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Maranan, Dianne O.

IE - 1108
SIMPLE ACTIVITY: Reflective Analysis
The advertisement's objective is to educate individuals on how to improve their self-
confidence by revealing their physical attractiveness. The purpose of the commercial is to
demonstrate the benefits of Dove Body Wash by making skin appear more attractive in just one
week. The firm provided the black woman the chance to be the face of their goods. However, it
was misinterpreted by the public, as did the dove marketing campaign. Because of its shift from
a black to a white lady, the dove advertisement triggered a long-running racist stereotype in
cleanser advertising. People do not ignore the behavior or imagery that purposefully insults any
audience. Racism is one of the main concerns surrounding this commercial.
The message was emphasized by the use of depict pictures that are not easily understood
by everyone. The picture and skin hues employed as semiotics reflect indicating the company's
underlying prejudice.
Yes, this advertising has had an impact on or upset some people. It is considered an insult
and devaluation by the majority of the black population. The firm does not rely on others'
opulence and values their inherent attractiveness. What they've demonstrated for the public
should be appreciated and admired without the need to alter one's physical appearance.
We all realize that the world denotes and opposes racism; yet, we need to get a better
understanding of a certain group's culture. Consider a commercial that is both factual and does
not denigrate one culture or presence. This advertising might include not just people, but also an
item that highlights the product's attractiveness.
Because the graphic emphasizes three separate individuals and three different cultures,
this advertising, in my opinion, is unethical. This is only to point out that some people cite black
women as an example of women's need for change. To honor one's own culture, they may
employ one unique lady who depicts the "before" and "after" change.
Before presenting an advertisement, we must be conscious of ethical culture in each
society; we must not just rely on our own culture, but also be mindful of other cultures.
Emphasize the product's advantages without jeopardizing one's ethics.
Reflective Analysis 2
The advertising's content simply depicts the product as an advertisement; as shown in the
image, the bed is the main thing. “Some tasks are better outsourced,” the text says. It is defined
as work or operations that would be better performed by another manufacturer or firm. The nude
and overweight woman in the image is a metaphor of the product's longevity, as she seductively
looks at the guy approaching her. The customer being encouraged is the man who is approaching
her, scratching his head over the woman in front of him.
The underscored is on the lady in the advertisement; it simply communicates that the
woman in the photo does not suit the advertisement, and it is seeking to persuade customers that
the responsibility or work must be performed by others. The semiotics in the portrait are
provided by the image and text. The image, as well as the accentuated message that goes with it,
are both objectionable to the model.
Some people are upset by the commercial, particularly the women's empowerment
message, which portrays every woman as inherently suited in every way. You are appreciated
regardless of your weight, body shape, skin color, or sex appeal, and you should be proud of
your natural body.
Yes, there are several methods to display advertising in a way that enhances rather than
degrades one's own culture of natural beauty. They might employ a group of ladies and men to
represent the object's durability. A good advertisement is believed to include a broad array of
ways to market the goods while also appreciating one's culture.
The advertising is unethical since it diminishes the worth of a person displaying their
physique and physical appearance. Regardless of a woman's shortcomings or defects, she will
always be treated with equal respect and worth. Being self-assured includes being proud of your
inherent attractiveness.

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