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D. C. Cararo, T. A. Botrel, D. J. Hills, H. L. Leverenz

ABSTRACT. The use of wastewater for crop irrigation is a practical alternative to the discharge of wastewater treatment plant
effluents to surface waters. However, clogging of drip emitters is often encountered when wastewater is distributed using drip
irrigation systems. Experiments were conducted using 15 different types of drip emitters to identify emitter susceptibility and
techniques to mitigate the potential for clogging. Chlorine and compressed air were applied at the end of the irrigation cycle
to test their effectiveness in mitigating clogging. Chlorination at 0.5 g m-3 of free chlorine residual at the end of the each
irrigation cycle was found to attenuate clogging more effectively relative to the control and compressed air treatments.
Compressed air cleaning at low pressures of 1.96 kPa was not effective in mitigating the effects of clogging in drippers. The
best performing emitter consisted of a flat body style with a rectangular elastic membrane (pressure compensated and
self-cleaning device) and relatively short pathway.
Keywords. Wastewater, Emitter clogging, Effluent, Chlorination, Compressed air, Filtration.

uman population growth and activities have con- of wastewater in drip irrigation, it is important to find
tributed to an increase in food and water con- economical and environmentally friendly techniques to
sumption, and, consequently, to increased waste control biofilm formation. Settlement tanks, filtration,
production. A shortage of potable water and wide- chlorination, acidification, ozonation, ultraviolet radiation,
spread water pollution are current realities in many countries. and flushing of irrigation lines are some of the techniques
Partially treated effluents from wastewater treatment plants used to control clogging that have been reported in the
are generally discharged to rivers, causing a variety of envi- literature (Oron et al., 1979; Gilbert and Ford, 1986; Jackson
ronmental and economic impacts. The same effluents that and Kay, 1987; Hills and El-Ebaby, 1990; Meyer et al., 1991;
have negative effects when discharged to aquatic systems Nakayama and Bucks, 1991; Teltsch et al., 1991; Avnimelech
may have beneficial effects when appropriately used in agri- et al., 1993; Diab et al., 1993; Tajrishy et al., 1994; Rav-Acha
cultural systems. Domestic wastewater effluent can be used et al., 1995; Unkroth et al., 1997; Hassen et al., 2000; Hills
as a source of water and nutrients in agriculture, as described et al., 2000). In addition, the identification of emitters with
by Pescod (1992). According to Ayers and Westcot (1991), low susceptibility to clogging is important.
the application of wastewater to agricultural land using The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate drip
trickle irrigation, especially the drip irrigation system, is emitters for their susceptibility to clogging and (2) to
among the safest methods for managing wastewater efflu- evaluate techniques to attenuate clogging in the drip system
ents. during irrigation with domestic secondary wastewater.
Although recent research on emitter design and pretreat-
ment has advanced the technology (Nakayama and Bucks,
1991; Ravina et al., 1997; Hills and Brenes, 2001), clogging
remains a problem in wastewater drip irrigation systems.
Three experimental trials were conducted. First, a labora-
Organic material sedimentation, bacterial growth, iron
tory experiment was conducted to determine the initial flow
oxidation, high sulfur content, and high pH values (>7),
rate for 15 different drip emitter models. In addition, the new
promote biofilm growth and obstruction of drip emitters and
emitters were evaluated to determine the coefficient of flow
irrigation lines. Because of the potential benefits of the use
rate variation, the uniformity of distribution, and the
characteristic equation of each emitter. The 15 emitter
models tested were selected based on their regional availabil-
Article was submitted for review in July 2005; approved for publication ity and are representative of the current technology. An
by the Soil & Water Division of ASABE in December 2005.
The authors are Denis Cesar Cararo, Professor, Universidade Federal emitter classification was adopted and each emitter was
de Lavras (UFLA), Departamento de Engenharia – DEG/Campos da assigned a letter designation, as presented in table 1.
UFLA, Lavras, MG, Brazil; Tarlei Arriel Botrel, Professor, Escola Characteristics of the emitter pathway, including length,
Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ) – Universidade de São narrowest section, and depth were measured under magnifi-
Paulo (USP), Piracicaba, SP, Brazil; David J. Hills, ASABE Member
Engineer, Professor, Department of Biological and Agricultural
cation and are also shown in table 1.
Engineering, University of California, Davis, California; and Harold L. For each of the 15 emitter models described in table 1, a
Leverenz, PhD Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental sample of 50 emitters of each type was tested at a pressure of
Engineering, University of California, California. Corresponding author: 98 kPa ± 1.02%, using an experimental setup consisting of
Denis C. Cararo, Rua Américo Brasiliense, 1458, Jardim Alvorada, zip a KSB pump (model P-1000), a 100-micron weave wire
code: 87033-420, Maringá PR Brazil; phone: 55 + 44 + 3267−6218; e-mail:

Applied Engineering in Agriculture

Vol. 22(2): 251-257 E 2006 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers ISSN 0883−8542 251
Table 1. Summary of commercial name, letter designation and characteristics of fifteen drip emitters evaluated.
Emitter Characteristic
Emitter Insertion Pathway Design Emitter Shape Pressure Compensating
Emitter Emitter Pressure
Commercial Letter Range Embedded Short and Long and Rectangular Circular
Name Designation (kPa) In-Line in Wall On Line Tortuous Tortuous Flat Cylindrical Circular Membrane Membrane
DripIn PC A 50−300 X X X X
Ram B 50−300 X X X X
Hydro PC C 50−300 X X X X
Hydrogol D 50−175 X X X
DripIn Classic E 50−300 X X X
Agrazud F 50−300 X X X
Carbodrip G 50−300 X X X
GFT H 50−300 X X X
Naan Paz I 50−300 X X X
Hydrodrip II J 50−175 X X X
Aquatraxx K 30−100 X X X
Goldendrip L 40−140 X X X
Chapin M 40−140 X X X
Azudline N 50−300 X X X
Streamline O 50−175 X X X

nylon disk filter, a 22-micron weave wire nylon screen filter,  SD 

a pressure regulator valve, and a digital pressure gauge. The CV =   100 (2)
X 
flow rate from each emitter was determined using plastic  q 
reservoirs to collect water for weighing and a digital
chronometer. The water volume collected from each emitter where
after 10 min of operation was weighed and the flow rate (q) CV = coefficient of flow rate variation (%)
was determined using equation 1. The total flow rate was SD = standard deviation (L h-1)
obtained from the sum of the emitter flow rates. The water X q = average flow rate (L h-1)
temperature was measured at the middle of the each drip line Another parameter used to describe the variability of flow
and was found to be 26°C ± 1°C. in irrigation systems is the uniformity of distribution, shown
W in equation 3. Under ideal flow conditions (no clogging or
q= (1) overflow), the value of uniformity of distribution would be
t ⋅ 0.997
equal to 100%.
q 
DU =  25%  100
q = emitter flow rate (L h-1)
W = water volume weighed (kg)  X 
t = time for collection of water volume (h)  q 
0.997 = conversion factor for water at 26°C (kg L-1)
From the 50 emitters, the 10 emitters with the lowest flow DU = distribution uniformity of water (%)
rate variation relative to the average were further tested at six
q25% = average 25% minimum flow rate (L h-1)
different pressures, and categorized according to emitter
In the second experimental trial, a field investigation was
model. A digital pressure gauge (accuracy of ±1.02%) was conducted at a wastewater treatment plant located in
used to measure the pressure at the beginning of the drip lines
Piracicaba, Brazil. Following sand filtration and screening,
for each flow rate evaluations. The operating pressures and
secondary effluent was applied daily for 12 h/d through the
emitter model combination were as follows: 50, 100, 150,
drip emitters for a total of 373 h. The sand filter media had
200, 250, and 300 kPa for emitters A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, and
an effective size of 0.59 mm. After sand filtration, the water
N; 30, 44, 58, 72, 86, and 100 kPa for emitter K; 40, 60, 80,
was filtered through a 100-micron weave wire nylon disk
100, 120, and 140 kPa for emitters M and L; and 50, 75, 100,
filter and an 80-micron weave wire nylon screen filter. The
125, 150, and 175 kPa for emitters D, J, and O. Further,
effluent water quality applied to the drip emitters, obtained
equations defining flow rate as a function of pressure were
from weekly effluent samples measured in the second and
determined based on this trial. Equations were also applied
third trials, is presented in table 2. Two drip lines for each of
for the quantitative evaluation of emitter performance. The
the 15 emitter models (fig. 1), were assembled and tested on
coefficient of flow rate variation, as shown in equation 2, is
the soil surface. Characteristics of the test arrangement,
a statistical measure of the deviation of the emitter flow rate
including the length of the laterals, spacing of emitters, and
from its mean flow rate. A low value of coefficient of flow
operating pressure are shown in table 3. The initial segment
rate variation is indicative of flow rates closely grouped
of the laterals had a length equal to the spacing of the emitters
around the mean.
for each emitter model. While the drip lines used in this
research are shorter than those used in some irrigation
applications, due to the close emitter spacing, it is assumed


