Versus: Laparoscopic Open Appendectomy: Which Way To Go?

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com World J Gastroenterol 2008 August 21; 14(31): 4909-4914 World Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN 1007-9327
doi:10.3748/wjg.14.4909 © 2008 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.


Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy: Which way to go?

Ioannis Kehagias, Stavros Nikolaos Karamanakos, Spyros Panagiotopoulos, Konstantinos Panagopoulos,

Fotis Kalfarentzos

Ioannis Kehagias, Stavros Nikolaos Karamanakos, Spyros Peer reviewer: Yasuji Arase, MD, Department of Gastro-
Panagiotopoulos, Konstantinos Panagopoulos, Fotis enterology, Toranomon Hospital, 2-2-2Toranomonminato-ku,
Kalfarentzos, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Tokyo 105-8470, Japan
University Hospital of Patras, Rion University Hospital, Patras
26500, Greece Kehagias I, Karamanakos SN, Panagiotopoulos S,
Author contributions: Kehagias I and Kalfarentzos F designed Panagopoulos K, Kalfarentzos F. Laparoscopic versus open
the study, Panagiotopoulos S and Panagopoulos K performed appendectomy: Which way to go? World J Gastroenterol 2008;
the research and Karamanakos SN wrote the paper. 14(31): 4909-4914 Available from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.
Correspondence to: Ioannis Kehagias, MD, Department
com/1007-9327/14/4909.asp DOI:
of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Patras, Rion
University Hospital, Patras 26500, Greece.
Telephone: +30-2610-999299 Fax: +30-2610-993984
Received: February 20, 2008 Revised: April 16, 2008
Accepted: April 23, 2008
Published online: August 21, 2008 INTRODUCTION
The introduction of laparoscopic surgery has dramatically
changed the field of surgery. With improvements in the
equipment and increasing clinical experience it is now
Abstract possible to perform almost any kind of procedure under
AIM: To compare the outcome of laparoscopic versus laparoscopic visualization.
open appendectomy. Although more than a century has elapsed since
METHODS: Prospectively collected data from 293 McBurney first performed open appendectomy[1], this
consecutive patients with acute appendicitis were procedure remains the treatment of choice for acute
studied. These comprised of 165 patients who appendicitis for most surgeons.
underwent conventional appendectomy and 128 In 1983, Semm performed the first laparoscopic
patients treated laparoscopically. The two groups were appendectomy [2]. Ever since then, the efficiency and
compared with respect to operative time, length of superiority of laparoscopic approach compared to
hospital stay, postoperative pain, complication rate and the open technique has been the subject of much
cost. debate [3-23] . The idea of minimal surgical trauma,
RESULTS: There were no statistical differences resulting in significantly shorter hospital stay, less
regarding patient characteristics between the two postoperative pain, faster return to daily activities,
groups. Conversion to laparotomy was necessary in and better cosmetic outcome has made laparoscopic
2 patients (1.5%). Laparoscopic appendectomy was surgery for acute appendicitis very attractive. However,
associated with a shorter hospital stay (2.2 d vs 3.1 d, several retrospective studies [3-12], several randomized
P = 0.04), and lower incidence of wound infection
trials[13-19] and meta-analyses[20-24] comparing laparoscopic
(5.3% vs 12.8%, P = 0.03). However, in patients
with open appendectomy have provided conflicting
with complicated disease, intra-abdominal abscess
results. Some of these studies have demonstrated better
formation was more common after laparoscopic
appendectomy (5.3% vs 2.1%, P = 0.002). The
clinical outcomes with the laparoscopic approach[13-17],
operative time and analgesia requirements were similar while other studies have shown marginal or no clinical
in the two groups. The cost of treatment was higher benefit[18-22] and higher surgical costs[19,23].
by 370 € in the laparoscopic group. At present, although there is no consensus regarding
CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic appendectomy is as safe the superiority of the laparoscopic approach over the
and efficient as open appendectomy, provided surgical conventional technique, there is trend towards greater
experience and equipment are available. utilization of laparoscopic appendectomy[24,25].
In the present study, we aim to compare the
© 2008 The WJG Press. All rights reserved. laparoscopic approach and the conventional technique in
the treatment of acute appendicitis, using prospectively
Key words: Laparoscopy; Appendicitis; Appendectomy; collected data from patients subjected to appendectomy
Conventional appendectomy between January 2006 and January 2008.
4910 ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol August 21, 2008 Volume 14 Number 31

