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This guide won’t cover about love event. This is just the speed run guide.

guide also assume that you are totally new to Battle Masters Mk2 and don’t
import save data from Battle Masters. I will also try to mention if any new shinki

About F battle qualifying requirements, some of them require some official

battle (tournament) to be completed before you can participate. This usually
involves tag battle, weapon limit. To save you the trouble, all tournaments
except Shinki brand battle and cosplay battle is not accounted for the

The list for the weapon list (for easier limit entry look up)
Melee includes:

1. ナックル (knuckle)
2. ダブルナイフ (twin dagger)
3. ドリル (drill)
4. パイルバンカー (pilebunker)
5. 小剣 (one handed sword)
6. ロッド (rod)
7. 槍 (spear)
8. ダブルブレード (dual blade)
9. 大剣 (big sword or 2h sword)
10. 斧 (axe)
11. ハンマー (hammer)
12. 楽器 (musical instrument).

Range includes:

1. ハンドガン (handgun)
2. 機関銃 (sub machine gun)
3. ライフル (rifle)
4. ショットガン (shotgun)
5. 投擲 (thrown)
6. 爆弾 (grenade)
7. ガトリング (gatling)
8. ランチャー (launcher)
9. バズーカ (bazooka)
10. ミサイル (missile)
11. ビット (bit)
12. 粒子ブラスター (particle blaster)
13. 浮遊機雷 (air mine)

Every time you do battle, you notice in the top right screen there is a ride bar
gauge. Whenever it hits 100%, your shinki enter ride max mode and doubles
some of her status (what she doubles depends on each shinki) and when your
shinki hits love lvl 30 unlocks and able to use her ultimate EX RA. This is the
list of the shinki name in Jap and Eng, the status they enhance during the ride
max mode. The ride max has the same effect when your opponent achieve ride
max mode. For their specialty, I’ll discuss it later in other guide.

JAP ENG Type Status Enhance

Defense, Energy
アーンヴァルMk.2 Arnval Mk2 Angel Recovery, Speed
Attack, Energy
Recovery, Guard
ストラーフMk.2 Strarf Mk2 Devil Break Damage
Defense, Speed,
Guard Break
ハウリン Howling Dog Damage
Attack, Energy
マオチャオ Maochao Cat Recovery, Speed
Attack, Energy
Recovery, Guard
ゼルノグラード Zelnogrard Heavy Arms Break Damage
Attack, Speed,
Guard Break
フブキ Fubuki Ninja Damage
Attack, Speed,
Guard Break
アーク Ach High Speed Damage
Defense, Energy
イーダ Yda High Maneuver Recovery, Speed
Attack, Defense,
Guard Break
アルトレーネ Altlene Valkyrie (White) Damage
Defense, Energy
アルトアイネス Altines Valkyrie (Black) Recovery, Speed
Attack, Energy
Recovery, Guard
紗羅檀 Sharatang Violin Break Damage
Attack, Energy
ベイビーラズ Baby Razz Electric Guitar Recovery, Speed
Defense, Energy
プロキシマ Proxima Centaur Recovery, Speed
Defense, Energy
Recovery, Guard
マリーセレス Maryceles Tentacle Break Damage
Attack, Defense,
Energy Weapon
ガブリーヌ Gabrine Hellhound Recovery
Attack, Energy
ラプティアス Renge Nine Tail Fox Recovery, Speed
Attack, Defense,
アーティル Artille Lynx Speed
Defense, Energy
Recovery, Guard
ラプティアス Raptias Eagle Break Damage
Energy Weapon
Recovery, Guard
Break Damage,
エウクランテ Eukrante Siren Speed
Attack, Energy
イーアネイラ Ianeira Mermaid Recovery, Speed
Defense, Speed,
Guard Break
ツガル Tsugaru Santa Claus Damage
Attack, Speed,
Guard Break
ジルリバーズ Jillrivers Cruiser Damage
Attack, Defense,
エストリル Estoril Racer Speed
Attack, Energy
Recovery, Guard
ジャスティス Justice Dragon Break Damage
Attack, Defence,
Energy Weapon
オールベルン Oorbellen Fencer (Pearl) Recovery
Attack, Defence,
Fencer Energy Weapon
ジールベルン Zielbellen (Obsidian) Recovery
Attack, Speed,
Guard Break
ヴェルヴィエッタ Vervieta Vic Viper (Blue) Damage
Defense, Speed,
Guard Break
リルビエート Lirbiete Vic Viper (Red) Damage
Attack, Energy
ジルダリア Zyrdarya Flower Recovery, Speed
Defense, Energy
Recovery, Guard
ジュビジー Juvisy Seed Break Damage
Energy Weapon
Recovery, Speed,
Guard Break
飛鳥 Asuka Fighter Damage
Attack, Energy
Recovery, Guard
ムルメルティア Murlmetier Panzer Break Damage
Defense, Energy
アーンヴァルMk.2黒 Arnval Tempesta Black Angel Recovery, Speed
ミミック Mimic ?(Cyborg Ninja?)
強化ミミック Powered Mimic ?(Gold Ninja?)

Story Guide

I. Choosing your first shinki and the F3 battle tournament.

After the intro, you will be asked to enter your name (unchangeable so please
don’t enter something offensive or stupid…though for the stupid part it’s your

After entering your name, you will be able to choose which shinki to buy. You
start with 3000spt (Battle Masters currency) and each shinki cost 2000spt. The
shinkis available to purchase are (there are no bad shinkis. Only bad masters)
a. Howling (Dog type. Excel at Melee and strong Defense)
b. Maochao (Cat type. Excel at Melee and strong Offense)
c. Zelnogrard (Heavyarms type. Excel at Range and Shooting combat)
d. Arnval Mk2 (Angel type. Balanced though lean more toward range and
e. Eukrante (Siren type. Excel at High Mobility and Speed combat)
f. Ianeira (Mermaid type. Excel at offense)

After you choose one, another story and question wether you want explanation
or not. Choose the upper if you want to see, or choose the bottom to skip it.

Now you are in the shop with four menu.

a. Buy a shinki
b. Buy
c. Sell
d. Tutorial

You have only 1000spt remained. Buy a handgun, a missile and an armor
piece (Either a helmet or leg parts). If you want, you can do the tutorial to get
some spt and get some more parts. After satisfied, press x to go out from the

You are now in Shinki Center area. The menus are,

a. Tournament (grayed out)
b. Shop
c. Training
d. Ad-Hoc

Since right now you don’t have anything else to do, press x again to go to map

Right now you have three area to visit.

a. Game centre (upper left for battling shinkis and other if you have ad-hoc and
net party)
b. Home (lower left)
c. Shinki Center (lower right). For now go to your home 1st to save.

The menus in your home are,

a. Shinkinet (think of e-mail), check this often everytime there’s a new mail.
Sometimes you need to read a mail to progress the story.
b. Shinki custom (where you will equip your shinki with parts and weaponry....
and where you will spent a lot time tinkering your shinki to their maximum
potential. You can also press square to rename your shinki and change her
hair and eye color)
c. Opponent Data (see the enemy bio and your record against them)
d. Gallery. There are several menu of them include
d.1. Shinki list that you possess
d.2. Titles (that you have gotten so far, should be empty right now)
d.3 List of Equip and Parts
d.4. Avatar Card (Customize your avatar and shinki how they will be seen by
your opponent if you ad-hoc or net battle. Completely useless if you only play
by yourself)
d.5. Tips
d.6 Shinki TV (See the opening animation, also for seeing Moon Angel if you
have bought it)
e. Save

You can also press start to open three menu.

a. Setting (If you want to use analog pad rather than Directional button, you
can change it here. You can also change other settings like volume and BGM)
b. Story (list of shinkis love event that you have seen. You can reset her
memories and see her event again)
c. Quit to main menu

After saving and read some mails, get out and go to game centre. A guard will
ask if you want explanation or not. Choose upper to see, choose lower to skip.

Right now you have three opponent. You can use the Triangle button to see
their equipment rank. AVOID the bottom which have rank 3 equip for now (A
strarf named Lilith and the owner Chitose).

After choosing your opponent, choose your shinki to use for battle (Don’t forget
to equip the weapons and armors you have bought earlier or else your shinki
fight barehanded).

After the fight where you win (hopefully), a person will come and give you two
option (either is fine, the story will go on), Introducing himself as Jinpei and his
Shinki Tamako and give you a knuckle weapon and an armor (which cost 0....).
After this event, the tournament in the shinki center is now open and IF you
have bought DLC shinkis, all of them will be available to purchase now.

For now just keep at the game centre and defeat all new opponent (except the
one with rank 3 equip). Remember to use Triangle to gauge their equipment
strength and compare to your own. Don’t forget to buy some new equipment
each time your shinki level up. A little hint,if most of your equipment in equal
rank it is easy, most of the equipment one rank higher than you, it will be a little
hard, most of the equipment two rank higher and you are asking for trouble
(Still doable though due to the AI, just not easy).

After fighting all the opponent that you can beat, and hopefully already at love 6
and rank 2, buy the best equip you can get then challenge lilith.

After winning (don’t know what will happen if you lose. ALWAYS AIM TO WIN
IN STORY BATTLE) you will get messages at your home that the F3
qualification 1st part is now open.

Go to the shinki center and choose tournament. As usual there is a person

asking you want explanation or not. Upper is yes, Bottom is no.

Enter the F3 qualifying 1st part.

After winning the tournament you get some messages and there’s a new place
open at the centre of the map. This is where the F Tournament battles will take
place. Since you haven’t fulfilled all requirements for F3 battle entry, there’s
nothing you can do for now.

Go back to game center and defeat all new opponent till there are no more new

You should get an event with Jinpei finding a shinki that has been thrown
away, try to wake her up and she will wake up (frankenstein style) and get a
free shinki (Fubuki, Ninja type) for free as well received some new messages
and the F3 qualifying 2nd part is now open. But don’t enter it yet.
If your shinki already have some rank 2 weapons, you might want to go back to
game center and challenge the first handicapped battle (1 vs 3) against three
Ach. It is difficult since your shinki most likely still dependant on rank 1 equip,
but the reward justifies the effort since Ach is strong, flexible and few
weakness. Once you win the fight, Ach (High Speed type) will be available to
purchase. You can safely ignore this advice is you want to main your starter
shinki but definitely try it if you are interested with Ach or just a big fan of Horie
Yui. A little hint, the blue haired Ach is the most dangerous and NEVER go to
the center of the arena. Cut their number ASAP.

Enter the F3 qualifying 2nd part.

After winning it, the F3 qualifying last part is open right away. You know the
drill, enter it.

After winning it, the F3 battle is now open and you can participate.

F battle tournament is a little different. Basically there are 20 participants and

you start at rank 20. You can challenge one rank above you and take their
place. Or if you want faster approach, challenge two rank above you. And you
don’t have to finish it in one sitting. You can just win one or two battle then get
out to save or buy something.

Speaking of buying, there will be a new shop. It is custom shop and it is listed
under the usual shop. It usually sells high perfomance but high cost (and high
price tag too…) high rank weapons and parts. You will come here a lot later
once your shinki lvl is high enough.

Continue the F3 battle until you achieve rank one (Fight Lilith) and crowned the
F3 battle winner.

Congrats, you are the winner. Continue to the next part, the F2 Battle.

II. The F2 Battle

Before anything, you maybe want to check the shinkis available. Tsugaru
(Santa Claus type) should be available now. If you are a sucker for Rie
Kugimiya, get her at all cost. Too bad Tsugaru is not more Louis-ish, or Shana-
ish, or Taiga-ish. If you don’t understand, safely ignore the last sentence and
move on.

If you follow this guide, your shinki should be around lvl 9 love and rank 2. Try
to get some rank 2 weapons since from here, most opponent will be in at least
rank 2 gear.

So let’s go do our usual things, go to game center and beat all opponents with
the tag new. If you lose, fight them again until you win. If you still lose, go to the
shop and buy some better equip then try again. You can safelyignore the
handicap battle for now if you find it too difficult.

Some new things when you finish the last step. Yda (High Manouver Type) is
now available as well as F2 qualifying (1st, 2nd and 3rd) tournament are now
open. And you have a message about a handicap battle in game centre
against 2 new type shinkis (Altlene and Altines).
If you are interested in getting Altlene and Altines, one thing you must
Reason : Because these two have all rank 3 armor and are extremely tough,
even among others shinkis, these two are among the toughest of all (by default
though). A little bit hint : Altlene is more powerful but also slower than Altines.
Once you win, Altlene (Valkyrie type) and Altines (Valkyrie type) will be
available at the shop.

Get some new gear and the shop and do all three qualifying tournament.

After finished, you will notice that there are still 2 more qualifying round for F2
battle. So now you need to participate in Limit tournament. For now there are
three limit battle. Melee, Range and Properties. I already mention the list
earlier, but here is the list again in case you are really lazy to just scroll up.

Melee include : ナックル (knuckle), ダブルナイフ (twin dagger), ドリル (drill), パイ

ルバンカー (pilebunker), 小剣 (one handed sword), ロッド (rod), 槍 (spear), ダブ
ルブレード (dual blade), 大剣 (big sword), 斧 (axe), ハンマー (hammer) and 楽器
(musical instrument).

Range include : ハンドガン (handgun), 機関銃 (sub machine gun), ライフル

(rifle), 投擲 (thrown),
爆弾 (grenade), ショットガン (shotgun), ガトリング (gatling), ランチャー (launcher),
バズーカ (bazooka), ミサイル (missile),ビット (bit), 粒子ブラスター (particle blaster)
and 浮遊機雷 (air mine).

Properties are : 火器 (firearms), 光学 (optics) and neutral if both are 0%.

Enter the range limit tournament to open the F2 limit qualifying tournament.

Win in the tournament to open the last F2 qualifying tournament.

There are some tag battles that you need to do for later. Though you can wait
till later, or do it now to save some hassle. I’ll tell you a bit about tag battle.
Basically it is 2 on 2 battle. However don’t rely on your AI partner. If you think
the enemy AI is not competent up till now, you’ll be amaze at how your partner
is even more incompetent (most of the time) though once in a blue moon they
will actually helpful. And try not to get ganged up. Not all shinki is tough enough
to endure a mob.

Once all done, most likely your shinki love is lvl 12 and rank 3 or lvl 13 (if you
do the tag battle). Gather up some rank 3 equipment to make easy journey to
F2 battle. Don’t forget a new shop os open (Junk Shop. At the lower right part
of the map). They sell some nice equip that although cost very low for their
power, but have some very nasty side effect.

Do like you have done in F3 battle, and continue until you win F2 Battle. And
continue to next part.

III. The F1 Battle….toward the strongest master and shinki combination.

Or is it?

First thing first, you maybe want to check the shop first. There are some new
shinkis. Strarf Mk2 (Devil type), Jillrivers (Cruiser type) and Estoril (Racer type)
are now available at the shop. If you are a big fan of Yuki Nagato and Akiyama
Mio, you should get them now.
Go to the game center. There’s only one opponent right now. Caution! Your
opponent have some rank 4 weapon and equip since most likely you are still
stuck with rank 3, this one will not be so easy (this is the last time I mention
your shinki rank, since you should get the hang out of it by now).

Once you have beaten her, it’s the usual thing to do at game center. Beat the
hell out of anyone with the tag “new” opponent.

