1 (Prelim) CW Module1

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Basic Concepts of

Nature and History of Globalization

Globalization and the Aviation



Faculty, Social Sciences Area
Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Academic Year 2020-2021


Villamor Air Base Campus

Table of Contents





Nature and History of Globalization 6

Globalization and the Aviation Industry 12



Welcome! This school year is considered the most challenging time for
all of us. Due to the pandemic situation, the College had to design
flexible means to be able to still facilitate learning while making sure that
both students and faculty members maintain their good health and
safety amidst the pandemic.

The overall design of the progression of topics for this course has been
designed with the current pandemic situation in mind. These learning
modules are designed for students to be able to learn at their own pace
while staying at home, with the related exercises and activities ensured
to stimulate independence and initiative in learning. In order to help
students to further explore and learn, external references in relation to
the given topics are provided.

Module learning outcomes have been set to be able to determine the

scope and breadth of learning that is to be expected from student upon
accomplishing the modules. There will be assessments to evaluate and
measure each student’s individual progress.

While these modules indeed provide students flexibility in learning,

instructors’ roles are not negated or superseded as a whole. It is the role
of the subject instructors concerned to guide their students to be able
to help them accomplish these modules. Further, major assessments
and final evaluation of student output still rests on the instructors. And
as per the College’s academic officials’ directive, there would still be
synchronous methods such as online and residential means aside from
these modules. So, instructors still have an important role in the
facilitation of learning in this time of situation. It is important that
instructors are available at times should students require assistance,
clarification and other matters relevant to the accomplishment of this

May this learning module help you, the student, to be able to continue
your learning experience as you go on with your life in PhilSCA in these
trying times.

Stay safe, healthy and blessed!


CLO 1. Distinguish different interpretations of, and approaches to

CLO 2. Describe, examine, and analyze the emergence of global economics,
politics, social, and cultural systems;
CLO 3. Determine the various contemporary drivers of globalization,
particularly the aviation industry;
CLO 4. Assess and understand issues, as well as responses to, confronting
nation-states and various social units across the globe.
CLO 5. Determine, analyze, and formulate solutions to global issues, in
relation to Filipinos and the Philippines, and other citizens, contained in
contemporary news events, as well as local and global historical
developments, in the context of globalization, through listening, reading, and
viewing, writing and speaking, and collaboration;
CLO 6. Write and present a stance on current issues, and a research note
with proper citation/referencing on a topic related to the consequences of
globalization and its relation to significance of aviation industry.
CLO 7. Execute oral presentation of rationale on the current globalization
issues and the significance of aviation industry.
CLO 8. Articulate specific observed principles and personal position, and their
functionality to solving various global issues;
CLO 9. Recommend innovative strategies in integrating observed ethical
principles for confronting global issues.


Nature and History of Globalization:

TLO 1. Track the nature and history of globalization;
TLO 2. Determine and differentiate the underlying philosophies of the
competing definitions of globalization;
TLO 3. Agree on a working definition of globalization for the course.

Globalization and the Aviation Industry:

TLO 4. Determine the emergence of Aviation Industry;
TLO 5. Classify the attributes of global aviation and airline corporations.


MLO 1. Define what Globalization is and examine its structures.

MLO 2. Differentiate between the various definitions of Globalization.
MLO 3. Explain the relevance of globalization to the development and
evolution of the aviation industry.
MLO 4. Assess the impact of globalization to the aviation industry.

Intellectual development requires honesty,
responsibility, and integrity. In the course of
accomplishing this learning module, you hereby
affirm that all outputs you have submitted are
from your own efforts, and any part thereof which
is discovered to have been copied, plagiarized or
duplicated shall be considered a commission of
serious academic misconduct and shall be dealt
with accordingly in accordance with the
provisions set in the Student Manual. By affixing
your signature below, you agree to abide by the
principles of academic honesty and individual

e-Signature and Full Name: ______________________________________

Student Number: ______________________________________

Year, Course, Section: ______________________________________

Date: ______________________________________

Nature and history of
Defining Globalization
TIME ALLOTMENT: 1 hour, 45 minutes
Perhaps when one
encounters or hears the term
‘globalization’, the usual
thoughts that come into mind
is ‘world interconnectedness’,
‘going global’, ‘worldwide
cooperation’ and the like. For
the wider read, most
especially on economics or
business topics the term is usually connoted as an economic process,
most especially on topics such as liberalizing trade, and about protecting
local industries.

