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1757 Battie of Plassay

1793 Introduction of Zamindarl System or Permanent Settlement ystem by Lord Cornwallis

1850 Introduction of Rallways in India by the Britinh

1853 First Railway Bridge linking Bombny with Thane

1869 Opening of Suez Canal

1881 First Official Census

1907 Setting up of Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO)

1921 Yearof Great Divide

14.08.1947Pakistan's Independence
15.08.1947 India's Independence

1948 Establishment of General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT) with 23 countries as the
global trade organisation

1948 First Industrial Policy Resolution

1949 Establishment of People's Republic of China

1950 Setting up of Planning Commission in India with Prime Minister as its
1951 Launch of First Five
Year Plan of India (Duration: 01.04.1951 to 31.03.1956)
1951 Industries (Development and Regulation) Act
1953 First Five Year Plan of China
1955 Karve Committee or Village and Small-Scale Industries committee constituted
1956 First Five Year Plan of Pakistan
30.04.1956 Second Industrial Policy Resolution
Great Leap Forward (GLF) campaign was initiated to modernise
China's economy.
Sudy Group' was formed by Planning Commission to identify number of poor in the
1965 GreatProletarian Cultural Revolution introduced by Mao (Under this Revolution (1966-
976), students and professionals were sent to work and learn from the countryside)
g4-66Education Commission recommendation to spend at least 6 %of GDP on education
1966 First Phase of Green Revolution (Adopted High Yield Variety Programmel
1969 Nationalisation of Banks

Early 1970s Nationalisation of Capital Goods Industries in Pakistan

1970 Operation Flood or White Revolution started by National Dairy

(NDDB) under the guidance of Dr. Verghese Kurien to create a Development Bos
nationwide milk ore
1971 Civil War in East Pakistan resulted in independence of
1974 Government set up Central Pollution Control Board
02.10.1975 Launch of Integrated Child Development Scheme
1978 Reforms Introduced in China
1979 Introduction of One-Child Policy in China
1979 Task Force on Projections of Minimum Needs and
formed to identify number of pcor in the Efective Consumption Demand'
12.07.1982 Establishment of National Bank for
Agricuture and Rural Deve!opment (NABARD)
1986 Environment Protection Act
1988 Reforms Introduced in Pakistan
1989 "Expert Groups' were constituted to
identify the number of poor in India
1991 Economic Crisis in India
1991 Reforms Introduced in India
1991 New Economic Policy (NEP) or
Globalisation (LPG) Policy was Economic Reforms: Liberalisation, Privatisation and
announced by Indian Govemment
1991 to 2003 Period of Golden Revolution
17.09.19992 India signed 'Montreal
Protocol' along with its London
1995 National Social Assistance
Programme (NSAP) initiated by Central
1995 World Trade
Organisation (WTO) was founded as Governmen
1998 successor to GATT
Tapas Majumdar Committee
April, 2001
appointed by Indlan Government
Removal of
quantitative restrictions on imports of
agricultural products manutactured consumer go d
2004 Launch of National Food
for Work
2005 Programme (NFFWP)
"Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
wicn Employment Guarantoe Act (MGNHE passed
whose guaranteed
100 days of
adult wage-employment in a
members volunteer to financial year
a to l household

do unsklled manual work. rura

2009 Right to Education Act was enacted by the Indian Government to make free education a
fundamental right of all children in the age group of 6-14 years.

2014 Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana' was launched by Indian Government to ensure access
to various financial services like availability Ûf basic savings bank account, financial literacy,
access to credit, insurance and pension.

27 03 2014
India was declared a 'Polio Free' country by WHO

Sep 2014 Launch of 'Make in India' Initiative

2015 Abolition of One-Child Policy in China

2015 Planning Commission replaced by NITI Aayog

16.07 2015 Govemment launched Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKV) or Skill India
01 05.2016 Launch of Pradhan Mantri Ujwala Yojana (PMUY)
08 11.2016 Demonetisation of Currency by Indian Government
29.03 2017 Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act passed in the Parliament
01.07.2017 Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act came into Effect

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