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Consumer & Community Banking

In 2018, the U.S. economy benefited 2018 financial results Banking deposits and investment
from continued low unemployment balances. The incremental deposits
Consumer and Community Banking
and stable inflation. There have been acquired over this time period alone
(CCB) had a remarkable 2018. We
other economic periods like this would be equivalent to the seventh
delivered a 28% return on equity on
since the 1950s, but they have not largest retail bank in the country.
record net income of $14.9 billion and
lasted as long. The U.S. economy is
$52.1 billion in revenue, up 12% year- Our customers spent more than
strong. Gross domestic product
over-year. We grew our customer base $1 trillion on 99 million debit and
increased at an annual rate of 2.9%;
to nearly 62 million U.S. households, credit card accounts in 2018, averag-
unemployment in 2018 hit its lowest
including 4 million small businesses. ing 49 million transactions every day.
level since December 1969; and wage
Among our consumer households, We also have the largest customer
growth picked up, passing along
25% have a relationship with two or base of active mobile users among
some of the strength of the economic
more Chase lines of business. This U.S. banks at 33 million.
expansion to the consumer – many
performance is a direct result of the
of whom are our customers. The We grew our business while reduc-
growth in our business drivers and a
consumer debt burden is at manage- ing our overhead ratio and making
sustained focus on investing for the
able levels, both consumer and small significant investments. These
medium and long term.
business optimism is at or near an include investing in the 400
all-time high, and consumer credit In CCB, our four-year compound branches we are opening in new
remains strong. annual growth rate for deposits has markets to extend our reach to cus-
been double that of the industry over- tomers, as well as in other improve-
While the economy is performing
all since 2014, and in 2018, we grew ments to our customers’ experience.
well, it is not working for everyone.
retail deposit share in 27 of our top
Across the firm, we recognize this We achieved our 2018 results with
30 markets. Our average deposits of
and want to do our part to remedy continued focus on the same four
$670 billion were up 5%, and client
that reality. As a company, we want areas as in years past: customers,
investment assets reached $282
to help everyone make the most of profitability, people and controls.
billion, up 3% despite volatility in
their money and seek opportunities
the market. Since 2014, we have Here are some of the highlights of
to connect with households we don’t
brought in $215 billion of Consumer what we accomplished in each of
already serve.
these areas.

We are proud that Chase has a rela-
tionship with nearly half of all U.S.
households. A first step in reaching
more customers is making sure we
#1 #1 62M are meeting their needs. Therefore,
we are introducing new products
#1 in total U.S. credit card sales #1 in U.S. retail 62 million households and refreshing existing ones with
volume and outstandings deposit growth
the features and benefits our cus-
tomers value.
Another step taken this past year
was to open branches in new mar-
kets, specifically Washington, D.C.,
Philadelphia and Boston. When we
15 29% enter these communities, we bring
#1 MOBILE LOGINS QUICKDEPOSITSM the full force of this great company
– hiring, lending and helping cus-
#1 most visited banking 15 mobile logins 29% of check deposit tomers save for their first home, start
portal in the U.S. per active user per month transactions through
QuickDepositSM a business or retire with financial

Expanding into new markets

Last year, we announced plans to open up to 400

new retail branches and hire as many as 3,000 Branch expansion 2018-2019
employees in new U.S. markets over the next five
years. This expansion is part of a $20 billion invest-
ment in our business and local economic growth. We
are committed to serving all communities, including
those with low- to moderate-income households, with
these new branches. We’ve opened 12 branches in
the Greater Washington region, Philadelphia and the
Delaware Valley, and Boston — and will continue to
grow in these regions.

We plan to add retail branches in nine more U.S.

markets this year, opening as many as 90 new
branches and hiring 700 employees, offering more Existing footprint
customers access to our retail and business banking 2018 expansion
services and providing jobs to these communities. 2019 expansion

security. The reception in each mar- card bills, discounts and offers from who want to speak with someone by
ket, by new and existing customers, favorite merchants, and, for those phone or in person.
has been wonderful. As part of the who have multiple relationships with
Customers are doing more than 80%
market expansion, we also support us, a clear understanding of the prod-
of their transactions on their own.
each local community directly with ucts they qualify for before applying.
This simple experience means cus-
help from the JPMorgan Chase Foun-
Profitability tomers who use mobile and digital
dation. In Washington, D.C., we com-
We prioritize long-term, profitable channels are happier with us, tend to
mitted $1.6 million in philanthropy.
growth when making decisions about do more business with us and are
In Boston, we committed $3 billion
investing in the future of our con- more profitable.
for home and small business loans
and $1.1 million to support jobs and sumer franchise. In 2018, we contin- Consumer Banking customers who
skills development. ued our progress to drive down struc- have relationships with two or more
tural expense, reducing our overhead Chase lines of business generate two
We are always focused on improving ratio to 53%, down from 56% the and a half times more pre-tax income
the customer experience. Across all prior year. We’ve also made progress for us. That is because they have
of our products, we have made it reducing our cost to serve each house- deeper relationships and also
quicker and easier to become a Chase hold while our customer base and because they are often servicing their
customer. Increasingly, that experi- total transaction volume continue to accounts digitally, which is more
ence is digital, online or mobile. More grow. We’ve made investments that cost-effective.
than 1 million customers opened a have brought down our cost to serve
checking or savings account digitally each household by 15% since 2014. For those customers who rely on
in 2018. For existing customers who These investments allow us to reach branches, we are tailoring our physi-
were adding an account, it took less more customers at a lower cost and cal network to match the service
than three minutes. We have plans to through the channels they prefer. activity of each location. We have
reduce that time even further. More and more often, that channel expanded into our new market loca-
is mobile. tions using a combination of strate-
Existing customers enjoyed a steady
gically placed full-service branches,
stream of improvements to their Our active mobile customer base smaller format branches and stand-
experience with us: the ability to grew 11% since 2017, averaging a alone ATMs – which can now sup-
lock and unlock a misplaced card, login rate of 15 times a month. And port 74% of the transactions that
more options on how to pay credit we have made it easy for customers once required a teller.
#1 most visited banking 15 mobile logins 29% of check deposit
portal in the U.S. per active user per month transactions through

