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Present perfect
1 Complete the table.
I _____________________________________ have
He _____________________________________has
She _____________________________________has
You _____________________________________have
We _____________________________________have
They _____________________________________have tried to talk to her.
Now make the sentences negative. Now make questions.
e.g. ____________________________________________________________e
____________________________________________________________ IHave you tried to talk to her?
haven’t tried to talk to her.
_He hasn’t tried to talk to her.__________________ ____Has he tried to talk her?___________________________
_She hasn’t tried to talk her__________________________ ____Has she tried to talk her?___________________________________

_You haven’t a car_________________________________ ____You have car?___________________________________

_We haven’t tried to talk with her_______________________________ ____Have we tried to talk with her?_______________________________

_They haven’t tried to talk her____________________________ ____Have they tried to talk her?_____________________________

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 3 I’ve _______never_____ been so upset.
a) ever b) just c) never
haven’t just never ever
4 Have you _______ever______ been late?
a) ever b) just c) never
1 We have ________just______ finished filming.
5 He’s _______never_____ met anyone famous.
2 Have you _______ever______ used a camera before?
a) ever b) just c) never
3 No, I _______haven’t______.
6 We’ve ______never______ worked out how to use
4 I’ve _____never______ felt so stupid. this camera.
a) ever b) just c) never
3 Choose the correct word.
7 It was amazing. I’ve ______just_______ used one
1 Have you ________ever_____ kissed someone?

a) ever b) just c) never before.
2 Did you see Carol? She’s _______just_______ left. a) ever b) just c) never
a) ever b) just c) never (page 1 of 2)

4 Write questions with ever and the correct form of the verbs. Use the prompts.
1 you / be to London?
_____Have you ever been at London?____________________________________________________

2 you / meet anyone famous?

______Have you ever meet anyone famous?__________________________________________________________________

3 you / make a video film?

_________Have you ever make a video film?_______________________________________________________

4 you / be embarrassed?
_______Have you ever been embarrassed?__________________________________________________________

5 you / have an argument with a friend?

_____Have you ever make an argument with a friend?_____________________________________________________

6 you / break anything?

______Have you ever break anything?________________________________________________________________

5 Answer the questions in exercise 4 for you.

1 ____No, I don’t, but I hope do it someday ________________________________________________________________

2 ____Yes, “Marquitos la venganza del queso”__________________________________________________________

3 ____Yes, one of short for a homework________________________________________________________

4 ____No, I never_____________________________________________________________

5 ____No, just simples exercises_______________________________________________________________

6 ____Yes, my last phone____________________________________________________________________________

(page 2 of 2)

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