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<€ VIIL-1 Three Questi... 4% class vi Lt, ‘THREE QUESTIONS: Comprehension Check P10 {Q1- Why lid the king want to know answers to three questions? ‘Ans 1 The king wanted to know answers to tree questions because he wanted tobe 2 successful ruler He wanted answers to thee questons fr his ownsafety success and {9000 governanance. ‘G2. Messengers wore sent throughout the Kingdom ()—Totetch wise men. i) Tofind answers to the questions i) Tolook for the wise herit {)_toannounce a reward fer those who could answer the questions. Mark your choice. [Ans 2. () To find answers to the questions. ‘Comprehension Check(P-14) Complete the folowing sentences by adding the appropiate pats ofthe sentences ven in the box 1. Many wise men answered the king's questions, but thelr answers were so varied thatthe king was not satisied 2. Someone suggested tat there should be @ council of wise men, help the King act atthe right 8. Someone else suggested that he king should nave a timetable anc flow it sity. 4. The keg requested the hermit io answer thoe quostons. 5. The king washes and dressed the bearded mans wound but the bleeding would not stop. Working withthe Text P1418 “Answer the following questions. {Q1. Why was the king advised to goto the magicians? 'At. Some ofthe wise men thought hat inorder to decide right ime for doing ‘someting, ne must ookinf the future and only magicians were able to do that. So, they advised the king to goto the magicians, 122. In answer tothe second question, whose advice did the people say would be Important tothe king? ‘Ans2. In answer othe second question some peopl, suggested to seek acvoe of ‘counellor, the priest or the doctors or the solders, (3. What suggestions were made in answer to the third question? ‘Ans. For the tnd question some people said scence was the most mpotant business while there were others who believed twas ighing and then there wee those who believed religious worship should take the fist place. 4, Did the wise mon win the reward? if not, why not? 'Ad. No, the wise men didn't win the reward decause their answers were so siferent {fom each oer and king was not saisted win thei answers. 5, How did the king an the hermit help the wounded man? ‘Ans. The kng washed the wound and covered the wound ofthe man with Nis hhandkerehel and kept on dressing it untl the bleeding stopped completey ‘The king aso offered the wounded man water to rink. The hermit helped the king to ‘bring the wounded man inside his hut and allowed the man to spend his right in the Put, 8.1. who was the bearded man? 12. Why did he atk forthe king's forgiveness? “Ans6. 1. The bearded man was an enemy ofthe king. He wanted o take revenge ‘fis brother's death by kling the king and taking away all his propery. “The bearded man asked forthe king's forgiveness because he wanted to kil the king but the king had saved hia life. He was grateful to the king now. <€ VIIL-1 Three Questi... 4% ‘Ans2. In answer othe second question some people, suggested to seek ace of ounclors, te priest othe doctors or the soldiers. (23, What suggestions were made in answer to the third question? ‘Ans. For the thd question some people said science was the most important business nile there were others who Delieved twas fighting and then there were those who Delleved religious worship shoul take theft place. (4, Did the wise mon win the reward? If not, why not? [Ad. No, the wise men didnt win the reward because their answers were so ciferent {fom each oer and king was not satisied wih their answers. 5. How did the king andthe hermit help the wounded man? ‘Ans. The king washed the wound and covered the wound ofthe man with his handkerchief and kept on dressing it untl the Bleeding stopped completely ‘The king also offered he wounded man water oernk. The hermit helped the king to bing the wounded man inside his hut and allowed te man to spend his right inthe hut 8.1. who was the bearded man? 2. Why did he ask forthe king's forgiveness? 'Ans6. 