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10. Singh, M.G. and A.

Titli, SystemsDecomposition,
Optimization and Control
PergamonPress, Oxford, 197g.
I I' Siljak, D'D., Non-LinearSystems:The Parametcr Analysis
antl Design, Wiley,
N.Y. 1969.


12. Elgerd, o.I. and c.E..Fosha,"The Megawatt Frequency

control problem: A New
Approachvia optimal control Theory", IEEE Trans.,April
1970,No. 4, pAS g9:
13' Bhatti, T'S., C.S Indulkar and D.P. Kothari, "Parameter
optimization of power
Systemsfor StochasticLoad Demands" Proc. IFAC. Bangalore,
December 19g6.
l4' Kothari, M'L., P.S. Satsangiand J. Nanda,"sampled-Data
Control of InterconnectedReheatThermal Systems Considering
Constraints",IEEE Trans.,May 19g1, pAS_100;2334.
15' Nanda, J', M.L. Kothari and P.S. Satsangi,"Automatic
GenerationControl of an
InterconnectedHydro-thermalsystem in continuous and
DiscreteModes consid-
ering GenerationRateconstraints'IEE proc., prD, No. l,
January19g3,130 : 17.
16' IEEE committee Report,'DynamicModels for Steamand 9.1 INTRODUCTION
Hydro-turbinesin power
system studies" IEEE Trans., Nov/Dec. rg73, pAS-92, 1904.
l7' Hiyama, T', "Optimization of Discrete-typeLoad Frequency So far we have dealt with the steadystate behaviour of power system under
ing Generation-Rateconstraints" proc.lE4 Nov. g2, r2g, pt normal operating conditions and its dynamic behaviour under small scale
c, 2g5.
I8. concordia,c., L.K. Kirchmayerand E.A. Szyonanski,..Effect perturbations.This chapter is devoted to abnormal system behaviour under
of speed Governor
Dead-bandon Tie Line Power and Frequency Control performan conditions of symmetrical short circuit (symmetricalthree-phase.fault*).Such
ce,, AIEE Trans.
A u g . 1 9 5 7 ,7 6 , 4 2 9 . conditions are caused in the system accidentally through insulation failure of
19' Nanda,J', M.L. Kothari and P.S. Satsangi,"Automatic equipment or flashover of lines initiated by a lightning stroke or through
Control of ReheatThermal
SystemConsidering GenerationRate Constraint and Covernor accidentalfaulty operation.The systemmust be protectedagainst flow of heavy
(India),June 1983, 63,245. short circuit currents(which can causepeffnanentdamageto major equipment)
20. Tripathy, s.9., G.s. Hope and o.p. Marik, ,,optimisatiorr by disconnectingthe faulty part of the system by means of circuit breakers
of Load-frcqucncy
C<lntrolParametersfor Power systemswith ReheatSteamTurbines operated by protective relaying. For proper choice of circuit breakers and
and Governor
Dead-bandNonlinearity", proc. IEE, January rgg2, rzg, pt protective relaying, we must estimatethe magnitude of currents that would flow
c, No. r, r0.
21. Kothari,M.L., J. Nanda,D.p. Kothariand D. Das,.,Discrete-mode under short circuit conditions-this is the scope of fault analysis (study).
AGC of a.two_
area Reheat Thermal system with New Area control Error,,, The majority of systemfaults are not three-phasefaults but faults involving
IEEE Trans. on
Power System,Vol. 4, May 19g9, 730 one line to ground or occasionallytwo lines to ground.These are unsymmetrical
22' Daq D. J. Nanda, M.L. Kothari and D.p. Kothari, ,.AGC faults requiring special tools like symmetrical componentsand form the subject
of a Hydro_Thermal
systemwith New ACE consideringGRC", Int. J. EMps,1g, No. of study of the next two chapters.Though the symmetrical faults are rare, the
5, rggo, 46r.
23' Das, D', M.L' Kothari, D.P. Kothari and J. Nanda, "Variable symmetrical fault analysis must be carried out, as this type of fault generally
Structure Control
strategy to AGC of an IntcrconncctcdRcheat Thermal systcm,,, prctc. leads to most severe fault current flow against which the system must be
IEE, r3g,
p t D , 1 9 9 1 ,5 7 9 . protected. Symmetrical fault analysisis, of course, simpler to carry out.
24. Jalleli, Van Slycik et. al.. "lJndersfandingAutonnaticGeneration A power network comprises synchronousgenerators,ffansfonners, lines and
Control,,, IEEE
Trans.on P.S., Vol 07, 3 Aug. 92, 1106_1122. loads. Though the operating conditions at the time of fault are important, the
2 5 . Kothari, M.L., J. Nanda,D.p. Kothari and D. Das, ,,Discrete loads can be neglectedduring fault, as voltages dip very low so that currents
Mode AGC of a two
Area ReheatThermal Systemwith a NACE consideringGRC,,, drawn by loads can be neglectedin comparisonto fault currents.
J.LE. (rndia), vol.
72, Feb. 1992,pp Zg7-303.
2 6 . Bakken, B.H. and e.s. Grande,"AGC in a Deregulatedpower
system,,, IEEE *Symmetrical fault may be a solid three-phase short
Trans.on Power Systems,13, 4, Nov. 199g,pp. 1401_1406. circuit or may involve are
325 |
ModernPowerSystemAnalysis tffiffi
The synchronousgenerator during short circuit has a characteristictime- 42V
= --*sin (cr,rf+ a_ A
varying behaviour.In the event of a short circuit, the flux per pole undergoes
dynamic changewith associatedtransientsin damper and field windings.The
reactanceof the circuit model of the machine changesin the first few cycles z = (Rz+ Jr\tt"(t: tan-l
from a low subtransientreaetanecto a higher transient value, finally settling at +)
a s'iitt higher synchronous (steady state) value. Depending upon the arc ir = transient current [it is such that t(0) = t(0) + L(0) = 0 being an
intemrption time of circuit breakers,a suitable reactancevalue is used for the inductive circuit; it decayscorrespondingiothe tim6 constantiRl.
circuit model of synchronousgeneratorsfor short circuit analysis.
= - i,(6)e-$tL)t
In a modern large interconnectedpower system, heavy currents flowing
during a fault must be interruptedmuch before the steady state conditions are
established.Furthermore,from the considerationsof mechanicalforcesthat act = 9Y s i n( d - a ) g - . ( R t D t
on circuit breaker components,the maximum current that a breaker has to carry
momentarily must also be determined.For selecting a circuit breakerwe must, Thus short circuit current is given by
therefore, determine the initial current that flows on occulTenceof a short
circuit and also the current in the transient that flows at the time of circuit (e.1)
Synrnretricalshort DC otT- set curnent
circuit current
A plot of i* i, and'i = i, + i, is shown in Fig. 9.2.rnpower systemterrninology,
the sinusoidal steady state current is called the symmetrical short circuit
Let us consider the short circuit transient on a transmission line. Certain
current and the unidirectional transient component is called the DC off-set
simplifying assumptionsare madeat this stage.
current, which causesthe total short circuritcurrentto be unsymmetricaltill the
(i) The line is led I'rorna constantvoltagcsoLrrcc(tlte casewhcn the line is
fed from a realisticsynchronons ma.chrne will tre treatedin Sec.9.3). It easily follows fiom F'ig. 9.2 that the maximum momenro) short circuit
(ii) Short circuit takes place when the line is unloaded(the caseof short currcnt i,,,,,,
corresponds to the firstpenk.If theclecayof trnnsient
currentin this
circuit on a loaded line will be treatedlater in this chapter). short time is neglected,
(iii) Line capacitanceis negligibleand the line can be represented by a lumped
RZ seriescircuit. - Jrv'sin(d- c) * E' (e.2)
, ,F. L lzl tzl

v = JI vsin (o,t+ *) rV)
Sincetransmissionline resistanceis small. 0 - 9C,.

