based on the
groom’s title), for to bear a child, especially a male child, the following year, which would be an
epochal Shekinah year, was of paramount significance. There was no other possible way for
Joseph to achieve such unbelievable good fortune if he instead took up with another bride,
because the soonest another child could be born was much too late within the year following
the Shekinah. This was due to royal espousal being strictly bound to 1 June, thus missing out,
and especially because his current child would in fact be born within the Shekinah year.
Note: Jesus later elevated from the High Priest's Left Hand to his Right Hand by his blood-right
from his mother, sister to Eucharia, who were of Benjamin's priestly Hasmonian Line. Reread
this last sentence carefully. I drop such subtle hints throughout my written works.
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Jesus’ grandfather, Jacob-Heli, helped found our common calendar, meant to be a 1000-year
countdown, beginning with the year 1 (then, counting always started at 1). Later, his son,
Joseph and Jesus’ later-Disciple Thaddeus added an out of the ordinary zero-generation
adjustment to offset it in order to cut the generation of Herod the Great from their millennial
hierarchical timetable, once it was clear the Davidic bloodline could recoup regal power in
Israel, thanks in part to the portent attributed by the Hellenist sect to Jesus’ Shekinah-year birth
and to the fact Governor Quirinius had also reinstated the Hellenists in power in 6 CE.

Notice this new calendar did not begin on the year of Jesus' birth, but on James'. This is because
the Hebrews were in power until Syria's governor Quirinius assigned authority to the Hellenists in 6
CE, but until then the sticklers for the Law Hebrews recognized only James' birth as legitimate. As
you can see, when God Wills something, it always comes about in ways no one ever expects.

Note the crowned prince (titled David (“Beloved”) from traditions of the Royal House of Judah,
or Jacob (James) from traditions of the Royal House of Israel) must wed by 36 to 40, after his
doctrinal schooling, which followed his “rebirth” to the community at Bar Mitzvah at age 12,
making him an “Infant” (Initiate) in the community, where the common marriage age was 14,
but, again, by 24 for common men if they took up apprenticeship. At age 24, or age “12” as a
Doctrinal Initiate (due to their Bar Mitzvah community rebirth), the crowned prince, as did his
younger brother, James, who the severely strict Hebrew sect considered the legitimate Royal
Crowned Prince, then went through deeper initiation and schooling due to their later royal
obligations, following their final examination by the elders in the Temple, and then they
continued even deeper initiation in doctrinal mysteries until each reached the age of 36.

Unlike Jesus, James was a Hebrew, like their mother and their cousin who led the Hebrew
sect, John the Baptist. Because James was recognized as legitimate by the Hebrews, though
he did in fact recognized Jesus' legitimacy, he had to do so as a secret disciple of his brother.

John the Baptist was given the title of Teacher of Righteousness by those following him in the
Hebrew sect. Many religious scholars, fearful of the implications, try to reassign this title to a
period a century previous, but the logic to justify such a reassignment fails completely,
especially when we consider the Gnostic Mandaeans of northern Iraq, who still regard John
the Baptist as their Teacher of Righteousness. The Mandaeans are direct descendants of the
Hebrew sect at Qumrân, the ascetic branch who had authored the community histories in the
Dead Sea Scrolls, and who had migrated east to Persia before Jerusalem fell. Even today,
they hold John the Baptist as their first and most revered leader. They also hold Jesus as a
subsequent leader, but who betrayed special secrets of their “Craft”, which had previously
been the exclusive purview of Levite Priests (these were the lost secrets of the Freemasons).

Common women wed by age 13, usually right after their Bat Mitzvah. However, a royal bride,
typically a royal from the Royal House of Judah if of the kingly line, or of the Royal House of
Israel if from the priestly Hasmonean line, were always given the revered title of Miriam (Mary;
Beloved), and in those times, no woman outside of these regal lines could bear this august
title, and they were all retained in a secluded, chased, acetic state at a convent for women (the
Qumrân convent was the Order of Women at a place called Bethlehems of Judea (plural),
which was a building known as the “Queen’s House”, one kilometer South-Southwest of
Qumrân, and not to the literal village of Bethlehem (Beyth Lechem), meaning “House of the
Bread”, referring to the abundant Manna “bread” used there, extracted from Dead Sea water),
and was typically wedded to a royal prince or priest by age 16, after at least 4 years of higher
schooling to indoctrinate them as ecclesiastic priestesses.
