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Stress analysis of effects of nonrigid

connectors on fixed partial dentures

with pier abutments
Selcuk Oruc, DDS, PhD,a Oguz Eraslan, DDS, PhD,b H. Alper
Tukay, DDS, PhD,c and Arzu Atay, DDS, PhDd
Selcuk University, Faculty of Dentistry, Konya, Turkey; Gulhane
Military Medicine Academy, Istanbul, Turkey

Statement of problem. In some patients, the pattern of missing teeth may require the use of a fixed partial denture
(FPD) with an intermediate pier abutment. Information is needed regarding the biomechanical behavior and the posi-
tion of a nonrigid connector for this treatment option.

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, by means of finite element method (FEM), the effects of rigid and
nonrigid design types on stress distribution for 5-unit FPDs with pier abutments.

Material and methods. A 3-dimensional cross-section FEM model (SAP 2000) simulating a 5-unit metal ceramic FPD
with a pier abutment with rigid or nonrigid designs (connector location at the mesial region of the second molar, at
the distal region of the second premolar, at the mesial region of the second premolar, and at the distal region of the
canine) was developed. In the model, the canine, second premolar, and second molar served as abutments. A sup-
porting periodontal ligament and alveolar bone (cortical and trabecular) were modeled. A 50-N static vertical occlu-
sal load was applied on the cusp of each abutment to calculate the stress distributions. Three different types of load
were evaluated: loading of all cusps to simulate maximum centric occlusion contacts, loading of the canine to simu-
late a single anterior contact, and loading of the second molar to simulate a posterior contact.

Results. The analysis of the von Mises stress values revealed that maximum stress concentrations were located at the
load areas for all models. Also, for all models, the highest stress values were located at connectors and cervical regions
of abutment teeth, especially at the pier abutment.

Conclusions. The area of maximum stress concentration at the pier abutment was decreased by the use of a nonrigid
connector at the distal region of the second premolar. (J Prosthet Dent 2008;99:185-192)

Clinical Implications
Because the pier abutment used in rigid FPDs can act as a
fulcrum, the restoration of a terminal abutment may become
loose. When fabricating a 5-unit FPD from the maxillary canine
to second molar with a pier abutment, the use of a nonrigid
connector at the distal of the second premolar may reduce po-
tentially excessive stress concentration on the pier abutment.

Funded by the Selcuk University Research Projects Council (BAP).