1. The bearded man was an enemy ofthe king. He wanted to take revenge fis brothers dean by king the king and taking away al is property. ‘The bearded man asked forthe king's forgiveness because he wanted to kil the king but the king has saved his fe. He was grateful tothe king now. ‘The king forgave the bearded man, What did he do to show his {orgiveness? |AT. The king showed hs forgiveness by promising the man that he wil send his ‘doctor and Servans to look ater him and ais promised to return him al is propery. (8. What wore the hermits answors tothe three questions? Write each answer separately. Which answers 6o you lke the most and why? ‘AB. The most important ime, the hermit said, is our present because ‘moment when we have the power to act. The most mporant person at 2/4 is we ourselves because the future ie unknown and we dont Know whet ‘meet anyone inthe future or not So, we shoul listen to ourselves “The most mporant business i fo be Kind and good to others because we have bean sent in this world to serve this nob cause, "iked te third answer the most because helping someone in nee s Ike serving God. tmakes Us good person and bings a sense of satisfaction an contentment ‘Working with Language Question 1 Match tems in Lit A with thelr meanings in List 8. ‘ante: lost consciousness: a 8 () wounded got up from sleep (i) awoke give back (i) forgive small patches of {ground for plants (i) faithful severely injured ©) pity pardon (wi) beds loyal (wi) return fel sorry for Solution: a 8 (wounded severely injured (awoke ‘20 up from sleep Gi tergive pardon (taint loyal wpiy feel sory for (wpbeds smal patches of ground for pants (vi) rots ‘ive back ‘Caen: a> <€ VIIL-1 Three Questi... 4% Question 1 Match tems in Lit A with thelr meanings in List 8. ‘aint: lost consciousness. a 8 () wounded got up from sleep (i) awoke give back (i) forgive small patches of {round for plants () fatntul severely injured «) py pardon (w) beds loyal (i) eoturn fe sorry for Solution: a 8 (wounded severely injured (@)avoke ‘90 up from sleep (inforgive pardon (taint loyal pty fool sory for (wbeds small patches of ground for plants (vi return ‘ve back ‘Question 2: Each ofthe following sentences has two blanks. Flin the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given inthe brackets Honae oo hap me. Do you think he wil member his 7 promise) ii has promised to help me Do you think he wl remember his promise? 1'te fai hat ony eahevgence would make him change is ‘oe 2. i notice any seus of pion among he debaters, trough hey irom on anne ver smal ois (i) a, stay spe aeton 0 ut wl cee 2 fra anewer) 4. sot rat should vay be he manerot lverdon (necessary) Hermes are men How hey acquire ther noone cantel (ws) 6, Thecomimtee hes tomate Jeg capain ofthe eam, The Is eyo please everyone (cect) in a noble a wings to . a + ude vdgement 3/4 v 2 Gerence dered 2 newer, answer = 4 necessary, necessiy 5. wise, wisdom 6. has decided, decison 7. forgiveness, forgive <€ VIIL-1 Three Questi... 4% (wyoe0s ‘enon arenes oF groune for plants (vi return ‘ve back ‘Question2: the blanks with Each ofthe following sentonces has two blanks. Fill appropriate forms of the word given inthe brackets tone toneipme Do you thio he i remember hs promo) iia proiaed fo fap me Do youthink owl ember his promise? ane Soa at on es enonce wad are ange is age) 2. iit ice ay Setous of pion among he debate, sou ey fom oe ance ove stp le) 2. tly spe audios tut cnt os tat ore 4 ten tat soul ays be he mober ot tren cosa 5. Heme ten. Howey segue tee vo one Cone (we) The conmte hes tomate Jagd captain othe ear. The la aly tpease wegen ‘Gece Js noble as wlngnesso ¢orgve) 1. be, gement 2 Gren ares 5 enor nave’ 4 pact pots 5 wise meso fan Sted decison > fogveress oe 4/4 { «> € Vil.The Squirrel.docx Yi The Squire! Working with he Poom {2 wny dous the poet say the aquiral wore a question mark fort"? Draw squire, finda peture of squire siting on the ground How would you desi sa” [Ans Tho pot says the squiel"wor a qesten arora asthe al ofthe sui cred na ‘ty that appear Ihe a quston mark (22. Do we usualy say tat an anima wears’ ti? What do we say? (Think: Does an animal wear coat? Consul’ itonary You tke, tnd out how weer tsused ia trent wre) [Answor: No usval we don't yt an sri wears a al stad. the anima has 2 {at Accorang oe dctorary- te werd wear Isused To mean someting tat suse To Cver. FOr fuampe. we wear oes, (He he tease and play’ Who essing who? How? ‘Ans, "He thot otease ad lay’ Her, th poets teasing the squire The post wil apercach he ‘ue anda soon ae nar th sore rns uy ese resin € VILL-+I The Tiny Tea... VIIL-4 The Tiny Teacher Comprehension Check (P-3) 21: The story ofan ants life sounds almost untrue. The italicised ph 1. Pighly exaggerated 2 too remarkable ob 5, not based on fats, ‘Ans. 1, highly exaggerated. (22: Complete the folowing sentences. 4. An ants the smallost the commonest.and the wisest insect we have seen. 2! We know a numberof face about an ans bfe because people have kept the. nts as pets and watched their behaviour closely. (93: In what ways san ant’ ite peacetu? ‘Ans: The ats ifs peaceful because each one does its share of work honestly, wisely ‘and bravely. They don’ interfere inthe work given to ohers. They never fightin heir ‘group. ‘Comprehension Check (P-5) 41. How long does it take fora grub to become a complete ant? 2. Why do the worker ants cary the grube about? 