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Zahra Mirzayeva 11C2

Exercise 1

1) What does Jay's teacher say about his talent?

--His teacher thinks that: it is the greatest talent. He is very talented. He proud of

2) What does Jay say about how he creates compositions?

--He thinks it is like the unconscious mind is giving orders at the speed of light.He
means that he just hear it as if it were a smooth performance of a work already
written, when it isn’t.

3) Why does Jay's computer frequently crash?

--Firstly, I want to begin with this fact, it seems all kids are downloading music, it
is just that Jay, with his composing program, is downloading it from his mind. The
program records his notes and plays them back; that is, when the computer is up
and running. He composes so rapidly that he often crashes his computer

4) Why doesn't Jay ever go back and revise his work?

--Because usually it just comes, it comes right the first time

Exercise 2

a) Jay Greenberg named himself "Bluejay" because he produces a lot of sound,

like a small bird --T

b) Other musicians have helped Jay to compose his music.


c) Sam Zyman is a composer and teacher at the Juilliard School.

d) At 12, Jay could write a great sonata in two hours.

e) Jay does not need to think about his compositions.


f) Jay's parents are professional musicians.


g) At 2, Jay began drawing pictures of instruments that his parents had at home.

h) By the age of three, Jay began composing music by drawing small cellos as
musical notes on a scale.

i) As a child, Jay's hero was Batman.


j) Jay creates symphonies by writing for one instrument, then thinking about how
the others should come in.

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