Professor, Gulhane Military Medicine Academy.
Research Assistant, Selcuk University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics.
Assistant Professor, Gulhane Military Medicine Academy.
Assistant Professor, Gulhane Military Medicine Academy.
Oruc et al
186 Volume 99 Issue 3
In some patients, the pattern of
missing teeth may require the use of
an FPD with a pier abutment. Resto-
ration of 2 missing teeth and an in-
termediate pier abutment with a rigid
FPD is not an ideal treatment.1-3 When
an occlusal load is applied to the re-
tainer on the abutment tooth at 1 end
of an FPD with a pier abutment, the
pier abutment may act as a fulcrum
(Fig. 1).4,5 Thus, tensile forces may
then be generated between the re-
tainer and abutment at the other end
of the restoration.5 Anterior or poste- 1 Schematic illustration of pier abutment acting as fulcrum (blue repre-
rior abutments may experience extru- sents anterior loading, and red represents posterior loading situations).
sive forces during fulcrum action, and
resultant tensile force at the retainer- standardize during in vitro and in vivo esis was that the use of nonrigid con-
to-abutment interface5 may result in investigations.17 Also, the FEM results nectors for FPDs with pier abutments
potential loss of retention for these do not vary by repetition of the analy- would not affect the stress distribu-
restorations.4 It has been reported sis and are restricted by the number tion.
that rigid FPDs with pier abutments of nodules and elements used in the
are associated with higher debonding model and the elastic constants at- MATERIAL AND METHODS
rates than short-span prostheses.6,7 tributed to the elements.17 Thus, in
Thus, these restorations may result in the present study, FEM was used to This study was conducted using
marginal leakage and caries.4 Nonrig- locate the ideal placement of a non- a 3-D FEM and software (SAP2000;
id connectors are suggested as a solu- rigid connector for a pier abutment Computers & Structures, Inc, Berk-
tion to these difficulties.4,6 FPD by evaluating different placement ley, Calif ). A 3-D cross-sectional FEM
A 50- to 100-g force may cause ex- variations. The choice of a 2-dimen- model was fabricated to represent a
trusion of abutments, depending on sional (2-D) or 3-dimensional (3-D) missing mandibular first premolar and
the location of the tooth in the den- FEM is important.19 Even though the first molar to perform the computer
tal arch.6,8 The reaction of the peri- preparation of a 3-D model is more simulation. The model consisted of
odontium to extrusive forces on the time consuming and costly, recent de- a 5-unit metal ceramic FPD, with the
teeth associated with FPDs with pier velopments in computer technology canine, second premolar, and second
abutments is not clearly understood. have yielded more reliable results.19 It molar as abutment teeth supported
These problems may be compensated is possible to acquire more accurate by simulated periodontal ligament
for by converting an FPD with a rigid results as the similarity of FEM mod- (PDL) and alveolar bone (cortical and
pier abutment into one with a non- els to vital structures increases. How- trabecular) structures.
rigid connector.4,6,9 Lin et al10 report- ever, FEM has limitations related to The geometry used for the tooth
ed that a nonrigid connector has the assumptions that must sometimes be model was previously described by
ability to separate the splinted units. used while modeling. Since it is more Wheeler.25 On the basis of the root-
Thus, the use of a nonrigid connector comprehensive than the photoelastic form geometry of teeth, a simplified
has been suggested and is commonly technique,20 3-D FEM analysis was 0.25-mm PDL and a cortical shell
used with FPDs.11-16 selected as the evaluation method in (1.5 mm) were developed (Fig. 2),
Direct experimental measurement this investigation. The FEM provides according to published values.26 To
of stress distribution at these loca- mechanical responses and alters pa- simulate the sliding function of a non-
tions is difficult. However, the FEM rameters in a more controllable man- rigid connector, surfaces between the
is a well accepted, theoretical meth- ner, driving its common use as an an- patrix and matrix of the nonrigid con-
od for calculating stress distribution alytical tool in dental biomechanical nectors were assigned as free (non-
within complex structures which al- studies.10,18,20-24 The purpose of this bonded) touching faces. Five FPDs
lows investigators to evaluate the in- study was to investigate and com- were simulated, 1 with a rigid design
fluence of model parameter variation pare, by means of FEM stress analysis, and 4 with nonrigid designs, using
once the model has been correctly the functional stresses generated un- varying locations and orientations
defined.17,18 The FEM has been shown der various occlusal forces with rigid for the nonrigid connectors. The ma-
to be a useful tool when investigating and nonrigid designs for 5-unit FPDs trix attachment was located within
complex systems that are difficult to with pier abutments. The null hypoth- the abutment tooth for all scenarios.
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Design types are summarized in Table contact. (Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s
I. A 50-N static vertical occlusal load Each mathematical model includ- ratio (ν)) are determined from the
was applied on each cusp to calculate ed 12,000 nodes and 9545 (8-node literature and presented in Table II.
the stress distributions.17 Three differ- solid brick) elements. The nodes at Results were determined by consider-
ent loading methods were used: load- the surfaces of the alveolar bone in ing von Mises criteria.27-32 Calculated
ing of all teeth to simulate maximum the FEM models were fixed in all di- numeric data were transformed into
centric occlusion contacts, loading of rections as the boundary condition. color graphics to better visualize the
the canine to simulate a single anteri- Materials used in this study were as- mechanical phenomena in the mod-
or contact, and loading of the second sumed to be homogenous and iso- els.
molar to simulate a single posterior tropic. Elastic properties of materials

