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SrNo Question Option A Option B Option C Option D Coption

1 Indian factory act come in to force on ---------- 1st May 1960 1st April 1949 15th August 1947 26th January 1950 optionb
As per Indian factory act, The person who has control over the affairs of
2 Employee worker occupier None of the above optionc
factory is known as -------
3 Section 27 under the Industrial dispute act is about ........ Penalty for instigation occupier None of the above optionb
As per Indian Factory act, Employer has to provide canteen facility, if
4 50 100 200 250 optiond
there are ---- number of employees.
------------- section of Industrial Dispute act covers the topic penalty for
5 Section 7 Section 27 Section 5 None of the above optionb
6 -- is not statuary welfare facility under Factory act Canteen Medical Transport None of the above optionc
7 Bhopal gas tragedy led to an amendment under ---- legislation indian Safety act Indian boiler act Indian wage act None of the above optiond
arrangements of drinking water is mentioned under------ section of
8 15 11 10 18 optiond
Factory act
For contravention of provisions of factories act , the occupier shall liable
9 Fine of Rs 10000 Fine of Rs 100000 Fine of Rs 200000 None of the above optiond
for punishment up to .-------
The license fee can be paid to get license for a factory maximum up to ---
10 one year Two year Five Year Three year optionc
The occupier of a factory is required to send written notice to the Chief
11 Inspector of Factories at least --------- days before he begins to occupy 7 15 10 30 optionb
the premises as factory.

As per the Factories Act,1948 any engine,motor or other appliance

12 Prime Mover Machinary Equoipment All of the Above optiona
which generates or otherwise provides power is termed as --------------

As per section 16 of the Factory Act, 1948 the minimum space to be

13 12.2 cu.met 13.2 cu.met 4.2 cu.met 15.2 cu.met optionc
allocated to each worker employed in the factory is ---------------
14 An adult worker is allowed to work for -------- hours in a week. 35 48 40 45 optionb

There must be ten or

There must be more workers where
There must be an electronic
There must be a manufacturing the manufacturing
15 ------- is not a essential element of a factory data processing units are optiond
premises process being carried process is being
on at the premises carried on with the
aid of power

16 Section 2 (m) of the Factory Act 1948 Says about -- Factory Workers All of the Above optionb
17 Crèche is to be provided if______ or more lady employees are engaged 15 25 30 40 optionc
The maximum daily hours of work in a day with normal wage allowed
18 8 9 10 11 optionb
in factories is -----------

The Chief Inspector The Inspector of The

19 --------- is the chairman of Site Appraisal Committees Occupier None of the above optiona
of the State District

The Heavy
Indusries The Labour
Human Resources
20 ------- authority enforces the Factory Act 1948 Department of Department of the All of the Above optionc
Central State Government
21 --- year did the Industrial Dispute act come into operation. 1960 1947 2019 1965 optionb
Work Committee
The industrial peace is secured through voluntary _______ and Compromise and Adjudication and Negotiation and
22 and Industrial optiond
compulsory ________ Arbitration Arbitration Adjudication
Trade Unions Act, Employment Industrial Disputes
23 -------legislation there is a provision called ‘protected workmen’. Factories Act, 1948 optionc
1926 (Standing Orders) Act, 1947
Act, 1946
Industrial Dispute
24 Grievance Handing Machinery is given in --------- Indian factory act Minimum Wges act All of the Above optiona
To provide compensation to workmen in cases of Lay-off, retrenchment Workmen
25 Factory Act Industrial Dispute None of the above optionb
and closure is a provision of ............... Act. Compensation
26 -------- is a machinery for the settlement of Industrial Disputes in India Commission on Wage Board Industrial Tribunal Standing Labour Committee optionc
------- machinery has been mentioned in the Industrial Dispute act
27 accountable for the speedy and amicable settlement of industrial Adjudication Conciliation Arbitration Appropriate government optionb

________ means an interim or a final determination of any industrial Conciliation

28 Banking Company Closure Award optiond
dispute or of any question relating there to by any labour court. Proceeding

Employer and workmen and Employer and

29 Industrial Dispute means, Dispute between ----- All of the Above optiond
workmen workmen Employer
30 The ------- authorities are set up for settling the industrial Dispute. labor court Industrial Tribunal Conciliation Board All of the Above optiond
31 An arbitrator is appointed by ------------ Employer Lawyer Government All of the Above optionc
final determination of arbitration award
32 ‘Award’ under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is------- determination of Both A & B optiond
industrial dispute under Section 10A
industrial dispute

When demand made

When employer for alteration of
Under the Industrial Disputes Act, ------- is not be considered as an When closure is a When the lock-out is in
33 fails to keep his conditions of service optionc
industrial dispute pretence disguise of closure
verbal promises of employees in a
cooperative society

The ongoing globalization in India requires drastic changes under --------- The Employees’ The Industrial The Employees’
34 The Factory Act optionc
of the labour legislation. State Insurance Act Disputes Act Provident Funds Act
------------- includes any court constituted under any law relating to
35 Labour court District court Supreme court None of the above optiona
investigation and settlement of industrial disputes in force in any State

----------- members does a conciliation board consist of as per the Chairman and one Chairman and 2-4
36 Chirman only None of the above optionb
appropriate government member members
A national tribunal consist of ---- number of person/s to be appointed by
37 2 5 1 3 optionc
the central government.

------- is the time period in which all the awards of the arbitration are to
38 15 days 7 days 180 daye 30 days optiond
be published from the date of its receipt by the appropriate government

As per section ___ a conciliation proceeding shall be deemed to have

39 commenced on the date on which a strike or lock - out is received by the 22 20 18 19 optiona
conciliation officer
No person employed in a public utility service shall go on strike in
40 2 weeks 6 weeks 1 week 4 weeks optionb
breach of contract within ____ of giving such a notice.

Section ____ of industrial dispute act covers the compensation provided

41 25 25A 25-FFF 26 optionc
to workers who are in continuous service for not less than one year.

A workmen who is employed in an industrial establishment in the place

42 of another workman whose name is borne on the muster rolls of the Permanent workmen badali workman All of the above optionc
establishment is -------------
unmarried legitimate
43 " dependent" means ------- relatives of a deceased workman, widow minor legitimate son All of the above optiond
44 A person named as Minor who has not attained the age of ----- years 21 18 20 None of the above optionb

40% monthly 150% monthly wages 100% monthly

if death results an from the injury, the amount of compensation to the
45 wages multiplied by multiplied by the wages multiplied by None of the above optiona
employee equal to
the relevant factor relevant factor the relevant factor
46 Minimum rates of wages may be fixed by ----- Hour Day Month All of the above optiond

if workmen Loss of both hands or amputation at higher sites then he /she

47 25 100 50 None of the above optionb
will get compensation ----- percentage of loss of earning capacity

if workmen have permanent total disablement, he /she will get

48 50 25 100 None of the above optiona
compensation amount ----- percentage of monthly wages.

A workmen have Amputation through shoulder joint .,then he/she will

49 10 50 70 90 optiond
get compensation -----Percentage of loss of earning capacity.

A workmen have Loss of both eyes, then He/She will get compensation -
50 30 50 40 100 optionb
----- Percentage of loss of earning capacity
Basic compensations given to employees as salaries or wages are called -
51 Basic pay wages salary variable pay optiona
---------- is the total cash and non-cash payments that you give to an
52 Salary Compesation Payment All of the above optionb
employee in exchange for the work they do for your business.
53 ---------- is the initial pay, you give your employees wages salary Compensation Basic Pay optiond
Higher the
Higher the efficiency Higher the rank of
qualification of
54 Characteristic of a good compensation system is ------- of worker, higher is worker, higher is All of the above optiond
worker, higher is
compensation compensation
55 Major factors influencing compensation of worker are ----- skill effort working condition All of the above optiond

In graduated time rates system, if basic salary is Rs.2000 and dearness

56 3000 5000 2000 2150 optionb
allowance is 150% then total remuneration will be Rs. -----

Most common and usual form of direct compensation paid in base pay and variable pay and base and variable
57 All of the above optionc
organizations is ----- benefits benefit pay

An Act to provide for the payment by certain classes of employers to Workman

58 Industrial Acts Industrial Dispute Ac Minimum Wages Act optionc
their Employees of compensation for injury by accident ---- Compensation Act

------ means, where the disablement is of a temporary nature, such

disablement as reduces the earning capacity of a *[employee] in any
59 Total disblement partial disblement major disblement None of the above optionb
employment in which he was engaged at the time of the accident
resulting in the disablement
60 ----- is the maximum wage period for the payment of wages 15 days 21 days 1 day 1 month optiond
Deduction for Deduction for
Deduction for payment of
61 -------- deductions is not authorized payment of wages act Deduction for Fines payment of Income Payment of optiond
uniform and property
tax insurance
-------- of the wages payable is the maximum limit of fine to be imposed
62 5% 1% 3% 10% optionc
on an employee
section....... deals with the provisions relating to arrangements for
63 18 12 9 7 optiona
drinking water in factories
-------- means a person who has completed his fourteenth year of age but
64 adult adolescent workmen None of the above optionb
has not completed his eighteenth year
65 ------- means a person who has completed his eighteenth year of age Minor oadolescent Adult None of the above optionc

66 -------means a person who has not completed his fourteenth year of age Adult Child workmen None of the above optionb
67 ------- means all remuneration expressed in terms of money Salary wages Mobadla All of the above optionb
According to the definition of "Week" under the Minimum wage Act, it
68 Sunday Monday Friday Saturday optionb
is a period of 7 days beginning at midnight on______
The power of inspectors is discussed under Section-----------of the
69 9 10 11 12 optiona
Factories Act, 1948.
The responsibility for maintenance of employee health and safety is
70 Employee Employer Government All of the above optiond
concerned with --------
Ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the employees is the primary Workman
71 Factories Act, 1948 Industrial Dispute Act Minimum Wages Act optiona
purpose of the ------- Compensation Act
A person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory under
72 Manager Chairman Occupier None of the above optionc
Factories Act, 1948 is called as ----
Leave with wages is allowed for employees if they work for _____days
73 28 20 30 31 optionb
in a month
An adult worker can work up to __ hrs in a day as per factories Act,
74 9 8 12 16 optiona

Fencing of Work on near

75 Section 22 and 23 of the industrial dispute Act says about --------- Facing of machineries strikes and lock-out optiond
machineries machinery in motion

Latrines and
76 The Section 20 of the Factories act discusses about--------- Drinking water Spittoons Lighting optionc
Under Minimum Wages Act an Adult means a Person who has
77 18 15 16 19 optiona
completed a age of -------- years
The employment of young person on dangerous machines shall be Workmen
78 Industrial dispute Factory None of the above optionc
prohibited by .................. the Act. Compensation
To close down a factory. the occupier has to give ________ days notice
79 30 60 90 15 optionb
to the authoritie
Under the Factories Act, white washing of the factory building should
80 12 24 26 14 optiond
be carried out in every _________ months
81 "Management is the getting the thing done by others"this is said by Henry Gantt Druckar Mary Parker Henry Fayol optionc
good concentration
82 Accident may occur due to fire drill unsafe act of worker All of the above optionb
on the work
.Controlling function includes the following processes. 1. Analyzing the
actual performance 2 Finding out the reasons for discrepancies 3
83 Evaluating the performance 4 Establishing the standards of work 1,2,3,4 1,4,2,3 4,1,3,2 1,4,3,2 optionc
performance. The correct sequence in which these processes are usually
carried out is-
Which one of the following statement is correct- 1 Planning and
controlling are one and the same. 2 Controlling is a part of the planning
84 2 3 1 4 optiond
process. 3 Controlling is a substitute for planning 4 A control process is
meaningless without preset standards
Which basic function of management includes setting standards such as
85 production of engine piston with desired quality standards- a. Planning Planning Controlling Directing All above optionb
b. Controlling. C. Directing d. All above
giving each checking to see how actual
recruiting skilled developing rules and
86 Which specific activities listed below are part of the controlling function- subordinates a performance compares with optiond
employees regulations
specific task standards.
Directing function of management implies- 1.Planning 2. Staffing 3.
87 1&2 3&4 2&4 2,3&4 optionb
Leadership. 4. Motivation

Consider the following basic steps involved in the process of controlling-

1. Identifying the strategic control points. 2. Establishment of standards
88 1,4,2,3 1,2,3,4 2,1,3,4 2,3,1,4 optionc
3. Measuring performance against standards 4. Correcting deviations
from the standards Arrange it in order in which it is carried out.

Establishment of standards , comparing actual results with standards and

89 Planning Controlling Directing Organizing optionb
taking corrective action are the steps in-
Organization and Planning and Directing and
90 Which of the following management functions are closely related- Planning and Staffing. optionc
staffing Controlling Controlling

Setting corporate Setting performance

91 which of the following would be included in the controlling function Explaining routines Giving assignment optionc
goals. standards

-------- is the right to make the decision, to direct the work to workers
92 Leadership Authority Directing Responsibility optionc
and to give order to subordinates.
-------- are authorized to direct the work and issue of orders workers at . Middle level
93 Top level Manager Supervisor HR Manager optionc
lower level of management. manager
Making decisions,
Controlling the bringing simplicity
giving orders and Improving the efficiency of
94 Directing is a continuous task of – process and cost of in accomplishing set optiona
providing group only
product goal

In order to achieve the desired results , the effort should be in proper

95 direction, this is ensured by the following function of management – 1&4 2&3 2&4 1&3 optiona
1.Directing 2.. Coordinating 3. Forecasting 4. Controlling

fulfill the get desired results as per set

achieve set goal of avoid material waste
96 Order issued by Supervisor must have clarity and completeness to- requirements of vision standard and increase in optiond
firm and profit
and mission of firm productivity

Issuing instructions to subordinates are necessary to- 1.achieve desired

97 set of standards 2.increase productivity 3.make efficient use of machine 1,2,4 2,3,4 1,3,4 1,2,3 optiond
and equipment. maintain discipline in only one section.

understand the to get the idea of

Supervisors should issue the order with no ambiguity and with help in setting the get clarity in performance
98 order by average volume of work to be optiond
completeness to- standards and achieve target
worker done.
showing and
illustrating different
demonstrating use of showing finished job
99 Supervisor can bring clarity in order and in performance by- stages of work all above. optiond
tools and machines to worker
gradually one at a

100 Establish standards and evaluation of performance is the parameters of- Planning Controlling Directing Management optionb
forecasting and
101 Directing is not concerned with the following function- communication supervising leadership optiond
Ensuring that everything is carried out according to plan is the part of
102 Planning Staffing Organizing Coordinating optiona
the process-

lack of clarity and

Some times subordinates were found confused about their work, this change in working lack of confidence
103 completeness in order physically not fit. optionb
mainly happens due to – place and machine and knowledge
issued by supervisor
Prateek is working in multinational company in Mumbai. When he was
new he does not know the rules , regulations and Quality policy of
company. He was poor in some technical and generic skill. He was
lacking in confidence and communication. But his supervisor Mr. Atul
104 Coordination Directing. Leadership Communication optionb
constantly encourages him and motivates to work. He demonstrates the
work and direct him to do individually. Now Prateek is a skilled
employee and working in the direction and leadership of Mr. Atul.
Identify the function of managem

planning and
Develope existing Test and implement
105 Main objectives of budget is to ________ controlling of alll of these optiond
and future projects program
Supervisor should plan for overall and effective utilization of
106 Man Machine Material All of the above optiond
Minimum waste of
107 Good planning of supervisor leads to ___________. Higher productivity. Better supervision. All of the above optiond
Budgeting for
Make or buy Determination of
108 Good planning of supervisor helps in ___________. materials and None of above optionc
decision. selling price
109 Matching human needs with jobs needs is also called as ___________. Material planning. Machine planning. None of above optiona
110 Supervisor has to play roles of ___________. Engineer Resource Manager Team leader All of the above optiond
____________ is responsible for effective utilization of Machines on
111 Machine operator Quality inspector Supervisor None of above optionc
the shop-floor.
____________ is responsible for effective utilization of manpower on
112 Machine operator Quality inspector Supervisor None of above optionc
the shop-floor.
Maintain or improve Reduce delays, and
113 Good planning of supervisor can ______________________. manufacturing All of the above optiond
product quality damage
cycle time

minimises future Maximize future has no effect on

114 Supervisor planning ________________. uncertainties in uncertainties in future uncertainties None of above optiona
production. production. in production.

Promote safety and

Maintain or improve Reduce delays, and
115 Along with manpower planning supervisor should ________. good working All of the above optiond
product quality damage
116 Supervisor involved in ______________ planning. Long term strategic operational Corporate optionc
It decides the
Which of the following is not correct statement regarding operational detailed use of It is carried at lower
117 It is more detailed. It is long term planning. optiond
planning? resources for level of management.
achieving targets.
Establishing Establishing planning Deciding the
118 The first step in planning process is ____________. Identification of alternatives optiona
goals/objectives premises planning period
decision regarding decision regarding decision regarding
119 Deciding the planning period involves _____________. decision regarding control optiona
time span alternatives processes
Arrange the following planning steps in chronological order?
1.Identification of alternatives 2.Evaluation and selection of alternative
120 1-2-3-4 1-2-4-3 2-1-3-4 1-3-2-4 optionb
3.Measuring and controlling the process: 4.Developing
derivative/supportive plans
support alternative support measuring
121 The planning to buy raw materials is a plan to __________. support main plain. None of above optiona
plan activity.

