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agree with I don't agree with him

estar de acuerdo  No estoy de acuerdo
acuerdo con él
 be about to We are about to leave here
estar a punto de Estamos a punto de salir de aquí
 be bac!  I'll be back  in
 in a "ew minutes
 regresar  #egresaré en unos minutos
 be out o"  %hey are out of  wor!
 wor! now
quedarse sin Ellos est&n sin trabao ahora
 be over  In $) hours* everything will be over+
terminarse %odo habr& terminado en $) horas
 blow up It's going to blow up+
estallar  -.a a estallar+
call bac!  I will call bac! in twenty minutes
volver a llamar  .olveré a llamar en 20 minutos

) carry on et's carry on the discussion

continuar  ontinuemos con la discusi3n
carry out It is hard to carry out this plan
cumplir  Es di"ícil cumplir este plan
clear up et's clear up this problem
solucionar  5olucionemos este problema
come bac!  6ou must come back  be"ore
 be"ore nine o'cloc! 
regresar  7ebemos regresar antes de las nueve en punto
come in 8nyway* please come in
entrar  omo sea* por "avor pasa
come on Come on+ I can't wait any more
-vamos+ -.8mos+ No puedo esperar m&s
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
cut down on %om tried to cut down on his e9penses
functionality, as1$
well as marketing,
personalization, andreducir 
analytics. You %om trat3 de reducir sus gastos
may change your settings at any time
or accept the defaultcut o"" 
settings. :e cut off  a
 a branch "rom the tree
cortar  El cort3 la rama del &rbol
Privacy Policy die out 5ome thin! that the ondor might die out
Marketing e9tinguir  8lgunos creen que el 3ndor podría e9tinguirse
do without
Personalization I can do without this
Analytics carecer de ;uedo vivir sin esto
Save Accept All

get in %he door was loc!ed* so I couldn't get in

entrar  a puerta estaba cerrada* así que no pude entrar 
get o""  et's get off  here
 baar  .amos a baarnos aquí
get on We saw the child get on the bus
20 subir  .imos como los ni<os se subían al autob=s
get up When do you get up>
levantarse ?8 qué hora de levantas>
give bac!  I have to give back  the
 the boo! be"ore 5aturday
devolver  %engo que devolver el libro antes del s&bado
give up I" I were in her place* I wouldn't give up yet
rendirse 5i estuviera en su lugar* todavía no me rendiría
go ahead Go ahead with your story
-siga+ 5iga con su historia

2( go away ;ic! up your things and go away

irse #ecoge tus cosas y vete
go bac!  Go back  to
 to your seat
volver  .uelve a tu sitio
go down I heard him go down the stairs
 baar  o oí baar las escaleras
go out I'm going to rest be"ore I go out
salir  .oy a descansar antes de salir 
go up 6ou must go up the hill
subir  7ebes subir la colina
hang on Hang on a minute@ I'll call aura
esperar  Espera un minuto* que llamo a aura
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as1
hang up
well as marketing,
7on't hang up yet* please
personalization, andcolgar 
analytics. You  No cuelgues todavía* por "avor 
may change your settings at any time
or accept the defaultlet in
settings. I let in the cat
dear entrar  7eé entrar al gato
Privacy Policy loo! a"ter  I will look after your cat while you are away
Marketing cuidar  uidaré a tu gato mientras estés "uera
loo! "or  We look for good luc!* bad luc! loo!s "or us
Analytics  buscar  Auscamos la buena suerte* la mala suerte nos busca a nosotros
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 put in %om was put in ail

meter  Betieron preso a %om
 put on Would you put on the air conditioning>
encender  ?;uede encender el aire acondiciona
ta!e o""  We will take off  in
 in a "ew minutes
/ despegar  7espegaremoss en unos minutos
ta!e out I went to the ban! to take out money
sacar  Cui al banco para sacar dinero
throw away 7on't throw away your chance
desperdiciar   No desperdicies
desperdicies tu oportunidad
turn down Turn down the radio
 baar volumen A&ale a la radio
turn up Turn up the %.
subir volumen 5ube el volumen al televisor 

$2 turn on Turn on the light* please

encender  Enciende la luD* por "avor 
turn out ;lease turn out the lights when you leave
apagar  ;or "avor apaga las luces al salir 
turn over  ;lease turn over the page
dar la vuelta ;or "avor da la vuelta a la p&gina
wait in Would you li!e to wait in the room>
en casa ?%e gustaría esperar en el cuarto>
wa!e up I wake up at the sound o" the alarm
dear de dormir  7esperté con el sonido de la alarma
wal! about I walked about aimlessly on the street
This website stores data such as
aminé sin rumbo por la calle
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as$)
wal! across
well as marketing,
We saw him walk across the street
personalization, andcruDar 
analytics. You o vimos cruDar la calle
may change your settings at any time
or accept the defaultwal! around
settings. 6ou had better not walk around in such a place
dar la vuelta Es meor no dar la vuelta en este sitio
Privacy Policy wal! on 8"ter dinner* I walk on the beach
Marketing seguir andando 7espués de cenar voy a seguir caminando por la playa


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 Bring up F mencionar algo@ G7ont bring up the problem we had last yearH@
 F  Carry on  FF Ggo onH qque
ue signi"ica continuar@
continuar@ GWe have to carry on with
with our wor!H@
 F  Chase up  FF encontrar
encontrar@@ GIll chase up arlos because
because I need his help
help with homewor!H@
 F  Come across  FF encontrarse ccon on alguien de manera
manera inesperada@
inesperada@ GI went to the mall and
I came across laudio@ I hadnt seen him "or agesH@
 F  Come up with  FF cuando qu quieres
ieres e9presar que
que alguien ha propuesto
propuesto una buena
buena idea o

 FallGArenda
apart F came up withe*aromperse
 F desmoronarse*
desmoronars great solutionH@
great G%he e9pensive toy we bought our son
G%he son !eeps
"alling apartH@
 F  Get along  FF tener una bue
na relaci3n con alguien@
alguien@ GI dont get along with :oward@
:oward@ We
always argueH@
 F  Get away with  FF evitar ser castig
ado por hacer algo
algo o por romper reglas@
reglas@ G:e is not
going to prison> I cant believe he got away with thatH
 F  Get back to  FF cuando no puedes dar una
una respuesta inmediata
inmediata asi que usas
usas este verbo
 para decirle que despues
despues le respondes@G5o
respondes@G5o what
what did you tell John
John about the problem>Ill
get bac! to him later@
 F  Get over  FF 5uparar GI !no
!noww it was hard to leave
leave your country but
but you will get over
 F  Get through  FF conectar a la persona con quien quien quieras hablar
hablar por tele"ono@ G5orry*
 but I couldnt get
get through to her* Ill try in ten minutes
 F  Give up  FF rendirse* aba
ndonar GI gave up up smo!ing because
because it was !illing meH@
 F  Go on!  FF lo mismo que carry on
 F  Hold on!  FF esperar@ omun en inglésinglés hablado@ G:old
G:old onH Es como
como W8I%
W8I% CK# BE@
 F  Look after F  F cuidar@ GI have to travel ne9t
ne9t wee!@ an you
you loo! a"ter mu dog>H
 F  Look into  FF investigar
investigar@@ GIll loo! into it right away and come
come bac! to you assoon as
 F  Look up  FF encontrar algo ccomoomo en una agenda*
agenda* en Internet
Internet o en algun catalogo@
catalogo@ Gan
you loo! up their address on the Net>H
 F  ake out F#econocer
 F#econocer o distinguir detalles GI ust couldnt ma!e
ma!e out what she waswas
 F  oint
This website stores dataout
such  FF as
se<alar o ha
cer notar GAraulio pointed
pointed out that their department
department hadnt
cookies to enabledone early shi"ts
essential site "or a good whileH
functionality, as well as marketing,
 F  ull over  FF detenerse Ltambié
Ltambiénn usado cuando
cuando estas en el
el carro y detienes el carro
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your llevandolo
settings ata any
un lado
time de la carreteraM Gan you pull over>@ I thin! we hit a dogH
 F  utsettings.
or accept the default down F  F escribir* anotar G:old on* Ill put it down* let me ust "ind a piece o"
Privacy Policy F  ut forward  F F proponer una idea@ Gan I put "orward something>H
 ut off  F
 F posponer o deardear para mas tarde GI dont want to clean
clean my house today*
 put it o"" till tomorrowH
 F  ut through  FF trans"erir una llamada Gan you put put me through to the sales
Analytics department* please>H
 F  "un out of  F agotarse* ac acabarse
abarse GWe
GWe ust ran out o" mil!* can you
you buy some more*
Save Accept All

