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SEMESTER: April to August 2021 (Weekend)
COURSE ASSIGNMENT: Developing a Business Plan
Business Plan is a blue print for entrepreneurs to start a new business venture. It articulates all
the necessary information about the proposed business venture, presents the analytical view
and viability of the venture. An entrepreneur requires the blue print in the planning stage to
determine the viability and to be used as a guideline during the running of the business venture.

1. Form a group of 7 or 8 members. Appoint a team leader.
2. Work in your group to first identify propose and develop a possible unique business
model with new products. Preferably you propose at the initial stage few options of the
3. Brainstorm to challenge and debate to shortlist the options and finalize with the best
choice model meeting the above characteristics. You need to justify on why you
choose the business model and show the process of making the decision.
4. Draw up the business plan for the proposed business model, along the following
i. Executive Summary, Introduction and Purpose
ii. Company and owner background, Organization and Management Team.
iii. Location of the business and area of coverage.
iv. Market Analysis, Business Strategies and Marketing plan
v. Services, Products and Product lines.
vi. Administrative , Operation and Financial plan
vii. Conclusion

5. Conduct a progress presentation of about 20 minutes power point presentation by

group on the 10th week of the semester on your proposed business plan. Final
presentation will be on week 14.
6. Submit the assignment report to include an earlier section on the elaboration of the
assignment planning and activities and another section on the Business Plan itself.
Submission is to be done by uploading the file in the BLMS latest by Friday,of week
15, that is 10th of July 2021.
7. The assessment of the assignment will be based on;
 Assignment activities : 20%
 Entrepreneurship ideas : 20%
 Business Plan contents : 40%
 Writing format : 10%
 Presentation : 10%

8. The assignment report and the Business Plan shall be written in approximately 20
pages, excluding the appendix

Senior Lecturer and Head of Programs

Dr. Hj. Kamal Abd Razak

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