2 Illustration of materials modeled in FEM model.

Table I. Design configurations of 5-unit FPDs evaluated
Design Type Rigid/Nonrigid Location of Nonrigid Connector

R Rigid Not applicable

MPosterior Nonrigid Mesial to posterior terminal abutment

DPier Nonrigid Distal to pier abutment

MPier Nonrigid Mesial to pier abutment

DAnterior Nonrigid Distal to anterior terminal abutment

Table II. Mechanical properties of materials17

Material Elastic Modulus (E)(GPa) Poisson’s Ratio (ν)

Feldspathic porcelain 82.8 0.35

NiCr alloy 206 0.33

Dentin 18 0.33

Pulp tissue 0.003 0.45

Periodontal ligament 0.069 0.45

Cortical bone 13.7 0.3

Spongy bone 1.37 0.3

Oruc et al
188 Volume 99 Issue 3
RESULTS the cusp tips, connectors, and cervi- terior loading, and 2 MPa when all
cal regions of abutments (2 MPa). teeth were loaded.
The analysis of the von Mises Also, other stress concentration areas The nonrigid connector at the dis-
stress values revealed that areas of (1.54 MPa) were observed at the root tal region of the pier abutment (DPi-
maximum stress concentration were surfaces of the pier and distal terminal er) showed no considerable stress
located at the loading areas for all abutment (Fig. 3). Maximum princi- concentrations at the distal abut-
models (2 MPa). Also, for all models, pal stresses in the pier abutment were ment with anterior loading (Fig. 5).
the highest stress values were located 0.77 MPa at anterior loading, 1.38 The same situation occurred at the
at connectors and cervical regions of MPa at posterior loading, and 2 MPa mesial terminal abutment when the
abutment teeth, especially at the pier when all teeth were loaded. distal terminal abutment was loaded
abutment. The stress concentration In the design consisting of a non- (Fig. 5). The stress concentration lev-
areas were found at root surfaces and rigid connector at the mesial region els were lowest at the pier abutment
apical tooth locations as well. of the posterior terminal abutment (0.15 MPa) in both situations, relative
For the rigid model, when the me- (MPosterior), the stress distributions to other design types (Fig. 5). When
sial terminal abutment was loaded, at the anterior loading position were all of the teeth were loaded, the maxi-
stresses were evident at the cusp tip similar to that of the rigid model, mum stress concentration (2 MPa)
(2 MPa) and at the root surface (0.46 but for posterior loading, stresses at the pier abutment was lower than
MPa) of the loaded abutment, and at were concentrated around the distal other design types, but relatively high
the mesial region of the pier abutment terminal abutment (1.08 MPa) (Fig. stress concentrations were observed
(0.46 MPa). A relatively low stress con- 4). When all teeth of the MPosterior at the mesial root surface of the dis-
centration was observed at the distal model were loaded, stress concentra- tal terminal abutment (2 MPa) (Fig.
terminal abutment (Fig. 3). When the tions were similar to those of the rigid 5). Maximum principal stresses in the
distal terminal abutment was loaded, model, but stress concentration at the pier abutment were 0.62 MPa at the
stresses were detected the cusp tip (2 distal root surface of the pier abut- anterior load point, 0.31 MPa at the
MPa) and at the root surface (1.08 ment (2 MPa) was higher and extend- posterior load point, and 2 MPa when
MPa) of the loaded abutment, and ed over a larger area than in the rigid all teeth were loaded.
at the distal region of the pier abut- model. Also, a higher stress concen- When the anterior terminal abut-
ment (0.31 MPa). A relatively low tration (2 MPa) was observed at the ment was loaded, the nonrigid con-
stress concentration was detected at distal connector of the pier abutment nector at the mesial region of the pier
the mesial terminal abutment (Fig. 3). (Fig. 4). Maximum principal stresses abutment (MPier) showed low stress
When all teeth were loaded, maximum in the pier abutment were 0.46 MPa concentration at the pier abutment
stress concentration was observed at at anterior loading, 1.23 MPa at pos- (Fig. 6), similar to DPier. However,

3 von Mises stress values and distributions of rigid (R) (anterior loading (top right), posterior loading (top left),
all teeth loaded (bottom)). Pink to blue colors represent stress values from lower to higher, respectively.