 F  "un off   FF imprimir copias de un de algo como
como un documento
documento Gan you run o"" o"" a "ew
more survey sheets* please>H
 F  #et up  FF "undar* establecer
establecer** instalar GIve always
always dreamt o" setting
setting up my own
 F  #how off   FF presumir GBichael always li!es showing
showing o"" in "ront o" girls* thats the

 #howhe is+H
up  F
F aparecer Lcom
Lcomoo cuando llegas
llegas a una reunion y llegas tardeMGWell*
tardeMGWell* well*
loo! who decided to show up+H or G:e showed up late* and the game had already started
without him@H
 F  #ort out  FF resolver un prob
lema GAill* please do
do something about
about the problem@ K*
K! Ill sort it outH
 F  #tand for  FF representar GWha
GWhatt does 8WK
8WK stand "or>H GWhat
GWhat does J@@ stand
stand "or in
J@@ #owlings name>H
 F  #tand up for  FF de"ender tus dderechos@
erechos@ GIll de"initely stand
stand up "or my rights
rights to ta!e
summer holidays this year as I havent had them "or "our years+H
 F  #tay on  FF quedarse eenn algo o en algun
algun lugar mas de lo esperado@ G8re you staying on
today as well>H
 F  #tick together  FF estar untos Lcua
ndo 2 o mas personas
personas paran untosM
untosM GWe
GWe should
stic! together* you !now*
!now* itll be much easier as everyone else seems to be on their
 F  Take over  FF asumir@ GWhen the president
president retires* Br@ %a
na!a will ta!e over@H
 F  Talk down to F  F hablar con menosprecio
menosprecio haciendo
haciendo a la otra persona
persona que es es in"erior@
G:e is his boss but he should tal! down to JuanH@
 F  Turn down  FF rechaDar GIll nev
er "orget how she
she turned downmy invitation+H
 F  Turn up F
 F signi"ica llegar o aparecer@
aparecer@ G:as Bichael turned
turned up today@
today@ I havent
havent seen
 F  Turn out  FF cuando alg
algoo sale di"erente a lo que esperado GIt GIt turned out that I actually
!new that guy "rom my
 F  $atch out!  FF tener cuidado@ GWa
tch out+ %he "loor
"loor is slipery@ 6ou might
might "allH

This website stores 7EasC#85E5 .E#A8E5 EN INOP5Q
data such
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as%well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
add up to& alcanDar un total
may change your settings at any time
add up&
or accept the default  totaliDar Ra<adir * sumar 2 cosas para untarlos en una sola Q
settings. you have ( apples@
 Let’s add up the apples S@e9plicar algo que suene verdaderoLtenga sentidoM o l3gico
 Let’s add
Lher story didn’t add up for meM
Privacy Policy agree to'to consent toQ consentir 

agree onQ acordar en

answer back& contestar de malos modos
answer for& responder de
Save Accept All

ask about& preguntar por Lun asuntoM

ask afterQ preguntar por la salud
ask back& invitar a volver 
ask down& invitar a baar 
ask for& pedirLCan ( ask you for a favor)** buscar o provocar algo negativo L (f you
date him+ you,re asking for trouble-*  preguntar por Las! aboutM
ask in& invitar a entrar 

ask out& invitar a salir 

ask up toQ pedir hasta Lun precioM
ask up& invitar a subir 
back away& retroceder lentamenteR romper una promesa o compromiso previo
back down& volverse atr&s* ceder* raarse

back out& volver atr&s* retrocederL de la plaDa de aparcarM Rretirase* romper compromiso

o promesa@
back up& re"orDar* dar apoyoR cumplir la palabra o una amenaDaR dar pruebas para
 probar una a"irmaci3nR
a"irmaci3nR hacer una co
be about& estar por Lun lugarM

be about toQ estar a punto de

be away& estar "uera
be back& estar de vuelta* estar de regreso
be fed up'be tired&  estar harto

be for& estar a "avor de
be in& estar en casa
be off& irse* estar apagado
be on& estar encendido
be out& estar "uera
be out of& quedarse sin

be over& estar acabado* terminarseR Inclinarse

be put off with&  estar molestoR en"adado con

be taken in'get taken in Q ser enga<ado por una mentira de "raude

This website stores

be up&data suchlevantado*
 estar as estar despierto
cookies to enable essential site
belong to& estar conectado con algo alguien L This isn,t my car+ it belongs to my
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
down& agacharse L#he bent down and picked up her scarf which had fallen on
bend settings.
or accept the default
the floor*
bend overQ inclinarse L$e have to bend over and touch our toes a lot in yoga class*
Privacy Policy blow away& llevarse Lel vientoM
blow down& derrumbarse por el viento
blow off& dear salir Lel vaporMR no hacerle caso a alguien* desairar 
blow out& apagar LseM Luna llamaMR reventar cuando se trata de la ruedaRllanta de un
blow up& llenar algo con aire o gas L( have to blow up the tires on my bike if ( want
Save Accept All

to ride it* RTe9plotarRponerse rabioso@ Tvolar Lcon e9plosivosML 

e9plosivosML They blew up a
building+ but luckily nobody was hurt* .  agrandar LCan you blow up the photo so
we can see it better)*
break away& soltarse
break down& Tdear de "uncionar L/ur car broke down while we were driving to the
supermarket* * Tderruir Lponer "inM L%fter days of negotiations+ the talks broke
down-* 0 7erribarse* desmoronarse LThe firemen had to break down the door to get

into the house-* 0 comenDar a llorar* solloDar* tener

tener ataque de nervios LBy Friday (
broke down and cried*
break in& irrumpir* interrumpir* entrar en un edi"icio sin permiso* estrenarR darle
in"ormaci3n a un empledo nuevoRusar una cosa nueva para hacerla mas sueveR"le9ible*
entrenarR darle "ormaci3n a un empleado nuevoR "ormar
break looseQ escaparse* desprenderse

break off& romper LseM LrelacionesM

break out& escapar de una edi"icio* c&rcel* estallar Luna guerraM
break up& terminar una relaci3n (They broke up when she moved   )/ romper en pedazos,
break through& atravesar* lograr entrar 

bring about& acarrear* causar 

bring alongQ traer LconsigoMU traer consigo L cosa o personaM
bring away& traer* llevarse consigo al salirLde un lugar o un eventoRuna e9perienciaM

