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Chapter 2 References How to create Points, Lines Planes (© 2001-2005 UNICO Gm 154 ____ CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES: 2.1 LESSON: Overview References 2.1.4 Introduction This lesson outlines the requirements for creating points, lines and planes using the Point , Line and Plane icons. It does not go into detail regarding the diferent detinition options in the various panels, but instead explains the general common features of the elements. (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.1. LESSON: OVERVIEW REFERENCES 155 24.2 Use Using point, e and plane elements Points, lines and planes are needed for many different design purposes, for example: * for positioning solid and surface features «aligning solid and surface features in particular directions ‘* as references for dimensions and constraints ** to enable analyses ‘The elements must be correctly used in order to be able to obtain stable models that can nonetheless be flexibly modified. (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 156 2.1.3 Toolbar and Icons The Reference Elements toolbar and its icons The point, line and plane features are created with the corresponding Point , Line or Plane icon. The three icons are found on the Reference Elements toolbar in the Part Design workbench. The toolbar is displayed in two different forms: in compact form with an icon that changes with the arrow symbol, or as an extended toolbar with the three icons beside each other. If the toolbar is not in the user interface, it can be displayed using the menu function View Toolbars Reference Elements (Compact) or Reference Elements (Extended) ‘The icons are located in the upper part of the Wi Generative Shape Design workbenches. i ™* Part Deson frame toolbar in the Wireframe and Surface Design and eeframe and Surface Design © 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.1. LESSON: OVERVIEW REFERENCES: 157 4 Reference Elements 2. Using the reference elements points, 1es and planes Reference elements such as points, lines and planes are used particularly when modeling. They are deployed to position and align solid and surface features. Planes are also very helpful in defining the extremely useful sketch planes. Points, lines and planes can also be used for other tasks, such as analyses, assemblies, otc. ‘A good working knowledge of reference elements allows you to obtain stable solutions quickly and elegantly for most tasks. © 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 158 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES: 2.1.5 Procedure Modeling procedure ‘The reference elements - points, lines and planes - can be created before, during and after the modeling of solid and surface features. They are normaly positioned in so-called Geometrical Set , but not with the Hybrid Design mode, They can also be placed in the bodies in this case. ‘The reference elements are created before the modeling so as to create a skeleton frame. The solid features are then placed on the skeleton and aligned. The reference elements are created during and after the modeling in order to provide the geometries, middle and tangent points, and sketch planes that refer to other solid features. (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.1. LESSON: OVERVIEW REFERENCES 159 2.1.6 Skeleton Framework for surfaces and solid features Points, ines and planes are very useful for constructing skeletons representing the design objectives. Important axes and planes for controlling the geometries of a part are first defined using only points, lines and planes. They ate assigned dimensions and constraints so that the most important parameters and functions of the part can be reproduced. When creating the solid and surface features, the skeleton is used as a reference so that the features can be indirectly modified using the skeleton When used properly, skeletons are very important tools for accelerating design procedures, and partic- Ularly for making modifications. (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 160 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES. 2.1.7. Derivation Deriving reference elements The reference elements (points, ines and planes) can be used to derive references from existing solids or surfaces (for example, middle points for circular edges, tangent points and tangent lines at edges and curves, geometry-dependent sketch planes). In standard cases, reference elements are created with a link to the geometries selected during the def- inition. Changes to the geometries affect the reference elements: they adapt themselves automatically to the new conditions. cS) © 2.1.8 Create Datum With or without parameterization Points, ines and planes can be created with or without using parameterization. If an element is created using parameterization, each entry can be subsequently changed in the re- opened panel. If the element is created without