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Oruc et al

March 2008 189

4 von Mises stress values and distributions of MPosterior (anterior loading (top right), posterior loading (top
left), all teeth loaded (bottom)). Pink to blue colors represent stress values from lower to higher, respectively.

5 von Mises stress values and distributions of DPier (anterior loading (top right), posterior loading (top left),
all teeth loaded (bottom)). Pink to blue colors represent stress values from lower to higher, respectively.

when the distal terminal abutment tors, cervical regions of abutments (2 abutment design (DAnterior), when
was loaded, there were lower stress MPa), and root surfaces (1.38 MPa) the terminal abutments were load-
concentrations at the pier abutment for all 3 abutments (Fig. 6). Maximum ed, stress distributions were similar
(0.46 MPa), and stress distributions principal stresses in the pier abutment to those of the rigid model (Fig. 7).
at the posterior terminal abutment were 0.15 MPa for anterior loading, When all teeth were loaded, stress
were similar to those of the rigid mod- 1.23 MPa for posterior loading, and 2 concentrations were similar to those
el (Fig. 6). When all the teeth were MPa when all teeth were loaded. of the rigid model. Stress concentra-
loaded, stress concentrations were For the nonrigid connector at the tion at the root surface of the pier
observed at the cusp tips, connec- distal region of the anterior terminal abutment was similar (1.54 MPa), but
Oruc et al
190 Volume 99 Issue 3

6 von Mises stress values and distributions of MPier (anterior loading (top right), posterior loading (top left),
all teeth loaded (bottom)). Pink to blue colors represent stress values from lower to higher, respectively.

7 von Mises stress values and distributions of DAnterior (anterior loading (top right), posterior loading (top
left), all teeth loaded (bottom)). Pink to blue colors represent stress values from lower to higher, respectively.