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Princesses marrying after 16 was common if an eligible match to a crowned prince or a priest was
not yet available, being a constant game of chance and waiting, with many vying for position, so
intervening time, even years were padded with supplemental doctrinal training. If the delay was
unusually long, it even included training normally reserved for men. Such training required that they
also be assigned male titles and granted equal standing, to quell patriarchal-tradition objections,
such as those by the Baptismal (Fisher) Priests Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, though this
was not an issue with the high standing tithe-collecting Levite Priest Matthew Annas (tithes were
called taxes back in those days) or his brothers, the Apostle Nathaniel (Jonathan Annas) and
Theophilus, all three sons of the current High Priest and head of the Peace Hellenists, Ananus,
who had been Jesus’ Temple mentor, and who was also the father-in-law to Joseph Caiaphas.
This extended education was the case for Miriam Migdal-Eder, who did not marry until age 27,
which, due to her resulting substantial ecclesiastic status, noted by her wearing red, showing
her to be a cardinal (bishops and cardinals existed in Judaism, as do the roots of Christianity in
the Nazorite order, rites rooted in Chapter 6 of the Book of Numbers), she having received
advanced initiation, giving her a higher rank than most other priests. Thus, she was given the
education and rank of scholarly men as John Mark (AKA Bartholomew; “Furrow”). In time, she
became the representative of all the Apostles; the Apostle of the Apostles. Why she was called
the Beloved Apostle, and why she was even called Jesus' brother, and why he was even
reported instructing her to go on a mission as a man, should now be obvious.
Note that until the 11th century, all names were titles used to describe a person. That is why
one person could actually bear many titles by various groups one dealt with, much as we might
describe a person to someone else when we cannot remember that person's given name.
Further, some of the titles given people and groups might give one pause when thinking about
the Sermon on the Mount. It sounds like a recruitment campaign when you stop and consider
that these Qumrân mystics classed their Community adherents by hierarchal-titled distinctions,
such as “Blind”, “Lame”, “Crippled”, “Lepers”, and so on. For example, the mystics themselves
were called not only the “Poor”, but also Galileans, the Brethren, the Saints, the Bathers, the
Men of Essa, the Mysterious Ones, the Puritans, the Physicians, the Apron Wearers, the
Multitude, and many, many others, depending on their relationship to different communities
and groups. This includes epitaphs given to the Zealot War Hellenists by the Romans, like
Sicarii, for their Sica daggers, and Lestes, “Outlaws”, though often mistranslated to “thieves.”
Royalty, in ancient times, had more of Cain's blood, had naturally elongated skulls, pale skin,
blonde or red hair, and large blue/blue-green eyes, and sometines 6 fingers and toes. These were
features predominate in Egyptian and Mesopotamian paintings and sculptures of their royals,
especially up through the 18th Dynasty begun by Thutmosis (meaning “Thoth/David the Righteous
King”). They were called Messeh Pharaohs (Anointed Kings), before Egyptian blood became
thinned with more common blood after Moses also secreted his senior peerage royal daughters
away as he fled out of Egypt into its Sinai Eastern Province. This was important to Seti I, because
his father was a minor royal and had been Moses' father's senior military general, technically not in
line for succession. This is why pharaoh, Seti I (Ramesses II) upon learning Moses took not only a
potential queen he needed to secure his royal claim, but Moses had also killed pharaoh’s father,
Pa-Ramesses (Ramesses I), but that was only because Pa-Ramesses had first tried to kill him..