"Management is the art of getting the work done through and with the
122 Harold Koontz F.W.Taylor Henry Fayol Mary ParkerFollet optiona
people in formally organized groups."These words were told by:

The various steps of planning are given below: (a) premising (b)
establish objectives (c) evaluate alternative course (d) decide planning
123 a-c-b-d-e-f b-a-d-c-f-e a-b-c--d-e-f b-a-c-d-e-f optionb
period (e)measuring and controlling process (f) Develop derivative plans
The proper sequence of planning from the first to last step is: :

124 The process of deciding what to do, when to do and how to do is called : Organizing Controlling Planning Directing optionc

functional line and staff

125 Decision making is very fast in : line organisation project organization optiona
organisation organisation
126 The objectives and policies of an organization is set by: Top management Lower management All of the above optionb
formulating plans Establish enterprise Identify and classify
127 Which of the following is the first step of organizing process? delegation of activities optionb
and policies objectives activities
Arrange the following steps involved in the process of control in proper
sequence: 1. Establishment of standards of work performance. 2
128 .Measuring actual performance 3.Comparing actual performance with 1-2-3-4 2-1-3-4 2-3-1-4 3-1-2-4 optiona
established standards. 4.corrective action to eliminate deviations from
Monitor whether
Allocation of work to Make a blue print of Compare the work done
129 Which of the following is true with respect to planning function? work is done optionc
all ideas and work. with established standards

Organizing, Planning,organizing,st Planning,directing,o Organizing, planning ,

Which of the following orders indicate the correct logical order of
130 planning,directing,s affing, rganizing,staffing, staffing, optionb
managerial functions?
taffing, controlling directing,controlling controlling controlling,,directing

One of the management principles implies that each subordinate should

Authority and
131 have only one superior whose orders he has to obey.This principle refers Unity of direction Scalar chain Unity of command optiond
132 The main advantage of functional organization is: simplicity expert advice specialization experience optionc
133 In line and staff organization,the authority lies with: line executive staff executive both line and staff none of the above optiona
expert advice from
134 The main advantage of line and staff organization is: experience simple structure quick decisions optiona
Which of the following are the functions of staffing? 1.Recruiting
135 1,2,3 and 4 1,2 and 4 1,2 and 3 1 and 2 optionb
2.Training 3.Directing 4.Appraisal
The ability to think in abstract terms to analyze and diagnose problems
136 analytical skills technical skills conceptual skills decision making skills optionc
and make use of lateral thinking is called
Consumer Price Cost of Living
137 The rate of minimum wage is fixed with respect to ................................. None of A & B Both of A & B optionb
Index allowance
In line and staff organization,the staff performs the function of ------------ Advising the Assigning
138 Management Administration optionb
----- management responsibility
The general manager of a firm asks the sales manager to recruit a decentralization of delegation of delegation of
139 division of authority optionc
salesman on his behalf.This is an example of: authority responsibility authority

Directing function of management refers to which of the following

140 1 and 2 2 and 3 2, 3 and 4 1,2, 3 and 4 optionb
functions? 1.Planning 2. Motivation 3.leadership 4.Controlling

Which of the following skills is equally important at all levels of

141 Technical skills Conceptual skills Human skills Design skills optionc
The managerial skills which involve the ability to see the organization as
142 Conceptual skills Technical skills Human skills Tactical skills optiona
a whole is called:-------------- .

Technical skills and Human skills and Technical skills and

143 Identify the managerial skills necessary for top level management.: All of the above optionb
human skills conceptual skills conceptual skills .

The ability of a manager to work effectively with others and build

144 cooperative work groups to achieve organizational goals is called --------- Technical skills Design shills Human skills Conceptual skills optionc

Ambiguous and incomplete order issued by supervisor results in 1 Poor

145 communication 2 Incapability of supervisor to get work done. 3 Loss of 1&4 2&3 3&4 2&4 optionc
time, money and energy 4 Higher idle time of employees

Employees who are more concerned about their work may loss their
interest and enthusiasm towards work because of 1 Ambiguous order
146 1&2 2,3&4 1,2,3 & 4 1,3&4 optionc
issued by supervisor 2 Feasibility of order is not possible 3 There is no
clarity and completeness in order 4 Lack of motivation from supervisor

Not feasible and Supervisor correct

147 ------------ may lead the make employees confused about their work. Quality Policy None of the above optiona
ambiguous order decision
Order with clarity,
To complete the work without any problem and in time employees Conducive
148 Knowledge and skill completeness and Good salary package optionc
mainly needs- environment
having feasibility
Maintain quality Completeness of Reduce heavy
149 Proper instructions issued by supervisor to his subordinates result in- All above optiond
standards work in time rejection
While issuing order supervisor shall take care of- 1 present situation of
his section 2 order must be issued loudly and in hard words to get work
150 1&2 2&3 3&4 4&1 optionc
done. 3. provide only necessary information 4. checking the desired
impact of order or repeat it.

Showing sympathy
Supervisor can reduce the anxiety of employee which affects on his Allowing him to take leave
151 and empathy Helping in his work Personal counseling optionc
performance by- to get refresh
towards him.

advise the troubled

influence the teach and trained the
152 Personal counseling is the technique by which supervisor can- employee to reduce Come closer to employee optionc
employees employees
his anxieties

Following are the features of the perfect order issued by supervisor- 1

Clarity and completeness 2 Feasibility and timely bounded 3
153 1&3 1&2 2&4 3&4 optionb
Consideration of worker choice and interest 4 Incomplete orders from
higher authority

Mr. Vijay is working in renowned company as worker. He is a sincere &

obedient employee. But from last few days his behavior is changed.
Most of the time he gets annoyed and behave erratically. He lacks his
Personal problem
154 interest in work thus his performance also get reduced and more Personal counseling Personal controlling Personal Directing optionb
rejection takes place. Mr. Atul is a supervisor in his section, noticed the
change in behavior of Mr. Vijay. He take him in confidence and advise.
So that Mr. Vijay feels relax and again he concentrates on his work

Identify the step of controlling process applicable in following case- In a

company a manager is trying to find out the deviation between the actual comparing actual
taking corrective
155 number of parts produced and the desired number. He already knows analyzing deviation and standard setting standard optionc
about the standards as the company has assigned him a definite quantity performance
of parts to be produced

Mr Rajesh wants to set standard to be achieved in both qualitative and

quantitative in his section. He wants to judge the motivation, skill level
and satisfaction of the subordinates. All these things will require
156 Setting standard analyzing standard controlling standard all above optiona
qualitative standards while on other hand he has to set quantitative
standards for the number of units produced. Identify the step of
controlling process applicable in this case.

Sachin is working in tool manufacturing company and have been

assigned the job of judging the output of production in a neutral and
reliable way. He is applying different techniques for achieving this aim. Measurement of
157 Setting standard Analyzing facts. Taking corrective action optionb
He is also keeping the units of measurement same to that of the units of actual performance
set standard. Identify the step of controlling process applicable in this

The number of subordinates that report to an executive or the number of

158 Authority Span of control Coordination Effective delegation optionb
subordinates that an executive can supervise directly is called:
159 Which of the following is not a principle of management? Remuneration Order Budget Scalar chain optionc
Level of Principles of motion Principles of
160 "Espirit De Corps"refers to Principles of management optiond
management economy organization
161 Who is known as father of scientific management? Henry Fayol Gilbreth F.W.Taylor Elton Mayo optionc
Match the Pairs: 1.F.W.Taylor (i) Hierarchy of needs 2. Frank Gilbreth
162 (ii) Father of Scientific management 3.Henri Fayol (iii) Time and 1-ii 2-iii 3-iv 4-i 1-ii 2-iv 3-iii 4-i 1-iv 2-ii 3-iii 4-i 1-iv 2-iii 3-i 4-ii optiona
Motion study 4. Abraham
Management carries out the policies of ---------through the framework of Organization, Management, Administration,
163 Organization, Management optionc
the --------- . Administration Administration Organization
Development of
Implementing the Deciding the goals
different parts of the
164 Administration is concerned with: policies of the and policies of the None of the above optionb
organization in
organization organization
proper order.
___________ is a mechanism or structure that enables living things to
165 Management Planning Organization Administration optionc
work effectively together
Middle level Top level Lower level
166 Administration is an activity at: none of the above optionb
management management management
____________ is the process of getting activities completed efficiently
167 Supervision Leading Controlling Management optiond
and effectively with and through the people
Decision making, policy making and making necessary adjustments is
168 Staffing Administration Organization None of the given options optionb
concerned mainly with_____
find odd thing out with respect to type of communication provide feedback to participative gravience redressal
169 open door policy optionb
(upward/downward) subordinates techniues procedure
determinative decision making
170 Management is a/an: executive function top level function optionb
function function
______Function of Management involves selecting missions and
171 Planning Organizing Leading None of the given options optiona
objectives and the actions to achieve them

Superintendents and Production manager Board of directors Inspectors and marketing

172 Top level management includes: optionc
supervisors and finance manager and chief executives managers

line and staff functional

173 Scalar organization is the other name given to: line organisation project organization optionb
organization organization
The line of authority from the chief executives to the lowest level of
174 unity of command Unity of direction order Scalar chain optiond
organization is called:
Which function of management process consists of measuring results,
175 comparing these results with standard expectations and applying Organizing Controlling Planning Directing optionb
corrective actions if needed?
176 Which of the following is not a correct advantage of line organization? simple flexible speedy action specialist advice optiond

Measuring and correcting individual and organizational performance to

177 Staffing Planning Controlling Organizing optionc
ensure that events confirm to plans is done by _______ function

Meaning of “Esprit de corps” according to Henry Fayol Principles is in union there is centralization of
178 chain of superiors respect for agreements optionb
that----------- strength authority
The “Father of Modern Management theory” formulated ___________
179 6 10 14 12 optionc
principles of management
The loyalty and devotion should be elicited from personnel by a
180 combination of kindliness and justice between managers and with Equity Stability Order Initiative optiona
181 Line organization is also known as _________ Military Organization Project Organization Multiple Organization optionb
Project Department
182 __________ is also known as Functional Organization Staff Organization None of the given options optionc
Organization Organization

The proficiency in handling methods, processes and techniques of a Decision making

183 Conceptual skills Technical skills None of the given options optionb
particular kind of business refer to _____________ managerial skills skills

184 Technical skills are essential for ____________ level management Top level Middle level Lower level None of the given options optionc

To recognize inter-relationships among different functions of the

185 business and external forces and to guide effectively for organization Conceptual Technical Organisational Human relation optiona
effort ___________ skills is requested
___________ skills help select and fix different people at different
186 Human relation Decision making Organisational Technical optionc

_____________skills refers to ability to work effectively with others

187 Organisational Human relation Leadership Motivating optionb
and build cooperative work groups to achieve organizational goals

The ability to inspire confidence and trust in the subordinates in order to

188 have maximum cooperation from them getting the work done is Motivating Leadership Decision making Technical optionb
__________ skills
The employees should receive orders and instructions from one
189 supervision only will come under ________________ principles of Unity of Direction Unity of Command Equity of Treatment Discipline optionb
Selecting the right
190 Fredrick Taylor stressed on people for the right Division of labour Unity of command Unity of direction optiona
Who developed the concept of 'hierarchy of needs' in regards to
191 F.W. Taylor Abraham Maslow Max Weber Mary Follet optionb
To provide festival Differential piece
192 To motivate workers Taylor suggested _________ To give less work To pay more salary optionc
bonus rate plan
193 The board objectives and policies are decided by Regional manager Marketing manager Supervisor Chief Executive Officer optiond
Top managers, middle
When we classify managers according to their levels in the organization, Functional, staff High level and lower Work managers and general
194 managers and optionb
they are described as _______ and line managers level manager manager
195 Which of the following is not a function of the management process Directing Controlling Processing Leading optionc
Getting work done with a minimum effort, expense or waste is the
196 Efficiency Effectiveness Organizing Planning optiona
definition of ___________
The type of planning which sets direction in which the organization Contingency
197 strategic planning tactical planning operational planning optionb
wants to proceed in future is called: planning

_____________ are the organization objectives and ____________ are Standing plans ; Stated goals ; Real Specific goals ;
198 Goals ; Plans optiond
the documented ways that organization intends to meet those objectives Single use plans goals Directional plans
199 _____________ is the judgment of the future Mission Forecasting Planning Organizing optionb
200 Who is not a middle level manager General Manager Production Manager Stores Manager Marketing Manager optiona

It gives evidences It provide permonant Reduces chances of

201 Advantages of written communication are All of the above optiond
about event record for future misinterpretaton

Staffing and Leadership and Controlling and Planning and Decision

202 Directing involves functions such as _________ and _____________ optionb
Planning Motivation Coordinating making

set the company define the company to decide other to lay down the rules and
203 The first step in the strategic planning process is to : optionb
goals and objectives vision functional strategies. policies.
204 _____________ is a policy making function Production Work Plan Administration optiond
______________ does not belongs to Henry Fayol’s principles of
205 Scalar chain Authority Standardization Discipline optionc
The process of inspiring the subordinates to put in their best known as
206 Team work Motivation Management Leadership optionb
The process of monitoring, comparing and correcting is called
207 Leading Decision making Controlling Coordinating optionc
The three essential managerial skills required by any successful manager Technical, human Human, empirical and Technical, human and
208 interpersonal and optiond
in an organization are _______ and social conceptual conceptual
Subordinate to Superior to
209 In a line organization the authority flows from Superior to Superior Subordinate to Superior optionc
Subordinate Subordinate
210 Which is not the correct type of plan? Action plan Corporate plan Operational plan Management plan optiona
After plans have been made and the organization has been established
211 Controlling Directing Decision making Planning optionb
and staffed, the next step is ___________
Absence of winning Guiding the Monitoring of
212 Planning may fail because of ______________ Takes corrective action optiona
attitude subordinates programme
213 _____________ minimizes work pressures and dead line tensions Organizing Controlling Planning Leadership optionc
______________ and ___________ plans are the types of planning in Stability and Operational and Directing and
214 None of the given options optionb
management process initiative strategic motivation
______________ is the downward transfer of authority from a manager
215 Centralization Coordinating Delegation Decision making optionc
to a subordinate
Financial Production Personnel
216 Which one of the following is not included in the types of management Force Management optiond
Management Management Management

Lack of specialisation
_______________ and _____________ are advantages of line Simplicity and Suitability and
217 and difficult to None of the given options optiona
organisation quick decisions higher rejecting
218 _____________ requires intuition and good judgment Planning Decision making Communication Controlling optionb
In organisational structure, ___________ is the ability to adjust, change,
219 Balance Stability Flexibility Span of control optionc
bend and blend without disturbing the basic structure
______________ includes work analysis, planning, scheduling, routing, Personnel Distribution Purchase
220 Production Management optiond
quality control and work study Management Management Management

Which of the following management involves selection, placement, Development Personnel Transport
221 Purchase management optionb
training, transfer, safely, health for the functional area of management management management management

Supervisor has to advise troubled employee to improve his performance.

222 Motivation Personal counseling communication controlling optionb
Which function of management he is performing-
he lost his interest
he is facing personal inferiority complex
223 Personal Counseling is a very effective tool for troubled employee when- in job and gives all above optiond
problem is developed
poor performance
-------------- is essential because the performance of the troubled
224 Controlling Strict monitoring Personal counseling Discipline optionc
employee gets affected and also spoil the discipline of section.
Supervisor can counsel his employee by- 1. sharing worker feelings
225 2.understand his problem 3. giving him extra facility. 4. changing his 1&2 2&3 3&4 1&4 optiona
job position
226 Which of the following is not a function of management? Organizing Controlling Planning Remuneration optiond
"When employees are specialized,they become more skilled and
227 efficient and the rate of production will increase."This refers to which Division of work Remuneration Initiative Unity of direction optiona
principle of management of Henry Fayol?
"Managers should be fair in treatment towards all the employees and
228 Unity of command Unity of direction Equity of treatment Scalar chain optionc
deal with kindness and justice."- This principle refers to:

the necessary level of

fair remuneration to
placing everything in stable and secure freedom provided by
229 The management principle "Initiative" refers to : be paid to all optiond
order atmosphere managers to subordinates to
create and carry out plans

to evaluate the to guide and instruct

to design operating to design the organization
230 The function of lower level management is: performance of workers for day to optionb
policies structure
managers day activities
Mr.X is working as the CEO of a very prestigious company.The Technical and Conceptual skills and Technical and Conceptual skills and
231 optionb
managerial skills which are very important to him are: conceptual skills human skills human skills controlling skills

"Management is the art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing
232 Harold Koontz F.W.Taylor Henry Fayol Mary Parker Follet optionb
that it is done in the best and cheapest way."- These are the words of :

Management is an decides what is to be Administration needs
233 Which of the following statements is wrong? relates to top level optionc
execution function done and when it is conceptual and human skills
to be done .
Identify the person who supervises and coordinates the activities of
234 Inspectors workers branch managers chairman optiona
operating employees.