Jiv JTv
I cosa+ (e.3)
i _ rzr rzl
F i g .9.1 This has the maximum possible value for o. = 0, i.e. short circuit occurring
when the voltage wave is going through zero.Thus
With the aboveassumptions the line can be representecl by the circuit rnoclel
of Fig. 9.1. The short circuit is assumedto take place at t = 0. The parameter = '#
i,n,nlrnu*possible) e.4)
<rcontrolsthe instanton the voltagewavewhen shortcircuit occLrrs. It is known
from circuit theory that the current after short circuit is composed of two parts, = twice the maxirnum of symmetricalshort circuit current
(doubling effect)
t-- I"+ I.t
For the selectionof circuit breakers.momentaryshort circuit currentis taken
correspondingto its maxirnumpossible value(a sat'echoice).
i, = steadystatecurrent

ffiffif Modern
Analysis b,a#&
The nevf ntrecfinn ic ic fhc r.rrrrcnf fn hc i n f e r r r r ne fl / p rl?t
Aa hqo haan

pointed out earlier, modern day circuit breakers are designed to intemrpt the reactancewhen combined with the leakagereactanceXi of the machine is called
cunent in the first few cycles (five cycles or less). With referenceto Fig, 9.2 synchronousreactance X4 (direct axis synchronousreactancein the case of
it meansthat when the current is intemrpted,the DC off-set (i,) has not yet died salient pole machines).Armature resistancebeing small can be neglected.The
ne ls snownln rrg.
the value of the DC off-set at the time of intemrption (this would be highly on per phasebasis.
complex in a network of even moderately large size), the symmetrical short
circuit current alone is calculated.This figure is then increasedby an empirical
rnultiplying factor to account for the DC off-set current. Details are given in
S ec .9. 5 .

(a) Steadystateshortcircuitmodel (b) Approximate

of a synchronousmachine periodof shortcircuit

Fig. 9.3

Consider now the sudden short circuit (three-phase)of a synchronous

generator initially operating under open circuit conditions. The machine
undergoesa transientin all the three phasefinally ending up in steady state
conditions describedabove. The circuit breakermust, of course,intemrpt the
current much before steady conditions are reached. Immediately upon short
circuit, the DC off-set currents appear in all the three phases,each with a
different magnitude since the point on the voltage wave at which short circuit
occurs is different for each phase.These DC off-set currents are accounted for
separately on an empirical basis and, therefore, for short circuit studies, we
need to concentrate our attention on syimmetrical (sinusoidal) short circuit
Fig.9.2 Waveform
of a shortcircuitcurrent
on a transmission
line current only.Immediately in the event of a short circuit, the symmetrical.short
circuit current is limited only by the leakagereaitance of the machine. Since the
air gap flux cannotchangeinstantaneously(theorem of constantflux linkages),
9.3 SHORT CTRCUTTOF A SYNCHRONOUS MACHTNE (ON to counter the demagnetization of the armature short circuit current, currents
NO LOAD) appearin the field winding as well as in the damper winding in a direction to
help the main flux. These currents decay in accordancewith the winding time
Under steady state short circuit conditions, the armature reaction of a constants.The time constant of the damper winding which has low leakage
synchronous producesa demagnetizing flux. In termsof a circuitthis inductanceis much less than that of the field winding, which has high leakage
MocjernPower Sysiem nnaiysis
symmerrical I'lt,5ffit
inductance.Thus during the initial part of the short circuit, the damper and field
windingshavetransfurnrercurrentsinducedin them so that in the circr,ritmodel
thcir reactances--X,of field winding and Xa* of damper winding-appear in
parallelx with Xo as shorvn in Fig. 9.3b. As the danqpqlruadlag cullqqls 4!q I
first to die out, Xr* effectively becomesopen circuited and at a later stage X1
becomesopen circuited.The rnachinereactancethus chaugesfrom the parallel 0)

combinationof Xo, Xy and Xu. during the initial period of the short circuit to
X,,and Xrinparallel (Fig.9.3c) in the rniddleper:iodof the short circuit, and
finally to X,,in steadystate(Fig. 9.3a).The reactancepresentedby the machine
Steady state current amPlitude
in the initial period of the short circuit, i.e.
1_- Tlme
X.L -r-- : X'j (e.5)
(11x,,+UXJ+llxd,,) "
(b)Envelope machine
of synchronous current
is called the subtrunsientreoctutxc:e <>fthe nrachine.While the reactance Fig.9. 4
effective after the darnperwinding currents have died out, i.e.
X' ,t= X , + (X,,l l X,) (e.6) If we examinethe oscillograrnof the short circuit currentof a synchronous
is called the transientreactanceof the machirre.Of course,the leactanceunder machineafter the DC ott-set cuitentshave beenrettrovedtrom it, we will tind
steaclyconditionsis the synchronousreactanceof the machine.Obviousiy Xf7< the current wave shapeas given in Fig. 9.4a. The envelopeof the current wave
X'd< Xu.The machinethus offers a time-varyingreactancewhich changesfront shapeis plottedin Fig. 9.4b, The shortcircuit currentcan be divided irtto three
Xttoto Xtaandfinally to Xn. periods-initial subtransientperiod when the current is large as tire tnachine
offers subtransientreactance,the middle transient period where the machine
I offers transientreactance,and finally the steadystateperiod w\n the machine
ofters synchronousreactance. :
b If the transientenvelope is extrapolatedbackwards in tinre, the difference
betwecnthe tlansicrrtanclsubtransiertt envelopesis the cunent Ai/' (corre-
sponding to the clamperwinding current) which decays fast according to the
Steady state period

I clamperwinding time constant.Similarly, the difference Ai/ betweenthe steady
E a
q) state1nd transicntenvelopesdecaysin accordance with the field time constant.
In termsof the oscillogram,the cunents and reactances discussedabove,we
f, can wrlte

Time oa lEsl
lIl = (9.7a)
\t z. Y,

o ob _ l E 8 l (e.7b)
E lll = t;
E i Actual envelope
\IL xtd
steady valrre
tltt= 32.: Y+ (9.7c)
J2 X,J
Extrapolationof transientenvelope
(a) Symmetricalshort circuit armature current in synchronousmachine l1l = steady state current (rms)
!//l = transientcurrent (rms) excluding DC component
Fig. 9.4 (Contd.)
lltl = subtransientcurrent (rms) excluding DC component
*Unity turn ratio is assumedhere.
Xa = direct axis synchronousreactance

