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C O M B U S T I O N A N D F L A M E 63:339-347 (1986) 339

Laminar Flame Speeds of Hydrocarbon + Air Mixtures with

Hydrogen Addition


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201

C. K. L A W

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Davis, California 95616


C. K. W U

Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Using the symmetrical, adiabatic, counterflow arrangement, the laminar flame speeds of methane + air and
propane + air mixtures, with and without the addition of stoichiometrically small amounts of hydrogen, have
been determined by first measuring the flame speeds with stretch and then linearly extrapolating these values to
zero stretch. The results show that the flame speed is substantially increased with hydrogen addition, and that it
can be linearly correlated with the flame speed without hydrogen addition and a single parameter indicating the
extent of hydrogen addition.

I. I N T R O D U C T I O N the addition of hydrogen which has higher

burning intensity. Indeed, because of the impor-
The burning of lean hydrocarbon + air mixtures tance of the hydrogen radical in the overall
offers the potential of enhanced fuel economy, hydrocarbon + air reaction scheme, it is rea-
reduced pollutant formation, and improved ther- sonable to expect that the addition of hydrogen
mal stress characteristics of the combustor hard- in the freestream should significantly increase
ware. However, lean mixtures are hard to ignite the concentration of the radicals, which other-
and more susceptible to extinguish. Thus their wise would have to be supplied through back
utilization imposes more stringent criteria on the diffusion from the active reaction region where
operational reliability of the combustor. they are generated.
A promising approach to enhance the combus- An important parameter needed for the utili-
tion intensity of these lean mixtures is through zation of hydrocarbon + hydrogen + air

Copyright © 1986 by The Combustion Institute

Published by Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.
52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017 0010-2180/86/$03.50
340 G. YU ET AL.

mixtures and the concurrent understanding of

the underlying combustion mechanism is their
laminar flame speed SL °, which represents the
reactivity and exothermicity of a given mixture.
Furthermore, since SL ° also contains the funda- -g
mental information regarding the reactive and
diffusive properties of the mixture, the avail-
ability of an accurately determined SL ° function ,0 c,,.A,,
30 q:' = 1.1
also offers the potential for the extraction of the D : 1.4 cm
ZO ~ t 1
kinetic information by comparing the experi- 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 o.G
mentally measured and numerically simulated x (cm)
values of SL °. Fig. 1. Typical velocity profile across a s t a g n a t i o n flame,
Recently Milton and Keck [1] reported s h o w i n g the definitions of K and SL.
laminar flame speeds of hydrocarbon + hydro-
gen + air mixtures, as functions of the mixture
temperature and pressure, by using the constant laminar flame speed SL ° is defined as the
volume bomb technique. Because of the multi- propagation velocity of an adiabatic, one-di-
parameter nature of the investigation, the data mensional planar flame, the flame speeds deter-
reported are limited to stoichiometric concentra- mined from such stretched flames obviously are
tions. not SL °.
The main thrust of the present investigation is In response to this concern, Wu and Law [2]
to provide accurately determined values of St ° proposed a methodology in which stretch effects
over the complete concentration ranges of hy- can be systematically subtracted out to yield an
drocarbon and air, with a small amount of SL ° which conforms closely to its definition.
hydrogen addition. The novel feature here is the The methodology involves establishing a planar
specific methodology adopted which allows the flame in the divergent stagnation flow produced
determination of the laminar flame speed with- by impinging a uniform stream of combustible
out effects of heat loss and aerodynamic stretch- onto a stagnation surface. The velocity profile
ing, and thereby conforms most closely with the of this stagnation premixed flame configuration
definition of SL °. Our data also yield a simple can be determined by using, say, Laser Doppler
empirical expression for the mixture laminar Velocimetry. Figure 1 shows the axial velocity
flame speed which is expected to be of practical profile of such a flame, which can be basically
utility. interpreted as the superposition of those of a
In the next section we discuss the concepts of nonreacting stagnation flow and a planar, one-
the experimental methodology and the specific dimensional flame. Thus by approaching from
arrangement adopted herein. This is then fol- the freestream we initially have the velocity
lowed by the presentation and discussion of the profile of the stagnation flow characterized by
experimental data in Section III. the negative of its velocity gradient, K. As the
upstream boundary of the preheat zone is ap-
II. E X P E R I M E N T A L METHODOLOGY proached, the velocity attains a minimum and
In Ref. [2] it is pointed out that most of the then increases due to thermal expansion. Even-
existing methodologies for the determination of tually, upon complete heat release, the velocity
SL ° involve flames which suffer aerodynamic again decreases in accordance with the stagna-
stretching. Examples are the positive stretch tion flow requirement.
experienced by the outwardly expanding flame The stretch experienced by the flame is
in a constant volume bomb, and the negative therefore simply K, expressed in the unit of s 1
stretch experienced by the widely used Bunsen Furthermore, if we define the flame speed SL of
flame because of the flame curvature. Since the this stretched flame to be the propagation veloc-
60 I I I