Taylor's principles Henry Fayol's Weber's

"Selection of workers on the basis of their skills,performance standards general administrative
235 of scientific principles of scientific Bureaucratic optiona
and pay scales based on performance"- These are features of: theory
management management organization
Top level Middle level Lower middle level
236 Designing the organization system is the function of Lower management optiona
management management management
Top level Middle level upper middle level
237 Monitoring day to day activities and progress is the function of: Lower level management optiond
management management management
238 Which of the following is not a function of staffing? recruitment induction training budget optiond
239 Which of the following is not a type of organization? line organization flexible organisation project organization optionc
superior to subordinate to
240 Authority always flows from: both a and b none of the above optiona
subordinate superior
superior to subordinate to
241 Responsibility always flows from: both a and b none of the above optionb
subordinate superior
_______________ level management give finishing touch to the plans
242 Middle Upper middle Lower Operating force optionc
and policies to top management
243 It is the first function of management Planning Controlling Communicating Capital optiona
244 Position, designation, seniority defines__________ Centralization Authority Initiative Scalar chain optionb
245 _______________ organisation is called as horizontal organisation Line Line and staff Functional Complex optionc
246 Middle level is ___________ of management Strategic level Tactical level Operational level All of the above options optionb
Tool of the fast It reduces the Process of Proper utilization of
247 Which of the following is the advantage of controlling optiond
development elements of risk motivation resources
For good working of management, ____________ avoids confusion,
248 Equity of treatment Unity of direction Unity of command Remuneration optionc
mistakes and delays in getting the work done
According to Henri Fayol principles, manager should deal with his
249 Discipline Equity of treatment Esprit de corps Initiative optionb
subordinates with kindness and justice will come under
____________refers to the relationship between people,work and
250 Actuating Scheduling Project Organizing optiond
resources to achieve goals
_____________ level is known as Top level management because all
251 important decisions related to whole organization are taken by top Tactical level Operational level Strategic Level Controlling level optionc
252 ___________ results into better output interms of work Unity of direction Division of work Discipline All of the above options optionb
253 The planning process is used to prepare __________ in an organization Advancement Technologies Discoveries Budgets optiond
254 ____________________ is a long term goal Plan Operation Vision Innovation optionc
Selection of
According to M.S. Hardly “Planning is deciding in advance what is to Selection of
255 Selection of Policies Procedures and All of the Above optiond
be done. It involves the __________________ from among alternatives. objectives
256 An organization is an __________ open system close system inactive system none of the above optiona

1. Divisional Plan 1. Corporate Plan 2. 1. Sectional Plan 2. 1. Divisional Plan 2.

2. Corporate Plan 3. Divisional Plan 3. Corporate Plan 3. Departmental Plan 3.
257 Choose correct hierarchy of plan in an organization optionb
Departmental Plan Departmental Plan 4. Divisional Plan 4. Sectional Plan 4. Corporate
4. Sectional Plan Sectional Plan Departmental Plan Plan

258 Single use plans are most suitable for _____ Programmes Projects Budgets All of the Above optiond
259 Matching people to jobs in organizing must consider ______ Motivation Factors A & B Both none of the above optionc
Status &
260 Motivation factors while matching people with job can include _______ Salary Security All of the Above optiond
While matching job in organizing the manager must consider ______ Why people works
261 Why people works A & B Both none of the above optionc
facts into an account for you

The man needs must be satisfied by jobs requirement. Which of the Physiological and Planning, Organising Belongingness and
262 Self Actualization Needs optionb
following is not the need of man as per maslow's need hierarchy theory Saftey needs and Decision Making self esteem needs

To plan distribution
To make plans and
of work to workforce
263 Which of the following are duties of supervisor To plan the work devise methods to All of the Above optiond
as per individual
boost productivity

____________ is concerned with the direct supervision of the workers

264 Top Management Manager Foreman All of the Above optionc
by planning and executing activities given by top management

Full knowledge of
Planning by supervisor requires following skills qualities within Ability to plan and Democratic
265 men, machinery and All of the Above optiond
themselves control the work Leadership
266 Plans are made for ________ activities Past Future Present none of the above optionb
267 Planning is ..... the objectives and choosing a course of action. determining acheiving vanishing All of the Above optionb
shorter (day or
268 Supervision makes plan for ________ time longer (years) indefinite Quarterly or Half yearly optiona
week or month)
269 Supervisor makes plan for ________ Department Office and Workshop Entire Organization Self optionb

Capital Required
In business of publishing books, supervisors needs to take care of Number of people Prices of similar
and availability of
270 following facts to take decisions regarding price of book, copies to be who are likely to books available in All of the Above optiond
raw material,
sold and time of printing books read book market
machinery etc.
____________ are basis as well as part of planning by supervisor. They
271 staffing workers objectives management optionc
gives direction to planning
Fix and do not Flexible and can
Partially fix and
272 Supervisor plans are always ______- change in any change as per Fake optionb
partially flexible
condition conditions
Scheduling different
Manpower planning
staff as per best supervision and
and communicating
273 Major function of planning involves supervisor for suitable combination maintain quality of All of the Above optiond
requirement to HR
of availability of work in project
change in better utilization of forward looking positive
274 Planning by supervisor may get failed if there is ________________ reduction in waste optiona
technology resources attitude in team members
275 Supervisors are __________ focussed in planning externally internally everywhere nowhere optionb
276 Supervisors manages ____________ Entire organzation Managers Group of employees supervisors optionc
Raw material and
277 Supervisor plans budgets related to ______ Manpower Overhead All of the Above optiond
small expenses
As shown in figure, _______ (at position A) is required to bridge gap
278 Decision Making Planning Hardwork Organizing optionb
between current and desired position
_____________ planning is based on past performance of organization
279 Strategic Operational Middle Level Blind optionb
and less uncertain

Identify correct sequence of detailing the planning 1. Establish Planning

Premise 2.Evaluation and selection of alternatives 3. Establish Goals /
280 1-3-5-7-2-4-6 7-5-3-1-2-4-6 3-1-4-7-2-6-5 3-1-4-7-5-6-2 optionc
Objectives 4. Decide Planning Period 5.Measure and control the process
. 6. Develop supporting plans 7. Identify Alternatives

resources available
In detailing process of planning the objectives set by organization mission of abilities of
281 with organization at All of the Above optiond
depends on organization organization
present and future

controllable or non-
282 Planning premises can be ____________ internal or external tangible or intagible All of the Above optiond

ability of organization
technological behavior of employee and
283 Internal Premises of planning does not include ___________ sales forecast in the form of optionc
changes owners
machines, methods

government ability of organization

284 External premises of planning does not include __________ policies and in the form of population growth optionb
regulation machines, methods
285 Tangible premises of planning includes ________ industry demand population growth A & B Both political stability optionc
availability of
286 Non controllable premises of planning does not include ___________ Strike Natural Calamity wars optionb
Evaluation of alternatives in planning can be done by supervisor using Quantitative
287 Operation Research Software Packages All of the Above optiond
______ Techniques
To get clarity of
Prescribing standard forms for various activities is necessory for Standardization of To collect factual data work through
288 All of the Above optiond
__________ system for decision making systematic
Sheet for machine Matrial
Prescribed Standard forms in planning can be a documentation of
289 Job Description planning and issue of flow/material load All of the Above optiond
______________ type
tools chart
______________ is a financial statement prepared and approved prior
290 Budget Audit Control charts All of the Above optiona
to a defined period of time
In organization, planning for safe working conditions are responsibilities
291 Worker customer supervisor Factory Head and Manager optionb
of all except _________
Planning and
292 Budget is an instruments helpful for ______ Planning Activity Controlling Activity none of the above optionc
controlling activity
293 Budget depends upon _____ Future Condition Present condition Past Statistical Data B & C both optiond
294 Matrial Budget and Manpower budget are _________ budgets Functional Fixed Main Master optiona
_____________ budget shows the quantity of each type of raw material
295 Production Material Manpower Main optionb
required by months or quarters to produce goods

Materials Purchased Materials Purchased

= Materials Materials Purchased = = Materials
In materials budget, Material to be purchased is derived from following Required + Ending Materials Required + Required –
296 none of the above optiona
formula Inventory – Ending Inventory + Ending Inventory
Beginning Beginning Inventory – Beginning
Inventory Inventory

297 Formation of manpower budget is dependent on _______________ Production Budget Master Budget Material Budget Sells Budget optiona

Effects of ignoring manpower budget are ___________ 1. Labour

298 Shortage 2. Hire Workers at Higher Salary 3. Layoff Workers at 1 & 4 Only 1, 2 , 3, and 4 1,2, 4 Only 2 & 4 Only optionb
Awkward times 4. Insecurity, Low morale among workers

Units to be Units to be
Units to be Produced
Produced x Produced - Units to be Produced /
299 Manpower budget is calculated by formula + Manpower Cost per optiona
Manpower Cost per Manpower Cost per Manpower Cost per unit
unit unit
Minimum and
300 Material budget will enable fixation of _______ Maximum Stock Reordering Level A & B Both none of the above optionc
Manpower budget Manpower budget
Manpower budget Manpower budget helps for
helps in helps to determine
301 Find odd thing out helps in preparing anticipating labour time optionc
Recruitment of finance required for
material budget required for production
workers labor

Skilled, Semiskilled
302 Labor to considered in manpower budgeting can be of type ____ Male or female A and B Both none of the above optionc
or Unskilled

"creation of sections establishing

creation of and positions to relationships among
303 Organization of phycal resources includes All of the Above optiond
department perform organizing the various parts of
activities an organisation

Choose the correct sequence for steps in organization of physical

resources 1. Identification of major functions to which these activities
relate. 2. Establishing relationship among individuals and groups. 3.
304 1-3-4-2 4-1-3-2 3-1-2-4 3-2-4-1 optionb
Grouping and sub-dividing the activities within each function on the
basis of similarity or relatedness. 4. Determining the activities to be
performed to achieve the objectives of the organisation.
Organising becomes necessary when ____________ to achieve some two persons work two or more persons
305 One person work none of the above optionc
common objectives. together work together

Which one of the following two is an organisation ? 1) People waiting at

306 1 only 2 only 1 & 2 Only none of the above optionb
a bus stop. 2) Members of a football team.
307 Which physical resources can be organized at supervisory level Men Machinery Material All of the Above optiond
administration, Enables optimum
308 Organization of phycal resources _________ Stimulates creativity All of the Above optiond
growth and use of resources
Division of
An effective system Well organised and
309 Which of the following is not an objective of organizing resources ? authority and Undefined Objectives optionb
of communication coordinated group of people
to give orders while
to use and allocate
In Organizing resources, the authority is the power and right of a person achieving the
310 the resources to take decisions All of the Above optiond
_____ organizational
311 Top level management has _________ authority Greatest Level Middle Level Lowest Level No optiona
Authority is the right
Responsibility Authority creates to give orders and Higher authorities have
312 Choose the wrong statement from following optiona
creates authority responsibility the power to exact more responsibilities
313 Authority without responsibility leads to ______ good behavior responsible behavior All of the Above optionc
314 Responsibility without authority makes person ________ ineffective effective over smart top level manager optiona
Minimum Wages Industrial Disputes Act
315 Which of the following law is a relating to Industrial Relations? Compensation Act Factories Act 1948 optiond
Act 1948 1947
Which of the following Act has provision for the constitution of Board Industrial Disputes Minimum Wages The Workmen's
316 Factories Act 1948 optionb
of Conciliation? Act 1947 Act 1948 Compensation Act 1923
The Factory act is applicable to the premises wherein ........ or more
317 5 10 15 20 optiond
workers are employed without the use of power.
Which of the following Schedules of Industrial Disputes Act 1947
318 The First Schedule The Second Schedule The Fifth Schedule The Third Schedule optionb
indicates "The matters within the jurisdiction of Labour courts"?
Lay off indicates the temporary inability of an employer to avail the availability/shortage Accumulation of Breakdown of Relief to an employee from
319 optiond
services of the employee due to following reasons except: of material, fuel or excess stocks machinery his monotonous job
……………….is the temporary removal or suspension of the employee Discharge or
320 Transfer Lay off all of the above optionb
from his job during period of emergency. Dismissal
communicate the
Separating or
rules and policies to Give rewards and
Positively motivate removing the
321 Following are the methods to improve discipline except: all employees and recognition to disciplined optionc
the employees. employee from the
the penalties to be employees
pay roll
inflicted for
breaking the rules
Encourage Help employees to
Effectively realize or
Discipline is necessary in all efficient organizations for following factors employees to learn the Wealth creation and
322 attain the objectives optiond
except behave sensibly at requirement of their expansion of plant
of the organization
work. job

Decision related to policy matter taken at higher level of management

after careful analysis and evaluation of various alternatives like capital Programmed Non Programmed
323 Major Decision Strategic Decision optiond
expenditure, decision related to pricing, expansion and change in Decision Decision
product line etc. are the type of following type of decision;

Following are the general steps of which management activity Step 1:

Decision making & Planning & Directing &
324 Defining the problem Step 2: Searching for alternative course of action None of the above optiona
Problem solving organizing controlling
Step 3: Evaluating the alternatives Step 4: Selecting one alternative

Following statements related with Decision making are valid and correct
except: 1. A Decision is a course of action or inaction selected to meet
the requirements of solution. 2. Decision making is an intellectual
1,3 & 4 are All of the above are Only 4 is incorrect All of the above are correct
325 activity, because it calls for both judgment and imagination to select one optionc
incorrect statements incorrect statements statement statements
from many alternatives. 3. A Decision is in act of choice wherein a
manger forms a conclusion about what must be done under a given
situation. 4. Decision making involves only one alternative.

A………………………is a conclusion of a process by which one

326 chooses between two or more available alternative courses of action for . Organizing Decision Making Controlling Designing optionb
the purpose of attaining goals.

Read the following statements and identify the correct option for
characteristics suited to the statements: 1. It is the knacks of getting other
Responsibility of
people to follow you and to do willingly the things you want them to do. Leadership Quality of
327 Top level None of the above optiona
2. It means to inspire confidence & trust so that there is maximum Qualities Supervisors
cooperation from the employees within the control of manager. 3. It is
the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically.

328 Following types of information is passes through the foreman. Vertically Upward Vertically Downward Both a & b None of the above optionc
A………………… the person who actually gives practical shape to Foreman/Superviso
329 Gang Manager First Link Manager Speed Manager optiona
the policies of the enterprise with the help of workmen r
A………………… a vital link or mediator between management &
330 Supervisor Gang Manager First Link Manager Speed Manager optiona

A …………………….is a generally designated by supervisor (in most

331 of the industries) is a person in charge of and coordinator of, the First Line Manager Foreman Time Keeper Gang Manager optionb
activities of the group of workers engaged in a one type of task.
In case of piecework, due to non availability of fixed minimum piece
332 Negotiated Rate Over time rate Minimum time rate Lumpsum amount optionc
rate, the employer has to pay ............................. to the employee.

Detector or Sensor,
Assessor, Effector Actuators, Control Sensor, Transducer,
Communication Network,
333 Every control system has at least four elements, viz. : and Unit, Sender, Transformer, optiona
Decoder, Encoder, Receiver
Communication Receiver Control Unit
Management of the
334 Management audit is a technique to keep a check on the performance of: Company Shareholders Customers optionb

Forward as well as
335 Controlling function of an organization is; Forward looking Backward looking None of the above optionc
backward looking

Boosts employee Judges accuracy of
336 An efficient control system helps to: organizational All of the above optiond
morale standards
training of assigning of
Following are the corrective actions might involve in Control Process by employees if the additional workers permission for Fire the worker who failed
337 optiond
Management except: production target and equipment to the overtime work to achieve target
could not be met project

……is an important principle of management control based on the belief Management by Management by Participative
338 Critical Path Method optionb
that an attempt to control everything results in controlling nothing. Objectives Exception Management

“A good control system ensures that employees know well in advance

what they are expected to do and what are the standards of performance Judging accuracy of Accomplish Making efficient use of
339 Employee optiona
on the basis of which they will be appraised.” This statement focus on standards organizational goals resources
which importance aspect of Controlling:

The individual
Leadership & The need for efficiency &
340 Control must be tailored to following factors except; Plans and positions managers and their optionc
Motivation effectiveness
341 There are following types of control except; Pre Control Concurrent Control Feedback Control Advanced Control optiond
The advanced and quantitative technique used for managerial control
342 PERT Budget Operational Audit BEA optiona
The traditional device which is widely used for managerial control
343 Budget Break Even Analysis Statistical Data All of the above optiond
Control that takes place before work is performed is known
344 Pre Control Concurrent Control Feedback Control Advanced Control optiona
“One of the most frustrating situations manager can find themselves in is
knowing that something is going wrong in their
345 company/agency/department and not knowing exactly where the Planning Controlling Organizing Coordinating optionb
responsibility for the trouble lies”. This type of problem is relates and
responsible with which of the management function:

The following list is some of the common mistakes supervisors have Improper selection Motivate the subordinates
346 Unclear Delegation Supervise too closely optiond
made while trying to delegate except: of subordinates for active involvement

Effective supervisors getting out and understanding the day-to-day

operation firsthand. He knowing his people as individuals and being
known by them. Real involvement on the part of the supervisor reaps
Give a chance to
two advantages. First, it will provide his with knowledge about his To open up for
347 To get involved subordinate for To provide feedback optiona
section that is unobtainable any other way. Secondly, frequent communication
interaction with people promotes what managerial experts call a
“therapeutic climate”--the supervisor demonstrates concern for the
workers’ daily performance,

Any control system has four important elements. Which element helps
348 A detector An assessor An effector Communication network optionb
in comparing the actual results with the standard or expected results?

