Literacy in A Changing World

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Ilias Saldaña

Literacy in a

In today's changing world, literacy takes on new meanings and

requires new skills and competencies. Here are some ways to think
about literacy and its evolution.


Increasingly, students This is because in many

are being judged not industries, projects are
in isolation, but by so large that no single
their ability to work person can tackle them
with others. alone. [1]

Separate the cooperation of yesterday from the collaboration of

today. We don't only need to hear and tolerate each other's
opinions, but value and advocate for them as well. [2]

Diversity of Expression

As the barrier to
creating viral content
falls, the need for a But literacy is moving towards
discerning consumer is a need to actively create
greater than ever. content, beyond mindfully
Students need practice consuming it. [2]
evaluating multimedia
sources [2]

Beyond creation,
With the advent of new
engaging with media in
technologies and social
media, a digitally new and groundbreaking
literate citizen can ways is essential. Today's
critically express their new technologies are
thoughts across a range tomorrow's
of modalities. [2] fundamentals

Access to a greater world

The library of accessible content has never
been larger. Students who have command of
the information at their fingertips are not
burdened, but empowered.

Students are also exposed to more global

perspectives. They need to learn how to
interact with them in a supportive and
culturally aware way.

[1] : From Education Institutions to Learning Flows. Institute for the Future (2013)
[2] : Definition of Literacy in a Digital Age. National Council of Teachers of English

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