SFM Cia 1.2

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(Majumdar & Chhibber, 1999) has investigated the relationship between leverage, or the level
of debt in the capital structure, and performance for a large cross-section of Indian firms. The
Indian economy is in the throes of a major economic transition since 1991, and India is in the
news as a location of contemporary economic consequence yet, extremely little factual evidence
about the behaviour and performance of Indian firms exists in the literature. This paper attempts
to fill the gap that exists between interest and evidence by exploring a narrow governance issue.
Study obtained extensive firm level data from the Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy and
supplemented by Bombay Stock Exchange data, containing information for over 1000 Indian
firms with the guidance of the department of statistical analysis and Computer services of the
RBI for the empirical analysis. The data are cross-sectional for each firm and are collected for
one of the years between 1988 and 1994, depending on the availability of all key variables for
that year, Based on studies of literature reviews no of control variables like Debt equity, Size,
Age, Diversity, Group, Foreign, Exports, Advertising, Distribution, Marketing, Capital intensity,
Inventory, Liquidity, Sales growth, Excise, Imports and Times (industry related factors) are
introduced to assess the impact that leverage has on corporate performance in the Indian context,
Debt equity was used as the principal explanatory variable in a model where the dependent
variable is profitability. Industry variables have indexed on the values between 0 and 5 for the
evolution. Study obtained regression results using weighted least squares estimation. Results of
the study showed the significance and sign of the relationship of industry related factors with the
performance of the firm. Findings of the study shown a negative relationship which is not in
accordance with the assumptions of theory as commonly-accepted in Western economies and
author stated that In India, suppliers of debt are government-owned financial institutions, and the
postulates of agency theory, as applied to contemporary corporate governance issues in the West,
have to be re-assessed in light of state-ownership of financial institutions. For further study firms
in other developed countries like US, UK and Canada, etc. can be considered and instead of
considering all the firms, performance of firms related to separate/individual industries can be
analysed and compared

4. Mouna(2017) investigated the impact of capital structure on firm’s performance in Morocco as

many Researchers pointed out that the impact of capital structure on firms’ financial
performance has continued to keep researchers pondering. This paper focused on behavioural
and sociological paradigm and sees organizational factors and their fit with the environment as
the major determinants of success and also focused on financial angle of performance.
Considering the literature reviews this paper also illustrated a summary of the relationship
between capital structure and firms performance based on capital structure theory and firms
performance, in this trade of theory shown positive relationship and Pecking order theory shown
negative relationship. This research utilized return on asset (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) to
measure firms performance as dependent variables, while independent variables in this research
are the capital structure specifics, such as: debt ratio , debt equity ratio and control variables
which are: size and industries. The annual data was collected from Moroccan authority of capital
market and Casablanca stock exchange official website which covered a period of three years
from 2014 to 2016 of 53 Moroccan companies. Paper investigated the effect of Moroccan firm’s
capital structure on its market value by employing Panel least square estimator framework. The
results of this research concluded a significant effect of three explanatory variables out of three,
debt ratio (DR) has negative significant effect on return on asset (ROA), debt equity ratio (DER)
has negative and significant impact on return on equity (ROE) and size has positive significant
impact on firm performance using return on equity (ROE) as proxy. and as per the results paper
stated that the profitability of Moroccan firms decreased as much as the level of leverage
increase, which rejected the Trade-off theory which assumed a positive relationship between
capital structure and firms performance. As per the analysis author concluded that consequence
external financing should be reduced to improve the financial performance as the financial risk
of Moroccan companies is very high. The analysis of performance in the context of economic
tradition for the firms in developed countries can be considered as further scope of the study.

Majumdar, S. K., & Chhibber, P. (1999). Capital structure and performance: Evidence from a

transition economy on an aspect of corporate governance. Public Choice, 98(3), 287–305.

Mouna, A. (2017, October). The impact of capital structure on Firms performance in Morocco.

Research Gate.


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