Management Operational Control

349 The day-to-day activities of an organization are controlled by: Both (a) and (b) None of the above optionb
Control System System
By what process do managers influence other members of an Management
350 Motivation Training Leading optionc
organization to implement organization’s strategies? Control

Defective process
Newly purchased and physical
351 Following are not the causes of deviation in controlling process ? Obsolete Machinery Defective Machinery optiona
machinery condition of

352 Leadership is a function of all the following factors except; Work group Product or Service Leader Situation optionb
When management pays attention to more important areas and when day
Management by Management by Participative
353 to day routine problems are looked after by lower level management, it Critical Path Method optionb
Objectives Exception Management
is known as;
In the process of controlling management certain steps are normally
taken which includes; 1. analyze the actual performance 2. finding out
354 the reasons for discrepancies 3. evaluating the performance 4. . 4,1,2,3 1,4,2,3 1,4,3,2 4,1,3,2 optiond
establishing the standards of work performance The correct sequence in
which these steps are usually taken is:
355 Which of the following is the origin of any motivated behaviour? Need Drives Goals Wants optiona
The higher quality of managers and their subordinates the less the need
356 Direct control. Preventive control Tactical control Strategic control. optiona
No as there is no No as Banking
Yes as a public No as finance sector has
357 Can banking be treated as an industry? production Activity in comes under finance optiona
utility service different regulator
banking ministry
The General Manager’s meeting was most likely a result of the
358 Organizing Planning Decision-Making Controlling optionc
following management function:
Leadership can _______ subordinates to help the organization achieve
359 Motivate Communicate Direct All of the above optiond
its goals.
Which type of decision making is carried out by lower level Top level decision Operational decision Administrative
360 Mid-level decision making optionb
management and deals with specific day-to-day processes? making making decision making
361 The process by which a sender transmits content is known as…………. Encoding Decoding Feedback Receiver optiona
According to Abraham Maslow, the most elevated / higher type of need
362 Self-actualization Physiological Esteem Safety optiona
is _____.

A leader maintains
personal relations
It is interesting and inspiring to know about N. R. Narayan Murthy, Ex- A leader not only
and helps followers
Chairman of Infosys, an IT legend, institution builder, a leader par Managers are commits his followers
in fulfilling their
excellence and embodiment of directing abilities. He started his career important but to organizational
needs. He provides
as head of the computer centre at IIM, Ahmadabad. He started Infosys, a leaders are vital for goals but also pools
363 needed confidence, All of the above optiond
small software company along with his friends in 1981 and turned it into lasting needed resources,
support and
a global IT company by 2002. He was the chief mentor, CEO of the organizational guides and motivates
encouragement and
company for two decades. During that time he took the company to success. subordinates to reach
thereby creates
unimaginable the goals.
congenial work

Displaying on the
Congratulating the notice board or in the Installing award or Firing an employee for
364 Some examples of employee recognition are as below except one: employee for good company news letter certificate for best giving suggestions for optiond
performance about the achievement performance. improvement
of employee.

HCL Technologies has formulated a rather innovative approach to

management, where employees come before customers. Every employee
ranks their boss, their boss’s boss, and at least three other company
managers on a 1-to-5 scale. Then the results are posted online for Leadership & Team Motivation & Directing &
365 Motivation & Organizing optiona
everyone to see. This company realizes that satisfied and secure Work Controlling Controlling
employees can best focus on customer success. HCL has formed new
strategic alliances, and is embarking on a rather innovative approach to
shared risk with customers.

influencing people influencing people

According to Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich “Leadership is the art so that they will towards the
366 A & B both None of the above optionc
or process of ___________”. This is defined by: strive willingly and achievement of group
enthusiastically goals

“Motivation refers to the way in which urges, drives, desires,

367 aspirations, strivings or needs direct, control and explain the behaviour William G. Scout Mc Farland Dubin Fred Luthans optionb
of human beings”. This is defined by:
a process of
stimulating people a process of setting
a process of directing
368 According to William G. Scout, Motivation means ______ to action to goals for workers to None of the above optiona
people to action
accomplish desired action

Following are certain statements about a good leader. Rectify the

statement which is found to be incorrect. (a) He is empathetic and listens
369 to others. (b) He is competent thus, does everything alone. (c) He has to a & d – Incorrect a, b & c – Incorrect b & c – Incorrect all the above - Incorrect optionc
be very good looking else people will not like him. (d) He likes to
generate team spirit and works with the people as a team.

Identify the following type of communication on the basis of channel,

Formal, Downward, Formal, Upward, Informal, Informal, Horizontal,
370 direction and mode of communication. “A typist informs his fellow optiond
Verbal Verbal Horizontal, Verbal Verbal
typist during the lunch-break about the rude behavior of her supervisor.”

Identify the following type of communication on the basis of channel,

Formal, Downward, Formal, Upward, Informal, Informal, Horizontal,
371 direction and mode of communication. “The sales assistants discussing optionc
Verbal Verbal Horizontal, Verbal Verbal
with his friend regarding customers’ behaviour.”

Identify the following type of communication on the basis of channel,

direction and mode of communication. “The supervisor sending an Formal, Downward, Formal, Upward, Informal,
372 Informal, Horizontal optionb
explanation to the General Manager stating the performance of his Verbal Verbal Horizontal, Verbal

Identify the following type of communication on the basis of channel,

Formal, Downward, Formal, Upward, Informal, Informal, Horizontal,
373 direction and mode of communication. “The General Manager seeking optiona
Verbal Verbal Horizontal, Verbal Downward
explanation from a supervisor for poor performance in his department.”

374 The control process is based on _____________. Clear standards disciplinary action All of the above optiona

to respond quickly
giving employees giving employees the to customer requests
375 Empowerment means_____ All of the above optiond
the authority responsibility by giving authority
and responsibility

Which of the following industrial Acts safe guards the security of Industrial Disputes
376 Factories Act 1948 compensation Act Minimum Wages Act 1948 optionc
dependents of the employee? Act 1947
has the leadership
makes managerial works with managers style most
377 The most effective leader is one who: decisions without and employees to appropriate to the none of the above optionc
consulting others make decisions situation and the
employee involved
Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish organizational
378 planning. directing. management leadership optiond
goals is the process of:
379 ___________ can be delegated from superior to subordinate Authority Responsibility Accountability none of the above optiona
Principal of Taylor and Fayol are mutually complementary. One
believed that management should not close its ears to constructive
suggestion made by the employees, while the other suggested that a
380 good company should have an employee suggestion system, whereby Cooperation Team Work Initiative All of the above optiond
suggestions which result in substantial time or cost reduction should be
rewarded. Identify and explain the principles of Taylor and Fayol
referred in the above paragraph.

381 which of the following is not a provision of Factories Act 1948? Welfare Health Safety optionc
Rewards are Punishment and
Which of these statements best describes the concept of reinforcement Punishment cannot Punishment can never be
382 negative reward are both optionb
(strengthening or forced) ? be reinforcements fair
reinforcements. reinforcements.
383 Authority creates ________ accountability responsibility span of control organization optionb
384 _________ flows from bottom level to top level authority responsibility accountability organization optionb
Variety of approaches to
Compromise & Quick decision Time required is
385 Which of the following is an advantage of group decisions making find possible problem optiond
bargaining happens making more
Supervisors have the tendency to spend most of their time on this
386 Directing Controlling Planning Staffing optionb
The upper limit of employees or subordinates a supervisor can
387 Span of control Span of manpower Span of organization dSpan of functions optiona
effectively manage is called:
388 supervisory level of organizing and management holds more _________ authority accountability responsibility span of control optionc

Use positive
Compromise on Ask for performance Use the same methods of
389 Which of the following will help motivate employees? reinforcement, and optionb
poor performance and set standards reinforcement for everyone
generalize it
__________ means giving explanations for any variance in the actual
390 Authority Responsibility Accountability none of the above optionc
performance from the expectations set
Attitude, interests
Attitude, interests Attitude, interests and
391 Which of the following three factors affects an employee’s motivation? and working Attitude, needs and salary optiona
and needs salary
392 Accountability arises from ___________ authority responsibility span of control none of the above optionb

Allow employee to Make the

Argue with the Enforce policies and rules
393 While taking disciplinary action, you should………………… speak for the others disciplinary process optiond
employee with consistency
involved as formal as possible

if X is given a task with sufficient authority, and X delegates this task to

394 Y and asks him to ensure that task is done well, responsibility rest with Y, X X, Y X, X Y, Y optiona
_____, but accountability still rest with ____
395 __________ level of management is least accountable top middle supervisory none of the above optionc
Authority and Guidance and Constraint and
396 The following is (are) the element(s) of control All of the above optiond
knowledge direction restraint

Reduced Workload It gives chance to

Effectiveness in work
due to division of the subordinates to
397 Identify correct point with respect to delegation of authority is achieved due to all of the above optiond
work and allocate it explore their
reduced work load.
to sub-ordinates. abilities and skill.

398 ______ is a process of influencing people. Motivation Leadership Delegation Controlling optiona
399 The old control technique(s) which were used through years is (are) Unity of policies Break-even analysis Budgetary control All of the above optiond
Loss by Loss by poor
400 Communication barrier(s) in the international environment is (are) Poor listening All of the above optiond
transmission retention
In ___________ span of control a manager can supervise and control
401 wide narrow superior inferior optiona
effectively a large group of persons at one time
402 The external factor(s) that limit control is (are) govt. policies Market changes Economic changes All of the above optiond
communication less overhead cost of
403 Wide span of control can lead to _________- specialization of work none of the above optionc
gaps supervision
404 Narrow span of control can also be known as __________ short organization tall organization flat organization project organization optionb

managerial abilities nature of work and

competence of
405 Following factor influences span of control and degree of delegation of All of the above optiond
decentralization authorities

406 ____________ can not be delegated and arises from responsibility. authority power capability accountability optiond

his relatives to
salary given by
Matching people with job needs, supervisor must be well known with whom he want to
407 job requirement employer to all of the above optionb
___________ work in the
offer high salary to offer good work
provide job security
408 For matching people with job needs the manager can __________ attract suitable environment to all of the above optiond
to suitable person
person suitable person
In working situation their are certain aspects of job and the environment.
409 If it is below certain standards it will lead to extreme dissatisfaction. motivation factors maintenance factors money factors personal factors optionb
This is called as ______---
Improvement in hygiene factor can leads to extreme satisfaction is called
410 maintenance factors motivators demotivators all of the above optionb
as ______-

more frequent
411 which of the following can not be the factor for job insecurity good salary near retirement chances of accident at work optiona
chances of sickness

self actualization
412 Food, cloth and shelters are ___________- physiological needs security needs self esteem needs optiona
413 Matching human need with job needs consists of ______ components knowledge, skills personality experience all of the above optiond

In matching human need with job needs which of the following test can
414 not help in matching the job 1. aptitude test 2. psychological test 3. 1 & 2 Only 1, 2, 3 and 4 1,2 & 3 Only 2 & 3 Only optionb
interviews 4. Trade Test
expect frequent
In matching human need with job needs the employees with high welcomes Seeks variety of
415 feedback from all of the above optiond
achievement always ______ autonomy inputs
situation of
In matching human needs with job needs, the employees with low
416 stability, security autonomy in work variety of inputs none of the above optiona
achievement prefers _________
and predictability
417 Delegation of Authority means _______ financial release material release manpower release power release optiond
Along with Authority which one of the following should go together and
418 Coordination cooperation responsibility control optionc
hand in hand
419 Number of sub ordinates a manager can supervise effectively is ____ span of control scope of supervisor focus of supervisor authority of supervisor optiona

Identify correct statements from following with respect to working in a

group or team 1. 20 Persons going in the bus 2. Bus goes out of order
420 1 only 2 Only 1 & 2 Both Neither 1 nor 2 optionb
and 20 persons push it to take it to mechanic under guidance of bus
_________ is a social process by which people interact face to face in
421 Group dynamics Individual work Group conflict Change management optiona
small group.
422 Group dynamics focuses on _____ individual benefit gossiping in group team work none of the above optionc
423 ________ provides personal relationship at workplace. conflict Group disput all of the above optionb
protection from
424 Formation of groups at workplace leads to _______ job satisfaction understanding from all of the above optiond
external threats
Which of the following is not the type of groups in organizing resources both formal and informal
425 formal gorups informal groups inactive groups optionc
? groups
426 which of the following is not formal group ? committee group of friends project teams task forces optionb
group often opposes
groups resist individual feels
427 Identify false statement about groups management policies all of the above optionc
innovation unsecured in group
and rules
Forming groups while organizing resource may create ____ conflict in
428 goal role stress undefined optionb
People, work and Customer, work and People, work and Customer, work and
429 Organisation establishes relationship between ___ optiona
resources resources management management
Principle of Principle of
430 The following is not a principle of organisation Principle of balance Principle of co-ordination optionc
exception complexity
431 Technical skills are most important for which of the following: SUPERVISORS MANAGERS CEO ENTREPRENEURS optiona
432 These plans are there to ensure discipline. policies rules both none of the above optionb
research and
433 What are the approaches in selecting an alternative ? experience experimentation all of the above optiond

which of the following are the goals of organizing ? 1. To meet the

organizational requirements such as higher productivity, operational
434 1 only 2 Only 1 & 2 Both none of the above optionc
efficiency, quality of products/service etc. 2. To satisfy the needs of the
individual employees like interests, challenge, achievement etc.

The organizational process of determining how activities are to be

435 organization departmentation supervision hypervision optionb
grouped is called ___________
Delegation of
Division of work Determination &
authority & Delegation of authority &
436 ________ and _______ are fundamental aspects of organisation. and co-ordination classification of optiona
determination of co-ordination of activities
of their efforts activities
Systematic action Statement of expected
Planned target of Steps of handling
437 Budget refers to and allocation of results expressed in optiond
performance future activities
resources numerical terms
measuring results
438 Which of the following would be included in the “controlling function”? against corporate explaining routines setting standards giving assignments optiona
439 Empowerment is related to: planning organizing directng controlling optionc
440 Motivation is related to: planning controlling leading tactical decisions optionc
planning and directing and planning and
441 Supervisory management spends most of his/her time: organizing and controlling optionb
controlling. controlling organizing
Guiding and supervising the efforts of subordinates towards the
442 planning organizing directing controlling optionc
attainment of the organization’s goals describes the function of :

providing leadership
issuing orders to supervising
443 Directing function of management embraces activities of : and motivation to all of these optiond
subordinates subordinates

fostering in- decreasing the

boosting the morale
444 Adequate motivation of employees results in: disciplines among productivity of all of these optionb
of the subordinates
the subordinates subordinates

Establishing standards, comparing actual results with standards and

445 planning controlling directing organizing optionb
taking corrective actions are the steps included in the process of :

The last function in the sequence, which culminates in the attainment of

446 organizing coordinating controlling planning optionc
organization objectives is:
In comparison to top level managers, a first -line supervisor will spend direction of
447 policy making public relations long range planning optiona
more time in : subordinates
Which level of management would be most involved in the function of
448 top middle lower all of these optionc
directing and controlling?
Create confusion Avoid confusion Create problems to Increase work load of
449 Elaborating decisions can ____ optionb
among workers among workers workers workers

The decision making for controlling of any process has several it occurs in sequential it cannot be learned in the
450 it is goal oriented it occurs over time optiond
characteristics. Which of the following wing is NOT typically included? chains classroom

The decision making process is conducted in three different ways by a problem solving
451 intuitively based on judgment by fate optionc
.Which is NOT a typically method? process.
discovery of analysis of
452 The decision making for the purpose of controlling is made up of : diagnosis all of these optiond
alternatives alternatives
Write on notice
453 Following are the ways to elaborate decisions____ In written format In meetings All of the above optiond
when adequate time
when the level of is available for
454 Creative behavior is made more likely: when it is rewarded All of these optiond
stress is appropriate considering a
Participation of groups while decision making and elaborating decisions
too much time motivation of the
455 is helpful in minimizing deviations but one disadvantage of group knowledge available effect on morale optiona
required members
participation in decision making is ____

more uncertainty more uncertainly and less uncertainly and

Top management decision making for the purpose of controlling is less uncertainly and less
456 and less reliance on greater reliance on greater reliance on optionb
distinctively characterized by: reliance on judgment
judgment judgment judgment

place decision making

keep the number of avoid duplication in
Guidelines for establishing vertical layers include all but which one of at the highest level it authority and responsibility
457 levels to a the chain of optionb
the following: can be efficiently should be clearly defined.
minimum command

458 A supervisor is most likely to be able to directly affect an employees: task assignments work habits personal aspirations attitudes and values optiona

to identify to discuss way in which

to uncover training to identify candidate
459 Which is not goal of performance appraisal is : psychological performance can be optionb
needs for promotion
problems improved
Traditional approach to appraisal, now-a-days, have increasingly employee employee
460 employee relations none of these optionb
emphasized the evaluation of: characteristics performance
The traditional method of appraisal whereby the rate lists the employees personal critical incident forced distributing
461 None of the above optiona
according to their level of performance is called the: observation method method
proving adequate
issuing of orders to communicating with leadership and
462 Directing functions of management embraces activities of : d. all of these optiond
subordinates subordinates motivation to
The direction process has several characteristics. Which of the following it occurs in sequential it cannot be learned in the
463 it is goal oriented it occurs over time optiond
is not typically included? chains classroom
In comparison to top level manager, a first-line supervisor will spend direction of
464 policy making public relations Long-range planning optiona
more time in : subordinates
operations are operations are
operations are simple
complex and simple and operations are complex and
465 Technical skill of a supervisor will be most needed where: and organizational optiona
organizational level organizational level organizational level is high.
level is low
is low is high
providing support measuring performance
466 Execution involves all of the following steps except: providing direction initiating operations optiond
resources against the plan
467 The element that is a linking process of managerial functions is : planning controlling communicating representing optionc
468 Successful communication involves the occurrence of a : desire change undesired change no change none of these optiona

sender-message- sender-transmission-
The proper sequence of elements in the expanded communication model message-sender-signal- message-transmission-
469 transmission- message-decode- optiona
is : receiver-decode encode-receiver-decode
recipient-meaning meaning

there is not
leadership is a leadership and
The relationship between leadership and management is most accurately relationship between management is a subset of
470 subset of management are optiona
stated as: leadership and leadership
management synonymous terms

The manager who motivates people by explicitly or implicitly centralised

471 positive leadership negative leadership decentralized leadership optionb
threatening punishment of some kind for non-cooperation is using: leadership
472 Needs hierarchy theory of motivation was given by___ Abraham Maslow David Mc Clelland Kurt Lewin Herzberg optiona
What in your opinion would be the most powerful personal objective of
473 a Noble Prize winning chemist working in the research department of a money status pride of creativity none of these optionc
medical concern?