3 What abs are now ants trained for? {4 Name some other crestres that ve in antl, 5 Mention tree things we can learn from the iy teacher. Give reasons for choosing these toms, Answers: 1. ttakes thee to si woeks fora grub to become cocoons and then tobe a complete ant. 2, ‘The workers feed and clean the grubs. They cary them about daly or ang, cexercee and sunshine '3. The new ants learn thir duties from ol ants as workers, soldiers, bulkier, leaner, 4. Some other coatures that ive in antl are beetles, lesser broeds of ants and the greenty, '5. We can laa rom the tiny ans the lossons of hard work, sense of duty and discipline, cleanness, care for the young ones and above all a frm loyalty tothe land where they ie These lesgone are necessary forthe happiness a emooth working ofthe society Exercises Discus the following topics in groups. (1. () What problems are you likly to facet you keep ans as pets? ‘Ans () Keeping ants as pets s very uncommon or rae. The reason isthat they ‘on take orders. They folow thelr oun rules. Above al, they ite and spol the food. {21,(2) When a group of boes finds nectar, it informs other bees ofits locaton ‘quant, et. through dancing. Can you guess what ants communicate to thei felow ‘ants by ioucing one another's feelers? 1. By touching one another's feelers, the ants give message to others bout new- found food 2. Complete the folowing poem with words from the box below. ‘Sotders lve in barrack, BZ : <_ VIIL-I The Tiny Tea.. '5. We can san ram the tiny ans the lossons of hard work, sense of duty and ‘diseipine, cleanness, cate for the young ones and above al aim loyaty tothe land whore they ve. These lessons are necessary forthe happiness and smooth working ofthe society Exercises Discuss the following topics in groups. (1. () What problems are you likly to facet you keep ants as pets? ‘Ans () Keeping ants as pats very uncommon of rar. The reason ie that they ont take orders. They folow thir oun ules. Above all, they bite and spol the food. {21,() When a group of boes finds nectar, informs other bees ofits locator ‘quantity, et. trough dancing. Can you guess what ants communicate othe felow ‘ants by iucing one another's feelers? 1. By touching one anothers fetes, the ants give message to others about new ‘oun ood ‘Complete the following poem with werds rom the box below. ‘Soler ive in baracke [And bids in nests ‘Much ike a snake that rests Ina hole No hore sab To sloop oxcept na stable [And a dog ives wel Mind you, only in Kennel To say hi toan ant you wil, ‘You may have to climb an antl, hole, Kernel, nests, anh, stale a> 2/3 Goo Sam € VIIAGiftof Chapp.. 2. AGit of Chappals ‘Comprehension Check P-22 (21: What isthe secret that Meena shares with Mri inthe backyard? ‘Ans. Meena shares the secret ofthe kten that they have found in front ofthe house and have kept in ther backyar. (02: How does Ravi get milk forthe kitten? ‘Ans Ravi brings mik trom the kitchen saying that he was feeling hungry. He even drinks ‘most ott to prove Paa that he was indoes hung. He then brings the tumbler inthe backyaré and emptes Wt inthe coconut shel (23: Who does he say the kiten’s ancestors are? Do you believe him? ‘Ans Rav sald thatthe kitens ancestors were the lon ofthe Pallava Kings the ‘Mahabalpuram Rish-Cat which has the emblem ofthe Palava dynasty, NOI don't Dalave his soy. (24: Ravi has a lotto say about MP Poonal. This shows that 1 hes merely tying ta impress Maid 2 fis krowodge of history sound. 3. he has. rich imaginaton, 4. hes an ineligen chil, \Which of these statements do you agree! disagree to? ‘Ans. Ravi has alot to say about MP Poona “This shows that his knowledge of history is sound, he has arch imagination and he is ‘an inteligent chil, (5. What was the noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran? ‘Ans. It asthe sound coming out of Lal's violin that started Mrigu and frightened Mahendran. ‘Comprehension Check: P.28 1: The muse masters making lovely mus Read aloud the sentence in the tet that expresses the dea, ‘Ans. The musicmasters notes seemed foat up and sete perfectly into he visible tracks of the melody. (02. Had the beggar come to Rukku Mann's house forthe first time? Give reasons for your answer. ‘Ans. No the beggar had been coming to Rukky Mann's house fo last one wook The beggar himself confine this saying tat hehas survived fora week because of RUKU Mann's kincnese, (03."A sharp V-shaped line had formed between her eyebrows” What does it suggest to you about Rukku Manns mooa? ‘Ans. The V-shaped ine suggests that Rukku Manni was very angry and was about to lose her tempor onthe chien, Working withthe Text 1 Compete the following sentences. 