Joshua later led the Hebrews into the human-hybrid-filled Amalekite lands of Canaan. God
commanded his armies to kill every Amalekite in Canaan, including all of its women and children,
because their blood was abomination, being Human/angel hybrids, such as was the likes of the
surviving giant Goliath and his brothers. The elongated head denoted the Mark of Cain (Hebrew
Q'ayin, from Mesopotamian KA.IN, from which the titles King and Queen derive), and signified their
profound intelligence, making them natural picks for leaders in exchange for the full protection of
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their human peoples (commoners), who royals were forbidden from breeding with (a tradition from
the days of Noah, because this was said by The Book of Enoch to have brought about the Great
Flood, bringing a virtual end to the virulent hybrids, chimeras and partial humans, leaving Noah's
family as the only remaining people on the Earth – though perhaps not morally perfect, yet perfect
in the flesh because they were not hybrids (Noah's son's wives might have only had less mixed
blood). The Fallen Angels were trying to destroy the line of Seth, to prevent the coming of the
prophesied One True King. REALLY think about this! This King will be of the Line of Seth, not Cain.
Royals were actually hybrids who likely hid in deep underground tunnels and caverns to survive
the Flood. Now, they are more humanly mixed, originally conceived between the Fallen Angels and
the daughters of men they took. This is why royal pedigrees often actually boast of descent from
gods. This royal line from Tubal-Cain, direct descendants of Q’ayin, survived because The Book of
Enoch reports that they were taken aboard the Ark as long as they promised not to try to interbreed
with the descendants of Noah’s family. They may have also sealed themselves within deep
underground tunnels and caves they built to prepare for the long-expected Flood. Considering this,
one must ponder why Men constantly demand God give them sons of Cain as their leaders.
Note that most biblical heroes were likely historic (Job was also likely based on a real person),
but often they might be partially based on other persons to fill out their historic resumes, some
grossly out of sequence, but only to tell a more exciting and memorable moral story. For
example, part of David, the Righteous King's history is based on Pharaoh Thutmosis III, which
translates to King David the Righteous (Thutmosis was actually a contemporary of, and half-
brother to Abraham and Sarah, all fathered by senior Mesopotamian royal Terah). That is
because Mosis means “The Righteous [Heir],” and Thut/Thoth (pronounced thoot), Egyptian
TWT, transliterates directly to Hebrew DVD; David. However, he is also the historic David, killer
of Goliath, born of Joshua’s blood, likely through Meritaten, Moses' senior-peerage daughter.
Joshua was partly based on Tutankhamen, son to Akhenaten, but the historic Joshua, the
Israelite's young and brilliant military leader, was no doubt Meritaten's senior-peerage son.
Historically, Akhenaten/Moses died atop a mountain in Gaza (Pe-Kanan), in hand-to-hand
combat with Seti I (Ramesses II), after Akhenaten murdered Pa-Ramses (Ramses I) before
fleeing Egypt to the Sinai, but only because Pa-Ramses tried killing him. Seti I was also after,
but failed to secure the senior royal stock Akhenaton stole away, who were Akhenaton's own
children. Even historic King Solomon, son of David, is partially based on a pharaoh. The Bible
points out that King Solomon had built great and magnificent edifices all over the Mideast, and
Solomon, called The Magnificent, had magnificent gold mines. But you would be mostly wrong.
The gold mines of Amenhotep III, who was also titled The Magnificent, is at issue here,
because Pharaoh Amenhotep III is recorded to have actually built the great edifices all across
the Mideast that Solomon was only said to have built, and the Judean structures were later
attributed to Solomon in their mixed Egyptian, Canaanite and Babylonian religion.
I inferred Joshua was Moses/Akhenaten's son, not of Nun (ponder the subtext here of how the historic
Joshua was sired in an isolated desert community, where they needed to keep the regal line strongest).
“Son of Nun” is a naive translation, where meanings for son can get confused, meaning also student,
retainer, or a member of an order. Nun (Nuwn) is not only a Hebrew letter with a value of 50, but it is
also the dynastic hierarchical ranking of a Crowned Prince, ranked below, and immediate next in royal
peerage to the King; Samekh (60). Also, to say one was a son or child of something is to equally infer
membership, whether to a family, an order, or that one belongs to a specific class, such as the class of
Nun (as the regal maids-in-waiting were at Qumrân). Hebrew “Ben Nuwn” actually transliterates to “son
of Nuwn”, “ranked 50”, and “Crowned Prince.” This ranking system goes back thousands of years to
ancient Mesopotamia, and was still in use at Qumrân during the Gospel period. Finally, due to the rules
of succession in place in those ancient times, Joshua could not have succeeded Moses unless he was
Moses’ son and/or held senior-peerage. Their traditions permit no other conclusion.