Managerial control typically consists of three steps. Which one does take corrective remove unnecessary
474 evaluate progress measure performance optionc
NOT belong? action obstacles

set standards, take set standards,

measure performance, measure performance, take
The proper sequence of the three steps in the traditional control process corrective action, measure
475 set standards, take corrective actions, set optionc
is : measure performance, take
corrective actions standards
performance corrective actions
quality of the employee
476 Control systems typically focus on all except... resources consumed quality of planning process optiond
product performance
477 Several means are available for the determination of performance: observations reports statistical data all of these optiond
478 For best management, controlling should be profit-oriented cost-oriented objective-oriented Man-oriented. optionc
In controlling ,a common means for determining performance is by
479 reports personal objectives standards key cases optiona
means of:
480 The control function of management embraces: cost control financial control budgetary control all of these optiond
Several types of control systems rely on quantitative data in their
481 social control financial control production control quality control optiona
measurement process. Which type does NOT?
The area having to do with identifying personal characteristics and
482 communication motivation leadership development optionc
situational factors leading to managerial success is that of:
When management pays attention to more important areas and when day-
Management By Management of Critical Path Method
483 to -day routine problems are looked after by lower-level of management Unity of Command optionb
Objectives (MBO) Exception (MBE) (CPM)
,this is known as:
information and information and
484 Effective communication requires: a sender a receiver optiond
sender understanding
485 One of the sign of effective non-verbal communication is: acceptance written presentation oral presentation body language optiond
The best analogy of communication in an organization with respect to
486 . circulatory system nervous system respiratory system digestive system optionb
human body is:
Positive motivation makes people willing to do their work in the best
487 Skills Performance Both (A) and (B) None of the above optionc
way they can and improve their ________.

The process by which actual performance of subordinates is guided

488 Directing Controlling Staffing Division of work optiona
towards common goals of the enterprise is called as ____________
____________ principle of management concerns with the distribution
489 Equity Division of work Centralisation Discipline optionc
of authorities among the various levels of management

____________ is the process of dispersion of decision making authority

490 Centralisation Decentralisation Responsibility Duplication optionb
throughout the organisation
Needs to be
Can be written Important documents can be
491 Following are disadvantages of written communications except Expensive understood by optionc
casually leacked
___________________ is the process of dividing large organisation
492 Division of work Defragmentation Departmentation Divisions formation optionc
into small and flexible administrative units
Division of
493 Loss of craftsmanship is disadvantage of __________ Division of labour Division of authority Division of power optiona
With ______________, the top management can focus on strategic
494 Processes Centralisation Decentralisation None of the given options optionb
issues for finding new avenues and opportunities
495 Fill up the blank in the given figure of Maslow's heirarchy of needs Employee needs Esteem needs Technical needs Flexible needs optionb
Authority, Planning,
496 Fill in the blanks with the functions of management in the given figure Training, Placement Equity, Stability optionc
Responsibility Controlling
497 According to management skill, fill up the blank in given figure Planning skills Interpersonal skills Knowledge skills None of the given options optionb
According to principles of management the figure relates to
498 Division of work Unity of direction Unity of command Initiatives optionc
____________ principle
499 Functional areas of management are given in figure. Fill up the blank Production Authority Department Planning optiona
500 For issuing of work tools---------- form is used equipment machine job card issue of tools optiond
free flow of ideas complaints and
501 Effective communication at directing level can be in the form of suggessions All of the above optiond
and informaton graviences
Duration of
502 Machine planning form contains machine No. description of wirk All of the above optiond
machine use
harmony of
503 which of the following is not principle of directing unity of command organizing follow up optionc

………………..are made under different conditions to determine the

504 behaviour of the system containing the problem based on which Evaluations Observations Hypothesis Results optionb
decisions could be taken for doing appropriate control action

Abraham Maslow, a well-known Psychologist in a classic paper

published in 1943, outlined the elements of an overall theory of
motivation. His theory was based on human needs. He felt that within
every human being, there exists a hierarchy of five needs. Figure shows Basic Physiological Affiliation/Belonging Safety/Security
505 Esteem Needs optiona
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation. Answer the questions Needs Needs Needs
related to Motivation Theory respective to the diagram. Hunger, thirst,
shelter, sleep are some examples of most basic in the hierarchy and
corresponds t
Abraham Maslow, a well-known Psychologist in a classic paper
published in 1943, outlined the elements of an overall theory of
motivation. His theory was based on human needs. He felt that within
every human being, there exists a hierarchy of five needs. Figure shows Basic Physiological Affiliation/Belonging Safety/Security
506 Esteem Needs optionb
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation. Answer the questions Needs Needs Needs
related to Motivation Theory respective to the diagram. According to
Maslow, Affection, sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship
lies in which category:
Abraham Maslow, a well-known Psychologist in a classic paper
published in 1943, outlined the elements of an overall theory of
motivation. His theory was based on human needs. He felt that within
every human being, there exists a hierarchy of five needs. Figure shows Safety/Security Affiliation/Belongin
507 Esteem Needs Self Actualization Needs optiond
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation. Answer the questions Needs g Needs
related to Motivation Theory respective to the diagram. Growth, self-
fulfillment and achievement of goals, these types of needs are lies in
which category:
A good decision is dependent upon recognition of the right
508 problem idea interaction None of the above optiona
To improve the
To hide the
509 Following are the main purposes of communication except: To share ideas To motivate understanding of a certain optionc

"What a man can be, he must be. this is a need, which is paramount in a
very small percentage of people, those who have reached high on the
ladder of success in life and have nothing further to gain from the Esteem or Self Actualization Safety or Security Affiliation or Acceptance
510 optionb
material values of life. This generally results in a change in the life cycle Recognition Needs Needs Needs Needs
of the individuals." Through the above paragraph, Abraham Maslow
discuss the following type of Need a number of persons who communicate with one

another over a span of time, and which is small enough so that each
511 Group Organization Team None of the above optiona
person is able to communicate with all the others, not at second hand
through other people, but face to face. an element of managerial tasks and involves the

measurement and correction of the performance of subordinates to make
512 Directing Controlling Motivating Planning optionb
sure that the objective of the enterprise and the plans devised to attain
them, are accomplished efficiently and economically.

which correct which does not

which correct
deviations from correct the
513 The best kind of managerial controls are those........................... deviations from plans None of the above optiona
plans before they deviations from
after tehy occur
occur plans may occur
514 Some Common aspect(s) of standard(s) listed below: Quantity Quality Cost & Time All of the above optiond
"Managers should insist on checking personally before the work is
permitted to proceed. it is for the purpose of seeing how far the goal or Establishment of Taking Corrective Measurement of
515 None of the above optionc
objective is being realized, how far the standards are being followed." Standards action Performance
The above paragraph mentioned the following step in control process:

516 Effective control cannot tolerate Needless delays Excuses All of the above optiond
"A Manager is the principal medium of communication in any
enterprise. He should give orders and instructions to his subordinates
517 and supervise them to ensure that their performance is according to Coordinating Controlling Organizing Directing optiond
plan." The above mentioned statement elaborates which type of
Management function?

In respect of Agreements which are directed at achieving obedience,

518 application, energy and outward marks of respect, clearness in rules, Authority Remuneration Stability Discipline optiond
good supervision will an enterprise.

Which part of the management process includes measuring results,

519 comparing results to expectations, and taking corrective action to bring Planning Organizing Leading Controlling optiond
results in to line?
Making assignments, issuing orders and instructions, providing guidance
520 and inspiration to subordinates for the achievement of organizational Planning Organizing Directing Controlling optionc
objective is called __________.
521 Motivation based on force of fear is called __________. negative motivation extrinsic motivation positive motivation intrinsic motivation optiona

Wages, salaries, bonus, vacation pay, insurance are examples of non-financial

522 financial motivation extrinsic motivation intrinsic motivation optiona
_________. motivation
523 According to Maslow, self-actualization needs is a _________. psychological needs high level needs lower level needs medium level needs optionb

According to terry, "Decision making is the selection based on some

524 One Two More than two Two or more than two optiond
criteria from ____possible alternatives"
525 which of the following is not the type of plan ? single plan standing plan budget none of the above optiond
526 The purchase of land and building is an example of.............................. group decision minor decision major decision spot decision optionc
Exchange of ideas, opinions, information etc. between two or more
527 organizing Communication Planning Staffing optionb
persons is________.
528 Communication is a _________. two-way process four-way process one-way process three-way process optiona
529 The person who sends a message is known as________. Messenger Communicator Sender Receiver optionc
Direction is a managerial function performed by ________ at largest lower level top level
530 subordinates middle level management optionc
scale management management
When an individual or a group agrees to work under the direction of an
531 specific delegation informal delegation general delegation formal delegation optionb
informal leader is called ________.
532 "No smoking" - This factor is an example of.................... project schedule rules & discipline programme optionc
The number of subordinates that report directly to a single supervisor is
533 span of business span of organizing span of supervision span of activity optionc
Directing function of management implies 1. Planning 2. Staffing 3.
534 Leadership 4. Motivation Choose the correct answer using the codes 1 and 2 3 and 4 2 and 4 2,3 and 4 optionb
given below:
To improve
To check plant To evaluate employee
535 Which is not an objective of fire drill ____________. employee All of the above optiond
capacity performance
Which is a cause of accidents due to unsafe working conditions? Poor workplace
536 Bad house keeping both a and b None of the above optionc
___________. layout
537 Which one is not a type of accident . Mining accident Fatal accident None of the above optiond
538 After a fire drill ___________. Reset fire alarm Don't resent fire alarm Switch off fire alarm All of the above optiona
Training for safe
539 which is not a preventive measure under safety __________. Work permit Safety devices Plant safety inspection optiona
540 Providing a fire extinguisher equipment is a part of ________. Safety programme Safety device Safety provision None of above optionc
Safe working Proper selection of Training for safe
541 Preventive measures refers to: ___________. All of the above optiond
methods workers working
Create in house Communicate Define related
542 Which one is not a step in fire drill------------ Conduct fire drill regularly optionc
safety committee evacuation routes policies
loss of earning Hospitalization
543 Which one is not an effect of accident on family? Feeling of insecurity Loss of production optiond
member related time
Bad message to
544 Which one is not an effect of accident on worker? Loss of skills Leave for recovery Injury to body parts optionc
other worker
Which is not a cause of accident due to unsafe working condition Lack of safety Oily surface, slippery
545 Suffocation at work Poor electrification optiona
______________. awareness floor
Worker are not
Worker can go to workers should
546 Issue of work permit means _________. permitted to work at None of above optiona
the site for work leave the work site
To provide comfort To control hazards in To improve
547 Safety management is a branch of management ________________. All of the above optionb
industry industry efficiency industry
548 Work that can create fire, needs a ______________. Cold work permit Hot work permit Emergency permit All of the above optionb
Ppocess and body
549 Selection of PPE depends on _____________. employee demand environment All of the above optiona
550 To avoid accidents, the worker must be ___________. Disciplined Mentally stable Alert All of the above optiond
unstable mental lack of knowledge
551 Which is a cause of accident? Adequate lighting All of the above optiona
condition of laws

Compensation paid Money paid for

552 Which is indirect cost of accident ____________. Cost of time lost All of above optionb
to worker treatment of worker

Run randomly out Wait for supervisor's Don't leave the place Safely reach to
553 In case of occurrence of fire _____________. optiond
of building instructions of fire predetermined safe area
Reducing chances
554 Safety devices are used in industry for ___________. Providing comfort Avoiding accidents All of the above optionc
of damage
wear gloves and wear gloves and wear helmet and
555 While working with grinder ___________. All of the above optiona
safety goggles helmet goggles
Banners with safety Flex board with Cards with hazard Cards with operational
556 Safety cards are ____________. optionc
information slogan symbol symbol
Around work station having moving and rotary parts, the protective
557 Tightly fit Loose fit White in colour None of the above optiona
cloths used shall be ____________.
558 Burn hazard may certainly be due to presence of ___________. Electrical shock Fire Explosion of boiler All of above optionb

according to habit of As per type of work

559 Safety equipements shall be decided _________. Randomly None of above optionc
worker and body exposure

Proper selection of Identifying accident development of

560 Which is not a safety preventive measure __________. Safety programmes optionc
worker prone areas work station
Only serious Which causes damage of
561 Which accidents shall be reported to management ?_________. Major accidents All accidents optionc
accidents machines

Personal protective Pressure pipeline

562 Long form of PPE ____________. Power pipeline ends All of the above optiona
equipements ends

Managing Increasing
563 Safety management is needed for ___________. Improving efficiency None of the above optiona
workplace safely production
Which type of work permit is required while working in pipes, tanks and
564 Hot work Confined space Excavation None of above optionb
Carrier between Barrier between
565 Personal protective equipment is a _____________. Promoting hazards All of the above optionb
hazard and person hazard and person
Arrange safety Inspection of fire Reporting of
566 Duty of safety officer: ____________. All of the above optiond
training extinguisher accidents
567 Which is not a type of work permit ____________. Hot work Excavation Radiography Videography optiond
Small and enclosed
568 Confined space is a ____________. Open space Auditorium All of the above optiona
Calculate number Identify unsafe
Decide what to do
569 Safety audit means to _____________. of accidents conditions and All of the above optionc
after accident
occurred in year unsafe act
Safety of To minimize
570 Safety policies are framed because of _______________. Legal obligations All of the above optiond
employees accidents
To work with nuclear reactor, type of work permit required is
571 Hot work permit Excavation permit Radiography permit All of the above optionc
Maintenance in hazardous area should not be started without----------------
572 having food enough tools work permit None of the above optiona
Rules to be
573 Dos and don'ts at the work station are ____________. Safety symbols Work permits None of the above optiond
Ensuring fire alarm system back to normal operating condition shall be
574 Before fire drill During fire drill After fire drill All of the above optionc
done _______________.
Flammable solid Flammable liquid Flammable gas
575 Paper and clothes are: _____________. All of the above optiona
materials materials materials