1. Ravi compares Lal's playing the violin to deralling ofa train going off track. 2. Tiying hide beneath the Way of clos, Mahondtan tipped a few chiles over hime ‘The teacher played afew notes on his von and Lali stumbled behind him on her violin. “The beggar sad that the kind lacs ofthe household have been very ‘generous and helped him survive for a weak. ‘Ahir the lesson was over, the music teacher asked Lall eee she had seen his € VIIAGiftof Chapp.. (22. Had the beggar come to Rukku Mann's house forthe frst time? Give reasons for your answer. ‘Ans. No, the beggar had been coming o Rukku Mann's house fo last one week. The beggar himslf confirms this saying that he has survived fora week because of RUKU Mann's kincnese, 103."A sharp V-shaped ine had formed between her eyebrows” What does it suggest to you about Rukku Manns mood? ‘Ans. The V-shaped ine suggests that Rukku Manni was very angry and was about to lose her temper on the chien, Working withthe Text 1 Compote the following sentences. 4, Ravi compares Lals playing the violin to dealing ofa train going off track. 2. Trying hide beneath the ay of chiles, Mahendan tipped a few ehill- hime ‘The teacher played a few notes on his violin and Lalli stumbled behir 2 / 7 her violin. £4The beggar sad that the kind ladies of the household have been very ‘generous and helped him survive fora week. ‘ter the lesson was over, the musi eacher asked Lalli she had seen his cchappals. ae (02, Describe the music teacher, as seen fram the window. ‘Ans. The music teacher was a bony figure. He was siting in front of Lali with his back towards the window. He was a bald headed man with finge of olled hai fling around fis eas, He had an od fashioned tuft He hada shinning gold chain n his neck and 2 Giamond ring in is hand, He was wearing a golden-borcered dhot. His large fot was ‘Stuck on the oor and he was beating the feo with his scrawny toe. (23: 1, What makes Miidu conclue thatthe begga has no money to buy chappals? 2. What does she suggest to show her concern? ‘Ans. 1. The beggar showed his fet to the chika. There were pink Distrson his bare feat which made Nriu conclise that he didnt have the money fo buy chappats. 2. Meu was concerned about the beggar. She suagests giving an old pai of ‘happale tothe beggar (24: Have you children..." She began and then, seeing they were curiously quit, ‘wont on mere slowly, "seen anyone lurking around the verandah?” 41. What do you think Rukku Mann really wanted to ask? 2. Why dd she change her question? 5. What oi she think had happenes? ‘Ans. 1. Rukku Manni wanted to ask he ciéren what they have done with he chapals 2, She changed the question finding the chisten serious and quiet. She became sure thatthe chicren had something to do with the chappals. {3 She tought thatthe chicren would have hdcan the chappals somewhere 105. On getting Gopu Mama's chappals, the music teacher tried not to look too. happy. Why? ‘Ans. Music teacher's chappals were old, but he ed to Lali saying that they were brand ‘ew. Gopu Mama had haraly used his naw chappals.. “The music teacher was happy gating them, but was trying to hide those fesings. He tied to show that he was upset with the chien and with fs ess 29, On getting a git of chappats, the beggar vanished ina minute. Why was he in ‘such a hurry to leave? |Ans.The beggar was ina hur to leave after geting the chappals because he knew ‘pains ha bea hese at nanan epdin aoaaana ha pemnncien ar eabaieens. te € VIIAGiftof Chapp.. (24: “Have you children." She began and then, seeing they were curiously quiet, ‘wont on mere slowly, "seen anyone lurking around the verandah?” 41, What do you think Rukku Manni really wanted to ask? 2. Why da abe change her question? 3 What ci ene think had happened? ‘Ans. 1. Rukku Manni wanted to ask he ciéren what they have done with he chappals. 2, She changed the question finding the chisten serious and quiet. She became sure ‘hat the ehiaran had something io do with the chappals. 