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For character In-ts 9-12.

Fxpert Gamc Adventi-

Expert Game Adventure

by Bruce Nesmith


Introduction ........................................................ 2
..................... 2

................................................ 7
Kron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New Monsters

Prerolled characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Editor: Anne C . Gray
Graphic Designer: Ruth Hoyer LIST OF MAPS
Cover Artist: Larry Elmore
Interior Artist: ,Jeff Butler Colhador ........................................... 15
Cartographer: Dave “Diesel” LaForce Hadric’s R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
“1984 T S R , Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
Hadric’s Realm: Second Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Hadric’s Realm: Third Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and D&D are rcgisteredtrademarke Hadric’s Realm: Fourth Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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The War Rafts of Kron is an ocean and fair, but give the characters the benefit of the Underwater Movement and Actions
undersea wilderness adventure. Before doubt in extremely dangerous situations. A normal person cannot move or fight as well
beginning play, read the entire adventure However, if the players insist on taking big underwater as he can on land. H e is -4 to hit
carefully to become completely familiar with risks, they must be willing to pay the penalty. with any weapon such as a sword or axe. Mis-
it. Much of the information given in the sile weapons are only -1 on hit rolls, but they
encounter descriptions is for your use only. have only half their normal range.
Reveal this information to the players at your New Rules For This Adventure A normal person moves slower underwa-
discretion. Use your imagination when Much of this adventure takes place in the ter. The Underwater Movement Table shows
describing encounters to the players. If an murky waters of the ocean floor. Because the speed the players may move underwater.
area description is not given in an encounter, activity underwater is different than on land, The table has a SinkIRise column which
make u p your own, based on what you know you will need some new rules. If a rule is not
about the area and what you see on the maps. mentioned here, assume that the spell, item,
There are three areas of adventure: the or action works normally underwater. Underwater Movement Table
coral city of Suthus, the raft city of Kron, and Use common sense. If what is written does
the sunken city of Colhador. Each area has its Encum- Move Swim * Sink/
not apply to a certain situation, think about it
own encounter descriptions, wandering brance Rise
for a moment and then decide what would
monster tables, and maps. really happen.
u p to 250 60’(20’) 90’(30’) Rise 10’1
The Adventure Party Healing round
251 - 300 45‘(15’) 60’(20’) No move-
This adventure is designed for a party of 4-6 If a character rests for an entire day, he heals ment
characters of levels 9-12. Although a halfling one hit point. If.he does not spend a major
301 - 400 30’(10’) 30’(10’) Sink 10’1
may reach only the 8th level according to the portion of the day resting, he does not heal at round
rules, an 8th level halfling will enjoy the all. 401 - 800 30’(10’) 15’ (5’) Sink 20’/
adventure if he has a powerful magic item. round
The party should have a total of 40-50 levels Drowning
801 - 15’(5’) 0 Sink30‘1
(45 is best). The party should have at least If a character cannot breathe, he suffocates 1,200 round
one magic-user or elf and at least one cleric. and dies. A character can hold his breath for
1,201 - 15’ (5’) 0 Sink40’1
You may wish to adjust the strength of certain three rounds if he is active. If he takes no 1,600 round
monsters and encounters, based on the abili- actions, the character can hold his breath for
1,601 and 0 0 Sink 50‘1
ties of the party. six rounds. After that he begins to drown and UP round
Be sure to give the characters a good in three more rounds is dead. However, his
chance of survival. Try to be impartial and body has suffered no points of damage.
* Swimming rates for outdoors and indoors.


shows how fast a character sinks or rises CLERIC SPELLS Polymorph self/other: Any character
underwater. If a fighter with plate mail, a First Level changed into a fish or other water-breathing
sword, and a shield falls into the ocean, he creature gains the ability to breathe water.
sinks 20 feet per round because he has 660 Purify food and water: This spell removes
the salt from sea water and makes it drink- Wall of fire: This spell covers only half its
coin weight of encumbrance. If he removes normal dimensions, 600 square feet. It pre-
his armor and shield, he rises 10 feet per able.
vents creatures of 2 hit dice or less from pass-
round. Fourth level ing through it.
If a character is swimming, add or subtract
the swimming speed from the sinking or ris- Create water: This spell creates a spring in Fifth Level
ing speed. For example, a person carrying the ocean floor. However, because it is under-
water there is no noticeable effect. The spring Cloudkill: This spell works normally. T h e
350 coin weight of encumbrance sinks 10 feet vapors poison the water, making any creature
water is polluted by the salt of the sea water
per round if he does nothing. If he swims, he that breathes water susceptible to its damage.
can either stay even by swimming upward or before anyone can drink it.
It floats with the currents.
swim downward 20 feet per round. If he Sticks to snakes: T h e snakes drown in 4
swims horizontally he will sink 10 feet per rounds. Conjure elemental: Air elementals must
round while moving 10 feet per round. maintain contact with air while underwater,
Fifth Level If they are ordered to break contact with air,
When the players are on ships on the high treat it as a loss of control over the elemental.
seas, you will need sailing rules found on Create food: The food is immediately pol-
luted by salt water. However, it looks edible. If an air elemental is conjured from bubbles,
pages 42-44 of the revised D&D@Expert it is 112 hit dice, does 112 damage, and saves
rules. If the characters eat any of the food, they
must save vs. paralyzation or become vio- at 1/2 its normal level.
Light lently ill for 1-6 turns. Earth elementals must maintain contact
with the earth (ocean floor). If they are
Seeing underwater is more difficult than see- Insect plague: T h e insects immediately ordered to break contact with the earth, treat
ing above water. Just under the surface of the drown. However, their bodies make a n it as a loss of control over the elemental.
water a person can see 500 feet with natural obscuring cloud. Fire elementals lose 2 hit dice (as energy
lighting. For every 100 feet below the surface, drain) each round they spend underwater.
the range of vision is reduced 50 feet. A per- Water elementals are invisible as long as
son 1,000 feet or more under water is in com- MAGIC-USER SPELLS they are underwater. Because fighting crea-
plete darkness. A light or beacon can be seen Third Level tures are immersed in water, the elemental
only half as far away as normal and can illu- almost always inflicts 1-8points ofextra dam-
minate a n area only half as large as normal, Fire ball: This spell does only half damage
underwater, age.
regardless of the depth of the water.
Fly: This spell allows the adventurer to fly or Sixth Level
Sound swim underwater at 360 feet per turn.
Lower water: This spell works normally. How-
Noises travel farther underwater than in the Lightning bolt: Because salt water is a good ever, if the caster is on the ocean floor, he will
air. When describing events to the characters, conductor of electricity, lightning bolts act as not notice any effect except for a possible
all sounds should be much louder and a little area effect spells. Any creature within 20 feet change in light. The surface of the sea will be
distorted if they are underwater. Navigators of the point where the spell is cast, takes 1-6 112 as far away.
quite often use sound instead oflight for navi- points of damage per level of the spell caster.
gation underwater. A successful saving throw means the victim Magic Items
takes only half damage. Potion of gaseous form: This potion works
Writing Underwater
Water breathing: This spell also allows the normally except that the adventurer appears
Normal ink smears underwater. Normal doc- as a large cloudy bubble.
adventurer to speak underwater without pen-
uments and writings become indecipherable
alty. H e does not need to drink anything as Scrolls: Because they are magical, scrolls
in two turns. This includes maps, but not
long as he stays underwater. This spell does work normally underwater. T h e magical
magical writings. If the party wishes to map
not protect a player if the water is poisoned or writing will not smear.
the areas they investigate underwater, they
must use a different system of mapping. Sword '1, flames on command This sword
Fourth Level is only +2 against plant and undead creatures
Spell Casting Underwater while underwater.
Ice storm/wall: The wall of ice works nor-
It is impossible to speak clearly underwater.
mally except that it must be braced from Normal Items
Unless a cleric or magic-user has
above because ice floats to the surface.
waterbreathing (either through the spell or a When any party member attempts to use a nor-
Remember that many sea creatures will sim-
magic item), he cannot cast spells underwa- mal item underwater, consider its condition
ply swim around or over the wall. Ice storm
ter. after it is submerged for long periods of time.
also works normally except that the damage it
Even if a cleric or magic-user can breathe For the purpose of this adventure and other
does is 1-8 per level of the caster rather than
underwater, some spells will have strange underwater adventures, metal objects will not
1-6 per level of the caster. Ice storm does not
results or side effects underwater. Do not tell rust enough to affect their performance. A
affect water currents flowing into or out of it.
the party what the effects of the spells are sword develops a thin layer of rust in a few days
underwater. Let them discover the effects for Massmorph: The affected creatures appear underwater, but is not significantly harmed
themselves. Any spells not listed below are to be clumps of kelp rather than trees. unless it is underwater for a month or more.
not affected by being underwater.


Many weeks ago the guild masters of the the journey, strange lights dance silently the ships.
island of Minrothad put out a call for over the water in the distance. Whistles The guild’s masters offer you a small
adventurers of great skill and renown. and screeches pierce the quiet rhythm of island (six square miles) next to Minro-
The Minrothad guilds are offering small the waves. A hollow, abandoned feeling thad if you can rescue the princess and dis-
fortunes to attract adventurers of great settles like a blanket over your party. cover who is pirating their ships. They
ability for a special quest. Once on the island, the guild masters also offer a small sailing ship (75 hull
As you make your way to the island subject your party to seven days of rigor- points) with a crew of 10 and a captain for
kingdom, you hear many strange tales. ous tests and trials. Now your party stands your use. The ship is fully provisioned,
Some say that Minrothad is beset by the alone before the guild masters of Minro- including food, water, and bows and
Empire of Thyatis to the east, a n empire thad. All other adventurers were found arrows. The ship is yours to keep, but the
known for its destructive ways. Others lacking. captain and sailors belong to the Minro-
claim that the guild masters are being The guild masters explain that sea trade thad navy.
driven to ruin by a roving band of pirates. has been horribly disrupted. Many ships
One innkeeper even insists that the guild leave port never to be seen again. Occa- The guild masters give the characters any-
masters are searching for the mythical sionally a masthead or a body washes up thing the characters need for the journey that
Horn of the Sea God. on the shores of the island. And now, a costs under 100 gp. The guild masters do not
You spend three frightening days at sea visiting princess from the Kingdom of spend more than 1,000 gp total. The guild
before reaching Minrothad. Each night of Ierendi has disappeared along with one of masters have no more useful information.

The isle of Minrothad is divided into many The High Seas The leader of each water termite squad has
small baronies. The baronies form trading a red banner tied to his spear. If attacked, the
As soon as the ships are 24 miles (one hex)
guilds, each having its own plot of land. The tritons pull the water termites away from the
from the isle of Minrothad, they are attacked.
family-owned guilds have much vicious polit- Twenty trained water termites attack each ship and have them attack their opponent.
ical dissension among them. The city of ship, gnawing through the hulls. The tritons will all cast a charm person spell
Minrothad is a neutral territory where the at the first opportunity.
guilds can meet and trade. The small wooden ships are war rafts that
The adventurers can purchase anything on War Raft Raid pirate for the city of Kron. Each raft is the
the open market that is not magical. For shape and size of a small rowboat with the
every 1,000 gp they spend, there is a 10% A grating sound stabs the air from below back side missing. Each war raft is manned
cumulative chance that a thief of 2nd to 8th the deck, as if the ship is being torn apart. by a triton. In one hand is a spear, in the
level of experience (2d4) will attempt to An instant later, a dozen small wooden other are four reins which pass through a ring
relieve the adventurers of the burden of their ships puncture the surface of the sea about in the prow of the raft and down under the
gold. 120 feet away and begin circling the ship. water. In the war raft are four other spears.
The merchants of Minrothad will not sell Each ship is about 5 feet long by 2 feet The war rafts are each pulled by four sea
magical items to foreigners. Some exceptions wide. The ships skim rapidly across the horses.
exist for the purpose of this adventure, such surface of the sea without sails or rowers. Giant sea horses (40): AC 7; H D 4; h p 20;
as potions of swimming (see New Magic
M V 150’(50’) harnessed swimming; #AT
Items), and potions of waterbreathing(as the The ship has been attacked by salt water ter-
1 butt; D 1-8; Save F2; M L 8; AL N
spell). A maximum of one potion per mem- mites.
ber of the party is available for 8,000 gold Salt water termites (20): AC 5; H D 4 ; hp 18; Tritons (10): AC 4 (2 for missiles); H D 5; hp
pieces each. This is the starting bid, but most M V 180’(60’) swimming; #AT 1 bite; D 25; M V 150’(50’) on war raft; #AT 1
merchants are willing to settle for a mere 1-6; Save F3; M L 11; AL N spear; D 1-6; Save D11; M L 9; AL N
4,000 gold pieces per magical item. First level spells: charm person, shield*
However, if the adventurers ask to buy any Termite squad tritons (4): AC 6; H D 5; hp
24; M V 150’(50’) swimming; #AT 1 Second level spells: detect invisible*, invisi-
other magical items, a merchant will offer a bility
fake for a n incredible price. If the adventur- spear; D 1-6; Save D11; M L 9; AL N
Third level spells: lightning bolt
ers discover that they have been deceived and First level spells: charm person, magic mis- * Already cast
call out the guards, the local authorities will sile
always side with the merchant. Second level spells: invisibility, web One of the war rafts is ornately carved. The
Because Minrothad is an island, the party Third level spells: dispel magic spear of its triton rider has a bright green
must set sail sometime. Three days after the banner tied to it. H e is the captain of these
The water termites cause 20 hull points of
characters meet the guild masters, the debris war rafts. His raft is pulled by two giant stur-
damage per round for four rounds before
from a merchant vessel washes up on the geons. If the termites are unable to sink the
leaving. Four tritons each control five leashed
shore of the island. If the characters have not ship, the captain will submerge and attack
water termites. The water termites have had
left the island by then, the guild masters suc- the hull with his war raft sturgeons. They
their ink sacs removed so they do not spray
cumb to public pressure and threaten to each do 2-8 points of damage per round.
their ink and obstruct the sight of the tritons.
deport them unless they leave immediately. Each triton is armed with a spear.

Koom’s intentions are good. H e witnessed

the attack of the tritons and wishes to offer his
assistance to the party.
If the party befriends Koom, he calls his
undersea boat (see New Magic Items) and
offers to take them to his underwater castle.
H e tells the characters that he may have some
useful gifts for them, but says nothing more
until they arrive at the castle.
Koom’s undersea boat works by command
words which he whispers. None of the party
members are able to hear them, so if Koom is
not in the boat, it can’t be used. The boat tra-
vels 36 miles in a day, or 3 hexes every 2 days.
There may be underwater encounters along
the way, but do not allow Koom to die in any
of them.
Underwater Encounters
Check once in the morning and once in the
afternoon for random monster encounters.
There is a 113 chance of an encounter. When
there is an encounter, roll a morale check for
that creature. If the creature fails, it does not
bother the party.