Modern Power Svstenn Anelveie Fault n

Xtd= direct axis transientreactance s

pon ii'ragn-tir rutlrarion
X'j = direct axis subtransientreactance j? rhe valuestf reactances
normallyrie within
certain predictable",l"ilirion),
limits for
lErl = per phaseno load voltage(rms) different types of machines. Tabie 9.r gives
typical valuesof machinereactanceswhich can be userj
Oa,Ob,Oc = interceptsshorvn iLEigs- 9Aa and,b_ in fault calculationsand
in stability studies.
The intercept Ob for finding transient reactance can be Normally both generator and motor subtransient
determined reactancesare used to
accurately by means of a logarithmic plot. Both Ai, and determine the momentary current flowing on occurrence
al decav of a short circuit. To
exponentially as decide the intemrpting capacity of circuit breakers,
except those which open
Aitt = Ai( exP (- t/q,) instantarreously,subtransientreactanceis used for
generatorsand transient
reactancefor synchronousmotors. As we shall see later
Ait = Ai6 exp 1_ t/r7) the transient reactances
are used for stability studies.
where r4, and rf arerespectively damper, and field winding time constants The machinemodel to be employed when the short
with circuit takesplace from
Td* 4 ry At time / 2' r4*, Aitt practicalry dies out and we can write loaded conditionswill be explainedin Sec. 9.4.
log (Aitt+ At,)1, , - log Ai' = - Aint ,/ ry The method of computing short circuit currents
, Trl* is illustrated through
examplesgiven below.
l c
a b
O) For the radial network shown in Fig. 9.6, a three-phase
o fault occurs at F.
Determine the fault current and the line voltage at
o r f l l kv bus under fault
Fig. 9.5
15%reactance \
12.5ohreactance \
1 1k V

ne : 3o km,z = (0.27+jo.3e a/ km
Ai,l,:o : Aito exp(-r/ ,t )1,:o: Ai,o : ob
r NO 2: 5 MVA,8ohreaclance

Table 9.1 Typicalvaluesof synchronousmachinereactances riO.0B)

o / km
(All valuesexpressedin pu of ratedMVA) F
z xn caote
Type of Turbo-alternator Salient pole compensator Synchronous Fig. 9.6 Radial networkfor Example g.1
machine (Turbine (Hydroelectric) (Condenser/ motors*
generator) Solution Select a system base of 100 MVA.
X, (or X,) V6ltage bases are: I I kV-in generators, 33 kV for
l .0 0 --2 .0 0.6-1.5 r.5-r2.5 0.8-1.10 overhead line and 6.6 kV
X^ 0.9-1.s for cable.
.t 0 .4 - 1.0 0.95-1.5 0.65-0.8
xd 0 .1 2 -0 .3 5 0.2-0.5 0.3-0.6 0.3-0.35
xti 0.r-0.25 Reactanceof G, =
0 .1 3 -0.35 0.18-0.38 0.18-0.2
x2 _ x,d _ x,d 0.17-0.37 0.19-0.35
xo 0.04-0.14 0.02-0.2 0.025-0.16 0.05-0.07 Reactanceof G2 -
ru 0.003-0.008 0 .0 0 3-0.01s 0.004-0.01 0.003-0.012
ro = AC resistanceof the armature winding per phase. Reactanceof Z, =
* High-speed units tend to
have low reactanceand low speedunits high reactance.
PowerSystemAnalysis SymmetricalFault Analysis 337
= 71.6pu = (0.93+ j05s) + (71.6)+ (0.744+ i0.99) + (t1.0)
of Tr= ;WY4
) = I.674+ j4.14= 4.43176.8"pu
Z (in ohms)x MVA""'"
overheadline impedance- Voltageat 11 kV bus= 4.43 167.8"x 0.196l- 70-8"
= 0;88 I :T ptt = ft88 x 11 = 9;68 kV
- (0.744
+ 70.99)pu
q21tlq = (0.93 A 25 MVA, 11 kV generator with Xl = 20Vo is connected through a
= 3(9-1!t,rJr0,q,
cableimpedanc" + 70.55)pu transformer, line and a transfbrmer to a bus that suppliesthree identical motors
(6 .6 )'
as shown in Fig. 9.8. Each motor has Xj = 25Voand Xl = 3OVoon a base of
Circuit model of the systemfor fault calculationsis shownin Fig. 9.7. Since 5 MVA, 6.6 kV. The three-phaserating of the step-uptransformeris 25 MVA,
the systemis on no load prior to occurrenceof the fault, the voltagesof the two 11/66 kV with a leakage reactance of l0o/o and that of the step-down
generatorsare identical (in phaseand magnitude) and are equal to 1 pu. The transformer is 25 MVA, 6616.6kV with a leakagereactanceof l0%o.The bus
generatorcircuit can thus be replacedby a single voltage sourcein serieswith voltage at the motors is 6.6 kV when a fault occurs at the point F.
the parallel combination of generatorreactancesas shown. For the specified fault, calculate
(a) the subtransientcurrent in the fault,
11kV bus
(b) the subtransientcurrent jn the breaker .8,
j|.0 (o.744+i0.99) i1.6 (0.93+70.55) (c) the momentary current in breaker B, and
66d. I | ,666' I I (d) the current to be interruptedby breakerB in five cycles.
T1 Line T2 Cable I t
Given: Reactanceof the transmissionline = l5%oon a baseof 25 MVA, 66
I kV. Assurne that the systemis operating on no load when the fdul" occurs.

Flg. 9.8
Fig. 9.7
Sotution Choosea systembaseof 25 MVA.
= (j1.5ll j1.25)+ (t1.0)+ (0.744+ i0.99)+ (i1.6)+
Totalimpedance For a generatorvoltage baseof 11 kV, line voltagebaseis 66 kV and motor
(0.93+ 70.55) voltage base is 6.6 kV.
(a) For each motor
- 1 . 6 7 4+ j 4 . 8 2= 5 . 1 1 7 0 . 8 " p u
X',j*= j0.25 x = i1.25
''? +
Isc= tt = 0'196I - 70'8"Pu
5.r170.8" Line, transtbrmersand generatorreactancesare already given on proper base
to*.10; = The circuit model of the systemfor fault calculationsis given in Fig. 9.9a.
18u."= 8,750A
J3 x6.6 The systembeing initially on no load, the generatorand motor inducedemfs are
Isc= 0.196x 8,750= 1,715A identical. The circuit can thereforebe reducedto that of Fig. 9.9b and then to
Fis. 9.9c. Now
betweenF and11 kV bus
Total irnpedance
fiffirel powerSystem
Modern Anatysis
! momentarycurreni ihrough breaker B -- 1.6 x 7,4i9.5
Isc=3>< - - jr 4 . 2 2 p u - 17,967A
j1.25 j0.55
(d) To compute the current to be intemrpted by the breaker, motor
Basecun'entin 6.5 kV circui, - 25 x 1,000 subtransient reactance (X!j = j0.25) is now replaced by transient reactance
= 2.187 A
(X a = /0.3O).
o,;;* r4rrlt]frf* o 25 =
XI (motor)= 70.3x Jr.) pu
(b) From Fig. 9.9c, current through circuit breaker B is T
The reactancesof the circuit of Fig. 9.9c now modify to that of Fig. 9.9d.
I s c (' B- ) 2 x - + + . ] _ : - i 3r -.. 4-2 Current (symmetrical) to be intemrpted by the breaker(as shown by arrow)
j1.25 j0.55
=2x ^1 " 1
= 3.42x 2,187= 7,479.5
A +
Allowance is made for the DC off-set value by multiplying with a factor of 1.1
1 1 0+' jo.2 j0.15 j0.1 110' (Sec. 9.5). Therefore, the current to be interrupted is
1 . 1 x 3 . 1 5 1 5x 2 . 1 8 7= 7 . 5 8 1A
F tll?9 ;< to"

