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VISUALISATION oxenase On May 6th 2007, fifteen or so magicians got together for a final farewell to Jack. We spent a long weekend in hotel on the south coast of England where Jack and his wife Tracey studied at university. Jack's “Pasteboard Soirée,” as he called it, was an emotional, but uplifting way of honouring our friend and featured an afternoon lecture given by Jack. Unfortunately, at that point Jack’s cancer had spread to his brain and affected the use of his right hand so he invited some of his friends to each perform a trick or two of his creation. A ongst other tricks, Jack asked me to perform and teach “Final Palm” (from Genii magazine, July 2007) d “On, In & Under.” After my performance, Jack and I both agreed that it would be nice to find a way of performing the original effect by showing each of the Kings as they were placed on, in and under the card box so that the performer could spend a little more time between dealing each of the cards. The reason for this is hat my presentation for “On, In & Under” was a little longer than Jack’s and really needed some additional convincers along the way. ck not only found a fantastic solution, but also created an excellent new presentation too. It introduces his Underbelly Sequence: a previously unpublished false display that can be applied to countless other routines. SLEIGHTS USED Olram Subtlety (Edward Marlo) Underbelly Sequence (Jack Parker) Ascanio Spread (Arturo de Ascanio) SETUP ove the four Kings and four black spot cards (Jack uses Sixes, Bights and Nines) and have them in the wing order from the top to the face: King of Spades Spot card King of Hearts Spot card Spot card King of Diamonds King of Clubs Spot card The rest of the deck is not required. 32 - Jack Parkers 52 Memories METHOD & he packet face doven and explain, "Ina moment Fm going to ask you to remember four cards.” Deal the top er cards from the packet int a pile on the table, reversing their order as you do so. Push this packet towards participant and then drag the top few cards back a litle to create a small vertical spread ofthe four cards, tinue, “While you have four cards to remember, Fonly have thee. However, since Ihave an unfair advantage p you out with remembering yours by teaching you a visualisation technique ina moment. Fest let me show nny cards.” You will now execute the Olam Subilety: take the top card ofthe lft hand's packet into the tight «and hold it face down, Turn the left hand palm dawn to show a back spot eard on the face of the packet. nthe hand back palm up and use the lft thumb to push the top card off onto the table onto the top of the I spread of eards. As you deal the card tothe table, turn the right hand's card face up to show a second spot card and then flip it face down onto the tabled spread. Finally, show the face ofthe double card in srhand (as one) and then fp it face doven onto the spread. ‘Now for Jack's Underbelly Sequence: pick up the tabled packet in right-hand end grip and catch a thumb break above the secoud card {rom the face ofthe packet. You ean nov move the left hand under the packet and take the two cards below the break into dealing grip, Take these two cards and pivot them around the left Tong side ofthe packet, turning them face upon | topand ending up sidcjogged slighty to the left (fig. 1). Use yous right index inger to hold the {double card onto the packet and then turn the hhand palm up to show the fae ofthe packet. ‘The King of Hearts will show on the face, slong, with the face-dovn double card ‘point, Jack tends to flex the double card ite in an effort to display its apparent singularity before ning the hanel back palm down. Place the packet into left-hand dealing grip, allowing the skdcjogged double o sit ontop ofthe side ofthe thumb, pushing the let sie ofthe double away’ from the packet. This allows « to casily hold onto the double card in right-hand end grip while you leave the rest ofthe packet in the left a the double card over tothe right edge ofthe packet and then flip it face down square with the other cards. al the top card onto the table (apparently the King you just showed, but really black spot card) and ask the sscipant to place her palis-up hand on top ofthe ard. Explain, “Te King of Spades isthe first card I want 1 remember. I suid Tid give you a visualisation technique ad it this; imagine a spade digging down into the The King of Spades is under your hand digging down into the table” As you say this, catch a break above ard second from bottom ofthe packet, just as before. peat the same Underbelly Sequence again to show the King of Hearts and place i face down an tp of the «pants outstretched hand. Next ask her to lace her other hand palm down on top ofthe fist hand ding the King of Hearts between the cupped hands, Say, "To remember that thi is the Kn of Hearts, ike «10 remember a heart beating inside your chest, So, imagine you have a heart between your two hands beating Repeat the same actions again for the King of Diamonds, but do not turn the packet over as a black spot card will show instead of the next King, Turn the double card face down onto the packet and then take the top card and balance it face down on top of the participant's palm-down hand and say, “The visualisation for this card ‘is easy. It's the King of Diamonds and its placed right next ro where your wedding ring would go. The King of Diamonds represents a beautiful sparkling diamond ring!” ‘The current situation is that you hold a packet of ive cards consisting of four Kings with a black spot eard on the face. The audience believes the opposite tobe true; that you hold three spot cards with a King on the bottom, Move the palm-up right hand towards the let-hand packet and place the fingers on the bottom of the packet and the thumb on top. Pretending to peel off the top card, actually move the left hand away, pushing up with the fingers to drag the botiom card ofthe packet away instead, Without pausing, fairly peel two cards from the top of the packet and place them squarely on top ofthe ist card that you peeled. Carefully turn the squared lefi-hand packet face up to show a black spot card atthe face. Flip the right-hand double card face up on top of this packet, leaving it injogged for around halt length, Say, “Now here's the pivotal moment... can you remember the cards? Using my visualisation technique, Im absolutely certain you can.” Ask the participant to recite the order ofthe cards, nudging her along if she really needs it, Square the double card onto the packet and then execute an Ascanio Spread to show thatthe packet now consists ofthe four Kings a8 you comment, “Well, guess the visualisation technique worked, but unfortunately that's not where the Kings Finally, take the three cards from the participant's hands one a atime and show that they have all changed to spot cards age 194 ack Parkers 3 Memories

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