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Also, has anyone wondered why Moses needed Bezaleel, Son of Hur, a master metal smith
and descendant of the Master Craftsman, Tubal-Cain, fashion the Shew Bread (Shining Bread,
because it made the soul shine)? It was fashioned by the Ark of the Covenant acting on base
gold (or any platinum metal, but gold and silver were the most potent, which is why they
became precious bartering goods), transmuting it to fine white powdery Shem-an-na, or Manna
(Egyptians called it MFKTZ, which it and Manna mean “what is it”, rendering it at the Hathor
temple atop Mount Horeb in the south Sinai, where Moses acquired the Tablets), formed into
beads, much like the conical bread cakes made for Melchizedek (Michael-Zadok, stemmed
from Hebrew Melek-Tsedeq, meaning King of Righteousness, or Priest King). You may also
want to examine the story relating to how Moses had all the gold from the Baal calf idol
reduced to powder, washing it in water, and then making his people drink of it, recounted in
Exodus 32:20: "And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it
to powder, and strowed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it." Gold
ground to powder would still be metal and be heavy and even toxic and would just sink to the
bottom. But were it converted through a powerful electric arc (or even a nuclear explosion) into
high-spin monatomic gold, it would be light, fluffy, powdery, and mix well with water (the Dead
Sea is heavily saturated with it. One wonders of the catastrophic devastation God wrought
upon the once-prospering Edomite cities of Sodom and Gomorrah along its southern shores),
Note that Cain (Hebrew Q’ayin, or Mesopotamian KA.IN) was sired by the Lord, later cited as
Yahuah, according to the Book of Genesis. According to the Sumerian texts they referenced,
they worshiped the Lord. But, being Satanic, according to them the father of Q’ayin was Baal
(Lord), meaning the Serpent, as even the Jewish Commentary makes note. In Genesis 4:1, the
title Lord was changed to Yahuah, where the present Hebrew text itself directly translates to:
“Adamah, learning Chavvah his wife became pregnant and bore Q'ayin, declared, “You got a
man together with Yahuah!”” Chavvah is normally translated to Eve, both of which mean the
same as Rachel; Mother of the Living. Note further that the Israelites held in captivity in
Babylon had never before heard of Yahuah, except as verbal traditions developed, because
this title was not introduced into their histories until about 500 years before the birth of Jesus.
One must understand why Mary Magdalene, or more accurately Miriam Migdal-Eder, was
eventually, yet incorrectly called a prostitute. She was in fact the “Tower of the Flock”, a title for
the senior royal princess; the Daughter of Zion. This title was given the Mary (“Beloved”), as
Queen (Q’ayin) to the Davidic Dynasty, The Royal House of Judah, who it’s King (the David;
“Beloved”), must wed by law. Though 27 years old, not the optimal 16, she was easily the
highest ranking eligible princess of the Royal Hasmonian Dynasty, the Royal House of Israel,
daughter to Eucharia, a high-born Hasmonian Princess, and Syrus, the Jairus Priest, and duly
titled Migdal-Eder in accordance to Micah 4:8, which eventually anglicized into Magdalene
(Micah 4:8: “And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee
shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.”)
Note further that the tradition of Miriam Migdal-Eder as a prostitute came from a Homily on
Luke given 14 September 591 by Pope Gregory the Great, saying Mary Magdalene, the
companion of Jesus, was not only Mary of Bethany, which is more obvious than most realize,
but also, and against any evidence, the adulterous woman brought before Jesus, as was
described in John 7:53-8:11 (note Gregory’s intent may not have been to demean Mary, but to
simply make her more accessible to women of less noble virtue). The Church disseminated
this myth with stout conviction until 1969, when they finally recanted by withdrawing the
teaching of this slanderous distortion. Sadly, too many people still believe this fabrication. Also
in 1969, the Church raised her to the office of Patron Saint of Winegrowers, which also
strongly and symbolically, though secretly associated her with her Royal Blood (Sangrael).
