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J. agric. Engng Res.

(2001) 79 (3), 299}305

doi:10.1006/jaer.2001.0704, available online at on
PH*Postharvest Technology

Compensation for Water Loss in Vacuum-Precooled Cut Lily Flowers

Tadhg Brosnan; Da-Wen Sun
FRCFT Group, Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Earlsfort Terrace,
Dublin 2, Ireland; e-mail of corresponding author:

(Received 26 July 2000; accepted in revised form 6 February 2001; published online 23 April 2001)

Vacuum cooling is a widely used rapid cooling method for vegetables. However, the inherent weight loss limits
its use in other areas of the horticultural industry. In the current study, cut white lilies (¸ilium 0white elegance')
were vacuum cooled in pilot-scale equipment with di!erent treatments to reduce weight losses. The vase life of
the cut #owers was monitored following the cooling treatments for two procedures: cold stored and unstored
#owers. The results show that by spraying adequate water on the cut #owers prior to vacuum cooling, weight
loss can be eliminated. Spraying water also improves the cooling rate leading to lower temperatures. It was
found that vacuum cooling is e!ective for extending the vase life of cut #owers especially when stored #owers are
sprayed with water before cooling.
 2001 Silsoe Research Institute

1. Introduction It is the inherent problem of water loss during the

cooling process that has restricted the wider use of
Fresh fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops are liv- vacuum cooling. Vacuum cooling is achieved by the
ing tissues and will begin to deteriorate following harvest. evaporation of moisture from the produce. Since the
So as to maintain quality and extend shelf life, they are evaporating moisture is seen as the primary refrigerant
cooled immediately after harvest. This process is de"ned (ASHRAE, 1994), the quantity of heat removed from the
as precooling (Brosnan and Sun, 2001), which removes product is directly related to the amount of water evapor-
the "eld heat immediately after harvest (Nonnecke, 1989). ated o! the product surface. Therefore, the greater the
Precooling is a critical part of the proper temperature temperature drop required, the larger is the weight loss.
management process (Nowak & Rudnicki, 1990; Turk Theoretically, a product with a speci"c heat capacity of
& Celik, 1993). There are di!erent precooling techniques 4 kJ/kg K and a heat of vaporization of 2)4;10 kJ/kg
available for vegetables and cut #owers in the horticul- would lose 1% moisture for each 63C reduction in tem-
tural industry. At present, forced-air cooling, cold room perature (Barger, 1961). However, the weight loss is also
cooling and to a lesser extent vacuum cooling are the a!ected by many factors. Fordham and Biggs reported
principal techniques for the precooling of freshly har- that temperature reductions averaged 5}5)53C for each
vested cut #owers. 1% weight loss, regardless of the product cooled
Vacuum cooling is a rapid cooling technique exten- (Fordham & Biggs, 1985). Prevention of moisture loss is
sively used for cooling some agricultural and food prod- of fundamental importance for the retention of fresh
ucts (Thompson & Rumsey, 1984; Sun & Wang, 2000, produce quality, as any reduction in moisture content
McDonald & Sun, 2000; McDonald et al., 2000). Recent will lead to shrivelling, wilting, and loss of consumer
research includes vacuum cooling of cut da!odils (Sun appeal (Hackett et al., 1987). Consequently, ways of pre-
& Brosnan, 1999). The results show that vacuum cooling venting or restricting this loss were investigated with
of dry da!odils was successful with an average cooling some success in the vacuum cooling of fresh vegetables
time of 65 s. However, as a result of the vacuum cooling, such as lettuce (Nonnecke, 1989; Sun, 1999). One particu-
weight losses were encountered in the #owers which is lar technique is by spraying water onto the product
undesirable when trying to extend their postharvest life. before it is placed into the cooling chamber (Sun
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300 T AD H G BR O S NA N; D A - W EN S UN

& Lecoq, 1999); thus the free moisture evaporates during

cooling, resulting in product-temperature reduction. Turk
and Celik (1993) demonstrated that when the produce was
vacuum precooled to 23C in packaging having good va-
pour permeability, weight losses were reduced to 1)5}2%.
In spite of these contributions, little research has been
conducted on techniques to control the weight loss of cut
#owers during vacuum cooling. This is the purpose of the
present work.