Wandering Sea Monster

Giant sturgeons (2): AC 0; H D 10.2; hp 50; charmed or coerced. Encounter Table
M V 150 ‘(50 ‘) harnessed swimming; #AT (0-250 feet)
1 bite (can swallow); D 2-12; Save F5; M L Wandering Monsters at Sea
9; AL N If the party spends any significant time on the 2d6 Encounter
Triton captain: AC 4 (2 for missiles); H D 6; high seas, random encounters are possible.
2 Dragon turtle
hp 30; M V 150’(50’) on war raft; #AT 1 T h e table at right is used for surface encoun-
3 Whale, roll l d 6
spear; D 1-6; Save D11; M L 9; AL N ters. There is a 1/3 chance of encounter every
1-3 Sperm
12 hours. Check once in the morning and
First level spells: magic missile, shield* 4-5 Killer
once in the afternoon. Some monsters
Second level spells: detect invisible*, invisi- 6 Narwhal
encountered will not be interested in the
bility 4 Sailing ship (25 % pirates)
party. Use your judgment to determine if the
Third level: dispel magic, lightning bolt 5 Jellyfish, roll l d 6
party is attacked.
* Already cast 1-4 Marauder
Each round, five war rafts pass within 20 feet Storm Giant 5-6 Man-0-War
of the ship. Each triton throws a spear (50%) 6 Sharks, roll l d 6
If the tritons leave the party to drown, Koom, 1-3 Bull
or casts a spell at any visible figures on the the storm giant, appears. H e can save the life
ship. The tritons never cast their last spear. 4-5 Mako
of any character who is sinking or drowning. 6 Great white
The tritons take prisoners if any remaining
people on the ship are subdued. If there is still 7 Plankton or seaweed bed
resistance after the ship is completely sunk, waves ripple on the surface of the sea as a 8 Dolphins
they leave the remaining ship members to yellow mass rises out of the water. A huge 9 Termite, salt water
drown. Any prisoners are taken to Kron since human head flashes a gleaming smile 10 Green slime *
they are air breathers. from a bronze colored face. 11 Sea serpent, roll l d 6
If the ship sinks, the tritons swim away 1-4 Lesser
underwater. They return in two days to sal- Stormgiant(1): AC 2; H D 15**; hp 70; M V 5-6 Greater
vage the wreck’on the ocean floor. Several lZO’(40’) swimming; #AT 1 special;
12 Squid, giant
pieces of wreckage remain floating on the sur- Save F15; M L 10; AL L
face. The adventurers can hold onto them * Green slime is indistinpishable from a plankton
When Koom surfaces (only his head and
bed at distances o f 40 feet or greater.
and remain floating. Remember to check if chest will ever be above the water), a storm
any character in the water sinks. begins to brew. If the party attacks him, he
The tritons know the location of their city fights back. If he loses half or more of his hit Koom’s Castle
and of Kron. However, they do not reveal points, he dives into the water and does not The storm giant’s castle is a small, but plush
this or lead the party to either location unless resurface. residence. There are no hostile encounters


swim at the same rate as he moves regardless Wereshark as shark (1): AC 4; H D 4*; hp
Underwater Random Encounter Table how much weight he is carrying (a character 19; M-u 180’(60’) swimming; #AT 1 bite;
(250-1,000feet) with over 2,400 encumbrance cannot move, D 2-12;-Save F4; M L 8; AL C
therefore he cannot swim). Wereshark as triton (1): AC 6; H D 5; hp 22;
2d6 Encounter Koom also offers to return the sailors and M V 120’(40’) swimming; #AT 1 dagger;
captain of the ship to Minrothad. D 1-4; Save D11; M L 9; AL C
2 Hydrae, Sea
Koom talks freely about the landscape and
3 Undead, roll l d 6 Spells: The triton has lost his spell book and
gives the characters the following instructions
1-3 Zombies has no memorized spells.
to Suthus if they ask.
4-5 Wights If the characters enter the ship, they discover
6 Wraith Follow the sea cliff west until you reach a startled triton. The bones of many creatures
4 Eels, roll ld6 the sunken city of Colhador. Do not enter are strewn about the place. The triton acts
1-4 Electric the city, for an ancient evil lives there. frightened and begs for mercy. If asked, he
5-6 Giant electric From there, swim due south and upon tells the adventurers all about the defenses of
5 Octopus, Giant reaching the lone sea mount, turn east- Suthus. As an exile of that city, he knows the
6 Sharks, roll l d 6 ward. Swim east for a few days to reach defenses well. H e travels with the characters
1-3 Bull Suthus, citadel of the tritons. if they ask. Once befriended, he waits for the
4-5 Mako best time to change into a shark and catch the
6 Great white Koom will not go with them or explain what characters unaware.
7 Fish, roll ld6 the ancient evil might be. Hidden in the ship is the wereshark’s horde
1-3 Giant bass If the party asks for directions to Kron, which contains 9,000 cp, 4 gems, 2 pieces of
4-5 Giant sturgeon Koom tells them the following. jewerly and a wand of enemy detection (5
6 Giant rockfish charges).
8 Dolphins Kron floats upon the sea, its position is
9 Jellyfish, roll ld6 everchanging. Set sail to the south for two
1-4 Marauder days. The friends of the ocean, the dol-
Underwater Random Encounter Table
5-6 Man-0-War phins, know where Kron is. If you
befriend a dolphin, he will lead you to
(1,000-2,000 feet)
10 Manta ray, roll l d 6
1-4 Normal Kron. 2d6 Encounter
5-6 Giant
If the party asks him, Koom sells them his
11 Whales, roll ld6 2 Undead, roll ld6
1-3 Sperm undersea boat in return for a major magical
1-3 Wights
4-5 Killer item or 10,000 gp. If the characters search the
4-5 Wraiths
6 Narwhal boat, they find a small cabinet with a potion
6 Spectre
Sea serpent, roll i d 6 of waterbreathing for each member of the
12 3 Gray ooze
1-4 Lesser party.
4 Whales, roll ld6
5-6 Greater Underwater Encounters 1-3 Sperm
4-5 Killer

After leaving Koom’s castle, the party travels

6 Narwhal
planned for this area, so there are no maps. through the ocean. Depending upon the
5 Manta ray, roll l d 6
You can add to this adventure by designing depth of the water, use one of the previous
1-4 Normal
an underwater castle for Koom and populat- tables or the table shown below. Check once
5-6 Giant
ing it. Koom has 16 giant crabs which guard in the morning, afternoon, and night if the
6 Eel, roll l d 6
the palace. party camps in the open. The party has a 1/3
1-4 Electric
chance of an encounter each time a check is
Giant crab (16): AC 2; H D 3; hp 14; MV 5-6 Giant electric
60‘(20’) swimming; #AT 2 pincers; D 2- 7 Fish, roll ld6
12/2-12; Save F2; M L 7; AL N Sunken Ship 1-4 Giant sturgeon
5-6 Giant rockfish
Ahead is a single story building with a sol- At any point in the adventure, the party can 8 Octopus, Giant
itary tower rising from the far side. The discover this ship. 9 Skeletons
sea floor disappears just past the building. 10 Sharks, roll id6
A sunken sailing ship looms ahead. The
The tower looks out over the cliff which 1-2 Bull
second of its three masts lies broken at the
extends as far as the eye can see. The other 3-4 Mako
base on the ocean floor nearby. Its keel is
side of what appears to be a chasm is not 5 Great white
shattered, leaving a gaping hole in its side.
visible. 6 Wereshark
The ship is a large sailing ship. Its deck is a 11 Black pudding
Once the party is inside the castle, Koom 12 Gargantua
lair for six sea snakes. The inside of the bro-
gives a vial containing a small golden fish to
ken vessel is the lair of a wereshark.
each member of the party. H e tells them that
by swallowing the magical fish, a person will Sea Snakes (6): AC 6; H D 3*; hp 12; M V
be able to breathe and move underwater with 90’(30’) swimming; #AT 1 bite; D 1 +poi-
no penalty for one day. The character can son; Save F7; M L 7 ; AL N


Suthus is the city of the tritons, a city made The City Guards, tritons (1-6): AC 4 (2 missiles); H D
entirely from dead coral cut from distant Suthus is a twisting maze of tunnels and small 6;hp 28; M V 150’(50’) swimming; #AT
reefs. Prompted by their love of beauty and rooms. Mapping of any sort is almost impos- 1 spear; D 1-6; Save D11; M L 9; AL N
music, the tritons made the entire city a natu- sible. If the party swims through unguided, First level spells: magic missile, shield*
ral musical instrument. As the water currents let them choose to go only right, left, or Second level spells: detect invisible”, web
flow through the coral of the city, they create straight at each junction. The interior of the Third level spells: hold person, lightning
a complex rhythm that can be heard twelve city is as beautiful as the outside. The color bolt
miles away. and shape of the coral walls constantly * Already cast
A huge building made of different types
There is no floor in the coral tunnels or
The Triton Raids
and colors of coral covers this side of the
rooms. Since the tritons swim instead of Ulobon, the permanently charmed slave to
city. Out of each of the six corners rises a
walk, the floor of a chamber or passageway is Hadric of Colhador, is the leader of ceremo-
short tower. Atop the towers are bright
just another surface. Any character walking nies for Suthus. Hadric is a velya. Lopra, the
lights which illuminate the entire city.
on the sculpted coral floor moves at half speed triton king of Suthus, is a puppet ruler con-
In each of the six 40-foot towers of the city, because of the uneven surface. trolled by Ulobon. Uthom is Lopra’s per-
large glow worms light the city. Their glow The tritons have taken full advantage of sonal wizard.
can be seen up to five miles from the city. The their coral city. In every wall there are several Hadric used to hunt the citizens of Suthus
tritons use a combination of light and sound murder holes. These are small openings that until he caught Ulobon. Ulobon has con-
to navigate when they are close to the city. permit arrows to be shot or spears to be poked vinced the city that they must send a captive
The city is very small, only 500 to 600 feet through. These holes are virtually impossible to Hadric in Colhador once every seven days
across and rises 20 to 30 feet from the sea to detect. Even elves have only a 1/6 (1 on to stop him from hunting in Suthus.
floor. ld6) chance of finding them. By capturing airbreathers, the tritons do
If the city is alerted to intruders, each not have to send their own people to Colha-
Border Patrol round there is a 1/6 chance that the party is dor. Lopra has a pact with One-Eye, the
The tritons patrol the border of their city- ambushed using the murder holes. The party pirate ruler of Kron, to raid and capture mer-
state, but never leave sight of the towers’ is attacked with 1-4 arrows and 1-4 spear chant ships. In exchange for building war
glow. At any time after the party can see the thrusts. Treat the attackers as 5HD tritons. rafts and a place to hold airbreathing pris-
glow from the towers and before they get Many of the rooms on the map are not oners, Kron gets half of any booty taken.
within one mile of the city, a border patrol numbered. Each of these rooms has a 1/3 Suthus gets the other half and any surviving
spots the party. A patrol consists of three tri- chance of having 1-4 tritons in it. These are prisoners.
tons mounted on giant sea horses. Each triton the normal inhabitants of the city. Make an Morak, the high sorcerer of Kron, has
is armed with a spear. An invisibility 10’ immediate morale check for the tritons. One-Eye under a permanent charm spell.
radius spell keeps the triton and his sea horse There is an equal chance a triton is either a Ulobon and Morak arranged for Lopra and
invisible. cleric or a magic-user. If they fail the roll, One-Eye to sign an agreement. Normally
they swim away quickly if there is an exit, or Kron and Suthus are not war-like. If either
Giant sea horse (3): AC 7; H D 4; hp 17; M V
surrender. ruler is freed from his captivity, that city will
180’(60’) mounted swimming; #AT 1
butt; D 1-8; Save F2; M L 8; AL N return to a normal existence and stop raiding
City inhabitants, tritons (1-4): AC 6; H D 5; the ships of Minrothad.
Border patrol tritons (3): AC 6 (2 if invisi- hp 5-40 (5d8); M V 150’(50’) swimming;
ble); H D 5; h p 30; M V 180’(60’) #AT 1 spear*; D 1-6; Save D11; M L 9; Chart of Control
mounted swimming; #AT 1 spear; D 1-6; AL N Suthus Kron
Save D11; M L 9; AL N
First level spells: magic missile, shield
Fifth level spells: Roll a die and compare the
roll to the spell list table in the D&D I
Lopra I
Second level spells: detect invisible, ESP Expert rules for each spell. Clerical spells
Third Level: invisibility 10 ’ radius*, roll l d 8 (pg. 4), magic-user spells roll
infravision * ld12 (pg. 11).
* Already cast Ulobon Uthom Morak Falcon
* City inhabitants have spears only if the city
is alerted to intruders. Otherwise they are
This information is background for the game
sea horse. “Identify yourself and your unarmed.
master. Give the information to the players a
business in Suthus,” he demands. H e
waits patiently for an answer. Every turn there is a 1/3 chance that a group little at a time. Different tritons know differ-
of 1-6 city inhabitants encounter the party in ent things about the situation. O n page 8 is a
One patrol member, still invisible, has a the tunnels. If Suthus has been alerted, the table showing what various tritons reveal
horn. If the party attacks them, he blows the tritons are guards and are armed with spears. under different circumstances.
horn which alerts the guard in Suthus.


detect invisible spells already cast. Otherwise

Suthus Information Table Ulobon ’s message: none of their spells have been cast.
Meet me in the garden in two hours. I The entrances to the guards’ grottos have
Who Asked Interrogated have an urgent request. Don’t trust massive coral gates. These are shut only if the
Politely Uthom, he is out to destroy Suthus. city is attacked by an army. Lopra, Uthom,
~~ ~ ~ ~~~

or Ulobon can order the gates closed.

