1 Endocrine System Review Guidemw

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Name: _______________________________________________ Section: ________

Directions: You will learn best if you WRITE OUT THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON SEPARATE

1. Discuss the way in which hormones promote body homeostasis.

2. Compare and contrast the endocrine system and the nervous system. Make sure you understand
the differences between a neurotransmitter and a hormone.
3. Define negative feedback and describe its role in regulating blood levels of the various hormones.
Use an example if you like! 
4. List AND describe the three types of intercellular communication pathways that enable the body
to maintain homeostasis.
5. Define hormone and target organ.
6. What does the “lock and key system refer to? Explain!
7. What are the three ways in which hormones are classified?
8. Compare and contrast the functionality of free vs. protein bound hormones in the plasma
9. Diagram the mechanism of action of a lipid soluble hormone.
10. Diagram the mechanism of action of a lipid insoluble hormone. Make sure to show the
“messenger systems.”
11. Sketch AND explain the process of amplification in regards to the effects of hormones.
12. Compare and contrast the processes of down regulation and up regulation.
13. If you didn’t already do so, diagram the intracellular response of a steroid hormone.
14. List AND describe the three ways that endocrine reflexes can be triggered.
15. Review the locations of the organs of the endocrine system.
16. Diagram the three ways in which the hypothalamus can interact with the endocrine or nervous
17. Draw AND label the major regions of the pituitary gland.
18. Adenohypophysis = _?_
19. Neurohypophysis = _?_
20. Compare and contrast the roles of releasing hormones and inhibiting hormones in the
21. Do whatever it takes to really understand the functional relationship between the hypothalamus
and the pituitary gland. You should be focusing on the hypophyseal portal system!
22. What exactly are neurosecretory cells? Where exactly are they found?
23. List the two hormones of the posterior pituitary gland and their target tissues.
24. ADH is also known as _?_
25. I know it seems like a pain, but take some time and draw out the major hormones of
the anterior pituitary and their target tissues/organs. This will help provide you with
a general framework in your mind for when you continue on to go over the specifics
of how each hormone works.
26. Describe the anatomical location of the thyroid gland.
27. List AND describe the products of the follicular cells and the parafollicular cells of the thyroid
28. Diagram the negative feedback loop involved with thyroxine blood level regulation. Take some
time with this one! I expect you to be able to predict what will happen to the levels of
TRH, TSH, and T3/T4 if any one of these hormones rises or falls!
29. List AND describe the major metabolic effects of thyroid hormone. Make sure to include which
tissues are being affected!
30. What is a cause of hyperthyroidism discussed in class? What are some of the symptoms? Why do
these symptoms result?
31. Hypothesize some other causes of hyperthyroidism. Think about what else could cause
thyroxine levels to be chronically elevated! Hint: Don’t just fixate on the thyroid gland! 
32. Using hypothyroidism as an example, compare and contrast primary, secondary, and tertiary
33. What would be the result of an iodine deficiency in individual’s diet?
34. What anatomical structures in the neck would be affected by goiter?
35. Why does an individual who is hypothyroid develop a goiter?
36. What are the other names for parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland?
37. Describe the anatomical location of the parathyroid glands.
38. PTH = _?_
39. What are the four effects of PTH?
40. Diagram AND label the regulation of blood calcium levels in regard to PTH and Calcitonin.
41. Describe the anatomical location of the adrenal glands.
42. What are the major hormones (and their associated functions) of the adrenal cortex? This one
should take you some time! You will have to know the hormones AND the effects of the
hormones produced by the:
a. Zona glomerulosa
b. Zona fasciculate
c. Zona reticularis
43. What are the major hormones (and their associated functions) of the adrenal medulla?
44. Diagram the negative feedback loop involved with hormones of the adrenal gland. Focus on
ACTH and cortisol.
45. Compare and contrast the effects of acute and chronic stress on the body.
46. What hormone does the pineal gland produce? What are its effects?
47. Describe the anatomical location of the pancreas.
48. Compare and contrast endocrine and exocrine glands.
49. Describe in detail the cells of the Islets of Langerhans. Are these the endocrine or exocrine
glands of the pancreas?
50. Compare and contrast the roles of insulin and glucagon
51. Diagram the endocrine system control of blood sugar.
52. Explain the difference between Type I and Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Make sure you
understand the difference between receptor cell insensitivity and Islet cell burnout
when talking about Type II Diabetes Mellitus.
53. What occurs to the mother and developing fetus during gestational diabetes?
54. What is another name for Growth Hormone? Where is it produced?
55. What are the major effects and target tissues of Growth Hormone?
56. What would happen if someone took Human GH from an exogenous (outside) source? Use a
negative feedback diagram to support your answer!
57. What is acromegaly vs. gigantism?
58. What causes dwarfism?
59. Briefly, list AND describe the endocrine tissues of other systems. Yes, we will cover these in
detail as the semester progresses, but you still need to be familiar with them for this
60. Summarize the GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome). Use a personal example if it helps you!

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