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Urban planners and urban designers work to develop cities.

Urban planners work closely with public and governmental
officials to plan and execute new development plans.
Urban designers, on the other hand, focus on creating the
beautiful architecture and landscapes of public spaces.
Both attempt to make cities more attractive and functional,
but there are subtitle differences between them to be
aware of.
Role of Urban planner is the act of planning the structures of
a city, which includes its policies, infrastructure,
neighborhoods, building codes, and regulations. The focus
of an urban planner is more technical and political, and is
on the strategy, structure, and policy level.
On the other hand, urban designer helps in creation of city
features based on plans. It includes everything from public
space to infrastructure, as well as transportation,
landscapes, and community accommodations. They are
more focused on design and user experience and operates
at the features and systems level.
These two different professions operate on a different level
with unique focuses, although they share many of the same
goals. They both work towards creating sustainable and
flexible spaces that improve the quality of life for people
living, working, and traveling to the area.
Urban planners are involved in the actual planning of a
public space. It is their job to engage the community and
see that land is being developed in a way that will benefit
the members the most.
Urban designers also thrive on designing spaces that will
make the public happy, but they are more similar to
architects in that they develop plans for the actual
buildings and parks that will be built.
While both utilize similar design and planning software, such
as AutoCAD and GIS, urban designers are much more
interested in the look and feel of the space, while urban
planners need to ensure it meets certain regulations.

Career Overview (Urban Planner)

Urban planners often begin by speaking to the public and
gathering market research data on what exactly the
community wants and needs.
They then work with public officials and land developers to
create a plan to develop buildings and parks that can be
enjoyed by everyone.
Part of the planning is deciding on if the idea is possible,
which can be done by actually going into the field and
reviewing the proposed site.
The goal of urban planners is to assess public spaces such
as parks, homeless shelters, and areas that might attract
new businesses.
Job responsibilities of an urban planner include:
Deciding which building sites should be zoned for
residential, commercial, or industrial purposes so land is
developed properly and safely
Being aware of building codes and ensuring the proposed
project adheres to them
Analyzing data based on maps and population densities
Implementing plans to protect historic sites and buildings.

Career Overview (Urban Designer)

Urban designers meet with clients and utilize programs such
as SketchUp, GIS, and AutoCAD to create blueprints for
public buildings and city parks. Though this is a career that
requires artistic vision and creativity, they typically meet
with landscapers and civil engineers to make sure their
design is also workable. When working on a team with other
designers, it may be the job of one designer to redline (or
change) the original blueprints proposed by someone else.
Once the construction is complete, the urban designer to
ensure it meets the request of the client.
Job responsibilities of an urban designer include:
Providing cost and timeline estimates for a client
Researching design plans for existing spaces to gain
Utilizing data on spatial dimensions to complete a scaled
drawing of the building or landscape
Going to worksites to check on the progress, ensuring
everything matches the blueprints.

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