80+ %
$1+T Looking ahead — 2019
Becoming a customer
More than 80% of 49 million active digital More than $1 trillion
transactions self-serviced customers in credit and debit card As we continue to focus on custom-
sales volume ers’ needs in 2019, we will make it
even easier to become a Chase cus-
tomer and grow with us during a life-
time. Earlier this year, we created a
product to meet the needs of the mil-
lions of U.S. households outside of the
YOU INVEST 1.5M 33M banking system – Chase Secure Bank-
receive access to our branches, ATMs
You Invest digital trading 1.5 million deposit accounts 33 million active mobile and mobile banking to make pay-
platform launched opened digitally customers ments, deposit checks and send
money, and they cannot overdraft.
We are committed to serving all representation – and, most recently, We will also continue to expand to
households with these new branches, Advancing Black Pathways, our effort new markets. We expect 93% of the
including ones with low to moderate to promote greater opportunities U.S. population to be in our Chase
incomes. for black Americans to participate in footprint by the end of 2022.
economic success.
People Paying with Chase
We are so proud of our team, 135,0001 We are also mindful that the nature
Our customers make more than
strong. In the same way we focus of our work is changing as we invest
$2 trillion in payments each year –
on making experiences great for our in technology that allows customers
whether they are shopping with one
customers, we also strive to do the to manage their own needs. While
of our cards, paying a bill or paying
same for our employees. we have hired 2,000+ more people in
another person. No matter the
technology and digital roles, we have
method, we want them to be able to
We have always believed our com- 7,000 fewer employees working in
do so with ease and confidence, as
pany has a role to play in society, operational positions since 2014.
well as to realize the value of paying
leading by example in areas such as We are committed to offering other
with Chase. In addition to the new
diversity. It’s important to us that our opportunities and training to those
customer-friendly features I men-
employees represent the customers employees who might need to find a
tioned earlier, we are upgrading our
we serve. More than 57% of our new role – here at Chase or some-
card chips to be “tap to pay”-enabled.
employees are women, and more than where else.
half are minorities. Our employees We announced two new features for
who work directly with customers in Controls our credit card customers coming
our branches and call centers have Our customers rely on us to protect later this year – My Chase PlanSM and
higher minority representation than their data and their money. We take My Chase LoanSM – to provide more
our senior executive positions, and we that responsibility very seriously. ways to borrow using existing Chase
are working to correct that balance. Therefore, we deploy many safe- credit card lines. When customers
guards, checks and balances to make need to pay their Chase bills, they
But we don’t stop with our employ-
sure we do our work as effectively as can set a fixed amount to pay auto-
ees. We are leading initiatives to drive
possible. This helps us adhere to the matically or pay at our ATMs.
inclusive growth across the country,
many regulations and requirements
such as Women on the Move – which Growing wealth
that govern us. Upgrading and rigor-
helps women overcome barriers they
ously maintaining these controls is We want to help everyone make the
face at work and helps further female
an ongoing discipline; we are proud most of their money, whether they
of the work we do and will continue need to build emergency savings to
Includes employees and contractors
to improve.

cover unexpected expenses, save for a Growing businesses speed at which companies function.
home or invest. In January 2019, dur- As a firm, JPMorgan Chase can do Those we visited are using machine
ing National Savings Month, we intro- more to support businesses than just learning to open accounts in seconds
duced Auto Save, which allows our about any other financial services or pay out claims based on smart-
customers to set rules for how much firm. From sole proprietors, family-, phone images within hours. Seeing
to save based on milestones like female- and minority-owned busi- these capabilities only inspired us to
receiving a paycheck or spending at a nesses all the way to the largest global, move more quickly and push the
certain merchant. And every week, on multinational corporations, we help boundaries of what we think we can
average, we welcome 5,000 new cus- businesses manage the spectrum of accomplish for our customers and
tomers to You Invest, our self-directed needs, whether making day-to-day our shareholders.
digital investing product. payments or financing growth. No
matter the business, we are focused
Owning a home
on ways to bring unique value to cus-
We have made it simpler and faster tomers who do more business with us.
for customers who want to work with
us to buy their home. Our digitally For our customers who process pay-
enabled fulfillment process is more ments with Chase, we can offer same-
convenient than the paper process; day funding if they deposit those
it’s 20% faster, can be completed sales into a Chase Business Checking
online from anywhere and allows account. For a small business owner,
customers to monitor their progress same-day access to your sales can
through the process. Customer satis- make a real difference.
faction is at record highs, but there is
still room to simplify and improve. Closing
I have never been more optimistic
Owning a car
about our future. We are committed
Of the 62 million households with to making our business even better
whom we have a relationship, by serving more customers. The key
roughly 1 million of them will buy or to doing that is moving faster. We
lease a car with Chase each year. We have made progress improving upon
think we can do better than that by the pace we became accustomed to, Gordon Smith
making the experience easier and but we still need to do better. Co-President and Chief Operating Officer,
adding value to the process – for our JPMorgan Chase & Co., and
customers and for our dealer and Members of my leadership team CEO, Consumer & Community Banking
manufacturer partners. and I traveled to China at the end of
2018, and we were impressed by the


• #1 in overall customer satisfac- • The most frequently added new • #1 most visited banking portal in • Relief provided to customers
tion among national banks bank among small businesses the U.S. — affected by the California wild-
(J.D. Power) that added another financial fires and the federal government
institution in the past year • #1 U.S. credit card issuer shutdown
• #1 in primary bank relationships (Barlow Research)1
within our Chase footprint • #1 U.S. co-brand credit card
• Retail deposit volume growth at a issuer
rate more than twice the industry
average since 2014 • #1 in total U.S. credit and debit 1
1Q17-4Q18 data, small businesses with
payments volume revenue $100,000 to $25 million

Corporate & Investment Bank

2018 performance and backdrop such as Takeda’s $82 billion acquisi- $6.9 billion, up 21%. Our Cash Equi-
tion of Shire, IBM’s $34 billion pur- ties, Equity Derivatives and Prime
The Corporate & Investment Bank
chase of Red Hat and Walmart’s $16 Finance businesses each gained
(CIB) had a record year in 2018, set-
billion acquisition of Flipkart, India’s market share, and each generated
ting a new benchmark for earnings
largest online retailer. double-digit revenue growth during
of $11.8 billion on $36.4 billion of
the year. The investments we have
revenue, resulting in a return on We ranked #1 in wallet share for
made in people and technology have
equity (ROE) of 16%. both debt and equity capital markets
led to stronger execution capabilities
and raised more than $475 billion
We are now 10 years removed from and significant growth in both client
for clients around the world. We led
the financial crisis of 2008, when balances and volumes. Over the past
prominent initial public offerings
J.P. Morgan was a safe haven for five years, our Equities business has
(IPO), including for AXA Equitable
clients in chaotic markets. We gained more wallet share than our top
Holdings, the largest U.S. insurance
remain that safe haven while we three competitors combined.
IPO since 2002, and for Siemens
drive the industry forward through
Healthineers, the largest healthcare Even with the fourth quarter’s turbu-
innovation and technology.
IPO ever in EMEA2. lent markets, stronger performances
The standout performances of our during the year in areas such as
As a result of our worldwide invest-
businesses last year and over the past Currencies & Emerging Markets and
ment banking work for clients, we
decade are the result of hard work, Commodities contributed to $12.7
generated $7.5 billion in fees and
continuous investment and a belief billion of Fixed Income Markets
solidified our #1 standing in market
that a complete, global offering helps revenue in 2018, nearly matching our
share for the 10th consecutive year. In
clients meet their evolving financial 2017 result. Once again, we gained
fact, amid heavy competition in a rel-
objectives. As our clients grow in size share as the industry wallet declined.
atively healthy economic environ-
and complexity, they require a finan-
ment, our share of global investment In Treasury Services, we continued
cial partner who can provide the
banking business stood at 8.7%, the to outpace competitors, growing
financing solutions they need, wher-
highest of any bank since 2009. firmwide revenue to approximately
ever they need them and however
$9 billion. Our performance was
they want them delivered. Despite volatile trading markets at the
helped by higher interest rates and
end of the year, we continued to be a
Last year was especially active for operating deposits, which have
leading provider of trading liquidity
mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and grown by 9% since 2016.
to institutional investors, reporting
equity markets. We advised on more
full-year Markets revenue of $19.6 bil- Looking ahead, Treasury Services
than $1 trillion in announced M&A1
lion, up 6% from 2017. In Equities, we will benefit from our recent deci-
in 2018, including significant deals
achieved record full-year revenue of sion to integrate its operations with