However, depending on where you look at it, the meaning of

globalization varies. Academics, researchers and ideologues of every
political color have their own definition and elaboration of the essence
behind what globalization really is. But nevertheless, let us look and
analyze how these definitions of globalization are, grasp its essence and
understand its significance in today’s contemporary era.

One definition of globalization states that it is a process in which nation

states are building international political, economic, religious, and socio-
cultural linkages with one another (Pulma & Tabajen, 2013). Another
definition explains that it is an international integration caused by the
constant interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects
of culture (Ramos, 2016).

As for Lanuza and Raymundo (2016), “As the phase of diffusion of

information, people, goods, and capital accelerate; differences and
spaces between the nation-states and its people become more porous.”
A scholarly definition was also provided by Manfred Steger, as quoted
in Abinales and Claudio (2018). He states that it is “the expansion and
intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time
and across world-space.”

Another definition is that globalization is the word used to describe the

growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and
populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services,
technology, and flows of investment, people, and information (Peterson
Institute for International Economics, 2018).

Nature and history of

Globalization as an economic concept

Types of globalization:
While there are various definitions of globalization according to experts
Globalization is manifested on various
and academics, the common basic notion about globalization is more
fields, such as:
on the economic side of things. The World Economic Forum has this
definition of globalization which manifests as an economic concept: ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION
The process of integration of the national
In simple terms, globalization is the process by which people and goods move economies of the world, as a result of the
easily across borders. Principally, it's an economic concept – the integration of growing scale of cross-border trade of
markets, trade and investments with few barriers to slow the flow of products
commodities and services, flow of
and services between nations. (World Economic Forum, 2017)
international capital and wide and rapid
spread of technologies. (UN, 2000) It is
Thus globalization is defined principally as an economic concept, as its also manifested in the establishment of the
dynamics involve the process on how people, goods and services are World Trade Organization (WTO), a
able to move across nations and states freely with minimal to no barriers. multilateral association of countries which
This is not only limited to physical goods and services but also include aim to spur the growth of free trade of
financial services such as foreign exchange and trading of precious goods and services between countries.
metals such as gold and silver. The establishment of the World Trade
Organization (WTO) in 1995 was an attempt towards economic unity POLITICAL GLOBALIZATION
and integration, but not without problems or issues. Refers to the increasing interdependence
and cooperation between countries.
Historically, this process of political
Globalization as a political concept globalization has been ongoing since the
early 20th century, when the League of
Nations was first established after World
Viewing globalization as a political concept can be very broad, as there
War I to avert future conflicts. Presently,
are various formulations of many experts, analysts and academics on
today’s United Nations (UN) is the
how political processes and structures can be viewed from a political
paramount international political
lens, one that are not solely relying on predominantly economic organization. Cooperation and
viewpoints. interdependence have been pushed further
towards integration in Europe with the
The process of the globalization of politics has been around since the establishment of the European Union (EU).
early 20th century, when the League of Nations was established in
Geneva, Switzerland at the end of the First World War. The League CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION
aimed to resolve conflicts between nations and states thorough dialogue The process in which separate, distinct
and peaceful engagement to prevent war. However, the League was national cultures interact and harmonize.
powerless and nationalist sentiments remained high. Thus, it was side However, the process of globalization of
swept by the rise of ultra-nationalist governments and led to the Second culture was not without friction, and a root
World War. cause of much social conflict and
As the war ended in 1946, efforts were made to ensure that major
conflicts such as the First and Second World Wars will never happen
Social or sociological globalization is the
again. The establishment of the United Nations (UN), as well as its
idea that has already evolved to a stage
specialized agencies helped much in the aversion of a worldwide
where distinctions between societies had
conflagration. But as history showed, it was an uphill climb for the UN as already been diminished or diminishing,
it weathered through the storms of various conflicts throughout the 20th which results in a formation of a
century up until the 21st. homogenous, worldwide society.