Inhabitant A B
Guard or Both Uthom and Ulobon plead with the party 2: THE AUDITORIUM
Border patrol A,B C,D to destroy the other. If the party sides with This is where the tritons hold ceremonies and
Ulobon’s acolytes Ulobon, a guard leads them through room 11 great occasions. Usually Ulobon (see room 3)
or apprentices A,B C,D,F,I into Uthom’s quarters (room 14). Ulobon presides at these events. The only entrance to
Lopra’s does not aid the party in combat. If they the auditorium is through the gate in the ceil-
servants A,B,C,I D,E,F,H defeat Uthom, Ulobon calls the guards from ing. The gate is closed only in times of great
Ulobon A,B,D,I C,E,F,G,H room 11 to arrest them. trouble. Ulobon and Lopra can order this
Lopra A,B,C,D,H E If the party sides with Uthom, he leads gate closed. The auditorium has an exit into
Uthom’s them through room 2 into room 3. Uthom Ulobon’s quarters in the southwest wall.
apprentices AJ,C D,H helps the party in combat if they ask him. If Unlike most other rooms in Suthus, the
Uthom A,B,C,F,I D,E,G,H they destroy Ulobon, Uthom convinces auditorium is a perfectly smooth sphere with
Lopra that the adventurers are heroes of the no murder holes. The walls are polished coral
A. Suthus sends airbreathing prisoners to state. Each is given a gem worth 5,000 gp. set in intricate mosaic patterns. Halfway up
Colhador to ward off the ancient evil. Uthom explains the situation with Colhador the side of the south wall is an altar. If the
B. Ulobon is in charge of preparing the and Kron. He asks the party to help Suthus party makes any noise, one of Ulobon’s aco-
prisoners. by destroying Hadric and defeating Morak, lytes swims from room 3 to investigate.
C. The location of Colhador (see map). the high sorcerer of Kron.
D. The raft city of Kron provides the war If the party refuses both Uthom’s and
Ulobon is in his quarters along with three
rafts and holds the prisoners until they Ulobon’s requests, Ulobon publicly de- apprentices and 12 acolytes. Ulobon has a
are sent to Colhador. nounces them as spies. Lopra tells them to spear ‘1, and a wand of lightning bolts (14
E. The current location of Kron. leave Suthus immediately. If they don’t, six
charges). Each of his acolytes has a dagger,
F. The king, Lopra, is a puppet to Ulobon. triton guards escort them out of the city.
bow, and arrows. The apprentices are all
G. Ulobon is a slave to Hadric, the velya. If the party is hostile to the tritons and cap-
armed with spears. Ulobon does not allow
H . Suthus and Kron split the booty from tured, they are held prisoner. Guards use
strangers into his quarters. He casts fear at
the sunken merchant vessels. their holdperson spells before using lightning
any person other than Lopra who enters his
I. The whereabouts of the princess. * bolts against the party. Choose any unnum-
quarters without permission. He uses his
bered room in Suthus to detain them. Two
wand oflightning bolts against any obviously
guards are posted outside their cell and all hostile party. If the princess is in Suthus, she
* If the party has already adventured in Kron or in their belongings are kept in the unnumbered
Colhador, the princess is in Ulobon’s quarters pre- is here in Ulobon’s quarters being groomed
room nearest to the cell.
paring for the journey to Colhador. A water- for her trip to Colhador.
Shortly after the party is incarcerated,
breathing spell has been cast upon her. Ulobon, triton (1): AC 4; H D 7; hp 35; M V
Uthom visits them. He offers them freedom if
If the party has not adventured in Kron or Col- 150’(50’) swimming; #AT 1 spear; D 2-7;
hador, the princess is still being held in Kron. they will defeat Ulobon. If they agree, he says
he’ll be back in two hours to get them. One Save D11; M L 10; AL C
turn after Uthom leaves, Ulobon comes to First level spells: fear, resist cold*, cause
If the party is friendly, they receive an audi- see the prisoners. He makes an identical offer light wounds
ence with Lopra, king of the tritons. Before to defeat Uthom. If they agree, he says he will Second level spells: silence 15 ‘ radius, resist
they can enter the throne room they must return in three hours to get them. fire *
remove all their weapons, wands, staffs, and Continue the story from when Uthom or Third level: curse, cause disease
rings. They are allowed to carry their belong- Ulobon led them into the other’s quarters. If * Already cast
ings in a locked box along with its key into the the party refuses both Uthom’s and Ulobon’s Apprentice, triton (3): AC 5; H D 6; hp 27;
throne room. requests, they are taken to Kron. Their MV 150’(50’); #AT 1 spear; D 1-6; Save
Uthom and Ulobon are in the throne room belongings go with them. Their water- D11; ML 9; AL C
with Lopra. The king is easily satisfied with breathing spells do not wear off during this First level spells: fear, cause light wounds
any reason the party is in the city, unless it is time. Second level spells: blight, silence 15 ’ radius
hostile. A guard then shows the party to their Third level spells: curse
quarters. Both Uthom and Ulobon send mes- The City of Suthus
Acolyte, triton (12): AC 6; H D 5; hp 23;
sages to the party almost immediately. 1 A, B: THE GUARDS’ GROTTO MV 150’(50’); #AT 1 dagger or bow; D
These are large chambers (almost 100’ 1-4 or 1-6; Save D11; M L 9; AL C
Uthom ’s message: across) where the border patrol and city First level spells: cure light wounds, remove
Meet me in the garden in one hour. I have guards relax between rounds. They are also fear
an urgent request. Don’t trust Ulobon, he the main entrances to the city. Each contains Second level spells: hold person, bless
is out to destroy Suthus. 11-20 guards armed with spears and bows
and arrows. If the city is alerted, the guards 4A: WATER TERMITE PENS
are waiting in ambush with both shield and This room has only one entrance; in the ceil-

ing. The gate is always closed but rarely
locked. In the pens are 40 adult salt water ter-
mites and 75 grubs. T h e adults’ ink sacs have
all been removed so they do not spray. They
have been trained to bite and are very aggres-
sive, but only the adults can defend themsel-
ves. If any character other than a triton enters
the pens, he is attacked by 2-20 water ter-
Water termites (2-20): AC 5; H D 4; h p 18;
M V 180’(60’) swimming; #AT 1 bite; D
1-6; Save F3; M L 11; AL N
The sea horses the tritons use for mounts are
kept here. Room 4B is the primary stable,
room 4C is used for breeding and healing
wounded sea horses. Any creature who enters
room 4C is not attacked. There is a 1/2
chance of 1-4 stable hands ( 5 H D tritons) in
this room. Any creature other than a triton
who enters room 4B is attacked by 1-4 sea
horses if the animals fail a morale roll.
Giant sea horse (1-4): AC 7; H D 2-4,
(ld3.1); hp 1-8; M V 180‘(60’); #AT 1
butt; D 1-8; Save F2; M L 5; AL N
All these rooms were warehouses at one time. Bone golems (6): AC 2; H D 6*; hp 30; M V 7: TREASURER’S QUARTERS
There are always 3-30 triton guards in what is 60’(20’) walking underwater; #AT 4 This room has an entrance in the ceiling. The
now a practice room (5C). Room 5A holds spears; D 1-6 each; Save F4; M L 12; AL gate is usually shut and locked. T h e treasurer
vast quantities of dead fish and kelp. Room N keeps track of all the items in the warehouses.
5B contains the plunder from the sunken The guards in the practice room (5C) are his
ships of the Minrothad guilds and other air- The tritons love beauty and song. The single to command if the treasury needs to be
breathers. largest room in the center of their small city is moved or defended. Scattered throughout the
Guards, tritons (3d10): AC 5; H D 6; h p 28; the coral garden. This room has three normal room are many knotted kelp vines, each dyed
M V 150’(50’) swimming; #AT 1 spear; entrances and one secret entrance. The nor- a different color. These are the tallies of the
D 1-6; Save D1 1; M L 9; AL N mal entrances blend into the walls and cannot warehouse items.
First level spells: magic missile, shield be found from inside the garden unless a Treasurer, triton (1): AC 6; H D 5; hp 17;
Second level spells: detect invisible, web party member rolls a 5 or 6 on a ld6 (one roll MV 150’(50’) swimming; #AT 1 dagger;
Third level spells: hold person, lightning is permitted per person each round). D 1-4; Save D11; M L 9; AL N
bolt Upon first entering the garden, each char- First level spells: detect magic, read lan-
5B: PLUNDER WAREHOUSE acter must make a saving throw against spells guages
In the back of 5B is a large pile of unsorted or remain paralyzed by the natural beauty of Second level spells: detect evil, knock
coins; 50,000 cp, 20,000 sp, 10,000 ep, the room. There are 2-12 tritons in this room Third level spells: dispel magic
10,000 gp, and 5,000 pp. O n one side are sev- but none of them are armed. There is an 8: THRONE ROOM
eral large chests which hold 89 gems, 38 items equal chance that a triton is either a cleric or a Lopra holds council and handles matters of
of jewelry, 56 axes, 79 bows, 95 daggers, 63 magic-user. state here. There are always 12 triton guards
swords, 93 assorted maces, spears, hammers, City inhabitants, tritons (2-6): AC 6; H D 5; in this room in formal uniform armed with
etc. O n the other side of the room is a huge h p 5-40 (5d8); M V 150’(50’) swimming; spears and shields. If the city is alerted,
pile of 220 arrows and crossbow bolts. Next #AT 1 spear*; D 1-6; Save D11; M L 9; Lopra is seated on the throne and the guards
to the arrows is a pile of 44 pieces of leather AL N have all cast their shield and detect invisible
armor, 36 pieces of chain mail, 31 pieces of Fifth level spells: Roll a die and compare the spells.
plate mail, and 66 shields. roll to the spell list table in the D&D Guards, tritons (1-6): AC 4 (2 missiles); H D
This chamber is guarded by six bone Expert rules for each spell. Cleric spells 6; hp 28; M V 150’(50‘) swimming; #AT
golems. They attack anyone who enters the roll ld8 (pg. 4), magic-user spells roll 1 spear; D 1-6; Save D11; M L 9; AL N
room unless Lopra, Uthom or Ulobon are ld12 (pg. 11). First level spells: magic missile, shield,
with them. The bone golems each have four ” City inhabitants have spears only if the city Second level spells: detect invisible”, web
spears. The golems cannot swim, but walk is alerted to intruders. Otherwise they are Third level spells: hold person, lightning bolt
along the floor of the cavern. unarmed. * Already cast


The throne room contains many coral sculp- First level spells: detect magic, read lan-
tures. These unusual objects are worth 100- guages
600 gold pieces each if sold in an airbreather’s Second level spells: EST: detect evil
city. In the north wall of this room is a secret Third level spells: dispel magic
door. Lopra retreats through this door if he is Guards, tritons (4): AC 5; H D 6; hp 28; M V
threatened. Lopra always has his intelligent 150’(50’) swimming; #AT 1 spear; D 1-6;
sword by his side. It is his only magic item. Save D11; M L 9; AL N
Lopra, triton king (1): AC 4; H D 7 ; hp 37; First level spells: missile, shield*
M V 150’(50’); #AT 1 sword; D 4-11(x4); Second level spells: detect invisible*, web
Save D11; M L 9; AL N Third level spells: hold person, lightning
First level spells: darkness, read languages, bolt
hold portal * Already cast if the city is alerted.
Second level spells: EST: knock 12: GUEST ROOM
Third level spells: dispel magic, haste This room also ser\ies as a prison cell for
Fourth level spells: confusion important prisoners. It is empty except for a
Sword 0: AL N; Intelligence 9; Empathy; few scattered pieces of furniture and a bed.
See invisible; Detect magic; Extra dam- 13: LOPRA’S ROOM
age This room has several pieces of coral furni-
9: TREASURE ROOM ture and sculptures. A stone tablet lies in a
Lopra’s treasury is guarded by three living corner of the room. It reads:
crystal statues of tritons. The statues are
invisible because they are underwater and
remain invisible even in combat. All oppo-
nents are at -4 for hit rolls. The three statues
attack anyone other than Lopra who tries to the Mnrothad guilds, the idom ofhrenJiJr
open the shells. There are several coral and pioners. X’goods sha of alplunder such as
statues of sea creatures in the room, but they / . I I .
do not come to life.
Living statue, crystal (3): AC 4; H D 3 ; hp
15; M V 90’(30’); #AT 2 claws; D 1-6/1-
6; Save F3; M L 11; AL L
Three giant oyster shells of different sizes
cover the bottom of the room. The smallest
vntil an oficial ofSuthus chims th
contains 18 gems. The largest has 11,000
gold coins and the remaining shell has 4,000
platinum coins. All the oyster shells are 14: UTHOM’S QUARTERS Third level spells: hold person, lightning
closed. If a shell is forced open, a jet of poi- Uthom is the king’s personal wizard. He has bolt
sonous ink sprays u p to 20 feet away. Anyone two apprentices. Uthom and his apprentices Uthom’s quarters are dark and dismal. There
caught in the spray must make a saving throw are armed with daggers. Uthom has a bowl of are 1,000 platinum pieces and four gems in
against poison or die in 2-8 rounds. Lopra commanding water elementals, medallion of his room.
has command words which open and close ESP 90’ and a potion of polymorph self: Each 15A-F: GUARD TOWERS
the oyster shells. apprentice has a potion of invulnerability Each tower rises 40 feet above the ocean floor.
10: LOPRA’S ROOM Uthom, triton (1): AC 4; H D 7; hp 30; M V Inside are two triton guards. Each has a
This room contains several pieces of coral 150’(50’) swimming; #AT 1 dagger; D 1- spear, bow, and arrows. Mounted on top of
furniture. O n the wall is a stone tablet that 4; Save D11; M L 9; AL L each tower is a large glow worm in a cage.
shows the Minrothad guilds and all major First level spells: charm person, magic mis- The glow worms are harmless. They each
trade routes. The positions of Suthus and sile, darkness radiate a continual light spell of double
most of the sunken ships are marked. Second level spells: invisibilitx phantasmal strength which produces light in a sphere 120
11: THE ROYAL WAITING ROOM force feet across. Each tower has many narrow slits
The only entrance to the royal chambers is Third level spells: lightning bolt, dispel for viewing and firing arrows.
through the ceiling of this room. The gate is magic Guards, tritons (2): AC 5; H D 6; hp 28; M V
always closed but only locked by order of Fourth level spells: ice storm/wall 150’(50’) swimming; #AT 1 spear; D 1-6;
Lopra or Uthom. There are four triton Uthom’s apprentices, tritons (2): AC 5; H D Save D11; M L 9; AL N
guards and a steward on duty here. The stew- 6; hp 25; M V 150’(50’) swimming; #AT First level spells: magic missile, shield
ard delivers messages and announces audi- 1 dagger; D 1-4; Save D11; M L 9; AL L Second level spells: detect invisible, web
ences with Lopra. First level spells: magic missile. Third level spells: hold person, lightning
Steward, triton (1): AC 6; H D 5; hp 18; M V bolt
150’(50’); #AT 1 dagger; D 1-4; Save Second level spells: mirror image, phantas-
D11; M L 9; AL N mal force


The city of Kron is built on rafts. It consists of A force of six catamarans is launched for There are no loose objects anywhere on
14 large rafts which range from 200 feet to every ship. However, only one catamaran Kron; the residents of the city put things
400 feet across. These large rafts are sur- approaches within 210 feet (the maximum away or tie them to some part of the building.
rounded by almost a hundred small rafts. range of a long bow). The catamaran hails All furniture is secured to the walls or floor.
The large rafts are connected by flexible the ships and inquires of their business with All cups and bowls have lids to prevent the
wooden bridges. The small rafts have only Kron. motion of the ocean from emptying them.
mooring lines that attach them to Kron. Most mugs have lids with straw holes and
O n each large raft are several buildings. straws made from the fine bones of fish.
The small rafts have only a single building Tables have depressions and slots to hold
each. The roofs of all buildings are slightly objects.
lower in the center than on the edges. In the Any child that can crawl, can also swim in
center of the roof is a hole which connects to a Kron. The people of Kron wear lightweight
rain spout. The spout leads to a large tank clothing and if the weather is good they swim
inside the building that holds this rain water from place to place as often as they walk.
for drinking. Anyone in Kron who is older than six years
Not all the rafts in Kron are detailed. If can outswim any member of the party.
you wish to expand this adventure, you can During storms, the people of Kron stay in
add more rafts or add detail to the existing their homes and pull tarps over the doors.
rafts. Kron has never lost a raft during a storm.
As the party approaches the city, they see Some say it is the blessing of a great being
the following. hundreds of years ago.
Each major raft in Kron has a 10-foot-wide
Near the horizon is what appears to be a
ledge around its perimeter. Most of the traffic
long, flat barge. It seems to rise and fall
in Kron follows these pathways. A favorite
with the sea as if it were a piece of cloth on
game among children and young adults is to
the water. As the ship nears, a mass of
jump the canal between these side walkways
small rafts tied together becomes distin-
and not fall into the water. Since the rafts are
guishable, each with a small building on
connected by ropes and flexible bridges, the
distance between any two rafts can be as
much as 30 feet. If the rafts bump together
when a person is in the water, he takes 50
Border Patrol points of damage.
When weather permits, Kron sends guards The Kron Raids
out in catamarans to meet any visitors. Since
Morak is the high sorcerer of Kron. Before
they can see so far across the water, the cata-
Morak became the high sorcerer, Kron was a
marans do not need to be out on the water
constantly. A catamaran is 12 to 15 feet long
The City peaceful raft city. Morak has the king of
The staple food of the people of Kron is fish Kron, One-Eye, under a permanent charm
and made of two narrow wedges (like skis)
and kelp, a type of seaweed. Kelp is harvested spell.
with two crossbeams connecting them. It is
by divers and dried on rafts. Below the rafts Morak has convinced One-Eye that Kron
made of a very lightweight wood. There is a
hang many huge nets to catch fish. Every should take what it needs from those who
single triangular sail in the center. Cata-
morning the nets are inspected by divers. If have it. Through Ulobon’s influence, Morak
marans are extremely fast and maneuver-
there is a substantial catch the nets are hauled had One-Eye and Lopra sign a pact. Kron
able, moving 240’(80’) in normal winds.
up and emptied. builds the war rafts for Suthus, the tritons
They can only operate in light to strong
T h e divers of Kron are highly skilled swim- man them. The plunder is divided equally
breezes (see pg. 44, D&D Expert).
mers. Their movement rate is 50% greater between the two cities. The remains of the
A catamaran can hold only three guards;
than normal speed. They all have water ship and all sailing implements go to Kron.
one on each runner and one in the center.
breathing spells cast upon them before div- All captives go to Suthus.
The center guard must constantly control the
ing. Divers are armed with light crossbows Kron holds the captives until Suthus calls
ship or it will flip over and dump its occu-
and daggers. for them. Because the prisoners are air-
pants. The other two guards are armed with
breathers, they are held above the surface of
long bows and arrows. Divers (24): AC 8; hp 22; M V 120’(40‘);
the water. When Suthus calls for captives, a
Guards, fighters (3): AC 9; hp 30; M V #AT 1 quarrel or dagger; D 1-6 or 1-4;
triton casts a water breathing spell on them.
240’(80’) on catamaran; #AT 1 arrow; D Save F4; M L 8; AL N
They are then taken to Suthus and prepared
1-6; Save F6; M L 8; AL N Almost everything in the city is waterproof. for their journey to Colhador.