using parameterization, it does not have parameters that can be later modified. It is, for all intents and purposes, ‘frozen’ ‘The decision as to whether an element is to be created with or without parameterization is taken using the Create Datum icon located on the Tools toolbar. If the icon is inactive (A), the element is created with parameterization, while if the icon is activated (B), the element is created without parameterization, ‘The tree entries differ in their appearance between entries with parameterization (C) and entries without parameterization (D). one one ine Bata) Count ‘© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.1, LESSON: OVERVIEW REFERENCES 161 2.1.9 Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages and disadvantages of parameterization ‘The advantage of parameterization is clearly understandable. By doubleclicking on a point, line or plane element, new parameters or references can be quickly redefined so that the element adapts to new conditions. Elements without parameterization are needed to prevent them trom being accidentally modified i... f they are to remain as they are. Changes to element references can atfect the elements themselves in the case of parameterized ele- ments. neti: [at onsire >] Reference: [xy plane ee recon | (Fi Repest abject ater Ok @ OK | Scarce | Preview | 2 cows | J 2.1.10 Subsequent Parameterization ‘Subsequent parameterization with the Constraints toolbar ‘Geometrical constraints (links and dimensions) can be assigned to point, line and plane elements without parameterization after they have been created. Using the Constraints toolbar, the user can also give an ‘element dimensions that cannot be defined with the Point , Line or Plane icon. (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmoH 162 CHAPTER 2, REFERENCES 2.2 LESSON: Point, General 2.2.1 Introduction This lesson explains the principle used for creating and modifying point features using the Point icon. ‘The lesson also treats the requirements, parameterization and properties of the points. Ed | time aa | (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.2. LESSON: POINT, GENERAL 163 2.2.2 Application Application of the Point feature Point features are needed to position and align other features. They are used as references for other geometties for example, for solid and surface features. The features often have to be placed on or aligned according to middle points, tangent points or coordinates. Points are first created as 0 features using the Point icon. They can then be used for positioning when creating the solid or surface features, A point used for positioning different features can control all the features together. (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 164 ee CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.2.3 Point function Accessing the Point function ‘The panel used to create the points is opened with the Point icon on the Wireframe toolbar of the Work- benches Generative Shape Design and Wireframe & Surface Design or on the Reference Elements toolbar of the Workbench Part Design . if the toolbar is not displayed in the Workbench Part Design , you can activate it using the menu item View Toolbars Reference Elements . In the Workbench Part Design two alternatives are provided for this purpose. They are shown below, Roterence Elements (Compact) The toolbar displays only one icon. It can be changed by selecting the arrow to show the point, line and plane icons, Reference Elements (Extended) ‘The toolbar grants you access to the point, line and plane icons at the same time. © 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 165 2.2.4 Procedure Procedure for creating points ‘The general procedure when creating point features is as follows: 1. Activate the icon: Click the Point icon. The Point Definition panel then opens. 2, Select the type of point: Select the definition type of the point you require from the Point type pulldown menu. From the alternatives, select the type that matches the requirements for your point. 3. Panel definition: The fields in the panel are defined as you want, Contirm the panel settings for the definition: Accept the panel settings with the OK button. The point feature is created and is also entered in the tree, a voit type: ends centro oJcircle / sphere center Fengenton cave patcon poet ype [deter Cede: [FSAI Ege © 2001-2006 UNICO GmbH 168 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.2.5 Point types Point feature types The panel opened with the Point icon has a pulldown menu named Point type . Select the definition type of the point to be created from this menu ie center ‘cae: [Fa 2% [ccs sohere centr Tangent on curve lssteen Coordinates The point is defined with its coordinates. ‘On curve The point is positioned on a curve, line or edge. The position on the geometry is defined using length constraints, ‘On plane ‘The point is positioned on a plane by a projection or by coordinate inputs. On