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Importance of ICT in Education during Pandemic

Education is a very important thing to do to all of us, students. So

because of that even though we have a pandemic, our Department of

Education continues to provide us a new way of learning. In this new normal

education also includes the ICT or Information, Communication and

Technology as a subject because to think that this new way of studying almost

includes online classes and projects, and all of that is include in the ICT so it is

relevant to study this subject.

When we say ICT, the first thing that

comes to our mind is “technology”. Because

we know, our world is changing and

progressing. Technology is the key to that

progress. New inventions and products are

made because of technology so it has a very

important role in our world. During this

pandemic, our new type of learning system

involves online classes. ICT is the key to this so that online classes are

possible. Online learning has also been challenging for teachers and students

due to the fact that they have necessarily to be trained in new ways of creating

online and interactive learning.

COVID-19 pandemic remind us the importance of ICT especially in

education nowadays. E-learning or online learning is becoming increasingly

popular and with various events taking place in our lives, this does not only

open opportunities for schools to ensure that students have access to

curriculum materials whilst in the classroom but also allows them to ensure

students outside the classroom such as at home or even in hospitals can learn.

The importance and benefits

of studying ICT in education during

this pandemic are it can help

students and teachers to discover

new knowledge and things that can

be useful in the future. Effective use

of ICT in education demands skills

such as explaining and justifying the use of ICT in producing solutions to

problems. Students need to discuss, test, and conjecture the various strategies

that they will use. Students just need a cell phone or device which almost every

teenager does have today so this is not a problem at all.

Our society is changing and improving so we must study how to cop up

with this. ICT is a subject that can teach us about the technologies that are

very useful to use in our world today into the future. Studying new information

about technology is necessary needed because 21st century is the modern

world, where technology plays a vital role in our everyday lives especially now

in this pandemic. If we don’t know the use of ICT it is impossible for us to suse

the online learning we use today.

This concludes that ICT is one of the most needed and important subject

to study nowadays. Every day, our world is changing and progressing. We need

to take knowledge that can be beneficial to us and ICT is one of that.

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