Once finish beating out everyone, the F1 qualifying battle 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
are now open.

After you finish all four official qualifying battle, you notice that there are still
three qualifying to do.

Back to the game center 1st, where there are one new handicap battle and one
is a Lilith with very suspicious looking owner.

After beating him, a new place is now open. Club Valhalla at the upper right
part of the map. This place is filled with strong opponents and good equipment.
You can net some good equipment for free, however, if you lose, the opponent
will take a random equipment from you. You also need to pay 1000spt to enter
though the 1st time you can enter it for free. Prepare your best equip you can
afford and your shinki can equip. This is where everything start to get rough.

You can go to Club Valhalla now, or later. Though I highly recommend you do
it NOW. During these times, money is tight and shinki equipment start to get
more and more expensive (a rank 7 equip cost can be up to 20.000spt for one
gear). Even if you don’t use it, you can sell any copies of your equip. You only
need one (two just to make certain that an accidental loss won’t happen). Note:
after some time in the story, club Valhalla will be closed temporarily, so while
you can, farm as much equipment you want.

After you feel satisfied with some brand new equip, go to official battle and do
the weapon limit battle. There should be some weapon limit with stricter
weapon like only 2-4 type of weapon allowed. And unlike before, you need to
do them all this time.

Don’t forget that this time you also need to complete the tag battle (unless you
had done it before) (with the letter G from G1 up to G4 it will continue later)
since you need to finish it to open some tag weapon limit battle (or you already
finished it from before F2 battle).

After finishing all the weapon limit battle (including the tag ones), the next
qualifying battle (with weapon limit of at least 3% fire properties battle and
Range weapon only battle) should be open now. These are tag tournament.

After winning, the last qualifying battle is now open. Don’t worry, this one
normal, no annoying or useless partner.

After finished all the qualifying battle, there should be an event that someone
approach you.

Well, everything all well and done, so just go to the F battle building and do the
F1 battle right? NOT. You can’t do F1 battle right now so for now go to game
center to do some battling, there’s quite a number of new opponents which one
of them is Mr. 30km back with a vengeance full with rank 5 equipment and a
suspicious person (the one that approach you after finishing all the qualifying
battle) with a very unlucky Maochao...that goes out with a bang (literally). Oh
well, at least you get 500spt for free (in a monotone voice….). To make it
simple what happened, looks like that guy had done some (illegal) mods to his
Maochao (which most of your shinkis shocked or despised it). And the mods
had gone terribly wrong. Try to beat all of them before continue.
Well, now back to home and read the message. After that go to club Valhalla
for an event.

After that back to your home for an event with Lilith.

Back to club Valhalla where there are four new opponent (the illegal modder)
and prepare yourself. Hopefully your shinki already rank 5. These guys are
quite tough. Oh and also prepare your mental. One of the guys treat his shinkis
really horrible… even your shinki will shed a tear.

After all four been dealt with, a little event and a new opponent will be
available. It’s Lilith and her owner, Chitose. Right after that you must fight in a
tag battle against Chitose and Gaia. During the option, if you choose the upper
option twice, you can return to home to save first. Make sure that your shinki
already have rank 5 equipment. Up to you, anyway, you still need to win this
battle. Careful, both are strong and your tag partner is woefully underpowered
compared to those two and despite that event, I never saw those two attack
each other.

After winning, there are some events going (basically, the cops are coming)
and you end up in your house with a message saying that F1 battle is now
open (and club Valhalla is closed…)

So, do what routine for you and me. Finish the F1 battle, become the champion
and you are treated with a sweet event with your shinki. All is well and finish
well right?

It is in the first game but it is NOT in Mk2. An event goes by and the story goes

IV. Cyborg ninjas are FUN….NOT!

Enjoy the new opening animation, you deserve it after you have gone this far.

Bear with me, there are a lot of things to do and most of them are going back
and forth.

After an event you will find out that all shinki battle is suspended due to some
condition. And even though club Valhalla is opening back, there’s nothing you
can do right now. Go to the Game Center.

Go to the Shop

Go to the F battle building

Enter the F battle building one more time

Go back to your house and watch that BSB news again

Go to the F battle building again where you get a Pendant with a photo inside
(white out though so you can’t see). This is story item.

Go back to the house with that dreaded BSB news again

After going out from you bunk (er….you house) you’ll see an event of two
people (conveniently named Man A and Man B)talking something quite rude
and offensive about shinkis. Your shinki reaction is just asking to go home and
ignore them (Though Arnval and Altlene seems completely uncertain and
troubled…..seems these two are the most clingy to the master). Oh well, at
least now all shinki battle at Game Center, Tournament and club Valhalla is
now open again with quite some number of new battle (with one of them is a
hilarious Altlene mimicking a super hero entrance style (complete with Visual
and Sound Effect!) where most of your shinki either says it is cool or
surprising….but your Altlene will say it is very embarrassing and Baby Razz
actually angry saying that she is stealing the show from her). Like usual go to
the game center 1st and beat the crap out of all new opponent.

After finish, go back to your house for an event with Jinpei.

Go to the game center for an event. Looks like something exploded. However
in the middle of chaos, you found Meryl Syl…er….a mysterious shinki. After
taking her back to your home and some exchange word with Jinpei, the shinki
start up without any memory, with the only thing she know is she is Justice
type. Jinpei will look in the net with zero result. In the end, Justice type shinki
will stay with you and ask you to give her a name. NOTE : despite she will stay
with you, you can’t use her for battle for reason later will be revealed.

Get out of your house then enter it again. A Shinki that loves you the most
(Lied. Actually the last shinki that you used) will tell you that the new shinki
(Mer…I mean, that Justice that you had gotten just a while ago) is always
alone and never mingle with everyone (Seeing that all shinki loves you,
especially when their love reach 30, and it’s rather clear that some shinkis are
very clingy, this situation is pretty much a harem….except your harem consists
of 15 shinkis (31 if you include DLC shinkis, 18 or 34 after unlocking the final 3)
that is only 15 cm tall (average) and pretty much actually robots…with
feeling…and are more humane than some human…is the future really this
good/bleak?). So you will chat a little bit with Justice and given some option
(doesn’t matter which you choose, though try to encourage her to mingle with
the others).

Since no new opponent at the game center, go to the tournament, there are a
lot of new battles, including new tag battle (G5), stricter weapon limit (usually
only two weapon) and some free entry battle. Finish these tournaments now to
make less hassle later.

When you have finished all the required tournament, go back to your home for
a message about a meeting in the F battle building. So go to the F battle

In the F battle building, it is announced that a new F battle will be conducted,

the F0 battle.

If you followed my guide till now, the F0 qualifying part 1 should be open. After
winning, there’s an event that someone approach you, warns you about
mysterious shinkis called mimic and give you something. Anyway, F0 qualifying
part 2 will also open, so finish that one too. Soon after that, a tournament with
only melee weapon with at least 3% fire properties is open, and after that the
tag version then the F0 qualifying part 4 is open (yes, let’s skip the part 3 for
now). After all finished, there’s nothing else important, so go back to your home
to save (important: equip the shinki you currently using with the best equip you
can afford and she can carry).

Once you go back to the map screen you will be attacked by…CYBORG
NINJA…okay not, by Mimic. Your shinki will immediately defend you and a
battle will begin. This one should be a walk in the park, but it will be not the
same case later.

Important facts about Mimic:

From now on, every time you go to the map view, there’s a random chance you
will be attacked by a Mimic.
Mimic equipment is based on how high your current shinki love level. To make
it short

Lvl 1-5 Mimic will bring mostly rank 1 gear

Lvl 6-10 Mimic will bring mostly rank 2 gear
Lvl 11-15 Mimic will bring mostly rank 3 gear
Lvl 16-20 Mimic will bring mostly rank 4-5 gear
Lvl 21-25 Mimic will bring mostly rank 5-6 gear
Lvl 27+ Mimic will bring mostly rank 6-7 gear

So from now on, be careful. One thing to note though, some equipment drop
exclusively from Mimic and some of them are low rank ones. If you insist
getting it, you can try fighting it/her when you leveling up new shinki.

And in case you lose against Mimic, don’t worry, you don’t lose the game or
lose any equipment. She only hurt your ego…

Now go back to your home to see an event with Me…Justice about happiness
(I really need to stop this habit of naming her). For now go out from your house
to see an event with a Maochao about cosplay battle then go to tournament to
see an event with an Altlene, then go back to your home.

After that, go to the game center. There should be one new opponent but after
defeating her, there will be a new opponent after her, so do the usual routine.

Once finished, the F0 qualifying part 3 is now open. After finished, go back to
your home for an event of Jinpei and Justice and how Justice resembles the
photo on the pendant. After reading a mail, when you want to go out from your
home, there are two options. The upper to resume the story and meet the
mysterious guy or the second is postpone it till you ready.

Once you meet that guy, it will turn out you must battle him. Choose your shinki
and equip her as you see fit and start the battle. Your opponent is using
Eukrante with particle blaster, shotgun and drill. You can’t see her equip, but I
estimate around rank 6-7.

Now there are two options to go, depends on your preference, back to game
center or goes on a rampage on Club Valhalla. You can go in any order.

At club Valhalla, there are a lot of new opponents (including Mr. 30m km with a
vengeance), so start your rampaging and beat the crap out of anyone with the
tag new. Different from game center though, once you start, you must finished
them all or when you enter again, you must fight several beaten opponent
before the other new opponent emerge again, so prepare for some time in

At the game center, Mr. 30km is back with another vengeance. This time with a
mix of rank 5 and 6 equip although she has a rank 2 stuck... Teach his Tsugaru
a lesson that there is no breast augmentation for shinki (somehow I feel Altines
is glaring at me right now…). So do the usual of beating anyone with the new

Finish? Now back to tournament and do the range weapon with at least 3 %
fire properties limit tag battle. After that the qualifying part 5 is open with 0%
properties limit. After finish, the person who warns you about mimic will contact
you again.

It is time to go back to the game center and do your usual routine.

Go back to tournament. There is a new battle, range weapon only, 1vs1 then
the tag version. Once finish, the next F0 qualifying battle is now open.

After the last qualifying, now some new two weapon only limit battles will be
open. Example: like missile and pilebunker. In this battle, you can get the dual
weapon RA from these battles.

Once you are done, go back to your home for an event with Justice along with
some options, then you both go to the park and meet Takehime (the person
who warns you about mimic). Soon you will be attacked by a mimic and you
will try to do a ride on with Justice, however, it seems you can’t. Thankfully, she
will save you and justice. It seems that all shinki have a lock on system that
won’t let anyone but her master to ride-on her.

Back at your home, you get two options. either to meet a person (and continue
the story) or postpone till you ready. And just like before, you end up fighting
her. This time your opponent is Ianeira with air mine, big sword and launcher.

Now go back to game center and do your usual mop up routine.

Back to your home for another message. Now go to official battle for two new
tournaments (tag G6 and Melee weapon only). Soon after that next Melee
weapon only and Range weapon with at least 3% optics property. After that,
two new F0 qualifying battles and several two weapon limit are now open. Take
care of the weapon limit first before tackling the F0 qualifying battle (One with
optical at least 3% and one with neutral property). Both are tag battle.

When you go out from to the map screen, a fat guy will approach and tell you

Go back to your house, exit to see a Maochao then go to official battle to see
an Altlene. Anyway, the next F0 qualifying is now open,

That’s all of them, the F0 battle is now open. Do the F0 battle until you are rank
2, then you have two options. Either grind experience and lvl first if your shinki
lvl has not reached lvl 30, or keep going to finish the battle.

Once you win, go back to your house, save (don’t blame me if you forgotten).
Then go out. You will be presented with two choices. Continue the story or post
pone it. Think carefully. You CAN’T go back once you choose proceed.

You will meet a person and fight his Tsugaru, armed with particle blaster, rifle
and 1h sword. After that you must fight a mimic, then Jinpei will come for your
aid. However in the end someone knock Jinpei and you out.

V. Last Part…the truth behind Justice…and which shinki you will choose
at the final.

From here, it is already linear, you can’t go back, you can’t save and if you
lose, it is Game Over. Saying anything else will be spoiler. Good Luck.

A little bit spoiler, the last boss is actually someone who tags along with you for
quite some time. You fight her 3 times, the second time, she start with always
ride max mode. In reality this is where you will lose, however though hard, you
can win against her (and actually the requirement for unlocking her later).
The final battle is quite cool though (if you prefer it) where your shinki and final
boss rather than the usual battle scream, actually speak to each other during
the battle (about feeling, love). Something like Kira and Arthrun like to do
whenever they met on the battlefield. Though unfortunately they don't do it with
a lot of screaming like those two.
Once you win, you will be treated with the credit roll, a sweet tender moment
with the shinki you choose for the last battle, and an accessory Heart
Earring+AI. This accessory when equipped doubles (roughly) your shinki
experience received.
After that, you can save the game, then load it later, either for new game + or
continue from before F0 battle (you start again at rank 20).

Last note
Well that’s all. This is my first attempt to make a guide, so I’m sorry if I made
mistakes (either grammar, order or just dry humor sense).
Hopefully this guide will make it easier for you guys to finish the game ASAP.
See ya.
One last thing, I made this with a lot of effort, sweat, blood and tears, all just to
make it easy for others. So don't give/post it somewhere and acknowledged it
as your own.