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Note that John 7:53-8:11 never existed in any Greek copies of John's Gospel, but was inserted
in Jerome's Latin edition in the late 4th Century. Further, if the Scribes (keepers of the law) and
Pharisees presenting the adulterous woman to Jesus, saying, “Master, this woman was taken
in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned”,
one familiar with Leviticus 20:10 and Deuteronomy 22:22-24, would know that the adulterer
must be presented and judged right along with the adulteress. Though a wonderful story, the
very fact that the adulterer was left out of it would alone cast doubt on its authenticity. Further,
Miriam Migdal-Eder was never previously associated with this story. It was simply a result of
mistakenly associating unrelated traditions by not fully understanding or vetting them.
Although the Gospel of Philip was found among the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Gospels in 1945,
most Christians are familiar with the following passages: “There were three who always walked
with the Lord: Mary, his mother, and his sister, and Magdalene, the one who was called his
companion. His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary.” The word
Companion also meant partner and comrade. But, when speaking of such between a man and
a woman, especially in their ancient culture, it specifically meant a spouse.
One must consider what the Ark of the Covenant did. It looked similar to the Anubis Ark found
in the tomb of Tutankhamen. It had incredible electrical properties like a huge Leyden Jar (this
electrical lightening effect was called “The Presence”). It was ported using nsulated arcadia
staves. To touch it was death if not properly insulated or by ignoring handling rules. Those who
attended to it were called Levites, not referring to descent from a son of Jacob, but were from
the city of Mal-lawi, next to Amarna, meaning “City of the Levites”; the center for the Egyptian
architects who built the Pyramids.. The attire these Levites wore were special sleeveless robes
with white linen aprons, intricate gold breastplates, jewels, braiding, and they walked barefoot
(refer to Exodus 28). They also had tassels, hanging from their uniforms to drag against the
ground. Anyone working with high voltage electricity would recognize this obvious grounding
precaution. These uniforms, called Archons, meant “Architects”, clearly identifying their bearers
and their holy duties. You may even recognize that this title as the root of the word levitation.
This association might seem odd, unless you understand they used arks to render gold to a
superconductive ORME powder with a gravitational attraction of less than zero, and could pass
that superconductive property on to anything it was applied to, even to cyclopean stones.
Why Miriam Migdal-Eder was identified as a prostitute was due to intentional mistranslation. Like
the Crowned Prince, his Princess bore a legal obligation as a protectoress; a matriarchal guardian;
a protector of her people. The Greek word for protectoress is prostatis, which was anglicized by a
woman-hating Church to Prostitute (Greek Porni). Yet, when Paul spoke in Romans 16:1-2 of his
benefactor Phebe (Greek Phoibe; “goddess; shining one”), she is identified as a succourer, even
though this title is actually translated directly from this very same Greek word prostatis.
You might want to also look into the word that became Whore, because it referred to Temple Vestal
Virgins, called Hores, which actually means Angels. The fact this term was dragged into the mud
was because of their virgin menstrual fluid, which was extremely potent in serotonin. This is why
Satanists drink blood and semen, which has the same effect, yet drinking blood from a cruelly
murdered child victim was extremely potent, which became necessary when their genetic purity
was diluted as they were forced to breed with commoners to avoid diseases borne from
inbreeding. This practice was common to child sacrifice cults, as the Cainites were performing on a
large scale to sate the appetites of the giant Nephilim multitude living among them, to include
cannibalism, where more of the heightened levels of fear-induced adrenal hormones and peptides
the devourers needed were found. This blood, manna, or filtered Dead Sea water, giving them the
ingredients required to communicate with the Far World, was to be consumed only by hybrids
(royals). It excited the pineal gland, which forces production of more serotonin, in turn increasing
Page 14

production of DMT (N-Dimethyltryptamine), directly associated with our ability to visualize clear,
sharp images, it is responsible for any sense of spirituality, it allows us to even dream, to expand
imagination and higher IQs. Note that excess DMT causes waking hallucinations, and such people
often report being threatened, attacked, or even possessed by demons, which they describe as
looking like "gray" aliens that we often associate with ghosts and UFO abduction nightmares, along
with the “gray's” obsession with genetic hybridization and a lust for sexual experiences. Note that
increased Vitamin A consumption, such as by eating lots of liver, also augments serotonin and
DMT production, and expands our visual acuity much deeper into the infrared spectral range.
Living blood is electron-rich, passing those electrons on to the body through oxygen as energy.