Through this scheme, both Morak and crossbows (50%) and spears (50%). They them into Kron ifthey leave all their weapons
Ulobon hope to gain great wealth and power. climb up the sides of the ship and attack the and magical items on board the ship. The
The following table shows what various sailors. ship may dock in the docking bay of Kron.
inhabitants of Kron reveal under different Divers (24): AC 8; hp 22; MV 120’(40’); One-Eye grants the party an interview if
circumstances. #AT 1 quarrel or dagger; D 1-6 or 1-4; they wish. If the princess is in Kron and the
Save F4; M L 8: AL N party asks for her release, he refuses. H e has
made a bargain with Lopra and will not
Kron Information Table If the party resists, the raft city of Kron asks break it.
for peace. However, Kron does not surrender
Falcon comes to the party’s rooms after the
Who Asked Interrogated until One-Eye and Falcon are dead or pris- interview and offers them information in
Politely oners. They try to take the attackers alive, if return for disposing of Morak. H e will tell
possible. them everything he knows about Kron,
Inhabitant A,I B If the party members are captured, they
Suthus, and the pact between them after they
Border patrol, are held in prison room 15C with the captives
fight Morak.
guard or diver A,B C,HJ to be sent to Suthus. All their belongings are If the party members somehow manage to
Falcon A,B,C,GJ E,F in 15A. Falcon comes to them in the night
infiltrate the city, they might be spotted as
Morak’s and offers them freedom if they destroy foreigners. Any demi-human is instantly
apprentices A,B,H C,FJ Morak. H e believes Morak has turned the
spotted unless disguised as a child. If the
Morak A,B,H C ,D , E, F, G , I king, One-Eye, against him and is corrupting party is discovered, the guards are called out
One-Eye’s the city. to try to take the party prisoner.
servants A,B,D,HJ C,G If the party hails the city in a friendly man-
If the party is captured, the same events
One-Eye A,B,D,HJ CAG ner, Kron sends out its border patrol to greet happen as if they are captured after they
them. Falcon is with the border patrol and attack Kron.
A. Kron is raiding land dweller’s ships. negotiates with the party. H e agrees to let
B. Kron is at odds with the tritons of
C. Kron holds prisoners that are eventually
taken to Suthus, never to return.
D. Kron and Suthus split the plunder 50/
E. The location of Suthus.
F. The captain, One-Eye, is a pawn to
G. The location of the princess. *
H. Kron builds war rafts which the tritons
sail to sink the ships of Minrothad.
I. T h e throne of Kron magically prevents
the city from sinking during storms.
J. The magical throne is just a myth. Kron
does not sink because it is built well.

* If the party has already adventured in Suthus or

Colhador, the princess is in the prison in Kron.
She is the next prisoner to go out to Suthus. She
goes in two days.
If the party has not adventured in Suthus or
Colhador, the princessjust left for Suthus. In two
days she will be sent to Colhador.

If the party attacks the raft city of Kron, they

are met with force. Kron can sail 24 cata-
marans. T h e roofs of four of the major rafts
have ballistas mounted on them. These fire
huge arrows that do 22-40 (2d10.20) points of
hull damage. Their hit roll is the same as a
normal man with a heavy crossbow. Only
two ballistas can fire upon a single ship at any
Kron puts 24 divers (4th level fighters) into
the water. Each has a waterbreathing spell
cast upon him. Divers are armed with light

The City of Kron The stuffed giant creatures he has are a crab, 6: RAFT CARPENTER’S
eel, bass, rockfish, sturgeon, gargantua, sea WORKROOM
1: GUARDROOM horse, hydrae, manta ray, and termite. The This room is filled with hemp and seaweed
Twenty guards are stationed here. They pro- normal-sized creatures he has are a dolphin, ropes. Logs and carpenter’s tools line the
vide general security for the palace, captain’s octopus, squid, killer whale, and 15 different walls. Most of the rafts are constantly being
quarters, his library, and his gallery. sharks. repaired. Old logs are replaced with new
Guard, fighter (20): AC 7; hp 28; M V There is a single guard in the room who is ones, the watertight seals are reapplied and a
120’(40’); #AT 1 pole arm; D 1-10; Save surprised automatically in combat. variety of things are lashed to the deck. Any-
F5; M L 7; AL N G u a r d , fighter (1): AC 7; hp 28; M V time the palace raft needs repair or altera-
2: THE LIBRARY 120’(40’); #AT 1 pole arm; D 1-10; Save tion, the materials come from this room.
One-Eye calls this room his library. Actually, F5; M L 7; AL N 7A: KITCHEN
it is as much an art gallery as a library. Sev- 4: TREASURY Food is prepared in this area. It has the only
eral shelves are filled with scrolls and tubes. The city’s wealth, and most of its pirate plun- oven in the palace. All knives and cookware
There are even a few bound books. Many der, is kept in this room. This is one of the few are secured to the walls or in cabinets. Noth-
paintings and pieces of sculpture are scat- rooms in Kron with a metal lock. Only One- ing slides around as the raft rocks on the sea.
tered throughout the room. The value of any Eye and Falcon have keys to open it. There are always 2-8 vants and cooks in the
given piece is 100-10,000 gp (ld100 x 100). The treasury is filled with trade items such kitchen depending upon the hour.
There are no guards in this room, but room 1 as spices, oils, furs, rare perfumes, and silks. Cooks (2-8): AC 9; hp 4; M V 120’(40’);
has many guards that will inspect the library The room also contains 10,000 pp, 47 gems, #AT 1 knife; D 1-3; Save N M ; M L 4; AL
if they hear anything suspicious. and 38 items ofjewelry. N
3: THE GALLERY There is a guardian of the treasury. Morak 7B: FOOD STORAGE
One-Eye is very proud of his gallery. It has has placed an amber golem in the room to Food is stored inthis room. Most ofit is dried
hundreds of stuffed fish and fishing trophies. guard against theft. Anyone who enters the fish and several varieties of seaweed. How-
treasury that is not known by the golem is ever, there are cabinets of spices and bins of
attacked. someJarer foods, mostly ill-gotten gains from
Amber golem (1): AC 6; H D lo*; hp 40; pirating. There is rarely anyone in this room.
M V 180’(60’) can’t swim; #AT 2 claws, 1 8: THE WATER ROOM
bite; D 2-12 claws, 2-20 bite; Save F5; This room is occupied by a cylindrical
M L 12; AL N wooden tank. This is the palace’s water sup-
5A, B, C: ONE-EYE’S QUARTERS ply. To the left of the door is a large spigot
These three rooms are the pirate captain’s mounted waist-high on the tank. The tank is
quarters. in the exact center of the raft.
To the left of the tank are 40 empty barrels.
These are used to cart water in the palace.
silks and rugs hang from the walls. Each Water is a valuable commodity in Kron.
sways as the raft rocks on the waves. The Spilling water is a crime punishable by 30
floor is covered with satin pillows and days in prison.
furs. Suddenly, one of the silk hangings
begins to part. 9: THE THRONE ROOM
This is where One-Eye conducts all of his
A servant carrying a jug of water is behind affairs of state. The room is covered with silk
the curtain. She is unarmed. There are five hangings and rugs. There are always at least
servants in One-Eye’s rooms, none of which four guards in the room. When One-Eye is
attacks the party, even if threatened. on the throne there are 12 guards. Morak is
In room 5C there is a large padded ham- always present for any important affairs. Fal-
mock. This is where One-Eye sleeps. con, the first mate in charge of the guards,
Throughout all of the rooms are silk hangings also attends affairs of state.
and finely woven rugs and satin pillows. One-Eye’s throne is shaped like a giant
There are some small sculptures and paint- supporting hand; he sits in the palm. It is
ings which are worth 1,000-6,000 gp-each. made from a marble-like material of many
T h e secret tunnel and its entrances are swirling shades of green. A combined
known only to One-Eye. He learned of them strength of 150 is needed to move it 5 feet per
from his father and will pass the secret down turn.
to his son. Only Morak and his apprentices know the
truth about the throne of Kron. It is shaped
One-Eye (fighter): AC 6; h p 47; M V
after the hand of a sea god. It is extremely
120’(40’); #AT 1 war hammer at +2; D 1-
magical but cannot be detected by a detect
6.2; SaveF6; M L 8 ; A L N ; S 12; I l l ; W magic spell unless cast by a 10th level or
8; D 12; C 16; Ch 15 higher spell caster. Any floating object con-
ring ofprotection +1


nected to the hand cannot sink even in the room has many hammocks and duffel bags however. Morak and his apprentices practice
roughest storms no matter how badly it is hanging from the ceiling and walls. The L- their spells and plot their schemes in these
damaged. Ironically, the hand itself cannot shaped section of the room is a hallway lead- rooms.
float. If thrown into water, it sinks immedi- ing to the throne room and the treasury. Morak has an amber golem which usually
ately. Two leather-armored guards with pole stays in these rooms. It protects his magical
Falcon: AC 2; hp 80; M V 120’(40’); #AT 1 arms are stationed at each door at all times. treasures from being pilfered.
sword at 4; D 1-8 2; Save F12; M L 10;
+ +
In the barracks section of the room are 10-40 Amber golem (1): AC 6; H D lo*; hp 40;
A L L ; S 17; I 10; W 9; D 16; C 14; Ch 12 guards. At night all but 2-12 are asleep. M V 180’(60’) can’t swim; #AT 2 claws, 1
Sword +2: Intelligence 8; AL L; empathy; G u a r d s (4 o r 12): AC 6; h p 45; M V bite; D 2-12 claws, 2-20 bite; Save F5;
Find Traps, Healing (6 points, 1 per 120’(40’); #AT 1 pole arm; D 1-10; Save M L 12; AL N
round) F7; M L 10; AL L Morak has five apprentices that help him in
Guards (4 or 12): AC 6; h p 45; M V 11: WATER DRAINAGE ROOM exchange for mystical knowledge. While they
120’(40’); #AT 1 pole arm; D 1-10; F 7; This room is used to store water. A pull rope do his bidding, they can be bribed.
M L 10; AL L next to the spigot in the diagonal wall controls Apprentices (5): AC 9; hp 16; M V lZO’(40’);
the drain lid in the roof. The spigot is only a #AT 1 dagger; D1-4; Save M6; M L 7;
One-Eye (fighter): AC 6; h p 47; M V
foot from the floor. In times of drought the AL C
120’(40’); #AT 1 war hammer at ‘2; D 1-
last drops of water from the tank can be used First level spells: detect magic, magic missile
6 + 2 ; S a v e F 6 ; M L 8 ; A L N ; S 1 2 ; 1 1 1W
with this spigot. Second level spells: mirror image, web
8; D 12; C 16; C h 15
There is a hatch in the floor of the room Third level spells: hold person, dispel magic
ring ofprotection +1
which opens into the sea. This hatch is kept
Morak: AC 8; hp 32; M V 120’(40’); #AT 1 Morak: AC 8; hp 32; M V 120’(40’); #AT 1
locked at all times. If the water in the tank
dagger at +2; D 1-4 2; Save M12; M L 9; dagger at +2; D 1-4 2; Save M12; M L 9;
becomes tainted or poisoned, the tank can be
AL C ; S 9; I 16; W 13; D 9; C 10; C h 11 AL C ; S 9; I 16; W 13; D 9; C 10; Ch 11
emptied into the ocean. Leaky water barrels
First level spells: charm person, magic mis- are stored here until they are fixed. First level spells: floating disc, read lan-
sile, shield, hold portal There is a hatch in the roof which is kept guages, read magic, protection from evil
Second level spells: phantasmal force, web, locked and sealed against leakage at all times. Second level spells: detect evil, detect invisi-
detect evil, invisibility If the roof needs fixing or the tank needs to be ble, knock, wizard lock
Third level spells: lightning bolt, dispel cleaned, this hatch provides access to the roof Third level spells: lightning bolt, dispel
magic, hold person, water breathing and the drain entrance to the tank. magic, hold person, water breathing
Fourth level spells: confusion, polymorph Fourth level spells: charm monster, poly-
others, curse 12: GUEST ROOM morph others, remove curse
Fifth level spells: conjure elemen tal, animate This room is divided into sections by curtains Fifth level spells: conjure elemental, animate
dead and hanging silks. Each area has several dead
Sixth level spells: anti-magic shell hammocks, some pillows, and a few hanging Sixth level spells: lower water
duffel bags. A guard stands in the hallway
Morak has two different spell lists, one here Morak has two different spell lists, one in the
outside each door when guests are in these
in the throne room and one in his quarters. throne room and one here in his quarters. H e
H e can change his spells only once per day can change his spells only once per day like
like any wizard. However, the spells that he Guards (1): AC 6; hp 45; M V 120’(40’); any wizard. However, the spells that he mem-
memorizes for any given day change. Where #AT 1 pole arm; D 1-10; Save F7; M L 9; orizes for any given day change. Where the
the party first encounters him that day deter- AL N; M L 10; AL L party first encounters him that day deter-
mines which spells he has. If the party first 13A: MORAK’S FOYER mines which spells he has. If the party first
meets him in his chambers, he has those This is the only entrance to Morak’s quarters meets him in his chambers, he has these spells
spells for the day. If the party first meets him and residence. The entire room is shrouded for the day. If the party first meets him in the
in the throne room, he has these spells for the in continual darkness which radiates from a throne room, he has those spells for the day.
day. gem mounted in the ceiling. Just outside the H e keeps most of his magical items in his
Morak takes a few of his magical devices door is a pull rope. Anyone who wishes to see summoning rooms. H e has a wand of cold
with him to the throne room. H e has a medal- Morak or his apprentices pulls the rope which (1 1 charges), medallion of ESP 30 ‘, ring of
lion of ESP 30‘, a ring of human control rings a bell in 13B. The visitor then enters the spell storing(charm person, locate object, flx
(which keeps One-Eye charmed), and a ring room and waits. fireball, continual darkness) and a ring of
of spell storing (charm person, locate object, Only Morak and his apprentices know the human control. The ring ofhuman control is
f l fireball,
~ continual darkness). location and how to work the locks on the controlling One-Eye. There is a scroll in his
Falcon always wears his leather armor +3 secret doors leading into 13B. Visitors are private quarters which he may try to get if he
and carries his intelligent sword +2when he is spun around until confused and dizzy. They needs it.
in the throne room. O n his hand he wears a are then led into 13B through one of the 14A: THE APPRENTICES’
ring of water walking. secret doors. QUARTERS
13B: MORAK’S SUMMONING ROOMS This simple room has hammocks for sleeping
The room is partitioned by several cloth and a trunk for each apprentice’s belongings.
The captain’s guards sleep and stand duty hangings. In each portion of the room is a 14B: MORAK’S QUARTERS
here. A large portion of the room is parti- table of odds and ends that appear to be used This room has a large comfortable-looking
tioned by a curtain. T h e square section of the for casting spells. These are strictly for show, hammock strewn with pillows. The floor,





O1984, TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Scale 1 square = 20’

O1984, TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved

door stairs hole in floor well

secret door hole (cave e n t r a n c e ) hole (from a b o v e ) whirlpool

O1984, 'I'SR, InL. All Rishts Rescrvcd
secret door curtain

1 throne

O1984, TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved


walls, and ceiling are covered with rugs and captives for Suthus in 15C. All the prisoners Colhador lies in ruins. Half the city fell off
hangings. There is a table built into one wall. are in fairly good physical condition. None of the sea shelf. The other half is the home of a
Pinned to the table are several papers filled them have any special abilities or any of their centuries old evil, Hadric the velya. During
with scribblings about spells and items. A cyl- possessions. this time he has subtly rearranged the old city
inder strapped to the table contains a letter to 16: FALCON’S QUARTERS to suit his needs.
Morak from Ulobon. T h e letter is written on Falcon is the first mate of Kron and is in While the party is exploring Colhador,
sharkskin with a special ink developed for use charge of security. Falcon commands all the make sure they always declare whether they
underwater. It reads: guards and the catamaran navy of Kron. are walking or swimming. Many of the traps
and encounters are affected by the mode of
1 travel a character chooses.

