Star Wars D20 Revised Force Skills Reference Sheet

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Affect Mind (pg 76) Farseeing (pg 86)

Full Round Action 10 Minutes(once per day)

Range 10 Meters Vision DC Vitality
Vitality Cost: 2 to Alter Perceptions, 4 to Suggestions Seeing Another Place 15 3
Check Will DC Seeing the Past 20 6
up to 4 5 Possible Future 25 9
5-14 10 You may also attempt a Farseeing Check (DC 25) in order to gain a re-roll
15-24 15 on any Saving Throw, Attack Roll, or Skill Check, with a vitality cost of 9.
25-34 20
35+ 25 Fear (pg 87)
Attack Action
Battle Mind (pg 77) Vitality Cost 2
Move Action Duration: 10 rounds
Vitality Cost: 2 plus Bonus Using this skill gives the person a dark side point
Duration: 10 rounds Target may take a dark side point to immediately negate.
Check Bonus to Attack Provides a penalty to all skill checks and attack rolls
up to 4 +1 Check Penalty
5-14 +2 10-14 -2
15-24 +3 15-19 -4
25-34 +4 20-24 -6
35+ +5 25-29 -8
30+ -10
Drain Energy (pg 84)
Full Round Action Force Defense (pg 87)
Vitality Cost: Depends on Target Full Round Action
Check Will DC Duration: 10 Rounds
14 or less 10 Vitality Cost: 3
15-24 15 Adds a Bonus to any saving throw versus force attacks
25+ 20 May be used as a reaction to an attack, with a duration of 10 rounds, but
If the target fails the save, the item’s power is drained and can’t be used. with only half the bonus.
Unattended objects receive no saving throw Check Bonus
Power Source Example VP Cost 10-14 +2
Simple Device Datapad/Comlink 2 15-19 +4
Power pack Blaster/Ion Gun 4 20-24 +6
Energy Cell Lightsaber 8 25-29 +8
Portable Generator E-Web Blaster/Droid 12 30+ +10

Empathy (pg 84) Force Grip (pg 87)

Attack Action Attack Action
Duration: 10 rounds Vitality Cost: 4
Vitality Cost : 2 Range: Anyone you can see
Adds a bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Entertain, Using this ability grants a dark side point
Sense Motive On a failed Will save the target takes 3d6. On a successful save the target
Resisted by the targets Will Save (DC = 10 + force users level) takes ½ damage.
Check Bonus to Skills Check Will DC
up to 4 +1 9 or less 10
5-14 +2 10-19 15
15-24 +3 20+ 20
25-34 +4 If you spend an additional 2 vitality and the target fails his save, he becomes
35+ +5 dazed for a round.

Enhance Ability (pg 85) Force Lightning (pg 87)

