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Magayon was the only daughter of Makusog (strong), the tribal chief of Rawis, and Dawani

(rainbow), who died shortly after giving birth to her. She grew up to be a very beautiful and sweet
woman that struck the swains from faraway tribes who vied for her attention. However, none of these
young men could captivate the heart of Magayon, not even the handsome but haughty Pagtuga
(eruption), a hunter and the chief of the Iriga tribe. He gave fabulous gifts to Magayon, yet it was not
enough to capture her attention.
One day, Daragang Magayon was bathing in the Yawa river when she slipped on the rocks.
Unfortunately, she did not know how to swim. Panganoron was passing by and saw what was
happening to Daragang Magayon, so he saved her from the river. He began to court her, and after
some time Magayon accepted his proposal and he received her father's blessings.
However, when Pagtuga knew about the relationship between Panganoron and Magayon, Pagtuga
kidnapped Magayon's father and asked Magayon to be his wife in exchange for her father's freedom.
Panganoron knew about the situation so he asked his warriors to join him in the war with Pagtuga in
the mountains. The war was fierce and breathtaking. The people and Magayon watched the war
between the two of them. In the end, Panganoron killed Pagtuga. Upon his victory, Magayon ran to
embrace her lover.
As Magayon ran toward her lover, an arrow shot by one of Pagtuga's warriors struck Panganoron,
killing him. Magayon held Panganoron as he died in her arms.
Pagtuga's warriors surrounded the lovers as Magayon took the knife from Panganoron's side and
shouted Panganoron's name before stabbing herself. Her father and tribesmen witnessed how
Magayon died with her lover.
Her father buried them together. As time went on, they noticed something about the place where
Makusog buried the lovers: It started to form into a volcano, and when the people saw it, Makusog
named it Mt. Mayon, after his daughter's name. Mt. Mayon is as beautiful as Daragang Magayon.
Some people said that it's a curse because she took her own life, but myths and legends said
Magayon is the volcano and Panganoron is the clouds that surround the beautiful volcano.

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