surface ‘The point is positioned on a surface at a specified distance from a reference point, Circle / Sphere center The point is positioned as the middle point of a circle, of a circular edge or a sphere surface, Tangent on curve ‘The point(s) is(are) placed on a curve where a tangent parallel to the specified straight line intersects the curve. Between The point is placed between two existing points. The ratio of the distances to these points is defined in the panel. (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmoH 2.2. LESSON: POINT, GENERAL : 167 2.2.6 Parameterization Creating points with or without parameterization ‘The point feature can be created with or without a parameterized definition, If the Create Datum icon on the Tools toolbar is inactive when accepting the Point definition panel, the point feature is parameterized i.e., whenever references or parameters used for the point definition change, the point adapts itself automatically accordingly + bons Pint type: [on plane ZI Plone: fexplane He [tim Fj ye a Fj Reference Point: [Default (Origin) @ OK |B Cancel | Preview | However, if the Create Datum icon on the Tools toolbar is active when confirming the Point definition panel, the point feature is not parameterized in other words, the point is no longer linked to the original detinition. It can therefore no longer be controlled by means of parameters. The tree entry for such points is marked with a lightning bolt symbol, ere Point (ner bd Pont type: [aaa ~ | carn | cos Jf > (© 2001-2008 UNICO GmbH 168 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.2.7, Context Menu Using the context menu in the Point panel ‘After selecting a point type in the pulldown menu of the panel, references that are required e.g., lines, planes and points should be selected. If these objects are missing, they can be produced without having to abort the ongoing procedure. Place the cursor in the appropriate panel box. Click with the right mouse button to open the context menu. Featufes that can be used are displayed in the context menu. ‘The selected feature is created and you can continue with the other panel boxes. References created in this way are entered in the specification tree underneath the point feature. terence ort [Defeal Giant Pane type: [face fram plane crc a offset: fnew Reverse Dreetion FAepeat object ter Ok (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmH 2.2. LESSON: POINT, GENERAL 168 2.2.8 Modifications Modifying the definition of a point feature You can change the definition in the Point Definition panel as follows: ‘= by doubleclicking the point or corresponding tree entry * by selecting the point or corresponding tree entry and activating the context menu item Point In both cases, the Point Detinition panel is opened Al panel settings can then be redefined. Even the point type can be changed. You can parameterize a point after its creation in this way. rire ope | = Plane: fyzplane rw a ‘ox _| 9 Cancel | Preview 2.2.9 Isolation Deleting the parameterization of a point feature If point feature was created while the Create Datum icon was deactivated, the feature is parameterized (the definition includes its reterences). The point feature is linked to its references. ‘You can delete this link it you so wish, Select the feature or its tree entry and then choose Point object Isolate from the context menu, ‘The missing parameterization is marked in the tree with a lightning bolt symbol (A). cattasan | cynical |5} <9] . ey ie) 3 Cancel { _ Preview 2 oa: (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmH 170 _____ CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.2.10 Constraints Adding constraints to point features You can use the Constraints toolbar to assign constraints to point features that have already been cre- ated. The Constraints toolbar can be invoked with the menu item View Tool Constraints . Constraint icon Alength dimension (A) is produced by selecting the point and a second geometry. Constraint Defined in Dialog Box icon Constraints can be defined in the open Constraint panel (B) by selecting the point and a second geom- ety. The defined constraints can be used to address the point. This is a very powerful functionality when used accordingly, Oi (© 2001-2005 UNICO Gmok 2.2. LESSON: POINT, GENERAL m 2.2.41 Properties Modifying the definition of a point feature The properties of a selected point feature can be modified with the Properties context menu item. After selecting the menu item, the Properties panel is opened. ‘The point feature can be modified in the Feature Properties tab, while the graphic properties such as color and symbol type can be changed in the Graphic tab. cpeies | Gane | cane sect: [oT os Feotue Name: pink atcinert — I 00 =] Gesiondate: 09}22)01 18:58 : = Les neateation 0820 se FT a0 (restion Use ae Syn —i Pe Son ncaa D sisi 1 Peale 2.242 TIPS ‘Skeleton Points can be used to create a skeleton to control solid and surface features, (© 