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Name: Andrei Jay P.

Section: BS NURSING – N1E

Assignment # 2
1.) List and briefly describe 8 periods of moments in Salvation History according to Bible

The Bible starts with metaphorical (additionally called emblematic or mythic)
accounts concerning how God made all that exists. These are here and there
called "primitive" stories, which means they are accounts of things that occurred
before written history. The Creation accounts uncover that God's creation was
acceptable, requested, and amicable, without transgression or human demise. The
account of Adam and Eve's noncompliance instructs us that the transgression of
our first guardians harmed their relationship with God and with one another. This
Unique Sin is given to all individuals and makes it hard for us to pick the great
and to pick God. The accounts of Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood, and the
Tower of Babel instruct us that wrongdoing spreads and that without God's
assistance, sin prompts passing and annihilation. Yet, regardless of the passing
and obliteration, God shows kindness toward his animals and starts a course of
intercession to save us


The narratives of the patriarchs and female authorities advise how God starts to
shape an exceptional relationship with a picked race of individuals. The majority
of humankind doesn't perceive the one genuine God. So, he makes a unique
guarantee, called a Covenant, with a man named Abraham and his significant
other, Sarah. God guarantees that the relatives will be various and that they will
acquire a Promised Land. Abraham and Sarah have a few emergencies wherein
apparently God's Covenant will go unfulfilled: starvation, war, Sarah's infertility,
even an endeavor to forfeit their own child, Isaac. In any case, each time God
steps in to guarantee that things end up good overall.


The third time of salvation history concerns the freedom of Jacob's relatives—
presently called Israelites—from servitude in Egypt. Toward the start of the Book
of Exodus, we find that the Israelites are in servitude in Egypt. God hears their
cries and calls Moses to lead individuals out of servitude. Be that as it may
Pharaoh, the Egyptian chief who is additionally seen by his kin as a divine being,
has a hard heart. In a challenge of wills between "divine beings," Yahweh
demonstrates his strength over Pharaoh by sending horrible diseases upon the
The fourth time of salvation history concerns the Israelites' victory of the
Promised Land. Moses passes on before the Israelites enter the Promised Land.
God calls Moses' right-hand man, Joshua ("Jesus" is one more type of his name),
to lead individuals into the land, a lot of which is possessed by others. The
Israelites should battle to deal with the land. At the point when they trust God,
they are effective in their fights; when they don't confide in God, they fall flat. At
last they oversee the land, and Joshua separates
the land between the twelve clans.


In this time of salvation history is commonly alluded to as the government. In the
long run the Israelites need their own lord. God hesitantly answers their request.
He has Samuel—the remainder of the appointed authorities—bless Saul as the
principal ruler of Israel. Simultaneously, Samuel cautions individuals of the risks
of lords and domains


In this period, they say that Exile is a critical occasion in Jewish salvation
history. During and after the Exile, the Israelites rework quite a bit of their
consecrated Scriptures. They presently accept that their extraordinary
relationship with God isn't focused on being a country with a ruler. Their
character is principally a strict personality focused on after the Mosaic Law, with
an accentuation in the contribution of custom penance at the Temple.


In this time When Jesus is conceived, the Romans rule Israel. A portion of the
Jews are expecting a strong fighter and lord like David, who will drive the
Romans out. All things being equal, Jesus shows an alternate way. He lectures
love, equity, and pardoning. He mends and works wonders as indications of
God's force.


In the last period of salvation history concerns the overflowing of the Holy Spirit
and the development of the Church after Jesus' Ascension. After his
Resurrection, Jesus educates his nearest supporters, the Apostles, to proceed to
get out the Good Word of salvation to all individuals. After Jesus rises to
Heaven, Peter and different Apostles get the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives
them the boldness to inform others concerning Jesus
Christ. They start by first lecturing different Jews. In some cases, the Apostles
are oppressed by Jewish pioneers who consider them to be blasphemers to the
genuine Jewish confidence.
2.) Explain Genesis 9:1-17.

This time, in any case, there will be explicit contrasts set out from the beginning of this reboot of
God's relationship with mankind. Among these will be marginally various headings in regards to
food and the outcomes of homicide, for instance. The inclination of creatures to fear and escape
people will likewise be raised in this entry. From beginning to end, this passage is about God.
God speaks. God establishes. God remembers. God promises to put up with sinful man, giving us
time to repent and believe and be saved of our sins. He assures us, again and again, that He love
us and cares for us and cherishes us. That is the message we see and hear in God's covenant with

3.) What punishment did God give the snake, Eva and Adam In Genesis chapter three?

Truth be told, the snake is quick to be rebuffed by God, not Adam or Eve. Eventually, however,
it's difficult to determine what the snake did that wasn't right by any means, considerably less so
off-base that to benefits such a discipline. Never does God teach the snake not to advance eating
organic product from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In this way the snake was surely
not defying any requests. In addition, obviously the snake knew great from evil — and assuming
he didn't, it's basically impossible that he might have appreciated that there was anything amiss
with enticing Eve.

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