•c , - - . ~ ~ t08


20 C H 4 + Ai[

10 (Rich)

0 I I I
I00 200 30O



E ~ 074
J 9~ : 0 6 9 CH4 + Air
..__.o.__~._..::).~._-....c~-- ~ O.Sg ( Lean )

0 I I I
100 200 300

K (s - l )

Fig. 2. Demonstrationof the linear variation of the flame speed St, with the stretch rate K,
for methane + air mixtures.

ity of the upstream boundary of the preheat absolute nozzle separation distance, as long as
zone, then SL can be identified as the minimum the stagnation flow characteristics are preserved
value of the velocity profile. Thus SL as a for such separation distances.
function of K, for a given fuel/air equivalence Figure 3 shows a schematic of the experimen-
ratio ~b, can be determined by systematically tal setup. The symmetrical counterflow is gener-
varying the freestream velocities. For small ated by two identical aerodynamically shaped
values of K, both theory [3-5] and experiment nozzles with diameters 10, 14, 20, and 30 mm.
[2] have shown that SL varies linearly with K, as The nozzle separation distance is about one
demonstrated in Fig. 2. Thus by linearly extrap- diameter. Each combustible stream is also sur-
olating SL(0; K) to K = 0, we obtain SL(~; 0) rounded by an external shroud flow of N2. By
--- SL ° (0), which is the laminar flame speed by varying its flow velocity, this shroud flow is
definition. found to be especially important in stabilizing
This technique is further improved in the flame disturbances for rich mixtures.
present investigation by using a symmetrical The flow velocity is measured by a TSI argon-
counterflow instead of the plate-generated stag- ion LDV system in the back-scattering mode.
nation flow. This eliminates any possibility of The measuring volume is 0.1 mm diam. × 0.9
downstream heat loss. Although effects on mm length, while seeding is accomplished by
flame speed due to heat loss to the stagnation 1/zm MgO particles.
plate is generally very small unless the flame is Last, it is also important to emphasize the
close to the plate, by using the symmetrical versatility of the present technique. That is,
counterflow we are assured of downstream because our method is based on local measure-
adiabaticity under all situations. It may also be ments, the quality of the bulk flame, as well as
noted that since the present uniform flow is the flow, is not crucial in that as long as the
generated by nozzles instead of porous plates, upstream velocity variation is linear for a rea-
upstream heat loss is also minimized. Indeed, sonable distance ahead of the preheat zone, and
our results show that the flame speed depends the characteristic dimension of the flame curva-
only on the local stretch rate instead of the ture is large compared with that of the preheat
342 G. YU ET AL.

Flow Meter Burner

© By-Pass

© ~ ' :
LDV A+ Lasel

I ~-M, ~ s,gnal I'--I 7'~'u~ I
\ / L. . . . I I
O Control

Fig. 3. Schematic of the experimental setup.

zone, then SL as a function of K can be small. Theoretical development [3-5] has shown
determined with good accuracy. This point is that the extent of correction in the flame speed
especially relevant for rich propane + air (normalized to unity) due to stretch is propor-
flames which tend to develop flame-front insta- tional to a nondimensional stretch rate /~ --
bilities over certain concentration and stretch DK/(SL°) 2, where D is the gas-phase diffusiv-
regions [6]. Since for most situations such ity. Thus taking D = 10 ° cm-/s,~ K = 200 s l
instabilities appear only sporadically and infre- and SL ° = 40 cm/s, we have/£ = 0.1, implying
quently, in the form of normally propagating that the stretch rate adopted in the experimenta-
straight ridges over the flame surface, the flame tion is indeed small enough for the purpose of
is smooth most of the time and its speed can be linear extrapolation. In fact, some of our data
determined during these disturbance-free peri- show that linearity holds even when/~ = O(1).
ods. Note also that these instabilities can be Since the theories are approximate ones, em-
minimized/suppressed with increasing stretch bodying such assumptions as incompressibility,
[6, 7], which is a parameter that can be indepen- it is conceivable that the property of linearity is
dently varied in the experiment. valid over a more extended range of stretch rate
than recognized.
Validity of Linear Extrapolation SL ° of Methane + Air and Propane + Air
An important feature of the present methodol-
ogy is that the flame speed SL scales linearly As references, we present SL°(O) for methane
with the stretch rate K for small values of K. In + air and propane + air mixtures, shown in
the present investigation, we have further con- Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. We first note that
firmed this property. Figure 2 shows typical the present data for propane + air covers a
variations of SL with K for methane + air substantially extended range in ~b on the rich
mixtures. It is seen that the variation is indeed side. As expected, these data level off with
linear within the accuracy of the experimenta- increasing ~ because of the asymmetrical nature
tion. Furthermore, since the variation is quite of the definition of q~ relative to the concentra-
gentle and is spread out over a wide range of K, tions of fuel and air.
the viability of the linear behavior is further We next compare our data with those of the
enhanced. recently proposed technique of Yamaoka and
The final point to check is whether K is indeed Tsuji [8]. Specifically, these authors established