2. Materials and methods

Untreated cut white lilies (¸ilium &white elegance')

were used in the experiments. The #owers were received
directly from a local grower and transported from
the cultivation area to the refrigeration laboratory
within 2}3 h. All the #owers were harvested at the same
stage of development which is when the "rst #ower is
fully coloured but not yet open (commercial harvest
stage). Fig. 1. Arrangement of the thermocouple positions in the yower
prior to vacuum cooling
The vacuum cooler used was a specially designed pilot-
scale research model as described in Sun and Brosnan
(1999). It consists of many components, which include In commercial precooling operations, the temperature
two vacuum pumps, a vacuum chamber, instrumenta- at the seven eighths cooling time is seen as the most
tion, control valves and a control panel. The instrumen- practical value because the product temperature at this
tation includes a vacuum pressure transducer with digital point is acceptably close to the required storage or trans-
display and "ve T-type welded tip/polytetra#uoroethy- portation temperature (Wills et al., 1998). The seven
lene (PTFE) insulated thermocouples with a diameter of eighths cooling time is the time required to reduce the
0)2 mm. All the experimental data were recorded auto- temperature di!erence between the product and the stor-
matically using a LabVIEW data acquisition system that age temperature by seven eighths. Consequently, #owers
includes SCXI2+ (Signal Conditioning eXtensions for are usually cooled to the temperature at seven eighths
Instrumentation) 1000, 1100, 1200, and a personal com- cooling time with the remaining temperature reduction
puter. The weights of the samples were recorded using achieved in cold storage (Thompson et al., 1998). There-
a digital weighing balance (Sartorius, ¸P5200P Goettin- fore, at the seven eighths cooling time a temperature of
gen, Germany) with an accuracy of 10\ g. approximately 53C, +(initial temperature (22)53C) minus
Prior to cooling the #owers, stems were recut to the storage temperature (23C)) multiplied by one eighth
a length of approximately 600 mm and defoliated plus the storage temperature equals 4)63C, is reached (Rij
150 mm from the stem end. The cut #owers were cooled et al., 1979). The "xed time period is also chosen because
from an initial stem temperature of 22)53C (standard the advantages of the rapid cooling associated with vac-
deviation of 1)28) to 53C or for a "xed cooling period of uum cooling would have reduced signi"cantly if the cool-
10 min in the vacuum cooler. The stem temperature was ing time was longer than 10 min under these particular
recorded as this is the most di$cult part of the plant to laboratory conditions. In separate experiments, individual
cool and also because measuring the #ower temperature cut #owers were cooled in an industrial refrigerator with
(i.e. petal temperature) is di$cult without damaging the a mean air temperature of 3)53C in approximately
thin fragile membrane of the petals. Figure 1 shows the 17$1 min, hence it would be more di$cult to advocate
arrangement of the thermocouples in the #ower prior to the use of vacuum cooling technique as a suitable
cooling in the vacuum cooler. The required storage tem- precooling method for cut #owers if the cooling period
perature for cut lilies is 1}23C (Rij et al., 1979) but the exceeds 10 min.
"nal stem temperature of 53C was chosen as the stem After vacuum cooling, the cut #owers were subjected
temperature lags behind the #ower temperature during to two di!erent regimes: (1) unstored i.e. placed in a vase
the cooling process. By setting the stem temperature at immediately after cooling and evaluated at room condi-
this level, chilling injury of the #owers and leaves will be tions; and (2) cold stored i.e. stored at 3)53C for 24 h
more or less avoided (Gao et al., 1996). following cooling and then displayed and assessed at

Table 1
Di4erent cooling procedures applied to the cut 6owers

Treatment Regime after vacuum cooling

(a) Vacuum cooled dry (10)* i.e. unwetted (1) Unstored: #owers displayed at room conditions
(b) Water sprayed prior to vacuum cooling (10)
(c) Water absorption during vacuum cooling (2) Cold storage of #owers at 3)53C for 24 h prior to display
(i) uncovered (10) (ii) covered (10) at room conditions

