Thermoplastic Film From Superfine Wool Powder: Xin Wang, Weilin Xu, Wenbin Li, Xungai Wang

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Xin Wang,

Weilin Xu,
Thermoplastic Film from Superfine Wool
Wenbin Li,
*Xungai Wang
Wuhan University of Science and Engineering, Abstract
Wuhan 430073, P. R. China In this paper a research work is described in which superfine wool powder was plasticised
E-mail: by glycerol and hot-pressed into a kind of thermoplastic film. SEM photos show that the
powder is moulded into a smooth surface and is conglutinated into a continuous phase
*Centre for Material and Fibre Innovation, in the cross-section of the film. The glycerol content, moulding pressure, temperature and
Deakin University,
moulding time were changed in the moulding process. The sizes and thickness aw well as
Geelong 3217, Australia tensile strength, modulus, breaking elongation and breaking energy of the films were also
tested to investigate the thermoplasticity and mechanical properties of the films. The best
moulding techniques included a glycerol content of 30%, a moulding pressure of 5 MPa, a
temperature of 160 °C and a moulding time of 5 minutes.

Key words: superfine wool powder, thermoplasticity, film, preparation, hot-pressing.

n Introduction keratin make it a kind of thermosetting wool powder being less than 3.0 μm in
polymer, and therefore it is not process- particle size.
Synthetic films are widely used for dif- able by conventional thermal techniques
ferent packaging purposes, which may [1, 7]. However, producing wool keratin The Glycerol was provided by Bodi
create big environmental problems since from superfine wool powder could break Chemical Co. Ltd. Tianjian, China, ana-
their biodegradation is very slow. Some the high crosslink in it, which makes the
lytical grade. The polyethylene glycol
environmental friendly materials such as powder thermally processable. Previ-
agricultural polymers and most carbo- (PEG600) was produced by Guoyao
ously, we reported a novel method of
hydrates could be used as package films, producing keratins in superfine wool Corporation Chemicals Co. Ltd. China,
but they either can not be moulded or are protein powder by grinding wool fibre chemical grade.
soluble in water [1]. on a purpose-built machine [10, 11]. It
is feasible to produce keratin film from Preparation of hot-pressed films
Keratins are fibrous proteins found in superfine wool powder as packaging or
hair, wool, feathers, nails, horns and oth- other uses. Various contents (10% ~ 50%) of the
er epithelial coverings [5]. With the high glycerol plasticiser were added to the su-
concentration of half-cystine residues, In this paper, glycerol was used to change perfine wool power, after which the mix-
the keratins in wool are regarded as the thermoplasticity of superfine wool ture was stirred in a blender for 5 min-
three-dimensional polymers interlinked powder, which was then hot-pressed into utes, and then the blend was sandwiched
by S-S bonds between the reduced ker- thermoplastic film. Afterwards the ef- between two pieces of PET films, which
atin-monomeric units [6]. Keratins are fects of the glycerol content, moulding were placed on the armour plate of a
environmentally stable, biocompatible temperature, pressure and moulding time hot-pressing machine (XLB-D350 × 350,
and have unique mechanical proper- on the thermoplasticity and mechanical
ties, therefore most of them have been provided by Huzhou Dongfang mechani-
properties of the film were investigated.
used in biomedical applications in the cal Co., Ltd. Zhejiang, China). After that
In this way, a new method was intro-
form of solutions, powders, films, gels the blend was hot-pressed for several
duced to produce packaging film, and the
and filaments [15 - 18]. Recently there thermoplasticity of superfine wool pow- minutes (1 ~ 9 min) at a moulding pres-
has been great interest in developing der was studied, which was also a prepa- sure of 1 ~ 9 MPa and moulding tem-
keratin films [1 - 4] that could be used ration of blend filament using superfine perature of 100 ~ 200 °C. Finally, it was
as packaging in order to have more en- wool powder and other polymers on a possible to extract the thermoplastic film
vironmental stability. However, most of melting spinning machine. The thermo- from the PET films after they had cooled
these films are cast from keratin solu- plastic film could be applied for packag- down in the air.
tions, and in order to dissolve keratins, ing purposes in industry.
complicated techniques such as purifica-
tion, cleaning, dialysis, etc and a list of
chemical salts or acid, such as sodium n Experimental
dodecyl sulfate, dimethylformamide
(DMF), Na2SO3, thioglycolic acid, Materials

