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Written Report

Hyper Poetry

What is a Hypertext?
Hypertext is a word or words that contain a link to a website. An example of hypertext is the
word ‘Facebook’ that links to the Facebook page.
What is a Hypertext Poetry?
Hypertext poetry are new genres of literature that use the computer screen as medium. Each
word, phrase or line is linked to another page that defines or expands on the idea represented by
the text of the poem.

Content Discussion
Hyper poetry
Hyper poetry refers to works of verse (although not necessarily in lines and stanzas)
which could not be presented without the computer. This includes verse with links to sub-poems
or footnotes, poetry “generators”, poetry with movement or images. It is usually highly steeped
in the visuals and sometimes involves parts that are read in varying orders.

This genre is also called cyber poetry. Hyper poetry works on the web. It is basically just
traditional work uploaded. Hypertext poetry is the new genre of literature that use the computer
screen as medium, rather than the printed page. This literary work relies on the qualities unique
to a digital environment, such as linked World Wide Web pages or effects such as sound and

This is a form of digital poetry that uses links using hypertext mark-up. It is a very visual
form, and is related to hypertext fiction and visual arts. The links mean that a hypertext poem has
no set order, the poem moving or being generated in response to the links that the reader/user
chooses. It can either involve set words, phrases, lines, etc. that are presented in variable order
but sit on the page much as traditional poetry does, or it can contain parts of the poem that move
and / or mutate. It is usually found online, through CD-ROM and diskette versions exist. The
earliest examples date to no later than the mid-1980s.
Many critics in literary circles see hypertext poetry as a “humorless digital postmodern joke”.
They view hypertext as a threat to the overall integrity of literature because most anyone, without
any training or editing, can post hypertext “poetry”, even if their work does not include any
traditional conventions. Hypertext has been a predictable mate for postmodern theorists, who
believe in uncertainty and that texts are open to endless, shifting readings.

Sample Literature

Digital platforms enable the production of art that uses a variety of media including, text, images,
and sounds. As a result contemporary poetries have taken advantage of this to create works,
whether a work is a poetry or visual art.

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