bring around& traer* convencerle a alguienL a hacer una cosa que antes no quería hacerM

bring back& devolver* traerRllevarse de regreso Lde un lugar o de un evento* etcMRR causar 

la recuperaci3n de la concienciaRrea
bring down& derribar* derrocar* abatirR rebaar* baarLuna cosaM
bring in& hacer entrarR traer* llevar a Lalgo o alguien a casaM
bring on& causarLbrought on byVcausado
byVcausado porM

bring out& hacer salir* hacer resaltar* publicarR causarle una reacci3n a alguien
bring over& traerR llevar algo o alguien a cierto lugarLeQcasaM

bring through& traerRllevar porRayudarle a alguien que pasa por un mal rato

This website stores

bring data
up&such as
 criarLcuidar ni<osM* educarLense<arMR mencionar algo cuando estamos
cookies to enable essential site
hablando* plantearLun temaRuna ideaM* subir Luna cosaM
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization,brun away& consumirse
and analytics. You Lel "uegoM
may change your brush  quitar
settings el polvo
any time
down& derrumbarse Lpor el "uegoM
burn settings.
or accept the default
burn out& consumirse Lel "uegoM
burn up& consumirse Lpor el "uegoM
Privacy Policy
buy for& comprar por o para
buy over& sobornar 
buy up& acaparar 
Analytics  I called at  her
call at12lugar*&ir* :acer una visita* hacer escalaL I  her offie but she was out)
call away& 5eguir llamando
Save Accept All

call back& devolver una llamada

call down& lamar La alguienM para que bae
call for& ;edir a voces*e9igirRir a buscar a alguien a su casaL I’ll
 I’ll all for you tomorrow
call in& lamar La alguienM para que entre
call off& cancelar algo o eventoRparar algo Ldecir a alguien que pare de molestarM
call onLnombre o pronombreMQ Ir a ver La alguienMRvisitar L  L   II alled on her)
call out& OritarRclamar 
call overQ ;asar lista* enumerar 

Call to& llamar a alguien a voces L "all to #ames, he’

he’ss late for dinner)
call up& %e le"onear L"all him up on the pone)R llamar a los reclutas para combatir 

carry alongQ ;ersuadir 

carry o""Q levarse a la "uerDa
carry onQ continuar haciendo lo que se esta haciendo*perseverarRhablar de una manera tonta@
carry outQ llevar a cabo* cumplirRllevar comida a casa Lcon respecto a los restaurantesM
chec! bac!Q preguntar m&s adelanteRpreguntar en otra oportunidad
chec! inQ presentarse
chec! intoQ entrar* ingresar* averiguar 
chec! on Q averiguar* averiguar el estado o el bienestar de otra persona
chec! outQeemplo*
salir Lpor e9aminar*
derevisar* echaro un
un hospital vistaDo*
de un hotelMaveriguar 
chec! o""Q acabar con los artículos de una lista* puntear 
chec! overQ revisarRe9aminar con mucho cuidado
chec! withQ hablar con Lpara preguntar o pedirle algo antes de hacer otra cosaM
 por eQ "hek with your dotor before takin! this mediineclear awayQ 7ispersar LseM
clean outQ vaciar Lcomo un despachoRuna o"icina cuando una persona dea su trabaoM
clean upQ limpiar* lavarse* limpiarRponer en orden Lpor eemplo* una casa después de

una "iestaM* dear de usarRabusar las drogas o el alcohol

clear o""Q BarcharseR quitar todas las cosas de encimaL de una mesa o escritorio* etcM
clear outQ Barcharse* salir* irse muy deprisa
clear upQ 8clararse Lel tiempo*un misterioMRdespearseLel
misterioMRdespearseLel cieloM
close downQ errar 
come alongQvenr con otraLsMpersonaLsM* acompa<ar 
This website stores data such as
cookies to enablecome a"terQ site
essential seguir 
functionality, ascome
well as marketing,
awayQ irse* venir para irse* salir 
personalization, and analytics. You
may change your settings at any time
come settings.
or accept the default bac!Q volver* regresarL Vgo bac!M
come upQsubir 

Privacy Policy come up withQ alcanDar o conseguir algo que necesitamosR inventar* tener una
come inQ entrarLVgo inM omo in+V;asa* ;ase+

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come o""Q desprenderse Lcuando debe pegarseMome o"" it+ V No digas eso* ;arece
mentira* 7ea de hacer eso+

come overR come byQ venir a alg=n lugar normalmente para encontrarse con alguien

come outQ salir* asomarse* acudir* dear de esconderse* revelarse como homose9ual

come withQ acompa<arLVgo withM

come throughQ atravesar* cumplir* cumplir la palabra

ome acrossQ dar la impresi3n

i mpresi3n de tener un car&cter particularRsonar e9ageradoRencontrar 
o encontrarse con algoLalguienM por casualidadRdar conRcruDar * atravesar 

ount inQ contar conLalguien en una actividadM 6

6oou can count me in "or the
t he party

ount onQ contar con* con"iar Lyou can count on me* Im your "riend

crac! down LonM  ser m&s severo con* ser menos clemente con
crac! open  raarse
crac! up  reírese o hacer reírse a otra personaU volverse loco
cut out  cortar una "orma con tierasRe9traerRsacar con un cuchilloRun bisturí
cut it out  dear de hacer algo Lque le disgusta a otra personaM
ut it out+  -7ea de hacer eso+
cut o""  cortar* recortar* podarRdes
conectar Lcomo la luDRelectricidadMRparar
luDRelectricidadMRparar** impedir 
cut up  cortar en pedaDosRportarse como un ni<o Li@e@ ugar* decir cosas chistosasRh
cut down  criticar severamenteRmatar
severamenteRmatar** esp@ soldados con "uego de armasRderribar un
&rbol cort&ndolo
cut down LonM  comer menos de una comida por raDones de la saludRhacer una actividad
con menos "recuencia que antes@

do away withRto rid onesel" o"Rto get rid o"  deshacerse de

do in  causar la destrucci3n de Luna persona o una cosaM
This website stores data such as
do up  abrocharse* atar los cordones de los Dapatos Lpaíses brit&nicosM
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, asdo upasLone's
well hairM  arreglarse el pelo LEEXXM
personalization, doand
without  privarse
analytics. You de* con"ormarse con no tener lo que uno quisiera tener 
may change your draw up  hacer
settings un dibuoRorganiDar Lun planM
at any time
draw out
or accept the default  sacar Lcomo sangre de una personaMRRcausarRtentar a alguien a salir o
asomarseRdear de esconderse
Privacy Policy
Marketing awayQ roer* carcomer* corroer* desgastar@
eat intoQ corroer* comerse@
eat outQ comer "uera* cenar "uera@
eat upQ comerse* consumir* tragar* devorar@
egg onQ animar* incitar@
Save Accept All