In the previous article on the short circuit of a synchronousmachine, it was

aBsumedthat the machine was operating at no load prior to the occurrence of
short circuit. The analysisof short circuit on a loadedsynchronousmachine is
complicatedand is beyond the scope of this book. We shall, howevbr, present
here the methods of computing short circuit current when short circuit occurs
under loaded conditions.
rl:---^ f\ 1/.| ^L^.-,^ +L^ ^i-^.,i+ *^A^l ^f
lr rBtlc >. Lv Slluws Llrg urrUurt lrlu(lEl ur a

synchronousgeneratoroperatingunder steadycon-
(b) ditions supplying a load current /" to the bus at a
i0.55 i0.55 terminal voltage of V ". E, is the induced emf under
loadedcondition andXa is the direct axis synchro-
nous reactanceof the machine.When short circuit
occurs at the terminals of this machine, the circuit
model to be used for computing short circuit Fig.
9.10 Circuitmodelof
current is given in Fig. 9.11a for subtransient a loaded
current,and in Fig. 9.1lb for transientcurrent. The m achine
inducedemfs to be used in thesemodels are given
rcuitbreaker) (c) bY
E,l= v" + ilTtj (e.8)
Fig. 9.9
EL- V'+ il"Xto (e.e)
(c) For finding momentary current through the breaker, we must add the
The voltage E!is known as the voltage behind the subtransientreactance and
DC off-set current to the symmetricalsubtransientcurrent obtainedin part (b).
the voltage E!is known as the voltage behind the transient reactance.Infact,
Rather than calculating the DC off-set current, allowance is made for it on an if 1o is zero (no load case),EJ= Etr= Er, the no load voltage,in which case
empiricalbasis.As explainedin Sec.9.5, the circuit model reducesto that discussedin Sec. 9.3.
| Modernpo*s1_qqe!l inslygs Fault Arralysis
solution Aii reactancesare given on a base of 25 MVA and appropriatgi
Prefaultvoltage V" = J'9 = 0.9636 l0 pu
Load = 15 NfW, 0.8 pflEading
( a ) C i r c u i tm o d e l f o r c o m p u t i n g (b) Circuit model for computing
subtransientcurrent transient current = l: = 0.6 pu, 0.8 pf leading
F i g .9 . 1 1 25
Synchronousmotors have internal emfs and reactancessimilar to that of a prefaultcurrenlI" = _9{__ _ 136.9.= 0.77g3I 36.9"pu
generatorexcept that the current direction is reversed. During short circuit 0.9636x 0.8
conditions these can be replaced by similar circuit moclels eicept that the Voltagebehindsubtransientreactance(generator)
voltage behind subtransient/transient
reactanceis eiven bv
E",- 0.9636I tr + j0.45 x 0.1783I 36.9"
E'lr= v" - jI"xU (e.10)
E'*= v" - jI"4 - 0.7536+ 70.28pu
Wheneverwe are dealing with shortcircuit of an interconnectedsystem,the Voltagebehindsubtransient
synchronousmachines (generatorsand motors) are replaced by their corre-
El,, - 0.9636/_ tr -i0.15 x 0.7783/_ 36.9"
s po n d i n gc i rc u i t m o c l e l sh a v i n g v o l tagebehi nclsrrhtransi ent
(transi ent)
tancein serieswith subtransient (transient)reactance. The rest of the network = 1.0336 - .70.0933 pu
Theplefurult.equivalent circuitis shownin Fig.9.l2b.Uncler
I t i o n( l r i g .9 .l 2 c )
, . ...-.: . ._.
. , , 0. 7536+"i0. 21t- 00
A synchronousgenerator and a synchronousmotor each rated 25 MVA, I I kV " i 0.45
having l5Vo subtransient reactance are connected through transfbrmers and a
1 . 0 3 i 6- r o o c ) ?1
line as shown in F'ig. 9.12a. The transfbrmers are ratecl 25 MVA. lll66kV and I',l,=
66lll kV with leakage reactance of l\Vo each. The line has a reactance of lTTo i0.1s
on a base of 25 MVA, 66 kv. The motor is drawing 15 Mw at 0.9 power factor Current in fault
leading and a terminal voltage of 10.6 kV when a symmetrical three-phasefault
occurs at the motor terminals. Find the subtransient culrent in the generator, I J = I : i + 1 , , , , = _j g . 5 6 5 3p u
motor and fault.

Gen t Tt'
Basecttrre I = 44q1
nt (gen/moto = 1.312.2A
| | '! Line J3xll
) lr; Now
(a) One-line
d i a g r a mf o r t h o s y s t o mo f E x a m p l e9 3
I'J - 1,312.0
(0.6226 - j1.6746)= (816.4_ jL,tgt.4) A
t" j0.1 j0.1 j0.1
tI ; .6'f,1,'. 'dtI-. - 'ltrd-. -t
F I'J= 1,312.2(.- 0.6226- j6.8906)= (- 816.2_ jg,O4L8)A
I 1t--jtt,23gA
'. ), 1 i 0 . 1 5 I
r short circuit (sc) current computation through the
Thevenin Theorem
(b) Prefaultequivalentcircuit (c) Equivalentcircuitduringfault An alternate method ol' cornputing short circuit currents is through the
application of the Thevenin theorem.This method is faster and easily adopted
342 | Modern Po*er SystemAnalysis