MATERIALS AND METHODS Table 1 Patient demographics

Data was collected prospectively on patients with acute
Open Laparoscopic P
appendicitis who underwent open or laparoscopic appendectomy appendectomy
appendectomy from January 2006 to January 2008 in the Number of patients 165 128
surgery department of the University Teaching Hospital Male (%) 55.1 44.5 0.33
at Patras. The clinical data base contained information Female (%) 44.9 55.5 0.38
such as patient characteristics, postoperative course, Mean age 33.4 ± 18 33.8 ± 17.8 0.44
WBC count 15497 ± 3000/mm3 15728 ± 2793/mm3 0.80
length of hospital stay, postoperative morbidity and
Co-morbidities (%)
mortality, 30-d readmission and hospital charges.
CAD 6 (3.6) 5 (3.9) 0.63
All human studies were performed according to the Hypertension 13 (7.8) 9 (7) 0.71
principles of the declaration of Helsinki. The study was COPD 5 (3) 4 (3.1) 0.27
approved by the research and ethics committee at the DM 6 (3.6) 3 (2.3) 0.14
University Hospital of Patras.
The diagnosis of appendicitis was made in the emer- WBC: White blood cell; CAD: Coronary artery disease; COPD: Chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; DM: Diabetes mellitus.
gency department and was based on the presence of
right lower quadrant pain, nausea or vomiting, and ab-
dominal guarding on physical examination. In patients appendix was secured with two ligating loops, followed
where a clinical diagnosis could not be established, by dissection distal to the second loop using a curved
imaging studies such as abdominal ultrasound or CT dissector. In patients with severe inflammation, a stapling
were performed. Exclusion criteria included pregnancy, device was used for the dissection of the appendix. The
homodynamic instability, chronic medical or psychiatric specimen was placed in an endobag and was extracted
illness, cirrhosis, coagulation disorders, previous lapa- through the suprapubic trocar. All specimens were sent
rotomy for small bowel obstruction, and ascites. In order for histopathology.
to increase the homogeneity of the group, a total of 37 The parameters examined in this study included
patients (11.2%), who underwent elective interval appen- patient’s characteristics (age, sex), operation time (from
dectomy or had incidental appendectomy in the presence skin incision to wound closure), conversion to open pro-
of other intra-abdominal pathology were excluded from cedure, and intraoperative findings (normal, gangrenous
the study. The decision about the type of the operation or perforated appendix). Furthermore, during the post-
was made according to the preference and experience of operative follow up, pain was assessed both by the pa-
the surgical team on duty. tient’s requirements for analgesia, and with a visual ana-
Prior to the surgery, all the patients received a log score. The length of hospital stay, complications and
standard regimen of intravenous antibiotics (1.5 g of cost were also added to the plot. The discharge criteria
Cefuroxime and 500 mg of Metronidazole). Provided were met once the patients’ were afebrile, with audible
purulent appendicitis was not observed at surgery, two bowel sounds and were able to tolerate a liquid diet.
additional doses were given. In patients with complicated Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS statisti-
appendicitis, antibiotics were not discontinued but were cal software, version 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicagi, IL). The
modified according to the culture results. data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. Pa-
Open appendectomy was typically perfor med rameters such as length of hospitalization, mortality and
through a 3 cm McBurney muscle splitting incision in morbidity, and hospital cost are given as mean variable.
the right lower quadrant. Following appendectomy the Bivariate analyses were performed to determine the dif-
stump was double ligated with an absorbable suture. In ferences between laparoscopic versus open appendectomy
the presence of complicated appendicitis the abdomen in patient characteristics, length of hospital stay and costs
was irrigated with warm saline solution and the skin using independent sample t tests for continuous variables
incision was closed loosely. and chi-square analysis for categorical variables. A P value
In the laparoscopic group, pneumoperitoneum was of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
produced by continuous pressure of 10-12 mmHg of
carbon dioxide via a Verres canula, positioned in the
left subcostal area. Following gas insufflation, a 12 mm RESULTS
trocar for the 30 degree angled laparoscope was placed A total of 293 patients with acute appendicitis were
in the left periumbilical area and two additional trocars, admitted during the study period. 165 patients were
a 12 mm trocar in the suprapubic area to accommodate subjected to open appendectomy and 128 patients to
the stapling device and to facilitate specimen extraction, laparoscopic appendectomy. The patient characteristics
and a third 5 mm trocar in the left lower abdominal are shown in Table 1. There were no significant
quadrant were introduced under direct visualization. The differences with respect to gender, age, white blood cell
patient was placed in a Trendelenburg position, with count at presentation, and associated co-morbidities.
a slight rotation to the left. The abdominal cavity was Out of the total 165 open procedures, 118 (71.5%)
thoroughly inspected in order to exclude other intra- were performed for uncomplicated appendicitis and 47
abdominal or pelvic pathology. After the mesoappendix (28.5%) for complicated disease including appendiceal
was divided with bipolar forceps, the base of the perforation with local or widespread peritonitis.
Kehagias I et al . A prospective study of appendectomy 4911