2, She thought thatthe chicren woul have hidden the chapals somewher 25. On getting Gopu Mama's chappals, the music teacher tried not to look too happy. Why? ‘Ans. Music teacher's chappals were old, but he led to Lali saying that they were brand ‘hem. Gopu Mama hag haraly uses his new chappal. “The musi teacher was happy geting them, but was tying to hide those feelings. He tied to show that he was upset with the chien and with his oss. 29, On getting a git of chappats, the beggar vanished ina minute. Why was he in ‘such a hurry to leave? ‘Ans. The beggar was ina hury to leave after geting the chappals because he knew thatthe ehisren have got hem for him without seeking the permission of te elders, He feared they might be taken back from him, so he etn hur. 7, Waiking towards the kitchen with Mrgu and Meena, Rukku Manni 3/7 laugh. What made her laugh? ‘Ans. Fuku Manni was laughing imagining Gopu Mama without his chappas. the habit of aking out his shoes immediately afer coming home and puting on those. chappals. She laughed wondering what excuse would she give to him and what would bes reaction, Working with Language 1, Read the folowing sentences. {@) she knows we have a cat, Paal leave the house {() She wort be so unset she knows about the poor beggar with sores on his fet. {6) the chappale do wil you really not ming? Notice that each sentence consists of two parts. The fst part bogins with Ft is known as itelause, owrite each ofthe following pairs of sentences asa single sentence. Use ‘if at the beginning of the sentence. (2) Wake ast Youll eaten the bus. "you wal fast, youl catch the bus (@) Dont spit on the road. You be fined "you pit on the road, you'lbe fined 1. Don't yourself now. You won't be able to workin the evening. \¥youtire yourself now, you won't be able to workin the evening, 2, Study requary. You't do well in the examinaton. you study regualy, youl do wel inthe examination. 3. Work hard. Youll pass the examination inst division "you work hard, you pass the examination in fst vision 4, Be polteto people, They also be pote to you "youre poste to peope, they be poke to you. 5. Dont tease the dog, tt bite you you tease the dog, it bite you. 22: Flin the blanks inthe following paragraph Tate ie Suntoy tir aeaderecy ote eae an wiaw at home or ae out. W| ee fan) € VIIAGiftof Chapp.. known a itclause, Rewrite each ofthe following the beginning ofthe sentence. (4) Wak fast Youll eaten the bus. "you walk fast, you catch the bus. (©) Dont spit on the road. You be fined "you spit n the road, oul be fines rs of sentences asa single sentence, Uso" at 1. Donte yourself now. You won't be able to workin the evening. \youtire youre now, you won't be able o workin the evening, 2. Study reguaty. Youll do well in the examination. It you study reguaty, youl do wel inthe examination, $3 Workhard. You pass the examination in fst dvson "you work hard, you pass the examination in fist division, 4, Be poe to people. Theyil also be pote to you. 1 you are pote to people, they be polite to you. 5. Dont tease the dog it bite you you tease he dog it bt you. (02: Fill inthe blanks inthe following paragraph. Today is Sunday. Im wondering whether | sould siay at home or go out. If go (29) ‘ut wil miss (mis) the lovely Sunday lunch at home. It stay (stay) or lunch, will ‘miss (mis) the Sunday fim showing at Archana Theatr. thnk Ill go out and see the fim, only to avoid geting too ft. 23. Complete each sentence below by appropriately using any one of the following: you wantto if you don't want tof you want him to 4. Don't goo the theatre if you don't want to, 2° Hel pot your ler f you want him to. 3. Please use my pon it you want to. 44 Helena his umbrella you want him to. 5. My neighbour, Ramesh, wl tke you 0 the doctor you want him to, ‘Speaking and Writing 4/7 (1: Discuss in small groupe you want to gve away something of your own othe needy, woul tbe etter to ask your elders frst? ‘Ans. (a) there is something that belongs tous we can ive it to anyone wihout seeking the advice ofthe eters. (@) Yes, we shoul ask the permission of our elders before doing anything, Everything le have has been given tous by our parents. (6) It depends on the purpose and the valve of the item that we are ving away to Someone. We should desde it basod on the stvation we are In is there someone of your age inthe family who ls vey takatve? Do you tdtherhim Interesting and impressive or otherwise? ‘Share your ideas wth others inthe grup. ‘Ans. (2) have a cousin sistr of 10 years of age. Sho talks alot. (@) I dontthave anyone in my tary who talks alt (6) My mari talks a fot But ke the way she talks and | am very fond of he. {@) also tke my cousin sister the most. She gets close fo everyone very easly and itis {n t0 be wih he. (©) don't ke people who tak alt. (6) My mami tats a ot + Hae Rulku Manni done exactly the same se "ight for one pary to blame the