to ,yrtl-atic computation for large networks. While the method is perfectly

gcncrerl, it rs illustratcdhcrc tlrrougha sinrplccxanrplc.
Consider a synchronousgeneratorfeeding a synchronousmotor over a line.
Xle +X
Figure 9.I3a showsthe circuit model of the systemunder conditions of steady AI^
(xlh,+x + xi (e.14)
As a first step the circuit model is replacedby the one shown in Fig. 9.13b, Postfault currents and voltages are
obtainedas follows by superposition:
wherein the synchronousmachinesare representedby their transientreactances I{= I" + alr
(or subtransient reactances currentsare of interest)in serieswith
if subtransient
voltagesbehind transientreactances.This changedoes not disturb the prefault I{=- I" + AI^ (in rhedirectionof AI^)
current I" and prefault voltage V" (at F). Postfault voltage
As seenfrom FG the Thevenin equivalentcircuit of Fig. 9.13b is drawn in vf vo + ( - , r xn, I f ) = v" + Av
Fig. 9.13c.It comprisesprefault voltage V" rn serieswith the passiveThevenin -= eJ6)
where Av = -ix^tf is the voltage of thefaultpoint F/ on
impedancenetwork. It is noticed that the prefault current 1" doesnot appearin
to thereference -of
the Theveninpassive
the passivcThcvcninirnpcdanccnctwork.It is thcretore t<lbe rcmcnrbcrcdthat busct-;;;..d by theflow faurt
this current must be accountedfor by superpositionafter the SC solution is
obtainedthroughuse of the Thevenin equivalent. incethe prefault current flowing
out of
Considernow a lault at 1,'thloughan irnpedance Zl .liigure 9.13dshowsthe t curent out of independeniof
Thevenin equivalent of the system feeding the fault impedance. We can
im m e d i a te lw
y ri te on is summarizedin the following
V" Step I: Obtain steady state solution
', l ' - - (e.r2) of loadedsystem (load flow study).
jXrn + Zt step 2: Replace reactancesof
synchronousmachines by their
transient values. Short circuit subtransienU
Current causedby fault in generatorcircuit uit sources.The result is the passive
Thevenin network. "rr
x'd^ 'Step
AI, - - f (e.13) 2 at the fault point by negarive of
(xhs+x + xl^ ies with the fault impedanc". 6o_pur"
r areobtainedby adding results
of Steps
The following assumptionscan be
saferymadein SC computations
ragnitudesare I pu.
tre zero.
(a) G (b) G to actual conditions as under normal
ruc cnanges ln current caused
by short
circuit are quite large, of the
order of 10_20

(c) (d) tion 2.

Fi9'e't+ F is the faultpointon
Let us illustrate the above method
of SC currentby the Theveninequivalent
Fig.9.13 Computation b, the passiveThevenin
recalculatingthe results of Example
9.3. network
,Qrrrnmalrinal E^..t+ A --r. --!-

Modern Power SystemAnatysts

If sc MVA (explainedbelow) is more than 500, the
9'3 for computationof postfault abovemultiplyingiactors
The circuit model for the systemof Example are increasedby 0.1 each. The multiplying factor for
air breakersrated 600 v
conditionis shownin Fig' 9'14' or lower is 1.25.
_ 0.9636x70.60 = - 78.565pu The current that a circuit breakercan intemr
rng voltage over a certain range, i.e.
Amperes at operating voltage
Change in generatorcurrent due to fault'
io'+ - - i2'141
"." "_ t j0.60
, , B_ rl8.s6s
AI^=- Pu

Change in motor current due to fault'

x j.$*i --- i6'424Ptt

At^=- 78.565
Rated intemrpting MVA (three-phase)capacity
current to obtain the subtransient
To these changeswe add ttre prefault
= '6ty(tifle)lrated
current in machines.Thus x 11(line)lrated
I'l= I" + AIr - (0.623 j1.67$ Pu where V(line) is in kV and 1 (line) is kA.
- Thus, instead of_computing the sc current to be intemrpted,
In = - I" + AI^= (- 0.623 76.891)P u r --' we
' cbmpute
three-phaseSC MVA to be intemrpted, where
which are the same (and shoutd be) as calculated
9.3 alternatively through th9 Thevenin SC MVA (3-phase)_ Jt x prefault line voltage in kV
we have thus solved Example
in4eecl, is a powerful method for large x SC currentin kA.
theorem ond ,up.rposition. This,
If voltage and current are in per unit values on a three-phase
networks. basis
SC MVA (3-phase) = lylp,..roul,
x 11116
x (MVA)uur. (e.r7)
' -h' Lv i' oYr rr u
O s l'ru
r J r J ' ircq if i ouAu l \ / \ /
l v t v AA ii -n+i^e*i,r- u
p i i i l g - c- a- p a c l t y o f a c i r c u i t b r e a k e r
is to be
. I w o o t t h c c i r c u i t b r c a k c r r a t i n g s w h i c l r r c c ; u i r c t h c c t r n l p t l t t t t i o n o f S C c u r r e n t rnurcthln (or cclualto) thc sc MVA required
to be intemupted.
symmetrical interruptirtg c:nrrent' For the selectionof a circuit breakerfor a particular
are: rated momentarycurrent and rated location,we must find.
using subtransient reactancesfor the maximum possible SC MVA to be intemrpted with
Syrnmetrical SC current is obtained by respectto type and
current irms) is then calculatedby location of fault and generating capacity (also
synchronousrnachines.Momcntary synchronous rnotorl load)
by a factor of 1'6 to accountfor connectedto the system. A three-phasefault though
multiplying the symmetrical-o-"nory current rare is generally the one
which gives the highest SC MVA and a circuit breaker
the presenceof DC off-set current' subtransient must be capable of
is computed by r'rsing interrurpting it. An exception is an LG (line-to-ground)f.ault
Symmetricalcurrentto be intcrrupted close to a
generatorsand transientreactances for synchronous synchronousgenerator*.In a simple systemthe fault location
reactances tor synchronous to which gives the
The DC off-set value to be added highest sc MVA may be obvious but in a large system
motors-induction motors are neglected*. the various possible
interrupted is accounted for by multiplying locations must be tried our to obtain the highestst nava requiring
obtain the current to be Lp"ur"a
below: SC computations.This is ilustrated by the examplesthat
symmetrical SC current by a factor as tabulated follow.

Iii"'n"r.; I
Circuit Breaker SPeed Multiplying Factor
8 cyclesor slower 1.0
5 cycles 1.1
3 cyclcs 1.2 Three6.6 kv generatorsA, B and c, eachof I0o/oleakage
reactanceand MVA
2 cycles 1.4 ratings 40, 50 and 25, respectively are interconnected
electrically, as shown in
t'In some recent attempts,currentscontributedby induction
motors during a short tThis will be explained
in Chapter 1l.
circuit have been accountedfor.
.";: I

T reactance currentscan then be calculatedby the circuit model of Fig. g.l6acorresponding
Fig. f.i5, by a tie bar through curent timiting reactors,each of I2Vo
to which it is A
connected. threc-phase to Fig. 9.13d.The circuit is easilyreducedro rhat of Fig. 9.16b,
baieclupon the rating ofthe machine where
of 6'6 kV'
feeder is supplied from the bus bar of generatorA at a line voltage ^ f n 1 a
7- ( 0. 069 + j0. 138) + j0. r 2s il 00. 15+ jo. 22| j0. 44)

short = 0.069+ j0.226 = 0.236173

Q/phase.Estimatethe maximum MVA that can be fed into a symmetrical
circuit at the far end of the feeder.
SC MVA = Volf = V"('+') = + pu (sinceVo = 1 pu)
\Z) Z
I (MVA)Ba."
50 =
2 1 2M V A
Tie bar

Fi g. 9.15

Sotution Chooseas base50 MVA, 6.6 kV' Considerthe 4-bus systemof Fig. 9.17. Buses1 and 2 aregenerator
Feeder imPedance 3 and 4 are load buses. The generatorsare rated l l kv, 100
MVA, with
transientreactanceof l07o each. Both the transformersare 1ll110
= =(o.o6e+/0.138)pu MVA with a leakagereactanceof 5Vo.The reactancesof the lines
kV, 100
% 100 MVA, 110 kv are indicated on the figure. obtain the short
to a base of
circuit solution
- o'1[50 = 0.125Pu
Gen A reactance for a three-phasesolid fault on bus 4 (load bus).
40 Assume prefault voltages to be 1 pu and prefault currentsto be
= zero.
GenB reactance 0.1 Pu (G)