2001-2005 UNICO Gmok 172 CHAPTER 2, REFERENCES © 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.3, LESSON: POINT, TYPES 173 2.3 LESSON: Point, Types 2.3.1 Introduction This lesson explains the different alternatives of using the Point Def ion panel to create points. Lees Point ype [On carve = - aa Distance te reference © Distance on unve 2 Rate ol cuve rath Ratio FBI © Geodesic © Eucidean 2. Corea | _ Preview | (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 174 CHAPTER 2, REFERENCES 2.3.2 Point type Point feature types ‘The panel opened with the Point icon has a pulldown menu named Point type . Select the definition type of the point to be created from this menu. [Point Definition. eid Coordinates ‘The point is defined with its coordinates, Oncun ‘The point is positioned on a curve, line or edge. The position on the geometry is defined using length constraints: on plano The point is positioned on a plane by a projection or by coordinate inputs. On surface The point is positioned on a surface at a specified distance from a reference point. Circle / Sphore center The point is positioned as the middle point of a circle, circular edge or a sphere surface. Tangent on curve The point(s) is(are) placed on a curve where a tangent parallel to the specified straight line intersects the curve. Between ‘The point is placed between two existing points. The ratio of the distances to these points is defined in the panel. (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.3, LESSON: POINT, TYPES 175 2.3.3. Coordinates Creating points by specitying coordinates ‘The Coordinates point type in the Point Det mn panel is used to create points in the following ways: + by specifying coordinates for the active coordinate system in the panel * by selecting a point (point, vertex, element end) with the Point box and entering the relative coor- dinates for this point. Coordinates in absolute axis system : Ifa coordinate system created by the user is active, the coordinates, can be replaced by the coordinates referring to the document origin by enabling this option 21x) Pont type: [Coordnstes od fo |e Reference: (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 176 REFERENCES 2.3.4 Oncurve Creating points on a curve or line Using the point type On curve in the Point Definition panel, points are created on a curve or line selected with the Curve box. The following options are presented (see also the following steps of the lesson). End point: The nearest end point to the selection position is created by clicking the Nearest extremity button. ‘Middle point: A middle point is created by clicking the Middle point button, Distance point: By activating the Distance on curve button and entering a value in the Length box, @ point is created at the specified distance from the reference (the end point or a selected point). Two alternatives are provided for specifying the length. Proportional point: By activating Ratio of curve length and entering a length ratio value (@.., 0.3), a point is positioned at the appropriate piace on the curve or line. This function 's only available for the Geodesic option. Repetitive point: By activating the Repeat object after OK button, the panel definition can be repeated along the curve in order to create multiple points at the same time. 2 21x! © reine ype: [onearve = curve: [Sketch Detance to reference — © stance on uve | (© ato of curvelength Lenath: [757-266 — TS * ceadecic © Eucldean Meares extrem | Midde pene Reference Print: [Dafaue Estrenyy) overze Drecten [repeat cbect ater oF 3 ok | 9 Corea! | Preview | ai A Boe Bevin] (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.3. LESSON: POINT, TYPES 17 2.3.5 Geodesic Euclidean Distance input values with Geodesic or Euclidean under On curve . The length from the end point or from a reference point selected with the panel box to the point to be created must be entered in the Length box. The significance of the length value depends on the mode that is active. Geodesie: : The length is defined as an arc length from the end point or from a selected reference point to the point to be created. Euclidean: : The lenath is defined as the distance (shortest path) trom the end point or from a selected reference point to the point to be created. Since multiple points on a curve can have the same distance to the end or reference point, different points are obtained. You can then choose whether all points or ‘only specific points are to be created. Click the Reverse Direction button if the distance is to be measured from the other extremity or in the ‘opposite direction to the selected reference point. Distance ta reference © Detance oncuve O rate of erve eth Length: [SET 2eE J © Grades: O veldean (© 2001-2008 UNICO GmbH 178 2.3.6 Reference Point Using a reference point for On curve In the Reference panel section, the Point box can be used to select a point (or vertex) as a reference for the panel inputs. If the point is not on the curvellin, itis