Organisational Structure

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Organisational structure

Factors influencing org structure

1) Internal Factors
a. Goals
b. Organsation Size
c. Employee Characteristiccs
2) External Factors
a. General Environment
b. Task Environment
c. Volatility of the Environment
d. Technology

Classification of Structure (You have a functional structure of a manufacturing concern

chart here; with managing director at the top and under him Marketing,Materials
Manager,Production,Finance and Accounting and Personnel)
Then another chart for Line and Staff structure.

Functional Structure

Shape of Org.
a) Flat Structure
b) Tall Structure
Comparison between flat and tall

Matrix Organistaion
(You have a chart for this too)
a) Authority Distribution
You have two pyramid shaped diagram for centralization and
decentralization authority in hierarchy

Informal Organisation
Comparison btwn informal and formal Org
Benefits and problems from informal org

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