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U N I\TERS ITAS IN DON E SIA Gedung Dekanat Fakuias Telnt

Karpus UlDepk 16a21

FAKLJI TAS TEKJ{ IK T. 62.2 1. 7863S4, r8ffi 505, 78S84-10

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To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing to you in support of Ms. Danastri Parimitha Ruziqna, regarding her application for master
degree in management. During her studies in Universitas Indonesi4 I had been her undergraduate thesis
examiner and supervisor in writing research paper. I have found her passionate and eager to pursue higher
education, thus I recommend that she is given the opportunity to attend your university.

Ms. Danastri Parimitha obtained a General Point Average (GPA) of 3.29, which indicates that she is a good
student. While a student, she was participative and dedicated, as she was active in taking seminars and non-

academic student activities. When faced with problems, she is opened to feedback and always learning,
which shows that she is growing as a leamer. Her devotion and motivation to deal with challenging issues
would benefit her in the future studies. Asides from her enthusiastic in learning, she has a positive attitude
that makes it easy for her to connect with anyone.

To conclude, I would like to reiterate my recommendation for Ms. Danastri Parimitha. I believe she would
be a valuable asset in your institution. If you need more information regarding my endorsement of Ms.

Danastri Parimitha, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Sarwanto Moersidik, DEA
, or Lecturer Environmental Engineering Study Program
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Universitas lndonesia
Kampus Ul Depo( Depok 16424, West Java, Indonesia
T el. +62-21 -727 0029, F ax. +62-21 -7 27 0028

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