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Class Subclass Description Race/alignment

Artificer Alchemist Potion brewer

Artificer Armourer I am Iron Man
Artificer Artillerist Shoot'em
Artificer Battle Smith Hobart's funny
Barbarian Battlerager Spikey Armour Dwarf only
Barbarian Path of The Ancestral Guardian tank
Barbarian Path of the Beast Semi lycanthrope
Barbarian Path of the berserker Leeroy Jenkins
Barbarian Path of the Storm Herald Surrounded by an aura
Barbarian Path of the Totem warrior choice of various features
Barbarian Path of the Wild Magic Random magic
Barbarian Path of the zealot Barbarian/paladin
Bard College of Eloquence Orator
Bard College of Glamour fabulous Fey ally
Bard College of Lore More Skills and spells
Bard College of Creation Make objects dance
Bard College of swords bard/swashbuckler
Bard College of Valour Bard/Fighter
Bard College of whispers Vicious evil
Cleric Arcane Domain Cleric/Wizard
Cleric death Domain Cleric/Necromancer
cleric Forge Domain Weaponsmith Dwarf tradition
cleric Grave Domain Anti Undead cleric
Cleric Knowledge Domain Cleric/Diviner
Cleric Life Domain Healbot 9000
Cleric Light Domain Cleric/Evoker
Cleric Nature Domain Cleric/Druid
Cleric Order domain Anal retentive
Cleric Peace Domain Why can't we love each other
Cleric Tempest Domain Cleric/Storm sorcerer
Cleric Twilight domain Nightime cleric
Cleric Trickery Domain Cleric/Rogue
Cleric War Domain Cleric/Fighter
Druid Circle of Dreams Protector/healer Fey ally
Druid Circle of wildfire I'm a firestarter, druidic firestarter
Druid Circle of spores Druid/necromancer
Druid Circle of the Land More spells
Druid Circle of the moon Stronger wildshape
Druid Circle of The Shepherd Shaman
Druid Circle of stars We are stardust
Fighter Arcane Archer Arcane Archer Elf tradition
Fighter Battle Master Choice of maneuvers
Fighter Cavalier Knight
Fighter Champion Vanilla fighter
Fighter Eldritch Knight Fighter/Wizard Elf tradition
Fighter Psi warrior Attack with objects Psionic
Fighter Purple Dragon Knight Warlord
Fighter Rune knight Enhance equipment Giant ally
Fighter Samurai Bushido
Monk Way of Shadow Monk/Shadowdancer
Monk Way of the Astral self Astral Iron Man
Monk Way of the Drunken Master
Monk Way of the four elements Monk/Sorcerer/Airbender
Monk Way of the Kensei Monk with a katana
Monk Way of the long Death Monk/necromancer
Monk Way of mercy Healer monk
Monk Way of the open Hand Vanilla Monk
Monk Way of the sun soul Monk/Evoker
Paladin Oath Of Conquest Darth Vader Lawful Evil
Paladin Oath of Devotion Traditional D&D Paladin Lawful Good
Paladin Oath of Heroism Chronic hero syndrome
Paladin Oath of Redemption Pacifist
Paladin Oath of the Ancients Hippy Paladin Neutral Good
Paladin Oath of the Watchers Anti extraplaner
Paladin Oath of the Crown Judge Dredd Lawful Neutral
Paladin Oath of Vengeance Batman Neutral
Paladin Oathbreaker Blackguard
Ranger Beast Master Ranger and pet
Ranger Gloom stalker Extra stealthy
Ranger Hunter Better attack and defence
Ranger Monster Slayer expert monster taker downer
Ranger Fey wanderer Feywild infused Fey ally
Ranger Horizon Walker Interplaner traveller
Ranger Swarm keeper Say hello to my little friends
Rogue Arcane Trickster Rogue/Wizard
Rogue Assassin Assassin
Rogue Inquisitive detective
Rogue Mastermind criminal boss
Rogue Phantom Necromancer rogue Undead
Rogue Scout Rogue/Ranger
Rogue Swashbuckler Rogue/Fighter
Rogue Thief Vanilla Rogue
Rogue Soulknife Psychic blades
Sorcerer Aberrant mind Psionic Abberation
Sorcerer Divine Soul Sorcerer/Cleric
Sorcerer Draconic Bloodline Draconic Disciple Dragonborn Traditi
Sorcerer Clockwork Soul Clockpunk
Sorcerer shadow magic Undeadish sorcerer
Sorcerer Storm Sorcery Air Sorcery
Sorcerer Wild Magic Chaotic magic
Warlock Hexblade Elric of Melnibone
Warlock The Fathomless Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Warlock The Archfey Away with the faeries Fey ally
Warlock The Celestial Warlock/Paladin
Warlock The Fiend Deal with the devil Tiefling tradition
Warlock The Great Old One Sanity 0
Warlock The Genie Phenomenal cosmic power, itty bitty living sp
Warlock The Undying Power over death
Wizard Bladesinging Wizard/Fighter Elf only
Wizard Conjuration Summoning
Wizard Divination Knowledge
Wizard Enchantment Charming
Wizard Evocation Blasting
Wizard Illusion Illusionist Gnome tradition
Wizard Order of Scribes Living spellbook
Wizard Necromancy Necromancer
Wizard School of Abjuration Protection
Wizard Transmutation Changing things
Wizard War Magic Artillery

abjuration 51 11 0.08
conjuration 77 8 0.06
Divination 32 17 0.13
Enchantmant 40 33 0.25
Evocation 101 17 0.13
Illusion 31 19 0.14
necromancy 36 7 0.05
transmutstion 93 21 0.16


cleric druid paladin

25 0.22 15 0.10 16 0.33
11 0.10 28 0.19 3 0.06
16 0.14 14 0.09 5 0.10
7 0.06 10 0.07 6 0.13
23 0.20 26 0.17 13 0.27
1 0.01 2 0.01 0 0.00
18 0.16 4 0.03 2 0.04
12 0.11 51 0.34 3 0.06
113 150 48
ranger sorcerer warlock
10 0.18 10 0.05 9 0.08
11 0.20 29 0.15 21 0.18
11 0.20 9 0.05 8 0.07
2 0.04 20 0.11 18 0.16
4 0.07 49 0.26 15 0.13
1 0.02 16 0.08 11 0.10
0 0.00 10 0.05 16 0.14
16 0.29 46 0.24 16 0.14
55 189 114
27 0.09
47 0.16
18 0.06
25 0.08
62 0.21
30 0.10
26 0.09
62 0.21
Name ◇ Size ◇ Challenge ◇ Source ◇ AC HP
Axe Beak Large 1/4 mm 317 11 19
Boar Medium 1/4 mm 319 11 11
Constrictor SnakeLarge 1/4 mm 320 12 13
Cow Large 1/4 vgm 207 10 15
Deep Rothe Medium 1/4 vgm 207 10 13
Dimetrodon Medium 1/4 vgm 139 12 19
Draft Horse Large 1/4 mm 321 10 19
Elk Large 1/4 mm 322 10 13
Giant Badger Medium 1/4 mm 323 10 13
Giant Bat Large 1/4 mm 323 13 22
Giant Centipede Small 1/4 mm 323 13 4
Giant Frog Medium 1/4 mm 325 11 18
Giant Lizard Large 1/4 mm 326 12 19
Giant Owl Large 1/4 mm 327 12 19
Giant Poisonous SMedium 1/4 mm 327 14 11
Giant Wolf SpiderMedium 1/4 mm 330 13 11
Hadrosaurus Large 1/4 vgm 140 11 19
Ox Large 1/4 vgm 207 10 15
Panther Medium 1/4 mm 333 12 13
Pteranodon Medium 1/4 mm 80 13 13
Riding Horse Large 1/4 mm 336 10 13
Rothe Large 1/4 vgm 207 10 15
Stench Kow Large 1/4 vgm 207 10 15
Velociraptor Tiny 1/4 vgm 140 13 10
Wolf Medium 1/4 mm 341 13 11
Ape Medium 1/2 mm 317 12 19
Black Bear Medium 1/2 mm 318 11 19
Crocodile Large 1/2 mm 320 12 19
Giant Goat Large 1/2 mm 326 11 19
Giant Sea Horse Large 1/2 mm 328 13 16
Giant Wasp Medium 1/2 mm 329 12 13
Reef Shark Medium 1/2 mm 336 12 22
Warhorse Large 1/2 mm 340 11 19
Allosaurus Large 2 mm 79 13 51
Aurochs Large 2 vgm 207 11 38
Cave Bear Large 2 mm 334 12 42
Giant Boar Large 2 mm 323 12 42
Giant Constrictor Huge 2 mm 324 12 60
Giant Elk Huge 2 mm 325 14 42
Hunter Shark Large 2 mm 330 12 45
Plesiosaurus Large 2 mm 80 13 68
Polar Bear Large 2 mm 334 12 42
Quetzalcoatlus Huge 2 vgm 140 13 30
Rhinoceros Large 2 mm 336 11 45
Saber-toothed TigLarge 2 mm 336 12 52
Brown Bear Large 1 mm 319 11 34
Deinonychus Medium 1 vgm 139 13 26
Dire Wolf Large 1 mm 321 14 37
Giant Eagle Large 1 mm 324 13 26
Giant Hyena Large 1 mm 326 12 45
Giant Octopus Large 1 mm 326 11 52
Giant Spider Large 1 mm 328 14 26
Giant Toad Large 1 mm 329 11 39
Giant Vulture Large 1 mm 329 10 22
Lion Large 1 mm 331 12 36
Tiger Large 1 mm 339 12 37
Speed special speed damage special attack
50 6
40 4 7 prone
30 swim 30 5 6 grapple
30 7 14 prone
30 7 14 prone
30 swim 20 9
40 9
50 8 13 prone
30 burrow 10 10
10 fly 60 5
30 climb 30 4+10
30 swim 30 4 4 grapple
30 climb 30 6
5 fly 60 8 flyby
30 swim 30 6+10
40 climb 40 4+7
40 7
30 7 14 prone
50 climb 40 5 9 prone
10 fly 60 6 flyby
60 8
30 7 14 prone
30 7 14 prone
30 9 pack
40 7 7 prone
30 climb 30 12 thrown 6
40 climb 30 12
20 swim 30 7 7 grapple
40 8 13 prone
swim 40 4 11 prone
10 fly 50 5+10
swim 40 6 pack
60 11 22 prone
60 15 23 prone
50 14 23 prone
40 swim 30 21
40 10 17 prone
30 swim 30 11 13 grapple
60 22 18 prone
swim 40 13
20 swim 40 14
40 swim 30 21
10 80 22 flyby
40 14 23 prone
40 12 22 prone
40 climb 30 19
40 18 12 prone
50 pack 10 10 prone
10 fly 80 16
50 10 rampage
10 swim 60 10 10 grapple
30 climb 30 7+9 ranged grapple
20 swim 40 13 13 grapple
10 fly 60 16 pack
50 7 13 prone
40 8 15 prone
Animal Master Dwarf warrior Range, animal handling proficiency, spells include animal freindship, speak with anim
Axe for hire Dwarf warrior Fighter, soldier background
Clans dwarf Dwarf warrior fighter, clan crafter background
Hearth guard Dwarf warrior Fighter, Folk hero background
Battlerager Dwarf warrior Barbarian, berserker
Highborn Dwarf warrior Fighter, noble background
Outcast Dwarf warrior Fighter, outlander background, proficiency in Stealth, survival, one artisans tools
Rapid response rDwarf warrior Fighter, animal handling proficiency. Mounted combatant feat at level 4.
Sharp shooter Dwarf warrior Fighter, Crossbow expert feat at level 4. Battlemaster with maneivers work with rang
Crafts proest Dwarf priest Cleric, clan crafter background
Pariah Dwarf prest Cleric, trickery domain
Patrician Dwarf priest Cleric, noble background
Ritual priest Dwarf priest Cleric, folk hero background
Champion Dwarf warrior/prPaladin, devotion
Temple Guard Dwarf warrior/prMulticlass /ighter/cleric: domain according to which temple
Vindicator Dwarf warrior/prZeolot (barbarian)
Diplomat Dwarf thief High charisma rogue, noble background. Expertise in pursuade, insight
Entertainer Dwarf thief Rogue, entertainer background, expertise in acrobatics and sleight of hand
Locksmith Dwarf thief Rogue, clan crafter background. Expertise in theives tools and blacksmiths tools
Pest controller Dwarf thief Multiclass rogue/ranger. Expertise in thieves tools and survival
Ghetto fighter Dwarf warrior/thFighter, urchin background
Trader Dwarf warrior/thRanger, guild merchant background
Vermin slayer Dwarf warrior/thRanger,, outlander background, favoured terrain, caves
Wayfinder Dwarf warrior/thRanger,, outlander background, favoured terrain, caves
Herbalist Elf priest Nature domain cleric, outlander background, herbalist kit proficiency
Archer Elf warrior Fighter, archery fighting style. Battlemaster, maneuvers useable with missile weapon
Wilderness runneelf warrior ranger, outlander background
Wildrider elf warrior Fighter who befriends a griffin, hippogrii of pegasus. Maybe a paladin who as waiting
Elven minstrel elf mage/thief Bard
Spellfilcher elf mage/thief Diviner/arcane trickster
Bladesinger Elf fighter/mage Bladesinger/eldritch knight
War wizard Elf fighter/mage Eldritch knight/war magic
Huntsman Elf warrior/thief ranger hunter
collector elf warrior/magearcane trickster
Infiltrator elf warrior/magearcane trickster
l freindship, speak with animals

rvival, one artisans tools

t feat at level 4.
h maneivers work with ranged weapons

rsuade, insight
nd sleight of hand
s and blacksmiths tools

t proficiency
useable with missile weapon

ybe a paladin who as waiting for 13th level.