2-mercaptoethanol, etc [5] are used in The wool fabric was provided by the
the processing, which makes the meth- Third Wool Factory of Lanzhou, China.
od of producing keratin too complicated The weight was 270 g/m. The Australian
and expensive to be applied in industry. wool fibres were provided by the Mayer
Based on the thermoplasticity of protein Corporation of Hubei, China. The super-
fibre, plasticiser glycerol is widely used fine wool powder was produced from the
Diameter, mm
to treat protein fibre to make it ductile wool fibres on a purpose-built grinding
in hot environments; keratin can be ex- machine [10, 11]. The particle size dis-
truded in these conditions [7,  8]. High tribution (Figure 1) gave an average Figure 1. Particle size distribution of su-
crosslink like −S−S− bridges in wool particle size of 1.7 μm, with 95% of the perfine wool powder.

82 Wang X., Xu W., Li W., Wang X.; Thermoplastic Film from Superfine Wool Powder.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2009, Vol. 17, No. 2 (73) pp. 82-86.
Characterisations of hot-pressed films
A microscope (QUESTAR KH-1000,
America) was used to take micrographs
of the surface of the film. Scanning Elec-
tron Microscopy analysis of the thermo-
plastic films was also carried out with a
Hitachi X-450 microscope, at an acceler-
ation voltage of 20 KV, after gold coating.

Thermoplasticity was indirectly revealed

by measuring the dimensions and thick-
ness of the hot-pressed film under the
same experimental conditions. The di-
mensions of the films were determined
by testing the particle sizes of the round
films. The thickness of the films was test-
ed on a fabric thickness tester (YG(B)
141D, provided by Wenzhou Darong
Textile Instrument Co. Ltd. China).

The mechanical properties were tested

on an Instron 5566 Universal Testing
Machine, at a gauge length of 30 mm Figure 2. Micrographs of hot-pressed films from (a) wool fabric, (b) wool fibres and (d)
superfine wool powder, (c) Micrograph of superfine wool powder without hot-pressing.
and strain rate of 50 mm/min. The width
of the samples was 20 mm, and each
sample was tested 5 times and the results
were averaged.

n Results and discussion

Materials selection
In order to investigate the thermoplas-
ticity of wool, different materials such
as wool fabric, wool fibre and superfine
wool powder were chosen to produce
hot-pressed films on the hot-pressing Figure 3. Thermoplastic films from superfine wool powder plasticised by (a) PEG and (b)
machine. No plasticiser was added to the glycerol.
materials and experimental conditions
were the following: a temperature of powder in hot-pressing so that the hot- ties, which will be analysed later in this
160 °�����������������������������������
, a pressure of 5 MPa and a mould- pressed film would be more applicable. paper.
ing time of 5 min.
Selection of plasticiser Since the high crosslinks in the keratins
Figure 2 shows micrographs of the hot- PEG and glycerol are the most widely of wool fibre were largely broken during
pressed films. As for the fabric, there was used plasticisers for protein materials [8]. the grounding of the superfine wool pow-
no change after the hot-pressing, as pho- Both of them were added to the super- der, the latter was thermally processed
to (a) shows. Photo (b) shows that wool fine wool powder to produce hot-pressed and became ductile at a high temperature.
fibres could be hot-pressed into film; films with better thermoplasticity. Ex- It is reported that glycerol associated
however the fibres are just compacted to- perimental conditions were the follow- with the −OH containing hydrophilic
gether without any connection; the film is ing: a temperature of 160 °C, a pressure amino acids in keratin, replaced water in
fragile without any practical application. of 5 MPa and a moulding time of 5 min. the native keratin structure and acted as a
plasticizer for the protein [7]. Therefore
Superfine wool powder (photo (c)) can Micrographs of hot-pressed films plasti- the superfine wool powder was success-
also be hot-pressed into a film.Since the cised by PEG and glycerol are shown in fully hot-pressed into the thermoplastic
average particle size is 1.7 μm, powders Figure 3. Photo (a) indicates that super- film at a high temperature.
can be conglutinated and piled up to- fine wool powder is pressed into the film,
gether, producing smoothed film, as in but there are many cracks in it, and the SEM photos
the micrographs in photo (d). Therefore film is still fragile, making it impossible Figure 4 shows SEM photos of the ther-
superfine wool powder is the best mate- to test its mechanical properties. The film moplastic film. Photos (a) and (b) show
rial for producing hot-pressed film. How- plasticised by glycerol shows a smooth the surface morphology of the thermo-
ever, the film is not viscoelastic enough and plane surface in photo (b), the film plastic film at two different magnifica-
to eliminate the possibility of cracks being soft and able to be bent, which tions. It is obvious that the superfine
appearing in application. A plasticiser shows its viscoelasticity. The film can wool powder was hot-pressed into the
may change the thermoplasticity of wool also be tested for its mechanical proper- film, producing a relatively smooth sur-

