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relative to the crater diameter is verv, tvoical.

, L
12. T V Johnson etal., Proc Lunar Planet. Sct. Conf, Misc. lnvest. Ser. Map 1-948 (1977).
8 , 1013 (1977). 25. J. W. Head et a / . , n Mare Crisium: A View
Melt production increases with impact ener- 13. K . A. Howard, D. E. Wllhelms, D. H Scott, Rev. from Luna 24, R B. Merril and J J. Papike,
gy, such that only large craters are expected Geophys. Space Phys 12, 309 (1974) Eds. (Pergamon, New York, 1978) p p 43-74
to produce significant quantities of inelt 14. D. E Wilhelms and J F. McCauley, U.S Geol 26 B. L Barsukov et a/., Proc, Lunar Planet Sci.
(31). This melt is deposited as thin veneers, Surv. Misc, lnvest. Ser. Map 1-703 (1971), N J. Conf. 8 , 3319 (1977).
Trask and J F. McCauley, Earth Planet Sct. Lett 27 L. R Gaddis, C. M Pleters B R Hawke, lcarus
flows, and ponds (32), so that melt sufficient 14. 201 11972): W. R Muehlberoer et a / . In 61, 461 (1985)
to affect the spectral reflectivity is expected "Apollo 16 ~relimlnaryScience ~ g ~ o r' tNASA, 28. L Wilson and J. Head, J. Geophys. Res. 86,2971
to remain near the surface onlv for relativelv Sf-315 (1972), p 6-1; G. E Ulrich et a / , U S . (1981).
Geol. Sun/ Prof Paper 1048 (1981), p. 1 , J. M.
large and young craters, postdating wide- 29. G. Heiken e t a l . , Geochtm. Cosmochim Acta 38,
Boyce et a / , Proc Lunar Planet Sci Conf 5 11
1703 (1974)
spread resurfacing from impact basins. Sm- (1974);V R. Oberbeck et a / , Moon 1 2 , 19 (1975).
15. G. Neukum Moon 17, 383 (1977); Habi~tatlons- 30. B R. ~ a w k eet a/. Proc, Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf.
rekar and Pieters (33) showed that reflec- 21 377 (1991).
schriff, Ludw~gMaxim~l~anis Unlversitat, Munich
tance spectra of the anomalously red crater (1983),G. Neukum et a / . ,Moon 12, 201 (1975) 31. R. A. F Grleve et a/, in Impact and Explosion
rings of Tycho and Copernicus are consis- 16 P H. Schultz and P. D. Spudis. Proc Lunar Cratering, D J. Roddy, R. 0. Pepin R. B. Merrlll,
Planet. Sci Conf 10, 2899 (1979) Eds. (Pergamon New York, 1977), p p 791-81 4
tent with the presence of iron-bearing glass. 32. B R. Hawke and J. W Head, ibid. p . 815
17 J. W. Head and L Wilson, Geochim. Cosmochim.
The melt is concentrated near the crater rim Acta 56, 2155 (1992). 33. S Smrekar and C. M. Pleters, lcarus 63, 442
because it is produced from the deepest 18. B. R. Hawke and J F. Bell, Proc LunarPIanet Sci. (1985).