Table 2. Effluent water quality used for evaluation of clogging Table 3. Characteristics of operation used in the second trial.
in drip emitters during second and third trial. Length of the Spacing of the Operating Pressure
Standard Emitter Lateral (m) Emitters (m) (kPa)[a]
Parameter Unit Concentration Deviation A 18.75 0.75 109.45
Biochemical oxygen demand g m−3 20 6.3 B 16.25 0.65 108.58
Chemical oxygen demand g m−3 77 13.2 C 20.00 0.80 107.83
Total solids g m−3 314 11.6 D 10.00 0.40 106.91
Total suspended solids g m−3 23 8.2 E 12.50 0.50 105.85
Total dissolved solids g m−3 291 5.4 F 15.00 0.60 104.90
Ammonium g m−3 0.6 0.5 G 12.50 0.50 103.59
Nitrate g m−3 23.3 6.8 H 7.50 0.30 102.19
Phosphorous g m−3 2 1.2 I 18.75 0.75 101.08
Potassium g m−3 9.3 1.2 J 15.00 0.60 98.74
Calcium g m−3 23.8 1.9 K 15.00 0.60 97.24
Magnesium g m−3 6.4 1 L 7.50 0.30 95.26
Sodium g m−3 34 3.6 M 5.00 0.20 92.80
Sulfate g m−3 48 5.4 N 7.50 0.30 92.64
Iron g m−3 0.05 0.02 O 5.00 0.20 91.26
Manganese g m−3 0.05 0.02 [a] Measured using a gauge with accuracy of ± 1.02%.
Total coliforms MPN/100 mL 5.46 104 2.19 104
Fecal coliforms MPN/100 mL 2.30 104 1.77 104
The degree of clogging, coefficient of flow rate variation,
Turbidity NTU 39.3 11.6
pH Unitless 7.3 0.4
and uniformity of distribution were calculated and compared
to the flow rate obtained in the first trial.
Several emitters were selected, disassembled, and ex-
that the mechanisms of clogging in drip emitters are
amined under magnification to determine the mechanism of
independent of the line length.
clogging and the relationship between clogging and pathway
During the field investigation, the drip lines were operated
characteristics. It was found that there was a correlation
at optimal flow rate and pressure range, as determined in the
between the length of the emitter pathway and the degree of
first trial. Pressure in the drip line was measured at the
clogging. Emitters with similar pathway characteristics were
beginning of the drip lines using a gauge with a quick
grouped together for the purpose of correlating the pathway
coupling adapter to minimize changes in the water pressure.
length to the degree of clogging.
After 373 h of wastewater application, the flow rate of all
The third and final experiment was conducted with four
emitters at a line pressure of 98 kPa ± 1.02% was measured
emitter models: two emitters with the poorest performance
using a volumetric method over a 5-min interval. The degree
and two emitters with the best performance in the second
of clogging (DC) was calculated using equation 4 for each
trial. The four emitter models (B, D, E, and M) were selected
emitter model.
according to the degree of clogging, coefficient of flow rate
 q  variation, and the probability analyses obtained during the
DC = 1− used  100
 (4) previous experiments. Four experimental treatments were
 q new  applied to control clogging with each emitter type: (1) filtra-
where tion only, (2) filtration and chlorination, (3) filtration and
DC = degree of emitter clogging of the emitter model (%) compressed air, and (4) filtration and combined chlorination
qused = average flow rate after use of the emitter (L h-1) and compressed air.
qnew = average flow rate when the emitter were new (L h-1) The filtration treatment in the third experiment was
As shown in equation 4, the DC value is based on the ratio identical to that used in the second experiment; the other
of the used emitter flow rate to the new emitter flow rate. A treatments were modified as follows. For the chlorination
low DC value is representative of an overall reduction in the treatment, chlorine was injected at the end of the each
flow rate after usage compared to the measured flow rate irrigation cycle until a free chlorine residual of 0.5 g m-3 was
value when new. obtained at the end of the drip irrigation system. The chlorine
reacted with the wastewater for approximately 15 min before
discharge through the emitters. The compressed air treatment
Pump and filters
was applied between irrigation cycles, after flushing water
O O out of the irrigation lines, until an air pressure of 1.96 kPa was
M M obtained in the drip irrigation line. The combined chlorina-
K K tion and compressed air treatment was used to dry the
J J emitters after wastewater dosing and was considered to be an
H H alternative approach to control biofilm growth in the emitters
G G with the advantage of using less electrical energy than the
E E high air pressures noted in the literature and cited in the
C C introduction of this article. Air pressure was measured using
B B a manometer and the air flow rate was determined volumetri-
cally at the emitter outlet at the end of the most distant lateral.
Figure 1. Experimental setup of the second trial, main line and laterals of A citrus orchard was irrigated during the third experimen-
emitters models A to O. tal trial using an irrigation regime based on a water balance