other? ans. hdr? In your epinion then sit (2) Rukku Manni as wrong, she must have been more strict with the children, She Should not have scolded Rav when she herself was laughing atthe Incident ater & vse, (@) Rukku Manni nad been putin an embarassing station by the children. The music ‘seacmar’s Gaibnnate hae ania dieenan imoen ae beans, Sap baci oemeardanaterinen a> € VIIAGiftof Chapp.. (1: Discuss in small groupe you want to gve away something of your own othe needy, woul tbe etter to ask your elders frst? ‘Ans. (a) there is something that belongs tous we can ive it to anyone wihout Seeking he advice ofthe elders. (©) Yes, we should ask the permission of our elders before doing anything, Everything ‘we have has been given tous by our parents. (6) It depends on the purpose and the valve of the item that we are ving away to Someone. We should desde it basod on the stvation we are In “Is there someone of your age inthe ary who is very talkative? Do you fd/herhim Interesting and impressive or otherwise? ‘Share your deas wth others inthe group. ‘Ans. (2) have a cousin sister of 10 years of age. She aks alo (@)!doatthave anyone n my tary who talks lot (6) My mam tak aot BUT ke the way she talks and | am vor fond of her. {@) also tke my cousin sister the most. She gets close fo everyone very easly and itis {n t0 be wih he. (©) don't ke people who tak alt. + Has Rusku Manni done exact the same at "ight for one pary to blame the other? ans. children? In your opinion then is it (2) Rukku Manni as wrong, she must have been more strict with the children, She Should not have scolded Rav when she herself was laughing atthe Incident ater & ws, () Rukku Manni nad been putin an embarassing stuaton by te ciren. The music teachers chappals had gone missing fom ther home. She had t compensate or tei Sct ong opu Mars happen ae eon er pare be {G Shien and Ruka Man were bth dong the same 80 was ot ight or eer of thom to blame each oer. (02: Read the following. + Agrow of children in your lass are going to lve in a hostel {They have been asked to choose a person in the group to share rom wih. {They ae asking each ether questions o decide who they would tke te share a ‘oom wits [Ask one another questions about likes! dislikes/peferences/hobbiesipersonal ‘characteristics. Use the following questions and sentence openings. 1. What you enoy dong after schoo? Tonos watching TV. 5/7 2. What you tkeingonra? Tike pig eo games nooner 3 oyu play any game? To he playing outdoor games ply indoor games he ho an cao 4" Would you mind itonedo muse afer nner? ‘rout beeavse love musi. 5. wilt allah Sth on the oh, you can witch onthe ight whenever you want. 6. Is there anything you disike, particularty? Wal cant sare my plow mth anjone 7. Do you tee aterd partes? Oh Tove gong pares «Wau yu sy you area ceave person? Tonk es, am eave Very Short Answer Type Questions Question 1 Whois \Whatis the mora ofthe story, elaborate it Solution a> VILA Gift of Chapp... /% 41. What do you enjoy doing after schoot? enjoy watching TV. 2. What eo yout in general? ike playing video games in general 3. Do youplay any gama? | one playing outdoor games. | pay indoor games tke lado and carom 4. Would you mind Vistened to musi ater diner? ‘wouldn't because I ove musi. 5. wiltbe al ight | such onthe igh, you can ewitch on the light whenever you want. 6.'Is there anything you dsike, particulary? Will cant share my pilow with anyone. 7, Do youlke to attend paries? ‘On, ove going to partes, 8. Would you say you area creative person? "ink yes, fam creative Very Short Answer Type Questions Question 1: Who's \Whatis the mocal ofthe story, elaborate it Solu ‘The moral o this stor sto hep people in need. The beggar was in ned ofthe sippers. He hac bistrsin is fet. They dic the nght thing Gopu Mama can buy ‘another pairofsippers but tne beggar did't have the money to buy therm. We shoulé help people n need. Theres na harm n ging away abit of those things that are surplus ous. We should gve food. dresses and sweaters to poor. For us hat might rot have much valve, butt can save someone else's fe. 6/7 a> <€ VI-VII Writing Noti... & Notice Writing A notice is a short, handwritten, typed and printed announcement to Circulate important information either within an organisation or for the ‘general public, by an individual authority or an institution. Ittels us about © anevent an Inauguration € programme Lost and found ‘Sale of items or products Usually there are following types of notices: 1, Lost or Found 2, Meetings or Events, 3. Tours or Excursions Points to be remember while writing a Notice: 1. Annotice must be enclosed in a box. 2. It must be shor, precise and relevant. The word limit of a notice should not exceed 50 words. 