Conversation and Listening

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1. Are there differences between men and women as leaders?

1. Communication Styles
Women tend to have a more cooperative, participatory style of leading. Men tend to have a more
“command and control style,” according to the American Psychological Association. They’re
more task-oriented and directive, while women are more democratic. That’s often the starkest
leadership difference between male and female bosses: Men provide direction for their
employees, while women encourage employees to find their own direction. The cooperative style
involves more conversation and listening, which often takes more time but leads employees to
feel more valued. Both styles are valuable in different contexts. Being highly task-oriented can
be highly beneficial where safety is concerned, for example.
2. Reward Systems
Women often motivate their employees by helping them find self-worth and satisfaction in their
work, which serves as its own reward. This is a core part of the philosophy of transformational
leadership: Help employees find their identity in the work that they do, so it’s more than just a
job. Men are more likely to use the transactional leadership approach of providing incentives for
succeeding and penalties for failing. Of course, either gender can learn to succeed in either of
these leadership styles. Differences in leadership between male and female managers can work in
tandem, too, as transactional leaders can ensure accountability while transformational leaders
motivate and inspire.
3. Self-Branding
Men tend to be good at branding themselves, meaning they let others know about their successes
and strengths. Women are more likely to be modest or silent about their own accomplishments.
To succeed as a leader, women should learn to brand themselves by sharing their achievements
and skills with others. After all, it’s hard for a person to advance as a leader if people don’t
notice what she’s capable of. Branding also brings a leader more respect in her current position.
Volunteering for high-profile projects and finding a respected advocate are other great branding
strategies that men are often more likely to use than women.
Again, it’s not that people of either gender make better leaders. The reality is that differences
between male and female leadership styles can broaden a company’s pool of creativity and
innovation. This enhances the success of any company when both men and women are promoted
to high-level positions. Whichever gender you are, identify the distinct skills you bring and how
to use them to get noticed by potential or current employers. The business of placing women in
leadership needs to become a top priority.

2. Why have most leaders been men?

3. Discuss methods of advertising. Which ones would you select to promote a new product of
your company? Why do you decide on this method?
Television has an extensive reach and advertising this way is ideal if you cater to a large market
in a large area. Television advertisements have the advantage of sight, sound, movement and
colour to persuade a customer to buy from you. They are particularly useful if you need to
demonstrate how your product or service works.
Producing a television advertisement and then buying an advertising slot is generally expensive.
Advertising is sold in units (e.g. 20, 30, 60 seconds) and costs vary according to:
the time slot
the television program
whether it is metro or regional
if you want to buy spots on multiple networks.

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