Further, drinking blood forces one's own blood-iron to naturally double, which in turn causes
the body to become 'lazy' in its own production of electrons. This causes their blood to become
electron-starved free radicals (acidic) that will naturally dissolve any living cell in their body to
harvest electrons, causing slow, tortured death if they ever ceased imbibing more living blood.
By the way, acidic blood is a magnet for cancer if its electron balance cannot be maintained.
The above blood consumption was forbidden by God among the Israelites, remembered as His
admonishment against the consumption of blood, and for the very reasons listed above, which also
caused some in rare cases to lose their minds or to be possessed by demons. As such, they
figured a way around it that gave them the exact same results, which was Shem-an-na, or Manna,
produced by processing base gold through the dangerously electrical properties of the Ark of the
Covenant. The ascetic mystics occupying the ancient Hasmonian fortress above the outlet of Wadi
Qumrân discovered another way. They employed a tradition from Melchizedek, which was in turn
learned from the Canaanites, by filtering the rich and unique Dead Sea water they rested above,
thickly saturated with powder-like monotonic platinum metals, like silver, gold and iridium, which
were in turn stuck to tiny beads of pitch. They then baked it into unleavened bread cakes to be
consumed by those with royal (divine) blood. This also included the priests, who were all hybrids
descended from the gods. It was used to excite their pineal glands during a sacred evening
Eucharist rite as the Bread of Life, and mixed with Wine it became the Water of Life, and which
also increased serotonin and DMT production. This consequently realigned and perfected their
DNA, repaired the telomerase caps on the end of their DNA strands, which naturally extended their
lives, skyrocketed their immune system, shot their IQ up, and so perfected their system, giving
them such an incredible spiritual high they were able to commune with the very Angels of Heaven.
This latter portion was the scary part, because they had to be careful not to contact the darker
spirits instead, those fouler among the fallen angels or their children, the Raphaim, who were
for the most part cast by God into an unseen dimension just beyond this one at the time of the
Great Flood, and ever since they have been trying to create hybridized bodies so they can
again effectively inhabit and function normally within this physical dimension.
This may be the reason why many American Indian Nations were suddenly wiped out around 1300
CE, because Cloudeaters, what they also called giants, came through their sacred Kiva, their
Stargate, such as the famous kiva atop Mount Graham in Arizona that is so sacred to the Apache
Indians. Note that the Vatican somehow bypassed Apache protest and set up an observatory in
order to look for space aliens, who seem to pop in from a dimension in the space between the
earth and the moon, which was called the heavens by the ancients (though some would simply
describe as Hell, as even I have done, but is technically incorrect), detectable mostly in the Infrared
light range, which might explain why the Vatican set up a powerful binocular infrared-sensitive
L.U.C.I.F.E.R. telescope there as they openly search for alien life in the Earth-Moon region.
Another kiva was used by the Anasazi, and also the Ahaiyuta; Mound Builders whose mounds
were the burial sites of Cloudeater nations, and many, many others, where these Cloudeaters
quickly killed entire nations of peoples to charge themselves up by biting their victim’s heads off
and squeezing out their blood.
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Actually, if you think about it, by 1300 CE the American Indian population was about 100
million, which was 30 million more than the whole of Europe. But suddenly, long before
Christopher Columbus came along, 90% of the American Indian population suddenly died out.
It has long been assumed to have been caused by a pre-Columbus plague. But I wonder,
because apart from the fact that there is no actual evidence for a pandemic. but of only of 90
million people disappearing, normally reasoned as being due to some catastrophic plague
before foreign European explorers had breached their shores. More interestingly, there is also
no signs of massive burial sites for all these bodies. What I mean is that there should be 90
million bodies laying about for the remaining 10 million people to bury. This comes to 10 bodies
for every surviving man, woman, and child. Considering the widespread and corroborating
tales among Medicine Men and Tribal Story Keepers, I wonder if a sudden insurgence by
Cloudeaters was the cause? And afterwards these Cloudeaters died off through starvation and
the need to feed their double-iron blood, because they had consumed all but the hiding “food”.