Cooperation has been pushed further in Europe, in which manifested

into the European Union (EU), a political and economic union of the
nation-states of the European continent.

Nature and history of

Historical Roots of Globalization

The World Economic Forum (2019)

provides a more economics-centered
historical background on the origins of SILK ROAD
globalization. Trade between Western
and Eastern civilizations first It is a network of trade routes which
happened during the first century BC, connected the East and West, which was
when the dominant civilization in established by the Han Dynasty in China. It
Europe, the Roman Empire traded for luxury goods, such as silk which was so called due to the prevalence of
was imported from the Han Empire of ancient China, then the most trading silk fabrics, a well-known Chinese
dominant Asian civilization. The flow of goods was facilitated through the product and was highly prized for its
“Silk Road”, which starts from Xian and Chang-an, major cities of the quality. Its establishment paved the way for
Han Empire. It was from here on that global trade routes were first commercial, cultural, and political
established between East and West. However, these trade routes were interactions between the known regions of
the world. Through this trade network,
dependent on the political stability of the civilizations between it. When
Chinese technologies such as gunpowder
the Silk Road eventually closed down it was due to the fall of the large
and paper making were introduced into
empires, namely the Roman and the Han Empires. It became active
again in the medieval era when the Mongols dominated much of Asia,
and the rise of European trading powers such as the Italian city-states The Silk Road primarily refers to the land
of Venice, Genoa, Milan and Pisa. According to the WEF, “It is a pattern but also sea routes connecting East Asia
we’ll see throughout the history of trade: it thrives when nations protect and Southeast Asia with South Asia,
it, it falls when they don’t.” Persia, the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa
and Southern Europe.
This medieval trade between Europe and Asia also paved the way for a
process of interaction between two different cultures, as was chronicled
by the Genoese trader Marco Polo in his travels to China at the time
through his meetings with the Mongol emperor of China, Kublai Khan.
As was written in history, Kublai Khan expressed his interests in knowing
more about Europe, and also made possible the arrival of Jesuit
missionaries in China. From here, the first global cultural exchanges
happened, but not after the prior rampage of the Mongols in Asia and

The rise of Islam and the establishment of large Muslim empires further
expanded trade as aside from the Silk Road which is a land-based trade
route, sea routes between East and West were established. While silk
remained a traded commodity, it was the search for spices which paved
the way for exploration of the then unknown regions of the world (which
led to the Age of Discovery/Exploration). It was also the primary focus
commodity for trade by Muslim traders. One effect of these trade efforts
was the spread of Islam beyond West Asia (the Middle East) to South
East Asia, which reached the countries known today as Indonesia (now
the world’s largest Muslim country), Malaysia, Brunei, and the southern
regions of the Philippines. So there, it can be seen that along with trade,
cultural interactions were initiated, thus making the spread of Islam
possible in the region, which spurred social and cultural changes.

Nature and history of

The Age of Exploration/Age of Discovery also made possible the opening

of additional trade routes to the east, as other European powers sought AGE OF EXPLORATION / AGE OF
a way to circumvent the trade hegemony of the Italian city-states and DISCOVERY
Islamic civilizations such as the Ottoman Empire, which at that time held
the trade-strategic city of Constantinople. The “discovery” or arrival of The historical period in which the European
Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean islands of Bahamas (which he kingdoms of Spain and Portugal pioneered
in naval navigation and exploration of new
named San Salvador) paved the way for further expeditions, and led to
lands to conquer for economic reasons.
the establishment of colonies in North America and resulted in what is
now known in history as the “Columbian Exchange”, or the widespread
transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technologies,
diseases and ideas between the Old World (Europe) and the New World
(the Americas). But according to the WEF, economists of today do not
regard it as true globalization. They explained that despite the opening
of overseas trade routes, global supply chains were confined mostly to
their colonies, and was more on exploitative extraction of natural
resources, including slave trade. Further they argued that “The empires
thus created both a mercantilist and a colonial economy, but not a truly INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
globalized one.”
A period in between the 1700’s and 1800’s
The “First Wave of Globalization”, which saw rapid technological
advancements in industrial production. It
as the WEF explained happened
started in Great Britain which pioneered the
during the course of the 19th
use of steam and water powered
century, ending in 1914. During
machinery in the production of goods and
this time, it was the era of the processing of resources.
Industrial Revolution, with Great
Britain as among the pioneers of
the time. Britain had been
dominant and forged a large colonial empire, for which it was known as
“The Empire in which the sun never sets”. They were the pioneers in
advances in industrial production with the introduction of the steam