end inQ acabar en* terminar con@

end o""Q acabar* terminar* ir a parar 
"ace up toQ a"rontar* en"rentar* en"re
ntarse a@
"all aboutQ troncharse* partirse Lde risaM@
"all apartQ romperse* deshacerse* caerse a pedaDos@
"all awayQ disminuirRdesaparecerRdesprende
"all bac! on
"all bac!Q toQ recurrir
retroceder* a* echar mano de* apoyarse en@
"all behind withQ retrasarse@
"all behindQ retrasarse* quedarse atr&s* reDagarse@
"all downQ caer* caerseR hundirse* derrumbarse* venirse abaoR"allarR dearse enga<ar por 
"all in loveQ enamorarse de@
"all in withQ encontrarse con* untarse conRconvenir en* aprobar* ace
"all inQ desplomarse* venirse abaoR alinearse* "ormar "ilas* ponerse en "ilas@
"all intoQ dividirse en* clasi"icarse enR adquirir@
"all o""Q baar* disminuirR empeorarR desprenderse* caerse@
"all onQ incidir en* recaer en* tocar aRatacar* caer sobre@
"all outQ re<irR pelearse Rromper "ilasR caerse@
"all overQ caer* tropeDar conR caerse
"all throughQ "racasar* quedar en nada@
"all toQ empeDar a* ponerse aR corresponder a* incumbir a* tocar a@
"all underQ clasi"icarse en* estar incluido*a en@
"eel "orQ compadecer a* compadecerse de@
"eel up toQ sentirse con &nimos para* sentirse con "uerDas para@
"igure onQ contar con* esperar@
"igure outQ comprender* e9plica
rseR resolver* calcular@
"ill in "orQ sustituir a@
"ill inQ rellenarRponer al corriente@
"ill outQ engordarRrellenar
"ill upQ llenarR llenarse@
"ind outQ preguntar* averiguarR enterarse deR calar* pillar* descubrir el uegoR in"ormarse

get aboutQ moverse* desplaDarse* salirR viaarR di"undirse@
get acrossQ cruDarR atravesarR hacer comprender* hacer entenderR hacerse entender@
This website stores data such
get aheadQ as
adelantar* progresar@
cookies to enable essential site
get along withQ llevarse Lbieno malM conR marchar* ir con@ L I
functionality, as well as marketing,
 I don’t
don’t !et alon!
alon! very well
personalization, andmy nei!hbor.
analytics. You.
may change yourgetsettings
alongQ atarregl&rselas*
any time apa<&rselasR marcharse* irse@
get around
or accept the default toQ encontrar tiempo para@
get aroundQ moverse* desplaDarseR viaarR di"undirseR evitar* sortear@
get atQ alcanDar* llegar aR insinuarR criticarR meterse con@
Privacy Policy
get away withQ salir impune de@
get awayQ escaparse* irseR alear* quitar* sacar@
get bac!Q volver* regresarR moverse hacia atr&s* retrocederR recuperar@L $e !ot bak to 
the hotel at %% p.m)
get behindQ atrasarse@
get byQ arregl&rselasR pasar .(
.( I don’t know how they !et by with three kids)
Save Accept All

get down toQ ponerse a@

get downQ deprimir* desanimarRbaarR apuntar* anotarRtragarRbaarse
get inQ llegarRentrarRsubir a un automovilRser elegido*aR meterRrecoger* cose
recogerRcomprarRllamar @LOet in the car+ Its raining+M
get intoQ llegar a* entrar enR subir a@
get o"" withQ ligar@
get o""Q quitarseR baarse de tren*autob=s*etcR
tren*autob=s*etcR baarseR salirR comenDarR escaparse
@L $hen
he !ot off the train, he looked tired)
get on "orQ ser casi@
get on toQ ponerse en contacto con* localiDarR empeDar a hablar de* pasar a@
get onQ subir a* subirse a* montar aRprogresar* avanDar* ir@ (The hildrenare !ettin! on the
 shool bus)
get out o"Qsalir* baar de un autom3vil* librarse deR dear* perder la costumbre@ :e got
out of the ar and started runnin! 
get outQ sacarRquitarRsalirRbaar de* baarse de@
get over withQ acabar con@
get overQ recuperarse deR sobreponerse a@
get round toQ encontrar tiempo para@
get roundQ salvarR evitar* soslayarR convencer* persuadir@
get throughQ llegarR conseguir hablar@
get toQ alcanDar* llegar ( he didn’t !et to shool on time)
reunir@LL Let’s !et to!ether
get togetherQ reunirse* untarseRuntar* reunirR montarR recoger* reunir@
and elebrate&
get up toQ hacerR llegar a
get upQ levantarseR subirR levantarse de la camaRdespertarR dis"raDarse@( I ussualy !et up
at '*)
give awayQ distribuir* repartirRregularRentregarRdelatar
repartirRregularRentregarRdelatar** traicionar@
give bac!Q devolver@
give in toQ ceder ante@
give inQ darse por vencido*a* rendirseRcederRentregar@
give o""Q despedir* desprender* emitir@
give ontoQ dar a@
give outQ distribuir* repartirR anunciarR acabarse* agotarse@
give overQ entregarR dedicar* asignarR dear de@
give up
upQonQ abandonar*
dearR desistir@
abandonar* renunciar a Rceder* renunciar@
go aboutQ emprender* hacerR continuar@
This website stores data such as
go a"terQ perseguir* andar tras@
cookies to enable essential site
go againstQ ir en contra deRser des"avorable a@
functionality, as well as marketing,
personalization, goand
ahead withQYou
analytics. proceder@
may change your go settings
aheadQ at proceder@
any time
go along
or accept the default withQ estar de acuerdo con@
go alongQ pasar porR progresar* irR ir@
go aroundQ bastar* ser su"iciente* haberR correr* circularR ir* andar@
Privacy Policy
go awayQ marcharseR irse de un lugarLordenesM +o away, Im busy
Marketing go bac! onQ romper* no cumplir@
go bac!Q volver* regresar a alg=n lugar que ya se conoce L -e -e went bak to his old
 shool M Rdatar deR remontarse a@
go byQ pasarR atenerse a* seguirR dearse llevar porR uDgar por@
go down withQ coger* pillar@
Save Accept All

go downQ baar* disminuir (The rents have !one downMR deshincharseR ponerseR hundirseR
ser acogido*a@
go "orQ atacarR ir a buscarR gustarR valer para@
go in "orQ participar en* tomar parte enR presentarse aR dedicarse a@
go inQ entrar@
go intoQ entrar enR investigarR chocar contra@
go o"" withQ escaparse con@
go o""Q marcharseR
estropearse* estallarR sonar (y alarm lok
pasarse@  lok didn’t !o
!o off today MR dispararseR
go onQ seguir* continuar ($e ouldnt !o on talkin!)/  pasar*
 pasar* ocurrir* suceder
suceder ( $hats
 !oin! on here
go outQ salir LWould you li!e to go out "or dinner >MR
>MR apagarse@
go over toQ pasarse aR cambiar a* pasar a@
go overQ revisar* repasar@
go roundQ dar vueltas* girarR pasar por casa de* visitar@
go through withQ llevar a cabo@
go throughQ pasar por* su"rir* padecerR e9aminar@
go towardsQ destinar a* reservar para@
go underQ hundirseR "racasar@
go upQ subir*aumentar (0ries have !one up)/  acercarseR levantarseR estallar@
go withQ acompa<arR ir con* estar incluido*aR hacer uego con@
go withoutQ pasar sin* prescindir de@
grow apartQ distanciarse@
grow away "romQ distanciarse de@
grow intoQ convertirse en* hacerse@
grow onQ llegar a gustar@
grow out o"Q perder* quitarseR quedarle peque<o*a
peque<o*a a@
grow upQ hacerse mayorR criarse* crecerR surgir* nacer* desarrollarse@
hand aroundQ repartir* o"recer* pasar@
hand bac!Q devolver@
hand downQ transmitirR pasarR dear en herencia@
hand inQ entregarR presentar* noti"icar@
hand onQ transmitir* heredarQ LgiveM
L giveM pasar* dar@
hand outQ repartir*
hand overQ entregarRdistribuirR
ceder@ darR aplicar@
hang about R hang aroundQ esperarR perder el tiempoR "recuentar@
This website stores data such as
hang bac!Q quedarse atr&sR vacilar@
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, ashang downQ
well as colgar* caer@
personalization, hang onQ agarrarseR
and analytics. You esperar
may change your hang outQ tenderR
settings soler estar@
at any time
hang upQ
or accept the default colgarR colgar@
have onQ llevar puesto*aR tomar el pelo a@
have outQ sacarseR operarse de@
Privacy Policy
hold bac!Q retenerR ocultarR contenerR reprimir@
Marketing hold downQ dominarR desempe<ar@
hold "orthQ hablar largo y tendido LonRabout* sobreM@
hold o""Q mantener aleado*aR re"renarse@
hold on toQ cogerse a* agarrarse aR guardar@
hold onQ agarrarse "uerte* agarrarse bienR esperarR no colgar@
Save Accept All