ejected target material. Therefore, we ex- Conf. 12, 665 (1981);J F. Bell and B. R Hawke, 34. We thank the Galileo Project Office the Natonal
J. Geophys Res. 89, 6899 (1984). Aeronaut~csand Space Administration (NASA)
pect that all craters larger than about 25 km 19. B. R Hawke et a/., Lunar Planet, lnst Tech and numerous indlviduas who participated In the
in diameter and postdating the formation of Report 92-09 (I 992), p . 14. mission p a n n n g and in~tialdata analysis, ~nclud-
the Imbrium basin will have anomalously red 20 J. W. Head et a1 , Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf 24, 629 ing C. AVIS,T. Becker, L Bolef, N. Bridges, C
(1993) Cunnlngham E. DeJong K. Edwards, E. Fischer
near-rim colors. This generalization is ob- R. Garstang, A Harch S Kadel R. Klrk, J
21 D. A Williams, thesls, Arizona State University
served in the EM-2 data for the near-side (1992); S D. Kadel, thess, Arizona State Unlver- Moersch J Plutchak M. Roblnson, R Sullivan, W
craters Copernicus, Zucchius, Pythagoras, sity (1993). Sulllvan J. Sunshine, S. Vail, L Walnio D Wil-
Carpenter, Philolaus, Plato, Archimedes, 22. M P. Charette, T. B McCord, C M Pleters J. B lams, and J Yoshmzu. The Galileo data set ls
Adams, J. Geophys Res 79, 1605 (1974) M P available on CD-ROM through the NASA Plane-
Theophilus, Langrenus, Plinius, Geminus, Charette. L A Sodenblom J B Adams M. J tary Data System The Natlonal Optical Astronomy
Fabricus, and Hainzel, as well as for the Gaffey T B McCord Proc Lunar Planet Sci Obse~atorlesare operated by AURA, n c . , under
far-side craters Ohm, Vavilov, and Hausen Conf 7, 2579 (1976) a cooperative agreement with the Natlonal Sci-
23 M R Roblnson B R Hawke P G Lucey G A ence Foundation.
(5). In the case of Copernican age craters, Smlth J Geophys Res 97 18 (I 992)
the spectral effects of fresh soils partly coun- 24. D. E W~lhelmsand F. El Baz, U.S. Geol Surv 17 September 1993 accepted 24 March 1994
teract the reddish melt. but thev are still
redder (and darker) than melt-free soils of
similar age and com~osition.The most re-
cent of the large Copernican age craters,
Rechargeable Lithium Batteries with
such as Tycho, Jackson, and Kepler, have Aqueous Electrolytes
relatively red and dark rings as compared to
crater interiors and outer ejecta and rays. Wu Li, J. R. Dahn,* D. S. Wainwright
The flybys of the moon by Galileo in
1990 and 1992 provided calibrated multi- Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that use an aqueous electrolyte have been developed.
spectral coverage of about 75% of the lunar Cells with LiMn,O, and VO,(B) as electrodes and 5 M LiNO, in water as the electrolyte
surface in the 400- to 1000-nm spectral provide a fundamentally safe and cost-effective technology that can compete with nickel-
region. The images cover well-character- cadmium and lead-acid batteries on the basis of stored energy per unit of weight.
ized regions of the near side, including
standard areas for remote sensing " and sam-
ple sites, that have enabled the calibration
of Galileo data for extraoolation to areas on D u r i n g the 1970s and 1980s, rechargeable positive electrode, and a nonaqueous elec-
the northern, eastern, and western limbs lithium batteries were touted by some re- trolyte containing dissolved Li ions.
and the far side that previously lacked searchers as providing a possible long-term The operation of such cells is based on
quantitative multispectral coverage. solution to the electric vehicle (EV) battery the ability of the positive electrode material
problem. The cells had about twice the to reversiblv "intercalate" Li. Intercalation
REFERENCES AND NOTES energy density (measured by watt-hours is the insertion of a guest atom (Li, for
1. M. J. S Belton et a / , Science 255. 570 (1992)
stored per kilogram of battery) of the best instance) into a host solid (such as MnOz),
2. J W. Head et a / , J. Geophys. Res. 98, 17i49 competing ambient temperature batteries. accompanied by only slight, reversible
3. C. M. Pleters e t a / , ibid., p. 17127.
Many companies moved to commercialize - in the host. Hosts for
structural changes
the technology, beginning with small cells intercalation are commonly layered com-
4. R. Greeey et a / , ibtd , p . 171 83
5. A. S. McEwen et a/., ibid., p . 17207 for consumer applications, in view of the pounds such as graphite (3) or tunnel com-
6 T. B. McCord M. P. Charette T. V. Johnson L. A. large markets anticipated. These cells used pounds such as MnOz or LiMn,04 (4),in
Lebofsky C. M. Pieters ibid. 77, 1349 (1972). lithium metal as the negative electrode, a which the intercalated Li can reside be-
7. C. Pieters, Proc, Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf 9, 2825
(1978) transition metal oxide [such as MnOz ( l ) ] tween the layers or in the tunnels. Interca-
8. The SS f t e r set is described by M. J. S. Belton et or chalcogenide [such as NbSe3 (Z)]as the lation of Li occurs because the chemical
a/. [Space Sci Rev 60, 413 (1992)] and its potential of Li can be lowered when the Li
relation to lunar compositional studies is de-
scrbed in ( 1 ) . W LI and J R Dahn Department of Phys~csSlmon atom is inserted into the host, thus forming