Name ◇ Level ◇ School ◇ Ritual ◇Casting ComponGp ConceSource ◇ Range
Absorb Elements 1st Abjuration 1 reactionS ee 15, xge 150 self
Alarm 1st Abjuration yes 1 minute VSM phb 211 30
Animal Friendshi 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM phb 212 30
Armor of Agathys1st Abjuration 1 action VSM phb 215 self
Arms of Hadar 1st Conjuration 1 action VS phb 215 self
Bane 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 216 30
Beast Bond 1st Divination 1 action VSM yes ee 15, xge 150 touch
Bless 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 219 30
Burning Hands 1st Evocation 1 action VS phb 220 self
Catapult 1st Transmutation 1 action S ee 15, xge 150 60
Cause Fear 1st Necromancy 1 action V yes xge 151 60
Ceremony 1st Abjuration yes 1 hour VSMgp25 c xge 151 touch
Chaos Bolt 1st Evocation 1 action VS xge 151 120
Charm Person 1st Enchantment 1 action VS phb 221 30
Chromatic Orb 1st Evocation 1 action VSMgp50 r phb 221 90
Colour Spray 1st Illusion 1 action VSM phb 222 self
Command 1st Enchantment 1 action V phb 223 60
Compelled Duel 1st Enchantment 1 bonus acV yes phb 224 30
Comprehend Lang1st Divination yes 1 action VSM phb 224 self
Create or Destroy 1st Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 229 30
Cure Wounds 1st Evocation 1 action VS phb 230 touch
Detect Evil and G1st Divination 1 action VS yes phb 231 self
Detect Magic 1st Divination yes 1 action VS yes phb 231 self
Detect Poison and1st Divination yes 1 action VSM yes phb 231 self
Disguise Self 1st Illusion 1 action VS phb 233 self
Dissonant Whispe1st Enchantment 1 action V phb 234 60
Divine Favor 1st Evocation 1 bonus acVS yes phb 234 self
Earth Tremor 1st Evocation 1 action VS ee 17, xge 155 10
Ensnaring Strike 1st Conjuration 1 bonus acV yes phb 237 self
Entangle 1st Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 238 90
Expeditious Retre1st Transmutation 1 bonus acVS yes phb 238 self
Faerie Fire 1st Evocation 1 action V yes phb 239 60
False Life 1st Necromancy 1 action VSM phb 239 self
Feather Fall 1st Transmutation 1 reactionVM phb 239 60
Find Familiar 1st Conjuration yes 1 hour VSMgp10 c phb 240 10
Fog Cloud 1st Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 243 120
Goodberry 1st Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 246 touch
Grease 1st Conjuration 1 action VSM phb 246 60
Guiding Bolt 1st Evocation 1 action VS phb 248 120
Hail of Thorns 1st Conjuration 1 bonus acV yes phb 249 self (W
Healing Word 1st Evocation 1 bonus acV phb 250 60
Hellish Rebuke 1st Evocation 1 reactionVS phb 250 60
Heroism 1st Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 250 touch
Hex 1st Enchantment 1 bonus acVSM yes phb 251 90
Hunter's Mark 1st Divination 1 bonus acV yes phb 251 90
Ice Knife 1st Conjuration 1 action SM ee 19, xge 157 60
Identify 1st Divination yes 1 minute VSMgp100 r phb 252 touch
Illusory Script 1st Illusion yes 1 minute SMgp 10 c phb 252 touch
Inflict Wounds 1st Necromancy 1 action VS phb 253 touch
Jim's magic miss1st Evocation 1 action vsr 1 AI 120
Jump 1st Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 254 Touch
Longstrider 1st Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 256 touch
Mage Armor 1st Abjuration 1 action VSM phb 256 touch
Magic Missile 1st Evocation 1 action VS phb 257 120
Protection from E 1st Abjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 270 touch
Purify Food and D1st Transmutation yes 1 action VS phb 270 10
Ray of Sickness 1st Necromancy 1 action VS phb 271 60
Sanctuary 1st Abjuration 1 bonus acVSM phb 272 30
Searing Smite 1st Evocation 1 bonus acV yes phb 274 self
Shield 1st Abjuration 1 reactionVS phb 275 self
Shield of Faith 1st Abjuration 1 bonus acVSM yes phb 275 60
Silent Image 1st Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 276 60
Sleep 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM phb 276 90
Snare 1st Abjuration 1 minute SMgp 0.5 c xge 165 touch
Speak with Anima1st Divination yes 1 action VS phb 277 self
Tasha's Hideous L1st Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 280 30
Tenser's Floating 1st Conjuration yes 1 action VSM phb 282 30
Thunderous Smite1st Evocation 1 bonus acV yes phb 282 self
Thunderwave 1st Evocation 1 action VS phb 282 self
Unseen Servant 1st Conjuration yes 1 action VSM phb 284 60
Witch Bolt 1st Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 289 30
Wrathful Smite 1st Evocation 1 bonus acV yes phb 289 self
Zephyr Strike 1st Transmutation 1 bonus acV yes xge 171 self
Tasha's Caustic B 1st Evocation 1 action VSM yes tce 115 self
Aganazzar's Scorc2nd Evocation 1 action VSM ee 15, xge 150 30 feet
Aid 2nd Abjuration 1 action VSM phb 211 30 feet
Alter Self 2nd Transmutation 1 action VS yes phb 211 self
Animal Messenge2nd Enchantment yes 1 action VSM phb 212 30
Arcane Lock 2nd Abjuration 1 action VSMgp25 c phb 215 touch
Augury 2nd Divination yes 1 minute VSMgp25 r phb 215 self
Barkskin 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 217 touch
Beast Sense 2nd Divination yes 1 action S yes phb 217 touch
Blindness/Deafnes2nd Necromancy 1 action V phb 219 30
Blur 2nd Illusion 1 action V yes phb 219 self
Branding Smite 2nd Evocation 1 bonus acV yes phb 219 self
Calm Emotions 2nd Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 221 60
Cloud of Daggers 2nd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 222 60
Continual Flame 2nd Evocation 1 action VSMgp50 c phb 227 touch
Cordon of Arrows2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 228 5
Crown of Madnes2nd Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 229 120
Darkness 2nd Evocation 1 action VM yes phb 230 60
Darkvision 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 230 touch
Detect Thoughts 2nd Divination 1 action VSM yes phb 231 self
Dragon's Breath 2nd Transmutation 1 bonus acVSM yes xge 154 touch
Dust Devil 2nd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes ee 17, xge 154 60
Earthbind 2nd Transmutation 1 action V yes ee 17, xge 154 300
Enhance Ability 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 237 touch
Enlarge/Reduce 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 237 60
Enthrall 2nd Enchantment 1 action VS phb 238 30
Find Steed 2nd Conjuration 10 minuteVS phb 240 30
Find Traps 2nd Divination 1 action VS phb 241 120
Flame Blade 2nd Evocation 1 bonus acVSM yes phb 242 self
Flaming Sphere 2nd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 242 60
Gentle Repose 2nd Necromancy yes 1 action VSM phb 245 touch
Gust of Wind 2nd Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 248 self
Healing Spirit 2nd Conjuration 1 bonus acVS yes xge 157 60
Heat Metal 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 250 60
Hold Person 2nd Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 251 60
Invisibility 2nd Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 254 touch
Knock 2nd Transmutation 1 action V phb 254 60
Lesser Restoration2nd Abjuration 1 action VS phb 255 touch
Levitate 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 255 60
Locate Animals or2nd Divination yes 1 action VSM phb 256 self
Locate Object 2nd Divination 1 action VSM yes phb 256 self
Magic Mouth 2nd Illusion yes 1 minute VSMgp10 c phb 257 30
Magic Weapon 2nd Transmutation 1 bonus acVS yes phb 257 touch
Maximilian's Eart 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes ee 20, xge 161 30
Melf's Acid Arro 2nd Evocation 1 action VSM phb 259 90
Mind Spike 2nd Divination 1 action S yes xge 162 60
Mirror Image 2nd Illusion 1 action VS phb 260 self
Misty Step 2nd Conjuration 1 bonus acV phb 260 self
Moonbeam 2nd Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 261 120
Nystul's Magic Au2nd Illusion 1 action VSM phb 263 touch
Pass without Trac 2nd Abjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 264 self
Phantasmal Force 2nd Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 264 60
Prayer of Healing 2nd Evocation 10 minuteV phb 267 30
Protection from P 2nd Abjuration 1 action VS phb 270 touch
Pyrotechnics 2nd Transmutation 1 action VS ee 21, xge 163 60
Ray of Enfeeblem2nd Necromancy 1 action VS yes phb 271 60
Rope Trick 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSMgp1 phb 272 touch
Scorching Ray 2nd Evocation 1 action VS phb 273 120
See Invisibility 2nd Divination 1 action VSM phb 274 self
Shadow Blade 2nd Illusion 1 bonus acVS yes xge 164 self
Shatter 2nd Evocation 1 action VSM phb 275 60
Silence 2nd Illusion yes 1 action VS yes phb 275 120
Skywrite 2nd Transmutation yes 1 action VS yes ee 22, xge 165 sight
Snilloc's Snowbal 2nd Evocation 1 action VSM ee 22, xge 165 90
Spider Climb 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 277 touch
Spike Growth 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 277 150 feet
Spiritual Weapon 2nd Evocation 1 bonus acVS phb 278 60
Suggestion 2nd Enchantment 1 action VM yes phb 279 30
Warding Bond 2nd Abjuration 1 action VSMgp100 r phb 287 touch
Warding Wind 2nd Evocation 1 action V yes ee 23, xge 170 self
Web 2nd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 287 60
Zone of Truth 2nd Enchantment 1 action VS phb 289 60
Summon Beast 2nd Conjuration 1 action VSM 200 r yes tce 109 90
Tasha's Mind Whi2nd Enchantment 1 action V tce 115 90
Animate Dead 3rd Necromancy 1 minute VSM phb 212 10
Aura of Vitality 3rd Evocation 1 action V yes phb 216 self
Beacon of Hope 3rd Abjuration 1 action VS yes phb 217 30
Bestow Curse 3rd Necromancy 1 action VS yes phb 218 touch
Blinding Smite 3rd Evocation 1 bonus acV yes phb 219 self
Blink 3rd Transmutation 1 action VS phb 219
Call Lightning 3rd Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 220 120
Catnap 3rd Enchantment 1 action SM xge 151 30
Clairvoyance 3rd Divination 10 minuteVSMgp100 r yes phb 222 5280
Conjure Animals 3rd Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 225 60
Conjure Barrage 3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM phb 225 self
Counterspell 3rd Abjuration 1 reactionS phb 228 60
Create Food and 3rd Conjuration 1 action VS phb 229 30
Crusader's Mantle3rd Evocation 1 action V yes phb 230 self
Daylight 3rd Evocation 1 action VS phb 230 60
Dispel Magic 3rd Abjuration 1 action VS phb 234 120
Elemental Weapo 3rd Transmutation 1 action VS yes phb 237 touch
Enemies Abound 3rd Enchantment 1 action VS yes xge 155
Erupting Earth 3rd Transmutation 1 action VSM ee 17, xge 155
Fear 3rd Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 239
Feign Death 3rd Necromancy yes 1 action VSM phb 240
Fireball 3rd Evocation 1 action VSM phb 241
Flame Arrows 3rd Transmutation 1 action VS yes ee 18, xge 156
Fly 3rd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 243
Gaseous Form 3rd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 244
Glyph of Warding3rd Abjuration 1 hour VSMgp phb 245
Haste 3rd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 250
Hunger of Hadar 3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 251
Hypnotic Pattern 3rd Illusion 1 action SM yes phb 252
Leomund's Tiny H3rd Evocation yes 1 minute VSM phb 255
Life Transference 3rd Necromancy 1 action VS xge 160
Lightning Arrow 3rd Transmutation 1 bonus acVS yes phb 255
Lightning Bolt 3rd Evocation 1 action VSM phb 255
Magic Circle 3rd Abjuration 1 minute VSMgp phb 256
Major Image 3rd Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 258
Mass Healing Wo3rd Evocation 1 bonus acV phb 258
Meld into Stone 3rd Transmutation yes 1 action VS phb 259
Melf's Minute Met3rd Evocation 1 action VSM yes ee 20, xge 161
Nondetection 3rd Abjuration 1 action VSMgp phb 263
Phantom Steed 3rd Illusion yes 1 minute VS phb 265
Plant Growth 3rd Transmutation 1 action VS phb 266
Protection from E 3rd Abjuration 1 action VS yes phb 270
Remove Curse 3rd Abjuration 1 action VS phb 271
Revivify 3rd Necromancy 1 action VSMgp phb 272
Sending 3rd Evocation 1 action VSM phb 274
Sleet Storm 3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 276
Slow 3rd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 277
Speak with Dead 3rd Necromancy 1 action VSM phb 277
Speak with Plants 3rd Transmutation 1 action VS phb 277
Spirit Guardians 3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 278
Stinking Cloud 3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 278
Summon Lesser D3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes xge 167
Thunder Step 3rd Conjuration 1 action V xge 168
Tidal Wave 3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM ee 22, xge 168
Tiny Servant 3rd Transmutation 1 minute VS xge 168
Tongues 3rd Divination 1 action VM phb 283
Vampiric Touch 3rd Necromancy 1 action VS yes phb 285
Wall of Sand 3rd Evocation 1 action VSM yes ee 23, xge 170
Wall of Water 3rd Evocation 1 action VSM yes ee 23, xge 170
Water Breathing 3rd Transmutation yes 1 action VSM phb 287
Water Walk 3rd Transmutation yes 1 action VSM phb 287
Wind Wall 3rd Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 288
Intellect Fortress 3rd Abjuration 1 action V yes tce 107
Spirit Shroud 3rd Necromancy 1 bonus acVS yes tce 108
Summon Fey 3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes tce 112
Summon Shadows3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes tce 113
Summon Undead 3rd Necromancy 1 action VSM yes tce 114
Arcane Eye 4th Divination 1 action VSM yes phb 214
Aura of Life 4th Abjuration 1 action V yes phb 216
Aura of Purity 4th Abjuration 1 action V yes phb 216
Banishment 4th Abjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 217
Blight 4th Necromancy 1 action VS phb 219
Charm Monster 4th Enchantment 1 action VS xge 151
Compulsion 4th Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 224
Confusion 4th Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 224
Conjure Minor El 4th Conjuration 1 minute VS yes phb 226
Conjure Woodland4th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 226
Control Water 4th Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 227
Death Ward 4th Abjuration 1 action VS phb 230
Dimension Door 4th Conjuration 1 action V phb 233
Divination 4th Divination yes 1 action VSMgp phb 234
Dominate Beast 4th Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 234
Elemental Bane 4th Transmutation 1 action VS yes ee 17, xge 155
Evard's Black Ten4th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 238
Fabricate 4th Transmutation 10 minuteVS phb 239
Find Greater Stee 4th Conjuration 10 minuteVS xge 156
Fire Shield 4th Evocation 1 action VSM phb 242
Freedom of Move4th Abjuration 1 action VSM phb 244
Giant Insect 4th Transmutation 1 action VS yes phb 245
Grasping Vine 4th Conjuration 1 bonus acVS yes phb 246
Greater Invisibilit 4th Illusion 1 action VS yes phb 246
Guardian of Faith 4th Conjuration 1 action V phb 246
Guardian of Natur4th Transmutation 1 bonus acV yes xge 157
Hallucinatory Terr4th Illusion 10 minuteVSM phb 249
Ice Storm 4th Evocation 1 action VSM phb 252
Leomund's Secret 4th Conjuration 1 action VSMgp phb 254
Locate Creature 4th Divination 1 action VSM yes phb 256
Mordenkainen's Fa4th Conjuration 1 action VSM phb 261
Mordenkainen's Pr4th Abjuration 10 minuteVSM phb 262
Otiluke's Resilien 4th Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 264
Phantasmal Killer4th Illusion 1 action VS yes phb 265
Polymorph 4th Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 266
Shadow of Moil 4th Necromancy 1 action VSMgp yes xge 164
Sickening Radian 4th Evocation 1 action VS yes xge 164
Staggering Smite 4th Evocation 1 bonus acV yes phb 278
Stone Shape 4th Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 278
Stoneskin 4th Abjuration 1 action VSMgp yes phb 278
Storm Sphere 4th Evocation 1 action VS yes ee 22, xge 166
Summon Greater 4th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes xge 166
Vitriolic Sphere 4th Evocation 1 action VSM ee 23, xge 170
Wall of Fire 4th Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 285
Watery Sphere 4th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes ee 23, xge 170
Summon Aberrati4th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes tce 109
Summon Construc4th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes tce 111
Summon Elementa4th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes tce 111
Animate Objects 5th Transmutation 1 action VS yes phb 213
Antilife Shell 5th Abjuration 1 action VS yes phb 213
Awaken 5th Transmutation 8 hours VSMgp phb 216
Banishing Smite 5th Abjuration 1 bonus acV yes phb 216
Bigby's Hand 5th Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 218
Circle of Power 5th Abjuration 1 action V yes phb 221
Cloudkill 5th Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 222
Commune 5th Divination yes 1 minute VSM phb 223
Commune with Na5th Divination yes 1 minute VS phb 224
Cone of Cold 5th Evocation 1 action VSM phb 224
Conjure Elementa5th Conjuration 1 minute VSM yes phb 225
Conjure Volley 5th Conjuration 1 action VSM phb 226
Contact Other Pla 5th Divination yes 1 minute V phb 226
Contagion 5th Necromancy 1 action VS phb 227
Control Winds 5th Transmutation 1 action VS yes ee 16