Strong Returns on Higher Capital 3

($ in billions)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
CIB ROE 10% 12% 16% 14% 16%
Capital $61 $62 $64 $70 $70

$35.3 $36.4
$34.7 $33.7 $34.7

 Net income $10.8 $10.8 $11.8
$6.9 $8.1

Overhead ratio 67% 64% 54% 56% 57%

Dealogic as of January 1, 2019
EMEA = Europe/Middle East/Africa
Reported results for 2014 and 2015 have been revised to reflect the adoption in 2018 of the new revenue recognition guidance
#1 $475+ B
#1 in global investment Advisor on more than More than $475 billion raised #1 Global
banking fees for $1 trillion of announced M&A for clients in the capital markets Trading House
the 10th consecutive year transactions

Chase Merchant Services, the largest leader – and continually invest in We expect to see periods of volatility
merchant acquirer in the U.S. and digital technologies to provide clients in the future, and we are committed
Europe. Together, these businesses with data and insights when and to managing risk in a dynamic way
form the biggest wholesale payments where they want them. no matter what market conditions
network in the world, processing WHOLESALE PAYMENTS we face. That requires us to be disci-
That focus has generated results for
more than $6 trillion payments daily. plined and not overextend ourselves,
our shareholders, too. In addition to
It serves 1.6 million small business
Top Global $6 trillion of wholesale trusting in our
First to create a strengths and doing
earning an industry-leading
processed daily return on blockchain-based payment
customers and more thanResearch
80% ofFirm payments
what is right.
equity, our market share among the information network
Fortune 500 companies. By combin-
CIB’s largest competitors grew the Around the world
ing units, we will be able to reduce
most year-over-year, even after outpac-
legacy platform costs, accelerate the
ing the group between 2014 and 2017, Investors always assess geopolitical
expansion of our merchant acquisi- risks, and 2018 provided no shortage
according to data from Coalition.
tion business into Latin America and of them. For our part, we constantly

across networks using blockchainFIRST

Asia Pacific, and continue to innovate
We know that profitability stems
from serving clients
U.S. BANKwell, and the
monitor and stress test our positions.
We take a long-term view of client
technology. REAL-TIME PAYMENTS choices we WITH
making COINtoday always ASSETS UNDER CUSTODY
relationships and investments while
start with the same two-part ques- maintaining discipline on underwrit-
Securities Services continued
First to offertoreal-time First U.S. bank with $23.2 trillion client assets
tion: Is this the right thing to do for ing standards and risk concentrations
grow and transform in 2018
payments while
in U.S. dollars, euros a digital coin under custody
and British pounds sterling our clients and for the long term? across clients, countries and products.
benefiting from higher interest rates
and client balances. The business Potential opportunities in Asia
The economic cycle
took on an unprecedented amount of Pacific, particularly China, remain
new client business while at the From an economic perspective, fun-
significant. Last year, we announced
same time streamlining infrastruc- damental growth continues to sup-
major growth plans for China,
ture and upgrading systems. port the longest postwar expansion
including the appointment of a new
in history. Corporate earnings and
In addition to onboarding more than country chief executive officer along
balance sheets are healthy, U.S.
$1 trillion in assets from BlackRock, with a formal application to Chinese
unemployment is near record lows
there were many other significant suc- regulators to establish a new, major-
and we are not seeing signs of dete-
cesses. New business wins globally ity-owned securities company.
riorating credit quality.
have led to a growth in assets under In Europe, our attention remains on
custody of approximately $2.7 trillion That said, I believe we are closer to
Brexit. Despite the uncertainty of the
since the start of 2017. Such mandates the end of the expansionary cycle
U.K.’s future relationship with the
helped drive revenue up 8% in 2018 than the beginning. My sense is that
European Union, J.P. Morgan has
to $4.2 billion, while we maintained the market volatility in the fourth
been planning for the worst while
industry-leading operating margins quarter of 2018 was partly due
hoping for the best. Regardless of
and high client satisfaction scores. to fear among investors that the
Brexit’s ultimate consequences,
downturn was coming sooner than
Although our overall results are J.P. Morgan will be able to serve
expected. Meanwhile, “flash crashes”
impressive, it’s important for us to clients in any scenario. We’re fortu-
are becoming more frequent. These
stay hungry and focused on our nate to have branches, offices and
are a function of a number of factors,
clients, anticipate changes and never talented people across Europe, ensur-
including thinner liquidity across
lapse into complacency. We embrace ing seamless client service before,
asset classes, fewer participants in
disruption – even as the market during and after Brexit.
the market and a growing percentage
of automated trading volumes.
Top Global $6 trillion of wholesale First to create a #1 Fixed Income Trading
Research Firm payments processed daily blockchain-based payment market share
information network


First to offer real-time First U.S. bank with $23.2 trillion client assets Co #1 Equity Trading
payments in U.S. dollars, euros a digital coin under custody market share
and British pounds