Vol. 22(2): 251-257 253

for the crop. The irrigation system operating pressure was within acceptable limits, with values less than 10% and more
maintained at 98 kPa ± 1.02% for all drip emitters measured than 90%, respectively. In case of the emitter D, the
at the beginning of the drip lines. Volumetric flow rate coefficient of flow rate variation of 10.3% was considered to
evaluations were conducted after 62, 152, and 229 days, be acceptable for this research.
corresponding to 34, 58, and 67 h of irrigation, respectively. The emitter equations are presented in table 4. Most of the
For the flow measurements, 75 emitters (i.e., three drip lines emitters tested (D through O) controlled flow rate by
each containing 25 emitters) per emitter model were inducing turbulent flow in a tortuous path. However, as
evaluated for each of the four treatments. The lateral length shown in table 4, with the exception of O, the hydraulic
and emitter spacing used in the second trial were also used for regime is not completely turbulent as determined using the
the third trial. hydraulic regime coefficient (x), where an exponent value of
A probability analysis was used to evaluate the effective- 0.5 indicates turbulent conditions and a value of 1.0 indicates
ness of the four experimental treatments. For each treatment, laminar conditions. Linear equations are used to describe the
the percent of emitters for each model that yielded a flow rate flow rate curves for pressure compensated emitter models (A,
within ± 5% compared to the initial flow rate (considered to B, and C).
be “good” operation) was determined for the data at 373 h in
the second trial and after 34, 58, and 67 h in the third trial. RESULTS OF SECOND TRIAL
Further, the degree of clogging and coefficient of flow rate The results from the second phase of the experiment are
variation data from the second and third trials were analyzed shown in table 5. The values of the coefficient of flow rate
using an F test. A regression analysis of the degree of variation after 373 h of operation (CV373h) ranged from 5.2%
clogging as function of time in the third trial was also to 28.0%, with an average value of 12.8%, while the
conducted. uniformity of distribution (DU373h) ranged from 57.8% to
93.3%, with an average value of 83.8%. The classification of
coefficient of flow rate variation values is as follows (ASAE
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Standards, 1988): 0 to 5 excellent, 10 to 15 good, 20 to 25 fair,
During the course of the experimental trials, it was found 30 to 35 poor, and below 40 are unacceptable. Similarly,
classification of uniformity of distribution values is as
that there were significant differences between the emitters
follows (ASAE Standards, 1988): 94 to 100 excellent, 81 to
models related to the emitter design characteristics and
susceptibility to clog. The results of the three experimental 87 good, 68 to 75 fair, 56 to 62 poor, and below 50 are
trials are presented in the following discussion according to
There was little variability in the wastewater effluent
their sequence in the research.
quality used in the study. Therefore, the values of coefficient
of flow rate variation and uniformity of distribution present-
ed in table 5 are attributed to characteristics of the emitters
The clean water new emitter flow rates ranged from 0.89
and not to variability in the effluent water quality.
to 2.72 L h-1 (see table 4) and were similar to the nominal flow In general, the coefficient of flow rate variation increased
rates. The narrowest section in the pathway varied from 0.4
after 373 h of operation, compared to the results obtained in
to 1.0 mm; pathways less than 1 mm are considered to be
trial 1. There was a slight improvement in the coefficient of
susceptible to clogging (Rodrigo López et al., 1997). The flow rate variation for emitter D (9.8%) compared to the
coefficient of flow rate variation (CVnew) and the uniformity
value shown in table 4 (10.3%). The slight decrease in the
of water distribution (DUnew) for new emitters were both