G e n C r e a c t a n c e = 0* . 14 = 0.2 pu
25 1
o't''I tn = 0 . 1 5p u
ReactorA reactan."=
ReactorB reactance = 0.12Pu
0.12x 50 - 0.24 pu
Reactor C reactance =

Fig. 9.17 Four-bussystemof Exampleg.5

Solution Changesin voltages and currentscausedby a short circuit

j0.12 jo.24 can be
calculatedfrom the circuit model of Fig. 9.18. Fault current 1/ is calculated
systematicnetwork reduction as in Fig. 9.19,
yo = 1Z0o(
(a) (b)

Fig. 9.16
,^o I Moclern Power Svstem AnalYsis

tt = -*= = - jt.37463 pu
lo* !o;E

_ jo.2
jo 1,), D': [ 0t , i0.1
t,= rsx i: i3;:: = - j3 837or
A, j0.37638
I l,zs
r - ---rnTl
4 +I Izt
t,- ti,, 12=
- r, {: i:::: = - j3.53762pu
'' x j0.37638
Let us now computethe voltagechangesfclr busesl,2and 3. From Fig.
9 .l 9 b , w c g i v c
AVr - 0 - ( / 0. 15)( - j3. 8370r ) = - 0. 57555pu
AV, = 0 - (iO.l.s)(- .i3.53762)= - 0.53064pu
\ Now
i ro'rs

i.0.11 V , ' = l + l V t = 0 . 4 2 4 4 .p5u

r -f- t-- - 'AtiA'-
II F'tt2 i I 0 6 ' )I V ) ,= l + AVz=0.46936pu
i0 1'':, , , t , . ( .^- (r l r
iots ' ' r),} o' rs . v , J- v J
tl i o.t\P / l-t= = J0'17964
4T -l ,of tr.o.t
( tvl=to (a) (b) (. )vl = t.o
* ir N ow
irt fr' AVy= 0 - [(/0.15)(- j3.83701)
+ Q0.15)
= - 0.54fi(r0
V t t = I - 0 . 5 4 8 6=
0 0.4514
vlo= o

l ' ' l
+ I
The determinationof currentsin the remaininglines is left as an exerciseto
,-j;0.''uuuo Short circuit study is completewith the computationof SC MVA at bus 4.
( ) v?= t.o
(SC MVA)^ = 7 .37463 x 100 = 737.463MVA
It is obvious that the heuristic networkreductionprocedureadoptedabove is

Tr not practical for a real power network of even moderate size. It is, therefore,
essentialto adopt a suitablealgorithmfbr carryingout short circuit study on a
,-l digital computer.This is discussedin Sec.9.6.
, -J 10.04166


( = 1.0
\.. ) V ?
t .
So far we have carriedout short circuit calculationsfor simple systemswhose
l l i tssi vct t ct wor kscanbe easilyr educed.
I n t his scct ionwc ext cndour st udy t o
Fig. 9.19 Systentaticreductionof the network of Fig' 9'18
i*.3€0-l Modern Power System Analysis
_ Symmetr.ic
- , . . . . . , *", , ; alFaultAnat lr sis
large ,tyrt"-r. In orcler to apply the four steps of short circuit computation
developedearlier to large systems,it is necessaryto evolve a systematicgeneral
algorithm so that a digital computercan be used. _--.rr.vv\, rrrv u(rr vurraegcs oI mls

4V = Z"urJf (e.20)
.7 -'l '-
i = busimpedance matrix of the
Gen 2 I e.2D
Znn) passiveTheveninnetwork

Fig. 9.20 n-bussystemundersteadyload u// = bus current injection vector

Since the network is injected with current -
Consideran n-bus systemshown schematicallyin Fig.9.20 operatingat steady 1/ only at the rth bus, we have
load. The first step towards short ciicuit computation is to obtain prefault 0
voltages at all buses and currentsin all lines through a load flow study. Let us 0
indicate the prefault bus voltagevector as :
/- rf
I, : -I', f (e.22)
(e.18) :

Substituting Eq. (9.22) in Eq. (g.20),

we have for rhe rth bus
Let us assume that the rth bus is faulted through a fault impedance Zf . The AV, = - ZrJf
postfault bus voltage vector will be given by By step 4, the voltage at the nh bus
under fault is
V { u r = V B u s+ A V (e.1e) v!= vor+avo,- vor- Z,Jf
where AV is the vector of changesin bus voltagescausedby the fault. (e.23)
However, this voltage must equal
As'step 2, we drawn the passiveThevenin network of the system with
generatorsreplacedby transient/subtransient
reactanceswith their emfs shorted Vd = 7f 1f
( F ie.9 .2 1 ). (e.24)
We have from Eqs. (9.23) and (g.24)

zftf - vo,_ z,Jf

or V:
Zr, + Zf (e.2s)
At the rth bus (from Eqs (9.20)and(g.22))
AV, = - Z,Jf
v{= v?- Z,Jf, i = 1,2, ...,
Fig. 9.21 Network of the system of Fig. 9.20 for computingchanges in (e.26)
bus voltages caused by the fault substituting
for // from Eq. (9.25).we have

vI= vf - : zl';rv! (e.27)

Siimmetrica!Fault ,Analysis I -?53
352 i rtllodernPower System Analysis
First of all the bus admittancematrix for the network of Fig. 9.18 is formed
Fori=rinEq.(9.27) as fol l ows:
(e.28) --r I I -t-
1 -r I - - j28.333

In the above relationship V,o'r, the prefault bus voltagesare assumedto be

known from a load flow study. Zuu, matix of the short-circuit study network Y trL. > = Y
L tr t = _ - 175.000
of Fig. 9.21 canbe obtainedby the inversionof its furr5matrix as in Example j0.2

9.6 or the Zru, building algorithm presentedin Section9.7.It should be -l

observed here that the SC study network of Fig. 9.2I is different from the Y3= Yy = - i6. 667
correspondingload flow study network by the fact'that the shunt branches ;r*
correspondingto the generatorreactancesdo not appearin the load flow study -1
network. Further, in formulating the SC study network, the load impedancesare Yrq= Yq= = i10.000
ignored, these being very much larger than the impedances of lines and
ginerators. Of course synchronousmotors must be included in Zuur tormula-
Yzz=. : - + +j0.1s
- + + + jj.r
:^ =- j28.333
tion for the SC study. j0.15 " j0.2
Postfault currents in lines are given by
f u= yu (vri- vt) Q.29) Y z t =Y n = + = j10.000
j0. 1
For calculation of postfault generatorcurrent, examine Figs. 9.22(a) and (b).
From the load flow study (Fie. 9.22(a)) -l
Yzq= Yn= - i6. 667
Prefault generator output = PGr+ iQci
I I =-i16.667
'Y3-3. -= +'
j0.15 jo.1

Ytq= Yqt= 0.000

vYqq= I I
*- -- i76'667
,- ,.""