Creation 5th Illusion 1 minute VSM phb 229
Danse Macabre 5th Necromancy 1 action VS yes xge 153
Dawn 5th Evocation 1 action VSMgp yes xge 153
Destructive Wave5th Evocation 1 action V phb 231
Dispel Evil and G5th Abjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 233
Dominate Person 5th Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 235
Dream 5th Illusion 1 minute VSM phb 236
Enervation 5th Necromancy 1 action VS yes xge 155
Far Step 5th Conjuration 1 bonus acV yes xge 155
Flame Strike 5th Evocation 1 action VSM phb 242
Geas 5th Enchantment 1 minute V phb 244
Greater Restoratio5th Abjuration 1 action VSMgp phb 246
Hallow 5th Evocation 24 hours VSMgp phb 249
Hold Monster 5th Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 251
Holy Weapon 5th Evocation 1 bonus acVS yes xge 157
Immolation 5th Evocation 1 action V yes ee 19, xge 158
Infernal Calling 5th Conjuration 1 minute VSMgp yes xge 158
Insect Plague 5th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 254
Legend Lore 5th Divination 10 minuteVSMgp phb 254
Maelstrom 5th Evocation 1 action VSM yes ee 20, xge 160
Mass Cure Wound5th Evocation 1 action VS phb 258
Mislead 5th Illusion 1 action S yes phb 260
Modify Memory 5th Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 261
Negative Energy 5th Necromancy 1 action VM xge 163
Passwall 5th Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 264
Planar Binding 5th Abjuration 1 hour VSMgp phb 265
Raise Dead 5th Necromancy 1 hour VSMgp phb 270
Rary's Telepathic 5th Divination yes 1 action VSM phb 270
Reincarnate 5th Transmutation 1 hour VSMgp phb 271
Scrying 5th Divination 10 minuteVSMgp yes phb 273
Seeming 5th Illusion 1 action VS phb 274
Skill Empowerme5th Transmutation 1 action VS yes xge 165
Steel Wind Strike 5th Conjuration 1 action SMgp xge 166
Swift Quiver 5th Transmutation 1 bonus acVSM yes phb 279
Synaptic Static 5th Enchantment 1 action VS xge 167
Telekinesis 5th Transmutation 1 action VS yes phb 280
Teleportation Circ5th Conjuration 1 minute VMgp phb 282
Transmute Rock 5th Transmutation 1 action VSM ee 22, xge 169
Tree Stride 5th Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 283
Wall of Force 5th Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 285
Wall of Light 5th Evocation 1 action VSM yes xge 170
Wall of Stone 5th Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 287
Wrath of Nature 5th Evocation 1 action VS yes xge 171
Summon Celestial5th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes tce 110
Arcane Gate 6th Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 214
Blade Barrier 6th Evocation 1 action VS yes phb 218
Bones of the Earth6th Transmutation 1 action VS ee 15, xge 150
Chain Lightning 6th Evocation 1 action VSM phb 221
Circle of Death 6th Necromancy 1 action VSMgp phb 221
Conjure Fey 6th Conjuration 1 minute VS yes phb 226
Contingency 6th Evocation 10 minuteVSMgp phb 227
Create Homunculu6th Transmutation 1 hour VSMgp xge 152
Create Undead 6th Necromancy 1 minute VSMgp phb 229
Disintegrate 6th Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 233
Drawmij's Instan 6th Conjuration yes 1 minute VSMgp phb 235
Druid Grove 6th Abjuration 10 minuteVSM xge 154
Eyebite 6th Necromancy 1 action VS yes phb 238
Find the Path 6th Divination 1 minute VSMgp yes phb 240
Flesh to Stone 6th Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 243
Forbiddance 6th Abjuration yes 10 minuteVSMgp phb 243
Globe of Invulnera6th Abjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 245
Guards and Wards6th Abjuration 10 minuteVSMgp phb 248
Harm 6th Necromancy 1 action VS phb 249
Heal 6th Evocation 1 action VS phb 250
Heroes' Feast 6th Conjuration 10 minuteVSMgp phb 250
Investiture of Fla 6th Transmutation 1 action VS yes ee 19, xge 159
Investiture of Ice 6th Transmutation 1 action VS yes ee 19, xge 159
Investiture of Sto 6th Transmutation 1 action VS yes ee 19, xge 159
Investiture of Win6th Transmutation 1 action VS yes ee 20, xge 160
Magic Jar 6th Necromancy 1 minute VSMgp phb 257
Mass Suggestion 6th Enchantment 1 action VM phb 258
Mental Prison 6th Illusion 1 action S yes xge 161
Move Earth 6th Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 263
Otiluke's Freezing6th Evocation 1 action VSM phb 263
Otto's Irresistible 6th Enchantment 1 action V yes phb 264
Planar Ally 6th Conjuration 10 minuteVS phb 265
Primordial Ward 6th Abjuration 1 action VS yes ee 21, xge 163
Programmed Illus6th Illusion 1 action VSMgp phb 269
Scatter 6th Abjuration 1 action V xge 164
Soul Cage 6th Necromancy 1 reactionVSMgp xge 165
Sunbeam 6th Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 279
Tenser's Transfor 6th Transmutation 1 action VSM yes xge 168
Transport via Plan6th Conjuration 1 action VS phb 283
True Seeing 6th Divination 1 action VSMgp phb 284
Wall of Ice 6th Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 285
Wall of Thorns 6th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 287
Wind Walk 6th Transmutation 1 minute VSM phb 288
Word of Recall 6th Conjuration 1 action V phb 289
Summon Fiend 6th Conjuration 1 action VSM yes tce 112
Tasha's Otherworl6th Transmutation 1 bonus acVSM yes tce 116
Conjure Celestial 7th Conjuration 1 minute VS yes phb 225
Crown of Stars 7th Evocation 1 action VS xge 152
Delayed Blast Fire7th Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 230
Divine Word 7th Evocation 1 bonus acV phb 234
Etherealness 7th Transmutation 1 action VS phb 238
Finger of Death 7th Necromancy 1 action VS phb 241
Fire Storm 7th Evocation 1 action VS phb 242
Forcecage 7th Evocation 1 action VSMgp phb 243
Mirage Arcane 7th Illusion 10 minuteVS phb 260
Mordenkainen's M7th Conjuration 1 minute VSMgp phb 261
Mordenkainen's S7th Evocation 1 action VSMgp yes phb 262
Plane Shift 7th Conjuration 1 action VSMgp phb 266
Power Word Pain 7th Enchantment 1 action V xge 163
Prismatic Spray 7th Evocation 1 action VS phb 267
Project Image 7th Illusion 1 action VSMgp yes phb 270
Regenerate 7th Transmutation 1 minute VSM phb 271
Resurrection 7th Necromancy 1 hour VSMgp phb 272
Reverse Gravity 7th Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 272
Sequester 7th Transmutation 1 action VSMgp phb 274
Simulacrum 7th Illusion 12 hours VSMgp phb 276
Symbol 7th Abjuration 1 minute VSMgp phb 280
Teleport 7th Conjuration 1 action V phb 281
Temple of the Go 7th Conjuration 1 hour VSMgp xge 167
Whirlwind 7th Evocation 1 action VM yes ee 24, xge 171
Dream of the Blue7th Conjuration 10 minuteVSM tce 106
Abi-Dalzim's Horr8th Necromancy 1 action VSM ee 15, xge 150
Animal Shapes 8th Transmutation 1 action VS yes phb 212
Antimagic Field 8th Abjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 213
Antipathy/Sympat8th Enchantment 1 hour VSM phb 214
Clone 8th Necromancy 1 hour VSMgp phb 222
Control Weather 8th Transmutation 10 minuteVSM yes phb 228
Demiplane 8th Conjuration 1 action S phb 231
Dominate Monster8th Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 235
Earthquake 8th Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 236
Feeblemind 8th Enchantment 1 action VSM phb 239
Glibness 8th Transmutation 1 action V phb 245
Holy Aura 8th Abjuration 1 action VSMgp yes phb 251
Illusory Dragon 8th Illusion 1 action S yes xge 157
Incendiary Cloud 8th Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 253
Maddening Darkn8th Evocation 1 action VM yes xge 160
Maze 8th Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 258
Mighty Fortress 8th Conjuration 1 minute VSMgp xge 161
Mind Blank 8th Abjuration 1 action VS phb 259
Power Word Stun 8th Enchantment 1 action V phb 267
Sunburst 8th Evocation 1 action VSM phb 279
Telepathy 8th Evocation 1 action VSM phb 281
Tsunami 8th Conjuration 1 minute VS yes phb 284
Astral Projection 9th Necromancy 1 hour VSMgp phb 215
Foresight 9th Divination 1 minute VSM phb 244
Gate 9th Conjuration 1 action VSMgp yes phb 244
Imprisonment 9th Abjuration 1 minute VSMgp phb 252
Invulnerability 9th Abjuration 1 action VSMgp yes xge 160
Mass Heal 9th Evocation 1 action VS phb 258
Mass Polymorph 9th Transmutation 1 action VSM yes xge 160
Meteor Swarm 9th Evocation 1 action VS phb 259
Power Word Heal9th Evocation 1 action VS phb 266
Power Word Kill 9th Enchantment 1 action V phb 266
Prismatic Wall 9th Abjuration 1 action VS phb 267
Psychic Scream 9th Enchantment 1 action S xge 163
Shapechange 9th Transmutation 1 action VSMgp yes phb 274
Storm of Vengean9th Conjuration 1 action VS yes phb 279
Time Stop 9th Transmutation 1 action V phb 283
True Polymorph 9th Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 283
True Resurrection9th Necromancy 1 hour VSMgp phb 284
Weird 9th Illusion 1 action VS yes phb 288
Wish 9th Conjuration 1 action V phb 288
Blade of Disaster 9th Conjuration 1 bonus acVS yes tce 106
Acid Splash Cantrip Conjuration 1 action VS phb 211 60
Blade Ward Cantrip Abjuration 1 action VS phb 218 self
Booming Blade Cantrip Evocation 1 action VMgp 0.1 r scag 142 5
Chill Touch Cantrip Necromancy 1 action VS phb 221 120
Control Flames Cantrip Transmutation 1 action S ee 16, xge 152 60
Create Bonfire Cantrip Conjuration 1 action VS yes ee 16, xge 152 60
Dancing Lights Cantrip Evocation 1 action VSM yes phb 230 120
Druidcraft Cantrip Transmutation 1 action VS phb 236 30
Eldritch Blast Cantrip Evocation 1 action VS phb 237 120
Fire Bolt Cantrip Evocation 1 action VS phb 242 120
Friends Cantrip Enchantment 1 action SM yes phb 244 self
Frostbite Cantrip Evocation 1 action VS ee 18, xge 156 60
Green-Flame BladCantrip Evocation 1 action VMgp 0.1 r scag 143 5
Guidance Cantrip Divination 1 action VS yes phb 248 touch
Gust Cantrip Transmutation 1 action VS ee 19, xge 157 30
Infestation Cantrip Conjuration 1 action VSM xge 158 30
Light Cantrip Evocation 1 action VM phb 255 touch
Lightning Lure Cantrip Evocation 1 action V scag 143 15
Mage Hand Cantrip Conjuration 1 action VS phb 256 30
Magic Stone Cantrip Transmutation 1 bonus acVS ee 20, xge 160 Touch
Mending Cantrip Transmutation 1 minute VSM phb 259 touch
Message Cantrip Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 259 120
Minor Illusion Cantrip Illusion 1 action SM phb 260 30
Mould Earth Cantrip Transmutation 1 action S ee 21, xge 162 30
Poison Spray Cantrip Conjuration 1 action VS phb 266 10
Prestidigitation Cantrip Transmutation 1 action VS phb 267 10
Primal Savagery Cantrip Transmutation 1 action S xge 163 self
Produce Flame Cantrip Conjuration 1 action VS phb 269 self
Ray of Frost Cantrip Evocation 1 action VS phb 271 60
Resistance Cantrip Abjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 272 touch
Sacred Flame Cantrip Evocation 1 action VS phb 272 60
Shape Water Cantrip Transmutation 1 action S ee 21 30
Shillelagh Cantrip Transmutation 1 bonus acVSM phb 275 touch
Shocking Grasp Cantrip Evocation 1 action VS phb 275 touch
Spare the Dying Cantrip Necromancy 1 action VS phb 277 touch
Sword Burst Cantrip Conjuration 1 action V scag 143 5
Thaumaturgy Cantrip Transmutation 1 action V phb 282
Thorn Whip Cantrip Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 282 30
Thunderclap Cantrip Evocation 1 action S ee 22, xge 168 5
Toll the Dead Cantrip Necromancy 1 action VS xge 169 60
True Strike Cantrip Divination 1 action S yes phb 284 20
Vicious Mockery Cantrip Enchantment 1 action V phb 285 60
Word of RadianceCantrip Evocation 1 action VM xge 171 5
Mind Sliver Cantrip Enchantment 1 action V tce 108 60
duration ArtificBard Cleric Druid PaladiRangerSorcerWarlo Wizar Target targets
1 round y y y y target
8 hours y y y 20 foot cube
24 hours y naturey y beast, intelligence<4
1 hour conquest y creature that hits yiou melee
instantaneous y all creatures
1 minute y y vengeance 3 creatures
10 minutes y y 1 beast intelligence<4
1 minute y y 3 creatures
instantaneous light y fiend y 15 foot cone
instantaneous y y y target
1 minute y y 1 creature
1 hour y y
instantaneous y 1 creature
1 hour y y y y y y 1 humanoid
instantaneous y y
1 round y y 15 foot cone
1 round y y Fiend 1 creature
1 minute y 1 creature
1 hour y y y y
instantaneous y y
instantaneous y y y y y y celestial 1 creature
10 minutes y y 30 feet radius
10 minutes y y y y y y y y 30 foot redius
10 minutes y y y y 30 foot radius
1 hour y y y gloom y y
instantaneous y great old one1 creature
1 minute war y weapon attacks
instantaneous y y y y 10 foot radius
1 minute Ancieny 1 creature
1 minute y 20 foot squre
10 minutes y y y y
1 minute y y light y y 20 foot cube
1 hour y death, grave y undyiny
1 minute y y y y 1 creature
instantaneous y 1 familiar
1 hour tempesy y y y 20 foot radius
instantaneous y y 10 berries
1 minute y y 10 foot square
instantaneous y celestial 1 creature
1 minute y 5 foot radius
instantaneous alchemy y y 1 creature
instantaneous oathbreaker y 1 creature
1 minute battle y order y 1 creature
1 hour y 1 creature
1 hour vengeay 1 creature
instantaneous y y y 1 creature
instantaneous y y Forge, knowledge y 1 object or creature
10 days y y y writing surface
instantaneous y oathbreaker 1 creature
instantaneous y 1 to 3 creatures
1 minute y y y y y 1 creature
1 hour y y y y y 1 creature
8 hours y y 1 creature
instantaneous arcana y y 1 to 3 creatures
10 minutes y devotiHorizon walky y 1 creature
instantaneous y y y y All food and drink in a 5 foot radius sphere
instantaneous Alchemist death y undyiny 1 creature
1 minute y y devotion, redemption 1 creature
1 minute forge y 1 creature
1 round artillerist y y y self
10 minutes y y 1 creature
10 minutes y y y
1 minute y redemption y Archfey 20 feet radius
8 hours y y y y 5 foot radius
10 minutes y naturey ancieny
1 minute y great y 1 creature int>4
1 hour y disc 3 feet diameter
1 minute y target
instantaneous y tempesy y y 15 foot cube
1 hour y y y force that performs simple taske for you
1 minute y y y 1 creature
1 minute y Hexblade 1 target
1 minute y one weapon attack
1 minute y y y line 30 feet by 5 feet
instantaneous s s line 30 feet by 5 feet
8 hours y y y up to 3 creatures
1 hour y y y self
24 hours y y y 1 tiny beast
until dispelled y y closed door
instantaneous y course of action inn next 30 minutes
1 hour naturey y 1 creature
1 hour y y 1 beast
1 minute y y spores y Fiend, y 1 creature
1 minute y y Hexblay self
1 minute Battle smith y hexblade creature
1 minute y y Redemption Archfey 20 foot radius
1 minute y y y y 5 foot cube
Until dispelled Y Y Y 1 object
8 hours y 30 foot radius
1 minute y oathbreaker y y y 1 humanoid
10 minutes swampoathbreaker y y y 15 foot radius
8 hours y y y y y 1 creature
1 minute y y great y 30 foot radius one creatur
1 minute y y 15 foot cone all creature
1 minute y y y 5 foot radius any creature
1 minute y y y y 1 creature
1 hour y y y y y 1 creature
1 minute y y
instantaneous y 60 foot radius creatures of
instantaneous y 1 creature
instantaneous y y y any trap
instantaneous y attack
1 minute Alchemist light y celestial 5 foot diameter creature wit
10 days y spores y corpse
1 minute tempesy t y Fathom y line 60 feet by 10eace creatu
1 bonus action y y 5 foot cube creture you choose
1 action y y y 1 metal object creature in
1 action y order arctic conquest,red y y y 1 humanoid
1 hour y y y y y 1 creature
instantaneous y y y 1 object
instantaneous y y y y y y ClockwCelestial 1 creature 1 disease or condition
10 minutes y y y 1 creature or obj up to 500 lb
instantaneous y y y one ind of beast or plant
concentration y y y y y y one object
until dispelled y y y 1 object message 25 words
1 hour y Arcana,forgey y y y 1 weapon
1 minute y y 5 foot square
instantaneous alchemist swamp y 1 creature or object
1 hour y y y 1 creature
1 minute armourer trickercoasst y y y three illusiory duplicates
instantaneous ancienfey way y y
1 minute twigligy ancients, watchers 5 foot radius creature
24 hours arcana y 1 creature or object
1 hour trickery y creatures you choose within 30 feet
1 minute y y y 1 creature
instantaneous y y divine soul 6 creatures
1 hour y y y y y 1 creature
instantaneous y y y y flame in 5 foot c 10 foot radius
1 minute y y 1 creature
1 hour y y rope 8 medium or smaller creatur
instantaneous Artillerist light wildfire y fiend y three targets
1 hour y y twilight watchers y y
1 minute y y y
instantaneous Armoure
y tempest y y y 10 foot radius each creatu
10 minutes y y desert y divine Fathomless, 20 fot radius
1 hour y y y y ten words
instantaneous y y 5 foot radius creature
1 hour y y y 1 creature
10 minutes naturey y 20 foot radius creature
1 minute y conquest creature
8 hours y y y y 1 creature
1 hour battle smith cleric crown divine soul willing creature
10 minutes y y y y 10 feet radius
1 hour y underdark swarmkeepey y 20 foot cube creatures
10 minutes y y y monstedivine soul 15 foot radius creatures
1 hour y y unnocupied space
1 round y y 1 creature
instantaneous y sporesOathbreakerDiviine soul y 1 corpse
1 minute Battlesmith twilight y 30 foot radius 1 creature
1 minute choose creatures wihin range
1 minute y y conquest,oatDivine soul y creature
1 minute y next time you hitcreature