projected onto it The reference point then serves as the starting point for length inputs in the Length box. If the mea- surement is made in the wrong direction, it can be reversed by clicking the Reverse Direction button. For a proportional entry with Ratio of curve length , the input refers to the element part between the reference point and one of the extremities. The extremities are swapped by clicking the Nearest extremity button. This action is also implemented with the Middle point button. If the curve is infinite, the origin of the document is projected onto the curve as a reference. If the curve is closed, a transition point (vertex) is searched for. If none exists, an extreme point is generated and proposed as reference, ‘After confirming the definition, the Extremum point is positioned in a tree branch underneath the point. ‘Another point can still be selected though. Detance to reference © Distance on cave Orato of curvelength Lenath: [FEE — FB (© 2007-2008 UNICO GrioH 2.3, LESSON: POINT, TYPES 179 2.3.7 Repeat object after OK Repeated generation of points with On Curve Alter you have defined the point definition in the panel, you can activate the Repeat object after OK option. Once you confirm the panel, the point is created and the Points & Planes Repetition panel opens. In this new panel, you can create additional points and, using these points, planes perpendicular to the curvelline. Two alternatives are provided in the Parameters pulldown menu. Instances; The number of points entered in the Instances box are distributed evenly on the curvelline. Instances & spacing: The number of points entered in the Instances & spacing box are created at a distance from each other specified in the Spacing box. ‘The point created with the Point Definition panel is used as the reference point. The following two options are located in the lower section of the panel: Create normal planes also: Simultaneous creation of planes through the points, Create in a new Body: The created objects are placed in a new geometrical set. 4 ~ Rapest object ater Ok ED ow | oo TEE ie 5 Chestein anew Body iad Sx] vex (© 2001-2008 UNICO GmbH 180 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.3.8 On plane with Planes Creating points on a plane by specifying coordinates Using the Point type On plane in the Point Definition panel, points can be cteated on a defined plane sing coordinates in relation to a reference point. You define the plane with the Plane box. You can select planes or planar surfaces for this purpose. Once a pane has been selected, the origin of the part document is projected at right angles onto the plane by default. {a different point is to be used as the reference for the coordinates for the H and V boxes, you can select the point (or plane) using the Point box. The point is projected at right angles if itis not on the plane. heme Prone ate Pant: Projection surfoce: [Default nee I Bc | tte (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 3. LESSON: POINT, TYPES. 181 2.3.9 On plane with Surface Creating points on a surface by specifying coordinates Using the Point type: On plane in the Point Detinition panel, points can be created on a surface using coordinates in relation to a plane and a reference point. (The point is transferred from the plane onto the surface orthogonally to the plane by a projection (A).) You define the plane with the Plane box. You can select planes or planar sutfaces for this purpose. Once plane has been selected, the origin of the part document is projected at right angles onto the plane by default Ita different point is to be used as the reference for the coordinates for the H and V boxes, you can select the point (or plane) using the Point box. The point is projected at right angles if it is not on the plane. Select the surface using the Surface box in the panel. The box also provides a context menu with which the selection can be undone or a surface/plane defined. __ Sis Pet pe [one Fine [Pet fi a ns nn | Rete Point [Default (Giigin) Prfon Suc (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 182 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.3.10 On-surface Creating points on a surface or face The Point type On surtace in the Point Definition panel allows you to create points on a surface or face. ‘The position of the points is defined by means of a reference point, a reference direction, and the distance trom the reference point in the reference direction. Aiter selecting the surface with the Surface box, select the reference point using the Point box. First, define the direction in which the distance is to be measured by using the Direction box. You can select lines or straight edges, or the context menu can be opened and the appropriate definition made using the menu. Finally, enter the distance from the reference point in the reference direction in the Distance box. Nega- tive values are also allowed here. ‘A.context menu is also available here for