Tugas Writing IELTS Pie Chart

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The two pie charts illustrate the population growth of countries that members of European Union

in 1998 and 2007.

Overall, in both years, the highest populations among the countries were Germany meanwhile
Poland has the lowest populations. However, the populations growth of both countries were
decreasing over that period of time while other countries populations increase.

Germany as the highest populations stood at 17.1% in 1998, however, it showed decreasing by
16.6% in 2007. The populations decrease also occurred in Poland, the percentage started from
8.0% in 1998 to 7.7% in 2007. In contrast, Spain populations increasing from 8.3% in 1998 to
9.0% in 2007.

The population growth of France increase 0.3% over the time, in 1998 it comprised of 12.5% and
rise to 12.8% in 2007. Followed this pattern, United Kingdom and Italy populations rise to 0.1%
in 1998 and 2007, started from 12.5% to 12.8% and 11.8% to 11.9% sequentially. All other
twenty one countries percentage also rise from 29.4% in 1998 to 29.7% in 2007. It is clear that
Spain became the country with the highest population growth.

Written by Sabrina

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