Yours truly
JAP ENG Type Status Enhance

アーンヴァル Mk.2 Arnval Mk2 Angel Defense, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed
ストラーフ Mk.2 Strarf Mk2 Devil Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Guard Break Damage
ハウリン Howling Dog Defense, Speed, Guard Break Damage
マオチャオ Maochao Cat Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed
ゼルノグラード Zelnogrard Heavy Arms Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Guard Break Damage
フブキ Fubuki Ninja Attack, Speed, Guard Break Damage
アーク Ach High Speed Attack, Speed, Guard Break Damage
イーダ Yda High Maneuver Defense, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed
アルトレーネ Altlene Valkyrie (White) Attack, Defense, Guard Break Damage
アルトアイネス Altines Valkyrie (Black) Defense, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed
紗羅檀 Sharatang Violin Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Guard Break Damage DLC
ベイビーラズ Baby Razz Electric Guitar Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed DLC
プロキシマ Proxima Centaur Defense, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed DLC
マリーセレス Maryceles Tentacle Defense, Energy Weapon Recovery, Guard Break Damage DLC
ガブリーヌ Gabrine Hellhound Attack, Defense, Energy Weapon Recovery DLC
ラプティアス Renge Nine Tail Fox Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed DLC
アーティル Artille Lynx Attack, Defense, Speed DLC
ラプティアス Raptias Eagle Defense, Energy Weapon Recovery, Guard Break Damage DLC
エウクランテ Eukrante Siren Energy Weapon Recovery, Guard Break Damage, Speed
イーアネイラ Ianeira Mermaid Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed
ツガル Tsugaru Santa Claus Defense, Speed, Guard Break Damage
ジルリバーズ Jillrivers Cruiser Attack, Speed, Guard Break Damage
エストリル Estoril Racer Attack, Defense, Speed
ジャスティス Justice Dragon Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Guard Break Damage
オールベルン Oorbellen Fencer (Pearl) Attack, Defence, Energy Weapon Recovery DLC
ジールベルン Zielbellen Fencer (Obsidian) Attack, Defence, Energy Weapon Recovery DLC
ヴェルヴィエッタ Vervieta Vic Viper (Blue) Attack, Speed, Guard Break Damage DLC
リルビエート Lirbiete Vic Viper (Red) Defense, Speed, Guard Break Damage DLC
ジルダリア Zyrdarya Flower Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed DLC
ジュビジー Juvisy Seed Defense, Energy Weapon Recovery, Guard Break Damage DLC
飛鳥 Asuka Fighter Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed, Guard Break Damage DLC
ムルメルティア Murlmetier Panzer Attack, Energy Weapon Recovery, Guard Break Damage DLC
アーンヴァル Mk.2黒 Arnval Tempesta Black Angel Defense, Energy Weapon Recovery, Speed DLC
ミミック Mimic ?(Cyborg Ninja?)
強化ミミック Powered Mimic ?(Gold Ninja?)
Arnval Mk2 Ai
Fubuki Mimi
Ach Alisa
Altines Runa
Altlene Erica
Yda Rin
Tsugaru Kiyuto
Eukrante Arisu
Ianeira Izumi
Jillrivers Dash
Strarf Mk2 Aoi
Sharatang Riela
Estoril Speed
Zelnogrard Forte
Howling Hokuto
Maochao Makoto
Justice Melia
Mimic Who
BabyRazz Imca
Raptias Faintear
Artille Exelica
Zyrdarya Setsuna
Maryceles Takoyuki
Proxima Chisato
Juvysi Eden
Vervieta Tateha
Lirbiete Ageha
Oorbellen Agrias
Zielbellen Meliadoul
Mulmetier Taiga
Asuka Miru
Gabrine Hentai Kamen
Renge Kitsunebi
Arnval Tempesta Aika
Knuckle+Dual Dagger
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
Knuckle アイアングローブ +JO Iron Glove + JO 12 3% 0% n
Knuckle トンファー Tonfa 30 0% 0% n
Knuckle ゼピュロス Zephyrus 60 0% 0% Eukrante n
Ddagger アキナス Aquinas 62 0% 0% n
Ddagger スティック :SFモデル Stick : SF model 66 0% 0% Baby Razz y
Ddagger フルストゥ・グフロートゥ Furusutu & Gufurotu 69 0% 0% Strarf n
Knuckle ライトトンファー Light Tonfa 75 0% 5% n
Ddagger トリアイナ Triena 93 0% 0% Ianeira n

Knuckle 防壁 Fáng Bì (Fort) 145 0% 10% Maochao n

Knuckle トンファー +AQ Tonfa + AQ 155 0% 10% n
Ddagger エウロス Euros 161 0% 0% Eukrante n
Knuckle ディチャージ Di charge 169 0% 10% y
Ddagger ズベンエルゲネブ&カマリ Zuben'erugenebu & Kamari 175 0% 0% n
Knuckle ペネトレートクロー Penetrating ー port Claw 196 0% 0% Artille y
Ddagger ウィンディツインズ Windy winds 213 0% 0% Partio y
Ddagger コート&コーシカ Court & Corsica 221 0% 10% Strarf Mk2 n

Knuckle 研爪 Yán Zhuǎ (Research Claw) 278 0% 10% Maochao n

Knuckle アイアングローブ +AS Iron Glove + AS 283 11% 0% n
Ddagger グリーフエングレイバー Grief engraver 301 14% 0% n
Ddagger フェザーエッジ Feather Edge 344 0% 0% Raptias y
Ddagger アキナス+AS Aquinas + AS 344 0% 0% n
Ddagger フルストゥ・グフロートゥ +IR Furusutu Gufurotu + IR 351 0% 0% Strarf n
Knuckle トンファー +IR Tonfa + IR 354 0% 0% n

Ddagger アングルブレード Blade angle 435 10% 0% Strarf n

Ddagger 二黒土星爪 Saturn Hell Jikoku 441 16% 0% Renge y
Knuckle カタマランブレード Catamaran blade 450 0% 0% Artille y
Knuckle アイアングローブ Iron Globe 460 15% 0% n
Ddagger ズベンエルゲネブ&カマリ +CR Zuben'erugenebu & Kamari + CR 564 0% 0% n

Ddagger グリーフエングレイバー +KY Grief engraver + KY 560 22% 0% n

Knuckle ディチャージ +CG Di charge + CG 588 0% 22% y
Knuckle 防壁 +LB Fáng Bì + LB (Fort + LB) 590 0% 22% Maochao n
Ddagger アングルブレード +LB Blade angle + LB 591 22% 0% Strarf n
Knuckle ゼピュロス +LB Zephyrus + LB 602 0% 0% Eukrante n
Knuckle 研爪 +LB Yán Zhuǎ + LB (Research Claw + LB) 605 0% 18% Maochao n
Ddagger アキナス+MS Aquinas + MS 605 0% 0% n
Ddagger コート&コーシカ+MT Court & Corsica + MT 611 0% 22% Strarf Mk2 n
Ddagger エウロス+LB Euros + LB 628 0% 0% Eukrante n
Ddagger ウィンディツインズ +ms Windy Twins + ms 639 0% 0% Partio y
Ddagger フルストゥ・グフロートゥ +LB Furusutu & Gufurotu + LB 646 0% 0% Strarf n
Ddagger フェザーエッジ +LB Feather edge + LB 659 0% 0% Raptias y
Knuckle トンファー +MT Tonfa + MT 666 0% 0% n
Ddagger スティック :SFモデル+LB Stick: SF model + LB 670 0% 0% Baby Razz y
Ddagger トリアイナ +MT Triena + MT 690 0% 0% Ianeira n
Ddagger クルイーク Kuruiku 698 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n

Ddagger フルストゥ・グフロートゥ +KY Furusutu Gufurotu + KY 702 30% 0% Strarf n

Knuckle ライトトンファー +TK Light Tonfa + TK 733 0% 25% n
Knuckle ディチャージ +TK Di charge + TK 764 0% 26% y
Knuckle 防壁 +TK Fáng Bì + TK 767 0% 26% Maochao n
Ddagger グリーフエングレイバー +MT Grief engraver + MT 767 26% 0% n
Knuckle アイアングローブ +SP Iron Glove + SP 776 23% 0% n
Ddagger ズベンエルゲネブ&カマリ +SP Zuben'erugenebu & Kamari + SP 800 0% 0% n
Knuckle 研爪 +TK Yán Zhuǎ + TK (Research Claw + TK) 806 0% 22% Maochao n
Ddagger クルイーク +TK Kuruiku + TK 875 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n
Ddagger トリアイナ+ VC Triena + VC 905 0% 0% Ianeira n

Ddagger コート&コーシカ+VC Court & Corsica + VC 850 0% 30% Strarf Mk2 n

Ddagger アングルブレード +VC Blade angle + VC 871 30% 0% Strarf n
Ddagger 二黒土星爪 +LB Saturn Hell Nail + LB 879 28% 0% Renge y
Knuckle ライトトンファー +KT Light Tonfa + KT 892 0% 29% n
Ddagger アキナス+NS Aquinas + NS 950 0% 0% n
Ddagger エウロス+NS Euros + NS 952 0% 0% Eukrante n
Knuckle ゼピュロス +NS Zephyrus + NS 953 0% 0% Eukrante n
Ddagger スティック :SFモデル+VC Stick: SF + VC model 955 0% 0% Baby Razz y
Ddagger ウィンディツインズ +NS Windy Twins + NS 959 0% 0% Partio y
Knuckle ペネトレートクロー +LB Penetrating ー port Claw + LB 960 0% 0% Artille y
Ddagger アキナス+KT Aquinas + KT 965 0% 0% n
Ddagger フェザーエッジ +NS Feather edge + NS 967 0% 0% Raptias y
Ddagger クルイーク +VC Kuruiku + VC 970 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n
Knuckle カタマランブレード +LB Catamaran blade + LB 985 0% 0% Artille y
Ddagger アングルブレード +NS Blade Angle + NS 987 0% 0% Strarf n
Ddagger クルイーク +NS Kuruiku + NS 1000 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
Drill くろがねのドリル Kurogane drill 46 6% 0% n
BK ”シェルブレイク ”PB Shell break PB 71 5% 0% n
BK ベアトリーチェ Beatrice 77 0% 5% n
Drill クラウ・ソナス Krag-Sonasu 79 0% 5% n
Drill グラム Gram 109 0% 0% n

BK ディスインテグレーター Disk integrator 146 8% 0% n

BK ヴォーバン Vauban 146 9% 0% n
Drill 旋牙 Xuán Yá (Rotating teeth) 201 0% 10% Maochao n
BK EVFベイオネット EVF Bayonet 222 10% 0% Estoril n
Drill グラム+SK Gram + SK 225 0% 0% n
BK ベアトリーチェ +CG Beatrice + CG 270 0% 13% n

BK ”シェルブレイク ”PB+ms Shell break PB + ms 279 13% 0% n

BK くろがねのドリル +ms Kurogane drill + ms 292 14% 0% n
Drill クラウ・ソナス +CG Krag-Sonasu + CG 300 0% 13% n
BK ヴォーバン+ AS Vauban + AS 317 13% 0% n
BK ローク Rok 324 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n
Drill くろがねのドリル +IR Kurogane drill + IR 326 20% 0% n
BK ローク+IR Rok + IR 355 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n

BK ヴォーバン +LB Vauban + LB 417 17% 0% n

Drill D.O.R D.O.R 437 18% 0% n
BK LS7レーザーソード LS7 laser sword 441 0% 16% Arnval Mk2 n
Drill クラウ・ソナス +MS Krag-Sonasu + MS 447 0% 17% n
BK ディスインテグレーター +ms Disk integrator + ms 521 18% 0% n
BK EVFベイオネット +LB EVF Bayonet + LB 536 18% 0% Estoril n

BK ベアトリーチェ +BK Beatrice +BK 560 0% 21% n

BK ヴォーバン +BK Vauban +BK 560 21% 0% n
BK ハンド・パイルドライバ Hand pile driver 599 20% 0% Zelnogrard n
Drill 旋牙+ms Xuán Yá + ms (Rotating Teeth + ms) 602 0% 22% Maochao n
BK LS7レーザーソード +MT LS7 laser sword + MT 612 0% 20% Arnval Mk2 n
BK LS7レーザーソード黒 LS7 black laser sword 612 0% 20% Arnval Tempesta y
Drill D.O.R +MS D.O.R +MS 621 22% 0% n
BK ローク+LB Rok + LB 649 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n
Drill グラム+LB Gram + LB 698 0% 0% n

BK ヴォーバン+ TK Vauban + TK 699 25% 0% n

Drill くろがねのドリル +TK Kurogane drill + TK 703 26% 0% n
BK ”シェルブレイク ”PB+TK Shell break PB + TK 703 26% 0% n
BK ディスインテグレーター +NS Disk integrator + NS 712 26% 0% n
BK ハンド・パイルドライバ +LB Hand pile driver + LB 798 24% 0% Zelnogrard n
BK ローク+SP Rok+ SP 820 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n
Drill グラム+TK Gram + TK 903 0% 0% n

BK ベアトリーチェ +VC Beatrice +VC 858 0% 29% n

BK LS7レーザーソード +NS LS7 laser sword + NS 861 0% 28% Arnval Mk2 n
BK LS7レーザーソード黒 +NS LS7 black laser sword + NS 861 0% 28% Arnval Tempesta y
Drill 旋牙+NS Xuán Yá + NS (Rotating Teeth + NS) 864 0% 30% Maochao n
BK ベアトリーチェ +KT Beatrice +KT 872 0% 30% n
Drill クラウ・ソナス +VC Krag-Sonasu + VC 892 0% 29% n
BK ハンド・パイルドライバ +VC Hand pile driver + VC 895 28% 0% Zelnogrard n
Drill クラウ・ソナス +KT Krag-Sonasu + KT 906 0% 30% n
BK EVFベイオネット +NS EVF Bayonet + NS 945 30% 0% Estoril n
1h sword + Rod
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
Sword カットラス Cutlass 17 0% 0% n
Rod 十手 Jitte (Baton) 29 0% 0% Howling n
Rod マジカルステッキ Magical Cane 60 0% 6% y
Sword モルートブレイド Blade root module 68 0% 0% Zyrdarya y
Sword グリーンカッター Green Cutter 78 0% 0% Juvysy y
Sword アルヴォPDW11EXT Arvo PDW11EXT 80 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n
Sword フィッシュボーン Fishbone 89 0% 3% Partio y
Sword フォールディングナイフ Folding Knife 97 5% 0% Ach n

Sword M4ライトセイバー M4 Light Saber 145 0% 10% Arnval Mk2 n

Sword JLフォークブレード JL Fork Blade 150 0% 0% JillRivers n
Sword ハダル Alpha Centauri 153 0% 0% Proxima y
Rod まんが肉 Comical Meat 153 0% 0% Pormock y
Sword 忍者鎌"散梅" Ninja Sickle "Scattered Plum" 174 10% 0% Fubuki n
Rod レサート・ロッドシステム Resato Rod System 175 0% 0% n
Sword 一白水星剣 Mercury sword Ippaku 210 8% 0% Renge y
Sword 焔刀”神斬丸” Flame Sword "Zanmaru" 225 10% 0% y
Rod スタンロッド Stun Rod 236 10% 0% n

Sword M8ライトセイバー M8 Light Saber 273 0% 10% Arnval Mk2 n

Sword モルートブレイド +GC Blade root module + GC 295 0% 0% Zyrdarya y
Sword 霊刀 千鳥霊切 Sword spirit Chidori 302 0% 0% Asuka y
Rod スタンロッド +IR Stun Rod + IR 314 30% 0% n
Sword ロッターシュテルン Roter Stern (Red Star) 344 0% 13% Altines n
Sword カットラス +IR Cutlass + IR 351 0% 0% n
Rod レサート・ロッドシステム +AS Resato Rod System + AS 357 0% 0% n
Rod スタンロッド +ms Stun Rod +MS 381 14% 0% n

Sword ラリマ=クリミナル Rarima = Criminal 438 0% 16% Oorbelen y

Sword コラル=ビエント Coral = Biento 440 0% 16% Zielbelen y
Sword JLフォークブレード +BK JL Fork Blade +BK 442 0% 0% JillRivers n
Sword 忍者刀"風花" Ninja Sword "Fuka" 452 0% 0% Fubuki n
Sword ボウソード:ノートゥング Bow Sword: Noto~ungu 457 17% 0% Sharatang y
Sword アルヴォPDW11EXT+LB Arvo PDW11EXT + LB 460 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n
Rod ビームジッテ Beam Jitte (Beam baton) 464 0% 15% n
Sword サーペンタイン Serpentine 470 0% 0% Maryceles y
Sword ブラオシュテルン Blau Stern (Blue Star) 511 0% 15% Altlene n

