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At this point, we are quite aware that our country is susceptible to different disaster such as
earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. Therefore, it is a must for us to prepare and ensure our
safety and survival when these disaster strike.

For this activity, your goal is to help your family prepare for an impending emergency. Your task
is to prepare an emergency kit for the whole family. Decide what items should be in your emergency kit
and present it by taking picture on how it is being used.
(Use ¼ illustration board)

The scoring rubric below will be used in assessing your kit.

2 points 4 points 6 points 8 points

Survival kit Items None of the items A few of the items At least 8 items At least 10 items
are necessary for are clearly are clearly are clearly
survival during or necessary for necessary for necessary for
after the disaster. survival during or survival during or survival during or
after the disaster. after the disaster. after the disaster.
Labels and Uses None of the items A few of the items At least 8 of the At least 10 items
are labelled are labelled items are labelled are labelled
properly and properly and a properly and a properly and a
there is no reason reason for each reason for each reason for each
for including it in item is included item is included item is stated on
the survival kit. on a separate on a separate a separate sheet
sheet of paper. sheet of paper. of paper.
Neatness and The kit is not The kit is The kit is done The kit is neatly
Effort Exerted organized. It somewhat well with some organized and
looks like the organized and it organization and labelled as
student threw it looks like the labelling. It necessary. Much
together at the student ran out of appears the time and effort
last minute time or didn’t take student worked were put into
without much care of the hard on it. creating projects.
care. project.
Name: _______________________________ Score: _________
Year and Section: ______________________ Date: __________

Summative test in Science 10

Direction: Encircle the correct answer.

1. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur in the Philippines because it is ___________

A. Volcanic Origin C. Composed of many islands
B. Located in the Equator D. located in the Pacific Ring of Fire
2. Where does the first motion of an earthquake occur?
A. Continents C. fault
B. Epicenter D. Focus
3. Earthquakes generally occur in areas where _________________
A. Rocks are found C. force on rocks is weak
B. Force on rocks are greatest D. magnetic pull is greatest
4. What is epicenter of an earthquake?
A. A seismic wave that travels along the surface of the earth
B. The last place that motion in an earthquake is detected
C. The point on Earth’s surface is directly above the earthquake’s focus
D. The location along a fault where first motion of an earthquake occurs
5. Which of the following is NOT a landform?
A. Volcano C. Ocean
B. Plateau D. Mountain Range
6. What Philippine volcano with latest eruption last January 12, 2020?
A. Mount Hilong Hilong C. Mount Pinatubo
B. Mount Taal D. Mount Mayon
7. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about active volcano?
A. Associated with earthquake C. Presence of hot spring
B. Changes elevation of volcano D. May not erupt
8. How are earth’s structures being formed?
A. Movement of magma C. Earthquake Activity
B. Elevation of Volcano D. Sediments from eroded continents
9. It is where most volcanoes and mountain ranges can be found?
A. Circum-Pacific Belt C. Eurasian Belt
B. Pacific Belt D. None of these
10. Why do earthquakes usually occur at plate boundaries?
A. The rock on the edges of the plates are soft
B. The rocks near the plates experience little stress
C. The rocks near the plates experience great pressure
D. The boundaries between plates have been active for many years.
11. Landforms on Earth’s crust were formed as a result of ________________
A. Earth’s Rotation C. movements of tectonic plates
B. Many bodies of water D. division of the lithosphere into plates
12. The theory used to explain the formation of the earth’s crust and its movement is called _______.
A. Continental drifts C. plate tectonics
B. Magnetic polarity D. sea floor spreading
13. Tectonic plates are made up of rocks that are part of the ________
A. Asthenosphere C. Inner core
B. Lithosphere D. Outer Core
14. Which of these is TRUE about the crustal plate?
A. Has the same thickness everywhere B. Vary thickness
C. Include the crust and upper mantle D. Thickest in the mountain region
15. The movement of the lithospheric plates is facilitated by soft, weak and plastic-like layer. Which of
the following layer is described in the statement?
A. Asthenosphere B. Lithosphere C. Atmosphere D. Mantle
16. A motion beneath the earth that causes the crustal plates to move which results different
A. Subduction B. Convection C. Emission D. Collision
17. Plate Tectonics are said to be called _______________
A. Lithospheric Plates B. Asthenospheric Plates C. Subduction plates D. Oceanic Plates
18. Which of the following effects of plate movement cannot be located in the Mindanao region?
A. Cagwait White Beach C. Tinuy-an Falls of Bislig
B. Blue Lagoon of Cantilan D. Mountain Ridge of Cebu
19. These plates have the ability to move _______________ by gliding over the asthenosphere.
A. Horizontally B. Vertically C. Constant D. back and forth
20. Which of the following is a long term effect of plate movement?
A. Volcanoes B. Mountain Ranges C. Earthquakes D. Movement of entire continents
21. What is the average density of the earth’s crust?
A. 2.8 g/cm3 B. 2.6 g/cm3 C. 2.0 g/cm3 D. 1.8 g/cm3
22. What layers of Earth make up the lithosphere?
A. The crust and lower mantle C. The crust and upper mantle
B. The continental crust and oceanic crust D. The upper mantle and lower mantle
23. Earth’s lithosphere is part of the _________
A. Crust B. Asthenosphere C. Mantle D. Core
24. Which of the following occurs because of convection currents?
A. Tectonic plates on the crust move C. The mantle increases sizes
B. Pressure in the crust increases D. Pressure in the crust decreases
25. Which one of the following statements does NOT apply to the lithosphere?
A. It comprises the crust and upper mantle
B. Earthquakes mainly occur in this layer
C. It has the average thickness of 7 kilometers
D. It is rigid/brittle layer
Name: _______________________________ Score: _________
Year and Section: ______________________ Date: __________

Summative test in Science 8

Direction: Encircle the correct answer.