Avoide fire in Practice how to Carry repairs in fire

576 Objective of fire drill is to ___________. All of above optionb
industry behave in emergency equipements
577 Accident affects ___________. Worker Management Industry All of the above optiond
Chemical leakage, poor electrification, weak machine foundations are Unsafe working
578 worker Nature All of the above optionc
the causes of accidents due to ____________. condition
Stress in work, un-
579 Causes of accident due to worker are _______________. poor house keeping poor illumination All of above optiona
necessary daring
On construction In chemical plant, In mines, chemical
580 Land sliding is a type of accident _____________. All of the above optiona
site, mines production industry industry
Mobile, helmet, Helmet, safety shoes, Goggle, mobile,
581 Tools required for safety are: ___________. None of above optionb
safety shoes goggle safety shoes
Designing policies
Designing policies Designing policies to
582 Safety management is a department for ___________. to increase All of the above optionb
about sale avoide accidents
583 Fire hazards are ___________. Human hazards Natural hazards Workplace hazards None of the above optionc
584 Fire drill shall be done ___________. Once in a week Once in a week Once in a quarter Once in an year optionc
585 Accident due to unsafe workplace is ____________. Due to management Natural Due to worker All of the above optiona
Property, material, Human, work station, Atmosphere,
586 Industrial accident causes damage to ___________. All of above optiona
human nature property, trees
587 Injury without showing external signs: _________. Internal injury External injury temporary injury Permanent injury optiona

practice evacuating
588 Fire drill is carried out to __________. Firing the furnace Ceasing the fire buildings in case of All of above optionc
589 Natural causes of accidents are: ___________. Earthquake Floods Cyclone All of the above optiond
Collapsing of soil
590 Mining accidents are because of ___________. suffocation poisonous gases All of the above optiond
Death of an Temporary
591 Fatal accident results in ______________. Minor casualty All of above optiona
employee disability
592 Safety management concentrates on __________. Expecting accidents Avoiding accidents promoting accidents None of above optionb
As per safety procedures, compressed gas cylinders may be moved
593 By rolling By dragging By throwing All of the above optiona
594 Using a tool without proper sharpening is ___________. More easy More dangerous More accurate All of above optionb
Operational safety Occupational safety Occupational safety
Occupational safety and
595 Long form of OSHA ____________. and health and health and health optiond
health act
administration administration awareness
Under occupational health the employer is responsible for providing a
596 Safe workplace Land Insurance purified water optiona
597 Unsafe physical condition refers to ------------- Improper guardr Improper ventilation All of the above optiond
Area hazards and
Emergency Safety procedure and
598 Safety training includes _____________. safety All of above optiond
information PPE
Safety labels and Colour coded
599 Workplace safety requirements are ________. Alarm All of above optiond
signs systems
600 Safety standards focus on _________________. Chemical hazards Toxic substances All of the above optiond
601 Objective of safety management is to ______. Prevent accident Improve production Ensure quality Non of the above optiona
Death of an Injury without
602 Fetal accidents result in: ___________. Less harmful in nature Permanent disability optiona
employee external signs
Ensure fire alarm to
Record the
603 After the fire drill, supervisor has to________. Reset the fire alarm back in operating All of the above optiond
evacuation time
Proper selection of
604 General safety norms include____________. Head protection Minimum wages Skill development optiona
Promoting safety awareness does not consist of the following Safety training Organizing seminars Fencing of rotary and
605 Display of banners optiond
_________. programmes on safety moving parts
Unsafe working
606 lack of concentration is the cause of accident due to ______. Management Natural couse Worker optiond
Poor workplace
607 Unsafe working conditions :_______. poor illumination bad house keeping all of the above optiond
Production Faith of workers get Loss of earning
608 Effect of accident on Industry is _________. Loss of skill optiona
stoppage disturbed member
609 SOP for an activity is prepared by ----------------- Plant manager Factory inspector Supplier of machine optiona
610 Example of Chemical Hazards___________. Acid Caustic substances Paint all of the above optiond
611 Proper storage of flammable liquids prevents_____. Thermal hazards Chemical hazards Fire hazards Electrical hazards optionc
Closure of the Assembly at the
Safe evacuation of
612 During a fire drill, supervisor has to monitor__________. doors after exiting designated muster All of the above optiond
all individuals
rooms point
613 Safety management ensures --------- compliances from all location. decentralized centralized local distributed optionb
Not using safety Adopting unsafe
614 Which one of the following can be considered as unsafe act?. Unsafe speeds All of the above optiond
devices procedures.
Which one of the following is not included in the causes of accident due Lack of Mischievous
615 Poor housekeeping Overconfidence optionb
to worker? concentration behavior
Bad habits of Bad construction of
616 Following is not included in the cause of accident due to management? Untrained workers Faulty equipment optiona
worker plant
617 Who may be responsible for accident? Worker Management Working conditions All of the above optiond
618 Who is responsible for unguarded moving parts? Workers Management Government None optionb
Which one of the following is not included in the causes of accidents Irregular floor
619 Chemical leakages Suffocation at work Quarrels among the workers optiond
due to unsafe working conditions? heights
Which one of the following is not included in the causes of accidents
620 Floods Gas leakage Heavy rains Temperature strokes optionb
due to nature?
621 Who gets affected directly or indirectly due to accidents? Employee Industry Family of worker All of the above optiond
Which one of the following preventive measures an industry should t Safety training of
622 Safety provision Safety devices All of the above optiond
adopt to avoid accidents? workers
An accident that disables the affected worker forever is a :------------------
623 permanent accident Internal accident Fatal accident None of the above optiona
624 What occurs in fatal accident? Hospitalization Fractures Disablement Death optiond
If affected worker is not recovered within 48 hours, then which type of
625 Minor Major Reportable Fatal optionc
accident is it ?
626 Which one of the following is not the effect of accident on worker. Injury to body Production stoppage Loss of job Financial loss optionb
Which one of the following is not a part of the immediate cause of Physical condition
627 Unsafe act Unsafe condition Fire optionc
accident: of the person
Floods, earthquakes, and tsunami are causes of accidents due to
628 workers management working place natural disasters optiond
629 Which factor does not cause accidents due to dangerous machines? Boiler Unsafe clothing Prime movers Transmission System optionb
An example of wrong layout or design of working place...
630 Congestion short circuit Oily or greasy floors All of the above optiona
Safe material Personal protection Safe activities in the
631 House-keeping refers to -------------- Neatness and cleanliness optiond
handling devices organization
Damage to the
632 Safety management deals with :__________. Loss of life Personal injury Prevention of an accident optiond
633 Get the odd one out: __________. Hand gloves Helmet Goggle Pullover optiond
Improper material
634 Which one of the following is contributory cause of an accident? Poor housekeeping Protruding object Tendency of show off optiond
In a minor accident, the affected worker is recovered within
635 48 hrs 06 months 01 week 01 year optiona
636 Management is responsible for ___________. Overtime work Fear of accident Lack of confidence Unguarded moving parts optiond

The cause of accident due to unsafe working conditions: Irregular floor

637 Chemical leakages Suffocation at work All of the above optiond
_____________. heights
638 Which one of the following is the cause of accident due to worker. Floods Untrained workers Poor house keeping Poor electrification optionb
Who gets affected directly or indirectly due to an accident?
639 Worker Industry Family of worker All of the above optiond
Lack of Mischievous
640 Which one of the following is the cause of accident due to management Poor house keeping Over confidence optionb
concentration behavior
Accident in the Injury without
both A & B are
641 Internal accident means an ____________. premises of the showing external None of the above optionb
company signs
Overloading power Faulty electrical
642 Example of Fire Hazards are: ___________. Smoking All of the above optiond
sockets equipements
643 Faulty electrical equipements may cause ___________. Fire hazard Industrial accidents Loss of property All of the above optiond
644 Fire drill is ___________. Drilling in fire Fire near drill a kind of training None of the above optionc
Before doing fire drill operation,communication should be established
645 Fire marshal Fire commander Fire superintendent Fire inspector optiona
with ____________.
646 The fire triangle does not include-------------- Oxygen Fuel Temperature Heat optionc
647 To give practice of evacuation in emergency -------------- is done. Fire grill Fire drill Fire fight Fire awareness optionb

Documented format that authorizes specified people to work under

648 Work License Work permit Work authority Work Order optionb
conditions is a
A document that sets out the logical sequence of steps to perform an Safe operating Safe operating Sound operating
649 Simple operating practice optionb
activity is known as ----------------- practice procedure practice
Work permit sets out the ------- required to be taken to do work safely Process, higher Precaution, risk
650 Risk, permission Function, labor law optiond
under--------- authority management
651 Work permit is given at ____ High risk areas Routine activities Low risk areas All of the above optiona
Electrical trouble
652 Work permit is essentially obtained at __________. High voltage work Pressure testing All of the above optiond
653 Work permit is not required in case of ____________. Emergency Work at height Operational pipe lines optionb
654 A person authorized to keepworkplace safe is: Issuer Field operator Responsible person Executer optionc

Standardization of
655 Safety management does not ensure Safe work place Time management Investigation of accident optionb
656 Get the odd one out: Stress in work Lack of confidence Bad habits Unguarded moving parts optiond
657 Work permit does not involve following person ------- Issuer Executor software designer Field operator optionc
safe working
658 Safety procedure includes: ____________. Safety training Industrial safety All of the above optiond
Loss of time in
Loss due to damage Loss due to reduction in
659 Find the odd one out: assisting injured Compensation paid optionc
caused to machines efficiency
Compensation paid to Cost of lost time of
660 The following is an indirect cost of accident ___________. Medical expenses All of the above optionc
worker injured worker
661 The following is/are physical hazard agents ______________. falls electricity inhalation All of the above optiond

Work area,material, Material, machines, Work area,men, Work area,material, men,

662 Check list for job safety analysis consist of ____________. optionb
machines, tools tools,men machines, tools tools

Which one of the following is not an accident based on the place of Construction Industrial plant
663 Laboratory accident Chemical plant accident optionb
accident? __________. accident accident
For household wiring and small units, the following should be used for
664 MCB ACB OCB MCCB optiona
safety measure ________.
Which one of the following is generally provided with limit switch to
665 Hoist Conveyors Machine table All of the above optiond
prevent motion beyond preset limit.
666 The following are used as safety devices in machines ____________. emergency stop safety inter locks limit switches All of the above optiond
667 Class-A fire consists of fire due to _________. Wood Oil Transformer Chemical optiona
668 Water is used to extinguish _____. Class-A fire Class-B fire Class-C fire All of the above optiona
669 The following class of fire occurs in electrical equipment ___________. Class-A fire Class-B fire Class-C fire All of the above optionc
670 The following extinguisher is suitable for fire due to cotton Water Soda acid Foam Dry chemical optionc
671 ________is best suited for extinguishing oil or flammable liquid fire. Soda acid Vaporizing liquid Foam Dry chemical optionc

Punish hardly to Person will improve

To threaten the person
worker so that he his performance in
672 Purpose of Negative motivation during disciplinary action is to _____ so that he wont ask All of the above optionc
wont do such future with fear of
for salary incriment
mistake again disciplinary action

673 which of the following is not form of non-verbal communication posture nodding instant messages body language optionc
674 Complex nature of work demands a _______________ span of control Wide Small Flat Fast optionb

______________ span of control can be employed if the organisation

675 Smaller Wider Open Closed optionb
and its control system are efficient and communication is good

_____________ refers to the capacity to withstand the losses of key

676 personnel without serious loss to the effectiveness of the organisation in Availability Productivity Stability Flexibility optionc
performing its work
The communication process is said to be completed only when receiver
677 Seen Understood Received Read optionb
has ___________ the message
____________ is a distinct process comprising of functions such as
678 Management Organization Administration Departmentation optiona
planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling
production,marketing marketing, finance production, finance and
679 In an organization, the functional areas of management are: marketing and optiona
and communication and communication communication
680 In a business,which sector deals with all employee matters? sales customer services human resources communication optionc
production, marketing Personnel
681 Which of the following is not from the functional areas of management? Information management optiond
management management management
Top level Middle level Intermediate level
682 Which of the following is not among the levels of management? Lower level management optionc
management management management

Who defined management as " Management is the art of getting things

683 Harold Koontz F.W.Taylor Elton Mayo Abraham Maslow. optiona
done through and with people in formally organized groups?"

developing planning
684 The first step in the process of planning is to: Identify alternatives Selecting alternatives Setting objectives optionc
685 The purpose and aim for which the organization is set up is called: objective policy strategy procedure optiona
686 Identify which of the following is not a principle of management. Equity Span of control Stability Scalar chain optionb
The type of plan prepared to meet the challenges of competitors is called
687 rules strategy policy procedure optionb
Frederick Winslow Louis Alexander
688 Who introduced the functional type of organization? Chester Bernard max Weber optionb
Taylor Allen
The line of
Suitable for large There is lack of
689 Which of the following statements is true in case of line organization? authority is not There is lot of confusion optionc
organizations only specialization
The process of sharing of authority by superior to subordinate is called --
690 Delegation Centralization Responsibility Equity optiona
691 Identify which from the following is not an element of "Directing"? Organizing Supervision Leadership Motivation optiona

The type of organizational structure suitable for textile industry is--------- functional Line and staff
692 Line organization Project organization optiona
-----. organization organization
Top level Middle level
693 The function of "Controlling" is performed by: All managers none of the above optionc
management management
694 Telling people what to do is: Planning Supervising Motivating Directing optiond
The means by which long term objectives will be achieved are called -----
695 Mission statements Vision statementa strategies Long term goals optionc
696 Which of the following is not a part of "controlling" process? performance Writing reports Taking corrective actions optionc
Ram is working as a supervisor on the shop floor of a certain production
697 company.Which of the following managerial skills should he Conceptual skills Design skills Technical skills Empirical skills optionc
compulsorily possess?

Human skills remain

Technical skills and Technical-skill needs
necessary and
human skills remain remain necessary and Both technical- skill and
technical - skill
equally important need for human skills human- skill needs decrease
698 Which of the following is true regarding technical and human skills? needs decrease as optionc
as managers move decrease as managers as managers move from
managers move
from lower levels to move from lower lower levels to higher levels
from lower levels to
higher levels. levels to higher levels.
higher levels

a intended
a group of
a physical location arrangement of
699 An organization is: peopleworking for the none of the above optionc
where people work. people to achieve
same company
specific purpose.
700 Which of the following is not a recognized key skill of management? Conceptual skills Technical skills Human skills Writing skills optiond

Top level Middle level Lower level Supervisory level

701 Mr. Ramesh works as a branch manager for X firm.He is from: optionb
management management management management
To which of the following management functions, "motivation" is
702 Planning Controlling Organizing Directing optiond

for lower
703 Strategic plans are: single use plans Long range plans standing plans optionb
management levels

Who suggested that standard methodology for doing a work should be

704 Elton Mayo Max Weber Henry Fayol F.W.Taylor optiond
adapted and workers should be motivated with pay according to output?
705 Identify the odd one from the following: Board of directors Managing directors Inspectors General managers optionc
Identify the function of management which involves filling and keeping
706 Organizing Controlling Staffing Planning optionc
filled positions in organizational structure.
A manufacturing company has grouped its main functions into
Departmentalizatio Departmentalization Departmentalization Departmentalization by
707 marketing, engineering, production and finance.What kind of optiona
n by function by territory by product process
organizational structure is adapted by this company?
The management principle of Henry Fayol that aims at avoiding the
708 Scalar chain Unity of command Equity Esprit de corps optionb
possibility of conflicting orders is -----------------
Creation of demand,customer satisfaction and generation of profits are Production Marketing Human resource
709 Finance management optionc
objectives of: management management management
710 The focus of Human resource management revolves around Machine Men Motivation Money optionb
types of training
the size of the
711 The method of recruitment and selection will depend upon: state of economy programs of the objectives of the company optionb
To coordinate
To organize line of To formalize
712 which of the following is not a purpose of as organizational structure? people and To limit worker's rights optiond
communication authority
Line and staff
713 Identify the type of organization shown in figure. Line organization Staff organization All of the above optiona

In which type of organizational structure, each specialist is supposed to functional Line and staff
714 Line organization All of the above optionb
give his functional advice to all foremen and workers? organization organization

Which type of organization structure is preferred in automobile functional Line and staff
715 Line organization project organization optionc
industry? organization organization
The process of dividing work and then grouping them into units and sub
716 Departmentation Organization Committee All of the above optiona
units for the purpose of administration is called:

Duration from Sun Period of 24 hours

717 A day according to factory Act is ..................... Duration of a Shift None of A,B & C optionc
rise to Sun set starting at mid night

Which of the following Provisions of Factory Act provides for First Aid
718 Welfare Health Safety All of A, B & C optiona
facility at work place ?
According to provisions of Factory Act, provision of Canteen becomes
719 necessary in the factory when the number of ordinarily employed 100 150 200 250 optiond
workers is more than ...................

According to Factory Act, the working women in factory can avail the
720 Three Five Six None of A,B & C optionc
facility of Creches for their children with age below ................. years.

which of the Factory provision provides for the constitution of "Site Provision relating to
721 Welfare Health None of A,B & C optionb
Appraisal Committee" ? Hazardous Processes

Which of the following provision of Factory Act provides for "Artificial

722 Welfare Health Safety All of A, B & C optionb
The ceiling of number of working hours per week for adult worker
723 Thirty Six Twenty Four Fifty Six Forty Eight optiond
according to Factory Act is ........... hours.
According to provision of working hours of Factory Act, the interval for
724 rest after continuous work of not more than five hours is ............... Thirty One hour Fifteen minutes Twenty minutes optiona
The age of young person according to Factory Act lies between
725 Ten to Fourteen Fourteen to Eighteen Eighteen to Twenty Twenty to Twenty five optionb

According to Factory Act, the young person working in factory has to Token with reference
726 Birth Certificate Certificate of fitness Both B & C optiond
carry ........................ during working. of fitness certificate

A Factory ordinarily employs 165 employees out of which twelve are A canteen for
Rest room / Lunch
727 women. Select the correct welfare provisions according to factory act employees is Creche is needed All of A, B & C optionb
room is needed.
from the following options. needed.
Select the correct form of Light at work place as per health provision of Light without eye Lighting free from
728 Fluoroscent light Both B & C optiond
factory act from the following options. straining shadows glare
In a factory lubrication of prime mover part is needed. Who among the Employee who is a
729 Women employee None of A & B Both A & B optiond
following are not permitted for this work? young person

An underground work place employs a cage lowered and lifted by hoist..