9. B. K. Lucchtta, U.S. Geol. Surv. Misc, lnvest. Ser. Fraser Unversty Burnaby Brltsh Coumba, Canada chemical bonds.
Map 1-1062 (1978) V5A 1S6
D S Walnwrlght Moll Energy (1990) Llmlted 20000 The binding energy of Li when interca-
10. D. E. Wlhems, U.S. Geol. Sun/. Prof Paper 1348
(1987), p. 1 Stewart Crescent Maple Rldge Brltlsh Columb~a lated into a varietv of hosts has been mea-
Canada V2X 9E7 sured with respect to the binding energy of
11. W K. Hartmann and G. P Kuiper, Lunar Planet.
Lab. Comm 1 (no. 12) plate 12.51 (1962). 'To whom corres~ondenceshould be addressed Li metal (Fig. 1). In each of the hosts listed,
SCIENCE VOL. 264 20 MAY 1994 1115
the Li atoms can diffuse readily within the Fig. 1. The binding energy of Li,
host, even when the binding energy is near 4 intercalated within a variety of ma-
eV. (LiF is included in the figure for refer- terials, measured relative to that
Air of Li metal.
ence, but it is not an intercalation com- stable ev/ ~ L ~ N V O ,
oound.) Because Li can be added to and
iemoved from these materials, it is common
to designate them as Lix(Host), with x des-
ignating the Li stoichiometry.
The voltage and operation of cells with
" electrodes of Li metal are now easv
to understand. During the discharge of the
cell. Li at the negative electrode dissociates
into ions and electrons that move to the
positive electrode through the electrolyte
and the external circuit, respectively. The
ions and electrons meet at the surface of the
positive electrode, where they intercalate
within the host material. The open circuit
Lithium metal 0 eV
I --Li,Graphite
voltage of the cell is given by the binding
energy of Li in the host (in electron volts),
divided by the electron charge. (Formally,
the cell voltage is given by the difference gytec introduced the 3.5-V LiCo0,Icarbon Lithium batteries were historically de-
between the chemical ootential of Li in the cell in 1992, and it has been very successful signed with metallic Li as one component,
intercalation host and in Li metal, divided (6). The Sony cell and others like it are which precluded the consideration of wa-
by the charge on the electron.) To recharge currentlv the state-of-the-art Dower sources ter as an electrolyte solvent. The reaction
the cell, a charger is used to extract elec- for consumer electronics. In sich a cell, the product of Li and water, LiOH, is soluble
trons and the corresponding ions from the electrode materials are chosen so that the in water, so that a passivating film does
host, and Li metal is replated on the nega- chemical potential of Li in each differs by not form and a violent reaction occurs.
tive electrode. several electron volts, with the result that Similarly, in the current generation of
Rechargeable cells with negative elec- high energy density can still be maintained. Li-ion cells that use Li-intercalated carbon
trodes of Li metal can be made that have Safety is also improved, because the surface as the negative electrode, water cannot be
excellent performance characteristics (1, area of the electrodes remains constant used as the electrolvte. However, once the
2). However, it seems difficult to make during cycling, even though Li-intercalated Li in an intercalat'ion host is sufficiently
them safe (5). At the heart of the safetv
\ ,
carbon is almost as reactive as metallic Li tightly bound (at about 3.2 +
0.2 eV), it
problem is the reactivity of metallic Li with (see Fig. 1). It is unclear, however, whether will not react with water to form LiOH
the nonaaueous electrolvtes used in these cells large enough for EVs will be safe. and H, (7).