(a) (b)


f", = &#; output= Pci + iQci) (9.30)

By inversion we get Z",tt as
E'Gi = V, + jXt"/t)", (9'31)
j0.0s97 j0.0719
From the SC study, Vf ,is obtained. It then follows from Fig. 9.22(b) that
j0.0903 j0.0780
rrc,=tfr! (e.32) j0.0780 j0.13s6
jo.o719 j0.0743

Now, the postfault bus voltagescan be obtainedusing Eq. (9.27) as

To illustrate the algorithm discussedabove,we shall recomputethe short circuit V {r = r V Zo - Zo t oo VaP

solution for Example 9.5 which was solved earlier using the network reduction
,!A | ^/lndarn
I Vltvl
, rlrsrtvre
malriaal E qau t
JJ' I | | tglt tvql

The prlfault conditionbeing no load, V0r= Voz= V03- Voo= 1pu -r 1.000 1.00 = - j I L 0 7 4 I 9 7
, J - _ -
2,,{or Zzz) j0.0903
r . o - i 9 9 1 9 x9 1 0= 0 . 4 2 4 8 p u

L L v:
- o?':o r r,',
By Inventing Y"u"
= 1.0 - oi 0 .-0 7:1: 0 x 1 . 0 = 0 . 4 6 9 8 p u
j0.1356 /nus = Yrus Vsus
7 or Vsus= [Y"ur]-t /eus = Znus/eus (e.33)
v{= v\ - 1* vf or Zsvs= [Yuur]-t
The sparsity of fsu, may be retained by using an efficient inversion technique
= 1 . 0- ' i0.0743
- : : _ : 1 . 0= 0 . 4 5 2 1
pu [1] and nodal impedance matrix can then be calculated directly from the
j0.r3s6 factorized admittancematrix. This is beyond the scope of this book.
vi = o'o Current Iniection Technique
Using Eq. (9.25)we can obtainthe fault currentas
Equation (9.33) can be written in the expandedform
=, j7.3j463pu
7r= .r-^0.9^o=- V 1: 2 1 1 \ * Z t z l z 1 . . . * Z n I n (e.34)
v 2 : 2 2 1 1 1 + 2 2 2 1 2+ . . . + z z n l n
Thesevaluesagreewith thoseobtainedearlierin Example9.5.Let us also
the shortcircuitcurrentin lines1-3,1-2, l-4,2-4 and2-3.
calculate V, : Zntll * 2,,21r* .. .+ Z,,nl,,

v,r -v{ 0.4248-0.4521- j o ' 1 8 2

[,r1 2 =- : - Pu It immediately follows from Eq. (9.34) that
z.n i0.15
z -- v ' l
-v{ I r l , r : r z: . . . : r n = o
- ' _ - ' 2 - : - 0.4248-0.4698_ j 0 . 2 2 5p u
-t rr r z = v,r
zrz .i0.2
Also Zi, - Ziii (Znvs is a symmetrical matrix).
yr -v{ As per Eq. (9.35) if a unit currentis injectedat bus (node)7, while the other
,r rt4- _ o.4z4v-o - i4.248pu
4q jo'l busesere kept oponcircuited,the bus voltagesyield the valuesof theTth column
of Zuur. However, no organized computerizabletechniquesare possible for
.I irq = ' u'l - v{
q - - -0.46e8
= o - - j3.132pu finding the bus voltages.The technique had utility in AC Network Analyzers
- 'where the bus voltagescould be read by a voltmeter.
zz+ i0'15

--r v{ -v^ = 0.4698-0.4521= -

I-Izt=tiutt ./0.177Pu
For the exampleon hand this method may appearmore involved compared Consider the network of Fig. 9.23(a) with three buses one of which is a
to the heuristicnetworkreductionmethodemployed in Example9.5. This, reference.Evaluate Zsus.
however, is a systematicmethod and can be easily adopted on the digital Sotution Inject a unit current at bus I keepingbus 2 open circuit, i.e., Ir = I.
computer for practical networks of large size. Further, another important feature andIr= 0 as in Fig. 9.22(b).Calculatingvoltagesat busesI and 2, wehave
of the method is that having computed Zu's, we can at once obtain all the
required short circuit data for a fault on any bus. For example,in this particular
system, the fault current for a fault on bus I (or bus 2) will be Zzt=Vz=4
356 | Modern PowerSystemAnalysis
SymmetricalFault Analysis !, f5l
Now let It = 0 and 12= 1. It similarly fbllows that
, 4r,
Ztz=Vt=4= Zn the dimension of Zsu5 goes up by one). This is type-2 modification.
3. Zuconnectsan old bus to the referencebranch(i.e., a new loop is formed
dimensionof 2o,," doesnot change).This is type-3modification.
4. Zuconnectstwo old buses(i.e., new loop is formed but the dimensionof
l7 41
Zvus= 6l Zuu, does not change).This rs type-4 rnodittcation.
l+ 5. Zu connectstwo new buses(Zeus remains unaffectedin this case). This
Becauseof the above computationalprocedure,the Zru, matrix is situation can be avoided by suitable numbering of busesand from now
referredto as the 'open-circuitimpedancematrix'. onwardswill be ignored.
Notation: i, j-old buses; r-lsfelence bus; k-new bus.
Z"vs Building Algo4ithm
Type- 1 Modification
It is a step-by-stepprogrammabletechniquewhich proceedsbranch by branch.
It has the advantagethat any modification of the network does not require Figure 9.24 shows a passive (linear) n-bus network in which branch with
complcterebuildingof Z"ur. impedance2,, is addedto the new bus k and the referencebus r. Now
Consider that Zrur has been formulated upto a certain stage and another V*= ZJ*
branchis now added.Then
Z r i = Z * = 0 ; i = 1 , 2 . . . . .t t
Zo:branch impedance
Zrur (old) Zsus (new) Zm = Zu
Upon adding a new branch, one of the following situations is presented. Hence

s,,"(old) (e.36)
Zsvs (new) -

Passive linear
n-bus network

Fig. 9.24 , Type-1modification

Fig. 9.23 Currentinjection

methodof computingZru.
Type-2 Modification
t . 26 is added from a new bus to the referencebus (i.e. a new branch is
Zo is addedfrom new bus ft to the old bus7 as in Fig. 9.25.It follows from this
added and the dimension of Zry5 goes up by one). This is type-I
figure that
35S;,1 MorJern Powcr Srrctarn anatrroio

1O_ Zrj lr
n zzj
Zsvs(old) I : (e.38)
n-bus network
oI lzyziz...zi,I zii + z, )lI*
{ inthe
Eriminate (e'3I )'
3":';,,iiy';;;?::"i"t i.I" a;y>;i:ation
1 (9'39)
or 'o= -12 (\1Ir+ Zi2Iz+ "' + ZlnI)
Fig. 9.25 Type-Z modification
Vo= Zdo + V, V; = 2; 111+Z, r I , + "' + Z'nI n+ Z; / r (e.40)
= Zr,I*+ ZiJr+ Zlzlz+... + Zii ei* I) + ... + Zinln SubstitutingEq. (9.40) in Eq. (9.39)