Sword M4ライトセイバー +ms M4 Light Saber + ms 563 0% 20% Arnval Mk2 n

Sword 忍者鎌"散梅" +LB Ninja Sickle "Scattered Plum" + LB 587 22% 0% Fubuki n
Rod マジカルステッキ +ms Magical Cane + ms 590 0% 22% y
Sword M4ライトセイバー +LB M4 Light Saber + LB 596 0% 22% Arnval Mk2 n
Sword フォールディングナイフ +LB Folding Knife + LB 596 21% 0% Ach n
Sword ブラオシュテルン +LB Blau Stern + LB (Blue Star + LB) 599 0% 19% Altlene n
Sword フィッシュボーン +ms Fishbone + ms 600 0% 15% Partio y
Sword M8ライトセイバー +LB M8 Light Saber + LB 604 0% 16% Arnval Mk2 n
Sword グリーンカッター +MT Green Cutter + MT 605 0% 0% Juvysy y
Sword 霊刀 千鳥霊切 +GC Sword spirit Chidori + GC 605 0% 0% Asuka y
Sword ラリマ=クリミナル +ms Rarima = Criminal + ms 623 0% 20% Oorbelen y
Sword ボウソード:ノートゥング +LB Bow Sword: Noto~ungu + LB 624 21% 0% Sharatang y
Sword コラル=ビエント +ms Coral = Biento + ms 625 0% 20% Zielbelen y
Rod まんが肉 +ms Comical Meat + ms 632 0% 0% Pormock y
Rod レサート・ロッドシステム +LB Resato Rod System + LB 634 0% 0% n
Sword 忍者刀"風花" +ms Ninja Sword "Fuka" + ms 638 0% 0% Fubuki n
Rod 十手 +ms Jitte + ms (Rod + ms) 644 0% 0% Howling n
Sword ハダル + LB Alpha Centauri + LB 667 0% 0% Proxima y
Sword 焔刀”神斬丸” +CG Flame Sword "Zanmaru" + CG 698 22% 0% y

Sword ロッターシュテルン +MT Roter Stern + MT (Red Star + MT) 701 0% 25% Altines n
Sword ラリマ=クリミナル +SP Rarima = Criminal + SP 770 0% 24% Oorbelen y
Sword コラル=ビエント +SP Coral = Biento + SP 772 0% 24% Zielbelen y

Sword フィッシュボーン +NS Fishbone + NS 882 0% 21% Partio y

Rod マジカルステッキ +NS Magical Cane + NS 887 0% 30% y
Sword 一白水星剣 +LB Mercury sword Ippaku + LB 911 24% 0% Renge y
Sword 忍者鎌"散梅" +VC Ninja Sickle "Scattered Plum" + VC 945 30% 0% Fubuki n
Sword M4ライトセイバー +NS M4 Light Saber + NS 948 0% 30% Arnval Mk2 n
Sword ロッターシュテルン +NS Roter Stern + NS (Read Star + NS) 949 0% 29% Altines n
Sword ラリマ=クリミナル +NS Rarima = Criminal + NS 952 0% 28% Oorbelen y
Sword コラル=ビエント +NS Coral = Biento + NS 955 0% 28% Zielbelen y
Rod まんが肉 +NS Comical Meat + NS 958 0% 0% Pormock y
Sword フォールディングナイフ +VC Folding Knife + VC 959 29% 0% Ach n
Sword サーペンタイン + LB Serpentine + LB 960 0% 0% Maryceles y
Sword ハダル + VC Alpha Centauri + VC 964 0% 0% Proxima y
Sword ブラオシュテルン +NS Blau Stern + NS (Blue Star + NS) 965 0% 27% Altlene n
Rod 十手 +NS Jitte + NS (Baton + NS) 966 0% 0% Howling n
Sword ボウソード:ノートゥング +VC Bow Sword: Noto~ungu + VC 966 29% 0% Sharatang y
Sword 忍者刀"風花" +VC Ninja Sword "Fuka" + VC 967 0% 0% Fubuki n
Sword グリーンカッター +TK Green Cutter + TK 972 0% 0% Juvysy y
Sword アルヴォPDW11EXT +NS Arvo PDW11EXT + NS 972 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n
Sword アルヴォPDW11EXT +KT Arvo PDW11EXT + KT 982 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n
Sword M8ライトセイバー +NS M8 Light Saber + NS 984 0% 22% Arnval Mk2 n
Sword JLフォークブレード +NS JL Fork Blade + NS 987 0% 0% JillRivers n
Rod レサート・ロッドシステム +VC Resato Rod System + VC 987 0% 0% n
Sword 霊刀 千鳥霊切 +TK Chidori sword spirit + TK 988 0% 0% Asuka y
Sword 焔刀”神斬丸” +NS Flame Sword "Zanmaru" + NS 990 30% 0% y
Rod レサート・ロッドシステム +KT Resato Rod System + KT 1007 0% 0% n
Sword モルートブレイド +TK Blade root module + TK 1012 0% 0% Zyrdarya y
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
Spear 銀のフォーク Silver Fork 19 0% 0% n
Dblade ジークフリート Siegfried 28 0% 5% Altines n
Dblade トゥインクルバトン Twinkle Baton 35 4% 0% n
Spear グラースプアイビー Grass Ivy Group 62 0% 0% Zyrdarya y
Spear お注射器 Your Syringe 69 0% 0% y
Dblade ダブルレイブレード Double Ray Blade 73 0% 5% n
Spear ライデン・トライハスタ Leyden Thruster 75 0% 5% n
Spear 偃月刀 Scimitar 92 0% 0% n
Dblade WA666アマラジェーニ WA666 Amarajeni 109 0% 0% n

Dblade ツインソウブレード Twin Saw Blade 146 8% 0% n

Spear テューポーン Teuton 155 0% 0% Gabrine y
Spear ミストルテイン Lucent Mist 158 0% 10% n
Dblade M8ダブルライトセイバー M8 Double Lightsaber 172 0% 10% Arnval Mk2 n
Dblade ダブルブレード鋼 Double Steel Blade 181 0% 0% n
Spear ブリューナク Buryunaku 194 10% 0% n
Spear ゴスロリパラソル Gothic Lolita Parasol 200 0% 0% n
Dblade フォービドブレード Four Blade 219 8% 0% Tsugaru n
Spear トリアイナ・ハスタ Triena-hasta (Triena Spear) 230 0% 0% Ianeira n

Dblade ツインソウブレード +CR Twin Saw Blade + CR 271 12% 0% n

Spear 聖槍"ロンギヌス " Holy Lance "Longinus" 283 0% 0% n
Spear ライデン・トライハスタ +SK Leyden Thruster + SK 300 0% 13% n
Dblade トゥインクルバトン +IR Twinkle Baton + IR 312 30% 0% n
Spear 偃月刀 +ms Scimitar + ms 319 0% 0% n
Dblade トゥインクルバトン +ms Twinkle Baton + ms 336 12% 0% n
Spear 偃月刀 +IR Scimitar + IR 351 0% 0% n
Spear ミストルテイン +AS Lucent Mist + AS 359 14% 0% n
Dblade WA666アマラジェーニ +AS WA666 Amarajeni + AS 391 0% 0% n

Spear ブリューナク +ms Buryunaku + ms 418 18% 0% n

Dblade ダブルレイブレード +ms Double Ray Blade + ms 419 0% 17% n
Dblade ジークフリート +ms Siegfried + ms 441 0% 17% Altines n
Dblade ダブルブレード鋼 +ms Double Steel Blade + ms 445 0% 0% n
Spear お注射器 +ms Your Syringe + ms 469 0% 0% y
Spear ゴスロリパラソル +CR Gothic Lolita Parasol + CR 506 0% 0% n
Spear ミストルテイン +ms Lucent Mist + ms 526 0% 18% n
Dblade WA666アマラジェーニ +ms WA666 Amarajeni + ms 538 0% 0% n
Spear トリアイナ・ハスタ +MT Triena-hasta + MT 549 0% 0% Ianeira n

Spear ライデン・トライハスタ +MS Leyden Thruster + MS 590 0% 21% n

Dblade M8ダブルライトセイバー +ms M8 Double Lightsaber + ms 603 0% 22% Arnval Mk2 n
Spear グラースプアイビー +GC Grass Ivy Group + GC 603 0% 0% Zyrdarya y
Spear 聖槍"ロンギヌス " +ms Holy Lance "Longinus" + ms 634 0% 0% n
Spear テューポーン +ms Teuton + ms 650 0% 0% Gabrine y
Dblade フォービドブレード +LB Four Blade + LB 651 20% 0% Tsugaru n
Dblade OB:サフィルス OB : Sapphire 660 0% 0% n
Spear ゴスロリパラソル +BK Gothic Lolita Parasol + BK 663 0% 0% n
Dblade WA666アマラジェーニ +BK WA666 Amarajeni + BK 690 0% 0% n

Dblade ツインソウブレード +TK Twin Saw Blade + TK 701 24% 0% n

Spear ライデン・トライハスタ +TK Leyden Thruster + TK 733 0% 25% n
Spear ジークフリート +MT Siegfried + MT 747 0% 25% Altines n

Dblade ツインソウブレード +NS Twin Saw Blade + NS 952 28% 0% n

Dblade ジークフリート +NS Siegfried + NS 964 0% 29% Altines n
Dblade M8ダブルライトセイバー +VC M8 Double Lightsaber + VC 969 0% 30% Arnval Mk2 n
Dblade ツインソウブレード +KT Twin Saw Blade + KT 969 28% 0% n
Spear お注射器 +NS Your Syringe + ms 985 0% 0% y
Spear ライデン・トライハスタ +KT Leyden Thruster + KT 1005 0% 29% n
Spear テューポーン +NS Teuton + NS 1005 0% 0% Gabrine y
Dblade フォービドブレード +NS Four Blade + NS 1008 28% 0% Tsugaru n
Spear グラースプアイビー +TK Grass Ivy Group + TK 1010 0% 0% Zyrdarya y
Dblade WA666アマラジェーニ +NS WA666 Amarajeni + NS 1012 0% 0% n
Spear ゴスロリパラソル +NS Gothic Lolita Parasol + NS 1015 0% 0% n
Spear トリアイナ・ハスタ +NS Triena-hasta + NS 1033 0% 0% Ianeira n
Dblade OB:サフィルス +NS OB : Sapphire + NS 1033 0% 0% n
2H sword+Axe+Hammer
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
Hammer ピコピコハンマー Pikopiko Hammer 15 5% 0% n
2H Sword 銀のナイフ Silver Knife 30 0% 5% n
Hammer 銀のスプーン Silver Spoon 38 0% 0% n
Axe A・ホーク A. Hawk 51 0% 0% Proto Pormock n
2H Sword バルムンク Balmung 56 0% 0% n
2H Sword エアロヴァジュラ Aero Vajra 79 0% 0% Yda n
2H Sword ダーインスレイヴ Darling in Slave 80 0% 0% n
Hammer アレルギーペタル Petal Allergy 87 0% 0% Zyrdarya y
Axe ガンアックス Gun Axe 91 5% 0% n
Hammer ガンハンマー Gun Hammer 107 5% 0% n
Hammer ハンマーシード Seed Hammer 109 0% 0% Juvisy y
2H Sword LS9レーザーソード LS9 Laser Sword 123 0% 5% Arnval Mk2 n
2H Sword スキュラ Scylla 125 0% 0% Ianeira n

2H Sword セブンエッジ Seven Edge 148 10% 0% n

2H Sword 九鉤刀 Nine Hooks 158 10% 0% n
Axe プリシニア・ルンカ Purishinia-Runka 182 0% 10% n
2H Sword ラムダオ Ramudao 188 0% 0% n
Hammer モーニングスター Morning Star 206 0% 0% n
Axe FL015バトルスタッフ FL015 Battle Staff 225 0% 0% Valona n
2H Sword ヅェノサイダー DulenoSaida 242 10% 0% Justice n

Axe バトルアックス Battle Axe 273 0% 10% n

2H Sword 九紫火星大剣 Mars Kyushi large sword 276 11% 0% Renge y
2H Sword ジークリンデ Sieglinde 295 0% 14% Altlene n
Axe ケイローン Chiron 296 0% 0% Proxima y
2H Sword ジークムント Siegmund 300 0% 14% Altines n
2H Sword セブンエッジ +IR Seven Edge + IR 315 30% 0% n
2H Sword ソウブレード "断慈斬" Saw Blade "Cross Sectional" 324 12% 0% y
Hammer ライトヘラクレス Light Hercules 326 0% 0% Gabrine y
Hammer ガンハンマー +AS Gun Hammer + AS 343 13% 0% n
Axe FL015ハイパーカスタム FL015 hyper custom 346 0% 0% y
Hammer ミョルニルハンマー Mjolnir Hammer 354 0% 10% n
Hammer 銀のスプーン +IR Silver Spoon + IR 355 0% 0% n
Axe A・ホーク +IR A. Hawk + IR 355 0% 0% Proto Pormock n
Axe プリシニア・ルンカ +MT Purishinia-Runka + MT 358 0% 14% n
Axe ガンアックス +AS Gun Axe + AS 359 13% 0% n
2H Sword ダーインスレイヴ +AS Darling in Slave + AS 362 0% 0% n
2H Sword グラジオラス Gladiolus 379 14% 0% Lirbiete y
2H Sword LS9レーザーソード +CR LS9 Laser Sword + CR 392 0% 13% Arnval Mk2 n
Hammer 金棒 Knock 'em 410 0% 0% n

2H Sword ギュリーノス Gyurinosu 418 0% 16% y

Axe グリムリーパー Grim Reaper 435 10% 0% n
2H Sword エアロヴァジュラ +ms Aero Vajra + ms 447 0% 0% Yda n
Hammer モーニングスター +ms Morning Star + ms 462 0% 0% n
2H Sword ダーインスレイヴ +CG Darling in Slave + CG 474 0% 0% n
Axe ガンアックス +CG Gun Axe + CG 477 17% 0% n
Axe FL015ハイパーカスタム +ms FL015 hyper custom + ms 482 0% 0% y
Hammer ジレーザ・ロケットハンマー Jireza Rocket Hammer 496 0% 15% n
Hammer ガンハンマー +MS Gun Hammer + MS 508 17% 0% n
2H Sword 九紫火星大剣 +ms Mars Kyushi large sword + ms 533 15% 0% Renge y

2H Sword ジークリンデ +ms Sieglinde +ms 581 0% 22% Altlene n

Axe バトルアックス +ms Battle Axe + ms 585 0% 16% n
2H Sword ジークムント +ms Siegmund + ms 593 0% 22% Altines n
2H Sword ジークリンデ +MT Sieglinde +MT 600 0% 22% Altlene n
Hammer ジレーザ・ロケットハンマー +ms Jireza Rocket Hammer + ms 603 0% 19% n
Hammer アレルギーペタル +GC Petal Allergy + GC 609 0% 0% Zyrdarya y
2H Sword ギュリーノス +ms Gyurinosu + ms 622 0% 20% y
2H Sword ソウブレード "断慈斬" +ms Saw Blade "Cross Sectional" + ms 634 20% 0% y
2H Sword スキュラ +MT Scylla + MT 640 0% 0% Ianeira n
2H Sword エアロヴァジュラ +LB Aero Vajra + LB 641 0% 0% Yda n
Hammer ハンマーシード +MT Seed Hammer + MT 654 0% 0% Juvisy y
2H Sword グラジオラス +MS Gladiolus + MS 670 22% 0% Lirbiete y
Axe ケイローン +ms Chiron + ms 671 0% 0% Proxima y
Axe プリシニア・ルンカ +BK Purishinia-Runka + BK 672 0% 22% n
2H Sword LS9レーザーソード +BK LS9 Laser Sword + BK 679 0% 21% Arnval Mk2 n
2H Sword LS9レーザーソード黒 LS9 Black Laser Sword 685 0% 21% Arnval Tempesta n
Axe エルヴァル・アクス Erufu Aru 686 0% 0% Maryceles y
2H Sword ラムダオ +GR Ramudao + GR 730 0% 0% n
Hammer 金棒 +LB Knock 'em + LB 730 0% 0% n