hold outQ tender* o"recerR durarR resistir@

hold overQ aplaDar@
hold upQ atracar* as altarR retrasarR aguantar* soste
nerR aguantar* resistir@
hold withQ estar de acuerdo con@
iron outQ plancharR resolver* solucionar

 ac! o""Q
 ac! inQ dear*
&rselaR masturbar
 ac! upQ levantar con
con gatoR subir
 ump atQ aceptar sin pensarlo@

!eep atQ perseverar en algoR no dear en paD* machacar@
!eep awayQ mantener a distancia
!eep bac!Q retener* guardarR ocultar* no revelarR estorbar* impedirR mantener atr&s*
!eep downQ oprimir* suetarR mantener baoR limitar* controlar@
!eep "romQ abstenerse de* guardarse de@
!eep in withQ mantener buenas relaciones con@
!eep inQ no dear salirR hacer quedarR contenerR costear* pagar@
!eep o""Q mantenerse a distanciaR no lloverR no dear entrarR no tocar* no hablar de@
!eep on aboutQ insistir en* no parar de hablar de@
!eep onQ seguir* continuarR no quitarse@
!eep out o"Q no entrar enR no meterse en@
!eep outQ no dear entrar* no dear pasarR no entrar@
!eep toQ atenerse a* cumplirR no dear* no salir de@
!eep togetherQ mantenerse untos*as* no separarse@
!eep underQ tener subyugado@
!eep up withQ seguirR mantenerse al corriente deR mantener el contacto con@
!eep upQ mantener* seguirR mantener despiertoR aguantar el ritmoR mantenerse al día@
!ic! against somethingQ protestar contra* reaccionar contra@
!ic! aroundQ andar por ahíR dar vueltas a@
!ic! inQ romper a patadas@
!ic! o""Q sacar* hacer el saque inicialR empeDar* comenDarR empeDar* comenDar* iniciarR
!ic! outQ echar a uno@
!noc! aboutQ rodar* recorrerR andar conR pegar* maltratar 
This website stores data such as
!noc! bac!Q beberse de un trago* r&pidamente o en grandes cantidades@
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, as!noc!
well asdownQ derribarR atropellarR derribarR rebaarR adudicar@
personalization, !noc! o""Q tirar*
and analytics. Youhacer caerR birlarRliquidarR descontarR quitar@
may change your !noc! outQatdear
settings sin conocimientoR poner "uera de combate
any time
or accept the default settings.
!noc! overQ volcar* tirarR atropellar@
Privacy Policy
!noc! togetherQ hacer de prisa* hacer r&pidamenteR entrechocarse@
!noc! upQ despertar* llamarR hacer de prisa* prepararR dear embaraDada@
lay aboutQ agredir@
lay asideQ dear a un ladoR dear de lado@
lay be"oreQ presentar
lay byQ guarderR ahorrar@
Save Accept All

lay downQ dear* soltarR entregarR imponer* "iarR sentar@

lay inQ proveerse de@
lay intoQ atacar@
lay o""Q despedirR dear en paD* dear de molestarR parar@
lay onQ "acilitar* suministrarR cargar@
lay outQ tender* e9tenderR disponer* colocarR presentar* e9poner@
lay overQ hacer una parada@
dear deR acabar* terminar@
leave outQ omitir* e9cluirR e9cluir@
let downQ baarR alargarR desin"larR "allar* de"raudar@
let inQ dear entrar@
let intoQ dear entrar R incrustar enR revelar@
let o""Q dearR hacer e9plotarR hacer estallarR perdonarR dear marcharseR dear en libertad@
let onQ decir* descubrirR hacer ver@
let outQ dear salirR soltar L"rom* deMR alquilar@
let throughQ dear pasar@
let up onQ dear en paD@
let upQ parar@
LdeM@L  aria
loo! a"terQ ocuparse de* atender aR cuidar LdeM@L  aria looked after my ats)
loo! aheadQ mirar hacia adelante*pensar en el "uturo*anticipar
" uturo*anticipar@@ L$e need to look ahead to
make realisti plans)

oo! aroundQ mirar alrededor* buscar LWeLWe have started loo!ing around "or a new houseM
loo! atQ mirar* considerar* e9aminarR mirar LThe dotor needs to look at the wound)
loo! bac!Q mirar atr&s* mirar al pasado* recordar@ L$hen I look bak on my life)
look down on& despreciar L1ou shouldn’t look down on your employees)
look for& buscar@L
 buscar@L  I’m
 I’m lookin! for my keys)
look forward to Lsomething +ing *& *& esperar Lcon ansiaM@L I look forward to seein! you
look in on& pasar Lun momentoM por@
look into& investigar@L
 investigar@L  The !uard looked into the disturbane)
look like& parecerse a@
look on& considererRobse
look onto& dar a@
look out .  tener
 tener cuidado
look out for& esperar* estar al tanto* tener cuidado
This website stores data such as
look out& ir con cuidado* buscarse@
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, aslook
well over&  mirar por encima@
as marketing,
personalization, look
and round&  volver
analytics. You la cabeDaR mirarR mirarR visitar@
may change your settings
look at anyrevisarR
through& time oear@
or accept the default settings.
look to&  contar conR centrarse en@
look up to& respetar*admirar L y  y little brother looks up to me)mi hno
hno me admira
look upQ meorarR consultar* buscarR ir a ver@L Look up the word in the ditionary)
Privacy Policy

Marketing make after& seguir a* perseguir a@
make for& dirigirse haciaR abalanDarse sobreR contribuir a* crear* conducir
Personalization conducir a@
make intoQ convertir en* trans"ormar en@
Analytics make of& pensar* opinar* parecerR entenderR dar importancia a@
make off with ' make away with& llevarse* escaparse con@
Save Accept All

make off& escaparse* largarse* huir@

make out& hacerR e9tender* hacerR entender* comprenderR pretender@
make over& ceder* trans"erir* traspasarRconvertir* trans"ormar@
make up for& compensar@
make up to& halagar aR congraciarse conR recompensar* pagar@
make up& inventarRhacerR montarRcon"ecciona
montarRcon"eccionar*r* hacerR maquillarse@
make with& dar* traer@
mark down& rebaar el precio deR baar la nota deR apuntar@
mark off& separar* dividir* distinguirR delimiterR tachar@
mark out& marcar* delimiterR marcar* traDarR se<alar* seleccionar@
mark up& subir Lel precio deM* aumentar Lel precio deMR subir la nota de@
mi7 up& meDclar bienR prepararR con"undirR desordenar
desordenar** revolver* meDclar@
nod off& dormirse* dar cabeDadas@

pan out& salir* resultar@
pass away& pasar a meor vida@
pass by& pasarR pasar de largo@
pass down& pasarR transmitir@
pass for& pasar por@
pass off& pasar* transcurrirR pararR pasarseR hacer pasar@
pass on& pasar* darR contagiarR pasar a meor vida@
pass out& desmayarse* perder el conocimientoR graduarseR repartir@
pass over& pasar por alto* dear de lado* olvidarR atravesar* cruDar
pass through& estar de pasoR pasar por* atravesar@
pass up& dear pasar* dear escapar* desperdiciarR rechaDar@
pick at& tocarR comer sin ganas@
pick off& matar uno a uno@
pick on& meterse conR elegir* escoger
pick out& elegir* escoger* seleccionar (-e piked out a bi! rin! for her MR
MR distinguirR
reconocerR tocar de oído@
pick up on& hacer rese<a deR volver aR se<alar@
 pic! upQ levantar algo
algo del piso*mes
a* etc (0lease, pik up the towels from the bathroom
 floor)/ recoger* pasar a buscar a alguien o algo L I have to pic! my son up "rom schhol at