10 minutes tempesy 60 foot radius 10each creatur

10 minutes y y y y 3 willing creatures
10 minutes y y y y Great Invisible sensor
1 hour y y unnocupied spaces you can see
instantaneous Battle smith y 60 foot cone each creatu
instantaneous Redemption,y y y creature spell
instantaneous y y deserty divine Genie 45 pounds food 30 ground or containers
1 minute war p 30 feet radius eac non hostile creature
1 hour y y y y y celestial 60 foot radius
instantaneous y y y y y y y y creature object or magical effect
1 hour y forge y y y hexblade weapon
Instantaneous y y y 2 creatures within 5 feet of e
1 round y y y y self
1 round y y y 1 creature
1 round y y y 1 creature
intantaneous or 1 hour y y y non-magical flame
1 minute y y y y y 5 foot cube
1 minute y y y y 4 10 foot radius
Instantaneous y
Instantaneous y 1 creature
Instantaneous y y y 1 creature or object
1 minute y y y y 1 creature
Instantaneous y y y y y 1 creature
1 round y y y 1 creature
1 minute y y y 1 willing creature
Instantaneous y y y 1 creature
Instantaneous y y y y 1 creature
1 hour y y y y celesti y 1 object
Instantaneous y y y 1 creature
1 minute y y y y y
1 minute y y y 3 pebbles
Instantaneous y y y y y y 1 break or tear
1 round y y y y 1 creature
1 minute y y y y
Instantaneous or 1 hour y y y 5 foot cube of soil or stone
instantaneous y y y y y 1 creature
1 hour y y y y
instantaneous y 1 creature
10 minutes y 1 creature
instantaneous y y y 1 creature
1 minute y y y 1 willing creature
instantaneous y Celestial 1 creature
Instantaneous or 1 hour y y y 5 foot cube of water
1 minute y 1 club or staff
instantaneous y y y 1 creature
instantaneous y y Undying 1 creature with 0 hit points
instantaneous y y y each creature within range

instantaneous y y 1 creature
instantaneous y y y y y y Each creature in range
instantaneous y y y 1 creature
1 round y y y y target
1 action y 1 creature
instantaneous y each creature of your choice
1 round aberr y y 1 creature
Saving throDamagtype repeat squares effect 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
weapon hit 3.5 triggerin 1 resistance t dama 3.5 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5
alarm alers you if a creature enters the area
wisdom charmed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
none 5 cold 5 temporary hp 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
strength hal 7 necrotic 20 can't take reactio 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28
charisma -2.5 attack roall 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2.5 attack roany 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
dexterity ha 10.5 fire 6 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28 31.5
dexterity 13.5 bludgeoning 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5
wisdom frightened 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12.5 Varies 12.5 16 19.5 23 26.5 30 33.5

wisdom charmed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
hit 13.5 choose 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5
none 33 hp blinded 6 33 44 55 66 77 88 99
wisdom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 gallons of water 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
4.5+spHealing 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5

wisdom 10.5 use reaction to 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28 31.5

2.5 radiant every
3.5 bludgeoning, pro 20 3.5 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5
strength 3.5 piercing,turn 3.5 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5
strength restrained 16
dash as a bonus action
dexterity 16 attacks have advantage
6.5 temporary hit points 6.5 11.5 16.5 21.5 26.5 31.5 36.5
no damage from falling