Technology giving them clearer insight into their dashboard. This transparency only
own portfolios and helping them bet- strengthens relationships and pro-
We’ve learned the hard way that it is
ter manage the risks and concentra- vides even more value to companies
incredibly costly to lose a leadership
tions associated with their positions. that look to us for strategic advice.
position due to a failure to embrace
change. Our firm was a leader in for- In wholesale payments, more than There is also a large opportunity to
eign exchange in the late 1990s, but 180 international banks have signed improve efficiencies internally using
by resisting rather than embracing on to be part of J.P. Morgan’s Inter- technology. About 40% of time in
electronic trading, we lost market bank Information Network, which global operations is spent on servicing
share. It took many years and mil- uses blockchain technology to client accounts, including answering
lions of dollars of investment to instantly transfer global payment queries. As we develop systems to bet-
recapture our leadership – illustrating information among correspondent ter direct those requests, we will spend
the crippling effect that short-term banks, allowing funds to reach ben- less time searching for answers and
thinking can have on a business. eficiaries faster and with fewer steps. more time responding to client needs.
We are also the first bank to offer
That lesson is one of the many rea- With our scale, global footprint and
real-time payments in U.S. dollars,
sons we continue to reinvest such leadership, we have the ability to ana-
euros and British pounds, and the
significant sums – now more than lyze data and generate insights like no
first U.S. bank to create and test a
$11.5 billion per year – into technol- other financial services company in
digital coin for instantaneous cross-
ogy across the firm. the world. We increasingly see our
border payments using blockchain.
business as a platform to which cli-
As electronification of the trading
In investment banking, we are using ents can connect for whatever finan-
markets continues across asset
technology to empower bankers and cial products and services they need.
classes, we are building sophisticated
strengthen connections with clients.
trading platforms, such as Algo Most exciting, perhaps, is the innova-
With access to a wealth of informa-
Central, enabling clients to use pre- tive spirit surging through the bank.
tion about M&A and the capital mar-
dictive analytics to tailor orders and Last September, we kicked off a com-
kets, bankers can sit side by side with
even change the speed and execution petition in which teams of analysts
clients, review trends and evaluate
style while the trade is live. and associates across the CIB were
timely capital raises or even model
invited to submit their best ideas for
In Securities Services, which safe- what might happen to their stock in
making the company faster, smarter
guards more than $23 trillion in an activist situation. Treasurers can
and better. In a span of several weeks,
client assets, we extended our view our top-ranked research, evalu-
the teams submitted 469 ideas, many
Investment Analytics Platform to ate various financial metrics and cre-
of which we are already taking for-
more than 200 large investor clients, ate custom reports on an easy-to-use

ward with funding. The competition We are also working with colleagues vibrant, energetic employees, is pro-
showcased the amazing talent emerg- across the bank to support different pelling our company to the forefront
ing within the organization and fueled segments of the economy. The CIB’s of digital banking and is positioning
optimism about our bank’s future. integration with Chase Merchant Ser- us to serve our clients with the inno-
vices is aimed at making international vative, effective financial strategies
Communities and partnerships payments seamless for both consum- they will need in the years to come.
Being part of a firm that has four ers and e-commerce companies. Simi-
best-in-class franchises is extraordi- larly, being able to offer best-in-class
nary. The talent and resources we advice and capital markets expertise
can mobilize for a client, a govern- to 19,000 midsized companies on
ment, an industry or a new market Commercial Banking’s roster helped
are unmatched. Our work in Detroit yield $2.5 billion of North America
is well-known: We have partnered investment banking revenue during
with local officials and organizations, 2018 – a record. Our bankers are plan-
investing $150 million in the city’s ning to gradually extend efforts to
economic recovery. This effort goes midsized companies in Europe and
beyond a financial commitment. Latin America as well. We’re also
Through the JPMorgan Chase Ser- working with the Private Bank to
vice Corps, teams of our colleagues expand our coverage of family offices
are working on-site at local nonprofit across the U.S. and around the world.
partners to solve specific challenges.
I’m proud to say that the firm is
We have worked hard over many
extending its resources to other cities
years to earn our place as an indus-
and communities, such as Greater
try leader – in market share, financial Daniel E. Pinto
Paris and Chicago. As a global bank
strength and reputation. As we trans- Co-President and Chief Operating
with clients and employees around
form our business for the future, we Officer, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and
the world, we believe we can add
will build on our legacy of success by CEO, Corporate & Investment Bank
value by partnering with local
taking advantage of strategic growth
governments and organizations to
opportunities while maintaining day-
expand access to jobs and skills for
to-day discipline. Our experienced
young people and adults and help
and talented CIB leadership team,
regional businesses grow.
bolstered by the next generation of


• The CIB had earnings of $11.8 billion • J.P. Morgan advised on 10 of the • Overall Markets revenue of $19.6 • With $23.2 trillion in assets
on $36.4 billion of revenue, produc- top 20 M&A transactions in 2018 billion was up 6%, led by record under custody, our Securities
ing a best-in-class ROE of 16%. and generated a full-year record revenue in Equities trading, which Services business continued to
in M&A revenue. was up 21%. win more client mandates across
• J.P. Morgan ranked #1 in global the globe, helping to drive rev-
investment banking fees for the 10th • J.P. Morgan ranked as the #1 • Firmwide revenue in Treasury enue up 8% in 2018.
consecutive year, ending 2018 with Global Research Firm in Institu- Services grew to nearly $9 billion
an 8.7% market share, the highest tional Investor magazine’s annual in 2018. Our decision to integrate • More than 180 international banks
share of any bank since 2009. investor survey. We also ranked the business with our Merchant have signed on to be part of
#1 in both All-America and All- Services offering now provides J.P. Morgan’s Interbank Informa-
• J.P. Morgan ranked #1 in wallet Europe Fixed Income, #1 in All- clients with access to the largest tion Network, which uses block-
share for both debt and equity capi- America Equity Research, and #2 wholesale payments network in chain technology to instantly
tal markets, raising more than $475 in All-Europe Equity Research and the world. transfer global payment informa-
billion for clients around the world. Latin America Research. tion among correspondent banks.
Commercial Banking