defining the appropriate direction. You can also place the point after selection of the surface by clicking an the surface. Polat type: [On surface surface: Tenudes Drea (Gu, crete tne 2 Create Pane Edt Components aie Ads Zavis ‘anesss Direction (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.3. LESSON: POINT, TYPES 183 2.3.11 Circle / Sphere center Creating idle points of circles and arcs ‘The middle points of the following elements can be created with the Point type Circle / Sphere center in the Point Definition panel by selecting them with the Cirle / Sphere box: © circles... circular edges... © arcs... arced edges sphere surfaces Chee / Sphere: 3K] 3 can [crce [Sphere center Pont typ al Circe / Sphere: [Sphere (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 184 CHAPTER 2, REFERENCES: 2.3.12 Tangent on curve Cre You can use the Point type Tangent on curve to create points on curves. The curve tangents through the created points are parallel to the defined direction. After selecting the surface with the Curve box, select the direction using the Direction box. Select either a line or a straight edge, or open the context menu and specity the appropriate definition If different points can be found, the Multi-Result Management panel is displayed. If you want to keep ‘one point only, select Keep only one sub-element using a Near or keep only one sub-element using an Extract , after defining a point using an appropriate operation. You can keep all points using Keep all the sub-elements . ig tangent points on curves [S23 9 owen | © 2001-2005 UNICO GmoH 2.3. LESSON: POINT, TYPES 185, 2.3.13 Between Creating points on the connecting line between two points ‘The Point type Between can be used to create points on a connecting line defined by two selected points. ‘After selecting the two points using the Point 1 and Point 2 boxes, define the position of the point to be created by entering a distance ratio between the points Enter the ratio value in the box named Ratio . For example, the value 0.6 places the point in the middle between the points, while 0.25 specifies a quarter ofthe distance to a point. You can also place the point outside the line by using negative values or values larger than 1. Pressing the Middle Point button causes a point to be created in the middle, while clicking on Reverse Direction inverts the direction, — ax oe Point 2: atch Serta Point 2: [eich vertex ato: [Oa Reverse Dwecton | __Nidde Point _ | 2 oe J Corea | Prion | ent 2 Cine | “Preview (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 136 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.4 LESSON: Toolbar Points 2.4.1. Introduction This lesson describes the different icons placed on the toolbar Points , namely the icon Point , Points and Planes Repetition , Extremum and ExtremumPolar & ema on ri 2.4.2 Function Function of creating points ‘The toolbar Points within the workbench Generative Shape Design provides four different icons described in this lesson, the so-called Point , Points and Planes Repetition , Extremum and ExtremumPolar ‘These functions create points as individual points by different means, sequential points and extremum points, which can be used as reference for other features. © 2001-2008 UNICO GmbH 2.4, LESSON: TOOLBAR POINTS. 187 2.4.3 Usage Usage of creating points Creating points is a basic function of the design work. Paint features are needed to position and align features. They are used as reference for other geometries, for example for solid and surface features, The features often have to be placed on or aligned according to middle points, tangent points or coordi- nates. (© 2001-2008 UNICO GmbH 188 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.4.4 Overview Overview of the toolbar Points ‘The toolbar Points contains the following icons: ‘+ icon Point (A): tool to create points by different means + icon Points and Planes Repetition (8): repeating the points and planes along a given curve + icon ExtremumPolar (C): to create polar extremum elements ‘+ icon Extremum (D): to create extremum points, mimimum or maximum in terms of the distance (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.4. LESSON: TOOLBAR POINTS 109 2.4.5 Workbench Asso Workbench association of the functions tion The toolbar Points described here is a sub-toolbar belonging to the toolbar Wireframe within the work- bench Generative Shape Design . ‘The workbench Wireframe and Surface Design also includes the toolbar Wireframe , but it contains only the icon Point . & sl = oneratve hope Den re Suto es © 2001-2008 UNICO GmbH 190 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES: 2.4.6 Point Description of the function Point A tool to create points in many different ways is provided by the icon Point The possibilities are the following: by coordinates © onacurve * onaplane © on surface © as circle center ‘as center point of sphere tangent point + between two other points: cide Soe cee (© 2001-2008 UNICO