This industrialization allowed Britain to produce products that are in SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA
demand worldwide, such as iron, textiles and manufactured goods. The
first joint stock company engaged in the building of the Suez Canal, the The historical period which saw the
French Compagnie de Suez, emerged. Other joint stock companies invasion, occupation, division, and
colonization of African territory by
engaged in railways, mining and industries were also established. Banks
European powers between 1881 and 1914.
and financial institutions gradually grew and became a factor in

However, there were also dark sides to this first wave. Due to a massive
need for natural resources and raw materials, it paved the way for the
colonization of the African continent, known as the “Scramble for Africa”
which was mired with historical controversies. Further, the industrial
revolution also saw workers in degrading conditions, and as according
to the WEF, “their work commoditized by industrial machinery, or their
output undercut by foreign imports.”

Nature and history of
With this emergent globalization came also crisis. World War I erupted
in 1914 as political and military maneuvers between rival blocs of nations
became a full-fledged conflict, which saw massive destruction and UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST
deaths from all warring nations. After the war an economic boom
ensued, but only to end when the Great Depression started in the United Known commonly as the Soviet Union, the
States and precipitated a worldwide economic downturn, which led to USSR is a socialist federal union of 15
World War II from 1939-1945. socialist oriented republics and territories
spanning Europe and Asia. It was
The end of the Second World War saw the capitalist United States and established as a result of the October
the socialist Soviet Union becoming political, economic and military Revolution in 1917 when the Bolsheviks, a
powers. However, it was the US which became the more dominant revolutionary socialist party led by Vladimir
economically in the post-war period, amidst the competition between Lenin took power in Russia after
them and the Soviet Union in a period called the Cold War. The US was overthrowing the Provisional Government
the world’s top industrial nation and was the most technologically which replaced the Romanov dynasty,
advanced all throughout the era, despite experiencing economic crises which ruled the Russian Empire for
in the 1970’s. The US championed free trade, along with the centuries.
economically powerful and resurgent states of Europe which have risen
It was formally created in 1922, and lasted
from the ashes of the two world wars. This was the main factor for the
until 1991. Throughout its history it has
significant increase in global trade during those years.
become a powerful nation, and had
reached superpower status after the
The Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 into Second World War, when it contended for
independent republics, in which the largest was Russia. With the United supremacy and influence with the United
States’ main rival gone, it remained up to this day the most politically States of America in a historical period
influential, and the most economically, culturally and militarily powerful called the Cold War.
country in the world.
Internal and external political and economic
The end of the Cold War thus stimulated further globalization, with the pressures (especially from the USA) led to
US still on top. It was also the time that efforts towards economic unity its collapse in 1991. Its 15 constituent
were made by the establishment of multilateral organizations such as republics are now independent countries,
the WTO, NAFTA, etc. to spur free trade between countries. The advent the largest being the Russian Federation.
of the Internet also started a technological revolution in information and
communications, which saw the rise of IT and social media
conglomerates. It paved the way towards global connectivity, which
further pushes towards global interdependence and cooperation, a
Established in 1995, the World Trade
process which we continue to experience as of to date. #
Organization (WTO) is an international
organization dealing with the rules of trade
between nations. Their primary goal is to
facilitate the smooth flow of goods and
KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER: services between countries.
• Globalization is defined primarily on economic grounds; however, it is
more than just economic concepts It is also manifested in world political
structures and processes. NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE
• The process of globalization has evolved throughout the history of the
world. It is not a simple phenomenon which just came out of nothing, nor NAFTA is a trade agreement signed
it is an era confined within modern times. between the US, Canada and Mexico
which took effect in 1994. It sought to
• Globalization is an ongoing process, which manifests today and felt by govern trade rules between the three North
each individual. American countries. In 2020, NAFTA was
replaced with USMCA – United States-
Mexico-Canada Agreement.