J I I I I I I I I 1

50 CH 4 + Air





o t 1 I I t I I I I I
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 L.L l.z ~.3 1.~ z.5 ~.6
Fig. 4. Laminar flame speed, SL*, of methane + air mixtures, and comparison with the
data of Yamaoka and Tsuji.


C3H 8 * Air

E 40

o J 30



o I I I I I I I
0.4 0.6 0.8 L0 1.2 ~.4 z.~ J.,8 z.o

Fig. 5. Laminar flame speed, SL*, of propane + air mixtures, and comparison with the
data of Yamaoka and Tsuji.

a binary premixed flame configuration by eject- those of Ref. [8]. The data of Ref. [8] exhibit
ing a combustible mixture from a porous cylin- slightly smaller values, possibly because of the
der into the countercurrent flow of another unavoidable small amount of heat and radical
mixture which may or may not have the same loss to the cylinder surface. The close agree-
stoichiometry. By gradually reducing the ejec- ment does support the viability of these two
tion velocity from the cylinder, the inner flame entirely different methods in determining the
can be brought close to the cylinder until there is laminar flame speed without complications due
sufficient heat loss to it that the bulk flame to stretch and heat loss.
characteristics, such as the flame location, If we now accept the validity of the methodol-
change drastically. The ejection velocity at ogy and data of Ref. [8], then their experimental
which such drastic changes occur, which essen- observation suggests the following important
tially signifies the arrival of the upstream point. That is, in the study of premixed flame
boundary of the preheat zone at the cylinder propagation, the importance of radical back
surface, is identified in Ref. [8] as the laminar diffusion relative to heat conduction is fre-
flame speed. quently raised. This concern is well justified
Figures 4 and 5 show that our data are close to because of the role of the radicals as chain
344 G. YU ET AL.