GmbH 2.4. LESSON: TOOLBAR POINTS 191 2.4.7, Points and Planes Repetition Description of the function Points and Planes Repetition ‘The creation of multiple points along a curve together with corresponding planes normal to the curve is provided by the icon Points and Planes Repetition . You can create the points along a curve with or without including the end points, + by picking a given point on the curve and in a given direction from it ‘* between two points on the curve The curve can be open or closed. Having the option Create normal planes also active you can create the corresponding planes as well RET) reine [rdamae 3] reweas: BT pre seston: FT BE] s¢ 24.8 Creating Points, Planes Creating points, planes with Points and Planes Repetition Clicking on the icon Points and Planes Repetition , you can select the curve or a point on the curve. Here both options are demonstrated with the corresponding planes, cases (A) and (8) respectively. {In the panel Points & Planes Repetition you can make the necessary settings. For example the number of points and/or planes to be created should be specified in the panelfield instance(s) . Then confirm with the button OK and the points and planes appear both in the geometry and in the tree. Se 2) Pasertns: frames) wemets FD seen PT Secan part: [TEPER Tie ego 2 cree rxmsgines abo ‘ete mane Eady ce a ycsonevesise (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 192 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.4.9 Panel Points & Planes Repetition Overview of the panel Points & Planes Repetition Parameters : To specify what parameters are needed to be set in the panel for the function, Instances) : Number of copies to be created. ‘Spacing : To define the length between the individual elements. Second point : To specify a second point as reference; the elements are created between this point and the first reference point. Reverse Direction Button: reverses the direction for element creation when only one reference point is given. With end points : To create elements on the end points of the curves. Create normal planes also : To create planes normal to the curve at the repetition points Create in a new Body : To group the created elements into a new geometrical set in the tree. brent Parameters: nstances sl | rete: [TB sean: second pont: [Dafauk Savon) Reverse oection | Dithenipawes | 5 create normal panes ako 5 Crete new Body (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 2.4, LESSON: TOOLBAR POINTS 193 2.4.10 Extremum Description of the function Extremum ‘The function Extremum creates the extremum point of curves and surfaces. The most common case is to find the extremum point of curves. ‘An extremum point is the point situated at the maximum or minimum distance on the curve along a chosen direction, La Seer [Eaged Deaton re eas Orme onteal arene (vetin : Fagle Me Con | (een gine Hae Om | wwf (eS) 2 2.4.11 Procedure Extremum Procedure by the creation of extremum points Click on the icon Extremum and the panel Extremum Detinition is displayed. You can select the element for extremum detection in the geometry or in the tree in the panel box Element . It can be curves, surfaces, parts. In this example the extremum detection of a curve on a surface is. demonstrated Then select the direction for examining the extremum in the panel Dox Direction ; planes, lines, edges, planar faces can represent the direction. By activating the options Max or Min you define if it is the highest or lowest extremum you want to create, While making the selections the resulting element is, automatically displayed for preview. Confirm with the button OK and the extremum point is created in the geometry and in the tree. ec) eee ERT —— a orem Roa tt (© 2001-2005 UNICO GmbH 194 CHAPTER 2. REFERENCES 2.4.12 Optional Directions Extremum with Optional directions ‘When oreating extremum with the icon Extremum , there is @ possibilty to use not only one, but two or three directions for determining the reference of extremum elements. This is an optional function within the panel Extremum Detinition . This example shows the same surface having one, two and three directions selected. Notice that the extremum element changes accordingly. Ean meet: Kino __ 7” Lbeom2: fama —— wn sins SRE — og, ema | 2.4.13 Panel Extremum Definition Overview of the panel Extremum Definition Element : To select the element to carry out the extremum detection on Direction : To select the direction of extremum detection Max : Creates the maximal extremum element detected Min : Creates the minimal extromum element detected Direction 2 : To set a second direction into which extremum element is detected Direction 3 : To set a third direction into which extremum element is detected Af lement: Sse vector: Remeaton ——@ Wax © tin I ‘Opbenal directions — | [Pvecton 2: Rgcaacice Max Onin | | ection 3 Fis stern @ mae Onn 7 | cae | seed B=] ii. © 2007-2005 UNICO GmoH

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