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2009, Vol. 17, No. 2 (73) 83
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 4. SEM photos of thermoplastic films of superfine wool powder. (a), (b): surface morphology; (c), (d): cross-section.

face, and almost no wool powder could Figure 5 shows the dimensions and of 30%. These suggest that the toughness,
be found on the surface. Thus the super- thickness of films with different glycerol tenacity and ductility of the film are im-
fine wool powder became ductile in the content. It is obviously that as the content proves, to some extent, when the glycerol
hot-pressing process at a high tempera- of glycerol increases, the size of the film content is around 30%.
ture. increases, wereas, the thickness the de-
creases quickly, the film becomes wider Hence a kind of soft and ductile film
Photos (c) and (d) show the cross-section and thinner. This means that a higher with good toughness could be produced
of the thermoplastic film, indicating a content of glycerol may make superfine by hot-pressing after the superfine wool
relatively even distribution of the wool wool powder more ductile when hot- powder was plasticised by glycerol.
powder in the cross-section. With the pressed into thinner thermoplastic film.
connection between glycerol and the − Moulding pressure
OH containing hydrophilic amino acids The mechanical properties of thermo- In the formation of wool powder thermo-
in keratin, the powder was conglutinated plastic films with different glycerol con- plastic film, the moulding pressure may
into a continuous phase in the moulding tents are shown in Figure 6; the percent- affect the dimensions and tensile strength
process. ages in the Figure indicate the content of of the film, which may reflect changes
glycerol used in the thermoplastic films. in the thermoplasticity and mechanical
Glycerol content properties of thermoplastic films. The
From the Figure it is obvious that the moulding pressure was changed in the
Glycerol played an important role in the modulus (the slope of the first linear part production of the films, and other experi-
moulding of wool powder thermoplastic of the curves) and the breaking stress mental conditions were the following: a
film due to its plasticising effect. In the (the maximum values of force) of these glycerol content of 30%, a temperature
moulding process of the film, the glyc- films decrease with an increase in glycer- of 160 °C and a moulding time of 5 min.
erol content was changed from 10% to ol content, which means that the stiffness
50%, and the thermoplasticity and me- and tensile strength of the films weaken Figure 7 shows the thickness and sizes of
chanical properties of the films were as the glycerol content rises. the films under different moulding pres-
tested to investigate the effect of glycerol sures. It is obvious that as the pressure
content on the properties of the thermo- At the same time, the elongation of these increases, the sizes of the films increase
plastic films. The weights of the blend films increases greatly as the content almost linearly, while the thickness of
containing powder and glycerol were the of glycerol increases from 10% to 30%, the films decrease gradually, which indi-
same during the experiment, and other fluctuating afterwards. Besides this, the cates that the pressure greatly affects the
experimental conditions were the follow- breaking energy (the area under the dimensions and thickness of the films.
ing: a temperature of 160 °C, a pressure curves) increases greatly and drops a lit- At a higher pressure, wool powder may
of 5 MPa and a moulding time of 5 min. tle, with a maximum at a glycerol content be forced to distribute widely and may

1.4 160 0.20

1.2 140
Diameter, mm
Thickness, mm

Force, kN

1.0 120
0.8 100
Thickness 40%
0.6 80
0.4 60
10 20 30 40 50
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Content of glycerol, % Elongation, %

Figure 5. Effect of glycerol content on the thermoplasticity of su- Figure 6. Force-elongation curves of thermoplastic films from su-
perfine wool powder film. perfine wool powder with different glycerol contents.

84 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2009, Vol. 17, No. 2 (73)
1.6 160
120 Diameter
1.4 Thickness 150

Diameter, mm
Thickness, mm

Diameter, mm

Thickness, mm
1.2 140
Diameter 100 0.5
1.0 Thickness 130

90 0.4
0.8 120

0.6 80 0.3 110

0 2 4 6 8 10 100 120 140 160 180 200

Molding pressure, MPa Molding temperature,°C

Figure 7. Effect of moulding pressure on the plasticity of super-fine Figure 8. Effect of moulding temperature on the plasticity of super-
wool powder film. fine wool powder film.