730 Which of the following is the correct frequency for thorough Three Months Twelve months Six months Three times a year optionb
examination of the hoist mechanism by Chief factory inspector?

_____________ skill is the ability to inspire people to do what the

731 Organisational Motivating Decision making Technical optionb
manager wants to do
In the management activity levels, ______ level includes
732 Top Lower Middle Upper optionc
superintendents, branch managers, general foreman

To cooperate to run Shouldering

From the following given functions, _________ function comes under Assigning duties to Direct supervision of
733 the organisation financial optionc
top level management their subordinates workers and their work
smoothly responsibilities

______________ management includes economic forecasting, costing,

734 Purchase Financial Personnel Production optionb

Conceptual skills is critical in _________ executive positions, whereas

735 Middle, Top Lower, Middle Top, Lower Lower, Top optionc
technical skills is essential for __________ level management

736 Management may be called an ____________ as well as _________ Art, Science Idea, Science Objective, Society Union, Society optiona

Developing and
Establishment of Establishing the improving work Setting basic goals and
737 _____________ function comes under lower level mangement optionc
organization policies methods and objectives
It encourages Less wastage of
It is limited to very Product cost will increase
738 ____________ is the advantage of line and staff organization dictatorial way of material, man and optionc
small concerns because of high salaries
working machine hours

In the line and staff organization, the line executives are marked Horizontally, Vertically, Diagonally,
739 Horizontally, Diagonally optionb
___________ where as staff executives are placed _________ Vertically Horizontally Vertically

In _____________ organization, the authority flows from the works

740 Line Line and staff Functional Project optiona
manager to superintendent to foreman and then to worker
In the organization, ________________ empowers the superior to make
741 Policies Authority Employment Finance optionb
a subordinate to do the work
functional Line and staff
742 Identify the type of organization shown in figure Line organization Project organization optionc
organization organization
functional Line and staff
743 Identify the type of organization shown in figure Line organization Project organization optionb
organization organization
Which of the following functional areas of management is also called Finance production marketing human resource
744 optionb
operations management? management management management management
745 Which of the following is not an objective of production management? right quality right quantity capital budgeting right manufacturing cost optionc
The relationship between the positions in a company and its employees
746 Decision tree Organization structure Procedure manual mission statement optionb
can be determined from ------------
Specialists give Each worker receives
Which of the following statements is not correct with respect to Quality of work is Discipline is of the
747 expert advice to instructions from different optionc
functional organization ? improved. highest order.
workers. supervisors.
748 Human resource management does not involve: Recruitment cost control selection training optionb
A supervisor is teaching an employee to use an equipment safely. Which
749 Technical skills Conceptual skills Strategic skills Design skills optiona
of the following skills is very important to the supervisor?
Which level of management makes decisions about activities like
Top level Middle level Supervisory level
750 acquiring other companies,investing in research and development and All of the above optiona
management management management
building new plants?
A manager is assigning tasks to his employees and granting them the
751 authority to get the tasks completed.Which managerial function is he leading controlling staffing organizing optiond
Operational Contingency
752 Organizational development is an example of which type of planning? Strategic planning Single use planning optionb
planning planning
753 Select the odd one from the following; Winch Pulley Block Crane Rope sling optiond

Operations involve Number of workers

Under which of the following cases, appointment of safety officer Operations involve
754 hazard of poisoning ordinarily employed All of the above optiond
becomes compulsory according to safety provisions of factory Act; risk of bodily injury
or disease exceeds thousand

Select the correct Chapter of Factory act applicable to launch

755 Chapter II Chapter III Chapter VI Chapter X optiond
prosecutions against factory-owners; from the following.

According to Factory Act, a worker is entitled for over time under which Working more than Working more than
756 None of A & B Both of A & B optiond
of the following cases? nine hours a day 48 hours a week

Select the correct time slot in which women employee can be employed Any of the three Any shift between
757 None of A & B Both of A & B optionb
under normal conditions according to provisions of Factory Act. shifts 6.00 a m to 7.00 p m
Select the correct chapter of Factory act from the following for
758 Chapter Nine Chapter Seven Chapter Ten Chapter Four - A optionc
penalizing a factory.
To promote good
Finalize the work
The duty of works committee in Industrial disputes Act is to relations between
759 procedures in the Both of A & B None of A & B optionb
................................ Employer and
Mediating in and
Inspection of
The conciliation officers appointed as per the provisions of Industrial Holding court inside promoting
760 Accident site in None of A,B & C optionc
disputes act have the duty of ..................................... Factory settlement of

Independent Independent member Members

The members on board of conciliation set up under the provisions of
761 member appointed appointed by recommended by None of A,B & C optionc
Industrial disputes Act are..................
by Labour court Industrial tribunal parties in dispute

Labour court constituted as per the provision of Industrial Disputes Act

762 Presiding Officer Judge Chairman None of A,B & C optiona
is headed by .............................

Labour court constituted under the provision of industrial dispute Act

763 Fifth Schedule Fourth Schedule Third Schedule Second Schedule optiond
adjudicates industrial disputes listed under .............................

The industrial Tribunal constituted as per the provision of Industrial

The third schedule The second schedule Either second or
764 Disputes Act has Jurisdiction over the disputes falling under None of A,B & C optionc
only only third schedule
The condition for disqualification of the presiding officer of Labour
Age above sixty Not an independent
765 court / Industrial Tribunal / National Tribunal despite fulfilling judicial None of A & B Both of A & B optiond
five years person
eligibility criteria is ..................................

According to Industrial disputes Act, grievance redressal Committee

766 Hundred Ten Fifty Twenty optionc
becomes compulsory when the number of workmen exceeds ..................

According to Industrial disputes Act, an award in regard to an industrial

Three hundred sixty
767 dispute has to be enforced within a maximum time limit of Thirty One hundred Eighty Sixty optiona

The appropriate section of Industrial disputes act applicable to matters

768 Section 22 and 23 section 7 section 25 None of the above optiona
related to strikes and lockout is .......................................

Employer taking
active interest in
769 Identify the unfair labour practice from the following; Lock out of factory Lay off of worker None of A,B & C optionc
organising trade
union of workmen
An electrician after an accident at work place loses his capacity to
Total and Partial and
770 perform the duties of electrician for one month. Under which category, Total and Temporary Partial and Temporary optionb
Permanent Permanent
the disablement can be classified?
A minor according to Workmen Compensation Act is equivalent to
771 Adolescent Young person Both of A & B None of A & B optionc
which of the following identity of Factory Act?
No compensation
How much compensation is due in case of an accident in a factory other than medical
772 Two month wage Two day wage Only medical expenses optionb
resulting in total disablement of worker for two days? expenses and paid
Commissioner of
The authority to settle workmen compensation issues as per the
773 Presiding Officer Factory Inspector Work men's None of A,B & C optionc
provision of workmen compensation Act is ......................................

In case of any appeal against an order by commissioner of Workmen

774 Industrial tribunal Labour Court National Tribunal High Court optiond
compensation Act, the party has to approach ...............................

Complete deafness due to injury in an accident deprives the workmen of 100% earning 80% earning
775 50% earning capacity 75% earning capacity optiona
................................ capacity capacity
According to provision of workmen compensation Act, the multiplying Increases with years
Increases with age Decreases with age Decreases with years of
776 factor for working out the lump sum compensation of service of optionc
of workmen of workmen service of workmen
....................................... workmen
Occupational diseases are listed in schedule ................ of workmen
777 One Four Two Three optiond
compensation Act.
The schedule III of workmen compensation Act enlists Occupational
778 Temporary injuries None of A & B Both of A & B optionb
...................................... Diseases
House rent
779 Which of the following is not included in the wage of the employee ? contribution to Traveling allowance Both B & C optiond
pension fund
780 Minimum Wage comprises of how many components? Five Two Three Four optionc
781 How many classes of employment are there in Maharashtra? Three Two Four None of A,B & C optiona
Adherence to the provisions of minimum wages Act is verified by Labour
782 Factory Inspector Both of A & B None of A & B optionb
............................. Commissioner
The clerical category of employment is equivalent to which of the
783 Semiskilled Skilled Highly Skilled Unskilled optionb
following categories?

In case it is noticed during factory inspection that the drinking water

784 facility is located very close to wash rooms, then the factory has Safety Health Welfare Working Hours optionb
defaulted under which of the following provision of Factory Act?

There are 162 employees in a factory. The workers after working for
Canteen facility as Shelter / Rest room
four hours, break for lunch. They assemble at the open space in shop
785 workers eat at work facility as workers eat Both of A & B None of A & B optionb
floor and eat their lunch. In the above narrative, which of the welfare
place. at work place
provision of Factory Act is violated?

Lunch break is provided after four hours of work in a factory and the
workers are instructed to report back to work in twenty minutes for the
786 Welfare Health Woking Hours None of A,B & C optionc
post lunch session. In the above narrative, which provision of Factory
Act is violated?
An employer decides to withdraw the transport facility given to the
employees. He gives a one month notice to employees and offers to
Authorities under
787 compensate them with allowance to cover travel expenditure through Notice of Change None of A & B Both of A & B optionb
the Act
public transport. Which provisions of industrial disputes Act support
this Act of employer?
788 Manpower planning is the----------function strategic operational low level high level optiona
An employee retired from a factory has a dispute with the management
789 regarding his gratuity amount. Which authority he has to approach for Industrial tribunal Labour Court Both of A & B None of A & B optiona
steelement of the issue?

An employer is active in the trade union activities. The employer
transfers him to another location of the factory with an intention of Unfair Labour
790 DUTIES OF Strikes / Lock outs None of A,B & C optionc
distancing him from the trade union. Identify the provisions of Industrial Practices
dispute Act applicable.
and First Schedule

A worker while carrying out his work in a factory meets with an

accident resulting in the loss of his thumb in his right hand. According to Permanent Total Temporary total Permanent partial Temporary partial
791 optionc
the provisions of workmen compensation Act, the injury to the worker disablement disablement disablement disablement
can be classified as .....................................

A worker of a maintenance contractor engaged in servicing of exhaust

No as the work
fans in the shop floor meets with an accident and is totally disabled No, as he is from
Yes, as he is working performed is not
792 temporarily. According to provisions of Workmen compensation Act, is the contractor's Both of A & C optionc
in the place of work is regular work of
the employer of the factory is liable for compensation to the employee
maintenance worker?
When Employer
Employer fails to
fails to send
Under which of the following cases, an employer is liable for penalty as submit return of
793 statement on None of A & B Both of A & B optiond
per the provisions of Workmen compensation Act? injuries and
accident to
compensation paid.

A worker in a factory has eight hours of work in an ordinary day of

No, ashea has not Yes, as employer
work. However, on a particular day, the worker finished the work No, he left work place
794 worked for eight did not assign him None of A,B & C optionc
assigned to him in six hours and leaves the work place as no further early.
hours sufficient work
work was assigned. Is the worker eligible for full day wage?

Wage of skilled
A worker in a factory works as skilled employee for half day and semi Wage of semi Wage of skilled worker for half day
795 skilled employee for rest of the day as per the requirement of work skilled worker for worker for the whole and wage of semi Both of B & C optiond
place. Which of the following wage can be correct for the worker? the whole day day skilled worker for
remaining half day

This is a narrative about a factory having 300 workers out of which 70

are women. The workers have to bring their lunch as there is no canteen
Welfare in respect
facility. One woman has a son aged 12 years and she has requested for Welfare in respect of
796 Safety and Health of Canteen and None of A,B & C optionb
permission to accommodate him in Creche after his school hours. Her canteen
request is rejected. Identify the provisions of Factory Act that are
Welfare- Fire
Health -
Select the correct match of Provision and the corresponding condition protection, Safety-
797 Ventilation, Safety - None of A & B Both of A & B optiona
from the following; Exposure to toxic
Protection to eyes
The manufacturing process in a factory involves large number of risky Not necessary as Absloutely necessary Not necessary as
operations. The number of workers in the factory is six hundred forty the number of as the process individual process Can not decide as data is
798 optionb
six. Decide whether there is necessity for the appointment of a safety employees is less involves risky have safety insufficient.
Officers in the Factory. than Thousand procedures. measures
A factory undertakes manufacturing process classified under the Site appraisal
disclosure of
799 hazardous. Identify the condition under provisions of Factory Act is Committee None of A & B Both of A & B optiond
information by the
applicable to the factory? appointment
Calculate the available leave with wage as balance of a worker from the
following data. He has worked 240 days per year for four consecutive
800 48 Days 24 days 34 days 40 days optionc
years. He has availed 14 days of leave with wage during the four years
of his service.
Identify the correct statement applicable to the narrative below; "A
worker working in a factory having 45 workers has a grievance to be There is no
addressed. He approached the grievance redressal cell in the factory with provision like this, The process of The grievance
The employer has delayed
801 his complaint. The grievance redressal committee gave its decision in the employee has to grievance redressal is redressal cell has optiond
his decision.
three weeks. However, the employee was not satisfied by the decision approach Labour perfectly alright. delayed its decision
and approached the employer who disposed off the grievance after five court.

The workers of a Factory have a dispute referred to Conciliation board.

Non settlement of Strike by workers
The proceedings of the board are concluded and the settlement has not
dispute in within sevendays of
802 been arrived. Hence the workers proceed on strike from the next day of Both of A & B None of A & B optionb
conciliation conclusion of
conclusion of conciliation procedure. In the above narrative, identify the
process. conciliation process.
violation of provision of industrial dispute Act.

A factory employing about 50 workers continuously for more than one

year is facing slow down. In view of the situation, the factory lays off Full salary for the Half of total wage No wage is payable
The lay of period will be
803 the workers for a period of 15 days after which the factory is expecting entire fifteen days they were paid before as they are going to optionb
treated as leave without pay
fresh orders after 15 days. In this situation, the workers of the factory of lay off lay off be joined shortly
are liable to .........................

A worker in a factory having continuous service of more than one year

Yes, half of his
is laid off by the management as he was slowing down production as per No, as he is part of The worker isnot to
804 total wage before None of A,B & C optionb
directives of trade union instructions. Is the worker liable for lay off strike. be laid off at all
lay off
Notice for
Retrenchment notice
retrenchment in
Worker is paid period has expired
Select the appropriate condition for retrenchment of worker with more prescribed manner
805 reternchment and the worker is All of the above optiond
than one year continuous service. is served as per
compensation. paid for the notice

Wrongful dismissal Not paying management
806 Which of the following acts can be classified as unfair labour practice? All of A, B & C optionc
of worker Allowances due sponsored trade
In case of death of a worker in a factory, who among the following are Widowed Mother
807 Widow of worker Both of A & B married daughter of worker optionc
eligible as dependent to receive the compensation? of worker
Forty percent of Fifty percent of
In case of death of a worker in a factory, the amount of compensation to Monthly wage of
monthly wage of monthly wage of
808 the dependent of worker is calculated by which of the following worker multiplied None of A,B & C optiona
worker multiplied worker multiplied by
method? by relevant factor
by relevant factor relevant factor

The relevant factor The relevant factor The relevant factor

Select the correct fact from the following in relation to the relevant
increases with the decreases with the age remains same with Decreases with the monthly
809 factor used for calculating amount of compensation using the monthly optionb
age of dead / of dead / injured the age of dead / wage of the worker
injured worker worker injured worker

Forty percent of complete monthly Fifty percent of

In order to calculate the compensation amount of a worker injured
monthly wage of wage of worker monthly wage of
810 permanently with total disablement, select the correct methodology from None of A,B & C optionc
worker multiplied multiplied by relevant worker multiplied
the following.
by relevant factor factor by relevant factor

The award by commissioner appointed as per the provision of Workmen

compensation Act has divided the compensation among the number of
811 Industrial tribunal Labour court High court Any of A, B & C optionc
dependents. Some of the dependents are not satisfied with the division.
Suggest the authority for appeal against the compensation award.

Pay compensation
Pay compensation Pay no
equal to forty
Which of the following is correct to decide the compensation claim by equal to fifty percent compensation as the
percent of monthly
812 the family of dead worker. The worker died on account of fall from high of monthly wage of worker has None of the above optionc
wage of worker
platform as he had not fastened safety belt. worker multiplied by disregarded safety
multiplied by
relevant factor. tool provided to him
relevant factor.