52 fog 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

10 Healing
dexterity prone 4 difficult terrain
hit 14 radiant next attack roll a 14 17.5 21 24.5 28 31.5 35
dexterity ha 5.5 piercing 9 next time you hi 5.5 11 16.5 22 27.5 33 33
2.5+sphealed 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5
dexterity ha 11 fire 11 16.5 22 27.5 33 38.5 44
spellc temporarturn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
hit with an 3.5 necrotic every disadvantage on c 1 1 8 8 24 24 24
hit with a w 3.5 as weap every advantage on surv 1 1 8 8 24 24 24
hit 5.5 piercing 9 target and every 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28
learn what magic properties
writing can only be read by you and others you designate
hit 16.5 necrotic 16.5 22 27.5 33 38.5 44 49.5
hit 15 force up to 37.5 damage 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Jump distance is tripled
Speed increases b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ac becomes 13 + dexterity modifier
10.5 force 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28 31.5
Aberrations, fiends, celestials, fiends, fey and undead at disadvantage to hi
k in a 5 foot radius sphere purifiew, rendered free from poison and disease
hit 9 make a constituti 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36
any creature who targets the creature must first make a wisdom saving thr
weapon hit 1d6 fire each turn constitution save 3.5 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5
+5 to AC
+2 to AC
create the image of an object or creature
22.5 hit points of creatures unconcious 22.5 31.5 40.5 49.5 58.5 67.5 76.5
dexterity 1 creature restrained, hanging 5 feet above the ground
you can talk to the animals
wisdom prone, incapacitated
Holds up to 500 lbs
weapon hit 7 strength saving throw or pushed 10 feet away
Constitution 9 thunder pushed 10 feet a 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36
ms simple taske for you
hit 6.5 lightningaction on every turn 6.5 13 19.5 26 32.5 39 45.5
weapon hit 3.5 psychic wisdom or frightened
advantage don't provoke opportuntity attacks. After attack, walking speed increases 3
dexterity 5 acid every turn for creatures affected an 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
dexterity 13.5 fire 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36
5 hit point max increasd by 5 10 15 20 25 30
become aquatic, gain natural weapon, or change appearance
deliver message up to 24 72 120 168 216 264
dc to break or pick lock increases by 10
nn next 30 minutes + - =/- ~
16 minimum AC
see and hear as beast
constitution blinded or deafened 1 2 3 4 5 6
any attack rolls against you at disadvantage
weapon hit 7 radiant Becomes visible 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5
charisma 52 Surpress charmed or frightened or make indifferent to hostile
10 slashing every tu 1 10 15 20 25 30 35
flame, emits light but no heat
dex 3.5 piercing 4 times 4 6 8 10 12 14
wisdom charmedevery turn use action to make an attack against a creature of your choice
darkness 32
wisdom read tho each turn
dexterity ha 10.5 choose Action 6 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28
strength hal 4.5 bludgeonends its 9 pushed 10 feet away 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27
strength cant fly
advantage on checks for one ability 1 2 3 4 5 6

wisdom disadvantage to see other creatures

0.5 max challenge rating summon steed

10.5 fire action 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28

Dexterity ha 7 fire bonus act 9 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5
can't become undead
strength 15 feet pushed back 24 2 feet of movement to move 1 foot
creture you choose 3.5 healing 1 + mod 3.5 7 10.5 14 17.5 21
none 9 fire bonus action 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5
wisdom paralysed 1 2 3 4 5 6
invisible 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 disease or condition ended
constitution 20 feet lifted
one ind of beast or plant direction and distance to nearest withn 5 miles
direction if within 1000 feet
message 25 words recites message when specified trigger
1 plus 1 1 2 2 3 3
strength hal 7 bludgeonaction 1 restrained
attack half 15 acid 15 20 25 30 35 40
wisdom half 13.5 psychic know location 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36

30 feet teleport
constitution 11 radiant ends turn 11 16.5 22 27.5 33 38.5
divinaion spells misidentify
oose within 30 feet 10 to stealth can't be tracked by non magical means
intelligence 3.5 psychic on your turn
9+spelhealing 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5
Neutralise poison, resistant and advantage to saving throw
10 foot radius Blinded or obscured
ranged spell attack half damage on str based attacks
8 medium or smaller creatures
ranges spell 21 fire 3 21 28 35 42 49 56
see invisible and ethereal.
melee or th 9+dexpsychic as weapon attack 9 13.5 13.5 18 18 22.5
constitution 13.5 Thunder 12 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36
52 no sound

dexterity ha 10.5 Cold 4 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28

Does whatever a spider can
5 piercing continuous Per 5 feet moved through
melee spell 9+ speforce bonus action 9 9 13.5 13.5 18 18
wisdom has to follow a course of action suggested
1 ac, resitance to all damage
dex 16 restrained

10.5 piercing summoned's own action 10.5 11.5 25 27 43.5 46.5

intelligence 10.5 psychic can't take a reaction. 1 2 3 4 5 6
1/4 CR skeleton or zombie 1 3 5 7 9
7 healing bonus action
wihin range
weapon atta 13.5 radiant Save vs con or blinded

Dexterity ha 16.5 lightningaction 16.5 22 27.5 33 38.5

short rest in 10 minutes 3 4 5 6 7
see or hear
es you can see 2 total CR conjure beasts 2 2 4 4 8
Dexterity ha 13.5 as weapon (ususal 50 3 4 5 6 7
10+spells level
ground or containers 15 humanoids sustained
eac non hostile creature 2.5 radiant every hit
bright light
r magical effect 3 4 5 6 7
2.5 choose
Dexterity 3.5 acid 3.5 7 10.5
Resistance to damage from weapons
weapon hit Weapothunder 1 Damage added toWeapon
a pluweapon plus 4.5 pweapon plus 9 pl
hit 4.5 necrotic can't regain hit p 4.5 9 13.5

dexterity 4.5 fire when a creature moves into or start 4.5 9 13.5
Create 4 lights which you can move as abonus action

hit 5.5 force 5.5 11 16.5

hit 5.5 fire 5.5 11 16.5
constitution 3.5 cold disadvantage on 3.5 7 13.5
weapon hit weaponfire 1 weapon plus
weapon plus 4.5 sp
weapon plus 9 spe
2.5 add to ab 1
strength push 10 feet
constitutuo 3.5 poison move 5 feet in a 3.5 7 13.5
20 feelight persistant
strength 4.5 lightning pulled 10 feet to 4.5 9 13.5
any action
hit 3.5+spbludgeon 3


constitution 6.5 poison 6.5 13 19.5

any action
hit 5.5 acid 5.5 11 16.5
hit 4.5 fire 1 4.5 9 13.5
hit 4.5 cold speed reduce 10 fe4.5 9 13.5
2.5 add to s 1 4.5 9 13.5
dexterity 4.5 radiant

hit 4.5+spellcastinevery hit

hit 4.5 lightningcan't take reactions til start of next 4.5 9 13.5

dexterity 3.5 force 8 3.5 7 10.5

hit pull 10 feet close 3.5 7 10.5

constitution 3.5 thunder 8
wisdom 4.5 or necrotic 4.5 or 6.5 9 or 13 13.5 or 19,5
advantage on a 1
wisdom 2.5 diadvantage on ne2.5 5 7.5
constitution 3.5 radiant 3.5 7 10.5
intelligence 3.5 psychic -2.5 next saving 3.5 7 3.5
8 9 ?
28 31.5 triggering type

8 9 beasts
40 45 cold damage and temporary hit points
31.5 35 necrotic
10 11 creatures

10 11 creatures
35 38.5 fire
45 49.5 bludgeoning
8 9 creatures

37 40.5
8 9 humanoids charmed
45 49.5 choose damage type
110 121 hp of creatures blinded
8 9 creatures

80 90 gallons of water
36 40.5 Healing

35 38.5 psychic

28 31.5
28 31.5 Piercing

41.5 46.5 temporay hit points

160 180 foot radius

38.5 42 radiant
33 33 piercing
20 22.5 Healing
49.5 55 fire
8 9 creatures
24 24 hours
24 24
31.5 35

ou designate
55 60.5 necrotic
50 55 force

8 9 creatures

35 38.5 force
undead at disadvantage to hit and can't charm, frighten or possess

40.5 45 poison
rst make a wisdom saving throw
28 31.5 fire

85.5 94.5 Hit points of creatures magiall asleep

40.5 45 thunder

52 58.5 lightning

ack, walking speed increases 30 feet duirng that turn

40 45 acid
40.5 45 fire
35 40 Hit point max increased by
nge appearance
312 360 Hours
7 8 creatures

28 31.5 radiant
fferent to hostile
40 45 slashing

16 18 repititions
re of your choice

31.5 35 choose
31.5 36 bludgeoning

7 8 creatures

31.5 35 fire
28 31.5 fire

24.5 28 Heal
36 40.5 Fire
7 8 humanoids
7 8 Creatures

3 3 plus

45 50 acid
40.5 45 Psychic

36 40.5 healing
saving throw

63 70

22.5 22.5 psychic

40.5 45 thunder

31.5 35

22.5 22.5

66 70 Piercing
7 8 creatures
11 13 skeletons or zombies

44 49.5 lightning
8 9

8 16 total CR
8 9 Autoamatilly stop spell up to level

8 9 Dispels spell up to level

14 Acid

weapon plus 9 plweapon plus 13.5 plus 18

18 necrotic

18 firre

22 force
22 fire

14 cold
weapon plus 9 spe

14 poison
18 lightning

26 Poison

22 acid
18 fire
18 cold
18 radiant

18 lightning

14 force

14 piercing

13.5 or 19,5 18 or necrotic

10 psychic
14 radiant
14 psychic
name available when you
eqivalent spell/felevel of spell how often cast slot
agonising blast 1
Armour of shado 1 mage armour 1 at will
Ascendant step 5 Levitate 2
beast speech 1 speak with anima 1 at will
Beguiling influence
Bewitching whisp 4 compulsion 4 day y
Book of ancient s 2 Any two rituals 1 ritual
chains of carceri 8 hold monster 5 at will
Dread sight 1 Darkvision+ 2 at will
Eldritch sight 1 Detect magic 1 at will
Dreadful word 4 confusion 4 day
eldritch spear 1 at will
Eyes of the rune 1 Comprehend lang 1 At will
Fiendish vigour 1 false life 1 at will
gate of two mind 1 (beast sense) 2 at will
Lifedrinker 6 at will
Mask of many fac 1 Disguise self 1 at will
master of myriad 8 alter self 2 ar will
minions of chaos 5 conjure elementa 5 day y
mire the mind 3 slow 3 day y
misty visions 1 silent image 1 at will
one with shadow 3 invisibility - 2 at will
otherworldly lea 5 jump 1 at will
repelling blast 1 at will
sculptor of flesh 4 polymorph 4 day y
Sign of ill omen 3 Bestow curse 3 day y
thief of five fates 1 Bane 1 day y
Thirsting blade 3 Extra atttack 3 at will
Visions of distan 8 Arcane eye 4 at will
voice of the chai 2 at will
whispers of the g 5 Speak with dead 2 at will
witch sight 7 True seeing- 6 at will
Aspect of the mo 2 at will
cloak of flies 3 short rest
Eldritch smite 3 divine smite 1 y
name nearest class hit dice or spellcabook
Acolyte Cleric 1 mm
Achmage Wizard 18 mm
Assasin Rogue 12 mm
Bandit fighter 2 mm
Bandit captain fighter 10 mm
Berserker Barbarian 9 mm
Commoner 0 mm
Cultist Fighter 2 mm
Cult fanatic Cleric 4 mm
druid druid 4 mm
gladiator fighter 15 mm
guard fighter 2 mm
Knight fighter 8 mm
Mage wizard 9 mm
Noble Fighter 2 mm
Priest cleric 5 mm
cout ranger 3 mm
Spy rogue 6 mm
Thug fighter 5 mm
Tribal warrior fighter 2 mm
Veteren fighter 9 mm
Abjurer wizard 13 vgtm 9
Apprentice wizarwizard 1 vgtm 0.25
archdruid druid 18 vgtm 12
archer fighter 10 vgtm 3
bard bard 4 vgtm 2
blackguard paladin 10 vgtm 8
champion fighter 20 vgtm 9
conjurer wizard 9 vgtm 6
diviner wizard 15 vgtm 8
enchanter wizard 9 vgtm 5
evoker wizard 12 vgtm 9
illusionist wizard 7 vgtm 3
kraken priest cleric 10 vgtm 5
Martial arts adepmonk 11 vgtm 3
Master thief rogue 13 vgtm 5
necromance wizard 12 vgtm 9
swashbuckler rogue 12 vgtm 3
Trnsmuter wizard 9 vgtm 5
War priest cleric 9 vgtm 9
Warlock of the arwarlock 11 vgtm 4
Warlock of the fi warlock 17 vgtm 7
Warlock of the grwarlock 14 vgtm 6
warlord fighter 20 vgtm
Creature Resitance immunity vulnerability
dwarf poison
stout halfling poison
black or copper acid
blue or bronze d lightning
Brass, gold or re fire
green dragonbor Poison
siver or white d cold
Tiefling fire
Aasimar necrotic, radiant
Warforged Poison
deva Radiant, nonmagical weapons
Planetar Radiant, nonmagical weapons
Solar Radiant, nonmagiNecrotic, poison
Animated objects Poison, psychic
Banshee Acid, fire,lightn Cold, necrotic, poison
Behir Lightning
Azer Fire, poison
Death tyrant Poison
Twig blight fire
Cambion Cold, fire, lightning, poison, nonmagical weapons
Chuul Poison
Couatl Radiant Psychic, nonmagical weapons
Death knight necrotic, poison
Demilich magic weapons necrotic, poison, psychic, non magic weapons
balor cold,lightning,n fire,poison
barlgura cold,fire,lightnin poison
chasme cold,fire,lightnin poison
cold,fire,lightnin poison
Name cost damage weight
Club 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lbs.
Dagger 2 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lbs.
Greatclub 2 sp 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lbs.
Handaxe 5 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lbs.
Javelin 5 sp 1d6 piercing 2 lbs.
Light Hammer 2 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lbs.
Mace 5 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lbs.
Quarterstaff 2 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lbs.
Sickle 1 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lbs.
Spear 1 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lbs.
Yklwa 1 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lbs.
Simple Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, light 25 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lbs.
Dart 5 cp 1d4 piercing 1/4 lbs.
Shortbow 25 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lbs.
Sling 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning —
Martial Melee Weapons
Battleaxe 10 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lbs.
Double-bladed Scimitar 100 gp 2d4 slashing 6 lbs.
Flail 10 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lbs.
Glaive 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lbs.
Greataxe 30 gp 1d12 slashing 7 lbs.
Greatsword 50 gp 2d6 slashing 6 lbs.
Halberd 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lbs.
Lance 10 gp 1d12 piercing 6 lbs.
Longsword 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lbs.
Maul 10 gp 2d6 bludgeoning 10 lbs.
Morningstar 15 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lbs.
Pike 5 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lbs.
Rapier 25 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lbs.
Scimitar 25 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lbs.
Shortsword 10 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lbs.
Trident 5 gp 1d6 piercing 4 lbs.
War Pick 5 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lbs.
Warhammer 15 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lbs.
Whip 2 gp 1d4 slashing 3 lbs.
Martial Ranged Weapons
Blowgun 10 gp 1 piercing 1 lbs.
Crossbow, hand 75 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lbs.
Crossbow, heavy 50 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lbs.
Longbow 50 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lbs.
Net 1 gp — 3 lbs.
Suggested other weapons
Composite bow: Similar power to longbow but not heavy, can be used on horseback or by halfling
Swordbreaker, sai, : dagger, better chance of disarming
Shuriken or chakram: like dart but slashing not piercing
Bec de corbin, lucern hammer. Similar to glaive or halbard but bludgeoning damage*
glaive and Halbard can have hook. Can use to attempt to grapple and make someone prone or pull them off a mount (tar
propertied other names
Light Patuki (Maori), Boomerang, cudgel. truncheon, knobkerry, tonfa (Okinawan)
Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60) Flint dagger, saex (Saxon), aikuchi (Japanese), quillon dagger, ballock dagger, bichwa
Two-handed Tsuba (Japanese)
Light, thrown (range 20/60) Francisca (Germanic), Tomahawk
Thrown (range 30/120) pilum (Roman), Angon (Frankish),
Light, thrown (range 20/60)