cells. Lithium reacts instantly with these The Li-ion technology is also expensive. When a Li intercalation compound is
electrolvtes to form a ~assivatinefilm of Nonaqueous electrolytes have ion conductiv- put in water, one must consider whether
insoluble reaction products on t h e - ~ imetal ities about two orders of magnitude lower than the reaction
surface. Once the film is about 50 A thick, their aqueous counterparts, so cell designs Lix(Host)+ x H 2 0 *
the reaction stops. Although the film is a
Li-ion conductor, it is an electronic insula-
incorporating thin electrodes (0.1 mm) must
be used. Suitable Li salts, such as LiPF6,
+xLiOH(aq) +x/2Hz (g) (1)
tor that prevents the transport of Li atoms are also expensive, as are the microporous will occur. We recently showed (8) that
to the electrolyte, once the film thickness is films used to separate the electrodes and intercalation compounds that are unstable
greater than the electron tunneling length. hold the electrolvte. Water must be rieor- in pure water can be made stable in con-
However, as cells are repeatedly charged ously excluded dulring some manufactu;ing centrated LiOH solution. The chemical
and discharged, the Li metal becomes very steps, which leads to additional costs. potential of Li+ in solution increases with
porous, and the area of contact between Li
and electrolvte becomes verv large. After
several hundred cycles, such' cells become [Ht]= 1 M [OH-] = I M Fig. 2. The potentials of the
prone to safety problems (such as producing indicated reactions versus
intense smoke or even fire) if they reach
temperatures above about 120°C because of
mechanical or electrical abuse. This problem
2 H 2 0 + 4H+ + 4e- + O2

I Lil.xMn204
I 40H-- 2H20+ 02+4e-
the standard hydrogen
electrode (SHE) in solu-
tions where [Li+] = 1 0 M .
Both acidic and basic
led to a major product recall in 1989 involv-
ing cells manufactured by Moli Energy electrolytes with 1 M H+ or
1 M OH-, respectively. are
(Bumaby, British Columbia, Canada) (5).
Most other Li batterv introductions olanned
by other firms were then abandoned.
To solve the safetv, oroblem associated
with Li metal, battery scientists eliminated
Li metal but tried to retain the high energy
density attainable with the technology.
The so-called Li-ion cells use two different
intercalation hosts as the positive and neg-
ative electrodes. For example, Sony Ener- "." 8

SCIENCE VOL.264 20 MAY 1994

Sealing gasket intercalation compounds. Tablet electrodes fuse to the LixV02(B) electrode, where it
/ 8 mm in diameter and with a total mass of
0.10 g were prepared from each material.
Carbon black (10% by weight) and ethyl-
will recombine with water and electrons to
oroduce OH- aeain. Therefore. it should
be possible to select electrolytes of appro-
ene propylene diene monomer binder (3% priate pH that allow for efficient charging of
by weight) were added to the tablet mix to the positive electrode and that also provide
provide good electrical conductivity and effective oxygen pressure control.
good mechanical toughness. The mix was The LiMn,O,lVO,(B) couple by no
then pressed i n 0.10-g allotments in a cylin- means represents the optimum electrode
I drical die to the desired thickness (1.0 mm) .

/ Separator
pair for the aqueous Li-ion cell. Many types
Positive electrode
Coin-type test cells were made with of Li manganese oxides are known to inter-
1225 hardware (the first two numbers " eive calate Li in the right chemical potential
cell can the cell diameter in millimeters and the range for this type of cell (12). One ap-
Fig. 3. A schematic of the coin cell used to test
second two give the cell height in tenths of proach to an extremely low-cost system
the aqueous Li-~onchemistry. millimeters; a 1225 cell is 12 mm in diam- would be to use LiMn,04 for both elec-
eter and 2,.5 mm thick). First, the elec- trodes. Because Li can be extracted from
trodes were thoroughly wetted with an LiMn,04 (to form Lil-,Mn,04) at 4 V
concentration and tends to drive Eq. 1 to aqueous solution that was 5.0 M in LiN03 versus Li and added to LiMn,04 (to form
the left. This suggests that Li-ion cells with and about 0.001 M in LiOH. A micro- Li,+,Mn204) at about 3 V versus Li, a 1-V
aqueous electrolytes can be considered for porous polypropylene separator (Celgard cell would result. Manganese and its oxides
appropriately chosen hosts. 3500), which incorporates a wetting agent, are cheap, plentiful, and less toxic than
We must also consider the potentials for was used to separate the electrodes as they Ni and Co oxides, so a Li,+xMn,04/
oxygen and hydrogen evolution that can were tightly crimped in the cell case. Figure Li,- xMn,04.cell could have an enormous
occur in aqueous electrolytes (Fig. 2). Fig- 3 shows a schematic of the finished cell. potential market.