Table 4. Emitter characteristics including the emitter equation coefficients (K and x) and the coefficient of regression (R2).
Equation Coefficients[a][b] LP[c] SP DP qnominal qnew CVnew DUnew
Emitter K x R2 (mm) (mm) (mm) (L h-1) (L h-1) (%) (%)
A 2.6252 −0.0009 0.7149 135 1.0 0.8 2.29 2.55 4.1 94.8
B 1.6322 −0.0003 0.9992 30 1.0 0.8 1.60 1.61 1.7 97.9
C 1.9727 0.0005 0.8981 126 0.8 0.8 2.00 2.06 4.0 96.0
D 0.1357 0.6466 0.9984 200 1.0 0.8 2.20 2.61 10.3 91.3
E 0.1209 0.5548 0.9991 170 1.0 1.0 NI[d] 1.61 4.9 94.1
F 0.0830 0.7190 0.9845 314 1.0 1.0 2.30 2.13 7.3 95.1
G 0.2356 0.4976 0.9897 140 1.0 1.0 2.20 2.34 2.2 97.3
H 0.1652 0.6073 0.9999 70 0.8 0.8 2.30 2.72 9.7 91.1
I 0.1517 0.5269 0.9967 155 0.6 0.8 1.70 1.76 2.1 97.6
J 0.1534 0.5416 0.9999 45 1.0 0.8 1.70 1.85 2.1 97.6
K 0.1269 0.5690 0.9982 250 1.0 0.4 1.40 1.73 1.9 97.7
L 0.1085 0.5955 0.9987 105 0.8 0.8 1.70 1.70 7.9 91.0
M 0.0616 0.5747 0.9976 175 0.8 0.8 NI 0.89 2.4 97.3
N 0.1820 0.5326 0.9990 100 1.0 0.8 NI 2.13 2.2 95.4
O 0.1130 0.4800 0.9994 175 0.4 0.5 1.05 1.03 3.0 96.2
[a] Linear flow rate equation for emitters A, B, and C: q = x (pressure, kPa) + K.
[b] Power series flow rate equation for emitters D through O: q = K (pressure, kPa)x.
[c] Length (LP), narrowest section (SP) and depth of the emitter pathway (DP); nominal flow rate informed by the manufacturer (qnominal); flow rate of
new emitters (qnew), coefficient of variation of new emitters (CVnew), and uniformity of distribution of the new emitters (DUnew).
[d] Not Informed (NI).


Table 5. Coefficient of flow rate variation (CV373h), uniformity 30 Clogging

Degree of clogging (%)

of distribution (DU373h), and probability of emitters in 25
good operation (P373h) after 373 h of irrigation. Overflow
CV373h DU373h P373h 15
Emitter (%) (%) (%) 10