After all, during the push westward throughout the 19th century, farmers were digging up giant
humanoid skeletons everywhere, every time they went to plow a fresh field. Since then, all
these bones have been taken, stored, or even destroyed, mainly by the Smithsonian Institute
(there are still living witnesses). I wonder who within our and other governments is behind this
agenda? And Why? What do they not want us to know? Is it because hybrid Indian shamen,
who commune with the gods through these Stargates, have reported that the gods have told
them that they will soon return? Note that tales of giants in Europe appeared at this same time.
It also makes one wonder if the advent of giants were partly behind some of the stories of the
plagues that took so many millions of lives at the same time American Indians were being
decimated? Could the giants, not rats, have brought the plagues? Just a goofy speculation.
In the final analysis, if Jesus the Christ had not been married in this strict Jewish culture, and
especially of royal pedigree, where all males were required to be married, then if he had not in
fact been married, this would have been news beyond news, and he would not have been
accepted AT ALL within Hebrew society by Law, which means he would have not been allowed
to even begin his mission. One should also look into why he was called by the very difficult to
obtain title of Teacher and Rabbi, which were prestigious titles that were not just thrown around
to every Tom, Dick and Joseph that came along espousing philosophy. Begin your search
through his Greek title of Ho Tekton in the Bible, as his father had been, meaning Master
Craftsman, which specifically had to do with working with metal, not with wood as a carpenter,
where the Greek text in the Bible would have used ksulourgos instead, though again, ho
tekton was misunderstood. Look back to the traditions of Tubal-Cain and to his descendants.
There is a growing number of highly credentialed researchers who are starting to conclude
from exhaustive investigation that this hybridization, which is in fact a corruption of the flesh of
man, might be a matter of historical truth, though most modern enthusiasts imagine them to be
what the American Indians called Star People. But the American Indians (from indios, derived
from the Italian Christopher Columbus’ broken Spanish description of them as "una geste in
Dios", or "a people in God", not for Indians from India, who were so-named for the Indus River
Valley) and as the Cloudeaters, who came through a sacred portal called a Kiva, which
translates to a Stargate. These Stargates were opened using ritual intonations, rhythmic
dance, and induced by music-enhanced altered states of consciousness, which tradition said
allowed inter-dimensional communication, trade, and transport through these Stargates. Such
sacred Stargate sites are located all over the United States and indeed the world. If one ever
imagines invasion from aliens, they might consider that it will not come from the stars, but from
"within" the Earth, though we must also consider the vast underground tunnel and cavern
network Nephilim had designed and built (this may be the basis for a belief in a Hollow Earth).
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As a parting note, I would like to share one last bit of fascinating Bible trivia. The key point I
based on something I found at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies. The rest I drew from my
own research, that of the late Dr. Barbara Thiering, and the Clementine Homilies.

Do you know why the Temple leaders were so upset with the sign Pontius Pilate posted above
Jesus's head on his cross, written in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew? It was not so much the
wording, which translates to "Yeshua the Nazarite and the King of the Jews", but what can be
drawn from its Hebrew rendering: “ ‫"ישוע הנצרי ומלך היהודים‬. If we borrow a technique from
Hebrew Gematria (Numerology) and take the first glyph of each Hebrew word (remember,
Hebrew reads from right to left), it results in “‫ ;”יהוה‬YHVH; Yehuah.

Pilate not only clearly had a sense of humor and irony, but he was also sticking it to them for
endlessly nagging him over even the most insignificant points in law. After all, he knew,
contrary to later church-invented dogma, that the Temple leaders could carry out executions
(and meet at night), but they just did not want to have this charismatic teacher's blood on their
hands because he was so wildly popular, and Pilate could find no fault in him.

If they were able to bar any of those following Jesus from attending the trial (which was easy,
being that their words were respected as if the voice of the Lord had emitted from their lips),
pay some rabble to attend, witness and to demand the release of the Bar Abba the Romans
were holding prisoner, they would have it made. The Abiathar Priest had recently killed a guard
in a scuffle as he and two fellow Zealots (Simon and Judas) tried to sabotage Pilate's personal
aqueduct, which had been illegally paid for using Temple funds. Apparently the small
community of Levites, amassing uncounted wealth by collecting taxes (tithes) from this bustling
trade-route intersection's exploding population, they could buy off whomever they pleased.
Page 17

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