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Name/Course: Cauilan, Darwin C.

BS Pharmacy 1A

1. How is Dawkin’s illustration of the gene relevant to his explanation of the meme? Answer is limited to 40-60 wo

Dawkins conceived of memes as cultural parallel to biological gene and considered them , in manner similar to selfis
gene, as being in control of their own reproduction and thus serving their own ends by this we can say that memes c
information, are replicated, and are transmitted from one person to another and they have the ability to evolve.

2. Have memes created a more harmonious or a more divided society? You may cite an example. Limit answer to
words only.

Memes created a harmonious society where in it was used as a tool in forming social connection. The memes provid
way for people to connect with each other. Knowing the right memes can help a certain person to be part of a group
They give groups a sense of cohesion. Since today’s memes are based on social media, they are also a good way to ga
influence online and of course this social connection can be leveraged in both positive and genitive ways.

3. In response to the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19, what advocacy would you initiate? Express answer throug
MEME. Provide a 40-60-word explanation of your meme.
My advocacy is that Medical Courses should be included on the priority courses of the different government
scholarships. It is very hard accept that the health sector of our government is not the primary priority of the
government. A student who wants to be part of the health sector are lessening due to costly studies and the governm
does not prioritize the medical students we are forgotten by the governments and as the Covid-19 cases increases th
government should realized that they should prioritize the health sector.

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