ure 2 also shows the standard electrode Because the concentration of OH is 0.001 In a 1989 review of about 40 batterv
potential for the reaction M in this cell, we expect the potentials for technologies for EV applications, Katner
H, and 0, evolution to shift up by about et al. (13) concluded that there was no
0.175 V, compared with their positions in 1 suitable technology currently available for
Figure 1 lists the chemical potentials of Li M OH-, as shown on the right of Fig. 2. electric vehicles. The review considered
intercalation compounds relative to reac- The cell was then charged with a current factors such as cost, safety, performance,
tion 2, so we can locate electrode materials of 1 mA. During the charge, Li was extract- and environmental friendliness. Today,
on Fig. 2, as we have done for the reactions ed from LiMn,04: producing Lil-,Mn,04, the search for an acceptable EV batterv
continues. For example, the Ni-metal hy-
LiMn204 a Lil-,Mn204 + xLi+ + xep and intercalated Into VO,(B), producing
Li,VO,(B). Figure 4 shows the voltage dride battery developed by Ovonics (War-
and profile during this charging and during the ren, Michigan) has been shown to attain
next few charge-discharge cycles. The cell 80 watt.hourst'kg in sizes acceptable for
shows excellent reversibility, an average EVs (14). However, some industry experts
voltage near 1.5 V, and a capacity of 10 contend that the Ni-metal hydride tech-
["B" designates a particular crystal form of mA.hour. nology is too expensive and is not envi-
VO, (9) .] In an appropriately chosen elec- We calculated the energy density of the ronmentally acceptable for EV applica-
trolyte, reactions 3 and 4 should be viable cell using the weight of the electrodes, the tions. It is our opinion that the aqueous
without excessive simultaneous production cell voltage, and the cell capacity (we did Li-ion approach described here shows
of 0, or H,. A cell based on reactions 3 and not include the electrolyte or cell-case promise and needs to be included in the
4 will have a terminal voltage near 1.5 V. weight). This cell's energy density is 75 hunt for the EV battery.
We synthesized LiMn204 according to watt.hours/kg. Typically, the active elec-
the methods described in ( 1 0) and VO,(B) trode weights are about 50% of the total REFERENCESANDNOTES
according to the methods described in (I I ) . weieht
" of oractical cells. if the Sonv Li-ion
1. K. Brandt, paper presented at the Fourth nterna-
Both of these materials are framework-type product is used as an example. Thus, tlonal Seminar on Lithium Battery Technology and
oractical energv -, densities near 40 Applications, Deerfield Beach, FL, 5 to 7 March
watt.hours/kg can be expected for this 1989.
2. J Broadhead in Proceedings of the Third Annual
chemistry when used in larger cells. Fur- Batteiy Conference on Applications and Advanc-
thermore, the theoretical energy density es, California State University Long Beach CA,
for this cell is 112 watt.hourst'kg, assuming 12 to 18 January 1988; S Basu and F. A. Trum-
bore, J. Electrochem. Soc. 139, 3379 (1992).
0.5 Li per transition metal can be cycled in 3. M S. Dresselhaus and M. Endo ~nGraphite Inter-
each electrode and that the average cell calation Compounds I / H . Zabel and S A. Solin,
voltage is 1.5 V. These assumptions would Eds. (Springer-Verag, Berlin 19921,pp. 347407; J.
R. Dahn e t a / , Electrochim Acta 38, 1179 (1993)
give about 55 watt.hours/kg in a practical
4 M. M. Thackeray et a/. J. Electrochem Soc. 139,
cell, which is competitive with both Pb-acid 363 (1992), M. M Thackeray and R J. Gummow,
(about 30 watt.hours/kg) and Ni-Cd (about U.S. Patent 5,240,794 (1993).