carriers and because the important radical, H, is hydrocarbon fuel plus the amount of air availa-
highly diffusive and should have a much longer ble for its oxidation.
range of influence than the preheat zone thick- Thus ~F and RH are the two parameters to be
ness. If this is the case, then we would expect used to indicate the concentrations of hydrocar-
the radical diffusion zone to impact the cylinder bon and hydrogen. It is important to emphasize
surface before the preheat zone, thereby leading that these two parameters do not represent the
to a lowering of the flame speed but not actual stoichiometry during the reaction; for
necessarily the flame temperature. The results example, the hydrocarbon fuel obviously has
of Yamaoka and Tsuji, however, show that access to the total amount of air present.
drastic changes in the flame speed and the However, as will be demonstrated subsequently,
temperature occur simultaneously. This there- these two intuitively based parameters do facili-
fore implies that the effective radical diffusion tate data reduction and correlation.
zone is at most as thick as the preheat zone. Figures 6 and 7 show the measured SL ° as a
function of ~bF, with RH as a parameter, for
SL ° of Hydrocarbon + Hydrogen + Air methane- and propane-based mixtures, respec-
Flames tively. For RH = 0, we have the reference
Because of the presence of three reactants in the hydrocarbon + air case. With hydrogen addi-
mixture, it is necessary to first decide on the tion and therefore increasing RH, SL ° increases,
stoichiometric parameters for meaningful data as is reasonable to expect. For different RH, the
reduction. To do so, we first note that since H2 is variation of SL ° with ~bF remains qualitatively
present only in small quantities, there should be the same, with the maxima occurring around a
enough air to facilitate its complete oxidation. narrow range of 4~F.
Thus if the mole fractions of the hydrocarbon Figures 8-11 show an alternate plot of SL °,
fuel, hydrogen, and air are, respectively, CF, with RH being the independent variable and ~bv
CH, and CA, with CF + CH -+- CA = 1, then in the parameter. The advantage of such a plot is
order to oxidize totally CH amount of He, we obvious in that SL ° is seen to vary linearly with
will need CH/(CH/CA)st amount of air, where RH over the range of investigation. Further-
(CH/CA).~t = 0.418 is the stoichiometric hydro- more, the slopes of these curves also do not vary
gen-to-air molar ratio. If the remaining air is too much from each other.
used to oxidize the hydrocarbon, we can then The upper limit in RH in our investigation is
define an effective fuel/air equivalence ratio OF constrained by the propensity of the flame to
as flashback. However, for the leanest propane
case (~bF = 0.5), with great caution we were
C d [C A - CH/ ( C~/ CA)sd able to extend the investigation to RH = 1.0.
~F ~
(CF/CAh, Figure 12 shows that the linear behavior is
where (CF/CA)st is the stoichiometric fuel-to-air
Based on the behavior of Figs. 8-12, it is then
molar ratio, which is 0.105 and 0.0418 for
methane + air and propane + air mixtures, logical to correlate SL ° according to
respectively. SL°(OF, RH)=SLO(~bF, O ) + ~ F ( O F ) R H , (1)
To indicate the relative amount of hydrogen
addition, we form the ratio w h e r e SL°(~F, 0) = SL°((~ ~ t~F) is the l a m i n a r
flame speed without hydrogen addition, as given
Cr~+ CH/( CH/C A)~t by Figs. 4 and 5, and otF(OF) describes the
cF + [cA - CH/(CH/CA)s,] " variation of the linear slopes t~F with ~bF. For the
methane case there is almost no variation in OfF
The numerator of RH is the amount of hydrogen
such that
plus the amount of air needed to oxidizer it
totally, while the denominator is the amount of Cgmethane = 80 c m / s .
F L A M E S SPEEDS O F H Y D R O C A R B O N + H Y D R O G E N + AIR M I X T U R E S 345

I I I I I I I I 1 I I
CH4 * H2 + Air

60 o

~ 50
°~,,~ 40

30 ~ 0.40
20 R H : 0.30

I0 000

o 1 I I 1 I I I [ I 1
04 06 08 1o ~2 t~ 16

Fig. 6. L a m i n a r f l a m e s p e e d , SL °, o f m e t h a n e + h y d r o g e n + a i r m i x t u r e s as a f u n c t i o n
o f ~F, w i t h RH as p a r a m e t e r .

: I I I I I I I I I I

70 C3H 8 * H2 + Air

° "'~ 30

20 R : 0.15

10 0"05-//
0.00 J

0 I I 1 I I I I I I
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5

Fig. 7. Laminar flame speed, SL*, of propane + hydrogen + air mixtures as a function
of q~, with RH as parameter.

F o r the p r o p a n e case O/F = 90 c m / s for q~F < 1 SL*(~b, RH)=SL°(ch=~F)+83R. (cm/s), (2)
and O/v = 82 cm/s for ~bF --> 1.1. Since these
such that the effect o f h y d r o g e n addition can be
variations are still quite small, for the sake o f
represented by the single p a r a m e t e r RH. Equa-
simplicity we can set
tions (1) or (2) is expected to be o f g e n e r a l
O/propan e ~ 86 cm/s. practical utility. It may also be o f interest to
e x p l o r e whether these relations also hold for
In fact, very little e r r o r would be incurred even other h y d r o c a r b o n + air mixtures with h y d r o -
if we write in general gen addition.
o/F = 83 cm/s One possible explanation for the linear behav-
ior is the s t o i c h i o m e t r i c a l l y small a m o u n t o f
for methane- and p r o p a n e - b a s e d mixtures. Thus h y d r o g e n present relative to the total amount o f
Eq. (1) b e c o m e s air. F o r e x a m p l e , even for the RH = 1.0, ~bF =
346 G. YU ET AL.
90 I I I I I I

CH 4 * H2 + Air

60 ~.~F0

o .-i 40



o I I I I I
0 0.1 02 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fig. 8. L a m i n a r flame speed, SL °, of methane + hydrogen + air m i x t u r e s as a function
of RH, with ~F as p a r a m e t e r , for lean values of ~bF.