Attack Action Attack Action
Duration: 10 Rounds Range 10 meters
Vitality Cost: 3 Vitality Cost: 6
Adds a Bonus to either Dex or Str Using this skill grants a dark side point
Check Bonus Make a skill Check to determine Damage
15-19 +2 Check Damage
20-24 +4 14 or less No Damage
25-29 +6 15-19 2d6
30+ +8 20-29 2d8
30+ 2d10
Enhance Senses (pg 85) Then make a Ranged Attack(threat of 20). If the attack hits, the target
Attack Action suffers the damage and must make a Fort DC 20. On a failed save the target
Duration: 10 minutes is dazed for 1 round. If the save fails by 10 or more the target is dazed for
Vitality Cost : 3 1d4+1 rounds. A dazed target falls prone.
Adds a bonus to any Listen, Search, Sense Motive, or Spot Checks
Check Bonus
10-14 +2
15-19 +4
20-24 +6
25+ +8
Force Stealth (pg 88) Heal Self (pg 91)
Full Round Action Full Round Action
Vitality Cost 2 Vitality cost: see chart (failure 1)
Force Stealth is used to hide from other Force Users who are attempting to May only attempt once per hour
use See Force to locate another character. Result Amount Cost
10-14 1d4+1 vitality 0
Force Strike (pg 88) 15-19 1d6+2 vitality 0 or 1
Attack Action 1d4+1 wounds
Range: 10 meters 1d2 ability
Vitality Cost 2 20-24 1d8+4 vitality 0 or 2
On a failed Reflex save the target takes 3d4 damage, if the save is successful 1d6+2 wounds
the target takes ½ damage. 1d4+1 ability
Force Strike can affect up to 4 targets standing adjacent to one another. 25+ 2d6+6 vitality 0 or 4
Check Reflex DC 1d8+4 wounds
9 or less 10 1d6+2 ability
10-19 15 Illusion (pg 92)
20+ 20 Attack Action
By spending 2 additional Vitality points, your target is pushed 2 meters Vitality Cost: Based on Range
directly away from you and knocked prone on a failed Reflex save. For Check Will DC
every 5 ranks you have in Move Object, the 4 or less 10
target may be pushed back an additional 2 meters. In addition, the target gets 5-14 15
a +4 bonus to its Reflex save for every size category greater than Medium, a 15-24 20
–4 penalty to its Reflex save for every size category smaller, and a +4 bonus 25-34 25
to its Reflex save if it has more than two legs If the target hits an obstacle it 35+ 30
lands prone in that square. Both the target and the obstacle take damage 1d6 Maintaining an illusion for more than 1 round requires an attack action and
points of damage. The obstacle may make a Reflex save DC 15 to avoid the expenditure of the Vitality Points.
being struck. Distance Vitality Cost/Round
10 m 3
Friendship (pg 89) 10 km 5
Full Round Action 100 km 8
Duration: Up to 1 hour 1,000 km 10
Vitality Cost: 2 A character that successfully makes the Will Save may communicate the
Employing calming emotions, the users may alter the attitude of an knowledge to others who then may make a Will Save with a +4 modifier.
unfriendly target. If the check fails the target’s attitude worsens.
Current Attitude Move Object (pg 95)
New Attitude Hostile Unfriendly Move action/Full round action if used as an attack
Unfriendly 15 - Vitality cost: see chart
Indifferent 20 10 Range 10 Meters
Friendly 25 15 Weight DC Cost
Helpful 35 25 .1-5kg 10 1
The target receives a Will Save 6-50kg 15 2
51-500 20 4
Result Save DC 501-5000 25 8
5-14 10 5001-50,000 30 16
15-24 15 You can move an object up to 4 x your force user level in meters.
25-34 20 If the object is physically held by a target, he makes a Will save DC 10 +
35+ 25 your force user level to retain possession.
As an attack, Make a ranged attack against the target. Range increment of
Heal Another (pg 91) 10 meters. The target becomes dazed if successful and takes damage.
Full Round Action Object Size Damage
Vitality Cost: see chart (minimum of 1) up to 5kg no damage
Result Type/amount Cost 5-50kg 1d4
10-14 stabilize 1 Larger objects do NOT daze. Instead treat as object falling into the persons
15-19 1d4+1 vitality 1 square.
20-24 1d6+2 vitality 2 Force Jump: Spend 4 vitality in order to add your ranks in move object to
1d4+1 wounds your jump skill
1d2 ability
25-29 1d8+4 vitality 4 See Force (pg 98)
1d6+2 wounds Full round Action
1d4+1 ability Vitality Cost 3
30+ 2d6+2 vitality 6 DC of 25 minus force user level of the target. Or opposed by a Force Stealth
1d8+4 wound Roll.
1d6+2 ability
Telepathy (pg 100)
Move Action
Vitality Cost: 3
Friendly Target is DC 10. Unfriendly Target DC 15 or Will Save.
Max Range Max Range Distance
Non Force Target Force User Target Mod
10m 10km +0
100m 100km +10
1km 1,000km +20

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