50 watt .hours/kg) technologies. 5. For example, see 'Cellular phone recall may
0-;0 l, ,, ,I ,
I I, 8 -4 In basic electrolytes, 0, evolution at
cause setback for Moli Toronto Globe and Mail

(Canada), 15 August 1989

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (hours) Lil -xMn,04 may occur simultaneously 6 T. Nagaura and K Tozawa, f r o g . Batteries Solar
with the removal of Li from the electrode, Cells 9, 209 (1990), G. Stlx. Sci Am 269, 108
Fig. 4. The voltage plotted versus tlme as a (October 1993)
LlMn,O,NO,(B) cell IS repeatedly charged as indicated in Fig. 2. (This is analogous to 7 J R Dahn, U, von Sacken, M W Juzkow, H
and discharged The currents used were + I the 0, evolution that occurs in Ni-Cd cells A-Janaby. J Electrochem. Soc. 138, 2207 (1 991).
mA The cell test was carrled out at 30°C during charging.) The 0, should then dif- 8 W Li W R McKlnnon, J. R. Dahn, ibid 11- press.

SCIENCE VOL. 264 20 MAY 1994

9 W Theobald et ai J Soi~dState Chem 17 431 13 E Z Ratner P C Symons W Walsh C J Warde ited by the slow diffusion of the molecules,
(1976) D W Murphy eta1 J Eiectrochem Soc G L Hendrlksen Assessment of battery technolo-
gles for electr~c vehlcles contract DE-AC07-
because moves can be made to arbitrary
128 2053 (1981)
10 T Ohzuku M Kltagawa T Hlra~J Eiectrochem 761D01570 (U S Dept of Energy Wash~ngtonDC positions in the zeolite. For chain mole-
SOC 137 769 (1 990) August 1989) cules, however, this is not the case because
11 J R Dahn T van Buuren U von Sacken U S 14 S R Ovshlnsky, M A Fetcenko J Ross Sc~ence
260, 176 (1993)
the probability of finding a position without
Patent 4 965 150 (1990)
12 For example see T Ohzuku A Ueda T H~ral 15 The authors acknowledge fund~ngfrom the Na- overlap between hydrocarbon and zeolite
Chem Express 7 193 (1992) T Nohma T t~onalSclence and Eng~neerlngResearch Coun- decreases exponentially with chain length.
Sa~to N Furukawa H lkeda J Power Sources c ~ofl Canada s Operat~nggrant program Recently, we have developed a method,
26 389 (1989) J M Tarascon and D Guyo-
mard Electrochim Acta 38 1221 (1993) 9 February 1994 accepted 30 March 1994 configurational-bias Monte Carlo, to simu-
late chain molecules (4, 5). We demon-
strate here that this approach can be used to
study the behavior of long chain hydrocar-
Simulating the Adsorption of Alkanes in Zeolites bon; in zeolites and allow; us to address the
much debated question of the preferential
adsorption of the n-alkanes in the different
Berend Smit* and J. llja Siepmann? channels of silicalite.
We used the configurational-bias Monte
The configurational-bias Monte Carlo technique is applied to simulate the adsorption of Carlo technique to study the adsorption of
long chain alkanes in zeolites. This simulation technique is several orders of magnitude n-butane to n-dodecane in silicalite. In
more efficient than conventional methods that can be used to simulate the adsorption of contrast to the conventional Monte Carlo
long chain alkanes. The calculated heats of adsorption are found to be in excellent technique, in the configurational-bias
agreement with experimental data. The results show a surprising chain length dependence Monte Carlo technique a molecule is not
of the heats of adsorption. This dependence has a simple molecular explanation in terms inserted at random but is grown atom by
of preferential siting of the long chain alkanes. atom such that overlap with the zeolite
atoms is avoided (Fig. 1). This growing
process introduces a bias that is removed by
adjusting the acceptance rules (4-7). A
Zeolites are crystalline inorganic polymers Computer simulations, used with molec- simulation is ~erformedin cycles, and each
that form a three-dimensional network of ular dynamics or Monte Carlo techniques, cycle consists of a number of randomly
micropores. These pores are accessible to are an attractive alternative to experiments selected moves: displacement of particles,
various guest molecules. The large internal because these methods can, in principle, rotation of ~articles,partial regrowing of a
surface, the thermal stability, and the pres- provide information for conditions under molecule, and regrowing of a molecule at a
ence of acid sites make zeolites an impor- which experiments are not feasible. Indeed, randomly selected position. For the latter
tant class of catalytic materials for petro- over the last few years there has been two moves, the configurational-bias Monte
chemical applications. For a rational use of considerable progress in simulating adsorp- Carlo technique is used with a total simu-
zeolites, it is essential to have a detailed tion in zeolites [for a recent review, see lation consisting of at least 106 cycles. The
knowledge of the behavior of the adsorbed ( 2 ) ] .In practice, however, computer simu- alkanes are described with the model of (8).