3. All the required details must be given clearly. 4. Anoiice is always written in third person (He, She, They), therefore, Use of first person (I, We) and second person (You) should be avoided. However, some notices may be writen using the first person, |, We 5, Passive form of voice is used to write the body of the notice. Characteristics of a notice: ‘+ Name of the school or organisation * Notice * Date of issue * Aproper heading or title * Relevant content should answer: ¥ What ¥ When ¥ Where ¥_For whom ' The signature or name with the designation of the person issuing the notice. FORMAT OF A NOTICE: NAME OF THE ORGANISATION NOTICE Heading/Title Body, <€ VI-VII Writing Noti... & FORMAT OF A NOTICE: NAME OF THE ORGANISATION NOTICE Date: DOMMYY Heading/Title Body. Name and Designation of the person writing the letter 2/5 ‘SAMPLE NOTICE: Q1) You are Amit/Anita of class ViIl-C. You have lost your water bottle in ‘the school premises during recess. Write a notice for your schoo! notice board in not more than 50 words. Give the detailed description of your water botte, Put the notice in a box. Answer:- KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA KOLIWADA NOTICE 24 April 2024 a> <€ VI-VIILWriting Noti.. Go? ‘SAMPLE NOTICE: Q1) You are Amit/Anita of class VIIl-C. You have lost your water bottle in the school premises during recess. Write a notice for your school notice board in not more than 50 words. Give the detailed description of your water botte, Put the notice in a box. Answer:- KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA KOLIWADA NOTICE 24 April 2024 Lost Water bottle! This is to inform all the students that | have lost my water bottle yesterday during recess in the school premises. It is blue coloured Milton brand water bottle. Whosoever finds it is requested to deposit in the Sports Room. The finder will be rewarded. Anita vec) 3/5 a> 2) You are Sasmita / Suresh of Class Vill B of Kendriya Vidyalaya ‘Ambernath. You have found a wrist watch from the school premises. Write a ‘notice for the schoo! notice board asking for the identification and collect the \wrist watch from you. Put the notice in a box Answer: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA AMBERNATH NOTICE 21 April 2021 Found Wrist Watch! <€ VI-VII Writing Noti... & 2) You are Sasmita / Suresh of Class Vill B of Kendriya Vidyalaya ‘Ambernath. You have found a wrist watch from the school premises. Write a ‘notice for the schoo! notice board asking for the identification and collect the \wrist watch from you. Put the notice in a box Answer: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA AMBERNATH NOTICE 24 April 2024 Found Wrist Watch! This is to inform all the students that a wrist watch has been found in the school premises during the recess period. ‘Whoever has lost it, is requested to give the description of the watch and collect it from the undersigned. Sasmita (vig) 3) You are the Cultural Secretary of Kendriya Vidyalaya Bhan notice forthe schoo! notice board informing the students of star 4. / 5 to invite their grandparents to celebrate “Grandparents De Vidyalaya. Answer:- KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA BHANDUP NOTICE 21 April 2021 a> <€ VI-VII Writing Noti... & Notice Writing A notice is a short, handwritten, typed and printed announcement to Circulate important information either within an organisation or for the ‘general public, by an individual authority or an institution. Ittels us about © anevent an Inauguration € programme Lost and found ‘Sale of items or products Usually there are following types of notices: 1, Lost or Found 2, Meetings or Events, 3. Tours or Excursions Points to be remember while writing a Notice: 1. Annotice must be enclosed in a box. 2. It must be shor, precise and relevant. The word limit of a notice should not exceed 50 words. 3. All the required details must be given clearly. 