Versatile (1d8) Bo staff
Light Bronze leaf sword, scamasaex (Saxon), Hanger, Ayuda Khatti (India), cutlass, Kukri (N
Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d Stone headed spear, hasta (Roman), saintee (Indian)
Special, thrown (range 10/30)

Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed

Finesse, thrown (range 20/60) Shuriken
Ammunition (range 80/320), two-h Assyrian Bow
Ammunition (range 30/120)

Versatile (1d10) Tabar (India), vechevoral (Indian) Bhuj (Indian)

Special, two-handed
— Nunchuka
Heavy, reach, two-handed Bardiche, naginata (Japanese), Guisarme, faussart, guandao (Chinese), Pudao (Chines
Heavy, two-handed
Heavy, two-handed Claymore, zweihander
Heavy, reach, two-handed poleaxe, bill, voulge
Reach, special
Versatile (1d10) viking sword, hand and a half sword, bastard sword, katana (Japanese), tachi (Japanes
Heavy, two-handed
— Holy Water sprinkler, Tongi (Indian)
Heavy, reach, two-handed lancea (Roman), sarissa
Finesse Jian (Chinese), Khanda (Indian), estoc
Finesse, light Falchion, sabre, Wakizashi (Japanese), kastane (Sri Lanka), Shamshir (Persia), Talwar
Finesse, light gladius (Roman), Baselard (European), riding sword, smallsword, Main Gauche, swor
Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d Partisan, spetum

Versatile (1d10) Horseman's hammer
Finesse, reach

Ammunition (range 25/100), loading

Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading
Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed
Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed
Special, thrown (range 5/15)

n horseback or by halfling

ning damage*
ake someone prone or pull them off a mount (target does not stay grappled)
y, tonfa (Okinawan)
gger, ballock dagger, bichwa (Indian), bodkin, dirk (Scottish), stiletto (Italian), katar (India)Kard (Paeria),Piha kaeta (Sri Lanka), flys

hatti (India), cutlass, Kukri (Nepalese), Pichangatti (Indian), machete

dao (Chinese), Pudao (Chinese), Woldo (Korean), Sovnya (Russian), Palma (Serbian)

ana (Japanese), tachi (Japanese), Maquahital (Aztec), Dusack (German), Khanda (India) Dao (Chinese)

a), Shamshir (Persia), Talwar (India), Kilij (Persia), yataghan (Turkish)

allsword, Main Gauche, swordbreaker, quama (Turkish), Bilbo, cinquedea, arming sword
a),Piha kaeta (Sri Lanka), flyssa (Berber)
Alarm 1st Abjuration yes 1 minute VSM
Animal Messenge2nd Enchantment yes 1 action VSM
Augury 2nd Divination yes 1 minute VSMgp
Beast Sense 2nd Divination yes 1 action S
Ceremony 1st Abjuration yes 1 hour VSMgp
Commune 5th Divination yes 1 minute VSM
Commune with Na5th Divination yes 1 minute VS
Comprehend Lang1st Divination yes 1 action VSM
Contact Other Pla 5th Divination yes 1 minute V
Detect Magic 1st Divination yes 1 action VS
Detect Poison and1st Divination yes 1 action VSM
Divination 4th Divination yes 1 action VSMgp
Drawmij's Instan 6th Conjuration yes 1 minute VSMgp
Feign Death 3rd Necromancy yes 1 action VSM
Find Familiar 1st Conjuration yes 1 hour VSMgp
Forbiddance 6th Abjuration yes 10 minutes VSMgp
Gentle Repose 2nd Necromancy yes 1 action VSM
Identify 1st Divination yes 1 minute VSMgp
Illusory Script 1st Illusion yes 1 minute SMgp
Leomund's Tiny H3rd Evocation yes 1 minute VSM
Locate Animals or2nd Divination yes 1 action VSM
Magic Mouth 2nd Illusion yes 1 minute VSMgp
Meld into Stone 3rd Transmutation yes 1 action VS
Phantom Steed 3rd Illusion yes 1 minute VS
Purify Food and D1st Transmutation yes 1 action VS
Rary's Telepathic 5th Divination yes 1 action VSM
Silence 2nd Illusion yes 1 action VS
Skywrite 2nd Transmutation yes 1 action VS
Speak with Anima1st Divination yes 1 action VS
Tenser's Floating 1st Conjuration yes 1 action VSM
Unseen Servant 1st Conjuration yes 1 action VSM
Water Breathing 3rd Transmutation yes 1 action VSM
Water Walk 3rd Transmutation yes 1 action VSM
phb 211 wizard
phb 212 bard, druid
phb 215 cleric
yes phb 217 druid
xge 151 cleric
phb 223 cleric
phb 224 druid
phb 224 bard, wizard
phb 226 wizard
yes phb 231 bard, cleric, druid, wizard
yes phb 231 cleric, druid
phb 234 cleric
phb 235 wizard
phb 240 bard, cleric, druid, wizard
phb 240 wizard
phb 243 cleric
phb 245 cleric, wizard
phb 252 bard, wizard
phb 252 bard, wizard
phb 255 bard, wizard
phb 256 bard, druid
phb 257 bard, wizard
phb 259 cleric, druid
phb 265 wizard
phb 270 cleric, druid
phb 270 wizard
yes phb 275 bard, cleric
yes ee 22, xge 165 bard, druid, wizard
phb 277 bard, druid
phb 282 wizard
phb 284 bard,wizard
phb 287 druid, wizard
phb 287 cleric, druid
Name Range save/attack dice type other
Acid splash 60 attack d6 acid 2 targets within 5 ft
Chill touch 120 attack d8 necrotic undead has disadvantage on attac
Eldritch blast 120 attack d10 force Each die is a beam which can atta
Fire Bolt 120 attack d10 fire Can ignite flamable object
Poison spray 10 Constitution d12 poison
Produce flame 30 attack d8 fire 10 minutes 10ft light,
Ray of frost 60 attack d8 cold targets speed reduced 10 ft 1 roun
sacred flame 60 dexterity d8 radiant
Shillelagh 5 weapon attack d8+spellcasting abludgeoning Replaces weapon damage for any
Shocking grasp 5 attack d8 lightning advantage to target in metal armo
Thornwhip 30 attack d6 piercing pull 10ft closer to you
vicious mockery 60 wisdom d4 psychic Target must hear
Create bonfire 60 dexterity d8 fire Ignites flamable objects, persi
Frostbite 60 Constitution d6 cold disadvantage on next attack
Infestation 30 Constitution d6 poison forced to move 5'
Magic stone 60 attack d6+spellcasting aBludgeoning Enchant 3 stones. can be trown
Thunderclap 5 Constitution d6 thunder All creatures wit
Toll the dead 60 wisdom d8 or d12 necrotic More damage against alr
word of radiance 5 Constitution d6 radiant All creatures you choos
Booming blade 5 weapon attack thunder Weapon+ 1d8 if target moves, +8d
Green flame blad 5 weapon attack fire
Lightning lure 15 strength 1d8 lightning pulled 10 feet towards you
mind sliver 60 Intelligence 1d6 psychic -1d4 to next saving throw
sword burst 5 dexterity 1d6 force all creatures within range