the value of 1.54 MPa was observed in loading, and 2 MPa when all teeth distribution. It was observed that the
a larger area than in the rigid model. were loaded. rigid and nonrigid connector designs
Also, stress concentrations observed have effects on stress distributions in
at the coronal aspect and the mesial DISCUSSION 5-unit FPDs with pier abutments. The
and distal cervical regions of the pier FEM results are presented in terms of
abutment were high (2 MPa) (Fig. 7). The results support rejection of the the von Mises stress values. The von
Maximum principal stresses in the null hypothesis: that the use of non- Mises stresses depend on the entire
pier abutment were 0.46 MPa for an- rigid connectors for FPDs with pier stress field and are used as indicators
terior loading, 1.23 MPa for posterior abutments would not affect the stress of the possibility of damage occur-
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Oruc et al
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rence.32 Since the connectors repre- vealed that high stress values were lo- were made for the model used in this
sent the greatest stress concentration cated at the connectors and cervical study regarding simulated structures.
areas with FPDs, the placement of regions of abutment teeth, especially The structures in the model were all
nonrigid connectors in these regions at the pier abutment. Root surfaces assumed to be homogenous, isotro-
is recommended.15,16 Thus, nonrigid and apical aspects were other stress pic, and to possess linear elasticity.
connectors were simulated in these concentration areas. However, with The properties of the materials mod-
regions in the current study. the use of a nonrigid connector, stress eled in this study, however, particular-
Moulding et al16 performed a pho- distribution patterns were reduced. ly the living tissues, are different. Also,
toelastic stress analysis of supporting Especially with the use of a nonrigid it is important to note that the stress
alveolar bone as modified by nonrigid connector at the distal region of the distribution patterns may have been
connectors. The authors reported pier abutment, the area of maximum different depending on the materials
that the stress fields change depend- concentration for the pier abutment and properties assigned to each layer
ing on the location of nonrigid con- was reduced. With this design type, of the model and the model used in
nectors. The findings of the current there were no stress concentrations at the experiments. Thus, the inherent
study are in agreement with Moulding the anterior abutment with posterior limitations in this study should be
et al,16 as the stress fields were differ- loading, and vice versa. This may be considered.
ent at various locations of nonrigid an indication of the nonrigid design’s The value of 50 N was selected
connectors. Also, the authors stated influence on prevention of the lever as the occlusal force. Since the same
that the rigid FPD distributes stresses effect with a 5-unit prosthesis. standard value was simulated in each
vertically and evenly, and the nonrigid The results of this study showed model, it is not necessary for this
connectors located at the distal of minimum stress values at the non- force to match in vivo conditions ex-
canine and at the mesial of molar de- rigid connector with terminal loading actly. Also, the conditions were com-
signs distribute stresses evenly; in fact, conditions, and this result is in accor- pared qualitatively with each other in
as well as the rigid FPD. In agreement dance with previous studies.4,9 Botel- the current study. The results pertain
with their findings, the results of the ho and Dyson6 evaluated the longevity only to the specific loads applied to
current study demonstrated that the of long-span resin-bonded FPDs with the simulated restoration in the an-
stresses were distributed evenly with 4 or more units with a modified non- terior region, posterior region, and
the rigid FPD design when all teeth rigid connector and increased exten- all teeth. Thus, as with many in vitro
were loaded. The stress distributions sion of the retainer framework around studies, it is difficult to extrapolate
of nonrigid connectors located at the the abutment. The authors found the results of this study directly to the
distal of the canine and at the mesial that long-span resin-bonded FPDs clinical situation. Further studies may
of the molar were similar to the rigid incorporating nonrigid connectors al- be performed with additional loading
design when all teeth were loaded. low independent movement between positions, such as at the middle of the
It has also been reported that rigid the retainers, and, combined with spans and adjacent to the connec-
and nonrigid connectors exhibit dif- increased framework extension, they tors. Since location of the matrix of a
ferences in stress distributions and appear successful in the short term. nonrigid connector on an abutment
concentrations within the supporting However, excessive stress concentra- tooth and the location of the patrix in
bone structure.4,9,16 The stress distri- tions occur at the anterior terminal the pontic is the most commonly used
butions in bone structure in the cur- abutment due to placement of a non- form,4 these locations were simulated
rent study concur with those reported rigid connector at the mesial region in the current study. Future studies
in previous studies.4,9,16 When a rigidly of the pier abutment or distal region might evaluate other types of nonrig-
designed FPD with a pier abutment of the anterior abutment. Since the id connector designs for their effects
acts as a lever, high stress concentra- molar tooth has a larger periodon- on stress distribution.
tions may occur at pier abutments, tal membrane area than the canine
and excessive displacements may be tooth,5 as reported previously,16 this CONCLUSIONS
observed at terminal abutments, re- may be an advantage for the molar
sulting in damage to the abutment tooth. Thus, it is less desirable to have Within the limitations of this
teeth. Thus, nonrigid connectors can stress on the anterior abutment than study, the following conclusions were
be used to eliminate the fulcrum ac- the posterior abutment. The present drawn:
tion of a pier abutment.6 The ideal study showed that with these non- 1. The stress distributions and val-
placement of a nonrigid connector is rigid connector placements, stress ues of an FPD and a pier abutment
reported to be in the distal region of concentrations were observed at the are affected by the presence and loca-
the pier abutment.4,9 canine tooth. tion of a nonrigid connector.
A comparison of stress distribu- In the present study, the FEM tech- 2. The area of minimum stress
tions for different design types re- nique was used. Several assumptions concentration occurs in pier abut-
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192 Volume 99 Issue 3
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The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Oruc et al

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