A 10.3 87.6 1 5

B 7.0 92.8 61

C 8.3 89.3 19 −10
D 9.8 90.5 45 −15 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
E 28.0 57.8 27 −20
F 20.6 71.5 1 Emitter model
G 5.2 93.3 55 Figure 3. Degree of clogging for each emitter model after 373 h of waste-
H 15.5 83.2 34 water application.
I 6.8 91.6 25
J 10.8 89.6 9 citrus orchard and, consequently, relatively low hours of
K 21.5 70.3 37 wastewater irrigation. However, the periods without irriga-
L 10.9 86.1 31 tion are also important, as bacterial growth in drip emitters
M 22.6 69.9 25 can occur even during no flow conditions. Therefore, the
N 6.4 92.5 42 total length on the trial is considered to be as important as the
O 8.4 91.4 4 actual number of irrigation hours. As discussed for the second
trial, the slight differences in the effluent composition during
coefficient of flow rate variation is attributed to partial the experiment are not expected to have had a significant
clogging in several emitters (second trial) that previously had influence on the results of the third trial.
flow rates higher than the average (first trial). A regression analysis showed a positive effect of the
Emitters with long pathways and without a self-cleaning chlorination treatment for non-pressure compensated emit-
mechanism were found to be more susceptible to clogging. ters (see table 7). Emitters differed in degree of clogging with
An example of biofilm formation and particle accumulation time when using chlorination.
in the corners and along the walls of the tortuous pathways is The emitter model and treatments to reduce clogging did
shown in figure 2. An analysis by a private laboratory of the not significantly differ (F test at 5%) in their ability to
biofilm extracted from the emitters was found to contain high attenuate the emitter clogging for the average coefficient of
populations of iron and sulfer bacteria. Additional research flow rate variation and average degree of clogging at 62, 152,
is needed to characterize the nature of biofilm growth and to and 229 days among emitter models and attenuation
identify the predominant microorganisms in drip emitters. techniques (data presented in table 8).
The degree of clogging for each emitter model after 373 h A probability analysis (see table 8) indicated clogging was
of wastewater application is shown in figure 3. The results already present by 62 days, especially in the models E and D,
presented in table 5 and figure 3 for performance after 373 h which have similar emitter mechanisms. A probable cause of
of wastewater application and emitter availability were used clogging during this period is the faster bacterial growth in
to select emitters for further testing. Emitter models E and M the lines and emitters compared to the subsequent time
were selected because of their high coefficient of flow rate periods. Bacteria that cause clogging may have increased
variation and low uniformity of distribution. Similarly, growth rates between 25°C and 30°C, corresponding to the
emitters B and D were chosen because they were among the warmer conditions during the initial 62 days of operation
emitters with the best performance. In addition to good (fig. 4). Additionally, evapotranspiration demand (about
performance, emitter model B was chosen because of its 7 mm per day for pan evaporation) was higher in the summer,
pressure compensating mechanism. Emitter model B has a the initial experimental period of this trial, and a greater
self-cleaning membrane and a short pathway length, which amount of wastewater measured by a flow meter was applied
can be beneficial in drip irrigation. The degree of clogging during this time period, that is, 50.8%.
increased with pathway length for emitters with similar Gradual clogging by biofilm can also occur in the winter
pathway narrowest section and depth (table 6). (May to August), but the low temperature may be a constraint
for bacterial growth. Therefore, the clogging from 152 to
RESULTS OF THIRD TRIAL 229 days may have been more gradual than that at the
The amount of rainfall (695 mm) during the third trial beginning of the experiment. In addition, the non-ideal
period resulted in a relatively low irrigation demand for the
Table 6. Correlation of pathway length, Lp (mm), and degree of
clogging after 373 h of wastewater application.
Degree of Clogging
Emitter Characteristic (%) R2
Pressure compensated (A, B, and C) 0.1705 Lp − 9.5 0.966
Not pressure compensated, 0.0612 Lp − 10.1 0.9986
pathway narrowest section of 1 mm and
pathway depth of 0.8 mm (D, J, and N)
Not pressure compensated, 0.1473 Lp − 14.9 0.6587
pathway narrowest section of 1 mm and
pathway depth of 1 mm (E, F, and G)
Figure 2. Partial clogging in an emitter pathway.