Bard Cleric Druid sorcerer warlock wizard
gets within 5 ft y y
ad has disadvantage on attack roly y y
die is a beam which can attack different tay
gnite flamable object y y
y y y y
inutes 10ft light, y
ts speed reduced 10 ft 1 round y y
aces weapon damage for any y
ntage to target in metal armour, cy
10ft closer to you y
es flamable objects, persi y y y y
dvantage on next attack y y y y
d to move 5' y y y y
ant 3 stones. can be trowny y
y y y y y
damage against alry y
eatures you choosy
pon+ 1d8 if target moves, +8d8 y y y
y y y
d 10 feet towards you y y y
to next saving throw y y y
eatures within range y y y
Pantheon Name Gender Job Alignment
Norse Aegir m sea,storms NE
Dwarven Abbathor m greed NE
Elven Aerdrie Faenya f Air, rain, fertility, birth CG
Faerû nian Akadi F Air N
Elven Alathren Druanna Runes, writing,spelcasting N
Faerû nian Amauntator M Sun LN
Halfling Alvoreen m vigilance and war LG
Elven Angharradh f wisdom,growth,protection CG
Giant Annam m All father LN
Egyptian Anubis m Judgement,death LN
Greek Aphrodite f love,beauty CG
Egyptian Apep m evil,fire,serpents NE
Greek Apollo m light,music,healing CG
Celtic Arawn m life,death NE
Eberron SovereigArawai f fertility NG
Faerû nian Asmodeus M Indulgence LE
Greek Ares m war,strife CE
Greek Artemis f hunting,childbirth NG
Greek Athena f wisdom,civilisation LG
Eberron SovereigAureon m Law,knowledge LN
Faerû nian Auril F Winter NE
Faerû nian Azuth M Wizardry LN
Dragon Bahamut m Good LG
Norse Balder m beauty,poetry NG
Orc Bahgtru m Leg breaker CE
Faerû nian Bane M Tyranny LE
Eberron SovereigBalinor m beasts,hunt N
Hobgoblin Bargrivyek M Duty,unity,discipline LE
Celtic Belenus m sun,light,warmth NG
Egyptian Bast f cats,vengeance CG
Dwarven Berronar Truesilver f hearth and home LG
Greyhawk Beory f nature N
Eberron Blood of Vol ? Immortality,undeath LN
Egyptian Bes m luck,music CN
Faerû nian Beshaba F Misfortune CE
Faerû nian Bhaal M Murder NE
Kua-Toa Blibdoolpoolp f NE
Eberron SovereigBoldrei f community,home LG
Greyhawk Boccob m magic N
Dragonlance Branchala m music NG
Celtic Brigantia f rivers,livestock NG
Halfling Brandobaris n Thievery,adventure N
Faerû nian Chauntea F Agriculture NG
Greyhawk Celestian m stars,wanderers N
Elven Corellon Larethian ? art,magic CG
Dragonlance Chemosh m undead LE
Dragonlance Chislev f nature N
Dwarven Clandeggin Silverbeard m war LG
Halfling Cyrrollalee f hearth and home LG
Faerû nian Cyric M Lies CE
Duergar Deep Duerra f conquest,psionics LE
Greek Demeter f agriculture NG
Elven Deep Sashelas f sea CG
Faerû nian Deneir M Writing NG
Yuan-Ti Dendar f Night serpent NE
Celtic Diancecht m medicine,healing Ld
Giant Diancastra f
Greek Dioysus m Mirth,wine CN
Eberron SovereigDol Arrah f sunlight,honour LG
Dwarven Dumathoin m buried secrets N
Eberron SovereigDol Dorn m Strength at arms CG
Eberron Dragon Below ? madness NE
Dwarven Dugmaren Brightmantle m Discovery CG
Merfolk Eadro ? Sea N
Celtic Dunatis m Mountains,peaks N
Drow Eilistraee f song,moonlight CG
Greyhawk Ehlonna f woodlands NG
Norse Forseti m Justice,law,order N
Faerû nian Eldath F Peace NG
Elven Erevan Ilesere m mischief CN
Greyhawk Erythnul m envy,slaughter CE
Elven Fenmarel Mestarine m outcasts CN
Greyhawk Fharlanghn m horizons,travel NG
Norse Frey m fertility,sun NG
Norse Freya f fertility,love NG
Norse Frigga f birth,fertility N
Celtic Goibhniu m smiths,healing NG
Gnome Garl Glittergold m Trickery,wiles LG
Dragonlance Gilean m Knowledge N
Faerû nian Gond M Craft N
Faerû nian Gwaeron Windstrom M Tracking NG
Dwarven Gorm Gulthyn m vigilance LG
Bugbear Grankhul M CE
Hill giant Grolantor m war CE
Faerû nian Grumbar M Earth N
Orc Gruumsh m storms,war CE
Dragonlance Habbakuk m animal life,sea NG
Greek Hades m Underworld LE
Elven Hanali Celanil f love,beauty CG
Dwarven Haela Brightaxe f war-luck CG
Dwarven Hanseath Festivity,brewing,song CN
Egyptian Hathor f love,music,motherhood NG
Greek Hecate f Magic,moon CE
Norse Heimdall m watchfulness,loyalty LG
Greyhawk Heironeous m chivalry,valour LG
Norse Hel f underworld NE
Faerû nian Helm M Watchfulness LN
Greek Hephaestus m smithing,craft NG
Greek Hera f marriage,intrigue CN
Greek Hercules m strength,adventure CG
Greek Hermes m travel,commerce CG
Norse Hermod m luck CN
Greek Hestia f home,family NG
Greyhawk Hextor m war,discord LE
Giant Hiatea f Hunting,home warden
Dragonlance Hiddukkel m Lies,greed CE
Faerû nian Hoar M Revenge,Retribution LN
Bugbear Hruggek m violence CE
Giant Iallanis f Love,Peace
Faerû nian Ilmater M Endurance LG
Orc Ilneval m Warmaker CE
Egyptian Imhotep m crafts,medicine NG
Greyhawk Incabolus m plague,famine NE
Egyptian Isis f fertility,magic NG
Faerû nian Istishia M Water N
Greyhawk Istus f fate,destiny N
Greyhawk Iuz m pain,oppression CE
Faerû nian Jergal Scribe of the dead LN
Faerû nian Kelemvor M Dead LN
Goblinoid Khurgorbaeyag m Overseer LE
Drow Kiaransalee f necromancy CE
Dragonlance Kiri-Jolith m Honour,war LG
Eberron SovereigKol Korran m trade,wealth N
Greyhawk Kord m athletics,sport CG
Faerû nian Kossuth m fire N
Kobold Kurtulmak m war,mining LE
Duergar Laduguer m magic,slavery LE
Open tome Laogzed m hunger CE
Faerû nian Lathander m dawn,renewal NG
Elven Lebabelas Enoreth m time,history,philosophy CG
Faerû nian Leira f illusion CN
Faerû nian Lliira f joy CG
Norse Loki m thieves,trickery CE
Drow Lolth f spiders CE
Faerû nian Loviatar f pain LE
Celtic Lugh m arts,travel,commerce CN
Dragonlance Lunitari f Neutral magic N
Orc Luthic f Cave mother ce
Goblinoid Maglubiyet m war LE
Dragonlance Majere m meditation,order LG
Faerû nian Malar m hunt CE
Celtic Mannanan Mac Lir m oceans,sea creatures LN
Celtic Marth Mathonwy m magic NE
Dwarven Marthammor Duin m wanderers NG
Yuan-Ti Merrshaulk m
Faerû nian Mask m thieves CN
Faerû nian Meilikki f forests NG
Cloud Giant Memnor m CN
Faerû nian Milil m poetry,song NG
Dragonlance Mishakal f healing LG
Dwarven Moradin m creation LG
Dragonlance Moergion m disease,secrecy NE
Dwarven Muamman Duathal Storms,Travel NG
Dwarven Mya f Clan,Family,Wisdom NG
Celtic Morrigan f battle CE
Faerû nian Myrkul m death NE
Faerû nian Mysta f magic NG
Egyptian Nephthys f death,grief CG
Greyhawk Nerull m death NE
Greek Nike f victory LN
Hobgblin Nomog-Geaya m LE
Norse Njord m sea,wind NG
Celtic Nuada m war,warriors N
Greyhawk Obad-Hai m nature N
Dragonlance Nuitari m evil magic LE
Norse Odin m knowledge,war NG
Faerû nian,Celtic Oghma m knowledge,speech,writing N
Greyhawk Olidammara m revelry CN
Norse Odur m light,sun CG
Eberron SovereigOlladra f good fortune NG
Eberron SovereigOnatar m craft NG
Giant Orthea f
Dragonlance Paladine m rulers,guardians LG
Greek Pan m nature CN
Egyptian Osiris m nature,underworld LG
Eberron Path of light ? Light,self improvement LN
Greyhawk Pelor m sun,healing NG
Greyhawk Pholtus m light,law LG
Egyptian Ptah m crafts,knowledge,secrets LN
Greyhawk Ralishaz m Ill luck,insanity CN
Greyhawk Rao m peace,reason LG
Greek Poseidon m sea,earthquakes CN
Egyptian Re-Horakhty m sun,ruler of the gods LG
Elven Rillafane Rallathil m nature CG
Dragonlance Sargonnas m vengeance,fire LE
Dragonlance Reorx m Craft N
Elven Sehanine Moonbow f divination,dreams,travel,death CG
Faerû nian Savras m divination,fate LN
Sahuagin Sekolah f hunt LE
Faerû nian Selû ne f moon CG
Lizardfolk Semuanya ? Survival N
Egyptian Set m darkness,desert storms CE
Elven Sevarash m vengeance CN
Kou-Toa Seth m Sibilant Deat NE
Orc Shargaas m night lord CE
Faerû nian Shar f darkness,loss NE
Dwarven Roknar Lies,Intrigue NE
Dwarven Sharindler f healing,Love CG
Halfling Sheela Peryroyl f agriculture,weather N
Dragonlance Shinare f Wealth,Trade N
Norse Sif f war CG
Faerû nian,Celtic Silvanus m wild nature,forests N
Dragonlance Sirrion m Fire,Change N
Norse Skadi m earth,mountains N
Centaur,satyr Skerrit m Nature N
Bugbear Skiggaret m Fear CE
Stone giant Skoraeus Stonebones m Art N
Drow Slvetarm m warriors CE
Egyptian Sobek m water,crocodiles LE
Dragonlance Solinari M Good magic LG
Elven Solonor Thelandira m archery CG
Eberron elven Spirits of the past ? CG
Greyhawk St Cuthbert m common sense,zeal LN
Storm Giant Stromnaus m CG
Faerû nian Sune f love,beauty CG
Fire giant,norse Surtur m craft,war LE
Dragonlance Takhisis f night,hatred LE
Faerû nian Talona f poison,disease CE
Faerû nian Talos m storms CE
Faerû nian Tempus m war N
Greyhawk Tharizdun m eternal darkness CE
Dwarven Tharmekû l Fire,Forges,Molten rock N
Dwarven Thautam Mysteries,Darkness,Lost treasures N
Tabaxi The Cat Lord m
Eberron Sinister The Fury f Wrath,madness NE
Eberron Sinister The keeper m greed,death NE
Eberron Sinister The Mockery m violence,treachery NE
Faerû nian The Red Knight f war LN
Eberron Sinister The Shadow m Dark magic CE
Celtic The Daghdha m weather,crops CG
Eberron Sinister The Traveller ? Chaos,change CN
Norse Thor m storms,thunder CG
Egyptian Thoth m knowledge,wisdom N
Frost giant,norseThrym m strength CE
Dragon Tiamet f evil LE
Faerû nian Torm m courage,self sacrifice LG
Greyhawk Trithereon m liberty,retribution CG
Greek Tyche f good fortune N
Faerû nian Tymora f good fortune CG
Eberron Sinister The Devourer m nature's wrath NE
Eberron The Silver Flame ? Protection,good LG
Greyhawk Ulaa f hills,mountains LG
Norse Uller m hunting,winter CN
Dwarven Thrard Harr Wilderness,hunting CG
Norse Tyr m courage,strategy LN
Faerû nian Tyr m justice LG
Faerû nian NorthlValkur m sailors CG
Dwarven Ulaa Mining,Quarrying LG
Greyhawk Vecna m evil secrets NE
Drow Vhaeraun m thieves CE
Faerû nian Waukeen f trade N
Greyhawk Wee Jas f magic,death LN
Faerû nian Umberlee f sea CG
Eberron elven Undying court ? NG
Orc Yurtrus m White Hand CE
Halfling Urogalan m earth,death LN
Dwarven Valkauna Oaths,Birth,Aging,Death LN
Dragonlance Zivilyn m Wisdom N
Trolls,Ogres Vaprak ?
Dwarven Veragain m luck,wealth N
Gnoll Yeenoghu m Slaughter,Senseless Destruction CE
Halfling Yondala f Fertility,protection LG
Dragonlance Zeboim f sea,storms CE
Greek Zeus m sky,ruler of the gods N
Domain Symbol
Tempest rough ocean waves
Trickery point-down jewelled dagger
Life,Tempest,Trickerbird silhouetted against a cloud
Tempest Cloud
Arcana,Knowledge A quill or glyph
Life,Light Golden sun
War crossed short swords
Knowledge,Life,war, Triangle with three interlocking circles within
Death,Grave,anubis black jackal
Light sea shell
Trickery flaming snake
Life,Death Black star on a gray background
Life,Nature Sheaf of wheat tied with green ribbon
Knowledge,Trickery Three inverted triangles arranged in a long triangle
War spear
Life,Nature Bow and arrow on lunar disc
Knowledge, order Open time
Nature,Tempest Six-pointed snowflake
Arcana,Knowledge Left hand pointing upward,outlined in fire
Life,War,Protection Dragon's head in profile
Life,Light Gem-encrusted silver chalice
War Bull
War, order Upright black hand,thumb and fingers together
Life,Nature Pair of antlers
Flail with head dipped in white paint
Light solar disc and standing stones
War cat
Life,Light,peace intertwined silver rings
Nature green disc
Death,Life stylized dragon skull on red teardrop gem
Trickery image of the misshapen deity
Trickery Black Antlers
Death Skull surrounded by ring of bloody droplets
Death Lobster's head,black pearl
Life,peace,twilight fire in a stone hearth
Knowledge,Arcana eye within a pentagram
Light bard's harp
Life footbridge
Trickery halfling footprint
Life,Light Sheaf of grain or a blooming rose over grain
Knowledge,twilight arc of seven stars within a circle
Arcana,Light crescent moon
Death Yellow skull
Nature Feather
War crossed silver battleaxes
Life,peace An open door
Trickery White jawless skull on black or purple sunburst
Arcana,War Mind flayer skull
Life Mare's head
Nature dolphin
Arcana,Knowledge Lit candle above an open eye
Life crossed oak and mistletoe branches
Life Thyrsus (staff tipped with pine cone)
Light,War,twilight rising sun
Death,Knowledge Mountain silhouette with a central gemstone
War,Protection Longsword crossed over a shield
Trickery vaies
Knowledge open book
Nature,Tempest Spiral design
Nature Red sun-capped mountain peak
Light,Nature Sword wielding dancing drow female silhouetted against the full moon
Life,Nature unicorn horn
Light Head of a bearded man
Life,Nature,peace Waterfall plunging into a still pool
Trickery asymmetrical eight-armed star
War blood drop
Trickery two peering elven eyes
Knowledge,Trickery circle crossed by a curved horizontal line
Life,Light Ice-blue greatsword
Life falcon
Life,Light cat
Knowledge,Life,Forg Giant mallet over sword
Trickery Gold nugget
Knowledge Open book
Knowledge,Forge Toothed cog with four spokes
Knowledge,Nature Paw print with a five pointed star in its centre
War bronze half mask
War Wooden club
Knowledge Mountain
Tempest,War Unblinking eye
Nature,Tempest blue bird
Death,Grave black ram
Life Golden Heart
War upright sword whose blade is spiraled in flame
Trickery,War Beer stein
Life,Light Horned cow;s head with lunar disc
Knowledge,Trickery, setting moon
Light,War curling musical horn
War,Protection Lightning bolt
Death woman.s face rotting on one side
Life,Light,War,ProtecStaring eye on upright left gauntlet
Knowledge,Forge hammer and anvil
Trickery Fan of peacock's feathers
Tempest,War Lion's head
Trickery caduceus (winged staff and serpents)
Trickery winged scroll
Life hearth
War Six arrows facing downwards in a fan
Trickery broken merchant's scales
War A coin with a two-faced head
War Morningstar
Life,Protection,twiligHands bound at the wrist with red cord
Knowledge step pyramid
Death Reptilian eye with a horizontal diamond
Knowledge,Life,Arca Ankh and star
Tempest Wave
Knowledge weaver's spindle with three strands
Death Grinning human skull
Knowledge,Death A skull biting a scroll
Death,Grave Upright skeletal arm holding balanced scales
Yellow and red striped whip
Arcana Female drow hand wearing many silver rings
War Bison's horn
Trickery Nine sided gold coin
Tempest,War Four spears and four maces,radiating out from a central point
Light flame
War gnome skull
Arcana,Death broken arrow
Death Image of the lizard/toad god
Light,Life road travelling into a sunrise
Arcana,Knowledge setting sun
Trickery Point-down triangle containing a swirl of mist
Life triangle of three six pointed stars
Trickery flame
Trickery spider
Death nine-tailed barbed scourge
Knowledge,Life Pair of long hands
Arcana red circle or sphere
Life Bear claws
War,order Bloody axe
Knowledge, order copper spider
Nature Clawed paw
Nature,Tempest wave of white water on green
Knowledge,Arcana staff
Nature,Trickery upright mace in front of a tall boot