(MR coger@
pitch 1up* on& elegir* escogerR encontrar* dar con@
pitch forward& caer de bruces* caer de cabeDa@
This website stores data such as
cookies to enablepitch in& empeDarRempeDar
essential site a comerR cooperarR contribuir@
functionality, aspitch into&
well as  emprender enérgicamente algoR atacar* arremeter contra@
personalization, pitch off& quitar
and analytics. Youde encima* sacudirR caer@
may change your settings
pitch  tirarR
out&at echar* e9pu
any time e9pulsar*
lsar* poner de patitas en la calle@
or accept the default
pitch settings.
over& tirarR volcarse@
pull about& manosear* estropear@
Privacy Policy
pull along& arrastrarRarrastrarse@
pull apart& romper* partir en dosR desmontarR criticar duramente@
Marketing pull away& arrancarR quitar arrancandoR apartarse bruscamente
bruscamente de uno@
pull back& retirarR retener* tirar hacia atr&sR tirar hacia sí@
pull down& baar* tirar hacia abao* rebaar* hacer caer* tumbar@
pull in& tirar hacia síR recogerR
r ecogerR cobrar
pull off& arrancar* separarR quitar de un tir3nRquitarse de prisa@
Save Accept All

pull on& ponerse Lde prisaMR tirar de@

pull out& sacar* e9traerR tirar hacia "uera@
pull over& acercar tirandoR derribar* volcarR hacerse a un lado@
pull round& ayudar a uno a reponerseR reponerse@
pull through& sacar a uno de un apuro o de una en"ermedadR reponerse* reco
brar la
pull together& recuperarR sobreponerse* serenarse* recuperar la calma@
pull up& alDar* levantar* tirar hacia arribaR alDar@
put across& comunicarR hacer entenderR hacer aceptar@
put apart& separar a alguien de otras personas@
put aside& rechaDar* desechar* dear* poner a un lado@
put back& devolver a su lugarR restituir* volver a ponerR guardar@
put by& ahorrar* tener dinero ahorradoV LtoM put awayaway@@
put down& poner en tierraR poner en el sueloR depositarR baarR soltar@
put forth& alargarR tenderR e9tenderR echarR emplear* desplegar@
put forward& nombrar* presentar* proponerR hacer@
put in& meter* introducirR insertarR interponerR presentar* aducir@
put off& aplaDar* postponer* dear para despuésR disuadir@
put off& posponer 
put on& ganar peso
put on& ponerseR aplicarR acelerar* cobrar velocidadR asumir @
put one over on& ganar por la mano a alguin* enga<ar a alguien@
put out& apagar un "uego
put out& sacar* poner "uera* mandar a pasearse* echar* e9pulsar@
put through& cerrarR despacharR hacer aprobarR someter a uno a una prueba@
put together& poner untos* untar* reunir@
put up with& aguantar* resignarse a* con"ormarse con@
put up& alDar* levantar* poner en alto* levantar* abrir* alDar@
put upon& molestar a* incomodar a* pedirle mucho a* abusar de la amabilidad de@

ride about* LtoM ride aroundQ pasearse a caballo* en coche* en bicicleta@
ride awayQ alearse* irse* partir@
ride bac!Q volver a caballo* en bicicleta* etc@
ride onQ depender de@
ride outQarrancarR
rip o""Q aguantartimar@
mar@ el "inal de@
rip upQ romper* hacer pedaDos@
This website stores data such as
cookies to enableround downQsiteredondear La la baaM@
functionality, asround
well aso""Q completar* acabar@
personalization, round onQ volverse
and analytics. You contra@
may change your round upQ redondear
settings at any time Lal alDaMR acorralarR reunir* untar@
or accept the default settings.
run acrossQ cruDar corriendoR encontrar* tropeDar con@
run a"terQ perseguir 
Privacy Policy run a"terQ perseguir
run alongQ irse@
Marketing run away withQ escaparse conR no te vayas a creer queR te deas llevar por@
run awayQ escapar 
run awayQ irse corriendo* escaparse@
run downQ atropellarR criticarR agotarR baar corriendoR agotarseR pararse@
run inQ rodarR detenerR entrar corriendo@
Save Accept All

run intoQ entrar corriendo enR chocar conR tropeDar con@

run o"" withQ escaparse con* llevarse@
run o""Q imprimirR irse corriendo@
run out o"Q quedarse sin Lgasolina* agua* salM
run outQ salir corriendoR acabarseR agotarseR caducar
run overQ atropellarR rebosarR derramar@
run throughQ ensayarR repasarR echar un vistaDo a@
# upQ subir corriendoR acumularR iDarR subir corriendo@
set aboutQ empeDar a* ponerse aR atacar* agredir@
set againstQ enemistar con* poner en contra deR contraponer* sopesar@
set apartQ distinguir* hacer di"erente@
set asideQ guardar* ahorrarR dearR reservarR dear de ladoR anular@
set bac!Q apartar* retirarR retrasar* atrasarR costar@
set downQ poner por escrito* escribirR dearR establecer* "iar@
set "orthQ emprender marcha* partir@
set inQ empeDar* com
enDarR surgirR declararse@
set o""Q salir* ponerse en caminoR hacer estallar* hacer e9plotarR realDar@
r ealDar@
set onQ echarR atacar* agredir@
set outQ partir* salirR proponerse* tener la intenci3n de* querer@
set toQ ponerse a* empeDar a@
set upQ levantar* erigirR colocarR montarR montar* armar@
show aroundQ mostrar un lugar (Let me show you around the offie)

show o""Q "ardar* "an"arronear* presumir* lucirse (2he’s a !ood student, but she’s always
front of everybody)/  hacerse el gracioso
 showin! off in front
show upQ llegar a donde te esperan* aparecer (-e didn’t show up for the party)/ hacer
resaltar* hacer destacarR revelar* sacar a la luD@
slip awayQ pasar* irseR irse@
slip byQ pasar* transcurrir@
slip intoQ ponerse@
slip o""Q quitarse@
slip onQ ponerse@
slip out o"Q quitarse@
slip outQ escaparse@ cometer un errorR cometer un desliD* meter la pata@
upQ equivocarse*
stand asideQ apartarse* quitarse de en medioR no tomar parte* mantenerse al margen@
This website stores data such as
cookies to enablestand bac!Q site
essential apartarse* echarse hacia atr&s* alearseR distanciarse@
functionality, asstand byQmarketing,
well as cruDarse de braDos* quedarse sin hacer nadaR estar preparado@
personalization, stand downQ retirarseR
and analytics. You dimitirR retirarse* abandonar el estrado@
may change your settings at any time
stand "orQ signi"icar* querer decirR representarR de"ender* apoyar@
or accept the default
stand settings.
in "orQ sustituir* suplir
stand outQ destacar* sobresalirR destacarse* sobresalirR oponerse LLagainst* aMM@
Privacy Policy stand overQ vigilar a* velar a@
stand toQ estar en estado de alertaR poner en estado de alerta@
Marketing stand up "orQ de"enderR apoyar@
stand up toQ hacer "rente a* resistir a@
stand upQ ponerse de pie* levantarseR estar de pie@