Pain distress score

Table 2 Intraoperative variables 100
Open Laparoscopic P
appendectomy appendectomy 70

Intraoperative findings (%) P = 0.83
Normal appendix 16 (9.6) 8 (6.2) 0.20 50
Acute appendicitis 102 (61.8) 82 (64) 0.72 40
Open appendectomy
Gangrenous appendicitis 19 (11.5) 20 (15.6) 0.17 30
20 Laparoscopic appendectomy
Appendiceal abscess 19 (11.5) 12 (9.3) 0.32
Peritonitis 9 (5.4) 6 (4.6) 0.14 10
Mean operative time (min) 47 ± 19.7 44.3 ± 24 0.31 0
Preoperative 3 12 24    36 48
Time period (h postoperation)

Table 3 Postoperative complications n (%) Figure 1 Visual analogue score (VAS) for pain assessment.

Open Laparoscopic P
appendectomy appendectomy erative bowel obstruction was observed in patients with
Uncomplicated disease 118 90 complicated disease in both study groups (10.6% after
Wound infection 1 (0.8) 0 (0) 0.01 conventional appendectomy and 7.8% after laparoscopic
Bowel injury 0 (0) 1 (1.1) < 0.001 appendectomy; P = 0.37, Table 3). In addition, compli-
Morbidity (%) 0.8 1.1 0.5
Complicated disease 47 38
cated appendicitis was associated postoperatively with
Wound infection 6 (12.8) 2 (5.3) 0.03 respiratory infection in 4 patients subjected to open ap-
Intra-abdominal abscess 1 (2.1) 2 (5.3) 0.002 pendectomy, and 2 patients treated laparoscopically (P =
Bowel obstruction 5 (10.6) 3 (7.9) 0.37 0.18, Table 3).
Respiratory infection 4 (8.5) 2 (5.3) 0.18
Infectious complications were seen in both study
Morbidity 34 23.7 0.12
Total morbidity (%) 10.3 7.8 0.43
groups in patients with complicated disease. Open ap-
pendectomy was associated with a significantly higher
incidence of wound infection compared with the laparo-
In the laparoscopic group, 90 (70.3%) procedures in- scopic group (12.8% vs 5.3%; P = 0.03, Table 3).
volved uncomplicated disease and 38 (29.7%) complicat- On the other hand, the incidence of intra-abdominal
ed appendicitis (Table 2). Additionally, in 16 (9.6%) open abscess formation was higher in patients with severe
and 8 (6.2%) laparoscopic procedures, no pathology was peritonitis who were treated laparoscopically (5.3% vs
observed in the appendix and other intra-abdominal 2.1%; P = 0.002, Table 3). All patients who developed
structures (Table 2). intra-abdominal abscess were treated successfully with
The actual operating room time was similar between antibiotics and CT-guided drainage of the collection,
the two groups (47 ± 19.7 min in the open group vs 44.3 and had an uneventful recovery.
± 24 min in the laparoscopic group; P = 0.31, Table 2). Bowel movements in the first postoperative day were
Conversion to an open procedure was required in two observed in 92% patients subjected to laparoscopic
patients (1.5%) with extensive cecal adhesions secondary appendectomy and 67% in the open group (P < 0.001).
to severe inflammation rendering appendiceal mobiliza- As a result, 78% patients in the laparoscopic group and
tion and visualization difficult and dangerous. 51% in the open group were able to tolerate a liquid diet
There was no mortality in either group and the overall within the first 24 postoperative hours (P < 0.001). The
morbidity was not significantly different (10.3% in the mean postoperative hospital stay was 2.2 d (range, 1-17 d)
open group vs 7.8% in the laparoscopic group; P = 0.43, after laparoscopic appendectomy and 3.1 d (range, 1-18 d)
Table 3). after open appendectomy (P = 0.04).
In patients with uncomplicated disease, the morbidity Visual analogue pain scores were similar in the two
rates were low (0.8% in open appendectomy and 1.1% in groups for the first two postoperative days (Figure 1).
laparoscopic appendectomy; P = 0.5, Table 3). One pa- T here was a significant decline after the first 3
tient subjected to open appendectomy developed wound postoperative hours to 48 h in both groups. There was
infection. The culture of pus revealed E. coli and the pa- no difference between open and laparoscopic groups
tient was successfully treated with antibiotics and wound with respect to either overall pain level (P = 0.93) or
debridement. Similarly, in one patient in the laparoscopic degree of pain remission (P = 0.82). Eventually, the
group, intestinal injury occurred during insertion of the need for analgesic medication usage for the control of
visiport. The lesion was recognized intraoperatively and postoperative pain was similar in the two groups.
was successfully managed with endoscopic sutures. The Finally, the operative costs were higher by 370 € in the
end result was favorable and no further manipulations laparoscopic group. In the present study, the costs were
were required. calculated based on the most cost effective materials used
In contrast to uncomplicated disease, patients with such as laparoscopic equipment, versatile laparoscopic
complicated appendicitis were prone to postoperative instruments, endoloops and collection bags. Hospital
complications (34% after open appendectomy and 23.7% charges regarding anesthesia were not added to the plot
after laparoscopic approach; P = 0.12, Table 3). Postop- since there was no difference in the operative times.
4912 ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol August 21, 2008 Volume 14 Number 31