Vol. 22(2): 251-257 255

Table 7. Regression analysis for the degree of clogging as a function of time (days) for emitters used with different treatments to reduce clogging.
Linear Equation for Degree of F Test Statistic for Clogging Over Time for Individual
Drip Irrigation Treatment Emitter Clogging with Time, t, in Days (%) Emitter Model and Specified Treatment[a]
Filtration only M + 0.0136 t + 2.3 ND
E − 0.0148 t + 9.1 ND
D − 0.0307 t + 14.7 ND
B − 0.0076 t + 5.5 ND
Filtration and chlorination M − 0.0509 t + 10.4 **
E − 0.0993 t + 18.4 **
D − 0.0583 t +23.2 *
B − 0.0328 t + 7.7 ND
Filtration and compressed air M − 0.0126 t + 3.5 ND
E − 0.0367 t + 6.9 ND
D − 0.0188 t + 13.7 ND
B − 0.0091 t + 6.1 ND
Filtration and combined chlorination and M − 0.0604 t + 8.1 *
compressed air E + 0.0092 t + 1.8 ND
D − 0.0454 t + 17.8 ND
B − 0.0031 t + 5.9 ND
[a] ND Clogging was statistically independent of time of operation.
* Increased clogging over time at significance of 5% by F test.
** Increased clogging over time at significance of 1% by F test.

growth conditions may also result in biofilm recession and of reduced irrigation demand (evaporation from 2 to 5 mm
flow rate recovery in some cases. per day resulted in the low water demand). Similarly, lower
Emitter model D had a low probability of good operation volumes of sodium hypochlorite were also applied during
at 62 days, which may be related to its higher initial flow rate. this period. Improved resistance to clogging may occur if the
The increased flow rate permitted passage of more wastewa- chlorine concentration and the reaction time of the chlorine
ter and wastewater solids, as well as bacteria and iron, which were increased. However, high chlorine concentrations may
are both implicated in biofilm accumulation. damage elastic emitter membranes in pressure compensating
Between 62 and 229 days, less bacterial growth occurred, models (Schischa et al., 1997).
as indicated by the filtration-only treatment. The turbulent In the compressed air treatment, emitter model E had
regime in model D possibly aided cleaning, whereas improved performance, possibly as a result of its turbulent
self-cleaning, due to a rectangular membrane, in model B regime and shape characteristics. Due to its long pathway and
may have prevented biofilm obstruction. low flow rate, model M had the lowest performance. Model
In general, the chlorine technique was found to improve B maintained its self-cleaning mechanism throughout the
performance in all models, with the exception at 62 days, for study, with little effect due to the compressed air treatment.
water temperature and bacteria growth reasons explained Compressed air did not significantly improve hydraulic
previously. A slight reduction in the probability of good performance when injected at a pressure of 1.96 kPa.
performance at the third evaluation (152 to 229 days) may be However, the use of higher air pressures, in the range of 490
due to the reduced application of wastewater during this time to 980 kPa, may reduce clogging (Keller and Bliesner, 1990).

Table 8. Probability (%), degree of clogging (%), and coefficient of flow rate variation (%)
of emitters with good performance after three time periods of operation.
Probability (%) of Emitters with Good Degree of Clogging (%) Coefficient of Flow Rate Variation
Performance at Indicated Time (d) at Indicated Time (d) (%) at Indicated Time (d)
Drip Irrigation Emitter
Treatment Model 62 152 229 62 152 229 62 152 229
Filtration only M 55 40 38 3.2 4.3 5.5 4.6 21.8 28.8
E 20 45 48 8.8 5.5 6.4 8.5 10.2 22.9
D 5 30 56 12.7 10.4 7.5 6.8 11.4 12.7
B 65 45 60 3.4 7.9 1.9 11.4 22.0 21.8
Filtration and M 45 70 60 8.0 1.0 −0.4 3.8 9.7 8.9
chlorination E 15 57 53 12.0 3.8 −4.7 6.0 10.6 11.4
D 0 16 55 18.1 17.4 8.1 7.4 25.0 17.7
B 50 83 73 6.3 1.5 0.9 4.6 8.0 13.0
Filtration and M 61 34 35 5.8 −4.9 4.2 6.8 12.2 18.8
compressed air E 30 40 58 7.1 −3.7 1.3 5.4 15.9 17.6
D 1 68 49 14.3 7.0 11.5 5.8 20.3 22.3
B 60 65 62 4.8 6.5 3.2 6.2 12.2 12.6
M 20 28 34 4.8 −2.1 −5.2 8.1 16.2 7.0
Filtration and
E 22 27 43 3.8 0.1 5.6 7.2 23.1 31.0
combined chlorination
and compressed air D 3 75 54 17.5 5.4 10.4 10.2 17.0 13.9
B 46 74 74 5.3 6.3 4.7 4.2 12.5 17.9



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