Save Accept All


ta!e a"terQ parecerse a@
ta!e apartQ desmontar* deshacerR
deshacerR echar por tierra@
ta!e asideQ llevar a un lado@
ta!e awayQ llevarse* quitarR restarR llevar@
ta!e bac!Q recibir otra veD* aceptar algo devueltoR readmitir@
ta!e downQ quitar* baarR desmontarR apuntarR humillar@
ta!e "orQdar
ta!e inQ tomar por@a* aloar* recogerR enga<arR asimilar@
ta!e o""Q quitarseR quitar* sacarR llevarR tomarseR imitar@
ta!e onQ hacerse cargo de* encargarse de* aceptarR asumir@
ta!e out onQ tomarla con* desquitarse con* descargarse@
ta!e outQ sacar* quitarR invitar a salirR llevar de paseo@
ta!e over "romQ relevar* sustituir
ta!e overQ tomar Lposesi3n deM* apoderarse deR ocupar@
ta!e toQ tomar cari<o aR darse aR empeDar a* a"icionarse a@
ta!e up onQ hacer puntualiDaciones
puntualiDaciones sobreR aceptar Luna o"ertaM@
ta!e up withQ empeDar a salir con* entrar en relaciones conR hablar de@
ta!e upQ ocuparR llevar* subirR quitar* levantar@
ta!e uponQ encargarse de@
tell againstQ obrar en contra de@
tell apartQ distinguir@
tell o""Q rega<ar* re<irR destacar@
tell onQ chivarse de@
throw awayQ tirarR desaprovechar*
desaprovechar* perderR malgastar* derrocharR lanDar al aire@
throw bac! onQ obligar a recurrir a@
throw bac!Q devolverR echar atr&s@
throw inQ incluir gratisR sacar de banda@
throw o""Q deshacerse de* librarse deR despistarRquitarse@
throw onQ ponerse@
throw outQ echar* e9pulsarR rechaDarR tirar* tirar a la basura@
throw upQ vomitar* devolverR abandonar*
abandonar* renunciar a@
tic! awayQ transcurrir@
tic! o""Q marcar* se<ala
se<alarRrR rega<ar* re<irR "astidiar* dar rabia@
tic! overQ
try "orQ marchar
tratar al ralentí* estar en marchaR ir tirando@
de obtener@
try onQ probarse@
This website stores data such as
cookies to enabletry essential
outQ probar*
site ensayar@
functionality, asturn
wellagainstQ poner en contraR ponerse en contra de@
as marketing,
personalization, turn
andaround R turn
analytics. You roundQ volverse* darse la vueltaR volver* darle la vuelta a@
may change your turnsettings
timeentrarR volver la cabeDa* volver la espalda@
or accept the default settings.
turn bac!Q hacer retroceder* hacer volverR retrasarR volverse atr&s@
turn downQ rechaDar*
r echaDar* no aceptarR denegarR baarR doblar@
Privacy Policy turn inQ entregar a la policíaR acostarse@
turn o""Q desconectarR apagarR cerrarR repugnar* dar asco a@
Marketing turn onQ conectarR encenderR abrirR poner en marcha* encender@
turn outQ apagarR producir* "abricarR vaciarR desmoldar@
turn overQ dar la vuelta a* volver* poner al revés@
turn toQ acudir a* recorrer a* recurrir
r ecurrir aR buscar* pasar a@
Save Accept All

turn upQ llegar* presentarseR aparecerR doblar hacia arriba* levantar@

do you all this in 3n!lish>

*What do

Howw do you say 4oina’ in 3n!lish>

wait about* LtoM wait aroundQ esperar* perder el tiempo@
wait behindQ quedarse* quedarse para esperar a uno@
wait inQ estar en casa esperando a uno@
wait on* wait uponQ servir a uno* desvivirse por mimar a uno@
wait outQ quedarse hasta el "inal de* esperar m&s que uno@
wait upQ velar* no acostarse* seguir sin acostarse@
wait uponQ cumplimentar a uno* presentar sus respetos a uno@
wal! aboutQ pasearse* ir y venir@
wal! acrossQ cruDar@
wal! aroundQ dar una vuelta* pasearse@
wal! away withQ llevarse* copar* largarse con* robar@
wal! awayQ irse* alearse* negarse a* evadirse de@

wal! bac!Q
baar aa pie@
pie* regresar andando@
wal! inQ entrar* entrar sin llamarR interrumpir a alguien@
wal! intoQ entrarR caer en una trampaR ser embaucado@
wal! o""Q quitarse un dolor de encima dando un paseo@
wal! onQ seguir andando o caminandoR salir de "igurante@
wal! outQ salir* retirarseR declararse en huelgaR marcharse@
wal! overQ atropellar a* tratar a alguien a cocesR ganar@
wal! throughQ ensayar por primera veD@
wal! upQ subir a pie

Wor! outQ Tencontrar las respuesta o soluci3n Larregl&rselasMQ I’ve worked the
 problem out 5 I’ve worked out  the
 the problem

Thacer eercicio
This website stores data such as
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, asadd
well up
as marketing, sumar %he waiter added up the bill@
analytics. You
out invitar a salir 5teve asked me out last night@
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings. I would back off  i"
 i" I were
back off  retirarse you* I don't thin! she li!es
Privacy Policy
6ou were with me* you
back LsomeoneM
LsomeoneM up apoyar* respaldar 
Marketing can back me up* right>
Personalization 7on't "orget to back up all o"
back upLsomethingM hacer un copia
your "iles@
break downLsomethingM dear de trabaar* Kur car broke down while
Save Accept All estropearse* averiarse we were driving to the

It was the most stress"ul
break downLsomeoneM venirse abao wee!@ Ay Criday I broke
down and cried@
We had to break down the
break LsomethingM
LsomethingMdown derribar* desmontar  stage to prepare "or the ne9t

%hey blew up a building* but
blow up e9plotar 
luc!ily nobody was hurt@
5omeone broke into my
"orDando la entrada para
break into apartment while I was on
I can't believe it* 7an  broke
break up separarse* romperse
up with me last night+
I was brought up by my
bringLsomebodyM up criar y educar 
I hate him@ 7on't ever bring
bringLsomethingM up sacar* mencionar 
his name up again+

call back  volver a llamar  :e was

 but busyhewhen
he said wouldI called*
would call me
back  tonight@
7id you hear> Arenda called
call off  suspender* cancelar 
off  the
 the wedding+
%he teacher called on me in
call on  preguntar 
class to answer the question@
Calm down* everything is
calm down tranquiliDarse* calmarse
going to be o!@
Carry on+ 6ou are doing
carry on seguir haciendo algo
very well@
5he must have loved 5pain*
carry on seguir haciendo algo she was carrying on about it
"or days a"ter she returned@
This website stores data all me* we need to catch
catch upsuch as  ponerse al día
cookies to enable essential site up+
functionality, as well as marketing, What time can we check in to
personalization,check in
and analytics. You registrarse LenM
the hotel>
may change your settings at any time
or accept the default settings. %hey checked out on
check out  pagar y marcharse
:e's checking you out+ R
Privacy Policy check out quedarse con* mirar 
et's check out that new bar@
Marketing I !now you have been sic!* so
check up
Personalization hacer averiguacione
averiguacioness I was calling to check upon
5arah is depressedU we have
cheer up animarLseM a alguien
Save Accept All to cheer her up@

cerrar o terminar una %he "actory was closed

close down
actividad down last month@
We are coming back  ne9t
come back  regresar* volver 
Come by my o""ice and we
come by  pasarse por 
can tal!@
come down with en"ermarse By sonwee!@
"lu last
 came down with the