2H Sword ダーインスレイヴ +SP Darling in Slave + SP 800 0% 0% n

Hammer 金棒 +NS Knock 'em + NS 866 0% 0% n
2H Sword ヅェノサイダー +ms DulenoSaida + ms 959 22% 0% Justice n

2H Sword KYK : Nクロス KYK : N Killer 892 0% 30% y

2H Sword 九紫火星大剣 +LB Mars Kyushi large sword + LB 902 29% 0% Renge y
2H Sword ネグァソ Negulaso 903 26% y
2H Sword ソウブレード "断慈斬" + NS Saw Blade "Cross Sectional" + NS 924 28% 0% y
2H Sword ジークムント +VC Siegmund + VC 954 0% 30% Altines n
Axe プリシニア・ルンカ +KT Purishinia-Runka + KT 955 0% 30% n
2H Sword ギュリーノス +NS Gyurinosu + NS 958 0% 28% y
2H Sword ジークリンデ +NS Sieglinde + NS 965 0% 30% Altlene n
2H Sword グラジオラス +NS Gladiolus + NS 968 30% 0% Lirbiete y
Hammer ライトヘラクレス +ms Light Hercules + ms 970 0% 0% Gabrine y
Hammer ジレーザ・ロケットハンマー +VC Jireza Rocket Hammer + VC 970 0% 27% n
Axe ガンアックス +VC Gun Axe + VC 971 29% 0% n
Axe FL015ハイパーカスタム +NS FL015 hyper custom + NS 980 0% 0% y
2H Sword LS9レーザーソード +NS LS9 Laser Sword + NS 1000 0% 29% Arnval Mk2 n
2H Sword LS9レーザーソード黒 +NS LS9 Black Laser Sword + NS 1000 0% 29% Arnval Tempesta n
Hammer ガンハンマー +VC Gun Hammer + VC 1005 29% 0% n
Axe ガンアックス +KT Gun Axe + KT 1012 30% 0% n
Hammer ガンハンマー +KT Gun Hammer + KT 1022 30% 0% n
Axe エルヴァル・アクス +NS Erufu Aru + NS 1025 0% 0% Maryceles y
2H Sword エアロヴァジュラ +VC Aero Vajra + VC 1032 0% 0% Yda n
2H Sword ダーインスレイヴ +KT Darling in Slave + KT 1032 0% 0% n
Hammer アレルギーペタル +TK Petal Allergy +TK 1034 0% 0% Zyrdarya y
2H Sword ヅェノサイダー +NS DulenoSaida + NS 1035 30% 0% Justice n
Hammer ハンマーシード +TK Seed Hammer + TK 1050 0% 0% Juvisy y
2H Sword スキュラ +NS Scylla + NS 1057 0% 0% Ianeira n
Thrown + Bomb
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
5 way Thrown ブーメラン Boomerang 22 0% 0% n
5 way Thrown 飛苦無"蓮華草" Flying Bitterness "Rengeso" 53 0% 0% Fubuki n
Bomb 手榴弾 Grenade 62 5% 0% n
Bomb アグネヤストラ Aguneyasutora 89 5% 0% n

3 way Thrown 棘輪 Ratchet (thorn wheel) 149 0% 5% Howling n

Bomb 手榴弾 +ms Grenade +ms 218 9% 0% n
5 way Thrown フルストゥ・クレイン Crane and Furusuto 232 10% 0% Strarf n

3 way Thrown チャクラム Chakram 281 12% 0% n

5 way Thrown ボウナイフ :リジル Bow Knife Issyl 285 0% 0% Sharatang y
5 way Thrown ヤタガラス Yatagarasu 314 0% 0% n
5 way Thrown フルストゥ・クレイン +IR Crane and Furusuto + IR 319 30% 0% Strarf n
Bomb 手榴弾 +IR Grenade + IR 331 17% 0% n
Bomb アグネヤストラ +SK Aguneyasutora +SK 361 13% 0% n
Bomb 手榴弾 +SK Grenade + SK 364 13% 0% n
5 way Thrown 飛苦無"蓮華草" +AS Flying Bitterness "Rengeso" + AS 367 0% 0% Fubuki n

3 way Thrown 大手裏剣 "白詰草" Large Shuriken "White Long Grass" 465 0% 0% Fubuki n
Bomb 手榴弾 +CR Grenade + CR 472 17% 0% n
5 way Thrown ヤタガラス +CG Yatagarasu + CG 474 0% 0% n
3 way Thrown 大手裏剣 "白詰草" 金 Gold Large Shuriken "White Long Grass" 476 0% 0% Mizuki y
5 way Thrown ディーカヤコーシカ Co-Dee Kaya (Deer) 481 0% 15% Strarf Mk2 n
Bomb アグネヤストラ +CR Aguneyasutora + CR 537 17% 0% n

5 way Thrown ブーメラン +KR Boomerang + KR 562 20% 0% n

5 way Thrown ブーメラン +AQ Boomerang + AQ 562 0% 20% n
3 way Thrown 棘輪 +SK Ratchet (thorn wheel) +SK 577 0% 14% Howling n
5 way Thrown フルストゥ・クレイン +SK Crane and Furusuto + SK 584 22% 0% Strarf n
5 way Thrown ディーカヤコーシカ +LB Co-Dee Kaya (Deer) +LB 597 0% 19% Strarf Mk2 n
3 way Thrown 棘輪 +LB Ratchet (thorn wheel) + LB 603 0% 14% Howling n
Bomb 手榴弾 +MT Grenade +MT 605 21% 0% n
3 way Thrown 大手裏剣 "白詰草" 金 +SK Gold Large Shuriken "White Long Grass" + SK 636 0% 0% Mizuki y
5 way Thrown 飛苦無"蓮華草" +LB Flying Bitterness "Rengeso" + LB 645 0% 0% Fubuki n
3 way Thrown 大手裏剣 "白詰草" +MT Large Shuriken "White Long Grass" + MT 651 0% 0% Fubuki n
3 way Thrown チャクラム +GR Chakram + GR 657 30% 0% n
5 way Thrown ボウナイフ :リジル +LB Bow Knife Issyl + LB 660 0% 0% Sharatang y

5 way Thrown ヤタガラス +SP Yatagarasu + SP 800 0% 0% n

5 way Thrown ブーメラン +SP Boomerang + SP 810 0% 0% n
3 way Thrown チャクラム +TK Chakram + TK 839 24% 0% n

5 way Thrown フルストゥ・クレイン +NS Crane and Furusuto + NS 857 30% 0% Strarf n
Bomb 手榴弾 +NS Grenade + NS 879 28% 0% n
5 way Thrown ディーカヤコーシカ +NS Co-Dee Kaya (Deer) + NS 880 0% 27% Strarf Mk2 n
3 way Thrown 棘輪 +VC Ratchet (thorn wheel) + VC 887 0% 20% Howling n
Bomb アグネヤストラ +NS Aguneyasutora + NS 889 29% 0% n
Bomb アグネヤストラ +KT Aguneyasutora + KT 904 30% 0% n
Bomb Wedding Bouquet 914 24% 0% y
5 way Thrown ボウナイフ :リジル +VC Bow Knife Issyl + VC 954 0% 0% Sharatang y
3 way Thrown 大手裏剣 "白詰草" 金 +NS Gold Large Shuriken "White Long Grass" + NS 965 0% 0% Mizuki y
3 way Thrown 大手裏剣 "白詰草" +VC Large Shuriken "White Long Grass" + VC 967 0% 0% Fubuki n
5 way Thrown 飛苦無"蓮華草" +NS Flying Bitterness "Rengeso" + NS 980 0% 0% Fubuki n
5 way Thrown ヤタガラス +NS Yatagarasu + NS 987 0% 0% n
5 way Thrown ヤタガラス +KT Yatagarasu + KT 997 0% 0% n
Musical Instrument
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
リコーダー Recorder 44 0% 0% n
エレキギタースカル Skull Guitar 109 0% 0% y
オルフェウス Orpheus 125 0% 0% Ianeira n

バーン Burn 145 0% 10% n

エレキベース Electric Bass 204 0% 10% n
トリマトラム Tristram 236 0% 8% n

バーン +FN Burn + FN 269 0% 14% n

NAGINATA Eベース NAGINATA E-based 292 0% 0% BabyRazz y
リコーダー +IR Recorder + IR 352 0% 0% n
トリマトラム +AS Tristram + AS 352 0% 12% n
エレキギター Electric Guitar 362 12% 0% n
エレキギタースカル +FN Electric Skull Guitar + FN 378 0% 10% y

エレキベース +FN Electric Bass + FN 470 0% 18% n

トリマトラム +FN Tristram + FN 532 0% 16% y
オルフェウス +FN Orpheus + FN 570 0% 0% Ianeira n

エレキギター +FN Electric Guitar + FN 586 20% 0% n

NAGINATA Eベース +FN NAGINATA E-based + FN 670 0% 0% BabyRazz y
トリマトラム +AL Tristram + AL 674 0% 20% n

バーン +AL Burn + AL 696 0% 26% n

エレキギター +AL Electric Guitar + AL 701 24% 0% n
バーン +KT Burn + KT 704 0% 28% n
エレキベース +AL Electric Bass + AL 712 0% 16% n
リコーダー +LC Recorder + LC 762 0% 0% n
エレキギタースカル +AL Electric Skull Guitar + AL 875 0% 0% y

バーン +LC Burn + LC 855 0% 30% n

トリマトラム +LC Tristram + LC 941 0% 28% n
NAGINATA Eベース +NS NAGINATA E-based + NS 955 0% 0% BabyRazz y
オルフェウス +AL Orpheus + AL 987 0% 0% Ianeira n
エレキギタースカル +LC Electric Skull Guitar + LC 987 0% 0% y
Handgun + Machinegun +
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
Handgun FB アルファ・ピストル FB Alpha pistol 20 5% 0% Fort Bragg n
SMG アルヴォPDW9 Arvo PDW9 39 5% 0% Arnval n
Handgun BKピストル BK Pistol 45 0% 0% Zelnogrard n
Rifle OS-36 A-カービンEx OS-36 A-carbine Ex 58 0% 10% Yda n
Rifle フラグレンスキラー Fragrance Killer 63 5% 0% Zyrdarya y
Rifle イクシオン Ixion 63 0% 5% Proxima y
SMG イング・ペイカー Flying Parker 64 0% 4% Maryceles y
SMG flak17 1.5mm flak17 1.5mm 67 5% 0% Asuka y
SMG 三七式一号二粍機関砲 two thirty-seven millimeter cannon 75 7% 0% Asuka n
Handgun パウダースプレイヤー Powder Sprayer 77 5% 0% Juvysy y
Handgun ポーレンホーミング Pollen Homing 90 0% 5% Zyrdarya y
Rifle プレシジョン・バレル Precision barrel 94 0% 4% Artille y

SMG エクストリーマ・バレル Extreme barrel 154 7% 0% Artille y

SMG ジャマダハル Jamadar 156 0% 0% n
Handgun レッドスプライト Red Sprites 161 8% 0% Raptias y
Handgun フェリスファング Ferris Fang 163 0% 0% Artille y
Rifle グロブス Globe 175 0% 0% n
Rifle MSR22スナイパー MSR22 Sniper 183 0% 0% n
Rifle OS-35 AライフルEx OS-35 A rifle Ex 184 10% 0% Ach n
Handgun アルヴォPDW11 Arvo PDW11 186 0% 7% Arnval Mk2 n
Rifle ホーンスナイパーライフル Horn Sniper Rifle 193 10% 0% Tsugaru n
Handgun EVFガン EVF gun 196 10% 0% Estoril n
Rifle JLライトガン JL Light gun 198 10% 0% JillRivers n
SMG サジタリウス Sagittarius 215 8% 0% Proxima y
Rifle EVFアサルトライフル B EVF assault rifle B 218 10% 0% Estoril n
Rifle JLスナイパーライフル JL sniper rifle 242 10% 0% JillRivers n
Handgun モデルPHCヴズルイフ Model PHC Handgun Vuzryv (explosion) 244 0% 0% Strarf n

SMG キュクローブ鋼鉄機関銃 KYKLOPES (Cyclops) Steel Machine Gun 269 14% 0% Sister Riegel y
Handgun メルキオール Melchior 280 12% 0% Gabrine y
SMG デルビユネ derubiyune 285 24% 0% y
Rifle RG8レールガン RG8 Rail gun 289 0% 10% n
Handgun アルヴォLP4ハンドガン Arvo LP4 Handgun 291 0% 0% Arnval n
SMG ヘルゲートブラスター Hell Gate blaster 294 0% 0% n
SMG アルヴォPDW9 +AS Arvo PDW9 +AS 308 13% 0% Arnval n
SMG 9サブマシンガン 9 Sub-machine gun 325 0% 12% n
Handgun EVFガン +AS EVF gun +AS 337 14% 0% Estoril n
Rifle MSR22スナイパー +IR MSR22 Sniper +IR 348 0% 0% n
Handgun BKピストル +IR BK Pistol +IR 349 0% 0% Zelnogrard n
SMG ジャマダハル +IR Jamadar +IR 355 0% 0% n
Rifle LC5レーザーライフル LC5 Laser Rifle 385 0% 10% Arnval Mk2 n
Handgun OS-35 Aライフル OS-35 A rifle 389 0% 0% Ach n
Handgun FB アルファ・ピストル +ms FB Alpha pistol +ms 392 13% 0% Fort Bragg n

Rifle OS-35 AライフルEx +SK OS-35 A rifle Ex +SK 423 18% 0% Ach n
SMG 三七式一号二粍機関砲 +SK two thirty-seven millimeter cannon +SK 425 17% 0% Asuka n
Rifle フラグレンスキラー +GC Fragrance Killer +GC 435 17% 5% Zyrdarya y
Handgun OS-36 A-カービン OS-36 A-carbine 444 0% 10% Yda n
SMG LK75自動小銃 LK75 Automatic rifle 449 0% 16% n
Handgun ポーレンホーミング +GC Pollen Homing +GC 456 0% 17% Zyrdarya y
Rifle JLライトガン +BK JL Light gun +BK 472 18% 0% JillRivers n
Rifle OS-36 A-カービンEx +SK OS-36 A-carbine Ex +SK 476 0% 18% Yda n
Handgun EVFガン +LB EVF gun +LB 476 18% 0% Estoril n
SMG アルヴォPDW9 +SK Arvo PDW9 +SK 491 17% 0% Arnval n
Rifle EVFアサルトライフル B +LB EVF assault rifle B +LB 506 18% 0% Estoril n
Handgun モデルPHCヴズルイフ +SK Model PHC Handgun Vuzryv (explosion) +SK 521 0% 0% Strarf n
SMG サジタリウス +SK Sagittarius +SK 521 16% 0% Proxima y
Rifle イクシオン +SK Ixion +SK 529 0% 17% Proxima y
Rifle JLスナイパーライフル +BK JL sniper rifle +BK 536 18% 0% JillRivers n