Colhador Random Encounters

Roll 2d6 Encounter

2 Sea serpent, roll l d 6

1-3 Lesser
The last item on the table is a box bolted to its This room is his private quarters, but he is 3 Sea snakes
surface. Inside the box is a scroll of three only in this room if he is sleeping. It is deco- 4 Eels, roll l d 6
spells (death, disintegrate, a n d invisible rated with at least one of every nonmagical 1-4 Electric
stalker). weapon. Several shields and some sets of 5-6 Giant electric
14C: EMPTY ROOM armor (no plate) cover the walls. Like every- 5 Giant octopus
This room is available to Morak for extra one else in Kron, Falcon sleeps in a ham- 6 Scavengers, roll l d 6
apprentices or to lock up valuable or danger- mock. 1-2 Black pudding
ous items. Falcon: AC 2; hp 80; M V 120’(40’); #AT 1 3-4 Ochre jelly
15A: PRISON STATION sword at 4; D 1-8 2; Save F12; M L 10;
+ + 5 Gray ooze
Prisoners are searched here before being put A L L ; S 17; 110; W 9; D 16; C 14; C h 12 6 Green slime
into their cells. The guards at this station Sword +2: Intelligence 8; AL L; empathy; 7 Undead, roll ld6
watch over the prisoners. If a prisoner needs Find Traps, Healing (6 points, 1 per 1-2 Wight
to be interrogated, it is done in this room by round) 3 Skeleton
these guards. Kron rarely needs to interro- 4 Spectre
Falcon always wears his leather armor +3,
gate a prisoner. 5 Wraith
except when he is sleeping, and carries his
6 Zombie
Guard (10 fighters): AC 7; h p 28; M V intelligent sword +2. O n his hand he wears a
8 Sharks, roll l d 6
120’(40’); #AT 1 pole arm; D 1-10; Save ring of water walking.
1 Bull
F5; M L 7; AL N If he is sailing his catamaran he carries a
2-4 Mako
15B, C: PRISONS returning spear +2 and his leather armor +3.
5-6 Great white
Both these areas are prisons. Room 15B is for (The spear returns to the caster only if it
9 Sea hydrae, ld6.6 heads
normal prisoners held because they have misses its target.)
10 Giant fish. roll l d 6
committed some crime against Kron, such as 1-4 Rockfish
stealing water. Room 15C is used to hold 17A, B: PALACE ENTRANCES
5-6 Sturgeon
political prisoners and captives for Suthus. If These two areas have no walls on the sides
11 Manta ray, roll l d 6
the princess is in Kron she is being held in this facing out from the palace, although they are
1-4 Normal
room. roofed. In fair weather, two guards stand at
5-6 Giant
Whenever a prisoner is put into or released each entrance, the double doors open. In bad
12 Gargantua
from his cell, the guards enter the hallway weather, the double doors are closed and the
and lock the door to 15A behind them. The guards stand just inside them. The second
door to the prison is then opened. The doors entrance in 17B is to the prison. Most of the buildings do not have maps. As
are never both unlocked so a prisoner might Guards, fighters (2): AC 7 ; hp 28; M V the game master you may draw maps and
escape. 120’(40’); #AT 1 pole arm; D 1-10; Save decide encounters for any or all of them. If
There are four prisoners in 15B and nine F5; M L 7; AL N you do not map any other buildings, use the
following random encounter table. There is a
1/3 chance that a particular building is inhab-
ited. In all cases, describe the rooms as being
filled with muck, mud, and algae.

Hadric’s Lair
The city of Colhador was once populated by floor. Among the tritons there are rumors of When the party is within a mile of Colhador
airbreathing people. A catastrophe many other cities of the same people, now lying on they begin to hear singing. This is the song of
centuries ago caused it to sink to the ocean the ocean floor. Hadric. At this range it has no effect. If any


character is within 200 feet of the source of 2: GLASS WALLS takes 1-6 points of acid damage. If he
the song, he must begin making saving breathes as well, he takes an additonal 1-4
throws vs. charm. The room is large and barren. There is no points of damage.
When the party gets to the city, they can mud or algae anywhere. Metal dissolves in three rounds, cloth and
determine that the singing comes from the leather in one round. Magical items take two
There are three invisible glass walls in the turns to dissolve. Anything that is dissolving
building within the palace walls.
room. T h e natural invisibility is not from any looks like it is boiling as the acid eats at it.
spell or magical item, therefore it remains
The Well of Hador hidden even if a party member tries a detect 7: SINKING CEILING ROOM
Near the single building within the former invisible spell.
palace walls is a hole in the ocean floor five The glass walls are studded with glass The room is barren except for muck and
feet in diameter. Any character who spikes. Any character swimming into a glass algae that cover the floor and walls.
approaches within 20 feet can feel a strong wall at 10 feet per round or faster takes 1-8
current flowing out of the hole. If a party points of damage. If the character is wearing The floor is covered with pressure plates
member gets 10 feet from the hole he is swept plate or chain mail, the spikes break off and starting five feet from either door. If the party
up into the current. It moves at 100 feet per do no damage. depresses any plates, the doors begin to close.
round. After rising 500 feet, the current dis- The party can easily stop the doors with door
perses enough to allow any captive to swim 3: EMPTY ROOM spikes or a combined strength of 20.
free of it. The singing seems to come from Once the door is closed, the party can open
both the building and the well. This room is empty except for mud and it only with a combined strength of 50 or by
If a character tries to swim down the hole, algae. casting a knock spell upon it. O n the round
his movement rate is reduced by 100 feet per the doors close, the ceiling begins to drop two
round. For example, if a magic-user casts a feet per round. The ceiling is 10 feet high so it
fly spell upon a dwarf, the dwarf may move 4: THE POISONED ROOM
will kill any characters in the room in five
120 feet per round underwater. Since the cur- rounds.
rent subtracts 100 feet per round of move- although you can still see that it contains
ment, the dwarf can move only 20 feet per only muck and algae. 8: EMPTYROOM
round of movement down the shaft. T h e room is empty. However, it is magical
The smooth walls of the well have no hand- The room is darker because there is poison and glows if detect magic is cast upon it. Any
holds the first 200 feet down. There are open- suspended in the water. The subtle poison is spell is negated while in this room. Magic
ings off the well at the second level and the derived from the sea snake. There is a 75% items, potion effects, and item effects are not
fourth level. T h e well goes much deeper but chance each that a character notices it. The altered. Treat it as if a dispel magic has been
there are no other openings. full effects take 3-6 turns to feel if the saving cast by a 6th level spell caster, including the
throw vs. poison fails. 5 % chance of failure for each level of differ-
First Level Any character moving into the room is ence in spell casting. T h e only noticeable
This level has mostly traps. The only crea- immediately affected. In two rounds, anyone changes are the loss of spells such as continual
tures on this level are those that live on the standing near the door to room 3 is affected light, water breathing, etc.
ledge rooms (rooms 10-14) and the guardian by the poison. The only other exit from this room is the
skeletons of the entrance room. The party door in the north wall. It leads to a staircase
cannot hear the song of Hadric in any interior 5: THE SOAP ROOM which descends to the next level.
room of this level because the walls and floor
The floor of this room is covered with 9: FALSE MONSTER
mute the sound. white silt about two inches deep.
North entrance: The door in the northern The room is bare except for the monstros-
wall of the building opens into the corridor The white silt is actually soap. If it is dis- ity in the center. Its four blood-red eyes
between rooms 1 and 2. It is fused shut by turbed, the room becomes completely filled glare maliciously from a head which
centuries of exposure to the sea and is covered with soap in two rounds. After that, any char- almost touches the ceiling. Its huge mouth
with algae. A combined strength of 50 or a acter in the room begins to drown from lack is full of sharp teeth. Wriggling tentacles
knock spell can open it. of oxygen in the water. protrude from the hump on its back. Both
The algae on the door is actually green feet are clawed and three-toed. The tail is
slime. If any party member pushes on the 6: ACIDROOM smooth and gray.
door, the slime has an automatic hit.
The room is barren and clean. It has no T h e monster is not there, it is merely an illu-
Green Slime (1): AC (automatic hit); HD muck or algae in it. sion. Anyone who sees it for the first time
2 + * ; hp 8; MV 3’(1’); #AT 1; D special; ~

must make a saving throw vs. fear or run

Save F1; ML 7; AL L The doorways to this room are magical. They from the room. Once a successful saving
do not allow the acid that fills the room to tra- throw is made, that character is no longer
1: EMPTY ROOM vel from it. If detect magic is cast, the door- affected by the illusion.
Any character who opens the door to this ways appear as magical.
room is fired upon by three crossbows The acid in the room cannot be distin-
mounted on the opposite wall. The hit roll is guished from normal water unless a character
made as if from a 10th level fighter. Each bolt tries to breathe it or swim through the room.
does 1-6 points of damage. Each round a character is in the room. he


10: EMPTY LEDGE The only other exit from this room is a door that it seems to be reaching out to push back
opposite the hole in the wall. The door is some unknown horrors from the north and
locked. east doors. T h e statue faces the corner
to the ocean floor. It is now filled with between them.
muck and algae. 14: GRAY OOZE LEDGE Any character examining the statue will see
its emerald eyes. Each gem is worth 1,000 gp.
The ledge is empty. If the party investigates, The eyes can easily be pried from the statue.
there is a 1/6 chance that the sea hydrae in to the ocean floor. It is now filled with
Room 12 spots them and attacks. muck. 17: THE WELL OF HADOR
Any character who opens the door to this

11: SEA SNAKES’ LEDGE The muck is actually two gray oozes. If the room is sucked into the well. All other charac-
party touches the muck, the gray ooze gets an ters in room 16 must make a saving throw vs.
Most of the room has fallen over the cliff automatic hit. If the party spends more than paralysis or also be sucked into the well. The
to the ocean floor. It is now filled with two rounds on the ledge, the oozes attack. walls of the well are smooth and have no
muck and algae.
Gray ooze (2): AC 8; H D 3*; hp 15; M V handholds. For a complete description of the
The ledge is the residence of seven sea snakes. lO’(3’) swimming; #AT 1; D 2-16 acid; well and its effects see The Well of Hador at
They make their nest in the muck on the Save F2; M L 12; AL N the beginning of this section.
ledge floor. They bite a member of the party There is a secret door in the back wall leading
only if he stands in or otherwise disturbs the to room 9.
The entire room is a whirlpool. Any charac-
mud. ter who opens the door to this room is imme-
Sea snake (7): AC 6; H D 3*; hp 13; M V
Second Level diately sucked into it. All other characters in
90’(30 ‘) swimming; #AT 1 bite; D 1 poi-
This level is inhabited by a variety of crea- room 16 must make a saving throw vs. paral-
son; Save F2; M L 7; AL N tures whose task it is to discourage visitors. ysis or be sucked into the whirlpool.
The song of Hadric can be heard at all times The whirlpool is a magical creation. It
There is a 1/3 chance that the sea hydrae on this level, although it cannot charm
from room 12 spots the party and attacks if draws everything down to a room on the
because it is too muted by the rock. fourth level of the building. It does 2-12
they are in this room.
points of buffeting damage plus the charac-
12: SEA HYDRAES’ LAIR ter’s armor class. For example, a character
The walls are scarred and burnt in many wearing chain mail would take 5 extra points
One side of the room has fallen away over places. The floor has long claw marks of damage for his armor class.
the cliffside. The three remaining walls carved an inch deep into the stone. Sev-
hold up the ceiling that covers the rest of a eral scattered skeletons lie in the corners. 19: FALSE IDOL ROOM
hexagonal shaped room. In the back, In the center of the room sits a huge turtle Bright, exciting murals cover these walls.
something stirs the muck. with a dragon’s head. Steam rises from its Scenes of conquest and great treasures
snout. There are no visible exits. flow from one end to the other. Opposite
A six-headed sea hydrae has made this partial
room its home. It instantly attacks anything the door is a large statue of an octopus
The dragon turtle is an illusion, but the steam holding a five-foot wide dish in four of its
that looks edible. is not. A magical boiler below the room cre- arms. The body and tentacles glitter and
Sea hydrae (1): AC 5; H D 6; hp 20; M V ates steam which is pumped through a pipe sparkle as if they were made from a pre-
120’(40’) swimming; #AT 6 heads; D 1- into the room. Unless someone gives a com- cious metal. The suckers are different col-
10 each; Save F6; M L 11; AL N mand word immediately, a cloud of steam 25 ored gems and the eyes are two giant red
feet long and 20 feet wide is released in the gems. From behind the octopus statue
The sea hydrae has accumulated 1,000 cp first round of combat. The effect is the same
and 2,000 ep in its lair. The copper is hope- slither four giant eels.
as dragon’s breath. Any character caught in
lessly rusted into a single large mass. The
the steam and boiling water takes 60 points Hadric painted the walls and stone statue and
electrum coins are salvageable.
damage. If the character makes a saving inlayed its glass gems.
throw vs. dragon breath, the damage is only The fake gold and gems can fool anyone at
30 points. a glance, but not once the statue is examined.
Only a small portion of one wall of this The illusion faces the south door. It only There are four giant electric eels in the
room is ruined. T h e room lets in no light breathes once per entering party. room. They attack viciously without provo-
Giant electric eels (4): AC 6: H D 6*; h p 32;
A continual darkness spell has been cast upon
M V 240’(80’) swimming; #AT 1 bite +
this room. Inside are 20 skeletons armed with
each wall. In the exact center is a stone shock; D 3-12 + special; Save F3; M L 9;
spears. They can magically see through the
statue of a fearful triton. Its arms are AL N
darkness. They attack any intruders in the
thrust forward, palms out.
building. 20: WERESHARKS’ DEN
Skeletons (20): AC 7; H D 1; hp 5; M V T h e triton is just a statue. If the party care- The weresharks that enter room 21 make
45’(15’) underwater; #AT 1 spear; D 1-6; fully examines the statue, a character might their lair in this room. The only entry to the
Save F1; M L 12; AL C notice (1/3 chance per character examining) room is through the secret door in room 2 1.