In Commercial Banking (CB), we solid foundation for continued Record performance in 2018
continue to execute our long-term, organic growth.
In 2018, CB delivered outstanding
disciplined strategy, focused on help-
• In 2008, we acquired our Commer- financial results. We generated record
ing our clients succeed and making a
cial Term Lending (CTL) franchise revenue of $9.1 billion, up 5% year-
positive difference in our communi-
from Washington Mutual. Since over-year, and net income grew 20%
ties. Across our business, we have
then, CTL has become the #1 multi- to a record $4.2 billion. We have
been steadily investing to deliver
family lender in the U.S., as we remained highly selective in growing
more value to our clients. I’m excited
have made significant investments our loan portfolio, and our net charge-
about what we’ve accomplished so
to better serve our clients. offs were just 3 basis points for the
far and the tremendous opportunity
year. Our continued credit, expense
ahead of us. As you consider the I’m incredibly proud of how our and capital discipline led to an industry-
future for CB, it’s useful to reflect on team is executing and the market leading overhead ratio of 37% and a
our progress over the last decade: leadership positions we’ve estab- strong return on equity of 20%.
lished. You can see the outcome of
• This 10-year perspective provides a
this hard work and discipline in our Clients are at the center of everything
through-the-cycle lens, which is the
performance – over the past decade, we do, and we’re delivering meaning-
best way to measure the outcome of
we’ve added high-quality loans and ful advice, solutions and capital to
our efforts, as well as the tremen-
deposits, nearly doubled revenue and help them succeed. In 2018, we hired
dous potential for CB. At every step
tripled net income. more than 150 new bankers and
along the way, we have been build-
made nearly 30,000 more client calls.
ing with patience, selecting the While we’re pleased with these Through these efforts, we added over
best clients and maintaining our results, we are not standing still. We 1,200 new relationships, grew loans
fortress principles. see enormous potential for our fran- by $7.4 billion across our business
chise and are building for the next and ended the year with $206 billion
• During this time, we commenced
10 years and beyond. In this letter, in average loan balances.
our Middle Market expansion
I share highlights from our 2018
efforts, focusing on delivering our
performance, the progress we are Being able to deliver our leading
broad-based capabilities to more
making on our strategic priorities investment banking capabilities
clients across the U.S. To date, we
and the investments underway that locally separates us from our compet-
have opened 67 new locations,
will drive continued success for our itors. Our partnership with the
added 650 new bankers and set a
clients and CB. Corporate & Investment Bank (CIB) is
outstanding and allows us to deepen
Ten-Year Retrospective — Consistent Investment and Disciplined Growth our strategic dialogue with clients.
($ in billions) Even while investment banking activ-
2008 2018 10-year CAGR
ity is market dependent, we have
grown revenue every year since the
JPMorgan Chase/Bank One merger in
7% 2004. 2018 was no exception, as we
generated a record $2.5 billion in
$4.2 Investment Banking (IB) revenue,
$1.4 11% accounting for 39% of CIB’s North
Net income
America investment banking fees.
Growing our client franchise
$82 10%
Average loans Across all of our businesses, we have
a tremendous opportunity to add
$103 more great clients and deepen those
5% relationships over time. Since launch-
Average deposits 1
ing our Middle Market expansion
Deposits herein represent average client deposits and other third-party liabilities
efforts, we are local and active in 39
CAGR = Compound annual growth rate new metropolitan statistical areas
and have added close to 2,800 new Middle Market Banking and Specialized Industries — Market Opportunity
clients. When we move into a new
market, we are truly engaged in our
communities and deliver the full
power and platform of our entire
firm. Client by client, banker by
banker, we have organically created a
nice-sized bank from scratch, build-
ing a $15 billion loan portfolio and
an $11 billion deposit franchise. The
foundational investments we make
upfront, essentially our operating
infrastructure, are meaningful and
are now largely in place. As our pres- Prospect density1
ence matures, these newer markets MMBSI footprint
will drive revenue growth, margins
and returns for many years to come. 1
Size of circle indicates relative number of prospects in a given city
MMBSI = Middle Market Banking and Specialized Industries
The growth potential for our Middle
Market business isn’t limited to our
expansion markets. Through data- ments and asset classes, watch market whether through application pro-
driven analysis, we’ve identified and conditions closely and maintain our gramming interfaces or an open
prioritized 38,000 prospective clients strict underwriting criteria. By staying banking solution, and allow clients
nationally. Some of our most excit- true to these fundamentals, we to accept and collect payments from
ing opportunities are within our leg- believe we can thoughtfully continue anywhere in the world, in any cur-
acy markets, such as New York, Chi- to grow our CRE loan portfolio. rency. Finally, our ability to deliver
cago, Dallas and Houston, where we real-time data and insights will help
have been for over a century. Enhancing our capabilities to deliver clients optimize and simplify their
more value operations. The value we deliver
Overall, we now have banking teams
Recognizing that clients are in vari- through these capabilities allows us
in 116 locations across the U.S. These
ous stages of development and in to build incredibly close client rela-
markets account for roughly 70% of
different industries, we know they tionships and is the foundation for
the country’s gross domestic product,
have unique needs and priorities. gathering and retaining long-term,
and our success will continue to be
We also know that expectations are stable operating deposits.
driven by our exceptional teams, our
comprehensive capabilities delivered shifting and that we need to contin- Similarly, we are transforming how
locally and CB’s ability to grow with ually raise the bar to deliver more we provide credit to our clients. As
clients over time. value. As such, CB has dedicated, an example, in CTL, speed and cer-
client-focused design teams working tainty of execution are critical. To
Positioning for long-term success in to integrate, simplify and create address this, we developed our pro-
Commercial Real Estate new functionality. These teams are prietary loan origination platform,
developing exciting new capabilities CREOS. Today, we use CREOS to pro-
Our Commercial Real Estate (CRE)
that will deliver powerful solutions cess 100% of our CTL volume and
businesses are designed to thrive
while substantially improving the are seeing terrific results with more
through the cycle, and growth has
overall client experience. than 40% of our loans closing in less
been highly selective and disciplined.
We are pleased with our performance We are making significant invest- than 30 days. This platform allows
in 2018, generating loan growth of 4% ments in our digital and payments our clients to focus on running their
and $24 billion in loan originations. capabilities, and this work is critical business and lets us deliver a supe-
As we move into 2019, we will con- to our value proposition. It will rior client experience rather than
tinue to target cycle-resistant seg- enable our clients to connect with us compete on pricing, terms and credit.
in the simplest way possible,
Making a positive difference in the Looking forward
communities we serve I hope you can see why I’m incredibly
In CB, we embrace our obligation to proud of our franchise and excited
be a positive force in our communi- about the opportunities ahead. CB’s
ties and are well-positioned to sup- performance over the last 10 years
port the firm’s commitment to mak- has set the standard for us going
ing a difference. In 2018, we financed forward. We have an exceptional
the development of more than 20,000 team, outstanding capabilities and
housing units for low-income individ- enormous market opportunities.
uals, and, notably, our Community We believe we are well-prepared for
Development Banking team provided whatever market conditions are
$188 million in capital to the nation’s ahead, and the investments we are
largest Community Development making today will drive success for
Financial Institutions. In addition, CB decades to come.
supported local businesses, states and
All of this comes down to our cli-
municipalities, school districts, non-
ents. We are grateful for our long-
profits and higher education institu- Douglas B. Petno
standing relationships and appreci-
tions with over $56 billion in capital CEO, Commercial Banking
ate the trust and confidence they
to help them deliver their critical
place in JPMorgan Chase. I also want
services. Equally important to serving
to thank the entire CB team for mak-
our communities, last year CB
ing our business better every day
employees volunteered more than
and their ongoing commitment to
20,000 hours at local organizations.
serving clients.


Performance highlights Business segment highlights • Community Development Banking — • Investment banking — Record
Provided over $1.5 billion in capital gross revenue of $2.5 billion5;
• Delivered record revenue of • Middle Market Banking — Record
for affordable housing properties 8% CAGR since 2013
$9.1 billion and record earnings gross Investment Banking
and supported the firm’s Advancing-
of $4.2 billion revenue4; added five new offices • International banking —
Cities initiative with banking and
community engagement expertise Revenue6 of $400 million;
• Generated return on equity of 20% • Corporate Client Banking —
10% CAGR since 2013
on $20 billion of allocated capital Record revenue, with strong
Firmwide contribution
investment banking growth and
• Continued superior credit quality record average loans • Commercial Banking clients
— net charge-off ratio of 0.03% accounted for 39%5 of total North
1 Rank based on S&P Global Market
• Commercial Term Lending — America investment banking fees
Intelligence as of December 31, 2018
• Delivered an industry-leading Completed rollout of new CREOS
2 Refinitiv LPC, FY18
overhead ratio of 37% platform across the business, • Over $145 billion in assets under
3 Greenwich Associates Commercial Banking
resulting in more than 40% of new management from Commercial
Leadership positions Study, 2018
loans originated with normalized Banking clients, generating approxi-
4 Investment Banking and Card Services
controllable cycle times of less mately $500 million in investment
• #1 U.S. multifamily lender1 revenue represents gross revenue generated
than 30 days management revenue by CB clients
• #1 Traditional Middle Market 5 Represents the percentage and amount of
• Real Estate Banking — Record • $513 million in Card Services revenue4
Bookrunner2 CIB’s North America investment banking
net income, with revenue up 13% fees generated by CB clients, excluding fees