4. Anoiice is always written in third person (He, She, They), therefore, Use of first person (I, We) and second person (You) should be avoided. However, some notices may be writen using the first person, |, We 5, Passive form of voice is used to write the body of the notice. Characteristics of a notice: ‘+ Name of the school or organisation * Notice * Date of issue * Aproper heading or title * Relevant content should answer: ¥ What ¥ When ¥ Where ¥_For whom ' The signature or name with the designation of the person issuing the notice. <€ VI-VII Writing Noti... & Sasmita vite) 3) You are the Cultural Secretary of Kendriya Vidyalaya Bhandup. Write a notice for the schoo! notice board informing the students of standard 6 and 7 to invite their grandparents to celebrate “Grandparents Day” in your Vidyalaya. Answer:- KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA BHANDUP. NOTICE 21 April 2021 Grandparents Day Celebration! This is to inform all the students of standard 6th and 7th that our school is going to organize Grandparents Day on 28 April 2021 in Tagore Stadium. All the students are requested to invite their grandparents and participate enthusiastically in the programmes to celebrate the occasion. Jyotsna Singh (Cultural Secretary) 5/5 a> <€ 7The Rebel_Q.pdf ZG Class 7 Eng The Rebel (Poem) P No: 4 Working with the Poom 1: Answer the folowing questions (someone doesn't wear a unfrm to school, what de you think the teacher wil (When everyone wants a clear sky, what does the rebel want most? (ti) the rebel has a dog fora pet, what s everyone else key to have? (iv) Why ist good to have rebels? (0) Why is ithot good tobe a rebel onese? (1) Would you ike tobe arebe yes, why? not why not? [Ans: 1. The teacher would explain tothe child the importance of school uniform in ‘schoo and Wl hiner to wear uniflor, 2, When everyone wants a clear sky, the rebel wants ain, 3. the rebel has a dog fora pet, the others are most tke tobe cat overs. 4. Its good to have rebels because they ar ferent and they teach us o be able to acoopt and tolerate ferences. 5, itis not good tobe a rebel neces because the Society never accepts a rebel and always ertisses his behaviour, 6, No, | would rot ike to be a rebel because | want to conform tothe norms of the society in which Ive ike obedience sel-ascpine ote (22: Find inthe poem an antonym (a word opposite in meaning) foreach of the following words (tong = Short @ grow—cut (i) quietness ~ disturbance (Wy) sober fantastic (0) ost tin | (23: Find inthe poem ines that match the following. Read both one ate the the. ()Thorebet {ues to cutis ai. Ans) The rebel ets his hale grow ong. (i) He says cats are beter. AG) The rabel expresses a preference for cats. (i) He cocommends dogs. All) He puts in @ goed word for dog. (wv) He is unhappy because there fs no Sun Au) The rebel regrets the absence of sun. (Y) He isnoisy on purpose. Ay) The robe creates a disturbance, <€ 7The Rebel_Q.pdf ZG 5. tis not good tobe a rebel oneself because the Society never accepts » and always eticses his behaviour 6, No, would not ike tobe a rabelbecause | want to conform to thanorn 2 / 2 society in which Ive tke obedience sel iscpline et 22: Find in he poem an antonymn (a word opposite in meaning) foreach of the following wotds (0 tong ~ Short (grow cut (i quietness - disurbance () sober fantastic (9) esti (03: Find inthe poem lines that match the folowing. Read both one after he other. () The rebel etuses to cut his ha. Ane() The rebel ets his hae grow long (He says cats are beter. ‘NG The ebel expresses a preference for cats. (i) He recommends dogs. Ai) He puts in a 900d word fr dog, (wv) He is unhappy because there is no Sun 'Au) The rebel regrets the absence of un, (He ts noisy on purpose. Aly) The robo creates a disturbance, € VII_L2-Bringing Up... 2 Brinaing..Up. Karl.Exerise {Q1- The enclosure in which Kati ved has a thatched roof that lay on thick tree ‘stumps. Examine the ilustration of Kar's pavilion on page & and say why twas ‘uid ike that way? [At He ved in a pavilion, under a thatched roof which rested an thick trae stumps so that coun fallin when Kari bumped against the poles as he moved about as he ‘moved about, 2- Did Kari enjoy his morning bath inthe river? Give a reason for your answer? [RS Kan enjoyed is morning bath in herve, He would le down on the sand bank hile his nine year od rien and keeper rubbed him wih clean sand ofthe river for an hour. After that he would iin the water for along te. On coming out his skin. would be shining ike ebony, and he would squeal wih pleasure as his keeper rubber wator ‘own his back (03 Finding good twigs for Kari took along time. Why? |. Finding good twigs for Kar took along te because twas not an easy job to get ‘wig and saplings for Kan. The end and keeper had to climb al kinds of Woes to get the mast delcate and tender twig. For cuttngtwige one must have avery sharp hatchet o ut down the twig If took haan hour o sharpen the hatchet cause the ‘twig was mutlated and an slephant would rt touch it (4 Why id Kari push his friend into the stream? [As Kar pushed his end into the steam because he wanted to save the boy from