DISCUSSION was not blinded. As a result, the perception of pain may

have been influenced by the patient’s enthusiasm for a
Acute appendicitis is the most common intra-abdominal
novel technique.
condition requiring emergency surgery [26]. Although
T here was no mor tality in our study. T his is
more than 20 years have elapsed since the introduction
consistent with the majority of previous publications.
of laparoscopic appendectomy, there is no consensus
It has been reported that the mortality rate is 0.05%
on its advantages and disadvantages compared to the
and 0.3% in laparoscopic and open appendectomy
conventional technique.
respectively [12]. The low mortality rates indicate that
Recent studies have shown significant advantages of
appendectomy, especially in the absence of complicated
laparoscopic appendectomy with respect to the length
disease, is a safe procedure regardless of the technique
of hospital stay, postoperative pain and infectious com
plications[5,8,12,14,18]. These findings have been challenged
In the present study, the overall complication rates
by other authors who observed no significant difference
were 10.6% and 8.1% for open and laparoscopic
in the outcome between the two procedures, and
appendectomy respectively. These results are in
moreover noted higher costs with laparoscopic appendec-
agreement with previous reports, which vary from 5.7%
to 25.8% for open appendectomy and 3% to 19% for
Bearing in mind that laparoscopic appendectomy,
laparoscopic appendectomy[13-15,20-23].
unlike other laparoscopic procedures, has not been
Complicated appendicitis was initially considered as
found superior to open surgery for acute appendicitis,
a contraindication to laparoscopic appendectomy[32,33].
we designed the present study to determine any possible
However, recent studies have shown that laparoscopic
benefits of the laparoscopic approach.
approach in complicated disease is feasible and may even
Operation time remains a topic of much debate
be superior to the conventional approach[6,7,10].
among experts. Preliminary studies [28-30] have shown
In our series, 28.5% patients in the open group
significantly longer operative times for laparoscopic
and 29.7% in the laparoscopic group had complicated
appendectomy. The inexperience of the surgeons with
the new technique may contribute to the longer duration disease. These patients are considered to be at increased
of the operation in the early studies. However, recent risk of postoperative infections such as wound infection
studies[16-18] have supported the initial findings. Because and intra-abdominal abscess formation[34,35]. According
in these studies, most of the operations were performed to the Cochrane systemic review of the literature [24],
by residents, the longer operation times can be attributed wound infection is about one-half after laparoscopic
to the learning curve. By contrast, in the present study, appendectomy, while intra-abdominal abscess formation
the operation times were nearly similar in the two is 3 times higher after laparoscopic appendectomy.
techniques, and the learning curve effect was minimal In the present study, the rate of wound infection
as the surgeons performing the procedures were highly in patients with complicated disease was significantly
experienced with a wide spectrum of laparoscopic lower after laparoscopic appendectomy (5.3% vs 12.8%,
procedures, including laparoscopic bariatric surgery and P = 0.03). Placement of the detached appendix into an