Handgun パウダースプレイヤー +MT Powder Sprayer +MT 560 21% 0% Juvysy y

SMG 9サブマシンガン +SK 9 Sub-machine gun +SK 570 0% 20% n
Handgun アルヴォPDW11 +LB Arvo PDW11 +LB 593 0% 18% Arnval Mk2 n
Handgun アルヴォPDW11黒 Arvo PDW11 Black 593 0% 18% Tempesta y
SMG アルヴォPDW9 +LB Arvo PDW9 +LB 594 21% 0% Arnval n
Rifle OS-36 A-カービンEx +LB OS-36 A-carbine Ex +LB 595 0% 20% Yda n
Handgun アルヴォPDW11 +SK Arvo PDW11 +SK 596 0% 16% Arnval Mk2 n
Handgun FB アルファ・ピストル +SK FB Alpha pistol +SK 597 21% 0% Fort Bragg n
Rifle OS-35 AライフルEx +LB OS-35 A rifle Ex +LB 598 22% 0% Ach n
Rifle LC5レーザーライフル +LB LC5 Laser Rifle +LB 613 0% 16% Arnval Mk2 n
Rifle RG8レールガン +SK RG8 Rail gun +SK 616 0% 16% n
Rifle ホーンスナイパーライフル +LB Horn Sniper Rifle +LB 617 22% 0% Tsugaru n
SMG flak17 1.5mm +GC flak17 1.5mm +GC 618 21% 0% Asuka y
Handgun レッドスプライト +SK Red Sprites +SK 621 20% 0% Raptias y
Rifle プレシジョン・バレル +SK Precision barrel +SK 635 0% 20% Artille y
Handgun アルヴォLP4ハンドガン +LB Arvo LP4 Handgun +LB 640 0% 0% Arnval n
Handgun OS-35 Aライフル +LB OS-35 A rifle +LB 641 0% 0% Ach n
SMG アルナイル Alnair 643 20% 0% Proxima y
Handgun モデルPHCヴズルイフ +LB Model PHC Handgun Vuzryv (explosion) +LB 649 0% 0% Strarf n
Handgun OS-36 A-カービン +LB OS-36 A-carbine +LB 655 0% 0% Yda n
Rifle OS-35 AライフルEx +GR OS-35 A rifle Ex +GR 656 30% 0% Ach n
SMG 9サブマシンガン +GR 9 Sub-machine gun +GR 658 0% 24% n
Handgun フェリスファング +LB Ferris Fang +LB 660 0% 0% Artille y
Handgun アルヴォPDW11 +GR Arvo PDW11 +GR 664 0% 20% Arnval Mk2 n
Rifle LC5レーザーライフル +GR LC5 Laser Rifle +GR 681 0% 20% Arnval Mk2 n
SMG ヘルゲートブラスター +GR Hell Gate blaster +GR 725 0% 0% n
Handgun アルヴォLP4ハンドガン +GR Arvo LP4 Handgun +GR 730 0% 0% Arnval n

Handgun EVFガン +NS EVF gun +NS 686 30% 0% Estoril n

SMG キュクローブ鋼鉄機関銃 +TK KYKLOPES (Cyclops) Steel Machine Gun +TK 712 26% 0% Sister Riegel y
Rifle グロブス +SP Globe +SP 800 0% 0% n
Rifle JLライトガン +NS JL Light gun +NS 833 26% 0% JillRivers n
Handgun ジーラヴズルイフ +TK Jiravuzuruifu (Big explosion?)+TK 837 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n

SMG flak17 1.5mm +TK flak17 1.5mm +TK 862 30% 0% Asuka y
SMG アルヴォPDW9 +NS Arvo PDW9 +LNS 864 29% 0% Arnval n
Handgun パウダースプレイヤー +TK Powder Sprayer +TK 870 29% 0% Juvysy y
Rifle OS-35 AライフルEx +NS OS-35 A rifle Ex +NS 871 30% 0% Ach n
SMG イング・ペイカー +SK Flying Parker +SK 872 0% 28% Maryceles y
SMG アルナイル +NS Alnair +NS 875 28% 0% Proxima y
Rifle +NS Horn Sniper Rifle +NS 878 30% 0% Tsugaru n
Handgun アルヴォPDW11 +NS Arvo PDW11 +NS 887 0% 22% Arnval Mk2 n
Handgun アルヴォPDW11黒 +NS Arvo PDW11 Black +NS 887 0% 22% Tempesta y
Rifle OS-36 A-カービンEx +VC OS-36 A-carbine Ex +VC 891 0% 24% Yda n
Handgun メルキオール +SK Melchior +SK 895 28% 0% Gabrine y
SMG LK75自動小銃 +VC LK75 Automatic rifle +VC 895 0% 28% n
Rifle フラグレンスキラー +TK Fragrance Killer +TK 898 25% 0% Zyrdarya y
SMG デルビユネ +NS derubiyune +NS 899 28% 0% y
Rifle LC5レーザーライフル +VC LC5 Laser Rifle +VC 901 0% 22% Arnval Mk2 n
Rifle プレシジョン・バレル +LB Precision barrel +LB 902 0% 29% Artille y
Handgun ポーレンホーミング +TK Pollen Homing +TK 903 0% 25% Zyrdarya y
Rifle イクシオン +TK Ixion +TK 904 0% 25% Proxima y
Rifle RG8レールガン +VC RG8 Rail gun +VC 905 0% 22% n
Rifle JLスナイパーライフル +NS JL sniper rifle +NS 911 30% 0% JillRivers n
Rifle EVFアサルトライフル B +NS EVF assault rifle B +NS 916 30% 0% Estoril n
SMG エクストリーマ・バレル +SK Extreme barrel +SK 921 23% 0% Artille y
Handgun レッドスプライト +NS Red Sprites +NS 922 24% 0% Raptias y
SMG サジタリウス +TK Sagittarius +TK 925 24% 0% Proxima y
SMG LK75自動小銃 +KT LK75 Automatic rifle +KT 932 0% 30% n
Handgun BKピストル +NS BK Pistol +NS 952 0% 0% Zelnogrard n
Handgun アルヴォLP4ハンドガン +VC Arvo LP4 Handgun +VC 959 0% 0% Arnval n
Handgun OS-35 Aライフル +VC OS-35 A rifle +VC 962 0% 0% Ach n
Rifle グロブス +KT Globe +KT 964 0% 0% n
Handgun モデルPHCヴズルイフ +NS Model PHC Handgun Vuzryv (explosion) +NS 974 0% 0% Strarf n
Handgun OS-36 A-カービン +NS OS-36 A-carbine +NS 980 0% 0% Yda n
Handgun フェリスファング +SK Ferris Fang +SK 980 0% 0% Artille y
Handgun ジーラヴズルイフ Jiravuzuruifu (Big explosion?) 996 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n
Handgun ジーラヴズルイフ +KT Jiravuzuruifu (Big explosion?)+KT 998 0% 0% Strarf Mk2 n
Shotgun + Gatling +
Bazooka + Launcher
+Particle Blaster + Air mine
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
Bazooka シュラム・ RGランチャー Shurama RG Launcher 42 0% 0% Strarf n
3 way Shotgun P・A・R ショットガン P · A · R shotgun 57 0% 5% Zelnogrard n
Launcher シルバーストーン Silverstone 58 10% 0% Ach n
Gatling Zel ガトリングキャノン Zel Gatling Cannon 66 4% 0% Zelnogrard n
Gatling 果銃"彗華" Coma China Gun ? 66 0% 0% n
Launcher Zel L・R/Sライフル Zel L · R / S rifle 78 0% 0% Zelnogrard n
Hōrai Ichishiki (Barking Fallow
Bazooka 吠莱壱式 Field) 87 0% 5% Howling n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?) 87 0% 5% n
Gatling アイゼンイーゲル黒 Black Iron Eagle 97 0% 0% n
5way Shotgun M49ショットガン黒 M49 black shotgun 99 0% 0% n
Launcher ボレアス Boreas 108 4% 0% Eukrante n
Lblaster ニニアン Ninian 110 5% 0% n
5way Shotgun ゲッシュ Gesshu 110 0% 0% n

Launcher スーパーシルバーストーン Super Silverstone 155 10% 0% Ach n

Launcher LC3レーザーライフル LC3 laser rifle 162 0% 10% Arnval n
5way Shotgun M49ショットガン黒 +CR M49 black shotgun +CR 162 0% 0% n
Gatling M4 Eギター M4 E Guitar 168 0% 0% Baby Razz y
3 way Shotgun イルダーナ Ildana 177 0% 10% y
3 way Shotgun P・A・R ショットガン +BK P · A · R shotgun +BK 182 0% 11% Zelnogrard n
N Shotgun JLショットガン JL shotgun 193 10% 0% JillRivers n
N Shotgun M49ショットガン銀 M49 Silver shotgun 204 10% 0% n
Gatling アイゼンイーゲル銀 Silver Iron Eagle 206 0% 0% n
3 way Shotgun ビフレスト Bifrost 206 0% 8% n
Launcher エレイン Elaine 208 0% 8% n
N Shotgun テンペスト Tempest 212 5% 0% Eukrante n
Launcher サーペント Serpent 219 0% 5% Ianeira n
Bazooka シュトルムウントドラング Sturm und Drang 222 10% 0% n
Bazooka ネプチューン・トリトン Neptune-Triton 229 8% 0% Ianeira n
Air Mine イゾルデ Isolde 230 0% 0% n
Lblaster ヴィヴィアン Viviane 230 0% 0% n

Launcher スティンガー Stinger 272 0% 11% n

Launcher ジャンシャーヌ Gentiane (Somekind of cosmetic) 276 0% 15% n
3 way Shotgun P・A・R ショットガン +SK P · A · R shotgun +SK 277 0% 14% Zelnogrard n
Gatling アリサノス Arisanosu 288 12% 0% n
Gatling アイゼンイーゲル黒 +CG Black Iron Eagle+CG 291 0% 0% n
Gatling アイゼンイーゲル黒 +SK Black Iron Eagle+SK 321 0% 0% n
Launcher LC3レーザーライフル +IR LC3 laser rifle+IR 327 0% 20% Arnval n
Gatling Zel ガトリングキャノン +AS Zel Gatling Cannon+AS 335 12% 0% Zelnogrard n
Lblaster ニニアン+MS Ninian+MS 337 13% 0% n
Launcher グラディアートル Gladiolus 344 0% 14% Vervieta y
Gatling アイゼンイーゲル銀 +IR Silver Iron Eagle+IR 347 0% 0% n
Launcher エレイン+AS Elaine+AS 349 0% 12% n
Bazooka シュラム・ RGランチャー +IR Shurama RG Launcher+IR 350 0% 0% Strarf n
Bazooka シュラム・ RGランチャー +AS Shurama RG Launcher+AS 350 0% 0% Strarf n
5way Shotgun M49ショットガン黒 +IR M49 black shotgun +IR 351 0% 0% n
Lblaster ニニアン+ZO Ninian+ZO 355 0% 14% n
Air Mine イゾルデ+AS Isolde+AS 355 0% 0% n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +GC Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+GC 358 13% 0% n
Launcher LC7レーザーキャノン LC7 laser cannon 371 12% 0% Arnval Mk2 n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +ms Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+ms 372 0% 13% n
Lblaster ヴィヴィアン +AS Viviane+AS 380 0% 0% n
N Shotgun M49ショットガン銀 +CR M49 Silver shotgun+CR 381 14% 0% n
Hōrai Ichishiki (Barking Fallow
Bazooka 吠莱壱式 +SK Field)+SK 384 0% 13% Howling n
Lblaster ヴィヴィアン +AQ Viviane+AQ 388 0% 13% n
5way Shotgun ゲッシュ+AS Gesshu+AS 395 0% 0% n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +BK Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+BK 404 0% 0% n

Launcher ボレアス+LB Boreas+LB 428 16% 0% Eukrante n

N Shotgun M49ショットガン銀 +SK M49 Silver shotgun+SK 433 18% 0% n
Gentiane (Somekind of cosmetic)
Launcher ジャンシャーヌ +SK +SK 434 0% 24% n
N Shotgun テンペスト +LB Tempest+LB 434 17% 0% Eukrante n
Gatling スペツオーサ Super Shooter 436 0% 16% y
Gatling ドラゴンキャノン Dragon Cannon 442 0% 18% n
5way Shotgun M49ショットガン黒 +SK M49 black shotgun +SK 451 0% 0% n
Goddess of Masochism photon
Launcher 光子縮退砲 "被虐の女神 " gun 461 18% 0% y
N Shotgun JLショットガン +BK JL shotgun+BK 476 18% 0% JillRivers n
Bazooka ネプチューン・トリトン +MT Neptune-Triton+MT 479 16% 0% Ianeira n
Launcher サーペント +MT Serpent+MT 506 0% 18% Ianeira n
Bazooka エスカトロジー Eschatology 506 0% 18% n
3 way Shotgun P・A・R ショットガン +CR P · A · R shotgun +CR 508 0% 17% Zelnogrard n
Bazooka シュラム・ RGランチャー +SK Shurama RG Launcher+SK 511 0% 0% Strarf n
Launcher Zel L・R/Sライフル+SK Zel L · R / S rifle+SK 520 0% 0% Zelnogrard n
Air Mine イゾルデ+KR Isolde+KR 527 17% 0% n
Air Mine イゾルデ+LB Isolde+LB 549 0% 0% n
Lblaster ヴィヴィアン +MS Viviane+MS 562 0% 0% n

Gatling Zel ガトリングキャノン +SK Zel Gatling Cannon+SK 564 20% 0% Zelnogrard n
N Shotgun M49ショットガン銀 +MT M49 Silver shotgun+MT 565 22% 0% n
Gatling Zel ガトリングキャノン +MT Zel Gatling Cannon+MT 583 20% 0% Zelnogrard n
3 way Shotgun P・A・R ショットガン +MT P · A · R shotgun +MT 584 0% 22% Zelnogrard n
3 way Shotgun P・A・R ショットガン +GC P · A · R shotgun +GC 586 0% 20% Zelnogrard n
Launcher LC3レーザーライフル +SK LC3 laser rifle+SK 588 0% 20% Arnval n
Hōrai Ichishiki (Barking Fallow
Bazooka 吠莱壱式 +GC Field)+GC 590 0% 21% Howling n
Launcher LC3レーザーライフル +LB LC3 laser rifle+LB 593 0% 22% Arnval n
Launcher シルバーストーン +SK Silverstone+SK 594 22% 0% Ach n
Launcher +SK Super Silverstone+SK 606 22% 0% Ach n
Gatling ドラゴンキャノン +SK Dragon Cannon+SK 606 0% 22% n
5way Shotgun M49ショットガン黒 +MT M49 black shotgun +MT 610 0% 0% n
Gatling スペツオーサ +SK Super Shooter+SK 620 0% 20% y
光子縮退砲 "被虐の女神 " Goddess of Masochism photon
Launcher +SK gun+SK 626 22% 0% y
Bazooka シュラム・ RGランチャー +LB Shurama RG Launcher+LB 631 0% 0% Strarf n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +KY Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+KY 638 23% 0% n
Bazooka ハフ・グーファ Half Gufa 639 19% 0% Maryceles y
Launcher グラディアートル +MS Gladiolus+MS 646 0% 22% Vervieta y
Launcher Zel L・R/Sライフル+MT Zel L · R / S rifle+MT 651 0% 0% Zelnogrard n
Launcher スティンガー Stinger 272 0% 11% n
Air Mine イゾルデ+AQ Isolde+AQ 657 0% 23% n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +MS Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+MS 657 0% 21% n
Lblaster ニニアン+LB Ninian+LB 660 21% 0% n
Gatling M4 Eギター+SK M4 E Guitar+SK 661 0% 0% Baby Razz y
Launcher LC7レーザーキャノン黒 LC7 black laser cannon 661 20% 0% Tempesta n
3 way Shotgun P・A・R ショットガン +GR P · A · R shotgun +GR 671 0% 24% Zelnogrard n
Lblaster ニニアン+AQ Ninian+AQ 676 0% 22% n
Air Mine イゾルデ+MS Isolde+MS 712 0% 0% n
Gatling アイゼンイーゲル銀 +GR Silver Iron Eagle+GR 721 0% 0% n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +LB Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+LB 721 0% 0% n