from 2017 • $4.1 billion in Treasury Services from fixed income and equity markets,
• Winner of Greenwich Best Brand which is included in CB gross IB revenue
Awards in Middle Market Banking 6 Non-U.S. revenue from U.S. multinational
— Overall, Loans and Lines of clients
Progress in key growth areas
Credit, Cash Management, Inter- CAGR = Compound annual growth rate
national Products and Services3 • Middle Market expansion — Record
revenue of $649 million; 17% CAGR
62 since 2013
Asset & Wealth Management

In 2018, we marked the 10-year anni- that is still available today – our
versary of the global financial crisis, J.P. Morgan culture has remained SMART RETIREMENT
emanating from the U.S., that committed each and every day to
shocked financial markets all around delivering to clients the strongest Upgraded to Gold,
the world. Investors with the forti- risk-adjusted investment returns ranked top quintile over 10 years
tude to remain steadfast on their we can uncover in the markets.
long-term investing journey and
withstand the tremendous volatility Strong investment performance
have been highly rewarded. But for 2018 marked another impressive
many others in the decade since year in investment performance ver-
2008, it has been difficult to endure sus our competitors, with more than Upgraded to Silver,
the severe drawdowns and even 83% of our mutual fund assets ranked top decile over 5 years
more challenging to ever fully re-risk. under management (AUM) around
2018 didn’t enhance confidence in the world outperforming the peer
markets either – for the first time in median over the 10-year period.
this century, cash was the only major
publicly traded U.S. asset class to gen- In 2018, we were recognized by
Morningstar with five important rat- Upgraded to Silver,
erate a positive return for investors.
ranked top decile over 5, 10 & 15 years
ings upgrades, representing almost
Fiduciaries since 1881 $70 billion in client assets. Smart-
Retirement was upgraded to Gold,
Reflecting over the past decade, I am
making it the only active target date
proud of how our teams have helped
manager in the industry with a Gold
clients – from those with a small
rating. Global Allocation, Small Cap
savings account to the world’s largest Upgraded to Silver,
Equity and Growth & Income all 83%
pension and sovereign wealth funds ranked top quintile over 5 & 10 years
were upgraded to Silver. Core Plus
– navigate this volatile period. As
Bond was upgraded to Bronze.
stewards of wealth, we measure suc-
cess by our ability to drive positive Our impressive investment perfor-
client outcomes over time, and we mance attracted $25 billion of net
recognize the responsibility and new asset flows in 2018, marking
Created by Fahmi
from the Noun Project

privilege that come with serving as 83%

our 10th consecutive year of net long- Upgraded to Bronze,
a fiduciary. Since launching our first term inflows and bringing the total 93%
ranked top quartile over 5 & 10 years
investment product in 1881 – one assets entrusted to us to $2.7 trillion.

2018 % of J.P. Morgan Asset Management Long-Term Mutual Fund AUM

Outperforming Peer Median over 10 years 1 83%
(net of fees) 93% 59%
Total J.P. Morgan Multi-Asset Solutions
Equity Fixed Income
Asset Management & Alternatives

83% 93% 59% 85%

For footnoted information, refer to slide 16 in the 2019 Asset & Wealth Management Investor Day presentation,
which is available at
AUM = Assets under management
59% 85% 63

Importantly, our flows are not concen- more than 95% of our top talent • Beta/ETFs: Just two years ago, we
trated in any one asset class, region over the last several years. In the started building our Beta busi-
or channel but come from a well- Wealth Management space, we ness. Today, we offer beta capabil-
diversified set of global businesses. continue to broaden our coverage ities and exchange-traded funds
and are approaching nearly 6,500 (ETF) ranging from active to
Consistent financial performance advisors, located all around the strategic beta and passive, with
When we focus on client outcomes, world and close to where our $43 billion in AUM. In 2018, our
our own financial success follows. clients need us most. We will U.S. ETF business ranked #4 in
Record revenue of $14.1 billion and continue to expand our footprint industry flows, competing head
record net income of $2.9 billion across the U.S. and other high- to head with firms that have long
enabled us to deliver a healthy 31% growth areas such as China, where led the rankings and were consid-
return on equity for our share- we can import our firm’s expertise, ered unassailable.
holders. As we continue to invest as well as welcome new local talent
• You Invest: Launched in 2018, You
in the business for the future, our into the J.P. Morgan family.
Invest has transformed the land-
deeply embedded culture of risk scape for our retail clients. The
management allowed us to do so Product innovation
easy-to-navigate user interface and
while holding our net charge-off To help ensure we continue provid- the ability to access investments on
ratio to a very low 0.01%. ing our clients with the solutions the go have attracted a new genera-
they need today and into the tion of clients, 89% of whom are
Top talent future, we are laser focused on first-time investors with Chase.
Top talent is our single most impor- innovating new products every- And that’s only the beginning –
tant asset. We consistently attract, where we do business. There’s later this year, we’ll be rolling out
train and cultivate many of the top nothing we can’t achieve when our digital advice platform called
investment managers and advisors we put the resources of this firm You Invest Portfolios.
in our industry, proudly retaining behind an initiative, and these
are only a few examples:

JPMorgan Chase Total Client Asset Flows: 2014-2018 1

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Fixed Income     
Equity     

AUM Multi-Asset     
Assets= Alternatives     
AUM+AUS Liquidity     
Brokerage     
AUS Custody     
Deposits     
Wealth Management     

Assets Retail     
Institutional     
U.S.     

LatAm     
EMEA     
Asia     
≥$0 <$0
For footnoted information, refer to slide 17 in the 2019 Asset & Wealth Management Investor Day presentation,
which is available at
AUM = Assets under management
AUS = Assets under supervision

• Digital everything: Our ability to while delivering almost 280 modern driving toward the best client out-
connect with clients – however, technology applications straight to comes, and we believe that focus is
wherever and whenever they need our clients and advisors. Our relent- the engine of our continued success.
us – is paramount to our future less focus on product and system I couldn’t be more proud of what we
success. Our goal is to deliver optimization and continuous empha- have delivered for our clients and our
J.P. Morgan’s expertise 24/7, world- sis on cutting waste allow us to con- shareholders, and I have never been
wide. One example of a recent tinuously reinvest in our future. more excited for what is to come.
application we launched is Digital
Portfolio Insights. This cutting-edge Fortitude
tool allows external financial advi- In this time of rapid change and
sors to access J.P. Morgan’s propri- competition, we are fortunate to be
etary risk management analytics part of the broader JPMorgan Chase
to generate sophisticated and organization, where we all constantly
customized insights. In 2018, these challenge one another to use our
advisors used the tool to help them expertise, scale and invaluable client
build better portfolios for over base to continuously reimagine the
20,000 of their clients. future of how we serve our clients.