Module activity 1:

DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions provided below. Provide your

answers on a separate file.

1. Using the day to day experiences of individuals in this world of ours as

a starting point, how can we define or explain the essence or meaning of

2. On your own basic understanding of the concepts of globalization, how

is it manifested in our daily lives as Filipinos?

3. Using the letters of the word GLOBALIZATION, write down words or

terms that are associated with it.

Globalization and the historical roots of the aviation industry
TIME ALLOTMENT: 45 minutes

As future aviation professionals, it is important for each of you to

understand the dynamics on how globalization is manifested in our daily
lives. The aim of the discussion of this topic for you to recognize and be
aware of the globalization process to you as practitioners in the aviation
Historically, the aviation industry did not start out with a bang. From the Commonly known as Pan Am, it was for
experimental gliders up to the first successful flight made by brothers most of its history the largest carrier, with its
Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903, the industry went on an uphill climb. routes spanning across the globe. It was
Airplanes were first used for military applications, as was seen during established in 1927 in Florida, USA as a mail
the First World War. Later on, the early piston-engine aircraft were used service provider. It later went into passenger
for postal services, mostly in the Americas. The first airline companies service, and made history by completing a
were established, the first being KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Established circumnavigation of the world by a
in 1919, KLM is the oldest operating airline in the world. Other airlines passenger aircraft in 1942.
established within this period were Aeroflot in 1921, Aero O/Y (now
Finnair) in 1923, Imperial Airways (now British Airways) in 1924, and Pan Am is credited for many innovations that
Pan American Airways in 1927. All throughout the pre-World War 2 shaped the international airline industry,
years, there was an upward trend in air travel, however it was by then including the widespread use of jet aircraft,
jumbo jets, and computerized reservation
still considered a luxury, in which only those who can afford were able
systems. It was also a founding member of
to travel by air.
the International Air Transport Association
(IATA), the global airline industry
But air travel and the aviation industry boomed after World War II, as association. The introduction of the ‘jumbo
production of aircraft shifted from military to civilian applications. jet”, the Boeing 747, was due to the demand
Manufacturers, such as Boeing and Lockheed from the US as well as de of Pan Am for bigger airplanes for
Havilland and Avro from Britain became prominent civilian aircraft passenger service. It was also well-known
manufacturers. However, it was US manufacturers which became the for its luxurious services in-flight.
leaders in aircraft production. Boeing’s propeller aircraft was the airliner
of choice in the post-WW2 era. However, despite its size and influential
clout, the oil crisis in the 70’s, increased
competition, high operating costs of its big
aircraft fleet, lack of domestic US routes,
terror attacks and corporate blunders led to
its decline. It later filed for bankruptcy and
ceased operations in December 4, 1991.

The age of jet airliners started in the 1950’s with the introduction of the
De Havilland Comet, the world’s first jet airliner in 1954, and the 707 by
Boeing in 1958, along with the DC-8 by Douglas, another major DE HAVILLAND COMET
American aircraft manufacturer, and the Caravelle by French
First tested in 1949 and introduced to
manufacturer Sud Aviation. With the introduction of these jet airliners, service in 1952, the DH.106 Comet was
global travel increased especially the trans-Atlantic route. Later on, the world’s first jet-powered passenger
supersonic jet airliners such as the Concorde made air travel faster, with airliner. Manufactured by British aircraft
travel time between New York and London took only an hour. The manufacturer De Havilland, it was unique in
introduction of Boeing’s 747 saw the rise of higher capacity aircraft its design and had a comfortable, quiet
carrying larger numbers of passengers. passenger cabin.

