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of Affluence
The LORD blesses a man so that The LORD lifts a man so that he
he can become a blessing to can be the lifter of other men.®
other men.®

The LORD reaches a man so that he can reach other men.®

Luke 12:15 –21

From Our Text
Beware of Beware of the Grip of The Man
Covetousness Materialism The man in this parable
Verse 15 – The only antidote for was a man of affluence.
Covetousness is the materialism is giving. A rich man whose
immoderate desire for Every time you give, it business brought forth
wealth, the greedy breaks the grip of plentifully. The only
longing to have more . materialism in your life. problem was that this
(AMPC) man “is not rich toward
God” – Luke 12:21b (KJV)

From Our Text
● His goal was to, “keep all” – Luke 12:18
● The LORD commanded in Leviticus 19:9 – 10, that
when we harvest our field we are to leave a portion
“for the poor and stranger.”
When David went to take on Goliath, he had to pick five
(5) stones for one giant. – 1 Samuel 17:40. David took on a
major national giant.

Five Giants the Body of Christ – Believers –
Have Been Called to Take on.
Spiritual Emptiness Egocentric Leadership Poverty
People don’t know they were created Self-serving leaders rather than Living in perpetual lack and want of
by God and for God. selfless leaders. every good thing.

Disease Illiteracy/Lack of Education

Health & wholeness afflictions. Inability to read and write.

I’ll be discussing just two giants here.

Spiritual Emptiness
 People don’t have a relationship with our God.
 People don’t know that Jesus died for them.
 People don’t know that God has a plan and purpose for their lives.
 People don’t know they were made by God and for God.

of Educatiom

Illiteracy/Lack of Education
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations – Matthew 28:19
How do we intend to go and teach all nations, if the people can’t
even read?
 Over 35% of Nigerians are illiterate.
 Half the world population is functionally illiterate.
 This problem is so big that all the businesses and government in
the nation can’t solve them alone.

Illiteracy/Lack of Education
 Only one institution is big enough to solve it. The millions and
millions of local churches scattered around the country.
 There are villages in Nigeria with no physical presence of
government – hospital, school, etc – but they have a church.
 The body of Christ - the church – has the greatest distribution in
 We have the greatest volunteer army.

Illiteracy/Lack of Education
 And we have the power of God and the promises of God which is
able to help us achieve this.

Like the five (5) stones David selected for one
giant, here are the five (5) stones - one for each
of the five (5) giants identified earlier. It’s called
PEACE Plan. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, my
peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth,
give I unto you…” – John 14:27 (KJV)


Plant Churches


Jonathan Edwards & Joseph Kennedy
● Both men had bible first names –
● Both men lived around 1900s
● Both made strategically different decisions as
touching the PEACE Plan.

Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards was very involved in the
PEACE Plan – Planting Churches, Equipping
Leaders, Assisting the Poor, Caring for the Sick
and Educating the Next Generation.

Jonathan Edwards
A.E. Winship tracked down 1,400 descendants of
Jonathan Edwards. The Edwards lineage produced:
● 300 preachers
● 13 noted authors
● 13 college presidents

Jonathan Edwards
● 65 college professors
● 100 lawyers and a dean of a law school
● 30 judges
● 56 physicians and a dean of a medical school
● 80 holders of public office

Jonathan Edwards
● 3 United States senators
● 1 vice president of the United States
● 1 comptroller of the US treasury

Joseph Kennedy (Sr)
“The Kennedy clan is embedded in American political culture of the
past half century like no other family. They arrived at that power
base through cold calculation and blunt instruments of their
immence wealth …” – Hugh Sidey (The Time 100: The Kennedys)

Joseph Kennedy was involved in many activities and insider trading

that made him rich – at times at the expense of others.

Three of Joseph Kennedy’s acts stood out


Joseph Kennedy (Sr) Lineage
All four sons of Joseph Kennedy (Sr) experienced tragedy
● The first son of Joseph Kennedy (Sr) was killed in a
military plane crash in 1944.
● His second son John Kennedy was elected president
of the United Stated in 1960 and was assassinated in
Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.

Joseph Kennedy (Sr) Lineage (Cont’d)
● His third son, Robert Kennedy was about being selected by
his party as their presidential candidate when he was
assassinated after midnight on June 5, 1968.
● His fourth and youngest son, Edward Kennedy had a
scandal that hindered all possibilities of him running for
the office of the US president.

Who are You?
 Jonathan Edwards was a steward of his affluence and
involved in the PEACE Plan.
 Joseph Kennedy (Sr) was carried away by the
deceitfulness of riches.
 Their activities/acts/actions still speak in the lives of
their lineage.

What is in your heart to do in order to execute the
PEACE plan?
What’s in your hand to use for the PEACE plan?
What disturbs you?
What are you going to do about it?
What can you do with what you have been given?

Now is the Time!
Get involved in the PEACE Become an enviable
plan. steward of the affluence
the LORD have commited
into your hands.

Expect to be rewarded by You and your lineage will be

the Righteous Judge. eternally rewarded.

Prepared and Delivered by
O’tega Samuel Emorwodia




Author | Entrepreneur

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