*Number of replications shown in brackets; note: "nal chamber pressure in vacuum cooer"2)5 mbar.

room conditions. Within these regimes di!erent treat- 3. Results and discussion
ments applied to the cut #owers were: (a) vacuum cooled
dry i.e. unwetted; (b) water sprayed prior to vacuum 3.1. =eight loss
cooling; and (c) water absorption during vacuum cooling.
In water spraying, #owers were directly and uniformly Table 2 summarizes the weight loss for the di!erent
sprayed with distilled water using a laboratory sprayer. cooling treatments de"ned in Table 1. The results show
Approximately 5 ml of water was sprayed onto each that the dry-vacuum-cooled #owers gave the greatest
sample examined using this procedure. The water ab- weight loss among the four vacuum-cooling treatments
sorption technique comprises both covered and un- with an average recorded weight loss of 5)4% with a stan-
covered methods. The covered method entails placing the dard deviation of 0)96% and a standard error for an
stem of the #ower into a graduated cylinder containing average of 0)33. This is because the evaporated water is
distilled water and then placing the cylinder with the supplied by the #ower structure itself. As there is no
#ower into the vacuum chamber where the #ower is external supply of moisture available, the water loss is
cooled. In this method, evaporation of the surface water directly proportional to the weight loss and hence to the
in the cylinder is prevented by plugging the mouth of the temperature reduction.
cylinder with an impervious material, hence the water Spraying the cut #owers with water prior to cooling
temperature remains constant. In the uncovered proced- gave the best results with no loss of fresh weight, since the
ure the cylinder is not plugged thus allowing vapour water activity a of a wetted surface is equal to one
evaporation to occur. For comparison, #owers were (Campanone et al., 1995). Consequently, the free water
cooled in a refrigerator at 3)53C and an average air#ow available evaporates o! the plant surface thereby reduc-
rate of 0)01 m/s until they reached the required storage ing weight loss in the cut #owers during cooling. How-
temperature and were then displayed at room conditions ever, when the volume or mass of water applied to the cut
following storage for 24 h. Untreated cut #owers dis- #owers was very small and failed to completely wet the
played at room conditions were used as controls. Table 1 entire surface of the #ower, weight losses were recorded.
summarizes all the di!erent procedures examined. For example, if only a small volume of water was applied
In all the experiments, the thermocouples were in- ((5 ml) a weight loss of 1}3% was recorded. For com-
serted into the stems of the samples at various positions parison, the weight loss of the refrigerator-cooled cut
to a depth of 3}4 mm prior to cooling. All the samples
were weighed dry, prior to cooling and immediately after
cooling to determine the weight loss. The percentage Table 2
weight loss was expressed as the weight change divided Weight loss encountered during vacuum cooling for di4erent
by the unsprayed initial fresh weight. The vase life of the treatments
cut #owers was measured when the #owers were dis- Treatment Weight loss, %
played in distilled water at room conditions of 20$23C,
with natural window light and 40$5% relative humid- Average S.D.
ity similar to those in experiments by Shelton et al. (1996).
The termination of the vase life was based on the objec- Vacuum cooled dry 5)4 0)96
Water sprayed 0 *
tive assessment of a panel of three potential consumers Absorption
on the following criteria (Sun and Brosnan, 1999): (a) the (i) Covered 4)46 1)30
condition of the #oral material; (b) the #owers' colour; (ii) Uncovered 2)80 1)68
and (c) the turgidity and appearance of the leaves and Refrigerator cooled 5)26 0)23
302 T AD H G BR O S NA N; D A - W EN S UN

Table 3
Comparison of the vase life of the 6owers following the di4erent treatments

Treatments Vase life, d

Unstored Cold stored

Average S.D. Average S.D.