molecules inside the pores of the zeolites. lations have been limited to atoms or small This model yields an accurate description of
Unfortunately, such information is very molecular guest molecules and could not be their phase behavior. Following Kiselev and
difficult to obtain, particularly for long extended to molecules of catalytic rele- co-workers (9), we assume that the zeolite
chain hydrocarbon molecules. vance. These limitations are discussed by lattice is rigid and that the zeolite-alkane
Catalytic conversion inside the pores of a June et al. (3); in this work, molecular interactions are dominated by dispersive
zeolite can be seen schematically as a three- dynamics was used to study the behavior of interactions. Lattice vibrations can have a
step process: (i) the adsorption and diffusion butane and hexane in the zeolite silicalite. pronounced effect on the diffusion because
of the reactants, (ii) the catalytic conver- June et al. observed that the diffusion of these vibrations may lower the diffusional
sion, and (iii) the diffusion and desorption of these alkanes is very slow and the rate of barriers. Because these barriers hardly con-
products from the zeolite. The overall activ- diffusion decreases with increasing chain tribute to the equilibrium distribution, we
ity and selectivity of a particular reaction is length. Therefore, long simulations are re- expect that the effect of lattice vibrations
the result of a delicate balance of these three quired to obtain reliable results. on the equilibrium properties is small. The
processes. Much experimental and theoreti- The Monte Carlo technique is not lim- details of the model are given in Table 1.
cal effort is directed toward obtaining a
detailed understanding of each of these steps Fig. 1. Schematic drawlng of the growing of an alkane In a
at a molecular level ( I ) . The high selectivity zeollte In a conf~gurat~onal-b~as Monte Carlo move The black
of zeolites implies that the behavior of the circles represent the atoms of the zeolite, and the white
adsorbed molecules is system-specific. It is clrcles represent the atoms of the alkane Seven atoms have
therefore essential to be able to study the been grown successfully, and an attempt 1s made to ~nsert o@@
behavior of the adsorbed molecules of inter-
est under reaction conditions.
B. Smit, Shell Research B.V. KoninklijkeIShell-Labora-
torium Amsterdam, Post Off~ceBox 38000, 1030 BN
the elghth The arrows Indicate seven trlal posltlons for which
the energy u, IS calculated Out of these seven positions one
IS selected wlth a probablllty p, = exp(-u,/k,T)/wne,(t)
wn,(t) = Z,exp(-u,/kBT) where TIS the temperature and k,
1s Boltzmann s constant S~milarly for the old conflguratlon
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
we calculate wold([) = Z,exp(-u,/kBT) This IS repeated untll
c3 fJ
J. I. Siepmann, Department of Chemistry, University of c;?j 6%
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323, USA. the entlre c h a r of length m has been grown It can b e proven b

(5) that the blas of the growlng IS removed b y the replacement of exp(-AU/k,T) by II,"=,
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
tpermanent address: Department of Chemistry, Uni- wne,(e)/II~, wold(t) In the acceptance rule Comparison with molecular dynamics shows that
versity of Minnesota, 207 Pleasant Street SE, Mlnne- conf~gurat~onal-blas Monte Carlo IS two orders of magnltude more efficient for butane and u p to 12
apolis, MN 55455, USA. orders of magnltude more efflclent for dodecane

1118 SCIENCE VOL. 264 20 MAY 1994

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