0.04 180 °C 0.10

0.08 9 min
Force, kN

Force, kN 0.06
3 min
5 min

0.02 140 °C
160 °C
200 °C 7 min
0.01 0.02

1 min

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Elongation, % Elongation, %

Figure 9. Force-elongation curves of thermoplastic films at differ- Figure 10. Force-elongation curves of thermoplastic films after
ent moulding temperatures. different moulding times.

improve the plasticising of wool pow- Figure 8 shows the size and thickness in temperature improved the mechani-
der using glycerol at a high temperature, of the thermoplastic films at different cal properties of the thermoplastic film,
which makes the film more ductile and moulding temperatures. It is evident which suggests that a high temperature
thermally processable. that when the temperature is 100 °C, the may help the plasticising of wool powder
film is very thick and small in size, after using glycerol. However, when the tem-
Table 1 shows the mechanical properties which, from 120 °C to 180 °C, the film perature is 200  °����������������������
, the modulus, break-
of thermoplastic films at different mould- gradually becomes wider and thinner as ing stress and breaking energy of the
ing pressures. It is evident that the break- the temperature increases. When the tem- film drop sharply from the peak (180 °C),
ing stress and modulus decrease sharply perature is 200  °C, the size of the film
and the elongation of the film increases
with an increase in pressure, while the jumps from about 135 mm to 160 mm, at
to almost 75%. It is possible that when
elongation and breaking energy fluctuate the same time the thickness clearly drops
from 0.42 mm to 0.30 mm. It is obvious the temperature reaches 200  °C, wool
without big changes. This means that the powder may decompose to a degree that
pressure could not affected the thermo- that the temperature greatly affects the
dimensions and thickness of the films, the mechanical properties deteriorate. To
plasticity of the film; however, this physi- sum up, a high temperature in the mould-
cal compaction made the film stiffer and therefore an increase in temperature may
improve the thermoplasticity of the film. ing process can improve the thermoplas-
more fragile and only improved the
ticity of hot-pressed films from superfine
plasticising of the wool powder to some
Figure 9 shows force-elongation curves wool powder, but when the temperature
extent; hence median pressure should be
of the thermoplastic films at different reaches 200  °C, the film may degrade,
applied in the hot-pressing process.
moulding temperatures. When the tem- and the mechanical properties will dete-
perature is below 140 °C, the film is too riorate.
Moulding temperature
fragile to be tested for its mechanical
The moulding temperature was changed properties, which makes it impossible Moulding time
during the hot-pressing of the wool pow- to obtain their force-elongation curves.
der thermoplastic films. Other experi- From the Figure we can see that when The moulding time was changed dur-
mental conditions were the following: the moulding temperature rises, the ing the hot-pressing of the wool powder
a glycerol content of 30%, a moulding breaking stress, elongation and breaking thermoplastic films. Other experimental
press of 5 MPa and a moulding time of energy increase greatly, while the modu- conditions were the following: a glycerol
5 min. lus decreases slightly. Thus the increase of content 30%, a moulding pressure of

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2009, Vol. 17, No. 2 (73) 85
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change. It seems that a longer moulding of the films, but a longer moulding time
from Chicken Feathers’; �������
FIBRES & �����
time can help the plasticising of super- could improve the mechanical properties
XTILES in Eastern Europe No 1(60) 2007,
fine wool powder using glycerol, hence of the film. The best moulding techniques
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the mechanical properties of the film are contain the following: a glycerol content
16. W rześniewska-Tosik K., Wawro D.,
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in the experiments.
17. W rześniewska-Tosik K., Wawro D.,
Ratajska M., Stęplewski W.; ‘Novel
Although the moulding time barely af- Acknowledgments
Biocomposites with Feather Keratin’;
fects the thermoplasticity of the films, a n The authors are grateful to Ms. Jing Bai FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe
longer moulding time could improve the and Ms. Yanan He from Wuhan University No 5-6(64-65) 2007, pp. 157-162.
mechanical properties of the film; hence of Science and Engineering for providing
18. Wrześniewska-Tosik K., Kucharska M.,
the moulding time must be a little longer. technical assistances.
n This project was financed by ‘The Funding Wawro D.; ‘Fibrous Keratin - containing
for Innovation-Team of the National Scien- composite’; FIBRES & TEXTILES in
n Conclusions ce Foundation of Hubei Province’ and ‘The Eastern Europe No 6(71) 2008.
Funding for Supporting the Elite of New
Superfine wool powder can be hot- Century of the Ministry of Education of
pressed into thermoplastic film after plas- China’. Received 08.03.2007 Reviewed 18.09.2008

86 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2009, Vol. 17, No. 2 (73)

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