Bones are strewn across the floor. Bits and First level spells: magic missile, shield Green slime (6): AC always hit; H D 2**; hp
pieces of cloth and wood a r e scattered Second level spells: web, knock 9; M V 3’(1’) underwater; #AT 1; D spe-
throughout the room. A wooden chest lies in Third level spells: haste cial; Save F1; M L 7; AL L
the corner. It is locked and in good condition Tucked away behind a coral growth is a bag of Gray ooze (12): AC 8; H D 3*; hp 13; M V
despite being underwater. It contains 7,000 holding. Inside the bag are 2,000 ep, a wand lO’(3’) underwater; #AT 1; D 2-16; Save
gP. oftrap detection, a potion ofgrowth, a small F2; M L 12; AL N
scroll (remove curse, raise dead), and a larger Ochre jelly (12): AC 8; H D 5*; hp 22; M V
scroll (lightning bolt, knock, charm mon- 30’(10’) underwater; #AT 1; D 2-12;
The room swarms with brown sharks. ster). Save F5; M L 12; AL N
Each is five to 10 feet long. Two other The tritons have been saving magical items
they take from their victims, hoping that one Black pudding (6): AC 6; H D lo*; hp 45;
doors across the room are visible through M V 60’(20’) underwater; #AT 1; D 3-24;
the mass of sharks. The floor is littered of them will help them escape. They know
how to use the wand and the bag, but cannot Save F5; M L 12; AL N
with bones.
read the scrolls and have not tried the potion. Halfway down the tunnel is a large hole in
There are 12 bull sharks in the room. They the cave floor which opens into room 36, the
are fed to keep them alive, but they are kept 23: ENTRY ROOM dragon turtle’s cavern.
slightly hungry for aggressiveness. O n the Each round, a scavenger attacks whom-
The room is triangular. There are doors ever is in the cave. There is never more than
first round, 2-12 sharks attack the party. As on the north and south corners and a large
soon as any blood is shed, the sharks go into a one attacking scavenger per party member.
staircase on the east end leading up. The As each scavenger is destroyed, note the total
feeding frenzy, biting at the nearest party walls are carved into grotesque figures of
member or wounded shark. The bones are number of that type in the cavern. It is possi-
people dying and ghosts rising from the ble to completely clean it out.
fish, human, and triton.
ground. If an area effect spell is cast, divide the
Bull sharks (12): AC 4; H D 2*; hp 9; M V
diameter of the spell’s effect by 5. The result,
180’(60’) swimming; #AT 1 bite or ram; There are four wraiths in this room who
rounded down, is the number of scavengers
D 2-8 or stun; Save FI; M L 7; AL N attack any intruders upon sight.
caught in the blast. For example: An elf casts
Two rounds after the first round of combat, Wraiths (4): AC 3; H D 4**; hp 16; M V a lightning bolt in the cave. Underwater, a
two mako sharks slip into the room from the 240’(80’) swimming; #AT 1 touch; D 1-6 lightning bolt does damage in a sphere 40 feet
secret door to room 20. These are weresharks +energy drain; Save F4; M L 11; AL C in diameter (see page 2). Therefore it affects
in their shark form. Any character in melee In the southern diagonal wall is a secret com- eight scavengers. Roll Id6 for each scavenger
or spell casting has only a 10% chance of partment. The door is disguised to look like and refer to the table below.
noticing their entrance. Any other characters part of the carvings. Inside the compartment Remember that some of these creatures are
have a 25% chance of seeing them come in are 2,000 gp. immune to certain attack forms. Some of
through the secret door. them will even multiply.
Weresharks, mako (2): AC 4; H D 4; hp 20; 23B: UPPER CAVERN
M V 180’(60’); #AT 1 bite; D 2-12; Save This natural cavern’s walls, floor, and
F4; M L 9; AL C ceiling are hopelessly covered with muck, At first this appears to be just a small hole
The weresharks attack spell casters before mud, algae, and other plant growths. in the cliff face, but it is really a room. The
fighting other characters. They do not fall Strands of mosses and muck hang down walls are covered with mystic symbols and
prey to the feeding frenzy of the other sharks, from the ceiling, some almost to the floor. writings. A high vaulted ceiling rises 20
but strike when and where they want. feet from the floor. In the back of the room
The cavern is a haven for all varieties of scav- is a 16-foot bronze statue of a fire giant. In
22: TRITONS’ LAIR engers; black puddings, gray oozes, green the center of its chest is a sword welded to
slimes, and ochre jellies. If a character its surface. The water in this room feels
The walls of this hexagonal room are hot.
touches any surface, it is an automatic hit for
made of coral of many colors. In the mid-
a scavenger. Use the following table to deter-
dle of the room are two tritons playing at The statue is really a bronze golem. It attacks
mine what scavenger touches the character if
some game. Close by are two spears. he should lean against a cavern wall. anyone who enters the room. Although it
can’t swim, its arms are long enough to reach
These tritons have been spared by Hadric to even the highest part of the ceiling. If it spurts
serve as guardians of his lair. They cannot liquid ‘blood’ three or more times, the room
escape the wraiths (room 23) to leave Colha- Upper Cavern Encounter Table becomes so filled with steam that the party
dor. They attack the party immediately attacks at -2 on all hit rolls. Even infravision
unless any character offers them freedom in Roll l d 6 Encounter
is affected since the entire room is over-
exchange for some service. As allies, the tri- 1 green slime heated.
tons fight any creatures of the same or fewer 2-3 gray ooze The bronze golem is in this room to guard
hit dice, but will not fight undead. 4-5 ochre jelly the sword that is welded to its chest. The
Tritons (2): AC 6; H D 5*; h p 20; M V 6 black pudding sword cannot be removed until the golem is
150’(50’) swimming; #AT 1 spear; D 1-6; destroyed. The sword then magically falls
Save F5; M L 9; AL N free from the golem’s chest.


Bronze golem (1): AC 0; H D 20**; hp 100; 26: THE GALLERY 28: SOUTH CAVERN VIEW
M V 90’(30’) underwater; #AT 1 fist spe-

cial; D 3-30 special; Save F10; M L 12;

There are a dozen very old statues in the The room is shaped like a half sphere. The
AL N room. Most are missing pieces or have walls and floor are perfectly smooth stone.
cracks running through them. The statues The northwest half of the room is missing.
Hadric fears the sword more than anything. are placed randomly in the room. The The walls and floor are broken by a 70-
It is a special sword (pg. 60, D&D Expert) walls have many empty hooks and rusted foot-wide chasm. O n the far side is an
created to slay Hadric. As long as Hadric wires hanging from them. identical half room.
lives, the sword maintains its powers. As
soon as Hadric is destroyed, the sword There are eight shadows in the room. They If the dragon turtle is still alive, use the direc-
reverts to a sword + 1 , +3 vs. undead. hide behind the statues, which makes them tions for room 27 for the encounter.
Sword +1, +3 vs. undead: AL L; Speech; almost impossible to detect. When the party
Intelligence 12; Total willpower 24; ESP; moves into the room the shadows try to sur- 29: THE WHIRLPOOL
Read magic; See invisible; Detect evil; prise by jumping out from behind the statues. The entire room is a whirlpool. Any charac-
Against Hadric only: Extra damage, no ter who opens the door to this room is imme-
Shadows (8): AC 7; H D 2 2*; hp 12; M V

combat penalty for being underwater diately sucked into it. All other characters in
90’(30’) swimming; #AT 1 touch: D 1-4 +
room 30 must make a saving throw vs. paral-
Make control checks (pg. 60, D&D Expert) special; Save F2; M L 12; AL C
ysis or be sucked into the whirlpool.
when the owner of the sword tries to leave The whirlpool is a magical creation. It
Colhador or when he is within 50 feet of 27: NORTH CAVERN VIEW
draws everything down to a room in the
Hadric. If the owner of the sword is under the fourth level of the building causing 1-6 points
The room is a shaped like a half sphere.
influence of a charm spell or the charm song The walls and floor are perfectly smooth of buffeting damage plus the character’s
of Hadric, lower the owner’s willpower by stone. The southeastern half of the room is armor class. This is one die less damage than
eight points when making a control check for if the party enters the whirlpool from the level
missing. The walls and floor are broken
the sword. If the sword gains control, it will by a 70-foot-wide chasm. O n the far side is above.
not let the character leave Colhador until an identical half room. Just past the lip of
either Hadric is dead or its owner is dead. If the floor is a gaping hole in the cavern’s 30: ACCESS ROOM
the character is within 50 feet of the velya, the
sword forces the character to attack. The In the bend in the hallway is a small room.
sword’s control takes precedence over the It has a single door with a startling mural
velya’s charm song. painted around it. The wall is painted to
look like the head of a vampire, the door
as the mouth.
Third Level
The singing is stronger on this level, although 31: THE DINING ROOM
it is still not strong enough to charm. Make a
morale check for any tritons that are with the
silence. Rotting nets hang from the ceiling
party. If they fail the morale check they flee
and lie on the floor. In the center of the
up the stairs and refuse to go down to the
room is a large oak table of fine craftsman-
third level.
ship, now beginning to decay. Eight chairs
25: THE SLOW ROOM surround the table. Each appears to have
been a work of art before the salt water
I 1 eroded the carving. Two corroded cande-
the middle and then narrows to 15 feet labra on the table brush the hanging nets.
and then 5 feet. There is a door at the In each chair is a skeleton clothed in rot-
other end. At the opposite end of the hall ting finery.
are two skeletons. Each has four arms and
wields a spear in each hand. The skeletons are merely props in Hadric’s
The room is empty. However, if the charac-
lair. A small grate lies on the floor under the
ters make too much noise, the dragon turtle
The center portion of the room is affected by that lives in the chasm attacks the party. The chair at the head of the table. It leads to a
a permanent slowspell. The two skeletons are four-inch-wide drain to the next lower level.
dragon turtle swiftly swims to the edge, hop-
bone golems that are immune to the spell. Then it goes into the secret tunnel near room
ing for surpise. Roll for surprise for the party
They stand at the far edge of the spell area 48. The candlabra are made of silver and are
but not for the dragon turtle. It does not
and wait until the first person is slowed before breathe on the first round. It only breathes if worth 5,000 gp each on the open market.
attacking. If they are wounded by missile fire it is severely hurt by a single attack-a light- Hadric knows that the clerics will attempt
before anyone is slowed, they advance to to turn the skeletons on the first or second
ning bolt, for example.
attack. round after they enter the room. O n the third
Bone golems (2): AC 2; H D 6*; h p 28; M V Dragon turtle (1): AC -2; H D 30*; hp 130; round after the party enters the room, Hadric
60’(20’) underwater; #AT4 spears; D 1-6 M V 90’(30’) swimming; #AT 2 clawdl enters through the grill as a stream of clouded
each; Save F3; M L 12; AL N bite; D 1-8 claw/10-60 bite; Save F15; M L water. H e tries to get behind the cleric or any
10; AL C other vulnerable character without being


seen. H e reforms into his humanoid form and they have been chained here by Hadric and
attacks, probably with surprise, from behind. tormented for as long as they can remember. abruptly. To the northeast it becomes shal-
As soon as he takes one point of damage, But the mermen are actually polymorphed low and eventually bends out of sight.
Hadric becomes a stream of water and exits mako sharks. They have no memory of any- There is a hole in the chasm wall near the
through the grate. Hadric can regenerate thing other than being held captive in this bottom and another overhead in the ceil-
most forms of damage by the time the party room. If they are allowed to, they gather the ing of the cavern.
sees him again. six spears for weapons.
If the party has been reasonably quiet, the
Velya, Hadric (1): AC 3; H D 7**; hp 45; Mermen (6): AC 6; H D 2; hp 18; M V dragon turtle sleeping on the chasm floor
M V 180’(60’) underwater; #AT 1 touch; 120’(40’) swimming; #AT 1 spear; D 1-6; does not stir. If the characters try to swim to
D 1-8 +leveldrain; Save F7; M L 11; AL C Save F2; M L 8; AL C the other side it wakes. In rooms 27 and 28,
ring ofspell turning ( 5 spells) Sharks, mako (6): AC 4; H D 4; hp 18; whispering does not wake the dragon turtle,
ring of telekinesis 180’(60’) swimming; #AT 1 bite; D 2-12; but over the chasm any slight noise will
Save F2; M L 7; AL N awaken it. The hole in the chasm wall is
32: THE HALL OF THE DEAD where it keeps it’s treasure. The hole over-
34: THE HALL OF DECEPTION head leads to room 23B on the second level.
The odor of decaying flesh is heavy; the
room is littered with corpses. The corpses There is a secret door near the floor in the
rise to their feet as soon as they are dis- northern portion of the cavern. It connects to
floor. His body stretches from one end of
turbed and march menacingly toward the secret tunnel leading to the prison cells
the hall to the other. H e calls out, “Save
your party. (4th level).
me before the life is drained from my
body!” H e begins to struggle against his Dragon turtle (I): AC -2; H D 30*; hp 130;
There are 40 bodies in the room. Twenty are bonds. M V 90’(30’) swimming; #AT 2 clawdl
zombies, 19 are normal dead bodies, and one bite; D 1-8 claw/10-60 bite; Save F15; M L
is a wereshark in human form. The storm giant is an illusion. The illusion 10; AL C
On the rear wall of the room is a horn made hides a lesser sea serpent which attacks any
from a large shell. It is a horn of blasting. 37: THE CROSSROADS
character that comes near it. In its belly are
Zombies (20): AC 8; H D 2; hp 7; M V five gems and four vials of water breathing T h e room is small, only five feet square.
30’(10’) underwater; #AT 1 claw; D 1-8; that it swallowed along with a previous vic- There is a small door on each wall. The
Save F1; M L 12; AL C tim.
Wereshark (1 mako shark): AC 4; H D 4; hp Sea serpent, lesser (I): AC 5; H D 6; hp 26;
21; M V 180’(60’); #AT 1 bite; D 2-12; M V 150’(50’) underwater; #AT 1 bite or This room is highly magical. Only one door
Save F4; M L 7; AL C 1 squeeze; D 2-12 or 1-10; Save F3; M L 8; can be open at a time. Even knock spells can-
AL N not open a second door if another is already
The wereshark pretends to be a corpse while open. They can withstand any damage that
the zombies attack the party. When all the the characters inflict and remain intact. If all
zombies are destroyed, the wereshark waits the doors are closed, any will open easily to
until he can catch the party unaware, and Each wall is completely covered by a large the touch
changes into a shark to attack the party by mirror. The glass has spots of dirt and Any character who looks or stands in the
surprise. algae in many places, making it easy to room has a 1/3 chance of noticing the writing
Every time the party enters this room there determine the location of the walls. The on the ceiling. It reads:
are 20 zombies. The room magically reani- room is shaped like a hexagon. On one
mates new zombies from the corpses. If the corner is a IO-foot opening. Singing drifts * crumoaJ4 there are
wereshark is killed, it is not reanimated. through the aperture. , ,