The aviation industry from then until the present time contributed to Despite its promise, problems occurred
global interconnection and a big factor in the world’s economy, soon after its introduction, three Comets
particularly trade between countries. Further, aircraft manufacturing were lost in crashes within a year. Analysis
became one of the major industries contributing to the national and investigation saw that metal fatigue,
economies of their countries of origin, providing jobs and livelihoods. and design and construction flaws were the
Boeing is one of the biggest companies in the US, while in Europe it was main factors of the crashes. It soon
returned to service after a major redesign.
more of a collective effort and inter-country cooperation. This
One significant change was the shape of its
cooperation manifested with the establishment of Airbus in 1970 as a
windows, which were changed from square
multi-national joint venture between France, Germany, Spain, Italy and
to oval. This was the reason why airliners of
the UK. Airbus still remains the largest European aircraft manufacturer today have oval, curved edge windows
and a major competitor to Boeing. instead of square.

The era of globalization has greatly made more prominent the role of the
aviation industry. Trade as well as the free flow of peoples between
countries became easier and efficient. For the aircraft manufacturers,
globalization saw the evolution of its production of aircraft, with
production lines not only confined to one country but spanning across
countries in the world. On the other hand, for the airline companies,
economic globalization advocates free competition, thus established
airlines from the early era had to contend with increased competition
from newer airlines, pushing them to innovate and find ways to entice
customers. But not all airline companies were able to cope up. Once the
US’s largest airline, Pan Am went bankrupt and eventually ceased
operations in 1991. Only its contemporaries such as United, American
and Delta still operates up to this day.

As we go on in this era, the situation is fluid for the aviation industry.

While there would be opportunities, challenges are sure to come with
the fast pace of technological evolution.


You, as future workers and professionals in the aviation industry, it is

imperative for each of you to understand the significance of globalization
in your lives, not only as aviation professionals, but as individuals who
are citizens of our country, and for a large part, of a larger global
community. It is important that you keep abreast of many of the world’s
contemporary issues in this era of globalization, most especially as we
continue to live on and experience the challenges brought on by this
globalized world. #


• History tells us that the aviation industry has a big role in the continuing
trend towards global interconnectedness. This was further enhanced
with the improvements such as jet airliners.

• Aircraft production has evolved as aircraft manufacturers take on the

many challenges of this global era. From a purely national industry,
aircraft manufacturing processes have now been global in scope.

• Globalization, despite its positive developments, had not been beneficial

to all. Free competition had led to rising costs and even bankruptcy of
some of the world’s largest airlines, as shown in the case of Pan Am.

• It is important for you as aviation workers and professionals to know and

understand the significance of globalization and its continuing trend.

Module activity 2:

DIRECTIONS: Do what is instructed on each item below. Provide your

answers on a separate file.

1. Aside from what was already written in history, do a more thorough

research in the evolution of the aviation industry in this contemporary era.
What are the major milestones in aviation that can be attributed to

2. From an aviation professional’s standard, provide your ideas on how

you will be able to take on challenges in this global era?


DIRECTIONS: This is to assess your learning on the topics contained within this
module. Do what is instructed in every part. Submit your answers on a separate

I. Concept Mapping

As globalization does not have any definite or specific definition, it is sure that there
are concepts that are attributed to it. Do a concept map, making sure the clear
connections and relations to globalization. Provide your explanations as well.

II. Academic Essay:

Do a 5-paragraph academic essay on your conceptualized definition of

Globalization and its impact and relevance to the Aviation Industry.



Weidenbaum, Murray L. and Batterson, Robert, "The Pros and Cons of

Globalization", Special 7, 2001, doi:10.7936/K71C1V2Z. Murray Weidenbaum
Publications, https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/mlw_papers/175.

Grinin, Leonid & Korotayev, A. & Sheffield, Jim. (2013). GLOBALIZATION

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.


What is Globalization?

Globalization and International Air Transport



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