Assignment: International Human Resource Management MGT 4125

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International Human Resource Management

MGT 4125

Submitted by:
Name: Razib hossen
Batch: 44
ID: 20162100000107
Section: 1
Program: BBA

Submitted to:
Tawfeeq Hasan
Lecturer, Southeast University
Suppose, you are the HR Manager of Nestle Bangladesh Limited.What staffing approach you are
going to choose?What advantages and disadvantages you may face for prioritizing a certain types of

Nestle is the transnational food and drink company having headquarter in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland.
The company is one of the leading player in food processing industry and it is earning huge amount
revenue. The Nestle is listed among the fortune 500 company at the rank of 72 (Nestle, 2015). Being
the leading player of industry, the Nestle has number of unique resources, of which the most
important is human resource.

Staffing approach

I am going to choose Polycentric Approach.

In Polycentric Approach, the nationals of the host country are recruited for the managerial
positions to carry out the operations of the subsidiary company. The rationale behind this
approach is that the locals of the host country know their culture better and can run the
business more efficiently as compared to their foreign counterparts.

Advantages of Polycentric Approach

 The difficulty in the adjustment of expatriates from the parent country gets
 The hiring of locals or the nationals of the host country is comparatively less
 The morale of the local staff increases.
 Better productivity due to better knowledge about the host market.
 The career opportunities for the nationals of the host country increases.
 Better government support.
 Chances of success are high.

Disadvantages of Polycentric Approach

 Lack of coordination between the host and the parent company, due to the absence of a link
that gets created when expatriates from the parent country hold the managerial positions at
the subsidiary.
 The lack of effective communication between the staff members of both the host and the
parent company, due to the language barrier.
 Difficult to exercise control over the subsidiary.
 Lack of knowledge about the market conditions of the host country.
 The conflict may arise between the managers of both the host and the parent company due
to the different thinking processes.

In this approach, the natives of the host country are chosen to run the operations of the subsidiary
and are given the authority to formulate strategies for the business keeping the mission and vision of
the subsidiary company in mind. Whereas the parent country nationals hold key positions at the
corporate headquarters and scrutinize the operations of the subsidiary from the home office.

What factors will affect expatriate performance if a Canadian citizen is assigned to work in a
multinational firm in Bangladesh? (Assume that the Canadian citizen is a PCN)

Factor moderating expatriate performance
 Inability to adjust to the foreign culture
 Length of assignment
 Willingness to move
 Work related factor
 Psychological contract employment relationship

A Canadian citizen is assigned to work in a multinational company in Bangladesh is possible with his
quality performance and functions to complete with company work. Local citizens of Bangladesh will
demand to complete their local needs with employment, and if there is the availability of job make
them self empowered with the job. In the multinational company, they can allow performing any
outer from their local place because they have option and inputs to describe their job interventions
but if the local peoples make it raise awareness help to convert with law enforcement. Multinational
companies and Canadian citizens do not have any problems with expertise working performance and
help promote their multinational company or generate more local works for regional peoples to help
them with employment.

Expertise performance does not allow the company to convert their regional rights and
responsibilities with having good lifestyle culture and employment to make life safe with their
families. It will decrease their demands functions about the company in Bangladesh and decrease
the systemic risk for the local community to achieve their working performance in the company
design. Save their local users and designs to promote their local business, and multinational
corporations for citizens and companies work for the local market.
Suppose, your England based multinational company wants to send a PCN in the Pakistan subsidiary
for the position of Business Analyst. What should be the selection criteria for this position? (Assume
that the PCN is English citizen)


Selection criteria for the position of Business Analyst

Adaptability to Cultural Change

Overseas managers must be able to adapt to change. They also need a degree of cultural toughness.
Research shows that many managers are exhilarated at the beginning of their overseas assignment.
After a few months, however, a form of culture shock creeps in, and they begin to encounter
frustration and feel confused in their new environment.

Physical and Emotional Health

Most organizations require that their overseas managers have good physical and emotional health.
Some examples are fairly obvious. An employee with a heart condition would be rejected for
overseas assignment; likewise, an individual with a nervous disorder would not be considered. The
psychological ability of individuals to withstand culture shock also would be considered, as would
the current marital status as it affects the individual’s ability to cope in a foreign environment.

Language Training

One recognized weakness of many Multinational Corporations is that they do not give sufficient
attention to the importance of language training. English is the primary language of international
business, and most expatriates from all countries can converse in English. Those who can speak only
are at a distinct disadvantage when doing business in non-English-speaking countries.
Spouses and Dependents or Work-Family Issues

Spouses and dependents are another important consideration when a person is to be chosen for an
overseas assignment. If the family is not happy, the manager often performs poorly and may either
be terminated or simply decide to leave the organization.One popular approach in appraising the
family’s suitability for an overseas assignment is called adaptability screening. This process evaluates
how well the family is likely to stand up to the rigors and stress of overseas life. The company will
look for a number of things in this screening, including how closely knit the family is, how well it can
withstand stress, and how well it can adjust to a new culture and climate.

Leadership Ability

The ability to influence people to act in a particular way-leadership-is another important criterion in
selecting managers for an international assignment. Determining whether a person who is an
effective leader in the home country will be equally effective in an overseas environment can be
difficult, however. When determining whether an applicant has the desired leadership ability, many
firms look for specific characteristics, such as maturity, emotional stability, the ability to
communicate well, independence, initiative, creativity, and good health. If these characteristics are
present and the person has been an effective leader in the home country, MNC’s assume that the
individual also will do well overseas.

Motivation for a Foreign

Although individuals being sent overseas should have a desire to work abroad, this usually is not
sufficient motivation. International management experts contend that the candidate also must
believe in the importance of the job and even have something of an element of idealism or a sense
of mission. Applicants who are unhappy with their current situation at home and are looking to get
away seldom make effective overseas managers.

Some experts believe that a desire for adventure or a pioneering spirit is an acceptable reason for
wanting to go overseas. Other motivators that often are cited include the desire to increase one’s
chances for promotion and the opportunity to improve one’s economic status.

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