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1. Which among the following is true to the epidemiologic triangle model?

(Select all that apply)

Answer: A. As long as it is tilted in favor of the host, disease does not occur.

B. Environmental elements can tilt the balance in favor of the agent.

Rationale: Options A and B are correct, while Option C and D is not. Option C, Host and agent
interacts in an environment. Disease occurs when balance is tilted in favor of the agent.

2. Which among the following is an indirect transmission of agents? (Select all that apply)

Answer: B. Airborne transmission

C. Vehicleborne transmission

D. Vectorborne

Rationale: Options A is an example of direct transmission

3. Which among the following statements made by the student denotes understood the concept of
direct transmission?

Answer: D. “I will advise mothers not to let their children walk barefooted. “

Rationale: Option D, is an instruction to prevent hookworm infection. Hookworm penetrates

directly through foot that is not protected. This is an example of direct transmission”



1. B Option A, incubation period of TB. Option C, incubation period of malaria. Option D, incubation
period of Schistosomiasis.

2. A The causative agent of leprosy is Mycobactrium leprae that belongs to the family of
Mycobacteria and related to the causative agent of Tuberculosis.

3. A,C Option B and D are late signs of leprosy. Early signs include reddish or white change in skin
color, loss of sensation on the skin lesion, decrease/loss of sweating and hair growth over the
lesion, thickened and or painful nerves, Muscle weakness, pain or redness of the eye, nasal
obstruction/bleeding, ulcers that do not heal

4. A Option B is the vector if Schistosomiasis. Option C is the vector of dengue. Option D is the
agent causing malaria.

5. C Option C is the triad signs of malaria. Although there is rash and abdominal pain, these signs
and symptoms are less likely.
6. A Option B, Primaquine For relapse P. vivax and P. ovale. Option C, chloroquine phosphate
250mg is given to all species except P. malariae Option D, is a parenteral medication for

7. D Option A, the vector of Schistosomiasis is not an insect. Option B, swimming in rivers and other
bodies of water will prevent the possibility of ingesting the schistosoma. However, it is not the
way to control Schistosomiasis. Option C, walking barefooted is advised to prevent hookworm

8. A,C Mycobacterium canettii and tubercle are found in humans. While Mycobacterium bovis is in
cattles. Option B, dogs and monkeys are not reported as hosts of Mycoacterium.

9. C,D Option A and B, are category 2 and it requires longer treatment. Option C and D are under
Category 1 and will receive a treatment of Intensive – HRZE (2 months) Maintenance – HR (4

10. A Option B, RA 4073 is an Act Liberalizing the Treatment of Leprosy. Option C, RA 1136, is the TB
Law of 1954. Option D, RA 9173 is the Philippine Nursing Act

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