Rearranging, ,,= - * -
1rr]a rzuz,,>)r,
V*=4lt+ Z l z l z+ . . . + 2 , , 1 , + . . . +Z i , l n + ( Z i i + Z ) l k lr^ h(z* lr,,
"h 2,,1)r, (s.4t)
Consequently + +
lr^- ^i{zu
Equation (9.37) can be written in matrix form as
: (e.37) . |t"f
(new)= znvs(old
ZsLr5 : ltz't"Zv) (e.42)
Znj ;+;l
"jjT"ulz,, l
zjj + zb
Type- Modification
IYpe-3 Modification
zo connects two old busesasin Fig. 9.27. Equationscanbe writtenas follows
zu connectsan old bus (l) to the referencebus (r) as in Fig. 9.26. This
case for all the networkbuses.
follows from Fig.9.25 by connectingbus ft to the referencebus r, i.e. by setting

(l;+ lp


Fig. 9.27 TYPe-4modification

Fig. 9.26 Type-3 modification
Vi= Z; 11,+ Z, lr +"' + Zr i ( I i + / ) + ZU Q i- /o)+ ...+ ZiJ"(9.43)
Similar equationsfollow for other buses.
360 | Modern power System Analysis
SymmetricalFault Analysis I fOt
I he voltages of the buses i and j are, however, constrained by the equation
(Fig. 9.27)
Step I: Add branch 2,, - 0.25 (from bus I (new) to bus r)
V,= Z ,rl o + V i (e.44)
ZBUS= t}.25l (i)
or 2 1 1 1+1 \ 2 1 2 + . . . + Z i t ( 1 , + I ) * Z i i ( I i - I ) + . . . + zi,In
= Z t l * + Z , r l , + Z , r l "+ . . . + Z l U , + I Step Add branch Zzt = 0.1 (from bus 2 (new) to bus I (old)); type-Z
0 =(Zit- 21) Ir+ ... + (Zti- Z) Ii+ eu- Z) Ii
+...+ (Z* - 21,) In + (Zu * Zii * Zii - Zi - Z) 11,
31i] (ii)
Collecting equationssimilar to Eq. (9.43) and Eq. (9.45) we can write Step 3: Add branch ,rt = 0.1 (from bus 3 (new) to bus I (old)); type-Z
vl modification

V lo.2s o.zs 0.2s1

zsvs= o.zs o.3s o.2s (iii)
| |
vn (9.46) lo.2s 0.2s 0.3s..l
Step 4: Add branch zz, (from bus 2 (old) to bus r); type-3 modification
0 10.2s o.zs 0.25'l [0.25-l
Eliminating 1o in Eq. (9.46) on lines similar to whar was done = o.zs 0.3s 0.2s|
Zet)s | o.tsI to.zs0.3s0.251
| +o
modification,it follows that
Lo.2so.2s o3sl " Ln.trj
(new) = Zsuts (old) -

lzit - z1t)... (zi, - zi))

zb+zii*Zii-zzij l'"
[0.14s8 0.1042 0.14s8-l
= I o.r4s8 o.lo42|
fo.tott o.ro42o.24s8l
Step5: Acldbranchiz-r= 0.1 (from bus 2 (olct)to brrs31old)): type-4
with the useof fbur relarionshipsEqs (9.36), (9.37),(9.42) and (9.47) bus
impedancematrix can be built by a step-by-stepprocedure(bringing in one
-hci ng
bra n c h a t a ti n l e ) a s i l l trs tra tc 'itln l i xrrrnpl e9.8. Thi s pror.cdrrr-c a [o.l4s8 0.1042 0.l4s8l
mechanicalone can be easily computerized. = o.'oo, 0.1458o.to42l-
When the network undergoeschanges,the modiflcationproceclurescan be l | 0 . 1+ 0 . 1 4 5+80 . 2 4 5 8 - 2 x O . l O 4 2
cttrploycclto rcviscthc bLrsirtrpcdance 10.l4s8 O.tO42 0.24s8
rnatrixul'thc nctwol'k.Thc opeling o1
a line (Ztt) is equivalentto adding a branch in parallel to it with impedance 1042.l
- 2,, (see Example9.8). [-0
= 0.0417 [ 0.0411 -0.0417]
I |
j Example9.8 [-o.o+tz-l
0.1103 0.12501
For the 3-busnetworkshownin Fig. 9.28build Zsus lo.r3e7
= 0.1ro3 o.I3e7 0.1250
r | I
'irl9 l z | 0.1250 0.1250 0.17sol

L-,trili -, -- 6"11-.
i,J betweenbus 3 (old) and bus 2 (old) i.e. type-4 modification.
- 0.I
Oltenirtgo tinu (line 3-2): This is equivalentto connectingan intpeclance
(-- 0.1 3 o.t or.
I -

Ref bus r
I (-01)+ol?5#

Fig. 9.28
filf.lid, ModernPower System Anatysis
-r-r-^r r^ Ana*raio ffir
:)ymmelrlual raull rurqryo's
[t 0.0147-l
-0.0147 l 10.0147
- 0.01470.0s001
| | Now
L o.osoo_J
- | 0.1042 0.14s8 0.1042l; (sameas in step 4)
and i' li =2 (- F[ ^Z E - ) = 0 . 2 8 6
0.1458 0.1042 0.2458| zu)
symmetry of the given power
These two voltages are equal becauseof the
(c) From Eq. (9.29)
Iri = Y,j(vl - vl)
For the power system shown in Fig. 9.29 the pu reactancesare shown therein.
For a solid 3-phasefault on bus 3, calculate the following Irtz=+(0.286
' =g
- 0.286;
(a) Fault current
(b) V\ and vt
and I\t=t|t= ro.186-o)
(c) It,r, I'\, uxl Il, fr
(d) 1fr, andIf, - - i2.86
Assumeprefaultvoltageto be I pu.
(d) As per Eq. (9.32)
0.2 0-.09 1

c) | i-,,

r Gr-
E' or-vrf
ixtic + ixr
// But E'Gr= 1 Pu (Prefaultno load)
o '' \ ,/'0., 1-0'286--=- j2'86
\ / IL.=
\.. io.2+io.os
. , ,/
l 'l SimilarlY
3 '
Fig. 9.29 I f cz= i2. 86

Solution The Thevenin passivenetwork for this systemis drawn in Fig. 9.28
with its Zru, given in Eq. (iv) of Example 9.8.
(a) As per Eq. (9.25)
anclresistance5 ohms is suddenly
V: 9 . 1 A transmissionline of inductance0.1 H
Jt - in Fig' P-9'1' Write the
2,, + Zl shortcircuitedat t =0 at the bar end shown
i(r). Find approximately the value of
expressionfor short circuit current
(maximum momentary current)'
the first current maximum
or 1f - . _ 1 - -- - j s . j l
Y o - : j0.175 currentntaximum occurs at the sametime as
zn [Hint: Assumethat the first
ttrcuit current')
(b) As per Eq. (9.26) the first current maximum of the symmgtricl.:non

i -
vl' - --Zt--yu

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