Separate out the injury which does not come under permanent total Loss of a hand and Amputation through
813 Loss of both hands Both of B & C optionc
disablement from the following. foot Shoulder joint

Suggest the factor which controls the compensation amount for a worker Percentage loss of
814 Loss of limbs Loss of fingers None of the above optionb
in case of permanent disablement which is not total. earning capacity
Loss of thumb -
Loss of one eye- loss Loss of all toes in
Loss of four fingers Loss of four fingers in one
The correct option among the following arranging the injuries in the of thumb- Loss of one leg - Loss of
in one hand- Loss hand - Loss of one eye -
815 descending order of the percentage loss of earning capacity is four fingers in one four fingers in one optiond
of all toes in one Loss of thumb - Loss of all
.................................... hand - loss of all toes hand - Loss of one
leg- Loss of one toes in one leg.
in one leg eye - Loss of thumb

Frequent revision is necessary in which of the following wage Variable Dearness House rent allowance
816 Basic wage All of A, B & C optiona
component? Allowance (VDA) (HRA)

For violation of
For non payment of
According to minimum wages Act, the employer is liable for penalty Scetion 13 on
817 currently applicable Both of A & B None of A & B optionc
and punishable with imprisonment under which of the cases? fixing hours of
minimum wages
According to Maslows need hierarchy theory which of the following are social and belongness
818 physiological needs social esteem needs self actualization needs optiona
not higher level needs needs
As per maslows need hierarchy theory, Physiological needs and security
819 lower level needs middle level needs higher level needs all of the above optiona
needs are ____
procure material supply material to keep record of
820 Material requisition form is used to All of the above optiona
from supplier workstation material received
material requisition Raw material received raw material inter-
821 The standard form to keep material received report is job description optionb
form report processing form
which of the following type of form helps to maintain sufficient level of raw material inter-
822 job description machine planning issue of tools optionc
inventory? processing form
the detail idea about
the number of worker
823 Job description form will give the job to be the tools required machines to be used optiona

verbal and non Positive and negative monetary and non-

824 Which of the following is not a part of motivation None of the above optiona
verbal motivation motivation monetary motivation

825 Allotment of task to the individual has been done by--- production manager supervisor CEO plant manager optionb
826 These factors affects the workers motivation Attitude Interest Needs All of the above optiond
827 Which of the following is not an example of positive motivation bonus disciplinary action salary promotion optionb
828 find odd thing out with respect to type of motivation pension profit sharing job security employee stock option optionc
829 find odd thing out with respect to type of communication memos agenda rumours appeals optionc
task is divided
alternate work is
830 If the given task to the individual is very complex then------ task is cancelled among group of the All of the above optionc
831 which of the following is a form of written communication? circular memos report All of the above optiond
832 matching human needs with job needs is the concept in manpower planning material planning machine planning resource planning optiona

Choose the correct statement 1)Operator plans the capacity of machine

833 Both correct Both wrong only 1 is correct only 2 is correct optiond
2)Supervisor is working as Engineer, manager as well as team leader
834 Advantages of prescribing standard form in planning is/are Standerdization systematic planning factual information All of the above optiond
motivational fixed mindset in any
835 which of the following are not the characteristics of personal counselor leadership skills problem solving nature optionb
approach situation

complexity of used comparing deviations analysing workers

836 Possible mistakes can be predicted by using All of the above optiond
technology with actual results attitude

An industry is selling a product for Rs. 10 per unit. The fixed cost for
837 assets is Rs. 40000 with variable cost of Rs. 6 per unit. How many units 8000 10000 12000 20000 optionb
should be produced to break even?
838 In preparing budget----------department plays a key role finance human resource sales marketing optiona
low risk of highest purchase lead low transportation
839 Material budget insures-------- All of the above optiond
inventory planning time cost
840 a hierarchy of command and control is_________ Responsibility Authority Leadership None of the above optionb
841 MRP and JIT methods can be also used for preparing-------- budget Material Cash manpower Production optiona
842 Material budget analyses the........ material prices both A & B non of the above optionc
Principle of organization shows that ___________and__________ Authority,Responsi Authority,
843 Authority, Simplicity Authority, stability optiona
should go hand in hand. bility Flexibility
supplies needed for
844 In direct material budget, direct materials includes raw material stores All of the above optiond
845 Major objective of marketing management is Creation of demand Customer satisfaction Market share All of the above optiond
846 Which of the following factors affect material budget material cost manpower both A & B non of the above optiona
planning of
planning of
847 Manpower budget is related to manpower both A & B non of the above optionc
manpower supplies
848 Manpower budget includes funds allocated to----- salaries trainning All of the above optiond
849 Science,Not rule of thumb, this principle of management is given by James Lundy Henry Fayol Koontz F.W.Taylor optiond

850 HR budget use which of the following data from every department performance results historical data All of the above optiond
Training and development and employee turnover rates is the essentials
851 Manpower budget capital budget material budget non of the above optiona
forecasting on
new benefits
852 Information in the HR budget includes-- number of salary data All of the above optiond
A reporting relationship in which an employee receives orders from, and
853 Line of authority Centralization Unity of direction Unity of command optiond
reports to, only one supervisor is known as:
Measuring Managing the Management in
854 Staffing refers to: Making strategic plans optionb
performance positions action,
855 Effect of ignoring manpower budget is material shortage labour shortage time shortage money shortage optionb
ignoring manpower
856 Hire workers at higher salary is the effect of recession lock outs All of the above optiona
857 External information is more useful for........ managers : Top level Middle level Link level lower level optiona
If one worker produces average 100 units of job per month and the
858 demand for one month is 1000. The Salary of a worker is 1000 per 10000 10 100 1000 optiona
month. Calculate the total labour cost.
improves uality of
859 laying disciplinary standard in overall working helps to _______ reduce lossed avoid misconduct All of the above optiond
laying disciplinary standards through way of disciplinary action is an
860 intrinsic motivation positive motivation negative motivation extrinsic motivation optionc
example of which type of motivation
861 Advantage of working in group is themselves from high salary job satusfaction both A & C optiond
stress and danger
Award disciplined Define standard for Training for every
862 Which are the possible ways of laying disciplinary standards All of the above optiond
practices Zero error in quality discipline workers
863 Controlling is _____________ function Primary Goal Oriented A & B both Last optionc
improving employee Making optimum
864 Controlling helps in _________- organization All of the above optiond
motivation use of resources
865 Group members must gives first priority to ---- personal interest organizational interest leader interest non of the above optionb

Reduce delay in assign simple work to do inventory

866 The objectives of quality control activity is to not to _____ avoid machine breakdown optionb
material receiving only selected workers management

specialization of both A & B are

867 Formal groups are based on ----- similarity of skill sets both A & B are wrong optionc
workers correct
Feedback from Feedback from
Feedback from Feedback from human
868 External sources of information to quality control department includes maintainance customer regarding optionb
stores department resource department
department quality of product
869 Committees, Project teams, Task force are the examples of ----- Formal group Informal group membership friendship group optiona
870 In controlling process the standards can be _______ term Qualitative Quantitative A & B both None of the above optionc
Quantitative standards in setting performance standard can be in terms Revenue to be Product units to be Time to be spent in
871 All of the above optiond
of ________ earned produced and sold performing task
872 Example of formal groups are--- interest group reference group All of the above optiona

Qualitative standards in setting performance standards can not include Improving good will Improve motivation Being flexible to be
873 Cost to be incurred optiona
___ of worker level of worker modified whenever required
874 Identify the informal group from below Committees project teams task forces interest group optiond
View past
performance of
worker, ask them Preparing current
Methods of measurement of actual performance does not include Measuring company Inspect every unit or sample
875 reasons and stop performance report of optiona
______ performance meeting quality standard
their salary so that the worker
they will leave
Fixed cost / selling
price per unit - Sales (units) * Cost Sales (units) * Cost
876 Break even point in break even analysis can be calculated as ____ None of the above optiona
variable cost per per unit - Fixed cost per unit

point at which their point at which their is point at which their point above which their is
877 Break even point in break even analysis means _____ optiona
is no profit no loss only profit no loss is only loss no profit only loss

with the help of break even analysis we can determine relationship cost, volume and
878 cost and profit only profit only cost only optionb
between __________ profit
There is no loss and
Total revenue is equal Contribution is
879 Which of the following are characteristics of Break Even Point ? no profit to the All of the above optiond
to total cost. equal to fixed cost.
Given selling price is Rs 10 per unit, variable cost is Rs 6 per unit and
880 500 units 1000 units 1250 units None of the above optionc
fixed cost is Rs 5,000. What is break-even point?
Total expenses = Total expenses > Total expenses <
881 At breakeven point ____ None of the above optiona
Total revenue Total revenue Total revenue
It creates good and
enhances mutual
882 Which is the advantage of group dynamics pleasant work pramotes creativity All of the above optiond
Total revenue and Total cost and Variable cost and Fixed cost and total cost
883 The breakeven point is obtained at intersection of ___ optiona
Total cost line variable cost line fixed cost line line
It resist work
It may lead to unequal
innovation by It reduces need of
884 Which are the disadvantages of group dynamics participation in a both A & B are correct optiond
resisting change in close supervision
work method
885 Analysis which focuses on firms profitability is classified as _______ loss analysis marginal analysis production analysis break even analysis optiond

The written statement which include all detailing about work to be

886 human needs job needs job description non of the above optionc
performed by worker is called as-------

Material requisition Raw material raw material

887 Identify type of prescribed form to be handled by supervisor job description form optiona
form interprocessing form received report

Material requisition Raw material received Raw material

888 Identify given type of prescribed form to be handled by supervisor Job description form optionb
form report interprocessing form

Identify type of prescribed form to be handled by supervisor from Material Raw material Raw material
889 Job description form optionb
following options Requisition form interprocessing form received report
890 Factors which leads to extreme satisfaction are Salary security Status All of the above optiond
Identify type of prescribed form to be handled by supervisor while job description material handling material received
891 machine planning form optiona
working form form form
Identify type of prescribed form to be handled by supervisor during material receiption machine planning
892 job description form issue of tools form optionb
completion of work form form
Identify type of prescribed form to be handled by supervisor at job description machine planning
893 issue of tools form material receiving form optionc
workplace form form

guide to have locate the tools which

894 Purpose of issue of tools form during planning is to ______- maintainance of are accompanied by A & B both None of these optionc
over utilised tools other worker

For how much time all technical details of maintainance of
895 Machine planning form tell the supervisor that _____ All of the above optiond
machine is utilized machine overutilized

________ form allows supervisor to transfer raw material from one Raw material Raw material inter Raw material
896 material planning form optionb
person to another person or from one department to another department received report processing form required form

In Raw material received report if the quality of material received does

897 Supplier Customer Top management Worker optiona
not meet the quality conditions then it should be returned back to ____

avoid confusion keep systematic standardization in
898 Prescribed standard forms while planning helps supervisor to and give clarity of documentation of all work and effective All of the above optiond
work activities utilization of
Zero based
899 Startups can have ______ type of budgeting Kaizen budgeting base budgeting None of the above optiona

Suppose Materials Required for Production is 4000, Desired Ending

900 Inventory at end of month is 1000 and beginning inventory is 500.. 40000 45000 50000 100000 optionb
Determine total cost of purchased material if total cost per unit is 10 Rs

Suppose we have to do production for 3 months with 100, 200, 250

units in January, February, march month respectively.. The labour cost
901 300 400 500 600 optionb
per unit is 2, 2.5 and 2 Rs in January, February, march month. Find
average labour cost incurred per month in manpower budget

____________ budget should be prepared before preparing manpower

902 production master fixed variable optiona
Figure A indicates Figure A indicates
As show in figure, Figure A indicates _______ & Figure 2 Tall Organization & Flat Organization & Both are types of Both are types of tall
903 optionb
Indicate_______ Figure 2 Indicate Figure 2 Indicate Tall flat organization organization
Flat Organization Organization

Specialization of
904 Tangible changes are concerned with changes in- Technology Size of organization All of the above optiond

According to factory act, all inside walls and partitions, all ceiling tops
905 7 3 5 10 optionc
of rooms, passage and staircase to be repainted once in ..... years

The unbroken line of authority from the highest level yo the lowest level
906 Scalar Chain Unity of Command Unity of Direction All of the above optiona
is called

Ventilation and fixation and revision

907 Which of the following is not a provision of Factory Act? Lighting drinking Water optionc
temperature of minimum wages

Employee solution to a
908 Initiative includes New ideas All of the above optiond
suggestions problem
A factory should employ a welfare officer if it is having minimum .......
909 150 500 250 100 optionb
number of workers
910 which fayols principle of management is explained by following figure Scalar Chain unity of direction centralization unity of command optiona
MSBTE board is __________ controlling organization for all colleges
911 centralized decentralised non unique All of the above optiona
affiliated to MSBTE
Parts of electrical
According to factory act, which of the following part should be securely Parts of transmission Dangerous parts of
912 generator, motor All of the above optiond
fenced by safeguards. machinery any other machinery
preparing job
training and selection and
913 which of the following function is not a part of staffing activity analysis, job All of the above optiond
development recruitment
description etc
914 lower level of management has highest percentage of ________ Administration Management Organization All of the above optionb
improved by giving
of theoretical
915 managerial skills can be ______ learned by practice practical exposure to A and B both optiond

A worker will get overtime wages at the rate of twice his ordinary rate of
916 48 50 45 None of the above optiona
wage, if he works more than ...... hours in any week.
917 ------------ includes cleanliness in work area and rest area. SOP PPE Housekeeping None of the above optionc
---------- is a legal document that provides logical sequence of steps to
918 PPE SOP Housekeeping None of the above optionb
perform an activity.
919 It is not necessary to report -------- accidents to management. Reportable Minor Major Fatal optionb

If a Occupier or Manager fails to produce registers or other document on

920 demand by Inspector and prevents any factory worker from being Rs. 10000 Rs. 15000 Rs. 25000 Rs. 20000 optiona
examined by the Inspector he will be punishable with.......

The government of India has set up the second national labour on 15 th December 17th september
921 15th October 1999 15th June 19999 optionb
................. 1999 1999
Poor discipline at Lack of safety
922 ---------------- is an example of unsafe working condition. Oily surface Untrained worker optionb
workplace awareness
923 Carbon dioxide is not used for which class of fire? class A Class B Class C Class E optiona
Directorate of Directorate General of
Directorate General
924 DGMS stand for ........ Goods for Mining Measurement and None of the above optionc
of Mines Safety
Safety Safety
925 Which of the following is a cause of dispute: Economic cause Technical Cause Social Cause All of the above optiond
refusal of employer to
Termination of the continue to employ Closing of place of
926 Lock-out means: None of the above optionc
service of worker workers in his employment
Termination of Termination of
services on reaching services on the
927 Retrenchment does not include..... retirement of the All of the above optiond
the age of ground of continued
superannuation ill health
The work committee shall be formed in any industry that have employed
928 100 150 200 250 optiona
minimum .......... workers in preceding 12 months.

40% of the total of 50% of the total of

A worker having more than one year of continuous service under an 40% of the total of his
929 his basic wages and his basic wages and None of the above optionc
employer, if is laid off, shall get compensation equal to .............. basic wages
dearnessallowance dearnessallowance

According to Minimum Wages Act, government may provide a day for

930 6 7 8 10 optionb
rest in every period of ..... days
Carrying tools to
931 Which one of the following activity does not require a work permit? High risk activity Pressure testing Work near energized lines Optiona
the tool room
932 Get the odd one out: Issuer Foreman Field operator Executor Optionb
To finish the work
933 The sole purpose of work permit is: To avoid accident Increase efficiency None of the above Optionb
934 The fire drill should be conducted on a : Holiday National holiday Working day None of the above Optionc
Employees get to
With reference to a fire drill, which one of the following statement is Small fire is created Employees get to
935 know ways of All of the above Optiond
incorrect? in a fire drill know causes of fire
eztinguishing a fire
936 Get the odd one out: Oil Grease Acid Solvent Optionc

Fire involving
Fire in flammable Fire involving
937 Cooling effect of water is essential for: ordinary Fire involving metal Optiona
liquids gaseous substances
combustible matter

Fire involving
Fire in flammable Fire involving
938 A blanketing effect is essential for: ordinary Fire involving metal Optionb
liquids gaseous substances
combustible matter
Fire involving
Fire in flammable Fire involving
939 It is necessary to dilute the burning gas for: ordinary Fire involving metal Optionc
liquids gaseous substances
combustible matter

Fire involving
Fire in flammable Fire involving
940 Special extinguishing medium is essential for: ordinary Fire involving metal Optiond
liquids gaseous substances
combustible matter

Fire involving
The electrical nonconductivity of the extinguishing media is important Fire in flammable Fire involving Fire involving electrical
941 ordinary Optiond
for: liquids gaseous substances equipment
combustible matter
942 Get the odd one out: Nitrogen oxide Sulphure dioxide Carbon dioxide Arsenic hydride Optionc
Improper use of
943 Which one of the following is not a mechanical hazard: Improper ventillation Unsafe clothing Short circuit Optiond
Reduces chances of
944 Which one of the following is not applicable to Good housekeeping: discomfort to Refers to cleanliness Extinguishes fire Optiond

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