Simplify for growth We have a proud legacy of doing

first-class business in a first-class way,
Our ability to innovate and to sustain
and we have extended that promise
our growth requires us to have rigor-
to institutions, central banks, sover-
ous discipline around business simpli-
eign wealth funds and individuals.
fication. Over the past few years, we
It’s our history and our expertise that
have merged or closed 229 funds
give us the fortitude and vision to
while launching 125 new products; we
help our clients thrive in today’s
have closed 21 front office locations in
evolving market. No matter the
order to open 17 new state-of-the-art Mary Callahan Erdoes
speed or scale of change, our funda-
facilities; and we have decommis- CEO, Asset & Wealth Management
mental mission remains the same:
sioned nearly 230 legacy system tools
We are relentlessly focused on


Business highlights • More than 83% of our long- Leadership positions • Leading Pan-European Fund
• 10 consecutive year of net term mutual fund AUM • Best Global Provider of Management Firm (Thomson
long-term inflows outperformed the peer median Short-Term Investments/ Reuters/Extel, June 2018)
over the 10-year period Money Market Funds
• Record revenue of $14.1 billion • Retirement Leader of the Year
(Global Finance, March 2019)
• Retention rate of over 95% (Fund Action, June 2018)
• Record net income of $2.9 billion for top talent • Best Tech Innovation in
• ETF Issuer of the Year
Data Globally
• Record average loan balances (, March 2019)
(The Banker, August 2018)
of $139 billion
• Best Private Bank for Research &
• North America Asset Manager
• Record average mortgage Asset Allocation Globally
of the Year
balances of $41.5 billion (Euromoney, February 2019)
(Reactions, November 2018)
• Best Private Bank for
• Asset Manager of the Year for
Ultra-High-Net-Worth Globally
Asia (AsianInvestor, June 2018)
(FT/PWM magazine, November 2018)

Corporate Responsibility

In an era characterized by deep age our firm’s expertise: building job These efforts underscore the degree
social divisions and widening eco- skills, expanding small businesses, to which our mission to drive inclu-
nomic disparity all over the world, revitalizing neighborhoods and sive growth has become a fundamen-
companies like ours have a responsi- promoting financial health. tal tenet of our culture. Through our
bility to be leaders in finding solu- market expansion, kicked off in 2018,
Over the last five years, we have
tions. This is not simply about being we are bringing the full force of our
refined this model in Detroit, where
a good corporate citizen; it is a busi- firm to advance this mission. We are
we made a $150 million commitment
ness imperative. The success of our opening 400 new Chase branches,
to the city’s economic recovery. The
firm is inextricably linked to the enabling us to lend to more custom-
results have exceeded our expecta-
success of our communities. ers, offer more good jobs and further
tions. People are moving back. The
invest in neighborhoods. The first
Many of today’s challenges stem unemployment rate is down from
of these branches are now open in
from the reality that, despite a grow- 20% in 2013 to less than 9% today.
Boston, Philadelphia and Washing-
ing economy, people are working For the first time in 17 years, home
ton, D.C., where we are pairing them
with expanded lending and philan-

thropic commitments, focused in
low- and moderate-income areas.
Business has an obligation and a vested interest in And we are actively working to hire
locally while raising wages for our
ensuring our system delivers on its unrivaled potential entry-level employees.
to create widely shared economic opportunity. Opening doors to opportunity
transforms lives, lifts entire com-

munities and strengthens the global
economy. It is also the best way to
repair the societal fractures that
increasingly divide us – and that’s
harder but are unable to get ahead. values have risen and mortgage the right thing to do for our firm
The average American family has lending is up. While much work and for our shareholders.
seen its net worth move backward remains to be done, there is a sense
over a generation. Meanwhile, for of optimism once again, particularly
every $100 in white family wealth among young people who now see
today, black families hold just about a future for themselves in their city.
$5. For far too many people, the
In 2018, we took a major step to
system is not working.
expand the number of people and
Business has an obligation and a places we reach by launching
vested interest in ensuring our AdvancingCities, our firm’s $500
system delivers on its unrivaled million initiative to drive inclusive
potential to create widely shared growth around the world. While
economic opportunity. That’s why many cities are experiencing grow-
JPMorgan Chase is applying the ing economies, vibrant downtown
same capabilities and resources that cores often obscure large pockets of
enable us to deliver Return on Invest- concentrated poverty. At the same
ment for our shareholders to generate time, cities offer the opportunity
what we call ‘Return on Community.’ to drive large-scale innovation and
This means we are making inten- impact. Through AdvancingCities,
tional, long-term investments aimed we are combining our business Peter L. Scher
at lifting those who are being left and philanthropic resources to do Head of Corporate Responsibility and
behind, focused where we can lever- exactly that. Chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Region