Trickery black mask

Nature unicorn's head
Trickery Two face mask
Light five stringed harp made of leaves
Knowledge,Life,twili blue infinity sign
Knowledge,Forge hammer and anvil
Death hood with two red eyes
Tempest Mace held in gauntlets
Knowledge,Life A faceless mother figure
War Two crossed spears
Death white human skull
Arcana,Knowledge Circle of seven stars,nine stars,nine stars encircling a flowing red mist,a single star
Death Horns around a lunar disc
Death skull with either a sickle or scythe
War winged woman,swoosh
War Longsword and handaxe
Nature,Tempest gold coin
War,nuada silver hand on black background
Nature Oak leaf and acorn
Arcana black circle or sphere
Knowledge,War,Protewatching blue eye
Knowledge blank unfurled scroll
Trickery laughing mask
Light solar disc
Life,Trickery Domino
Knowledge,Forge crossed hammer and tongs

War,Protection,peacesilver triangle
Nature Syrinx (pan pipes)
Life,Nature,Grave crook and flail
Life,Light brilliant crystal
Light,Life sun
Light, order silver sun or full moon partially eclipsed by a smaller crescent moon
Knowledge bull
Trickery three bone casting sticks
Knowledge,peace white heart
Tempest trident
Life,Light solar disc encircled by serpent
Nature oak leaf
War stylized red condor
Knowledge,Forge Forging hammer
Knowledge full moon under a moonbow
Arcana,Knowledge crystal ball containing many kinds of eyes
Nature,Tempest Shark
Knowledge,Life,twili pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars
Life Egg
Death,Tempest,Trickcoiled cobra
War broken arrow over a year

Death,Trickery black disk encircled with a purple border
Trickery Hands filled with coins
Life burning needle
Nature,Tempest Flower
Knowledge,Trickery Griffon's wing
War Upraised sword
Nature oak leaf,summer oak tree
Nature Multi Coloured fire
Nature Mountain peak
Nature Oak growing from acorn

Knowledge Stalactite
War spider over crossed sword and mace
Nature,Tempest crocodile head with horns and plumes
Arcana white circle or sphere
War silver arrow with green fletching
War varies
Knowledge,Protectiocircle at the centre of a starburst of lines
Life,Light Face of a beautiful red-haired woman
Knowledge,War,ForgFlaming sword
Death Black crescent
Death Three teardrops in a triangle
Tempest three lightning bolts radiating from a point
War upright flaming sword
Trickery dark spiral,inverted ziggurat
Forge,Light Fiery axe
Knowledge,Trickery Blindfold

War Winged wyrm with woman's head and upper body

Death dragonshard stone in the shape of a fang
War Five blood spattered tools
War red knight lanceboard piece with stars for eyes
Knowledge,Arcana Obsidian tower
Nature,Trickery Bubbling cauldron or shield
Knowledge,Trickery Four crossed,rune inscribed bones
Tempest,War Hammer
Knowledge Ibis
War white double bladed axe
Trickery Dragon head with five claw marks
War,Protection white right gauntlet
War triskelion
Trickery red pentagram
Trickery face-up coin
Tempest bundle of five sharpened bones
Life,Light,War,ProtecFlame drawn on silver or moulded from silver
Life,War mountain with a circle at its heart
Nature longbow
Nature Two clawed gauntlets
War, order balanced scales resting on a warhammer
Tempest,War a cloud and three lightning bolts
Forge A miner's pick
Knowledge,Arcana hand with eye in the palm
Trickery black mask with blue glass lenses inset over eyes
Knowledge,Trickery upright coin with Waukeen's profile facing left
Death,Knowledge,ArcRed skull in front of fireball
Tempest wave curling left and right
Knowledge,Life,Grav varies
Death White hand
Death,Knowledge silhouette of a dog's head
Grave,Life A silver ewer
Knowledge great green or gold tree

Trickery Gold coin with the face of a dwarf

Death,War Three headed flail
Life,Protection,twiligcornucopia on a shield
Tempest turtle shell
Tempest fist full of lightning bolts
,a single star
Race Subrace Source 2 1 speed
Aasimar Protector aasimaVGTM charisma wisdom 30
Aasimar Scourge aasimar VGTM charisma constitution 30
Aasimar Fallen aasimar VGTM charisma strength 30
Any Revenant
Bugbear VGTM
Strength wisdom 40
Charisma Dexterity or intel 30
Dragonborn PHB strength charisma 30
Dwarf Hill Dwarf PHB Constitution Wisdom 25
Dwarf Mountain Dwarf PHB Constitution Strength 25
Dwarf Duergar SCAG Constitution strength 25
Elf High Elf PHB dexterity intelligence 30
Elf Wood Elf PHB dexterity wisdom 35
Elf Drow PHB dexterity charisma 30
Elf Eladrin MTOF dexterity Charisma 30
Elf Avariel
dexterity 30
Elf Grugach
dexterity 30
Elf Sea Elf MTOF dexterity Constitution 30 swimming
Elf Shadar-Kai MTOF dexterity Constitution 30
Firbolg VGTM Wisdom strength 30
Genasi Air Genasi POTA constitution dexterity 30
Genasi Earth Genasi POTA constitution strength 30
Genasi Fire Genasi POTA constitution Intelligence 30
Genasi Water Genasi POTA constitution wisdom Swim 30
Gith Githyanki MTOF strength Intelligence 30
Gith Githzerai MTOF Wisdom Intelligence 30
Gnome Forest Gnome PHB intelligence dexterity 25
Gnome Rock Gnome PHB intelligence constitution 25
Gnome Svirfneblin SCAG intelligence dexterity 25
Goblin VGTM
Goliath VGTM strength constitution 30

Half Elf PHB charisma any 2 30

Half Orc PHB Strength constitution 30
Halfling Lightfoot PHB dexterity charisma 25
Halfling Stout PHB dexterity constitution 25
Hobgoblin VGTM
Human PHB none all 30
Human Variant PHB none any 2 30
Wisdom, charima and one of your choice
Kenku VGTM Dexterity wisdom 30
Kobold VGTM
Lizardfolk VGTM constitution wisdom swim 30
Strength con 30
Shifter Beasthide
Constitution Dexterity 30
Shifter cliffwalk
S Dexterity 30
Shifter Longstride
Dexterity 30
Shifter Longtooth
Strength Dexterity 30
Shifter Swiftstride
Dexterity Charisma 35
Shifter Wildhunt
Wisdom Dexterity 30
Tabaxi VGTM
Tiefling Asmodeus PHB Charisma intelligence 30
Tiefling Abyssal tiefling
Tiefling Baalzebul MTOF Charisma intelligence 30
Tiefling Dispater MTOF Charisma Dexterity 30
Tiefling Fierna MTOF Charisma Wisdom 30
Tiefling Glasya MTOF Charisma Dexterity 30
Tiefling Levistus MTOF Charisma Constitution 30
Tiefling Mephistopheles MTOF Charisma intelligence 30
Tiefling Mammon MTOF Charisma intelligence 30
Tiefling Zariel MTOF Charisma strength 30
Triton VGTM
Yuan-ti pureblood VGTM
Darkvision Damage ResistanProficieny advantage on SavOther drawback
60 necrotic, radiant
60 necrotic, radiant
60 necrotic, radiant

Survival Powerful build. 1d6+str hooves

2 of deception, insight, intimidati Change appearence,
1 type breath
60 Poison 1 tool, 1 handed Poison extra hit point
60 Poison 1 tool, 1 handed Poison
120 Poison 1 tool, 1 handed Poison, Illusion, charmed, paralys Disadvatanage on
60 Perception, shor charmed Immune to magical sleep
60 Perception, shor charmed Immune to magical sleep, hide in light cover
120 Perception, rapiecharmed Immune to magica Disadvatanage on
60 Perception charmed Immune to magical sleep
60 Perception charmed Immune to magical sleep
60 Perception charmed Immune to magical sleep
60 Perception, spear,charmed Immune to magical sleep, communicate with sea cr
60 Necrotic perception charmed Immune to magical sleep
Powerful build, speak to animals a
Hold breath indefinitely
Move across difficult terrain
60 fire
30 acid breath air and water
30 One skill or tool of your choice, light and medium armor, Shortswor
30 Charmed or frightened
60 int, wis or cha ag speak with small beats
60 tinkers tools int, wis or cha ag double proficiency int rolls re devi
120 int, wis or cha ag advantage on stealth in rocky terrain

Athletics Powerful build, adapted to cold

60 charmed choice of 2 immune to magic sleep

60 intimidatio Bonus damage die on critical
frightened reroll a 1, move through the space of a medium or l
poison frightened. poisoreroll a 1, move through the space of a medium or l

1 skill any 1 feat

one of your choice psychic Advantage on oneUse reaction to Mind link, immune to effects taht require you to dre
2 of acrobatics, deception,stealth, Advantage to forge, can mimic

2 of animal handling, nature, perce1d6 +str bite, can make weapons from a carcass, ho
Intimidation Hammering hooves, goring rush

60 perception, athletics
60 perception
60 perception
60 perception, intimidation
60 perception, acrobatics
60 perception, survival

60 fire
60 fire
60 fire
60 fire
60 fire
60 fire
60 fire
60 fire
60 fire
60 fire

spells or spell like abilities

healing hands,light, radiant soul

healing hands,light,radiant consumption
healing hands,light, necrotic shroud

Unsettling visage
breath weapon

enlarge/reduce, invisibility
1 cantrip
eep, hide in light cover
Dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness
Fey step

eep, communicate with sea creatures

Raven Queen's step
Hidden step, detect magic, disguise self
Pass without trace
produce flame, burning hands
shape water, createor destroy water
Mage hand, jump, misty step
Mage hand, Shield, detect thoughts
minor illusion
can make litte gadgets
n rocky terrain

Reduce damage 1d12+con

Reduced to 0 P and go to 1 and stay concious

gh the space of a medium or larger creature, hide behind a medium creature
gh the space of a medium or larger creature
effects taht require you to dream

e weapons from a carcass, hold breath 15 mins

Shifting, temporary hit points, + AC

Shifting, temporary hit points
Shifting, temporary hit points
Shifting, temporary hit points, natural weapon
Shifting, temporary hit points, extra move
Shifting, temporary hit points, advatage on wisdom checks; mark the scent

thaumaturgy, hellish rebuke, darkness

Thaumaturgy, ray of sickness, Crown of madness

Thaumaturgy, disguise, detect thoughts
Friends, charm person, suuggestion
Minor illusion, disguise self, invisibility
Ray of frost,armor of Agathys, darkness
Mage hand, buring hands, flame blade
Mage hand, tensor's floatig disc, arcane lock
Tham,aturgy, searing smite, branding smite
Acolyte PHB insight religion language language
Charlatan PHB deception sleight of hand disguise kit forgery kit
Criminal PHB deception stealth Gaming set theives tools
Entertainer PHB arobatics performance Disguise kit musical instrume
Gladiator PHB arobatics performance Disguise kit unusual weapon
Folk Hero PHB animal handling survivaval artisans tools vehicles
Guild Artisan PHB insight pursuation artisans tools language
Hermit PHB medicine religion herbalism kit language
Noble PHB history pusuasion gaming set language
Knight PHB history pusuasion gaming set language
Outlander PHB Athletics survival musical instrumelanguage
Sage PHB arcana history language language
Sailor PHB athletics perception navigators tools ships
Pirate PHB athletics perception navigators tools ships
Soldier PHB athletics intimidation gaming set vehicles
Urchin PHB sleight of hand stealth Disguise kit theives tools
City Watch SCAG
Clan Crafter SCAG
Cloistered ScholaSCAG
Courtier SCAG
Faction Agent SCAG
Far traveler SCAG
Inheritor SCAG
Knight of the ordSCAG
Urban Bounty HuSCAG
Mercenery Veter SCAG
Uthgart Tribe m SCAG
Waterdhavian NoSCAG
hospitality temple
False identitiy
criminall contact
hospitality inn or other venue
hospitality inn or other venue
hospitality commoners
hospitality guild
Hospitality nobility or retainers
scavange foos, memory for terrian
hospitality ships
bad reputation
military rank
city secrets
0-4 Aarakocra
5-6 Protector Aasimar
7 Scourge Aasimar
8 Fallen Aasimar
9-12 Bugbear
13-16 Dragonborn 1 Black
17-18 Hill Dwarf 2 Blue
19 Mountain Dwarf 3 Brass
20 Duergar 4 Bronze
21-22 High Elf 5 Copper
23 Wood Elf 6 Gold
24 Drow 7 Green
25-28 Firbolg 8 Red
32 Air Genasi 9 Silver
30 Earth Genasi 10 White
31 Fire Genasi
32 Water Genasi
33 Forest Gnome
34-35 Rock Gnome
36 Svifneblin
37-40 Goblin
41-44 Goliath
45-48 Half-Elf
49-52 Half-Orc
53-54 Lightfoot
55-56 Stout
57-60 Hobgoblin
61-64 Human
65-68 Kenku
69-72 Kobold
73-76 Lizardfolk
77-80 Orc
81-84 Tabaxi
85-88 Tiefling
89-92 Triton
93-96 Yuan-ti Pureblood
97-100 Caster's Choice

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