33: THE HALL OF CHAINS The room appears to be empty but there are
actually four living crystal statues inside.
The walls and floor of the room are
They are transparent in water and remain so The room is just large enough for the entire
stained and cracked. Many tiny points of
even when attacking. Any opponents attack party. No combat is possible in this room if
light glare from the walls like dozens of
them at -4 on hit rolls. They guard the stair- more than two bodies are inside. Regardless
pairs of eyes. Weapons and instruments of
way to Hadric’s private chambers. O n the which door the party opens, the room it leads
torture lie scattered across the floor. Six
first round of combat they have automatic to is determined randomly.
mermen are shackled to the walls.
surprise. The first time the party tries a door, roll
The tiny points of light are algae that glow in Living statue, crystal (4): AC 4; H D 3*; hp ld3. For all other tries, roll ld4. The result
the dark. All the torture devices are broken 12; M V 30’(10’) underwater; #AT 2; D determines to which room the door leads.
and cannot be used. There is an assortment 1-6 each; Save F3; M L 11; AL L The same door could lead to each of the three
of swords, daggers, axes, and spears on the rooms on different tries.
floor. Most are rusted beyond use. Six of the 36: THECHASM Die roll Room
spears can still be used. The ground falls away sharply at your feet 1 32
When the party enters the room, the mer- and forms a chasm. The bottom is 50 feet 2 33
men beg to be set free. They promise to serve down. To the southwest the chasm ends 3 34
the characters if they are freed. They claim 4 corridor


Fourth Level T h e two shadowy forms are spectres. They The object in the center of the room is the
When the party enters this level, secretly are sent by Hadric to guard the entrance to large chandelier that once hung from the 20-
make a saving throw for the charm song of his watery lair. The spectres attack the party foot high ceiling. It fell many years ago and is
the velya. Note those who fail it. For now immediately. Unknown to the players, a third now covered with mud and algae. Twenty-
there is no noticeable effect. When Hadric spectre hides behind the hangings directly four gem stones worth 1,000 gp each are set
attacks the party, he knows who is charmed opposite the staircase. in the fixture.
and uses them to his advantage. Until that Spectres (3): AC 2; H D 6::; hp 30, 27, 25; Under the muck are twelve skeletons and
time, the character is not aware that he is con- M V 150’(50’) underwater; #AT 1 touch; eight zombies. They try to rise and attack
trolled by the velya. D 1-8 +doubleenergy drain; Save F6; M L swimming characters by surprise. Any char-
Before descending to this level, make 11; AL C acter who swims 10 feet or more above the
another morale check for any tritons that are mud is safe since the skeletons and zombies
If the mermen from room 33 enter the throne cannot swim.
with the party. Failure means they refuse to room, their enchantment is broken and they
go down to this level and flee up the stairs. If revert to their shark form. Hadric commands Skeletons (12): AC 7; H D 1; h p 4; M V
the mermen from room 33 are with the party, them to immediately attack the party. 45 ‘ (15 ’) underwater; #AT 1 hand axe; D
they need not make a morale check. 1-6; Save F1; M L 12; AL C
Hadric attacks the party on this level of his Sharks, mako (1-6): AC 4; H D 4; hp 18;
180’(60’) swimming; #AT 1 bite; D 2-12; Zombies (8): AC 8; H D 2; h p 9; M V
lair using guerilla techniques. H e appears, 30’(10’) underwater; #AT 1 claw; D 1-8;
fights for a round or two, and disappears. Save F2; M L 7; AL N
Save F1; M L 12; AL C
Between attacks he waits long enough to T h e thrones’ value has been destroyed by the
regenerate all damage he can. H e will not salt water. At the bottom of each throne is a Anyone who walks through the muck is
allow the party to leave his lair alive if possi- secret compartment. The thrones must be grabbed by a creature and falls into the mud.
ble. tipped over to get to the compartments. The Once on the ground, the skeletons and zom-
larger throne’s compartment holds a wooden bies t r y to hold the character down while oth-
Velya, Hadric (1): AC 3; H D 7**; hp 45; ers claw him. A character can escape his
M V 180’(60’) underwater; #AT 1 touch; stake and a scroll made from a tough animal
hide. It has somehow survived many years attackers by making a saving throw vs. para-
D 1-8*leveldrain;SaveF7; M L 11; A L C lyzation.
ring of spell turning (5 spells) underwater. The scroll reads:
ring of telekinesis
In most rooms there is a 50% chance that he
makes a n attack. Some of the room descrip-
tions specify that he does attack or that he
won’t attack there. His usual method is to
enter the room as a cloudy water current and
reform behind a party member, the cleric if
possible. H e may gain surprise.
Each time Hadric attacks, he uses a
charmed character to help in the attack or to
create a diversion so he gains surprise. H e
breaks off the attack when he has been suc-
cessfully turned or when he has taken 10 or
more points of damage. H e resumes his sing- T h e smaller throne’s compartment holds 10 40: THE MUSIC ROOM
ing after the attack. Make a secret save vs. gems, gauntlets of ogre power, a protection
spells for any character that was charmed from undead scroll, a potion of invulnerabil-
before but had it removed. That character is ity and a cursed scroll. If a character looks at hang on all the walls, pinned at the floor
still susceptible to Hadric’s song. the cursed scroll, he must make all saves as if and ceiling. The floor is smooth, unblem-
Hadric has 14 manta rays on this level he is a first level character. ished stone. Seven large harps are placed
(they normally rest in room 42), and 10 mako throughout the room. A variety of musical
sharks to aid in his attacks. H e can use them 39: THE BALL ROOM instruments hang from the walls.
for diversions or as attackers. Hadric may
turn himself into a manta ray or a shark and T h i s room was once beautiful. T h e This is where Hadric frequently sings his
attack with the animals. brightly-colored walls are now faded and songs. While the party is in this room, there is
the paint is peeled in many places. The no singing, and Hadric attacks. H e considers
38: THE THRONE ROOM muck on the floor is knee deep and algae the music room a private area and does not
grows on the ceiling and walls. A round, allow people inside.
The large room smells of musty death. circular object lies covered in mud in the Velya,Hadric(l): A C 3 ; H D 7 * * ; h p 4 5 ; M V
Rotted hangings ripple in the currents. center of the room, its form rising shoul- 180’(60’) swimming; #AT 1 touch; D 1-8 +
The marble floor is laid in a checker board der high in places. energy drain; Save F7; M L 11; AL C
pattern. At the far end of the room are two
ring of spell turning (5 spells)
thrones, delicately carved and polished.
ring o f telekinesis
The one on the left is slightly smaller. In
each seat is a dark shadowy form.



The walls are rough-hewn stones. Algae
grows on the walls and ceiling. A thin
layer of mud and muck lies on the floor
under scattered remnants of some furni-
ture. The doors are deeply scarred with
claw marks.

This is the guard room for the prison. There

is nothing of value here.
A pile of bones covers the floor in each cell
except 41B. This is all that remains of the
prisoners who were here when the city sank
beneath the ocean waves. Cell 41G also holds
a wraith. The iron bars of the cells are so
rusted that they give easily to a combined
strength of 15. The wraith can leave cell 41G
by floating between the bars.
The princess is being held in cell 41E.
Hadric does not attack her in combat because
she is not considered a threat.
Wraith (1): AC 3; H D 4**; hp 16; MV
lZO’(40’) underwater; #AT 1 touch; D 1 -
6 energy drain; Save F4; ML 1 1 ; AL C


and the nose. A large coffin fills most of

the room. The room is otherwise empty.

The entrance to cell 41B is covered by a brick

wall. Hadric spent his last days as a living
creature in this cell. It is now his secret crypt.
If his usual crypt in room 42 and the false
crypt in room 49 are both purified, he can still
rest in this crypt. T h e only entrance is
through the secret tunnel which leads from
the cavern to room 42.


in tattered black curtains, most of them

rotting. A large stone slab occupies one
end of the room. O n it is a stone sarcopha-
gus. The floor is covered with a thin layer
of mud and muck.

This is Hadric’s crypt and resting place. He

will attack the party if they enter this room.
H e does not manifest himself immediately,
but commands the 14 manta rays hidden in
the muck to attack first. When the party is
occupied by combat, he changes from his
watery form to his human form, behind the
cleric if possible. Any charmed characters
attack the party.


Manta rays (14): AC 6; H D 4*; h p 18; M V 43H: Orlid, son of Orlav the secret tunnel or the catacombs, Hadric is
120’(40’) swimming; #AT 1 tail; D 1-8 + There is a wight in this tomb. not there.
paralysis; Save F2; M L 7; AL N 431: Ythol, foundling Velya, Hadric (1): AC 3; H D 7**; hp 45;
Velya, Hadric(1): AC 3; H D 7**;hp45; M V There is a zombie in this tomb. M V 180’(60’) underwater; #AT 1 touch;
180’(60’) swimming; #AT 1 touch; D 1-8 +
435: Ythim, foundling D 1-8 level drain; Save F7; M L 11; AL C

energy drain; Save F7; M L 11; AL C There is a n inanimate mummy in this tomb. ring of spell turning (5 spells)
ring of spell turning (5 spells) ring of telekinesis
ring of telekinesis 43K: Tirge, son of Lume
This tomb is empty. Any character who tries to cross the room to
43: THE CATACOMBS get to the door on the other side must make a
saving throw vs. paralysis or take his armor
class in buffeting damage. For example, a
There is a stone coffin in this room. Inside is a
ceiling. The floor has no layer of muck, thief with an armor class of 5 would take five
wrapped and preserved body of a woman. It
unlike most of the rooms. Doors line the points of damage if he failed his saving throw
looks very much like a mummy.
walls on both sides. The water currents while crossing this room. The currents are
are very still. 45: HADOR, SON OF GORLAB, KING turbulent enough that combat in this room
There is a stone coffin in this tomb. The cof- has a -4 penalty on all hit rolls.
These tombs of the royal family lie deep fin is empty but there is a spectre behind it.
under what used to be the palace. The party Spectre (1): AC 2; H D 6**; hp 27; M V 49: FALSE CRYPT
cannot read the writing on the tombs. A read 150’(50’) swimming; #AT 1 touch; D 1-8 This T-shaped room contains a large stone
magic spell reveals what is written there. double energy drain; Save F6; M L 11;
coffin on a pedestal. The coffin is ornately
43A: Rikor, son of Hadlid AL C carved, showing fanged creatures and
This tomb is empty. gruesome deaths. The walls of this crypt
43B: Hadlid, son of Saloc are inlayed with colored stones to portray
This crypt is empty and its name plate is
There is a wight in this tomb. blank. It would have been for the next king. the building of an island citadel and sev-
Wight (1): AC 5; H D 3*; h p 13; M V eral great battles.
30’(10’) swimming; #AT 1 touch; D 47: WELL OF HADOR
This looks like the other tomb entrances in The door to this crypt is larger than the other
energy drain; Save F3; M L 12; AL C
the catacombs. The inscription on it reads doors. It is marked “Hadric, son of Hador.”
43C: Thusus, orphan Hadric has remodeled this tomb so that it
“Well of Hador.” Any character within 10
This tomb holds a n inanimate skeleton. stands out from the rest. If his lair is invaded,
feet of the open door to this tomb is sucked
43D: Alum, wife of Rikor into the well unless he rnakes a saving throw this crypt appears to be his own.
There is a zombie in this room. vs. paralysis. The walls ofthe well are smooth Inside the coffin is a zombie. The zombie
Zombie (1): AC 8; H D 2; h p 16; M V and there are no handholds. For a complete has been made to look like Hadric. It cannot
30’(10’) underwater; #AT 1 claw; D 1-8; description of the well and its effects see the speak or sing. If the velya has taken wounds
beginning of this chapter. that it could not regenerate immediately, they
Save F1; M L 12; AL C
are not visible on the zombie. When the cof-
43E: General Talzo, son of Merkad fin lid is opened, the zombie opens its eyes
This tomb has a wraith in it. and its mouth to show large false fangs.
The entrance to this room is hidden behind a
Wraith (1): AC 3; H D 4**; hp 20; M V heavy black hanging. T h e hanging is Hadric does not attack the party while it is
120’(40’) swimming; #AT 1 touch; D 1-6 attached at the ceiling and tied at the floor. in this crypt. If he is still mobile he plans an
+ energy drain; Save F4; M L 1 1 ; AL C Behind it is an alcove with a single door. ambush as the party is about to leave the lair.
43F: Bralin, wife of Talzo The entire room is a whirlpool. Any char-
This tomb holds a n inanimate skeleton. acter sucked in from a floor above is depos-
ited here. There are two doors leading out of
43G: Talzo, son of Talzo
the whirlpool. Hadric is waiting in the alcove
There is a very small inanimate skeleton in
for any character that is drawn down to this
this tomb.
level. If the party enters this room via

feet long blast of water which knocks down
any opponent and hurls him 100 feet away.
The victim is allowed a save vs. dragon
Dolphin Eel Electric Giant breath. The water blast does no damage,
irmor Class: 5 Armor however the landing might.
l i t Dice: 3* Class: 9 6
dove: 180 ‘(60 ‘) Hit Dice: 2* 6* Sea Horse
ittacks: 1 head butt Move: 120 ’(40 ‘) 240’(80’) Armor Class: 7
)amage: 2-8 Attacks: 1 bite + 1 bite +
Hit Dice: 2,301-4
go. Appearing: 0 (1-20) shock shock Move (swimming): ZlO’(70’)
jave As: Dwarf 6 Damage: 1-4 shock
+ 3-12 +
Mounted: 180 ‘(60‘)
vforale: IO shock Attacks: 1 head butt
rreasure Type: Nil No. Damage: 1-8
llignment : Lawful Appearing: 1-3 1-4 No. Appearing: 0 (1-20)
<P value: 50 Save As: Fighter: 1 Fighter: 3 Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 7 9 Morale: 5 (8 as a mount)
>olphins are related to whales, but are much Treasure Treasure Type: Nil
maller. They are 20 feet long with a smooth Type: Nil Nil
iide. Dolphins cannot breathe water and Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral Neutral X P value: 20, 35 or 75
nust come to the surface once every 15 min- XP value: 25 500
ites for air. They are intelligent and have A sea horse is 15 feet long and has the head of
heir own language. Dolphins can use telepa- An electric eel is nine feet long and can give a horse. These creatures are the favorite
hy with other dolphins in a 50 mile range, off an electric shock in a radius of 60 feet. steeds of mermen and tritons. In their native
md they can detect magic underwater (360’ There is no saving throw against the shock, state they have a morale of 5, but a trained
-ange). They hate sharks and occasionally but the damage is based on distance: sea horse has a morale of 8. Wild sea horses
ittack them. Dolphins are the friends of most 0‘-20‘ = 3-24 are shy creatures and will not attack unless
;ailors and have been known to help people in 21’-40’ = 2-16 provoked. They are capable of moving at
rouble. 41’-60’ = 1-8 double speed for up to IO rounds before tir-
The electric eel can shock once every turn. It ing.
Dragon Turtle is immune to all forms of electrical attacks.
Giant electric eels can be up to 20 feet long. Giant Jellyfish
4rmor Class: -2 Though their shocks have the same ranges as
Hit Dice: 30 * Marauder M a n - 0 - War
normal electric eels, all damages are doubled.
Move: 30’(10’) Armor
They are vicious and will attack anything 9 6
Swimming: 90’(30’) Class:
that threatens them.
4ttacks: 2 claws/ 1 bite Armor Hit
Damage: 1-8 claw/ 10-60 bite Dice: 4 ** 9 **
Gargantua Move
No. Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 15 Armor Class: 4 (floating): 15’(5’) 30’(10’)
Morale: 10 Hit Dice: 15* Attacks: Tentacles (see below)
Treasure Type: H Move (swimming): 90’(30’) Damage: 1-10 paralysis each

Alignment: Chaotic Attacks: 1 tail/l bite or breath No.