...... I I i 1 I I '~F = 1.10

C H4 + H2 * Air ~ 1.20 -


*_.a 40




0 I I I I I I
0 0.1 0.2 0,3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 9. L a m i n a r flame speed, SL °, of methane + h y d r o g e n + air m i x t u r e s as a function

of RH, with (~F as p a r a m e t e r , for rich values of ~bF.

0 I I I I I I 70,

I C3H8 + H2 .lAi r I I ~
,0 C3H8 + H2 * Air



• -~30

20 h

o 1o

o I I I I I I o I I I I I I
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Fig. 10. L a m i n a r flame speed, SL*, of propane + hydro- Fig. 11. L a m i n a r flame speed, So*, of propane + hydro-
gen + air m i x t u r e s as a function of RH, with (~F as gen + air m i x t u r e s as a function of RH, with Cv as
p a r a m e t e r , for lean values of 4~v. p a r a m e t e r , for rich v a l u e s of ~F.

9o 1 ! I I I I ! I I
the determination of the laminar flame speed SL o
80 C3H 8 + H2 + Air by performing the experiment over extensive
70 =
ranges of parameters and without downstream
6O heat loss. Through such an effort we have
50 accurately determined SL ° for methane + air
°~-"J 40 and propane + air mixtures over an extended
30 range of 0. We have also shown that these
values agree well with those of Yamaoka and
Tsuji [8], thereby providing support for the
viability of both methodologies in which stretch
0 ' I ' ' ' ' i ' I '
0.I 02 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 07 0.8 09 1.0 and heat loss effects are either eliminated or
EH minimized.
Fig. 12. Laminar flame speed, St. °, of propane + hydro- Having thus validated our methodology, the
gen + air mixtures as a function of RH, with ~br = 0.5, laminar flame speeds of methane + air and
demonstrating the extended range of RH in which the linear propane + air mixtures with the addition of
behavior holds. stoichiometrically small amounts of hydrogen
are determined, and are found to be linearly
0.5 propane case, the equivalence ratio of correlatable with the hydrogen concentration
hydrogen relative to total air is only 0.63. parameter RH. Such a relation is expected to be
Noting that since the maximum flame speed of useful from practical considerations.
hydrogen + air mixtures is at 0 = 1.8, the
presence of hydrogen in the present experiments
is basically a perturbation to the hydrocarbon + This research was supported by the Depart-
air stoichiometry, thereby resulting in a linear ment o f Energy under Contract No. DE-
correction factor. It must, however, also be FGO3-84ER13274 and the technical monitor-
emphasized that although the amount of hydro-
ing o f Dr. Oscar Manley.
gen addition is small on the basis of stoichiome-
try, it is quite significant in terms of the
volumetric fraction.
A direct comparison of our measured flame
speeds with those of Milton and Keck [1] is not 1. Milton, B. E., and Keck, J. C., Combust. Flame
possible because our data were obtained at 58:13-22 (1984).
overall off-stoichiometric conditions while 2. Wu, C. K., and Law, C. K., to appear in Proc. o f
theirs were determined at stoichiometric con- Twentieth Combustion Symposium, 1985.
centrations. However, by using the linear rela- 3. Matalon, M., and Matkowsky, B. J., J. Fluid Mech.
124:239-249 (1982).
tion of Eq. (1), the extrapolated values of SL °
4. Chung, S. H., Trans. Korean Society o f Mech. Eng.
for 0F = 1 and RH = 1, which correspond to the 9:250-258 (1985).
stoichiometric situation, are 120 cm/s and 129 5. Law, C. K., Paper presented at the Eastern Section
cm/s for methane- and propane-based mixtures, Meeting of the Combustion Institute. Clearwater
respectively. These compare favorably with the Beach, Florida, 1984.
corresponding atmospheric values of 110 cm/s 6. lshizuka, S., Miyasaka, K., and Law, C. K., Com-
and 120 cm/s as repored in Table 4 of Milton bust. Flame 45:293-308 (1982).
7. Sivashinsky, G. I., Law, C. K., and Joulin, G.,
and Keck [1].
Combust. Sci. Tech. 28:155-159 (1982).
IV. C O N C L U S I O N S 8. Yamaoka, I., and Tsuji, H., to appear in Proc. o f
Twentieth Combustion Symposium, 1985.
The specific contributions of the present investi-
gation are the following. First, we have recon-
firmed the methodology of Wu and Law [2] for Received 19 March 1985; revised 29 August 1985

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