laparoscopic colectomy. This experience is reflected in endobag before its removal from the abdominal cavity
our study by the relatively narrow range of operative reduces contact with the fascial surfaces and minimizes
times in the laparoscopic group (44.3 ± 24). contamination.
Previous studies have given conflicting results with Intra-abdominal abscess for mation was more
respect to the length of hospital stay after laparoscopic c o m m o n a f t e r l a p a r o s c o p i c a p p e n d e c t o my i n
appendectomy. Guller et al [12] in a population- based complicated disease (5.3% vs 2.1%, P = 0.002). It has
analysis using a national administrative data base been suggested that carbon dioxide insufflation may
showed that laparoscopic appendectomy is associated promote mechanical spread of bacteria in the peritoneal
with significantly shorter hospital stay. These findings cavity, especially in cases of ruptured appendix[21,36-38]. In
were supported by the Cochrane Collaboration large order to decrease the bacterial load and hence the risk
scale meta-analysis[24]. In agreement with these studies, of abscess formation, we advocate extensive irrigation
we found that hospital stay was significantly shorter of the abdominal cavity. However, in our practice, we
in patients subjected to laparoscopic appendectomy observed that meticulous irrigation was unnecessary and
(P = 0.004). In the present study, bowel movements even more dangerous as it leads to contamination of
were observed significantly earlier in patients managed the entire abdominal cavity, which is difficult to aspirate
laparoscopically, leading to earlier feeding and discharge latter. That was the case in two patients with severe
from hospital. peritonitis where intra-abdominal abscess formation
In the present study, pain was assessed both occurred. Ever since we have changed our practice to
subjectively via a visual analogue scale and objectively simple suctioning of the infected area, we have not
by the tabulation of analgesic use. Although some observed any postoperative abscess formation, even in
studies have reported less pain in the first 48 h after patients with severe peritonitis.
laparoscopic appendectomy [20,21,24,25,31], in our series The higher cost of laparoscopic appendectomy
there was no difference between the two groups with compared to the conventional technique is considered
respect to either the visual analogue scores or the use of as an obstacle to its greater use. However, hospital
analgesics. Our study suffered from the drawback that it charges for laparoscopic appendectomy have reduced
Kehagias I et al . A prospective study of appendectomy 4913

dramatically over the past several years [39]. Surgical Peer review
expertise and the abundance of laparoscopic equipment The authors demonstrated a prospective study of laparoscopic versus open
have significantly reduced the economical mismatch in appendectomy and concluded “Provided that surgical experience and equip-
ment are available, laparoscopic appendectomy is safe and equally efficient
favor of the conventional technique. In addition, Moore alternative to conventional technique.” This present study is an interesting and
and coworkers, using a decision analysis model, have novel.
demonstrated an economic benefit of laparoscopic
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S- Editor Zhong XY L- Editor Anand BS E- Editor Ma WH

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