Launcher ボレアス+NS Boreas+NS 721 24% 0% Eukrante n

N Shotgun テンペスト +NS Tempest+NS 759 25% 0% Eukrante n
Gatling Zel ガトリングキャノン +LB Zel Gatling Cannon+LB 776 24% 0% Zelnogrard n
Bazooka ネプチューン・トリトン +VC Neptune-Triton+VC 777 24% 0% Ianeira n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +TK Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+TK 794 0% 25% n
N Shotgun JLショットガン +NS JL shotgun+NS 799 26% 0% JillRivers n
5way Shotgun ゲッシュ+SP Gesshu+SP 808 0% 0% n
Bazooka エスカトロジー +SP Eschatology+SP 833 0% 26% n
Launcher エレイン+VC Elaine+VC 835 0% 24% n
Lblaster ヴィヴィアン +KR Viviane+KR 837 24% 0% n
Gatling 果銃"彗華"+TK Coma China Gun ?+TK 850 0% 0% n
Bazooka ヨルムンガンド Jormugand 853 0% 0% n
Launcher Zel L・R/Sライフル+LB Zel L · R / S rifle+LB 879 0% 0% Zelnogrard n
Air Mine イゾルデ+BK Isolde+BK 893 0% 0% n
Lblaster ヴィヴィアン +LB Viviane+LB 905 0% 0% n

Launcher エレイン+KT Elaine+KT 856 0% 30% n

Hōrai Ichishiki (Barking Fallow
Bazooka 吠莱壱式 +NS Field)+NS 859 0% 29% Howling n
Gatling Zel ガトリングキャノン +VC Zel Gatling Cannon+VC 861 28% 0% Zelnogrard n
光子縮退砲 "被虐の女神 " Goddess of Masochism photon
Launcher +NS gun+NS 863 30% 0% y
Launcher LC3レーザーライフル +NS LC3 laser rifle+NS 864 0% 30% Arnval n
Launcher シルバーストーン +VC Silverstone+VC 866 30% 0% Ach n
Air Mine イゾルデ+KY Isolde+KY 866 29% 0% n
Gatling アリサノス +VC Arisanosu+VC 868 28% 0% n
Gatling アリサノス +KT Arisanosu+KT 869 28% 0% n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +KR Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+KR 870 33% 0% n
Launcher +NS Super Silverstone+NS 871 30% 0% Ach n
3 way Shotgun P・A・R ショットガン +NS P · A · R shotgun +NS 872 0% 26% Zelnogrard n
Launcher サーペント +NS Serpent+NS 873 0% 30% Ianeira n
Bazooka ハフ・グーファ +VC Half Gufa+VC 876 29% 0% Maryceles y
3 way Shotgun ビフレスト +NS Bifrost+NS 879 0% 28% n
3 way Shotgun イルダーナ +VC Ildana+VC 887 0% 30% y
Gatling ドラゴンキャノン +NS Dragon Cannon+NS 889 0% 30% n
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +CG Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+CG 897 0% 29% n
Gatling スペツオーサ +VC Super Shooter+VC 903 0% 26% y
Lblaster ニニアン+NS Ninian+NS 908 29% 0% n
Lblaster ニニアン+AR Ninian+AR 923 0% 30% n
Launcher グラディアートル +NS Gladiolus+NS 932 0% 30% Vervieta y
Launcher LC7レーザーキャノン LC7 laser cannon 949 28% 0% Arnval Mk2 n
Launcher LC7レーザーキャノン黒 LC7 black laser cannon 949 28% 0% Tempesta n
Bazooka エスカトロジー +KT Eschatology+KT 956 0% 30% n
Air Mine イゾルデ+SK Isolde+SK 958 0% 0% n
Bazooka シュラム・ RGランチャー +VC Shurama RG Launcher+VC 967 0% 0% Strarf n
5way Shotgun ゲッシュ+KT Gesshu+KT 969 0% 0% n
Lblaster ヴィヴィアン +ZO Viviane+ZO 972 0% 22% n
Launcher Zel L・R/Sライフル+VC Zel L · R / S rifle+VC 977 0% 0% Zelnogrard n
Gatling M4 Eギター+AL M4 E Guitar+AL 980 0% 0% Baby Razz y
Hblaster サラ・ヴァティーヌ +NS Sarah Vu~atinu (Vantine?)+NS 1008 0% 0% n
Bazooka ヨルムンガンド +VC Jormugand+VC 1014 0% 0% n
Lblaster ヴィヴィアン +MT Viviane+MT 1029 0% 0% n
Lblaster ヴィヴィアン +KT Viviane+KT 1051 0% 0% n
Missile + Bits
Jap Eng Attack Fire Optics Shinki DLC?
Twin Missile スティレット Stiletto 33 0% 0% n
Bits プチマスィーンズ [DOG] Petite Machine [DOG] 64 6% 0% Howling n 2x5
Bits プチマスィーンズ [CAT] Petite Machine [CAT] 64 0% 6% Maochao n 2x5
Bits ココレット Cocolette 68 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n 2x4
Bits スパイダーシェル Spider Shell 78 0% 0% n 8x4
Swarm Missile ビーハイヴ +ms Beehive+ms 97 0% 6% n
HM Missile SLUM-ハイマニューバ SLUM-High Maneuver 144 0% 0% n

Twin Missile カッツバルゲル Katzbalger 146 8% 0% n

Bits タートルシェル Turtle shell 165 0% 0% n 5x4
Bits スパイダーシェル +MT Spider Shell+MT 179 0% 0% n
Swarm Missile ビーハイヴ +CG Beehive+CG 215 0% 9% n
Twin Missile ニンブス Nimbus 216 0% 0% n
HM Missile SLUM-ハイマニューバ +ms SLUM-High Maneuver+ms 144 0% 0% n

Swarm Missile ビーハイヴ Beehive 276 0% 12% n

Swarm Missile ビーハイヴ +CR Beehive+CR 296 0% 14% n
Bits タートルシェル +AS Turtle shell+AS 315 0% 0% n 5x4
Twin Missile ニンブス+AS Nimbus+AS 325 0% 0% n
Bits ココレット +IR Cocolette+IR 349 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n 2x4
Bits リリアーヌ Lilianne 350 0% 8% Arnval Mk2 n 2x4
Twin Missile スティレット +IR Stiletto+IR 350 0% 0% n

Swarm Missile ビーハイヴ +MT Beehive+MT 427 0% 15% n

Twin Missile カッツバルゲル +SK Katzbalger+SK 474 16% 0% n
Bits スパイダーシェル +BK Spider Shell+BK 483 0% 0% n 8x4
Bits タートルシェル +CG Turtle shell+CG 486 0% 0% n 5x4
HM Missile SLUM-ハイマニューバ +GC SLUM-High Maneuver+GC 520 0% 0% n
Twin Missile ニンブス+SK Nimbus+SK 546 0% 0% n

Bits ナヴァグラハ Navagraha 588 0% 15% n 9x2

Bits プチマスィーンズ [DOG]+GC Petite Machine [DOG]+GC 588 22% 0% Howling n 2x5
Bits プチマスィーンズ [CAT]+GC Petite Machine [CAT]+GC 588 0% 22% Maochao n 2x5
Bits リリアーヌ +LB Lilianne+LB 603 0% 14% Arnval Mk2 n 2x4
Swarm Missile ビーハイヴ +SK Beehive+SK 619 0% 18% n
Bits ココレット +LB Cocolette+LB 638 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n 2x4
Bits タートルシェル +MS Turtle shell+MS 662 0% 0% n 5x4
Twin Missile ニンブス+LB Nimbus+LB 719 0% 0% n

Twin Missile カッツバルゲル +SP Katzbalger+SP 798 24% 0% n

Bits タートルシェル +TK Turtle shell+TK 838 0% 0% n 5x4
Twin Missile スティレット +TK Stiletto+TK 890 0% 0% n

Bits プチマスィーンズ [DOG]+VC Petite Machine [DOG]+VC 858 30% 0% Howling n 2x5
Bits プチマスィーンズ [CAT]+VC Petite Machine [CAT]+VC 888 0% 30% Maochao n 2x5
Bits スパイダーシェル +VC Spider Shell+VC 957 0% 0% n 8x4
HM Missile SLUM-ハイマニューバ +NS SLUM-High Maneuver+NS 964 0% 0% n
Bits スパイダーシェル +KT Spider Shell+KT 976 0% 0% n 8x4
Bits ココレット +NS Cocolette+NS 987 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n 2x4
Swarm Missile ビーハイヴ +TK Beehive+TK 1005 0% 26% n
Bits ココレット +VC Cocolette+VC 1007 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n 2x4
Bits ココレット +LB Cocolette+LB 1027 0% 0% Arnval Mk2 n 2x4
JAP ENG Def Fire Resist Optical Resist Lp Spd Dex Cha Cost Skill

Arnval Mk2
This skill list is
translated from
Busou Shinki battle
masters wiki

Weapon Skill

JAP ENG effect Effect Comment
ナックル Knuckle 2 Reduce SP cost when canceling to another weapon or RA Less SP usage means chaining is easier and more cost effective
At +1 reduce by 3 and at +2 reduce by 7

ダブルナイフ Dual Dagger 2 Increase attacking range (where she will go forward to chase) Because of this, dual dagger specialist can lunge from farther range
Normally is 6.0→8.7→11.3→13.8→17.6 Especially good at chasing dodging shinki
At +1 is 6.7→9.7→12.8→15.7→20.1 or to duck below an enemy shot (though this one is not 100%)
At +2 is 7.4→10.9→14.3→17.6→22.6

ドリル Drill 2 Increase final hit of an attack More hits equal to more damage (negligible) and easier guard break (nice)
Normally full combo is 5 hits
At +1 full combo is 6 hit
At +2 full combo is 7 hit

パイルバンカー Pile Bunker 2 Increase the damage of the second hit (the explosion) More damage, what's not to like? Just careful of the recovery time

小剣 1h sword 2 Increase damage With this skill, even a normal 1h sword can be dangerous
Increase guard break damage Damage increase is not much, but the guard break damage increase quite
a lot

ロッド Rod 2 Increase Ride On bar increase While the SP damage increase is nice, due to very uncontrollable testing
Increase SP damage to opponent environment, I can't verify how much increase

槍 Spear 2 Increase attacking range Spear is extremely dangerous in the hand of a spear specialist
Normally is 5.0 as using spear can lunge a great distance away
At +1 is 5.8 while not faster than dual dagger, spear still fast enough to hit after evading
At +2 is 6.8 and spear packs a lot more punch while only need less hit

ダブルブレード Dual Blade 2 Increase number of hits during charge attack Dual blade trade spear range for wider hit and longer shot guard. A little hint
Normal is 1 hit when you combo using it, press down+ hold the attack button for a fraction
At +1 is 3 hit of a second. If done right, the last damage will deal twice of normal damage
At +3 is 5 hit
Increase the duration of shot guard effect

大剣 2h Sword 2 Increase the number of hits of the last hit Despite added number of hits, damage and guard break, this positive
Thus the total combo is effects can backfired if your position is lower than the enemy as
Normal 3 hit only the last hit will knock down the opponent. And if of 5 hit the last one
At +1 is 4 hit misses, the opponent will be in perfect position to counter you
At +2 is 5 hit

斧 Axe 2 Increase damage More damage equal to more fun

ハンマー Hammer 2 Increase the guard break damage Playing with hammer is not my thing. Besides, hammer is much more
useful for countering another melee or melee RA

楽器 Instrument 2 Increase the SP damage Unable to verify the increase, but whoever got hit won't be happy...IF you
hit something with it since even with canceling, it still easy to miss

投擲 Throw 2 Decrease the time frame to use thrown weapon Reduce time is nice since thrown weapon have a so-so speed

ハンドガン Handgun 2 Increase the number of bullets before reload Handgun is useful for interrupting and increasing ride max bar so more
At +1 add 2 bullets bullets is always welcomed
At +2 add 3 bullets

機関銃 Machine gun 2 Increase the number of bullets before reload Machine gun primary use is to build up your ride max, so more bullets
Every point add +3 bullets, so +1 is +3 and +2 is +6 from longer range is always welcome
Increase the range of the attack
At +1 is 19.2
At +2 is 20.7
ライフル Rifle 2 Increase the bullet shots simultaneously Although the increased bullets is nice for guard breaking, there's a hidden
At +1 shot 2 bullets curse. If the opponent move too fast or the height difference between your
At +2 shot 3 bullets shinki and the target shinki too great, some of the bullets might miss
making lower damage potential

ショットガン Shotgun 2 Increase the range Judgment shot takes effect Judgment shot is powerful yet close range. With this skill, shotgun
Judgment shot is where the enemy close enough to be specialist can become extremely dangerous to approach as they can do
hit by all shotgun bullets and takes massive damage Judgment shot outside of most melee range

ガトリング Gatling 2 Increase the number of bullets by 4 for each increase The machine gun big sister. Slow to deploy but with much larger magazine
Also increase the attack range to The increase in attack range is very welcome since Gatling need all the
At +1 is 38.1 range it can get because of the slow deployment
At +2 is 40.2

ランチャー Launcher 2 Increase the speed of operating Launcher (deploying) Increase speed means it is much safer using Launcher at middle range
(between 30-50), however it is still suicidal using this at close range

バズーカ Bazooka 2 Increase the explosion radius by 0.5 for every skill up to 1.0 Bigger explosion radius is FUN

ミサイル Missile 2 Increase the missile turning arc Missile swarm handled by missile specialist can be very hard to dodge due
to the increased accuracy of EACH missile. A normal guided missile also
become much more accurate

ビット Bit 2 Shorten the deployment time Notorious for taking a very long time to deploy, Bit specialist cut the time
and make it safe even at medium range. You can abuse it against AI since
the AI are generally clueless on evading bit attack.

粒子ブラスター Blaster 2 Increase the number of bullets by 1 for every 1 skill Um....yay?