Generating Return on Community Building branches, strengthening our Unlocking the power of data for public
JPMorgan Chase believes that companies must communities good
do even more to help solve today’s biggest As we expand our consumer business, we are We are harnessing our scale and scope to shed
challenges and create economic opportunity also increasing our philanthropic commitment light on the inner workings of today’s global
for more people. To do so, they must invest in to our communities. For example, in 2018, we economy. The JPMorgan Chase Institute seeks
communities the same way they invest in their announced plans to open 70 new branches in to help decision makers — policymakers, busi-
own businesses. As announced in early 2018, the Greater Washington region and hire 700 nesses and nonprofit leaders — use timely data
our firm will deploy $1.75 billion by 2023 to new employees, the first major branch expan- and thoughtful analyses to make informed
drive inclusive growth in communities around sion as part of our firm’s $20 billion, five-year decisions that advance inclusive growth around
the world. Generating Return on Community investment in our business and local economic the world. Drawing on our firm’s unique propri-
is one of our core objectives because we know growth. To fuel the economy of this region, we etary data, expertise and market access, the
that the future of our company depends on the committed $4 billion in lending for home mort- Institute develops analyses and insights on the
well-being of our communities.
gages and small business and $500 million to inner workings of the global economy, frames
To create and sustain lasting positive change, support affordable housing. In addition, critical problems, and convenes stakeholders
JPMorgan Chase is investing in four key drivers roughly 20% of our branches in the region will and leading thinkers around solutions. Our
of opportunity, areas that are aligned with our reside in low- and moderate-income communi- firm’s data informs all of our strategic invest-
business expertise: jobs and skills, small busi- ties. We also doubled our philanthropic invest- ments in communities around the world.
ness expansion, neighborhood revitalization ment, committing $25 million to create eco-
In 2018, the Institute shared valuable analyses
and financial health. We are putting this model nomic opportunity for residents at risk of being
and insights on:
into action through significant, long-term and left behind in today’s economy.
data-driven investments that leverage our • Local commerce activity, leveraging 4 billion
firm’s expertise, capital, data, technology and credit and debit card transactions from
global presence. nearly 7.7 million customers to provide an
unprecedented view of the online U.S. econ-
AdvancingCities — Expanding opportunity omy, examining how online commerce has
at scale grown, who has driven that growth, and how
Our model for impact has yielded real results so it has impacted brick-and-mortar merchants;
we are doubling down on our commitment to • Families’ out-of-pocket healthcare spending
drive inclusive growth and expanding the num- trends from 2014 to 2017;
ber of people and places we reach. JPMorgan
Chase launched AdvancingCities — our largest, • Growth and evolution of the Online Platform
most comprehensive corporate responsibility ini- Economy, exploring its scale, key segments,
tiative to date to invest in solutions that bolster characteristics and how earnings from plat-
One such investment is the $6 million we com-
the world’s cities and the people within them. forms figure into family income;
mitted in 2018 to prepare Greater Washington
This initiative will allow us to deepen our work area students for local, in-demand technology • Challenges, opportunities and life cycles
in cities in two ways: through targeted commit- jobs. As an employer, we hear from so many of of America’s small businesses by analyzing
ments in key markets where the conditions our clients and employers about their struggle revenue and cash flows of 1.3 million small
exist for large-scale investments and through to find workers with the right skills. In 2017, businesses;
an annual Challenge that will accelerate collab- only 3,000 individuals obtained associate
• Institutional investor trading behavior in
orative, innovative solutions designed by local degrees and other sub-baccalaureate creden-
foreign exchange markets around three
leaders and residents to break down barriers tials in digital skills and technology, while there
to opportunity. events that led to the largest one-day moves
were 15,000 jobs that needed those credentials
in the relevant currencies in the last 20
in the region. Demand for tech workers with
To catalyze sustainable growth, we are combin- years: Brexit, the 2016 U.S. presidential elec-
less than a four-year degree increased by 42%
ing our firm’s philanthropic efforts with our tion and the decision by the Swiss National
in the region between 2014 and 2017.
lending and investing expertise to deploy up Bank to remove the Swiss franc floor; and
to $250 million as low-cost, long-term loan As part of our firm’s global New Skills for Youth
capital. We expect our investment to attract • Americans’ tax refunds by income and other
initiative, our investment will support five
an additional $1 billion in outside capital. demographic characteristics, as well as the
school districts in Virginia, Washington, D.C.,
impact of tax refunds on healthcare spending.
and Maryland and enable them to partner with
In 2018, marking our 150th anniversary in
France, JPMorgan Chase announced its local colleges and universities to build career
first AdvancingCities commitment — a $30 pathways for students that lead to well-paying
million, five-year philanthropic investment technology jobs.
to provide underserved residents and local
entrepreneurs across Greater Paris access
to economic opportunity.


Awards and recognition received services to improve their finan- • To date, hosted five Partnerships for Raising
• Ranked Top 10 on Fortune magazine’s cial health; 1,246 jobs were created or Opportunity in Neighborhoods (PRO Neigh-
World’s Most Admired Companies list retained; and 1,319 small businesses borhoods) competitions, awarding more
received capital or technical assistance than $98 million to over 70 Community
• Named to Fortune magazine’s Change the Development Financial Institutions across
World list for the second year in a row • Greater Washington region: One year into
the U.S. After our $68 million commitment,
our $25 million commitment:
• Named to The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s the winners of the first three competitions
Top 20 Corporate Givers list — 590 units of affordable housing were cre- raised an additional $713 million in outside
ated or preserved; 312 jobs were created capital, issued over 21,000 loans to low- and
• Named recipient of the International Medical or retained; 722 small businesses received moderate-income customers, and created or
Corps’ Global Citizen Award preserved more than 3,000 affordable hous-
capital or technical assistance
• Harvard Business School (in a 2018 case study) ing units and 11,000 quality jobs.
• Through New Skills at Work, over the past
profiled the firm’s model for impact in Detroit
five years, we have helped nearly 150,000 • In 2018, provided $3.2 billion for wind
and how it’s being applied in other cities
people receive skills training for well-paying and solar projects in the U.S. Since 2003,
• Named to the Military Times’ Best for Vets jobs in growing industries by partnering with JPMorgan Chase has committed or arranged
Employers list about 740 nonprofits, investing $250 million more than $21 billion in financing for wind,
in job training and career education initia- solar and geothermal projects in the U.S.
• Named an ENERGY STAR® Partner of the
tives in 37 countries, as well as 30 U.S.
Year, recognized by the U.S. Environmental • Awarded our 1,000th mortgage-free home to
states and Washington, D.C.
Protection Agency and U.S. Department a U.S. military veteran, reaching all five
of Energy branches of service in communities across
44 states.
• Named to Black Enterprise’s 50 Best
Companies for Diversity list • Engaged our employees to serve our
— Nearly 59,000 employees volunteered
Generating Return on Community through our
more than 389,000 hours in 2018. This
comprehensive, multimillion-dollar commit-
includes 218 employee volunteers from
ments to Detroit, Chicago and the Greater
offices in 15 countries who contributed
Washington region:
18,500 hours working on-site with 49
• Detroit: Five years into our $150 million of our nonprofit partners through the
commitment: • Through our global commitment to promote JPMorgan Chase Service Corps.
financial health:
— 13,573 people participated in workforce — Within the first three months of the firm’s
programs; 1,632 units of affordable hous- — Announced eight financial services inno- Board Match program — which doubles
ing were created or preserved; 13,180 vators as winners of the Financial Solu- the impact of eligible employees’ dona-
people received services to improve their tions Lab (FinLab) 2018 Challenge, tions to nonprofits on whose boards they
financial health; 2,067 jobs were created focused on improving consumer financial serve — 271 employees contributed,
or retained; 4,387 small businesses health in the U.S. To date, FinLab has resulting in the firm matching more than
received capital or technical assistance supported more than 30 innovative finan- $1.3 million to those organizations.
cial technology (fintech) companies that
have raised over $500 million in capital
since joining the program, saving U.S.
residents more than $1 billion.

— Launched the Financial Inclusion Lab in

India, applying insights from the Lab in
the U.S. to help scale early-stage fintech
startups that are focused on helping
India’s underserved communities.

• Expanded the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund

(EOCF) from Detroit to Chicago, the South
— In 2018, our firm and employees donated
Bronx and the Bay Area, providing minority
• Chicago’s South and West sides: One year more than $4 million to assist disaster
entrepreneurs with access to capital, educa-
into our $40 million commitment: relief efforts around the globe.
tion and other resources to build and grow
— 2,857 people participated in workforce their businesses. Through 2018, JPMorgan
programs; 176 units of housing were Chase has committed $13.6 million through
created or preserved; 5,341 people EOCF, resulting in 210 loans totaling $9.5
68 million that created or retained 1,200 jobs.

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