Vacuum cooled dry (unwetted) 9)6 0)5 11)4 0)5

Water sprayed 11 1 13)3 0)6
Absorption cooling
(i) Covered 10)8 0 11)7 0)7
(ii) Uncovered 10 0)2 11)5 0)6
Refrigerator cooled * * 10)8 1)5
Control 9)5 0)4 * *

#owers was evaluated, giving a weight loss similar to dry- sophistication are ever increasing, higher quality and
vacuum-cooled treatment with an average value of 5)26% better value products are demanded to satisfy the cus-
with a standard deviation of 0)23 and a standard error of tomer needs and hence ensure repeat purchases (Tijskens,
0)1. This is due to the need for an extended cooling period to 1995). In the experiments, the vase life of the cut #owers
remove the "eld heat from the #owers, and therefore the was assessed following the di!erent treatments as shown
#owers are exposed to the conditions within the refrigerator in Table 3. The results show that the water-sprayed
for a longer period, thus resulting in increased moisture loss #owers gave the best results for both experimental re-
and subsequently greater weight losses. gimes (cold stored and unstored). The average vase life
The weight loss by the covered absorption treatment was 11 and 13)3 d, respectively, for unstored and cold-
was intermediate, with an average value of 4)5% and stored #owers. For the unstored #owers there exists no
a standard deviation of 1)3. The slight reduction in weight signi"cant di!erence between the uncovered absorption
loss may be due to the water absorbed during cooling. The and the water-sprayed treatments; however, both treat-
cut lilies only absorbed 1}2 ml of water during cooling, ments gave 1}1)5 d longer vase life than the other treat-
hence this treatment may be more bene"cial to #owers ments that were examined. The greatest in#uence of the
that can absorb and release moisture more readily i.e. water spraying treatment is seen for the stored regime
#owers with less protective structures such as less cutin where the vase life of the #owers is extended by 14)1%
and wax content on the surface (Milburn, 1979). For the over the next best treatment which is uncovered absorp-
uncovered treatment the temperature reduction of the tion and 33)3% over the controls. The extension of the
lower parts of the stem is very rapid due to the free water vase life by this margin is considered as being bene"cial
available for evaporation, while the remainder of the since this is the period when the #owers are in transport.
#ower is cooled at a rate similar to dry cut #owers hence For example, it takes 2}3 days for #owers exported from
some weight loss is experienced. The reduced weight losses the Netherlands to arrive in Ireland. One di$culty with
recorded for uncovered absorption ranged from 0% to this treatment is that if excess water is sprayed on the
4)5% with an average of 2)8%. This is because of a slight #owers prior to cooling, chilling injury may occur there-
absorption of water and may also be due to the formation by reducing the vase life of the #owers. This may be
of some ice crystals on the part of the stem submerged in avoided if the correct amount of water is applied and the
the graduated cylinder adding to the weight of the #ower cooling process and the #ower temperature are carefully
following cooling. The variation in weight loss "ndings monitored and controlled. The cut #owers that were
may be attributed to the fact that the #ower samples used vacuum-cooled dry only and displayed at room temper-
in the experiments were not all of exactly the same weight ature gave a similar vase life to the controls with the
and size hence the surface area di!ered giving various average values being 9)6 and 9)5 d, respectively. This is
cooling rates and weight losses. only slightly longer than the normal vase life expected for
cut lilies of 5}9 d as indicated by Armitage (1993). How-
ever, the #owers which were vacuum cooled dry and
3.2. <ase life evaluation placed in cold storage after cooling had a vase life of
11)4 d. Freshly cut #owers were also placed in the refrig-
The vase life of the cut #owers is of vital importance to erator to determine its e!ect on the subsequent life of the
the #oricultural industry. As consumer awareness and #owers. The average recorded vase life value for these