XP value: 9,000 Damage: 2-20 /3-18 or see below Appearing: 0 (1-10) 0 (1-4)
No. Appearing: 0 (1) Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 5
Dragon turtles are a magic crossbreed of a Save As: Fighter: 7 Morale: 8 9
dragon and a giant turtle. They have the Morale: 11 Treasure
head, limbs and tail of a great dragon and the Treasure Type: A Type: Nil U
hard shell of a turtle. These creatures live in Alignment: Neutral Alignment: Neutral Neutral
the depths of great oceans and seas, seldom X P value: 2,300 X P value 175 2,300
surfacing or approaching land. Dragon tur-
tles are so large that sailors have mistakenly The gargantua is a gigantic fish of the carp These huge creatures have tentacles up to IO(
landed on ones floating on the surface, think- family. It is 50 feet long with a large tail and a feet long. The tentacles look like weeds hang
ing the hard shell to be a small island. sucker mouth lined with many sharp teeth. It ing down into the water, but can slash anc
The dragon turtle is able to use a breath prowls the ocean floor scavenging for its paralyze. They stay afloat by retaining air ir
weapon just like a dragon. It can breathe a meals. It frequently devours the contents of a large bladder which forms the majority o
cloud of steam 50 feet long and 40 feet wide. sunken ships. Its treasure is found in its belly. its body. They will always be found near thc
This breath weapon does damage like a O n a hit roll of 20 it will swallow any oppo- surface of the sea.
dragon, inflicting hit points of damage equal nent less than giant size. Each round spent in The marauder is IO feet across, and has 4(
to the current hit points of the dragon turtle. its stomach does 2-12 points of acid damage. tentacles; however, it can only use 1-4 of then
It can breathe u p to three times a day. Each round it can strike with its tail and against each opponent. Each hit inflicts 1-I(

points of damage and the victim must make a round. Each tentacle that hits also reduces its
saving throw vs. paralysis or be paralyzed for victim’s chance to hit by 1. A character severs
1-10 rounds. The monster gains a +4 bonus a tentacle when any single hit with an edged
on all hit rolls against paralyzed opponents. weapon does six or more points of damage.
The man-0-war is a larger form of the If combat is going against the giant octo-
marauder, 20 feet across, with 80 tentacles. It pus, it will flee, jetting away at triple speed
can attack a single opponent with 1-10 tenta- and trailing a large, black cloud of ink (40‘
cles per round. The same saving throw and radius).
hit bonuses apply.
Sharks are vicious predators. They have little
Sea Serpent intelligence and are unpredictable. They are
Manta Ray attracted to the scent of blood within 300 feet
Lesser Greater
Normal Giant Armor which will drive them into a feeding frenzy
Armor Class: 5 3 (they attack but make no morale checks).
Class: 6 6 Hit Dice: 6 12-15 They attack by making long, curving passes.
Hit Dice: 4 * 10 * Move: Sharks are found in salt water.
Move: 120 ’(40 ’ 180’(60’) (swimming): 150’(50 ’) 240 ’ (80‘) Bull shark: These eight-foot long brown
Attacks : 1 tail 1 buffet/ Attacks: 1 bite or sharks will ram their prey first (save vs. paral-
1 tail 1 squeeze ysis lasting 3 rounds) to stun it, and then
1-8 3-12/2-20 Damage: 2- 12/1- 10 3- 18/2-20 attack the helpless prey the next round.
+paralysis + paralysis No. Mako shark: These 12-feet long sharks are
No. Appearing: 0 (2-12) 0 (1-4) blue-gray or tan in color. Mako sharks are
Appearing: 1-3 1 Save As: Fighter: 3 Fighter: 6 extremely unpredictable, ignoring swimmers
Save As : Fighter: 2 Fighter: 5 Morale: 8 9 one moment, and then suddenly attacking.
Morale: 7 7 Treasure
Treasure Great white shark: These are 30 feet long or
Type: Nil Nil
Type: Nil V larger and grey with a white underside. They
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
Alignment: Neutral Neutral have been known to destroy small boats.
X P value: 275 1,100-1,350
XP value: 125 1,600 Wereshark: These are mermen, or tritons
A sea serpent resembles a long (20’-30’ for inflicted with a form of lycanthropy which
Normal manta rays can grow to be seven feet lesser serpents, 60 ‘-80‘ for greater serpents) enables them to take the form of a mako shark
in width and 12 feet in length. T h e tail on the giant snake with many fins. A sea serpent when they choose, so long as it is in darkness.
manta ray has many sharp poisonous spines may attack a sea craft (25 % chance) its own When the moon is full they must change into
that can paralyze its victim. A saving throw size or smaller by looping around the boat a shark and will maraude the seas. Under this
vs. poison will prevent paralysis. When they and squeezing (for lesser serpents 1-10 points forced change, they lose their intelligence and
lie in the sand on the ocean floor they are of hull damage per round, 2-20 for greater become bloodthirsty killers. Unlike a mako
completely invisible. sea serpents). Its normal attack is a bite. It shark, weresharks are intelligent and only
Giant manta rays can be up to 75 feet long. can lunge out of the water (20’ for lesser ser- magic or silver weapons harm them.
A giant manta ray is also invisible when it lies pents, 40’ for greater serpents) when biting O n the islands to the south there have been
in sand on the ocean floor. Treasure may creatures on the surface. rumors of humans that are weresharks.
often be found inside the creature, because it
Weresharks have treasure type C in their lair.
feeds on the ocean floor. If can buffet a crea-
They save as a 4th level fighter. Weresharks
ture for 3-12 points of damage.
Shark have an X P value of 125.
Giant Octopus Great
Armor Class: 7 Bull Mako White Squid Giant
Hit Dice: 8 Armor Armor Class: 7
Move: 90’(30’) Class: 4 4 4 Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: 8 tentacled 1 bite Hit Dice: 2* 4 8 Move: 120’(40‘)
Damage: 1-3 tentacles/ 1-6 bite Move: 180’ 180’ 180’ Attacks: 8 tentacles/ 1 bite
No. Appearing: 0 (1-2) (60’) (60’) (60’) Damage: 1-4 tentacles/ 1-10 bite
Save As: Fighter: 4 Attackx 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite No. Appearing: 0 (1-4)
Morale: 7 Damage: 2-8 2-12 2-20 Save As: Fighter: 3
Treasure Type: Nil No. Morale: 7
Alignment: Neutral Appearing: O(3-18) 0 (2-12) 0(1-4) Treasure Type: V
X P value: 650 Save As: Alignment: Neutral
Fighter: 1 2 4 X P value: 275
In combat, a giant octopus will squeeze a Morale: 7 7 7
creature with its tentacles and stab or bite the Treasure The giant squid lives in deep ocean waters,
creature with its fearsome beak. Once its ten- Type: Nil Nil Nil rising to the surface only to hunt. It usually
tacles hit in combat, they will constrict and Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral (75%) attacks seamen, but sometimes (25%)
automatically do 1-3 points of damage each X P value: 25 75 650 attacks the ship itself. Unlike the giant octo-
pus, it does not anchor itself with tentacles. wights. They were once surface dwellers so A velya can be destroyed by exposing it to
Against individuals, it attacks with all ten- they usually inhabit sunken cities. However, air, driving a wooden stake through it while it
tacles for automatic constriction damage they are extremely rare; only a few have ever lies in its crypt, or being turned by a 13th or
after each hit. Any of the six lesser tentacles been discovered. Because they are undead higher level cleric, however, the die roll for
can be severed with a single blow that does six they are unaffected by sleep, charm, and hold the number of hit dice of undead destroyed
or more points of damage, while the two spells and can only be hit with magical weap- must equal or exceed the hit dice of the velya.
greater tentacles can only be severed by a ons. A velya can take the form of a blue-
blow of 10 points damage or greater. Against skinned human with gills, a great white Whales
a ship it does 1-10 points of hull damage with shark, a manta ray, or water current at will.
its two greater tentacles and then attacks with Each change takes one round. Killer Narwhal Sperm
its beak for two points per round. Whatever its form, a velya regenerates 2 Armor
If its morale fails, the squid can flee at tri- hit points per round (except for fire or acid Class: 6 7 6
ple normal speed and leave great clouds of damage) as soon as it is damaged. If a velya is Hit Dice: 6 12 36*
ink (30’ radius, twice per day) to confuse reduced to 0 hit points it does not regenerate, Move: 240’(80’ 180 ’(60’) 180 ’(60 ’ :
pursuers. but becomes a water current and flees to its Attacks: 1 bite 1 horn 1 bite
crypt where it must rest the whole day. Fire Damage: 2-20 2-12 3-60
Triton and acid damage is not regenerated until the No.
velya rests its crypt. Appearing: 0 (1-6) 0 (1-4) O(1-3)
Armor Class: 6, 5, or 4 (see below) Save As:
In shark or manta ray form, the velya’s
Hit Dice: 5*, 6*, or 7* (see Fighter: 3 12 15
move, attacks, and damage are those of that
below) Morale: 10 8 7
animal. The velya’s AC, hit dice, morale and
Move (swimming): 150’(50’) saving throws remain unchanged. In water Treasure
Attacks: 1 weapon Type: Nil Nil Nil
form, a velya cannot attack, but can swim at
Damage: by weapon 180’ per turn and is immune to all weapon Alignment: Neutral Lawful Neutral
No. Appearing: 10-60 X P value: 275 1,100 12,000
attacks. Some spells may effect it but none
Save As: Dwarf: 11
can do damage. Killer whale: These are 25 feet long. Found
Morale: 9 In human form, a velya may attack by
Treasure Type: see below mainly in cold waters, they live by hunting
song or touch, or may summon other crea- other sea creatures. Creatures of halfling size
Alignment: Neutral tures. The touch of a velya inflicts an energy
XP value: 300, 500,or 850 or smaller will be swallowed whole if the killer
drain (removing one level of experience) in whale scores a 20 on its hit roll. Those swal-
Tritons look very much like mermen. The addition to damage. The creature’s song can lowed take 1-6 points of damage per round
only differences are cultural (the braiding of charm (as the spell). Any victim hearing the and will drown in 10 rounds unless freed.
their hair, etc). They usually ride sea horses song must save vs. spells or be charmed. The
Narwhal: The 15-foot long, gray to white
and carry tridents or spears. Like other sea song can be heard up to a mile away, but it
narwhal, has an 8’ long spiral horn on its
civilizations, they live in large cities on the will only charm within 200 feet of the velya.
head (like that of a unicorn). It is an intelli-
ocean floor. Tritons have variable hit dice and Once a successful saving throw is made,
gent magical creature, very independent and
abilities. A triton can cast clerical or magic- that character is immune to the velya’s song
secretive. It is rumored that their horns
user spells, but not both. for 24 hours. If the charm is dispelled, the
vibrate in the presence of evil. Their horns
character is still susceptible to the velya’s
Hit Armor Treasure Spell are worth from 1,000 to 6,000 gold pieces
song until he makes a saving throw.
Dice Type Casting each for their ivory.
Class The velya can summon 3-18 mako sharks if
they are within one mile. The sharks will Sperm Whale: This huge whale can grow ta
5 6 F 5th Level arrive in 1-4 rounds if they are close by. be 60’ long. It preys on the most feared deni-
6 5 G 6th Level Any character slain by a velya will return zens of the deep (such as the giant octopus
7 4 H 7th Level from death in three days as a wight under the and giant squid). Man-sized or smaller crea-
control of the velya. A creature can only tures will be swallowed whole on a die roll
Velya become a velya through an ancient and for- that is 4 or more than the score needed to hit.
gotten curse. A swallowed creature will take 3-18 points of
Armor Class: 3 acid damage per round. Sperm whales will
Hit Dice: 7*+ Weaknesses of velya: A velya will not come sometimes (10%) attack ships, attempting to
Move: 180‘(60’) within 10 feet of a strongly presented holy ram. The whale does 6-36 hull points of dam-
Attacks: 1 touch or special symbol, although it may move to attack from age in a successful ram.
Damage: 1-8 or special another direction. Velya cannot enter the
No. Appearing: 0 (1) open air or they will instantly disintegrate.
Save As: Fighter: 9 During the day the velya must rest in a
Morale: 11 crypt. If the crypt is blessed (with the clerical
Treasure Type: F spell) the velya can get no rest there. Failure
Alignment: Chaotic to rest results in 2-16 points of damage per
X P value: 1,250 day. These points are not regenerated until
Velya are a weak form of underwater vam- the velya rests in its crypt a full day. Velya cast
pire. They are normally accompanied by 1-6 no reflection and cast no shadow.

Potion of swimming: The user may swim in any liquid at
the rate of 180’(60’), even if encumbered. T h e user cannot
sink (or even be pushed below the surface) unless he is
carrying over 3,000 encumbrance. The ability to breathe
water is not given. The effects last for eight hours.
Potion of water breathing: The effects are identical to the
3rd level magic-user spell.
Ring of water adaption: This is a ring of elemental
adaption for water. The wearer of this ring can freely
breathe, see, and move through water as if it were air.
Boat, undersea: This item appears identical to a standard
riverboat (pg. 43, Expert), and can be used as one. Because
it is magical, its armor class is 4 and it has 40 hull points.
No rowers or sailors are required if the command words
are known. It obeys commands to stare, stop, turn to port
(left), turn to starboard (right), stop turning (while keeping
the same speed), submerge, level off, and surface. When
underwater, the boat radiates a water breathing effect
protecting all passengers and crew as long as they touch it.
The undersea boat can be fitted with grips so that the
passengers can avoid drifting away.

Spear, returning: This type of hand-hurled missile weapon

will return to the caster if it misses the target. They are
sometimes called “boomerang” weapons. If it misses, it
returns at the end of the round, and may automatically be
safely caught by the character throwing it (unless the user is
paralyzed, confused, immobile, etc.). If it hits the target,
the weapon does not return by itself. This ability is in
addition to any hit roll bonuses.

Class Cleric Fighter Magic- Thief Dwarf Elf Halfling
Level 10 12 10 11 9 9 8
Strength 13 14 8 7 15 12 13
Intelligence 11 9 15 8 7 14 11
Wisdom 16 9 11 12 6 8 12
Constitution 14 13 11 13 13 9 9
Dexterity 10 10 7 16 11 9 13
Charisma 10 14 10 9 11 7 9
Hit Points 47 70 26 41 52 33 31
Armor Class 2 -1 9 5 1 4 1
THACO 15/13 13/12 15 13/12 15/13 15/14 14/13

Cleric: chain mail +1, shield +1, war hammer +2, staff of Thief leather +2, sword + l ; light spell, ring o f telekinesis,
healing potion of healing
Fighter: plate mail ‘1, shield +2, sword t l ; +2 vs. Dwarf chain mail +2, shield +1, axe ‘2, potions:
Lycanthropes, potions: speed, healing invulnerability, giant strength
Magic-user: dagger, ring o f animal control, wand of Elf chain mail ‘1, sword + l ; +3 vs. undead, scrolls:
polymorph (12 charges), scrolls: water breathing, protection from elementals, potion o f healing
conjure elemental, ice storm Halfling: leather ‘3, shield +2, dagger +1, bow +1, 20
arrows, ring o f spell turning, potion of healing


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