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WEEK 4-5.1
Acuña, Sharen Jade
Abubakar, Hajira
Macaso, Chloie-Ayn
Superales, Mary Ann
Oseo, Steven
Nogar, Triximay
Reyes, Angeline
Ibañez, Icel
Manalo, Angeline

A. Inequality as a social problem
B. Ambient awareness and its connection to social media
C. Anti-vaccination as a new viral social movement
D. Lack of Internet Access Hinders Online Learning
E. Modern issues of gender studies
F. The social role of mass media communication
G. The specificity of growing up in a LGBTQ family
H. The issue of national language in different countries
I. The Effect of Online Learning in Physical and Mental Health
J. The importance of women’s impact on the development of philosophy
a. Philosophy be I / we wanted to know the fundamentals nature of existence and reality.
b. If I or we were to pursue our research project which is “Lack of Internet Access Hinders
Online Learning”, I believe that it will be practical and economical since it is timely and
relevant to our current situation.
c. In our track, it will be significant because we (students) will be able to have prior
knowledge about the said research topic and can be use for the future researchers of
our track.
In our society, it will be significant because people will have ideas, knowledge, or ability
to know if the said research topic is effective for the students or not.


Topic 1: Lack of Internet Access Hinders Online Learning

Because it is timely and relevant to the current situation and there are lots of students
who are suffering from online learning because of lack of internet access.
Topic 2: Inequality as a social problem
Because nowadays inequality seemed to be trend which is not a good thing. Inequality's
apparent effect on health and social problems is 'status anxiety'.
Topic 3: The Effect of Online Learning in Physical and Mental Health
Since almost all of the students right now are studying online, we wanted to know what
are the possible effects of it is physically and mentally.

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