浮遊機雷 Air Mine 2 Increase the number of mine release This skill change a weapon from a mere annoyance to total horror. The
for normal air mine = 9→12→16 reason is since not only more air mines are deployed, but they also release
for twin air mine = 12→16→22 it in much more tighter pack, increasing the chance of not only hitting one,
but two or even three simultaneously. Constant awareness is important.

Action Skill
JAP ENG effect Effect Comment
クリティカル率 Critical Rate ± 6 Increase/decrease the critical rate by 1% for each point Critical does more damage and increase the ride max bar. More chance
Need more testing though is more efficient when using fast and multiple attacks like machine gun

溜め時間短縮 Charge Time ± 3 Reduce the time needed for charging some weaponry This skill make some heavy weaponry much MUCH deadlier. A charged up
At +3, only need around one second to fully charge attack not only deal more damage, but also more range.
At - 3, it is impossible to charge even to the next level

武器エネルギー回復 speed up ± 5 Reduce the time needed for range weapon to naturally reload If you play ranged battle, this skill is invaluable since that means your
by 0.3 seconds for each + weapons reloads and recharge faster. Especially for optical weapons since
these weapons reload one bullet at a time.

ジャストガード Just Guard ± 2 Increase/decrease the time window for just guarding Good skill to have if you like to block a lot, but for some shinki, it is much
better and desireable to just dodge out of the way

Guard Break
ガードブレイクカット Cut ± 5 Increase/decrease your shinki shield can hold out before Another good skill for the defensive and likes to block a lot since with this
broken your guard is much harder to break. Not desireable for those who prefer
dodging out of the way

ブースト性能 Performance ± 5 Increase/decrease boost gauge consumption by 10% for each More dashing is good since dashing is much more faster than walking
plus or malus This skill also will affect the boost gauge used up when doing the dodging

ダッシュ性能 Performance ± 2 Increase Dash speed and increase speed when changing This one if pretty vague in translation and in the game, the change is
direction very subtle

ステップ性能 Performance ± 2 Increase the distance when you do stepping Very useful in melee combat since you can step then counter immediately
Caution, dual blade is very hard to step out due to the wide attack area

ターン性能 Performance ± 2 Increase the invisibility time when dodging This skill is invaluable for some shinki with low guard and defense
At maximum, only a split second before finished the dodging but have high boost performance.
animation your shinki will be vulnerable.
At pretty much better block or dash than dodge

ジャンプ性能 e 2 Increase the height jump Useful for jumping out of danger or for moving around. Not crucial though.

Ascend, Compared to jump performance, this skill alow for more rapid move.
急上昇、急降下 Descend 1 Enable quick ascend and descend However
it consume Boost gauge at an Alarming rate.

グライディング Gliding 2 Allows gliding and descend slower. Does not consume Boost Useful either to stay in the air for a long time or for evading some attacks
gauge and RA. It also travels faster than walking though slower than dashing.

空中ダッシュ Air Dash 1 Allows dashing in the air Just like it says. Without this skill, you can't dash in midair.

二段ジャンプ Double Jump 1 Allows double jump Can be a worthy replacement for quick ascend, tough not for the descend

空中ターン Air Dodge 1 Allows dodging in the air Just like it says. Combination of Double jump and this can effectively
replace quick ascend, descend since after dodging, you will be forced to
land quickly,

Qリロード Quick Reload 1 Faster manual reloading Usefull only for manual reload for Bit since they reload god awfully slow

Status Skill
JAP ENG effect Effect Comment
防御力 Defense ± 6 Decrease/increase damage received More defense is always good

Lock On
ロック範囲 Range ± 5 Increase/decrease lock on range Not very important for those with high base dex (and enhancement) but
Increase 0.5 every point increase crucial for those with naturally low dex
Decrease 0.4 every point decrease

スピード Speed ± 5 Increase/decrease movement speed around 5% per point based More speed is always useful. Important for those shinki that uses high
the actual current speed speed combat. Negative speed is VERY NOT RECOMMENDED

DEX ± 6 DEX in combat is increased or decreased Clear enough. More dex means more lock on range and accuracy

CHA ± 6 CHA is to increase or decrease in combat Ditto. More cha means easier ride max mode

LP ± 6 Maximum decrease of 2% per -1 LP, an increase of 3% per +1 Increase max LP. EXTREMELY NOT RECOMMENDED to go beyond -2

SP ± 6 SP ± 3% for every point Ditto

遠距離攻撃 damage up 6 Increase 2% for every point

近距離攻撃 damage up 6 Increase 2% for every point

SP軽減 down 6 Decrease SP consumption by 4% for every point Nice skill since it save up SP for the big RA moves
JAP ENG SP/ Speed Course Interruptable?
ナックル Knuckle 45/ High speed Diagonally forward right then turn 90 degree toward the opponent Yes
If x is pressed, turn right one more time, turn left 45 degree before turning the other way around toward the opponent
Attack is a powerful single punch

ダブルナイフ Dual Dagger 45/ High speed Diagonally forward left then turn 90 degree toward the opponent Yes
If x is pressed, turn left one more time, turn right 45 degree before turning the other way around toward the opponent
Attack is a single somersault followed by a horizontal slash

ドリル Drill 45/ Medium Goes up then move toward opponent at around 45 degree downward Yes
Attack is drilling up the enemy...

パイルバンカー Pile Bunker 45/ Medium Goes straight to an enemy Yes

If x is pressed turn right and try flank and attack from behind
Attack is a 3 hit thrust

小剣 1h sword 45/ High Diagonally forward right then turn 90 degree toward the opponent Yes
If x is pressed, turn right one more time, turn left 45 degree before turning the other way around toward the opponent
Attack is a single stab
Very slow recovery

ロッド Rod 45/ High Diagonally forward left then turn 90 degree toward the opponent Yes
If x is pressed, turn left one more time, turn right 45 degree before turning the other way around toward the opponent
Attack is a single upward swing
There is a little lag after approaching then do the attack

槍 Spear 45/ High Goes straight to an enemy Yes

If x is pressed turn left and try flank and attack from behind
Attack is a spin followed with a powerful horizontal slash
Due to the speed and wide area, very hard to dodge
ダブルブレード Dual Blade 45/ High Goes up then at 45 degree angle goes behind the opponent then turn around toward the opponent
If x is pressed then goes up one more time before go toward the opponent
Attack is a spinning attack
Very hard to dodge due to very wide area of attack

大剣 2H sword 45/ Medium Goes straight to an enemy No

Have guard effect the whole time Unless you able
There a little bit lag after approaching and swinging the sword to guard break her
The attack is a heavy sword slash

斧 Axe 45/ Medium Goes straight to an enemy No

Have guard effect the whole time Unless you able
The attack is a spinning axe attack to guard break her

ハンマー Hammer 45/ Medium Have super armor the whole time Nope
There a little bit lag after approaching and swinging the hammer
The attack is a heavy downward swing with a hammer

楽器 Instrument 45/ high Goes straight at the enemy yes

The attack is by creating a dome
Once the dome is created become invicible until finished

投擲 Throw 45/ high Goes diagonally right to the back throw 2 3way thrown then goes diagonally right to the front for another 2 3 way thrown yes
If x is pressed, after the first wave of attack, goes straight to the front without turning diagonally

ハンドガン Handgun 45/ High Shot one time then goes to the back shoots another 7 Yes
If x is pressed, takes another turn then shoots 5 times
Each bullet have special properties that drained Boost gauge

機関銃 Machine gun 45/ high Goes to the right to the back then shoot 9 bullets, move the side shoot another 9 bullets till 4 times yes
If x is pressed, immediately goes to the left then shoot 9 bullets, move to the side then repeat 3 times

ライフル Rifle 45/ high Goes to the right back of the opponent then shoot 4 bullets yes
If x is pressed, after the back right, turn 180 degree to the other side then shoot 3 bullets
Last bullet have special property of draining the enemy bullet

ガトリング Gatling 45/ high Goes straigtht at the enemy no

If x is pressed will attempt to goes to opponent back
Have super armor during approaching but not during attacking
Attack is a burst of gatling shot

ショットガン Shotgun 45/ high Goes up fire two shots then goes behind opponent yes
If x is pressed, takes a different angle and route after firing two shots

ランチャー Launcher 45/ high Goes back then shoot 2 5ways bullets and ends it with a powerful single bullet yes
If x is pressed, turn 180 degree and goes to the other side

バズーカ Bazooka 45/ high Goes back then shoot 3 randomly bazooka rounds three times yes
If x is pressed, turn 180 degree and goes to the other side

爆弾 Bomb 55/ high Goes straight toward behind opponent while dropping bombs along the way (think of bombing run) yes

ミサイル Missile 55/ medium Goes back shoot a cluster of missile then move to the side then shoot another cluster of missile yes

ビット Bit 55/ high Goes to the other behind the opponent side then send the bits yes

粒子ブラスター Particle blaster 55/ none Stands in place while surrounded by a couple pillars of light. No

浮遊機雷 Air Mine 55/ high Goes above the opponent, scatters mine then quickly descend away from the opponent No
if x is pressed, descend toward the opponent

Combination RA
爆弾、ナックル Bomb 70/ high Move to the side throwing 3 bombs at the same time, move the side again throwing 3 times then finish with an uppercut yes
Knuckle if x is pressed, immediately finish with the uppercut

ズーカ Dual dagger 70/ high Goes up shoot two 3 way bazooka round then quickly assault with dual knife spin yes
Bazooka If x is pressed, use another way when approaching to assault with dual knife

ドリル、ショットガン Drill 70/ high Goes up, shoot one time, move to the side and shoot 3 more times before assaulting with an uppercut drill yes
Shotgun If x is pressed, use another way when approaching with drill

サイル Pile Bunker 70/ high Shoot a cluster of missile, move to the left, shoot another cluster of missile then goes to left before turning back and yes
Missile ramming with the pile bunker
If x is pressed, take another turn for a delay before ramming
Reminds of Altaisen Kirifuda

小剣、ガトリング 1h sword 70/ high Goes straigt at the opponent like a normal gatling RA, but continue toward opponent back, fired another gatling burst yes
Gatling before finishing with a single upward slash with 1h sword
If x is pressed, immediately finish it with 1h sword

ロッド、投擲 Rod 70/ high Thrown alternate horizontal, vertical thrown weapon, repeat to the left, repeat to the right before assault with rod yes
Thrown If x is presse, immediately assault with rod

槍、浮遊機雷 Spear 70/ high Goes above the opponent, spread air mine 2 times before assaulting with an overhead stab spear yes
Air Mine If x is pressed, use another route before assault with the spear

ト Dual Blade 70/ high Goes up send the bits before assaulting with dual blade yes
Bits If x is pressed, use another route before assaulting with dual blade

ター 2h Sword 70/ high Evokes large particle globe around the opponent before ending up with a slash with 2h sword no
Particle Blaster

斧、機関銃 Axe 70/ high Barrage the enemy 5 times with Machinegun before ending it with an overhead axe slash yes

ハンマー、ライフル Hammer 70/ high Shot rifle 3 times while keep changing location before ending with a BIG hammer blow yes while using rifle
no while using
Rifle If x is pressed, cancel the hammer blow and ends it with a rifle shot hammer

ハンドガン、ラン 3 times shoot handgun twice before moving to the last position shooting handgun times before ending with 5 way
チャー Handgun 70 / high launcher shot yes
Launcher If x is pressed, change location before using launcher

ター Musical ins 70/ high Create 2 crisscrossing at enemy location pillar of lights before ending with the usual musical instrument RA no
Particle Blaster

Status Bracket means the actual stats during battle

LP 9498(9120)
SP 103
SPD 66
DEX 109
CHA 356
DEF 1028
火器 (Fire Resist) -5%
光学 (Optic Resist) 10%
COST 924
Max Lock on Range 70

Weapon used One Handgun and One Big sword

Free Slot One Weapon, Hip, Shoes, Shield and Three Accessory

Skill List
クリティカル率+2 Critical +2
防御力-2 Defense -2
ジャストガード-2 Just Guard -2
ブースト性能+2 Boost +2
ダッシュ性能+1 Dash +1
ロック範囲+3 Lock on +3
スピード+5 Speed +5
LP-2 LP-2
SP+1 SP+1
大剣+1 Big Sword +1
浮遊機雷-1 Air Mine -1
ランチャー+2 Launcher +2
粒子BLST+1 Particle Blaster +1

She charge up for a second, then rush at the opponent. After a certain range she will shoot using her handgun between 4 - 14 times (depends on
The RA description the range when you activate the RA) while strafing to the right. After finish shooting, she will close in and do a powerful downward slash.

Interrupt able? Yes

Damage Estimation Around 60-80 damage per handgun shot and around 4000 damage for the slash, making the best scenario total damage is around 5300 damage.

Combo RA She will only do the downward slash.

The first variant of Arnval focus on speed and close range barrage, though due to high launcher affinity, she also can become a decent sniper
Notes (though not as specialized than the other one).

This Variant have two BIG trouble. Despite she has speed +5 skill, her base speed is very low. Her other big trouble is her low LP, with low def and
just guard -2, you basically have to do dash and evasion to survive and don't depend on defense and guarding. However once she achieve her ride
max mode (double defense, speed and weapon recharge), it negate her survival issues though only barely. Another issue though not so subtle is
Assesment her weapons mostly Optics based.

Advice No matter what your plan is, you need to fix that speed and LP ASAP unless you are very confident with your evasive skill.

LP 9496 (8740)
Sp 105
SPD 63
DEX 109
CHA 359
DEF 1030
火器 -22%
光学 45%
COST 599
Max Lock on range

Weapon used None

Free slot Three weapons, hip, shoes, three accesories

クリティカル率+2 Critical +2
ジャストガード-2 Just guard -2
ブースト性能+2 Boost +2
空中ダッシュ+1 Air Dash capable
ロック範囲+5 Lock on +5
スピード+2 Speed +2
空中ターン+1 Air dodge capable
大剣+1 Big Sword +1
浮遊機雷-1 Air Mine -1
ランチャー+1 Launcher +1

She charges up, ride her back pack and ram her opponent, return to hit from behind, then turn once more up till 5 times. This RA has a very long start up and very long
RA description recovery, use with care.

Interrupt able? Yes, but only during her start up where you see her wing, after that, she will have super armor for the whole duration till finish.

Damage Estimation Highly depends on the weapons you equip. More powerful weapon will deal more damage, though usually the damage is around 3000- 5000 total damage.

Combo RA She will do full RA attack except without the long start up time, recovery time is not affected though.

Notes This variant focuses more on long range combat and aerial maneuverability rather than speed .

Assesment Remember the first variant that have lousy LP and speed? Well in here for the prize of Long Range and Aerial superiority, Her LP took a major hit.

For long range bombardment, speed is not too important (though try to raise it at least until 100 base speed). Optimum weapons load out is 2 long range weapons
(usually a launcher and a missile) and a melee weapon light and quick, either knuckle or dual dagger. Pile bunker also good, though you must be wary with the recovery
speed. Now you maybe wonder, if become long range weapon specialist, why bother bringing a melee weapon. The answer is very simple. At the face of Speed Shinkis
(Ach is quite stellar in this area), they can cover 70 range under 2 seconds. Nothing is worse than becoming long range specialist, but cornered with no way to run
Advice (since they are faster) and no way to fight back (since you don't bring melee weapon).

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