1. What do you call the energy in motion?

a. mechanical energy c. kinetic energy
b. potential energy d. heat energy
2. Which law states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed?
a. Law of acceleration c. Law of Conservation of Energy
b. Law of inertia d. Law of Conservation of Work
3. Which of the following form of energy is associated with an objects’ position?
a. mechanical energy c. kinetic energy
b. potential energy d. heat energy
4. What is the kinetic energy of a 100kg falcata log, if it rolls down the hill at a speed of 15 m/s?
a. 11 250 J c. 112.5 J
b. 1125 J d. 11.25 J
5. A cyclist is pedalling a bicycle down the hill at a speed of 25 m/s. The bicycle has what form of
a. mechanical energy c. kinetic energy
b. potential energy d. heat energy
6. According to Newton’s First Law of Motion,
a. An object in motion eventually comes to a stop.
b. An object at rest eventually begins to move.
c. An object at rest always remains at rest.
d. An object at rest remains at rest unless acted upon by a net force.
7. The greater the mass of an object,
a. The easier the object starts moving. c. The more space it takes up
b. The greater its inertia d. The more balanced it is
8. The tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion is known as
a. Balance b. Force c. Inertia d. Mass
9. Mass of the object is quantitative measure of its inertia stated law is Newton’s
a. First law b. Second law c. Third law d. Fourth law
10. Which of these bests describes the concept of inertia?
a. a force that attracts objects with mass
b. the tendency of an object to float in water
c. a force created when surfaces are in contact
d. the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion.
11. Two people pull on a rope in a tug-of-war. Each pull with a 400 N force. What is the tension in the
a. 0 b. 400 N c. 600 N d. 800 N
12. A block is dragged without acceleration in a straight-line path across a level surface by a force of 6
N. What is the frictional force between the block and the surface?
a. less than 6 N b. 6 N c. more than 6 N d. Needs more information to say.
13. As a 500 N lady sits on the floor, the floor exerts a force on her is equal to ____.
a. 1000 N b. 500 N c. 250 N d. 50 N
14. How does acceleration of an object change in relation to its mass? It is _____
a. Directly proportional c. Inversely proportional
b. Acceleration doesn’t depend on its mass d. Neither A nor B
15. Which will accelerate faster?
a. A 1000 tons truck c. A fully loaded bus
b. An overloaded jeepney d. A race car
16. What happens when liquid substance turns into solid?
a. It loses energy equal to its latent heat of fusion.
b. It absorbs energy equal to its latent heat of fusion.
c. It losses energy equal to its latent heat of vaporization.
d. It absorbs energy equal to its latent heat of vaporization.
17. Heat is the transfer of ________ from one object to another due to a difference in temperature.
a. Time c. Force
b. Velocity d. Energy
18. What happens when the substance get hotter?
a. Shrinks c. The same
b. Expands d. cannot be identified
19. What is called when two objects touching each other eventually reach the same temperature?
a. Expansion c. Equilibrium
b. Conduction d. All of these
20. What happens to the molecules of a substance as it gets cooler?
a. Shrink c. Move faster
b. Expand d. Move slower
21. When an action force occurs, the reaction force is always___________.
a. In the same direction as the action force.
b. Equal and opposite of the action force.
c. Applied to the same object as the action force.
d. none of the above
22. When you stand on the floor, the force of your body pushing down on the floor is_______.
a. Matched by the floor pushing up on your body.
b. Less than the reaction force applied by the floor.
c. A reaction to the floor pushing up.
d. none of the above
23. When a kangaroo jumps, the kangaroo‟s action force acts on the ground and the reaction
a. Is equal to the exerted force. c. Acts on the kangaroo.
b. Is greater than the action force. d. two of the above
24. An archer shoots an arrow. The action force is the bowstring against the arrow, the reaction force is
a. Air resistance against the bow c. Arrow‟s push against the bowstring
b. Grip of the archer‟s hand on the bow d. All of the above
25. According to Newton‟s third law of motion, when a hammer strikes and exerts force on a nail, the
nail ________.
a. Creates a friction with the hammer.
b. disappears into the wood
c. Exerts an equal force back on the hammer.
d. Moves at a constant speed
Name: _______________________________ Score: _________
Year and Section: ______________________ Date: __________


Answer the following questions on the space provided. (5 points each)

1. If an elephant were chasing you, its enormous mass would be most threatening. But if you
zigzagged, its mass would be to your advantage. Why?

2. Why is it easier to walk on a carpeted floor than on a smooth, polished floor?

3. How do the laws of motion apply to everyday life?

4. How do Newton’s laws solve common life problems?

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