:is love o" music comes

come from originarse
from his "ather@
7on't worry* you can count
count on contar con
on me+
With the crisis we have had
cut back on  baar 
to cut back on e9penses@
I don't mean to cut you off *
cut off  interrumpir 
 but I have to go now@
Cut it out+ eave your sister
cut out  parar de hacer algo
drop by'in  pasar  I was ust dropping by'in to
say YhiY@
5he dropped off  the
 the !ids at
drop off  llevar a* dear 
school be"ore going to wor!@
:e dropped out o" school
drop out abandonar   because he was
was "ailing all his
%here was no "ood at home so
end up acabar  in"initivo
we ended up going out@
%he sweater fell apart a"ter
fall apartLsomethingM deshacerse
so many washings@
5he fell apart when she
fall apartLsomeoneM derrumbarse
heard the news@
:urry up or you will fall
fall behind quedarse atr&s
This website stores data such as behind@
cookies to enable essential site
I thin! my wallet fell out o"
functionality, asfall
as marketing, caerse
personalization, and analytics. You my purse@
may change your settings at any time I" you don't fight back * they
fight settings.
or accept the default back  de"enderse
will never stop bullying you@
I can't figure out why this
figure out determinar 
Privacy Policy isn't wor!ing@
Marketing 6ouu must
6o mus t fill in'out the "orms
fill in'out rellenar 
I need to stop at the gas
fill up llenar  station
tan!@ and
fill up the gas
Save Accept All

I" the teacher doesn't !now

find out averiguar  the answer* she will find it
7espite her e""orts* she
fit in encaar* integrarse never fit in with the other

get across comunicar una idea :e tried

ideas everything
across * but histoboss
get his
didn't understand@
I'm so luc!y* my "ather and
get along'on llevarse bien my husband get
along'onreally well@
get around desplaDarse* ci
circular News re really gets around "ast+
cogerse un Wor! has been so stress"ul* I
get away
descansoRvacaciones need to get away+
5he stole my idea* but she
get away with salir impune
won't get away with it@
%hey get back  "rom
 "rom vacation
get back  regresar* volver 
on %hursday@
I have to get these books
getLsomethingMback  devolver 
back  to
 to the library today@
I'll get back at her "or
get back at vengarse de
stealing my idea+
We don't have a lot o" money
get by sobrevivir 
right now* but we'll get by@
:e got on the bus "or the
get on subir 
By husband and I have
get on seguir  separated* but I must get
onwith my li"e@

get out of  irse* salir* marcharse It's tooout

to get smo!y in here* I have
of  here@
This website stores data such as I'm so upset* I can't get
get over recuperarse
cookies to enable essential site over "ailing my test@
functionality, as well as marketing, I'm never going to get
personalization, and analytics. You
get through
may change your settings at any time
superar* acabar  through this boo! with all o"
or accept the default settings. these distractions+
We are getting together "or
get together quedar* reunir 
dinner tomorrow at )@
Privacy Policy
What time did you get up this
get up levantarse
Personalization %he millionaire gave
Analyticsgive away regalar  away all his money ust
 be"ore he died@
Save Accept All
give back  devolver an you give me back  my  my

 boo! when you

you have "inished
reading it>
Ae strong+ 7on't give in to
give in'up ceder* rendirse
%hey are giving out "ree
give out repartir* distribuir 
samples at the store@
give up rendirse* abandonar  K!* I give up@ What's the
go ahead ir delante Go ahead* I'll meet you there@
I'm so embarassed@ I can
go back  regresar* volver  never go back to that
go out salir et's go out "or a drin!@
I hear Bichael is going out
go out withLsomeoneM salir con
with Jane@
Ae"ore you submit your thesis*
go over repasar  I thin! we should go over it
6ou need to go through the
go through atravesar  incoln %unnel to get to New
I can't believe what
go through su"rir* soportar 
you are going through+
8le9 grew up in Crance but
grow up crecer* criarse
now he lives in Italy@
8ll homewor! must
hand in  presentar* entregar   be handed in by the end o"
the day@
%he teacher will hand out the
hand out repartir 
assignments this a"ternoon@
hang on esperar  Hang on* I'm coming@
:er "avorite thing to do
hang out  pasar tiempo con
This website stores data such as is hang out with her "riends@
cookies to enable essential site
functionality, ashang
well as marketing,
I was so angry I hung up on
up colgar el telé"ono
personalization, and analytics. You him@
may change your settings at any time oo! at how that guy
hit onsettings.
or accept the default "lirtear* coquetear con
is hitting on 7ebbie@
5he tried* but she
Privacy Policy hold back  contenerse couldn't hold back the tears
any longer@
hold on esperar :old on* I'm coming@
hurry up darse prisa Hurry up or we will be late@
keep on seguir  5he kept on as!ing me the
Save Accept All
same questions@

With the crises* we have been

lay LsomebodyMoff  despedir 
"orced to lay off  some
 some sta""@
I don't want to let you down*
 but I don't thin! I can come
let LsomebodyMdown de"raudar* decepcionar 
with you to the party

look forward to tener ganas de We are really

forward  looking
to your visit+
 prestar atenci3n* tener
tener Look out+ %hat car almost hit
look out
cuidado you+
6ou will need to look
look up  buscar* consultar  up some words in the
5he's so brave* I have
look up toLsomebodyM admirar a alguien
always looked up to her@
I don't believe you@
makeLsomethingM up inventar algo
6ou're making that up+
Kur parents had an argument
make upLsomebodyM reconciliarse last night* but they made
up this morning@
When I was young* my
pick onLsomebodyM "astidiar* burlar  
 brother always picked on me@
6ou must not want to do it*
putLsomethingM off   posponer* atrasar 
you !eep putting it off @
I hope I can rely on you to be
rely on contar con* con"iar en
#low down please* you are are
slow down reducir la velocidad
driving too "ast+
hablar m&s alto* subir la an you please speak up* I
speak up
voD can't understand you@

take afterLsomebodyM parecerse With take

must that bad temper*
after he
 his "ather@
This website stores data such as sustituir* hacerse con el I" you are tired o" driving* I
take over
cookies to enable essential site control can take over "or a while@
functionality, as well as marketing,
%he plane will take off  in  in (
and analytics.
off  You despegar 
may change your settings at any time minutes@
or accept the default settings. ocupar* empeDar una :e has taken up tennis in his
take up
a"ici3n "ree time@
Privacy Policy tell LsomebodyMoff  5he told him off  a"ter
 a"ter he was
echar la bronca* rega<ar 
late again@
%hey should throw that
throw out echar 
Personalization guy out* he's really drun!@

Save Accept All

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