Fig. 2. Typical cooling curves for the diwerent techniques examined. (stem 1st node before yower): , dry vacuum cooled; , water
sprayed before vacuum cooling; , covered absorption; , uncovered absorption; , refrigerator cooled

samples was 10)8 d. The results of the water absorption average being 18)7 min. All the vacuum cooling treat-
treatment in both covered and uncovered circumstances ments examined were extremely quick in comparison
show no major di!erence between the two treatments for with the refrigerator-cooling treatment. The initial cool-
the cold-stored regime; however, the uncovered treat- ing rate of the vacuum-cooling treatments was very rapid
ment gave longer vase life of approximately 1 d for the with temperature reduction of approximately 103C in less
unstored regime. The #owers cooled by the covered treat- than 60 s. However, depending on the moisture available
ment had a vase life of 10 and 11)5 d for the unstored and for evaporation, the "nal stem temperature achieved after
cold-stored situations, respectively, with the uncovered the set time of 10 min is high for vacuum-cooled tech-
absorption cooling treatment having a vase life of 10)8 niques except for the water-sprayed treatment, usually
and 11)7 d, respectively, for the unstored and cold-stored between 63C and 83C with a high value of 103C in one
regimes. However, the boiling e!ect observed in the grad- case. This is illustrated by Mc Donald and Sun (2000)
uated cylinder for the uncovered treatment, results in who state that temperature drop ceases at a point where
large droplets spattering over the lower leaves of the there is no more free water available for evaporation.
plant, which evaporate preferentially causing frostburn This is evident from the cooling curves and is noted by
spots on the product (Malpas, 1972) and gave the lower the levelling out of the curve. The dry vacuum cooling,
leaves an unsightly appearance. Both water absorption covered absorption and the uncovered absorption plots
treatments have the potential to be very successful tech- give uneven curves once the initial temperature decrease
niques for vacuum cooling cut #owers that can release is reached. This unevenness is referred to as &bouncing'
and transport moisture more readily than lilies (Gao (Freeman, 1984) and may be a result of small quantities
et al., 1996). Also, the distilled water could be replaced of moisture moving to the surface of the #ower causing
with a pulsing #uid hence combining both pulsing and a small sudden decrease in temperature.
cooling, thus reducing the time the #owers are held by the The temperature reduction for water-sprayed #owers
grower after harvest. was very fast, although, the initial cooling rate was not as
rapid as in other treatments. This is due to the lower
temperature of the water applied and hence the lower
3.3. Cooling cycle chamber pressures necessary for evaporation to begin;
the cut #owers stem temperature could be reduced to
Figure 2 shows the comparison of the cooling curves of 2}33C in 80}110 s. As the water-sprayed #owers cool
the di!erent cooling treatments. The longest cooling time very quickly, it is important to monitor the process
and hence the slowest cooling rate was by the refriger- closely, since the temperature of the leaves may be re-
ator-cooling treatment, the cooling time from a harvest duced to below 23C even though the stem temperature
temperature of about 223C to an average storage temper- may be considerably higher i.e. slower cooling. Chilling
ature of 3)53C was between 17 and 21 min with the injuries may occur as a result of very low leaf and #ower
304 T AD H G BR O S NA N; D A - W EN S UN

Fig. 3. Cooling curves at diwerent positions in the stem for the uncovered treatment; , stem end; , stem 2nd node before yower;
, stem 1st node before yower; , stem preyower; , chamber pressure

Fig. 4. Cooling curves of water-sprayed vacuum-cooled yowers with diwerent quantities of water applied prior to cooling;
, adequate water sprayed; , small quantity of water sprayed; , chamber pressure

temperatures. This was observed by the appearance of better cooling rates were achieved especially for the lower
dark blotches on the leaves and #owers, which generally part of the #ower stem but similar cooling rates were
appeared only on #owers held at room temperature fol- observed for the remainder of the plant. Evaporation
lowing vacuum cooling. The di$culty associated with from the water surface in the container results in an
this technique is that if adequate water is not applied to improved temperature reduction for the lower part of the
completely wet the surface of the #ower before cooling, stem. Figure 3 shows the variation in temperature of this
not only will weight loss be encountered but also the treatment at di!erent positions in the #ower stem.
cooling period will be extended and slower cooling ob- Figure 4 shows the comparison of the cooling curve of
served. vacuum-cooled cut #owers with di!erent quantities of
The covered absorption method gave similar results to water sprayed over a cooling time of 120 s. Even though
the dry cooled #owers. For the uncovered treatment, the initial cooling rate is rapid the curve with the small

quantity of water sprayed does not decline to a very low Freeman C D (1984) Cost reducing technologies in cooling fresh
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